HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-24, Page 1Volume 19. Fourth Division Court, The shalt!(;; of the 4th Division aniet was hold in tho Town Hall, Breesele, nu the 21st In -t., Judge Doyle presiding, The following canes were on the het :— E nuie vs. Switror—Corporation of Grey garnishee. Judgment for plaintiff rend olaimant Ilotlinger in ognat proper. tions as to ;nut due primitry debtor by garnishee. Plaintiff and Claimant to each pay their own costs, McCracken vs. Albertson—Band Obi. mines garnieheo0. Judgment for pri- m ry Creditor against garnishee'. 1 -toss vs. Albertson and Bellantyno db Wilton vs. Albertson—These were similar oases with same judgment against gar- nishees. Danford vs• Albertson—Band Com. mutes garnishee. Judgment at last oourt for primary creditor agai.osb primary debtor ; judgment now in favor of garnishees, defendant being bowled nub from participating in the garnishee f rind on ground of servi0o0 being ineffeo• t ive. Malntosh et al vs. Jaokson —Action on patent right nolo. Defendant disputed alleging materiel alterations after execu- tion. Judgment reserved till July ii' -h, Stratton vs. Hall—Took garnishee. Claim for rent, do„ and resulted in a judgment for the defendant without Costs, Brune vs. Miller—lotion oe mom 01. Adjourned by Consent to next ooart. Halliday vs. MuNanghton—Crooks garnishee. Judgment weaved till 11th July. Sinolair vs. Colvin—Claim for balance due oo a certain ohattel mortgage. Judg- ment for plaintiff for balance found clue after areclitingldefendant's set ff. McKay Rc Co. vs. McLeod—Ryan gar• nishee. Judgment for primary creditor against primnry debtor. Adj.m:nod till next comb as to garniabee, who did not appear. Stewart ver Blashill—Action on ac- count. Referred to award of Donald Stewart. Judgment summonses were then taken rip, after which court Closed. Next ootirt will bo on August 23rd. CANADIAN ORDER OF FOILIISTIMS. The High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters met at Stratford on Wednee• day morning of last week, when the nominations for otlieerewere owle. High Seoretary White and High Treasurer Neelands wero elected by acclamation. The matter of the second thou -rand en- dowment fund was dieouseed at consider. able length, the final result being to Carry a resolution amalgamating the first and second funds and opening up the second thousand dollars fund to all members of the order, irrespective o£age, who can pass the medical examination previous to the 31st of December, 1892. Ottawa was eeleuted as the place of meeting for next year. The Finance oonmittee submitted a report dieappruv ing of olaritable or similar grants being made by the executive without instruo- tions from the High Court, and reoom• mending that a calculation be made of the assets and liabilities of the Order. The report was adopted. A grant of $500 was made to H. 0. R. Town in consideration of his services daring the last year. The oommittee also recom- mend that the amount of the bonds given by the seoretary and treasurer of the District High Court of Manitoba, be reduced from $5,000 to 83,000 each which recommendation was concurred in. No session of the Court was held Thursday afternoon, whioh was given up to enj ,y- nienb of the program provided by the citizens of Stratford. A message of fraternal greeting was read from the Grand Lodge of the Coma dies Order of Oddfellows, in response to a similar massage sent them. The Fi. nonce Committee roaornmended several increases in the salaries of high court officers, whioh were voted down. The grant of $80O to High Chief Ranger, re- commended by the Finance Committee, was reduced to $500 ; the Registrar and Minute Secretary being voted $20 each for their services. I1 was decided to in- vest $50,000 of the surplus funds of the order in 3k% Government bonds. A motion to rano the number of members BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1892 Number 80. Car 0001 Man Pass wee, A. rival lute been foiled for the eight- day Meek. Is be stated that a Liverpool Wheat i; beginning to head lin Alauftca 1 1 y man 1101 invented- an ei;ht•dtey lever b:1,. G wtttali. - WJnuipeg is infested with tramps and There nee 375 Smiley schools in New vagrants, n tet York, the Flpiaoopaliaus leading with Crneeley 0nd hunter, evangelista, sail• a nighty -five and the i'rnsbytorlans Oecloud ed lot Europe Mat week. t ' with eoveutytwo, Havelnak village, in Belmont townehip, i l R , ( 10 l The Japaneee Minister to Washington hag voted for inoor noretion.1 1 Y t b s 1k wens 111 lila turban a magnificent opal The "Prentice boys" Grand Ledge f 1 l t g ahnosb as big as a pigeon's egg, set in a will moot in Deere:onto next year. A 1 6 y frame of sparkling diamonds. - Jae. Slater, of West Zona, is only 10 6 E tl t 1 7 l The Legislative Assembly of Styria, pare of age, but weighs over 240 lbs, t 1 ' ly g in Austria, has passed a law forbidding A petition has been flied against the time people to marry without a special rotnrn of W. F. Maclean as member for p license from the authorities. !hast York. [i I li k There are in Rusin, 812 match mono. The corner stone of the Methodist { O afro faotoriee, with an aggregate produobion church at Drayton was laid Wednoeday AI 1' 1 A e fol of 139,704,000 matches. Of these works of last week, 77 per tout manufacture phosphorous John Chator was inebanlly killed in ll I' F I I{' g V oo Press matches, Galt last week while endeavoring to stop 1 t D C l C o The odd eight of a kitten adopted by at runaway horse. Treasurer, Dr tiV F A 1 , �T t a monkey and being nursed as tenderly Lady Elizabeth Louise Monok, wife of Tl 1 d the as though the kitten was the monkey's Lord Monok, formerly Governor•General s t outbuildings o£ Robert offspring can be witnessed in a Pacifier of Canada, is dead. J 1 1,h S street saloon, San lranoisoo. Thomas Spellman, of Vienna, Ont., t h'l, d 1 1 g A lobster measuring 84inohos in length aged 73, has been sentenced to Penitents. f D 'd L'Ltl G t 1 P 1 and weighing 19a pounds was taken from ary for life for arson. I y G a trap in St, Andrew's Bay, near Robbin. J. D. Miller, hotelkeoper at Platteville, g g y o Ston, Me,, last week. The npsoimen will has been fined $25 for allowing dice be prepared by a taxidermist for exhibi- throwmg on his prom!5o0. 1 tion at the World's Fair. The Toronto Methodist Conference ab d 1 f h 1 g At Niagara Falls, N. Y„ on Friday its closing session approved the ;stab• g night of last week, Jamas W. Lee, a Bailment of -an order of deaconesses. 511 tl 1 $ negro, shot and killed William R. Weav- Tillie Spring, the Dot•Oheater Station f H t 1 II" g b 'Id' g ,t h or, an engineer for a merry.go.round. elairvoyonb, was fined $26 and poste for The trouble originated over Lee's refusal violation of the Modioal Registration Act. O g g to pay his fare for a ride on the machine. London's street cars are to be stun by Lee also shot at an officer and escaped eleotriolty shortly in the place of horees, f tr d d y d g arrest for a time, but was finally capbur and the system is to be considerably ex• ed and securely ironed. tended. John Teemer, the oarnmeu, who is now Rev, E. P, Crawford, of Hamilton, has 1 b b d at St, Joseph, Mo., says he will not be been Called to St, token (Episoot�al} 1,l 1 p'I M B f ly at Erie, Pa., next Monday to take part cbnroh, Halifax, at a salary of 82,000 per in the double soul) race for a purse of year. t' M A b $1,500 in which lie is entered. Teemer Jamee' 'McCormick dropped dead while is busily engaged in training the home at work in the foundry of Stevens di team for the Mississippi Valley Rowing Barns, London, on Friday of last week, Association regatta there July 8, 4 and 5. Heart failure, s a More than 20,000 persons visited Shake. About 1,030 Patrons of Industry from p spear's birth place last year. Three. Elgin and Middlesex visited the Ontario Th 1 energy Vesuvius fourths of them inscribed their names in Agricultural College, Guelph, on Thure. 1 g p b the visitor's book, and of these 9,549 were day of last weelc. A P wife, was British subjects and more than half as A severe wind storm levelled fenoes, b g d by L 'll many, 5,886, Americans. Ib is strange blew down trees and did other damage a - Ti d a ed, to observe that only 91 Germane are few miles north of Belleville on Friday p h 1 d 250 d 'ly numbered among the visitors, for Ger morning of last week. H y h '1 tr h 1,8 b many buys more copies of Shakespeare's To prevent them from being put in the d g t y d F g works every year than probably any other pound, cows that pasture on the highway nation. 1n the township of Dereham are made to or d t d 1,l 7 t y' 1'11 A voles among the nuns of the church wear a tag costing $2. 1891 1,l] fi b ex- port St. Anna, in Roame, has attracted a great Two boys were drowned at Toronto f crowd to the servios through its wondor- while bathing on Thursday night of last y fol beauty and cultivation. On the 23rd week—Albert Beales, aged 'fifteen, and V Sttom of May the oougregation were so thrilled Christopher Madden, aged fourteen. n, that they burst into applause and cries of A barge load of coal from Newcastle, ad P , 1 �t l viva, 0o that the polies had to clear the Eng., has arrived at Ottawa. It is said p church. It is now said that the myeteri- thts coal can be put on the market in 40p g Dna nun is Bianca Donadio, wino sang in Canada Cheaper than all rail American t t t '1 Mapleson's troupe about 12 years ago• coal, 6 n Among the great number of periodical Rev. Adam Spencer, formerly minister lakes spread over the surface of the globe, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian cbnroh, one of the most remarkable is a depree• Bowmanville, dropped dead at his res!• s sfon of an area of about 5,000 acmes which donee there on Saturday evening of last k A A b is usually dry, but will fill with water week. met th f 11 p Ity 1,h and form a lake once every thirty years. A bell boy named Robert MoWilliams, q 800,000 t tan The depression is located in an extensive aged 17, was caught between the elevator g e for tract of forests at Koberbrunn, near and flooring at the Russell house, Ottawa, 100 'd h Sprottan in Silesia, Prussia. It is now on Friday morning of last week and I p filling up again. Nearly the whole ex - killed, trees g f h ' ht p tent has during the last thirty dry years Hon James I, Fellows has sent word bear riot freely about ale size of been covered with fir tress, all of whioh that he will be unable to represent the will now be drowned. The difficulty in St. John Board of Trade at the London 000,000 accounting for the phenomenon is the conference. It ie now thought that St, p I 1,h D g1" g 1,e strange period of thirty years. Nobody John will be unrepresented, bas as yet been able to even advauoe a John Hader, a colored man, who claim• 000 I 1 theory or make a guess in explanation of ed to be 109 years old, died in Colohester g n ri e, tied the number thirty, last week. He said he was born in West Virginia in 1783, and he Came to Colches- ter over half a Century ago. Trask laying on the tunnel extension of the Sarnia street railway has been ootnmencnd at the tunnel end of the road. It ie expeoted that oars will be running regularly to the tunnel by July 25th. Rev Father Brady's horse ran away at Woodstook on Friday morning of last week, threw Mies Hanlon and Miss Mc- Donald out of the buggy and dragged the latter nearly a block, Injuring her prob- ably fatally, • Bonnie Stewart ((11101 0 availed inti the river tit Chtttltam unci wan drowned, The Boll Tele phone Coln piny are la• ing underground Gondola; for their wir s in Hamilton. 1?, 0, Addison a farmer ear Ot• villa, Jits a tnrkoy conk that has be n seting oontinnon:ly for'ovor 0 week on a watt n r Of 1100'5 a .g4 alon'si1 Of a til' • Ito hen whish is doing dub' on r oath o ler own e' a, to egram from Iuisfail to Cal gat saes la a man named , ac tson, mis• sung a now •arrived Ian lishman named Payne for a bear, shot and killed him. Tho unfortunate affair took lace near orses oe a e. At the annual meeting of the nt '' 'erica esoelation at Toronto th lowing olnoers were elected : President, r, ower in ston • i (ell , r. am bell Lond n ions oron o rie storm ast week demolisha rosidenco n d ' o nson in a ootoh bush Grattan owns i n an eve led the farm buildin s o avi i e, rat au, and o 'eter D. Cam tbell John 1'1eGuire C. L noh on belon in to Mr. Morisse and tw or three others in the Beale section of Ada master township. It wreaked the roof an wind ows o t e Renfrew Hi h school injneiu orae of the teachers and oub a pe • nroug 1 a section f the township 0 oron, l ova in six to in s ore t o roofs off the .Horton town hall and ran a hall • carried the to residence of Louis Aubrey bodily some hundreds of ae , an estro a all the oubbuildin s of A, II. Johnson at Bonneoher Point. The school at the Point was also badly dam- aged, u no serious injury was one to le pn i e, ' r. utbon 9 ami tools refuge in the cellar just in the nick of ]me. rs. a ray was badly Burt. Gertern.i IN ewel. fl It is now announced that Emiu Pa h is not dead as re orbed. e vo canic ener of Mount e e tows no sn n o a atement. ustiu orter who killed his t ifs a ane a ouisvi a mob, 10 eaths from Cholera in Me h orsia, ave reap a ai , eav ai s Came ave caused a oma e o vine ars ill ranee. They have shot a leopard in Bengal e i e wi ra t es ro 755 5- persons, saw a re increase in the o Chinese tea that has occurred 10 ten ears. 1� . H, Painton who killed Mrs• anger while robbing her house was hang- ed atYork,a. as weed. Oa the eve of the great Democratic Convention waiters in Chicago res- taurants wentouton strike, ce, The best road, ltocordin � to Perisia exports, for hardness and unwearable service is made of volcanic scoria. Prince Michael was sentenoed last wee at nn Arbor to nve years imprison• n — s 1u ens ofe law. There are more widows I widowers in England. In Franc every widowers there aro 194 widows. Di Japan, ib ie said,there are apple rowing our inches in height which ° our. rants. It is estimated that over 100 ofpeople now speak e' English language, over 69,000,000 German and over 41,000,- renc n. England's new magazine against the Martini -Henry, has shown o superiority in target shooting equal to about 16 per cent. Joe Wallaoo, who murdered Henry Cote, a peddler, was banged in Marion county, Tenn., last weelc, Ten thousand poisons saw him die. Au alligator at the Crystal Palace lived in perfect health upon nothing for 18 months. It lately took a piece of very high mutton with relish. The latest whim for the owners of dogs is to'malce them wear shoes in the house for the purpose of protecting the polished floors. They are made of chamois, with Ib is stated atuebeo that a ten year leather soles. old boy, name Murray, of Bangor, ' The Czar of Russia has matte himself Main, lame form childhood, left his bald by a habit he has of rubbing the Crutches behind him at St. Anne on very top of his head with bis hand. This Thursday of last week. This was the was be probably to his desire bo know boy's third visit to the shrine. whether it was there, required for a district high court from Thomas Shaw, Professor of Agrfenl- 1,000 to 2,000, was lost, as was also a turn at the Ontario Agrioultural Col - proposal to provide for the payment of lege, has consented to not as judge of the one-half ur one•gnarber of the endowment dairy breeds of Cattle at the Winnipeg In. to a brother becoming totally disabled. dustrial Exhibition, and Acton Burrows At a previous session the proxy votes held has arranged with !tint to leave for by Ontario dele1atss as representing the Manitoba in time to visit the shows ab Manitoba Di5trob High Pout, were die- Brandon and Portage la Prairie. allowed after a warm debate. Bro. D. W. Karo di Oc„ of Woodstock, have Shanks on behalf of the Manitoba Dis• commenced a suit for $2,600 against the trine High Court entered a formal pro- 0. P. R., the value of 65 organs delivered test to be entered upon the minutes. by the railway to a fi„m in Liverpool, Ths geoater part of the day was taken who afterwards failed, The C. P. R. up with the election of officers, a number were notified not to deliver the organs of ballots being necessary in several ettee0 when they were ab Boston, before an oloobien was ssoured. The fol. For some time past forged orders for lowing is the result :—High Chief Rang- varione geode have been presented to er, Edward Towe, London,; High Vioe- Orillia merchants. Constable Dreyer Chief Ranger, Harry Grimmer, Guelph ; arrested Theodore Wilmot, a boy of 15. High Secretary, Thomas White, Brant- At the Police Court he was ohaeged on ford ; Ohairman Medical Board, Dr. U, four separate indictments and pleaded M. Stanley, Brantford ; Assooiato Chair• guilty, He was sent to Barrio jail to man Mediool Board, Dr, R. C. Young, await his brial. Ilidgebown ; Iligh Treasurer John Nee" One of the boys of las, L. Grant do lands, Wingham ; High Auditor, T. W. Co's pork packing establishment at Gibson, Wtoxotet'; High Registrar, D. Ingersoll last Thursday undertook to R, Kennedy, Montreal ; High Ohitplain, Climb ono of the cleotr!o light poles in D. M. Gordon, Wingham ; High Senior the neighborhood of the feetory. IIs Woodward, 0. J. Shauemau, Gananoque; reached the top, when ho became charged Iliglt Senior Boodle, A. N. McNeil, O1 with olootrloity, and was perfectly help - taws ; High Junior Beadle, W. Clark, loss, Assistaneu was speedily summoned Glrilnsby; Executive Committee, Ed, and ho wall resound from, his perilous Towo, London ; H. Gliitnnmer, Guelph ; position, not much the worse for his ad - Thomas While, Brantford ; R, !Elliott, venture. Wingham ; C. E. Britton, Gananoquo ; John Gives, of Orombie street, Galt, is H. D. Henderson, Wbitechtlt'oh ; 1', J. the owner of an exceedingly ear0 plant, Jamieson, Petorbo•o'. Its botanical name in Brognlasia, or "ghost plant." It is now three years old A meeting of the Stratford Amateur and stands' live feet in height, the trunk Switmning Club was held at the Avon being ono and a half inohes in diameter, II0151 the other night lie eieot ofli3urs for The beauty of the plant, however, mon- tat orttat season. Tho following were gists in the remittable silo of the bloom, amain 1—Peeeidenb, Meyer Hodgins ; It Is now in full bloom, the flowers Vico-President, Aid. O'Donngltne ; measuring 11 100115s in length, and 6 Captain, D, Guthrie ; Vioe•Captaiu, 11101100 in diameter. They are of a orealn Wm, Bowling ; Hon. Swimming 0110(10, and emit a moat fragrant odor. Masters, D, Guthrie, C. Doxey, Wm. The flower opens tat about 01 p, rn. and Bowling and A, Bowling, closes at 10 a. in, In what curious ways the Queen pro• serves the memory of the Prince Oon- sort. She is now having mode some car- pets of patterns designed by the long• dead but not forgotten Prince. Ab Carson, Nev., a pair of infants have beau presented to Kerrison Breed Love, who is 70 years old, by his wife, aged 08, They are believed to be the oldest couple on record who have been favored in this way. Parte gardeners buy toads whioh filmy use as fuseet destroyers. There is a regular weekly sale of these hideous little animals in the French capital, A ave. franc piece will buy from seven to a dozen of them. Chauncey 111, Depew, who is looked upon as Secretary Blaine's probable aro- oeesor in the state department, lunohed with the President at Washington on Saturday, and oonferred with several 111511 oliioiale, The heaviest of battle ships, the Reso- lotion, teas laonohed a couple of weeks ' ago, her weight on the stooks being 7,500 tuns, Ie is a bwin•eerew man of war of ever 14,000 tons displacement. She will carry 117 to] gums, besides other: anise. The lull le divided int.] 221 watertight onmpnr tenon 1s. A novel nlilitaay media las boon de. viead by a young Italian artillorf;t. It i0 to be projec ed from a 0000011, and up- on striking an mlolny'0 works or guy solid subs.auoe, ib breaks and its contents take fire. Tkg light prodneecl is estin,ab• ed to have an Intensity of 100,000 candlles, illominatieg the field for groat distanao, There co(nos from Sweden news of the eonstruothon of a locomotive steamboat. It was built for Imo On a chain of small hakes 15 Sweden whioh ore separated by Water falls, stud to get around Ibsen aha steamboat has boon 'fitted with wheels like those of a locomotive, and in leaving *aha wabar runs smoothly along o11 the land on tracks, Huron County. Samuel Playford, of Wroxeter, is dead. The Kippeo camp meshing was largely attended. Honeall had a S. S. excursion to Gode- rioh or Tuesday. The Government dredge is at work at Goderioh harbor. Geo. H. Bissett, Exeter, has a tomato plant with four green tomatoes on it. The 12th of July will be celebrated by the county of Smith Huron at Bayfield. Huron County District meeting of the R. T. of T. met at Rensall on Tuesday of thisweek. Rev. Mr• Brownlee, of Lion's Bead, has been appointed bo the Episcopal ohnroh, Gorrie. Mr. Ro Creon, Hal.•locic, has a big cow which broke the record of the season, tip. ping the beam at 1,820 pounds. W. H, Clegg, of Gorrfo, was in Sheet. ford last week attending the High Court of Onnedian Order of Foresters. The "Unions" of Wroxeter and Gorrie defeated Owen Sound at base ball last week at Walkerton, Score, 9 to 0, The fiend with a ranoorocs mania in the way of dog poisoning put in over time last week and Captured four victims et Clinton, - A largo black bear was shot within the limits 0f Hensen recently. It measured 6 feet in length, and weighed nearly 200 pounds. J. H. Colborne, of Goderich, was elect. ecl by acclamation to fill the unexpired term of school trustee R. W. Mol(eecie resigned. Gorrie station has been considerably Improved lately by the addition of about 20 feet to the freight shed, and a new baggage room. Preparations for building the rectory and Snndny School in oonueetlon with Trivia Memorial church, 'axone, will soon ootnmenee. On the faint of D. Urquhart, Iiay, five men out, planted and covered forty bags of p0101005, whioh covered three and a half ;.ores of land, in fr•urteau hours, $19,080 worth of Goile'ioh lows duben. tures have been disposed" of ;t 164.' This is ooneiderecl a good sale, mud is it feather in the nap of the Ouance coma mi ttse, Brantford City Commit has granted the Verity plow wc:ks exemptions from taxation, and also gives the Alttusey•IIar- tis concern a fixed assessment of 641,000 for ten years, On Tue+day of last wank Moore, Stin- son, of Gorrie, and Hamilton, Of Wrox% ter, started for Liverpool with ova 200 head of the finest Cattle that hiss soot been shipped from that sootio,. Thu Bishop of Iluron line appointed the Rev. W. A. To1og, B, D„ 1' nIlnr of Gorlaiiul'1, to be Canon of the cathedral, in place of the late Rev, Callon Palter - gun, of Stratford, A. Woodman and B. Lawrason, of Londesborn, will attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge I. O. O, 1', to be held in Guelph next week, the former will represent the Dietriat and the latter the local lodge. Geo. A. Cooper, of the 0th son,, Godo. rich, has a field of rye that would be hard to boat. It has been headed out since theta the 28th May, and some of it stands seven feet high, 00 the average it would hide a regiment of soldiers, and the ono acre of it will yield more than three last year. Michael Klien, of Irishtown, met with an accident the other day while raising a barn on the farm of James Lannon, on the Huron Road, near Ssafortl,. Mr. Klieg had occasion to use an adze and it glanced off the wood and the corner went into the bone of his log. The wound was sawed op and dress;:;, and after a rest Mr. Klien felt much better. Mr. Klien will soon be able to resume work. Daring a few minutes on Sunday afternoon, between ll and 7 o'clock, more rain fell during a given time in Clinton than the oldest inhabitant had any previous knowledge of. It could hardly be called rain, for the water came down in immense sheets of liquid moisture, as though the sluice gates of the empyrean reservoir had been suddenly and totally removed for the time. The Clinton New lira says :—Dr. Hale tie Futon and Miss L Simpson, both old Clintonians, arrived from Winnipeg on Tuesday evening. The University of Manitoba ns proud to cheiln Dr. Foston as its first lady graduate in Medi/dna, She passed her final examination with the highest boners, and received lnuoh applause on Convocation Day when the degrees were conferred. Dr. Foxton will probably practice i0 an American city. Mies Simpson has also taken a most favor- able stand in her University course, ]raving passed the Senior Matriculation examination. Dominion Day will be celebrated in Gorrie by the laying of the corner stones of the new Methodist church. The stones will be laid by Mrs. B. S. Cook, of Ford- wioh, on behalf of tine Orange Society of Howick ; Mrs. A. M. Carson, of Gorrie, in memory of her late husband, Alex. Mitchell Carson ; James Leech, of Gor- rie, and Daniel tarns, of Orange Hill. Appropriate addresses will follow the laying of the stones. Tea will be served on the (beech grounds from 4 o'clock p. m. A public meeting will be held in the Town Hall at 8 o'clock, p. m., at which addresses will be delivered by the Rev. J. E. Howell, M. A., of Goderiel, Rev. E. S. Rupert, M. A., of Milverton, Rev. Jas. Livingstone, of Listowel, Rev. W. W. Leeol, of Londsborongh, Rev. S. C. Ed- munds, B. D., of Fordwioh, Rev. J. W. Pring, of Bluevale, Rev. W. Ayers, of Holmesvills, Rev. E. T. Carter, of Gorrie and others. Perth County. The Sb• Mary's Argus now appears in eight page form. The request that an entrance examin- ation be held at Milverton was not grant- ed by the Co. Council. H. G. Hopkirlc, of Stratford, ie one of the executors of the estate of the late Lieat-Governor Oampbell. The illustrated write•up of the city of Stratford will appear in the Mail next Saturday. St, Marys will also be illus• 1ratnd 11n the Mail. Milverton Mssioal Society Band pur- poses giving a series of open air enter. tainments on their new band stand during the summer months.] In the Provincial drawing examinations published in Saturday's Globe, the Strat- ford Collegiate Institute stands among the first sohool in the number passed. Rev. Dr. Walters, of Newark, N. J., formerly of St. Mary's, was elected vioe- president of the General Synod of the Reformed Church, at Asbury Park, N, J., lately. The Fall Assizes will open in Stratford on Monday, October 3rd, Justice Street prepressidiiding, and the Chauoory Sittings on Tuesday Nov. 1st, Justice Meredith ng. Stratford is quite re satiety town. No lees than three grand lodges have held their annual sessions there during the post twelve months—the Independent Order of Oddfellows, the Knights of the Maooabees and the Canadian Order of Foresters. The post of the Carruthers murder trial at Port Arthur will exoeed probably $7,000, of which about $3,000 will fall upon the Government, The balanao of $4,000 has to be stet by the father and brother of the prisoner, who mortgaged the farm inBlanehard to raise funds for counsel and witnesses. There is a sum of $10,000 in court that will not stay long there for want of claims. It is the balance of the instar. moo on the Hese Company's factory 01 Listowel, which was burned down soma time ago. The loss was $82,875, and the insurance $50,000, distributed among 17 companies. Out of the 832,975, $12,000 WW1 paid out to disehnego a mortgage held by abs Oo,nndtt Permanent Loan Company 1 $1,875 won mod in investigat• ing the cause of the fire and eebimating the damage done, mad the remaining $19,• 000 was paid into annrt. No sooner was this clone than a host of o•oditoes appmr. ed to odaim it. rivet of tell the town of Listowel wanted $15,000. It appears a bonne of this asuman was given the repetitive Company to induce ft bo lonnto in that town. In fetors a mort;(ags for the amount was given for its proper M. fllinent of the agreemone and also a bond foe $1,000 foe its 1wn.flhlilntent• The 001010001 was broken and hence the Claim. Then there are a millibar of atop orrlerp, and twenty-three different ormditors have Appointed twenty-three different 1eeeiv. ere. They too are fighting foe their rights, The matter was brought before Justice 1dealul,011 at Osgoade ball, To. rcnte, aid judgment was resorva 1. .1. Tone:{ Melee Liberal (Rub ie being organized in liitehwll. Fire did about 1,100 damage in Jeffrey Brosa hardware store, Stratfo.d, Mon. day. Tho Chicago champion tug of war tenet are announced to be at Ingersoll on July 1st, The veGond 0nnnal convention of the Perth County Union of Young People's Snoiety of G. Endeavor, will be held in W. !'Mountain's grove, Avonbauk, on Friday, July 1st, Mosso Harvey, treasurer of Salina has gone on an extended visit to relatives in' the maritime provinces. Ole i5 accom- panied by los daughters Annie and Mamie. The Salina Cheese Co.'s factory eolips- erl all previous records fcr big Cheese malting on Juue 0th, on which day 68 cheese were manufactured and part of the 54th, which ocald not be pressed, as there are ouly 63 presses. Sydney S. Frost, a gentleman well known in St. Mary's and surrounding Country, is in luck. Ilelms been in Penn- sylvania during the past few months speculating in oil and has bean very sue- oeseful. The other day be closed a deal whereby he made a cool $15,000. One night recently Constable Dennison, of Mitchell, gave a night's lodging in the rear portion of the under part of the Town Hall to an old tramp who was covered with vermin, and nearly bent together with age. Next day after being furnished with breakfast, he left town, and a morning or two after woe found dead in a Dorney of a fence on the 0th concession of Hibbert. On the body be. ing starched over $100 were found in his poolcets. P1311s0NA1, PAW IIAIJLs. Miss F. E. Kerr is on the siok list. Nelson Melanin has gone to Chicago. Mrs. Jefferson, of Seaforth, is visiting in town. Miss Cassie Gooc1, of Seaforth, is visit - in town. John McMartin is home from Paisley on a visit. Jas. Danford, of Clinton, was in town last Sunday. John Burgess, of Garden River, is home on a visit. Mrs. B. A. Bruce, of Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. FL0ston. Mrs. Minto, of Toronto, fs visiting relatives in town. Miss Iva Walker, of London, is visit- ing Miss May Kerr. Mrs. James MoLauohlin, of Wingham, was in town last week. Mrs. Robs. Burns spent Sunday with her daughter in Blyth. Miss Slemmot, of Ethel, spent Sun- day with Mrs. W. Mose. David Hogg's mother and sister have moved here from Wingham. Mrs. Daig and children, of Chatham, are visiting relatives in Brussels. G. P. Scholfield is in Toronto this week attending the wedding of his brother. The Misses McDonagh, of Wingbam, were visiting Miss Ettie Ward last week. Mrs. F. Hambridge, of Elmira, is visit- ing her parents --Hugh McMartin and wife. The editor of Tag Pose has been off duty this week and under the doctor's Dare. Mrs. D. A. Smale and daughter land Miss Lucas were visiting at Berlin this week. Miss Minnie O'Connor has gone to Manitoba with a view of benefitting her health. alias Mary MoLanohlin is home from Comber, where she held the position of milliner. Mrs. Leckie and Miss Mary Oliver were visiting friends at Clinton and Goderiah last week. Mrs. Walker and daughter, of Hays - villa, are visiting in town. 11rs. Walker is a daughter of Hugh Williams. George Cardiff bas been on the siok list during the past week with Mug trouble. He's pulling through all right we are pleased to know. We negleoted to chronicle the fact that Advid J. Shiel passed bis final examina- tion thie Spring and is now a folly fledg- ed B. A. We wish him suooess. We regret to hear that W. R. Stratton, who has been an engineer an the 0. P. R. between Winnipeg and Fort William for a number of years, is not enjoying his usual degree of good health and is off duty endeavoring to build up his wasting energies. .\D DIroON.IL LOCAL 09005. Jossrn FonsTnit, an evaugeliet from Northumberland, England, gave an ad- dress at the prayer meeting in the 'Metho- dist church on Wednesday evening. He is a oonsin of Mrs. D. 0. Ross'. Amuses AND PnssoNTATroN: —On Fri- day afternoon of last week the annual Sunday school pio•nio of the Methodist nhurch, Thamesford, was held. Before its Close Miss L. E. Kerr, who is shortly leaving for Brnasels, was waited upon and presented by Miss Addis Diokie with a valnable leather bound welting cabinet, etatlouet'y, gold pet, (90. Mise Belle Siam rend the following address ]!lies Kerr. - Draft Funngu,--With regret we con- Weeplato your ibpprciobiug departure from among 0e, where you have endeared yourself to all by your 000aistent Ohrhe- tiau lifo and your earnest, faithful work in both church and Sunday oohool, Please accept this gift as a slight Wage. Nen of the esteem and regard in whioh your may waren Monde hold you. We trust in the future it (nay servo to re• mind you that though absent yon are not forgotten. 1'raeiug that the blessing of God may rest upon yon wherever you may be we would subscribe ourselves in behalf of the cbnroh, Annan Diclua, !mason Amnia 005110 Hons5t5x. Miss Kerr was oompletely taken by 91to. prise Dud after expressing bee thanks asked her brother, Rev. W. E. Kerr, to reply, in which he spoke of the many ex. pre5sions of kindness eh won to Mies Kers' and himself during the peat year.