HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-17, Page 88
Bo you want to Buy
1.1',1:-1JiVE 4,
F It.\.MES,
Or anything rf`(1uirt;tl hi the
Apiary ? It' so 1 will be
pleased to supply you,
Druggist, Bookseller, ac.
140010110nt1 1101.11x010)) w. G. & n.
Trains Prior Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
G0I1.0 504101. (1nIN0 1001110
ma11....,.... 0,:58 a.m. lfixe,! 9:331,,0.
Ercre8s ...11:53 a.m. I Hall 8115 pan.
Nixed ....... 5:55 (1.111, , elxprose 0:15 1•m.
a-nCi1.0 WICIUS item .
A ehiefs alnan(r ye tukiu' notes,
An' faith he'll pt•ent it.
50.01.1 tr fever is 1 irmielliug around
here, although it is a light type people
should be careful,
Renee fall nssizes will be held in
Coderu u 1
b o Monday, Sept. ,t. 1 1
S ,th. Jas•
'sick Street c S eet will reside.
liiLtllre church will hold their annual
Sunday sabool pio.nic in D. Stewart's p
grove on Wedueadav, Jnne 20th, e
Dt', (+npn.tei has been appointed be the l
Grand Trunk Railway Co. as their physi.
ciao in the place (,1 Dr, llo•mes, removed
to Detroit.
Ter. 3a`th session of the Synod of the
Diocese of Huron twit sleet rat the Chs p•
ter Bonn, London, 01, the 81st inst., the e
B{S11op of Huron pr0si,lin3.
R. F. Cesteotos In•euched in Knox s
church Met tiabeath morning and in e
Melvi le church in the evening. His
services the e
hi"h n1 r••ir
w )tad b • th
y i e
11.(0(0 .121)211,'P. Ross, J, Hewitt and
R. Moss drove to Clinton ou Wednesday.
The two former assisted the lacrosse
team of that town to win in a match
with Goderich dub,
ExenAxrl Examination to the High
School will be held in Brussels on Tues-
day, Wednesday and Thursday, 25th„
29th and 130th of this month. 43 condi-
dates have sigeitle,l their intention of
TnE usual celebration of Doniui,n
am seeress: cMmez e
- 'nrurAars eeaL'taamecarrev?ra'y??paunr�t*xabaaaK„twti;:1,uss^ttbin':�slxausmstnta'uaa5n,.aro
Tnr, Snteud w exonreione to Kilestedine 1 CONetrrx6L', _-This was the Subject of 7.11.117.), a Z., •A �/. 1t / r _ -.- .axx,oaY�rlsrev aatar'r*1.••'• a..,
. anti (I' Jt rl.b ere collate! inti, popular t the interesting mud praolieal teldrees de• S '111 1� 1a<ao'i 11 C)1'' i.e-J e/Ylt'�l� �l
"min' *'artillra
'�� CRIIIE favor cin •U 111•, w.lrm Iva at r bee tit•• iteeled by J, II. S1oBant, of Atwonil b • f wxx _ txz
tlt\L• t fore the Epworth s glue in the Motile. HEAD OFFICE, -: T O R O N T 0,
1I1 at 1 I+,ul.l friends of th1. Y. 1h i:. ,dint church in this plums heft 1landny
el. are alit d to remember the debate on evening. It wits worthy of the close , ASSETS, (})even Million Dollars) • 3.7,000,000
Friday evenieg 171b .1 gond thee is ntteatith it rccrived front the aud1eueo l CAPITAL (.tutlmi•ited)•
11.2,0181,01.0expected and tivoting peephl should peek, by ,
Sieve('41•p ItN (n,t,. t1.1 , Ili' Wol.b the stray;htfoltur•d, manly nontint. nt0 '1:•'!"''F''' 1 "11, rr . 'p,lt,.u'..l , , U,' ''''1,,, 1,, r .i 11,,,0: ,, relit .1 star, .s d? (Cnr,ltdndf.
ntstrel tool( n !urge share in the Sal l oxprrs.-'d. A vole of thaui(e was gio'•n
vation Army ineetieg on ;1Iunde's. even 1 .11r. 11013011/ ler day
addeeee. Next Mon.
and. Ile 141111110 a musical minket. day evening lt,•v, 1. it. APnlllviu, R. A., .91rtS'!'"t mv.
Belessees ginfo and wool markt.t les ; 'tl'puited et 11 Lterto hien!, emeele
been tel.. leinll a 1nrtlC share of the put- riu•atfnul thi., vt. p e. ill ;fl) • }' •11 ., :1 Guunral Bunking Bnsiiess 'lint
Peafte ]s,md land Cu
n ie u,
mimeo t„1, , f the formers of the surround tee entitled (hounds. ' electing aanlu•.+ucea i
c• mltry dnuu' thi. pest ton tt e.0. i et S 1'cloclt _ SAVINGS L'F,
vel 1 . 1 f 1,. 1 Nn n1(1Mh t I "Luutnb,L au I 't) 0)011 est 1h(i)n lingers any 2(1.0 acqinesio uired Lllurest nl:.,,vod rel dcpn,:iia of Lptl
the Nnrt (W)'1.t by I T. Pepper 1 -Pet(( .eine littlefacility nee led nitres' by the wltlu.rntud tu.,i 0
(•fniteltnl Delo. a{a flan, ; Peter to r Joel. dl u-il of uovolty 1)1 run into the error i'1,,d1,i.:U 1):('0inx ti t.'.` T.L. un
0011, Oxbow Acsa, ; Henry Jaalin n, Oa• of attaching ilio moat difficult compost. i •
boor, Asia. thins. Not to few who ecu hardly play j Every facility :fief -did Caste nets living 8t a distance.
L30'1. Friday a1'ern )•ln 11 1n.'ting of the scales i1, a decent nil1iler aid she i
the creditor$ i)f 111,1 2 0011 .12 Ue'Paggaot ought to practice for year's on easy
Was held and among other ha -filen, sl°dies and easy and appropriate peon ,. r .,.... _ a r xi•�-x21:::s ,e
transacted Was the declaring of a 25'„ have the presereptiou to attempt rho
dividend to chose 11.terost':i. 3)r. ma- 0011001•toe of the great compeers and the 219 rx .� °t 1 s
Taggart was ))reheat, must brilliant fautasiea, The nal ore! I _ 9� 1 J Pa3 �.
TDB Charlton Blease Nnmlerieg Co, is result of this oterh00te fs that such p1a,y•
pushing their work 01103 in Brussels Land cls, by 021111)11,, the regeieito peepara•
a large number of the b11011(eea plume and tory studio::, always ooutinn0 imperfect,
Ir•acled. I'nrnl,re' Nates Diseonuled. 1,.
lluctiod, made en ell puints1., Pniip)er l}ru Store
cul npwm',is from data of dept,nit to date of Re:
unwounded half y'c•arly, 13 U .') �' 1 ,.a.
LE'VUL Jt i 9 C!J�+t11i-WVARIC .7,
(1, 1', SCILOLFI16LD, 11ASA0i u. 7iif� 71, TAR, 13ARR1STL R,
t�R,er„ ,v„ra.,mr.,mam,__.ns n, J.. �•• n SoI eito1:1[1,111'4°I Gout nt•nvnor. Cullen.
Nous 10ud0. 011100--Vuust00('a Uloc)t,
8N ab sills. 21 Im
4 tX , 9 J ���" "IanIO.24�fA.1;111 F,t
a 0nle.+a-cYa a,a.ga•,adlra�;,x»19 � ,� 1I. iter, Comm veneer
.7 CS
• So1ce-til0ui )4Ioer,Nntury P0(3
"--'1 C"s lin, So;' 011iue-(l, ahem 8 lllnek, l Ac „r north
nP P01'1'0l1'8 Drug Store, Private .funds to
!Lute with (farrow S Proutifoot, Gude.
rieh,) Dunstan, SolIcitors,-Conveyancers
ADS. ey
Se. Oi1oes-lirues,ls and Seufo•ta, erne.
TES .1 ND 11ORTCI ACES A SPECIALTY. se!s OUI o -Up -stairs over Bank, Maw
to Loltu,
t a, 9, IIAYa, w. n. mouser
R. Pei
Upwards at Current Rebel. Iutereet Com.
the Principal at the end of the dfolths of --- `_---
urs made for• Time Deposits. ylL • 1AA�oo1ANN,
Auctioneer, 11 always reedy 'e at-
n}rlisle et' ('nneutlmu a'etlpa ales, oe In 31ut. teod.sally glvv . 6r•1u bicep, Su, Tortes
n,. 10))) ba dt•slred. long 1,0 11 glvun. (:rau1.2 1'1, P.O. 6uloa
u.ny LO nrru 15, 1,L TH1 YusT Pubt clung
a'I:a : T111 02xte1.tx BANE no Cohrtu•I:ce. tiuu0a, lfrussma.
.at...,- �,am�• �LURGE I�IIiI�L'�,
`.X Licensed Auctioneer. Fens coed
eq on rcesonable terms. Faring and farm
stool( at specialty. 000e'H loft at 'Lupe pose
Publishing House Idrus8ols, or seat to Wal tap
1. 0.,will receive prompt attention.
as an 111otio1ee0, I am primared
to conduct sales of farm stool( at reasonable
prices, knowing the standing of nearly
every person I ant in a position to sell in
0000 marks and got good security when sold
000leait. Satisfaotiou guaranteed. Give
010 a cull. :32• 10 S. SCOTT.
1'onl.l:,•rios Op• 1".1nt111,, SAL': Nel•1:;.
-F-3 IR) 'CI p .♦I I.,
reeidetces have been numbered. Mr. lose much time and are at last enable t0 'pre
Charlton 1s also preparing a directory for execute either easy or difficult pieces in a 1.,11SflCt ti C1 P11C1'1l1 tS'iLllliill� .Business. Drafts Bought and Sehl on
the guidance of tile public generally. credi•ab10 11han11er, This {a the nana0 1111 1)011518 in Cailtttltt, United St11t0S and Great Britain.
SAEa,mentLLA b,long; to the smilax why, alth011.11 so many talented young
family of plants and is found very goner- persons devote themeelves to the piano- FAR11E1.S' NOTES DISCOUNT
ally over the American ooutinent but the forte, we are still not 00 over and above SALE NO
variety that is the riuh°st in medicinal rich in good players ; end why so many
properties i+ the Honduras root, of whioh with superior abilities and of ten with
the famous Ayer's Sareaperilla is made. enormous industry still remain but ) 27^&IY:',S° .13.P. 't
Ir is predicted by a weather prophet enediolre and iudifferout performers.
of great re, late that July tide year wilt Many other pupils run into the erten' of
Interest Allowed on 0110 Ddlar and
we ns ns Int w^other us we hove had in attempting to decide 01, the meri,a of n I •
pounded Twice a Year, Be{ng Added to
40 years. Th•• h •1 weather, it is predict. 0=1100lUoll before They are able to play October and April. St ecml Arrangeme
ed, will extend into August, after which it properly. Prom this it happens that f 1,;•,. (,1.04,,,1 10 writ, 11101101111(•11 111 41(4 1:
the rest of the emeths will be showery many' excellent pieces a"pear eontom it. ' unl a iii;: hies
anti cloudy'• table to them, while the fault lies in their
SavlILo, persons have complained playing them in a stauibliug, 11100rrent
about boys and young men going in and usconnocted manner, often corning
swimming 11bo'e the darn en the Sal). to a stormy standstill on false and die.
bath day. It is said the language used oordaut halmoiiee, mi0sug the timet to name, carefully packed in b021181s and
by thecineeratore of the day of rest 10 and making 1ni-tek rs too In lay to delivered to eel/rem uofnpm,y, 13.00 per
1)03 by any means creditable to the (110utiou. C111,3Y. setting of 13. Address,
parties concerned. The constable has I T. A. WILLrees, Breeder of Ply -
been ((eked to visit the scene and secure Business Locals. ls. 1 mouth Hook Fowl Weston, Out.
the names of the offenders,
1.00 Mtn COSTS.—Three Brussels 70111110 - Brussels Sr11°ot ltiml•II.
were each tined 01.00 and costs Ibis week li, J. Sr0ONo 11(1101180 all MS wort( by
for assault onload
1 ao Salvation f niton
S Arm •
the ❑e process. u s
Army ccs . The
regular liar meat'
1 to
g of Brussels
o leh
hailing g
ilei from lot Wi Ighan tvll
1 1 visit-
r g
Grs.txl Rapid'scarpet sweeper soy Publics e School Board was held in thed this place, on TaesdaY o£ last week, cheap. B. Garr Connell
chnrnbe" o1, June the 10th.
on infortnnliols sworn 008 before A. H. J. Setene0 photographed ({4 babies The members present were \V, 11, Dick -
Hunter and the Reeve by Constable on Tuesday, baby day, son, chairman, T. Pletcher, T. Farrow,
Broadfoot. The law must be complied Tunes boats fur sale gt a bargain. R. L. Taylor and A, 11Io1i,•Lvey.
with even if the lessons cost a dollar or Apply to Alex. Smith.
so apiece.. Fon first-class photos go to P4r1•y's,
ONE of om• townsmen rose bright and next to American Hotel.
qtly the other morning end hie 1 him to 1 P11m1Y, the h141.01ess pleitogrepher,
the angling ground (or water) a mile o' next to American Hotel,
o down the river to catch net only the Go to Strong's au.l have ymir ph"tos
cels worm but also the fish searching finished in the latest styles.
solo LA0 0ev0ral good farms for
1 01011
) easy terms in Townships
1,t Morris ¢m G •
1 ie
II' S.•
16c.0 `
(—IrwoinL EAR13i FOR SALE.--
tj z .-=
.% lining South hall Lot 37,001.0, 1Io 3018,
Job acres, nearly all Cleared. Good 'mediuge,
1W a Young betting ol'o)1ar.1. Tel mediuto pos.
suss1ou. Busy Torun. Apply to
W. 1I. SIN CI,AI(3
tf- Solicitor, c:o., Breese's,
e minutes of the last regular meet-
ing vara read and passed.
-ales 11 AR1I FO.R SALE,—TILE UN -
Moved by T. Pletcher, aecon.led by It.
7. Taylor that the auronnt of A. McKay
for repairing fence and material, $2.70,
be paid. Carried.
for its bura6fust. He was soon coil
Blond by T. Fletcher, seconded by T.
n rnnlexa and v
Y a r valises, Farrow good )haatF P '
I assortment, the secretary LP'
R Ol fl lelrt1 1 .0 ,1
and comfortably bh seated thee
cal bink with v `
e1 cheap Dennis,' H.Y I emu o borrow t s s"
fish cls
t a the nm of b
X0.00 from the
line and heft hut '
FOR timely
finished tans
1ed h EStandard Bank for three Y nos gon doe )1
t0 months t
fug. The rra9ou was he left the fish hock Petry, next to Antvrlcntn Hotel. to re.
tea nota salaries.
24th feat., and pay
at home, J. G. dues not often gat loft IIous1, garden and stable to rent, quarter salaries. Carried,
1 but this is one instance. Apply at Tug POST Publishing House. A communication front Wm. Biller
CANTATA. -Prof. Scott's meeting was MASE no mistake but go to Perry for leas read complaining of the severity of
well attended last Friday evening. Quite your photos, next to American :Hotel• punishment iu1iieted upon his son George
I a number were enrolled as members of ALL photos made b,,• Perry are well by one of the teachers. The Board con-
the singing class bet he would like a gond neighed and warranted to give aetisf110- sidured that they had 10 authority to
many more yet for the choruses. By the tion.
Tonic Su1.Fe. method three of the ohorua• Jus'r arrived a fine range of Baby oar•
es were given by the °lass in a surprising- tinges which will be sold at r•etls010b!e
ly short time and they are without doubt rates. R. Dennis.
gond. The next practice will be in the Coeieon b ' 1 J
Day will be mitred in Brussels this
year owing to the lack 'd i:tetest exhibt
ted by the tuweepeople. A large pro•
portion of our residents will likely g
with to forest es to R'i:'1lmim
.A nos: of Ayer's Pills l to saved many
a fit of sickness. Whet: It remedy duos
not happen to be within reach people are
liable to 383 501 slight el -Intents and of
course if eeri000 {113,000 f„:lows they have
to suffer the eons yet ices. '•A stitch in
time saves nine.”
Tot B. and of 12011,)1 is inulruotin"
rrsLl: 010 t louse for sale or to
take any action in the matter under the
01100010 00080.
Tile Board then adjourned.
slO- 31q
: 0,1d Fellows' Hall of Frilly relit in Brussels. Apply to Ferguson s 11ro1ieli.-In Grey, on May 231.11, the wife
evening of this week, 17111 inst•
Halliday, merchants.
seers Ment.-Tbis is the date 01 0111011 0x1 Best.clas new buggy for sale, of Mr. Z. Grey,McKe
of n son.
u the Sn:i'h, Malcolm & Gibson pl:wiltg built byWalker 013w141ELLIOile of
Grey, nn June 2nd, the
: mf110 at Brussels and Wroxeter, residon. Ewan. Will be sold wife of Mr• Jas. Elliott of a son,
at bargain. I. C. Rimming. Ails s, -In Gra end
ce, tee, will be offerer) for sale by peblie CALL and see our single harness, extra wife n£ Mr. Henry �Ameof aspon) the
O auction, at 3:30 o'clock, The factory in value, niokle silver, only $11,, warranted
Brussels 10 new. roomy, well arranged, never to rust. Also black monetetl at AraM11 ✓2 .
contains first elms machinery and would 012. I. 0, lleneens. WAnn--Int senexe -
male a No, 1 place for a hustling b1, i• t 4 a , On dune 1st, v.
1 s 1 LAI:,•
air xn.-
s I lilt• IIt
a. I
J, Smith to . Christ Church, Lfs001 s .. ard,
cess man. It will likely be sold at a big prepared to do plain seeing at h0r home J. F. Parke, alit. James A. Ward,
bargain, The sale is on Wednesday, over the postoflice, Childree'e clothing I to 1Iias Vary Jane Armstrong both
June 20111. e eefalit • " " f t'
their Inspect 1 to pro0ted tipsiest per.
801)8 who wilfully refuse 11 comply with es
the terms of the law reuar,liu:t the cl.0u. to
1n,, up of ]'ein-e in yards, closets, fro„ St
and the removal GI the came. Are you til
one of the cumber ? If so dost be sur. • an
prised if yon receive a rmolinnus to ap. eu1
gear before the be :k. set
Tun: High tour, of the (:ana:thou Order am
of Foresters is tneeti(1 in Stratford this for
week beginning Mold•,', 13th hist. On and
Friday efteruou', 17t1, inst., it is pro. of t
130.011 to haw. amusements for the visit- G
ing brethren in the Agricultural Park. : Ifo
A goo.) progrem is arranged, to eon• + (do
sist LI tag.uf.wer, font races aid Senior 1I
lace ee meek with a first class club, : the
speeches, a Fc, Win. 810011111 represents ' No
Brussels at the high Court. ; pas
TER ColntaN101101s.-Last tiuu1.,y/ev, lel
Cl. F. Stettin euuoanked that he would es
preach a series of sermons on the Ten ten
Commandments, taking the let next ! tion
Sabbath morning and evening. The ' ft i1
latter set vice will begin at 7 o'clock due- ' all
fug the warm weather and the rev, I MIo
pentleman has limited his discourse• to - 100
20 minutes, A sormnnette occupying 1 hl
from 5 to 10 minutes will be given to the Oleo
ohiidr'en each Sabbath amrniug before Hoc
the 000117111), 1 Tei
I sets dnetorltig fol' yeers with ph7•81-
eine. for a tem'y and scurfy ellliatieil ni i
thenaip,tl:ey told me it was eczeme,
but gave me 1,o permanent relief. I was
also troubled with excessive dandruff,
which would drop tru)n any head like 1.
snow flakes. Hearing of Anti -Dandruff
e nse,i 11 and from the 1hld application i
felt mot•, r.lieve l thy, for 3ea•8 ; when
beef 11,e battle Was used the eczema and
scaly et'nptlona 1henppeare,l and have not
retelmetl si1t0'�. Dandruff Was thorough•
ly teteeted, thle itching of the scalp
stopped, and for an elegem, clean and
redid 11,ifr-dr0 1118 Anti 1Atndreff has to to
no eq°'ll, .7. S. GuarrAAn, Ings
I-Iamiltol, April 30, '99. trait
Tee following legal case of local inter p y is as tell „ualauteecI. I3Ima,
g Bann house, well finished inside, BAYxr:-McALrasTEn.--^t the residence
t was repotted in the chancery division with ;I acre 5f laud for sale, eligibly lo- of the brido'e pewits, on June 15th,
Lost Sa•nrdav'e Toronto papers ;-- mated of the corner of Tuenberry and I byRoy. I). f'
retro, v. Counolly-Garrow, Q. 0., fur >: B. McRae ion Jno. A.
Q Queen On
and terms made Bayne, of Bt. Paul, 'Minnesota, ofa, to
0 plaiuriJl, appealed from the report of known of upplicatlo° to Bliss Jane, eldest daughter of Mr.
1 official referee, seeking to increase the Areix, 1IcLexsAN, Brussels, John )loAllistor, of Greytownshi
hint found due to the p011111ff by the S•VELL-D)i,t,fxti ANn DNILr, o. -•George SnunLOG:-I'J.00l3,--At the residence
0ree, the action being to recover the Birt has all the necessary machinery for of the bride's parents, Hullott, on
nouut of a board bill, 1I. C. Camerae, Busing and drilliu wells and is peeper- the 7th inst., by the Rev, R. J.
the tlefeldent, opposed the appeal ed to attend to 1111 wort) entrusted to him 1 Floody, of Boston, Mass., assisted by
moved for judgment on the findings in a way that will 111011 110 satisfaction• I Rev. W. F. Campbell, of Blyth, and
he refero'. Judgment res)rved•
Wells cleated out and 1,t i1,
RAVEL CoxrulrT.•-At the ueen'8 p eloper 1 Rev. A. W. Tonga, of I,11381tortun,
tel next Saturdayafternotn, 0.t e „', shale. Terms reasonable. Rea)duurc Me. G. 11. Sherlock, of Winnipeg, to
01(10seood duce north of the bridge, west Filitia, &civet &tighter of Mr. C.
ek, groves Moon• y and Mine, of aide of Turnbe•ty M., Brussels, 3L-tf noddy,
Met and Grey, respectively, will let Cocunaxe LC Jonoom e, marble mane -
contract for gravelling en the road faoturers, are now taking orders for ^rx= -
0th and South of Brussels. They pro spring delivery 111 their line. As hereto. A)lss.-0u June 5th, the infant son of
e to expend $40(1 in gravel and We fore all worlrmonship and Orders trusted Henry Ames, Rh 0011 of Grey.
pe this amount will not be disoriented to their care will be put np in the most WRST.--At San Frauaisno, Cal., on Mon•
t110 road is in great need. of dose at. approved style and satisfaction guarau• day, May 23rd, James A. West, of
tem and the amount of )coney men- tend in every case, Anybody re3ufeing Abordoen•Wash ington,aged 26eeta 9.
ted will riot go very far tower(' putting 00711) 13 in their line of trade it would
1 the condition it should be kept in be well for them to st0 their designs and =� s E:z:sr.3 ztx.e_W.,31zr,,rs,
the time. The people of Grey and prioee before malting their purohasee,
are the gainers if the work is well Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables. Fall Wheat 70 77
ked after. DANDO &LLD C,utrs,-II. Williams c11 Spring Wheat...,,,,.,,., 75 70
.".2, no T. -The following nftieerewere Sou have received two new kinds of Barley. B5 40
lean for the next six months i1 MM. 0(1,10°1 rood am 10, mallefaotured by the peas 57 58
tent with the Bruos,ls Council Bt:yat fiananogne Carriage 00, They are call- Gats 98 29
npl,r( of Temperance :- ed the "St. Lawrence" and "Maple Butter, tuba and eche,,.., 13 00
S. C., W, I -I Herr ; Leaf" and are extra fine rigs. The "St, Eggc per dozen 9 00
P. C„ Geo. Rogers ; Laawrolco" baa a liu°)y tinisled body Flour per btarrel 4 50 b 00
Y. C., Mee N. M0Lau0111fn ; enopendt•d o1, two eliptio apringe, body Potatooe 20 00
Chap., I), Hogg ; not connected. with shafts, Dont bn be.
Roo.•Seo, R. Fletcher ; Y Hey per tot 9 00 10 00
+ Earn seeing thole as Lhe pion are right. Man per lb...,,..,..-„ 3 00
Fie. -Sen„ M10. Jas. herr ; Call at unr show rooms,
Treas., T. Fletcher ; Solt per bb,., retail,.,.., 1 00 ('S
Herald, N. Gerry ; H. 11Screen t: SON. Lamb skins
scab' g(
1 00
A :MAT tviudoty Screen that keeps out Lamb sinus each G5 00
Guard, 4, 13. McLaughlin ; all {lies and puts out the flies that are 111, Apples per barrel, , 1 00 1 '25
Sentinel, A. G,13(00001 at, 1118 low price 01 45o. each. Semen Wool 10 17
THE Wnuan's 001.nyn1)AN ISxeosrrro) - doors to match at B, Clerry'9.
Send 50 conte to Bold A Co„ 570 Beek, ALT. brands of binder twine for Bale,
cry, Chicago, and you will receive, post "Common Sense,"
paid, a four hundred page advance Guide t'S1I,'e, Cern poait,"
"Bine Cap,"
"Bine Ribbon,"
"Tied Cep,"
at B. Gerry's.
Hoon WILLIAMS & Sos aro handling the
ce'ebrated Gananoiple Carriage Com-
pany's buggies, avh{o11 for style, work.
mmisbip and print 0an1100 be surpassed.
T1.0y Have ono on exhibition at their
110W room, 13(11) street, end can p100ur0
0ny 00,310d rig you desire. Yon can bey
from 10 to 15 per cot °heaperfron them
than elsewhere and every rig ie guaran•
teed to give the best of satiafa°tion, Call
in midi see theta whether you want to buy
Or 1100.
250.00 eon A Cn1c111i)4.-To create an
hlrorest in rho breeding of high-class
poultry, I will award a spooled prize of
$ ca) to the person raisin{( rho
heaviest 1'lymnuth Rook chicken batch.
ing iron eggs purchased of ate. I'ly-
moutL Rooks aro unquestionably the hest
breed of fowl known for the Canadian
Mgr, Hamilton Branch Kemp, Jones alt
Peck, nlaileflehtirera of cider, t'oioelo.
Seat -emu 01' I''ltrvr Tntn:o.---Tho Legis•
iatieo Assetn 7lv of Ontario at the bale
session, p+lsv,d the folleovirlg Act, 113 re.
Went, co 10 the sprnyleg of fruit trees and
the p,ateetinn of bees :---.1. N0 person in
spraying or hprinitiing frail trees during
the p.,riod within which sr a trees are in
full 111:,00 shall use or can ' to be used
any mixture containing 1'. to green or
any' other poisore.US subatnuce injurinne
to bean. 2. Any portion c)ntravodng the
peovisione of this Act, shall on summary
cobvietinn thereof berme, a ,justice of the
peon, ho subject to a penalty of not less
than $1.00 01 Inane than 05,00 with or
without coats of proseention, and in case
Of a fine ora fine and costa being award•
ed, and of the same not being u; on eon.
010ti011 forthwith paid, 1110 justice may
commit the offender to the women gall,
there to be frtlprieonad for any term not
exceeding thirty clays unless the file and
Miele are sooner paid.
o Exposition, with elegant Engrav-
of the Cxreneds anri Buildings, Por,
e of its leading 8piri18, and a Map of
the City of Chicago ; all r)1 tho Rules
governing the .Exposition and Exhibitors,
and all information which 0,1)1 ba given
out in advance of its op011183, Also
ether Engrevings and printed informs•
tion will be sent Son ae published, It
will be a very valuable Boca fwd every
person should noun 31, ropy.
Tutt Wonoo's C"imulntee .1.xroarrmN,-
An elegant Bird's nye.view of the Expo.,
81110,1 Grounds and Bni)dinge, in eight
milers, size 35xll 11101100, price, $1.00.
The same Eugrav)Il3, size 20x30 inches,
prise, 75 conte. The game I}ngraving,
oiee 20x20 inches, price, 50 conte. A
Photo Gravure, B11yi's.090.01ow, 1208
Plebes, prime, 25 Cents, A map of Chiene
go, price, 25 cents, A pocket map of the
U. 13„ or of any State, or any Canadian
Province, price, 25 Ones, Any of the
above mailed to any address, postage pre-
paid on re0°ipt 1(1 the pries named. Any
other World's .fair publiottion mailed farmer, Send for descriptive 01100101 C)1n salvos 210 0l It g(v.
on receipt of the advertised price. of this valuable breed of fowl. Eggs JOB Is 1VItISS 11onO'-kca or,
Bond t&', Co,, 576 Rookery, Chicago. for hatching, guaranteed fresh a111 true Walton, Jane 12181)2, p
)tlaoltomith's tvnls toe enee ata groat
bargain. Cull end g0+prima,
A, 1t, 11cIRAY et Co., Brussels.
A, liauslaugb, COatortll h110 all the nagit•
tives 101100 by 11101 while 111 Brussels and
will he pleased to print Menke for $2.00
per dozen. Order at ono 1,8 WO will not
1,'11)0 at above price Duly for shunt time.
Have all sizes that wore made and will print
lug o' sines I1, proportion.
A, 11AUSL 'Scat. ,
48.2 eator011,
Settee is 11rr0hy given that on Sa.turdry,
the 4111 fust, there 100,0 it"poell,tod 10 my
peun01, In Walton, two 001ta deseriptin)1 as
follows 1-01° a two-y1ar-old Oink brown
)111y and the other a yearling bay telly with
two white hind fool and ono off Fara foot.
Tho owner le roenceted 10 111.000 property,
pay 011arg08 a11d )alto them avay,
Smaller tette no1i10 tllet if nee 0Odeulei
before the late stated bolow they will bu
sold by Public Amato)) at the ponos on m y
11)0100004 h1 the Village Of Walton an 1t30N.
DAY, JUNE 271)1 MSO1, 11 the hoer of 1
n lloOlt p. M. All 12)101081013 13111 goVeen
w a v 11
ntsns)rs1a offers ter sale p% Ir. 1'IoCRACI�1',N,
ie tiro north V V • Issue
east quarte rot lot 28, Concession 0, Morris, Et 1110 010(0)'9, l u1i burr0Rst •eOt,l�311is001)1,
County of Huron, eon tai01n g 50 eons. The
laud Is of 00,11 quality and in a hlgh state of--
wilrlyatfoe, well fenced and uud0r-drained, tl j N. BA1'O1iETT,
•'131101300 cleared, Newfreue 1101180, 8 rooms, it.'• Tensorial Artist. Shop—Next door
Inman with o1,
e nulla, 3 well south of A. 11, \ •
and barna m McKay S C o's hardware
11 nd shod, orchard, etc, por14. Ladies' and ohthheu8 hili, cutting ,t sl>oclnity
scree of full whom. This f Brussels.
usse (1.0(1001- '--- -
adle nS 1010' the corporation of Iirneerfe. Sett. &ICN AIR,
able tale' Will bo 1411012. Titia perfect.
JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 1,1' Isaurrr Of oimrtage Licenses, by
10. 501,0100, P, O, 8pu11utmeut of ideut; 1Ove1•uor, Cou 08,11
- .- _ Honor, en , Q. B. Co11 o al cue crud Aeal1
1St PLENDTD FARM FOR SALE, 2 001 insurance Uo. Oillee at the Cranlrook
L. 110.1x010 Hi 11 and 10. 00n. 13, To'w0011{il -
of Grey, County of 11'0 • month{„{1,r sop • R 0 B E R T 0 U N N i 10(3 H -AM-- M__
nares, The (1rOnevby of the late John Robert.
sou, 110 sores elem•o(1 and free from o•
ntrnetiono, 15 sores bosh, mixed timber,
babe= partly cleared. 0013 clay loam.
mostly rolling. 1'euced'wi1h straight rail
fauces and watered by two wells EMI n
sD1)ng privilege. 000111,,45011(1 dwelling
houeo, with 1,21g0 woonsberl attached nun
un oxcellout 0011,11 colder ]louse. Two large
barns, steno stabling 003 other on Undid -
Inge. two pool beurieg nrobartu, orna-
mental 1 ruamels, 0 and town on the (i, L int,,
auttyohien t0 school, ellll0Ohtoo Aon poet
olllce, This property lies wail, is n first-
class grain and stock farm and should bo
0(401 by intending 11111011 niters as it is (Mar-
atha n talrgulu. For further partleolai•s
01(1113' to AIRS. JNO.IROIB 1,113 ( 0010,
or 1).1,311;1.. ItoettB 3110$, en
h•1 pie in ism, or Ly letter to Cro niirolk P.
0. 101
I11 H+:1"d p Y (•4'0' :.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D.D.S.,
Cfraduat0 of the Royal College of De idol
Ore11' Ontario,
epper'of s Drrug Store,
W11:12. 1i', CALE bI,D. C) li,,
Afoulhlor of too (oll0130 oil by'slelnn,
and Surgoous of ()uteri, ry Oxamtua110o,
(111100 and Reeiedm)ee -elate street East,
T A. Yet°NAUGHTON, 11, D.
01 • C. 1f., 1,, 11. C.P., Edinburgh, 1I. 0. P
Ont, )ohiden08 and ulnae hn Wilson'
Block, cantor of 1[dl and 1ur1100rry 501.
• Honer Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
discs:GS of dnmestioatud animals 10 a eom-
potent mwuner. Partieulm' attention Olid
to veterinary (n110847, Calle praltll tly at -
bawled to. Oulee and Infirmary -Two (100rs
north of bridge '1'uruberry at., Bruss010,
1 3
For the convenience of those living
at or near 191yt11 I have enure are'angemou0a
With 1I11.3hobt, Laidlaw, of North Halt Lot
7, Coo, 0, Morris, to keep for service during
the summer season one of ley Jorsoy hulls.
'1'bo other will remain at Brunets us horn.
G, A, D11341»I 1N, Druggist, cit SERVICE.—THE
��yjt• ULT., FOR 1;. T(IE
JL;• Undsrsigued will keep for service, 01,
lot 10, eon, 1, &Inrr is,the ti) oro'-In•ed Donau,
bull, "13w6Vypotelto0," Iia has taker d Hest
prenna and 1. second, being bean by the butt
that took 1st prize at the Provincial Sbow.
Terms -To iusuroneali :12,00, or 0111,:'0 101'
(ho 000eea,
37 Oss1 JAS, 8137:)11, Proprietor,
gibe nn llseaiguod will keep for 8orvieo this
Yreaout 00158011 the Imerove3 large white
orkshire ;pig "]randy" oh lot 20, eon, 6,
Morris, to wallah a ilnh118, Munroe of sows
will he taken. 'Perms 31.00 to be pail at
time o f Rorke, with the privilege of rotmnt-
ing no8ttaary, Podlgroe wait teen up.
on apl'1icetion. ROBERT NICHOL,
lfi11bt Props{oter,
411 D SER.
vla1,-)Fro andar03gued will ken (1t for
service o1, north half 1.00 20, 0011, 7,,Ilerr11,
a pinhead Reeitahim Boon bred byPer,
Snell anti en Oh to Improved Molitor "White,
betel by ilesee0, George, Pelham, from 3m -
ported abotik on both 00108, This ]fog took
and peiee at the industrial .Pah' in a aldersof
17, in 1800, tad Ord at the Western Ireir l0 a
class 411 15. 30{8 sire took let at the I0due.
trial. to MM. Teems 31,00 to bo paid at time
of 0010100 elith prlVilegeof r00n1•ning if neo.
oss 20:V4f 81,33111EI, WA Mum, Ore,',
Issen3 (31,
174 Clerk of the Pmu•th Division Conrt
Co. Nitron. Cnnverm,am', Notary Public,
nd 18 loanl,au(1.olloctione Made,
Caioe in Graham's Week, Ilruaauls.
hiss Morin, of \)'ingham, is )$rod
10 'giro instruction in oil 1n•0 I
'maybe ascert"tuea et Miss Neilliella011' store
whore samples of work /nay 110 aeon, Miss
Marie Would also take a few mon pupils in
T•Organist111 St, Johne Church, Inns -
Reis, and /midi, in the Art of Teaching,of A.
W. 'L'ba yor, 3110. One., New York, w1)give
lessons to pupils either at Thos, Furrow's,
saver of Queen and ltieeess Sts., or it pre -
farad, at their ewe hellos. Terms wader -
etc, 46.
--- OF
IN 'HE vILLA(li9 OP 1tRff515EL$ AND
Pursuant to 01e provisions of a certain as-
signment to me bearing date the twenty-
sixth day of April, 1003, made by the grit df
Smith, Malcolm S Gibson, there will 110 at-
hwart for 011.10 by public Anetia1 on the
Premises 00 lbe Villa(;/, of Brussels, 011
JUNE 29t11, 1892.
At the hour of 0110 0 010011 in the afteruoou,
the fallowing velum-leplaning mills, sash
and door flel dwelling dud house des-
cribed as follows ,-Piece-Ono 3 -storey brick
Planing Mill in the village of ]brussels 70017
Maud Indult addition 01.x03 ft., with frame
addition thereto 10a10 fa, brink angina and
boiler house 00x00 ft., frame stable 31010 f0„
nue new 2 -storey brick d100111ne house 27x00
ft. with kitchen at rear 10110 ft. Theo aro
five acres of laud in 0000000ion with those
promisee, This Planing Mill is fitted up
With all modern conveniences and aohtaink
aonugst Others tbo following machinery
which is in afrat•olass state of repair 1-
0uo 50 h. p. boiler, ole .40 h, 1,,; W11Oel0ck an-
gina made by Goldio S Mlo(ultoelt 04 Galt,
11101010,1 moulding machines, 3 bond saws,
0 sate tables, 1 mortising machine,1 tenant-
ing machine, 2 relishing manldaoe, 1 slut
mu1h1110, 1 buss Planar, 1 shaper 1,1188x10,
1 nand drum, 1 O beet sander, 1 1111ud slat
111010)1108,3 pans] ralee1', l carve', 1 cramping
muabine,1 taming hallo, dry 1010 2ax31 t
30141) fan,
Socoud-Cao 2 -storey frame Planing MIM
in the village of 1V dry 1111 80x00 f0, and were
rootnn 80x70 ft., .11.7 int In with feu, tv nru
1300(1) 213.41) ft. There is ono Galata of alt
ROM of bund 0, 00008110 with those pram -
2000, This Mill Is also littod up tolth improv-
ed 11utahinery In a substantia) stato oe re.
Bair consisting of the follnwiug 1-000 10 h.
1, boiler, on s0 h. p. engine made by Gelato
tS 1toOullO°b,1 10000tleg nlaohibo, 1 reoulch
ing nutehiue, 111laner, 1 shape', 1 turning
lathe ttml a 911,0 1,10109.
At Cho edfo than and place thorn will 110
also 01180011 for 0010 1 0(111)1 of horaos, 1 1x3,2'
bar Wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 top buggy, 1
outland pair bob -sleighs, 1 sol double her.
11°99,1 set single harness, 1 sale, 1 buffalo
echo and other 0110(lry articles,
it'Elttis.-Ton 1101' tient, of the pnlebuse
11)001y of the real eatato 011 the day of sail,
too helium Within 31 Mass thereafter with.
out interne, Goods rru{ °battuls in Mina at
$3,00 and undue, cash, over that amount 1
111011.1es oledit will bo allowed mh f1ruishing
approved joint notes, The real estate will
be offered for sale snhleet to 11)080000 bid
and $"blunt also to aureate 1uort0ag08 there-
on, lull particulars Of 0)11011 Will be (11,013
known on the day of sale, A portion of 9001
mortgages may be allowed to 9tand 00 03"
rouge cid, made by linoleum llhd mato.-
gees. Per fut0her partinxlaoo apply to the
W, N, 01DtOLAI10, l5 S. 80031,2, `
emigun6's Sollattor. A001gn00,
Bated 100 Bra0sols 400013,1303,