HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-17, Page 5JUNE 17, 1082
1.ifs'CI,1Tduwa�maa..wuudC14t7m,Sta:Er7uramldteil7aNs rrrtskaEAZr1n¢CSO:ttrl,rrvSfar..2.7.t',m�z:•7r£`.:iurnGt^t4lntna4iatnct^I. n'RmraaG^Ftem!imN.SL91annAcanvcTa1^U:.e.R�ttrJ'RorrrlxlTvnx.T•h7narGuYama;7'a'raL90tM;R:R'Y:✓K.7aRa±ttcrJXaw'OcF.'T1taiyr:0Eflt4E-0.r1[Al3Alalirn"Rl!u.Gera{vfGl>wa'x§ntlnV.NtvsluPRva9GSY,m•S7r6Cta'Nor.15s,'r:sam.Y,taCbA
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11'Str"CCt f'.ilJ"s,
C7ra nO)roolc.
Miss 1\toLeinhlin arrived home from
the 0111 Country on Monday evening of
this weals. She ammo via New York on
the White Star lino.
If II (1111.101././P
Tl1a bricicyarcl is running in full Mmol
J. II. Thompson le Creating t1, 111toh011
to the rear of hie storm.
A 000)111 dancing party wee held at the
hotel on Wednesday evening al this week,
ibxv. 1, M. Smith will remove to Elm-
wood, ilia sndu00s031 will be Rev, Mr.
811 V031 Corners 0110010 factory eat the
loot half of May mance to Iedging Bros„
of London, for 0'd cents per pound.
Loot Sunday R. W. ltoDonald's hoes
swarmed and again on Wednesday. This
is reoisoned early for this season.
3� e'1 go- two
J. Anderson was in Woodstock last
B. Elliott, V. S., of 'Anteater, was in
town on Sunday.
John hopper, of Algoma, 14 visiting his
friends in Ribs vilinity,
Thos. SOandrott is having a stone wall
built underneath his barn.
Rumor says one of our young baobelors
will join the army of benediots shortly.
Tho Foresters of this place will attend
the demonstration in Wingham on Do -
min ion
o.minion Day.
The ohoeso factory has re -opened and
.lir. Leech will soon have all he man do
330 there are unite. a number of now pat-
New (Meter, L0n08.-011 lionday even-
ing a new Orange Lodge, No. 7118, 11/110
successfully organized in Senforth. with
the following 0f0100ra :—Wm. Horny, W.
31. ; W. G. Glenn, D. 111. ; John Welsh,
Chaplain ; Thos. Stephens, Rea Seo. ;
Levi Smith, Fin. Sec. ; Robert Preach,
Treasurer. County diaster Todd and J,
Ford wore present from Clinton ; P. C.
IL, J. Soarlott, Distriut l'Iaster Harney,
Bros. Ballard, Johnston and others, from
lloBtllop, and several visitors. W. Bro.
Todd conducted the organization and
election and W. Bro. Scarlett installed
the officers. Addresses of an inspiring
nature wore dolivorod by all the brethren
and the lecture very correctly repeated
by Bros. Ford and Bullard. Tho lodge
will hold a opeoial meeting next Monday
evening, when probably 20 initiations
will take place. Regular renting night
the fit'st Monday of every month In the
temperance hall. The lodge promisee
to Ino one of the most progressive in
Smith IIuron as the 0310011 Oro all work-
,+. f Wood..
E. E. Hervey is home from George-
The brickwork of the new manse is
The Edison phonograph was the lead-
ing attraction in town last W' alt.
A number of our professional young
men Spent last S:tt,n'day and Senility in
Our woe)." b1 celebration on Confed-
eration day hem gone up in smoke ; in
other wands, the committee undertaking
the 11311311 did not meet with diffidently
liberal pltronage him the oitizen0 to
warrant seeee-s, and helm gave up tine
Harry Harrison was in Palmerston
on Saturday of last week, undergoing his
examination previous to entering the
engineer dopartmont of the Grand Trunk
Rmllwny. EIu came through the ordeal
right side up, and will enter the 681'vi00
as soon as there is a vacancy, first a3
engine wiper, fireman, turner, and lastly
as locomotive engineer.
Rev. A.. Henderson is attending the
General Assembly in Montreal, and
Harry MoBOin, of Victoria College, is
filling his pulpit during his 011sen00,
Rev. J. S. Fisher is the name of the
Methodist 0ini010r set down for this
village for the next three years. Row
Mr. Rogers goes to Dungannon,
The Atwood Bea says :—Wo cougratu.
late our young friend, R. H. Knox, (well
known to many of on readers) on the
esooess that has attended his final exam-
ination at Toronto University. It is no
longer platin Bob Knox, bnt rather R.
Hunter Knox, B. A. The Selene entree,
which ho took, is oonoeded to be the
hardest of the series at the option of the
students, hem he is all the more deserv-
ing of congratulation.
Lemuel Pelton disposed of his 100 -acre
farm, adjoining the village, to John
Coghlin, last week, for the sum of $5,000,.
$1,000 of wllioh is in village property,
consisting of Mr. Coghlin'e residence and
a lot in another part of the village. It
ie a good farm, end when suitable bnild•
ings are put thereon it will be a vary
desirable property. Mr. Pelton still re.
Mitts ilia 200 acre farm near Trowbridge.
Mies Tuoker has gone to Brandon.
Peter Cantelon has gone to Manitoba
for a visit to This sols,
]Mfrs. Nelson Thornton, who has been
sinit for 901110 time, is recovering 'sleety.
R. Somers and wife, of Blyth, spent
Sunday with Reeve Mooney and family.
Alex. Forrest, of the 1st eon., is dolt
at present. Wo all wish him a speedy
Court of Revision and 001131011 meeting
Will be hold at the Township IIall on
Monday 27th inst.
Miss Forrest, of Illaryborcugh, is at.
present visiting friends and relatives on
the let and 2nd Dona.
A. Ni011o1 disposed of a oow to the
drovers that soalod over 1,600. Animals
of tide kind soon ram into money.
A number of pupils in the vari0113
03110010 in Morrie w111 write at the 1en-
trauue examination to the 101gh school.
U. McFadden, teacher, talks of leaving
the teaching profession and t'050111ing the
study of law with his brobhee ab Sault
Ste Morita.
Mire Mary Johnston, of the 1st col,
and Mies Alice Gardner, of Blteva)0,
Wont away on Saturday to visit friends
tat tlo Nilo.
David Breokenridgo jr. woe vieitin3
friends at Zeeland on Sunday last. Dove
has fo0tld gone attraction around Wing•
hang and Iletlond.
The appointment of Maloolln Bleck to
the Pragidonoy of Haat Huron leachers'
Association 31110 a well deserved tribute
to 14 faithful and energetic timelier.
John Oakley hta0 a freak of nature in
the Irope of it fo d with a flow's hoof in
the illaon of the old 6301110rtecl kind
nenally worn by horse
1 David and Mies 3tira ltalneay, of the
1st con„ were away visiting friends at
(,arrials this 013011, The chief attraubion
there for (lave le a 'Violet.
J'hinge are looking as if we were going
to have enteral more weddings in 1113
vicinity of Jamestown. If we may jedge
by appettrenee in 601110 111113013 we will bs
the loser while Brussols will bo the Winner
of 001110 of our fair clan;llters,
On Tumidity Rabb, Armstrong starters
el a visit to Manitoba and Dakota, ilo
was 110130ted by T. Pletcher, Brnesels,
John A. 11fcllwon,-and Ilonry and Peter
Jackson went west on 111e same clay on a
40 clay trip 10 the Preiri0 province.
The application of Morrie township
Council to the County asking them to
assume their bridges of 100 foot and up•
%ve1'de, as Ser etatnte, wee laid over until
the Jetunu•y session of the Comity 00315•
oil, ef'or the queetion was well threshed
Tho piano factory Olay emu hero.
Principal Tanner hoe been asked to re.
sign by the Board.
The Ladies' Aid of the M0tllhorli0t
ohurah propose 11oldht3 a dinner in the
basement of the 01103Oh on the 12111 of
Iron. Thos. Ballaiitvne sailed for Eng•
land last Saturday, Ile was accompan-
ied by hie brother, a prominent merchant
of Washington, D. C.
Mr, Warrington, cheese buyer, shipped
about $2,000 worth of cheese from Lis-
towel on Monday of last week, purchased
from the Gotham and Trowbridge fao.
A. B. McCallum, of Paisley, formerly
of List by
0 0l was r
me i by his Liberal
friends with a handsome gold t „all headed
cane, in recognition of his minims ,during
the election.
Listowel will shortly have a third bar-
ber shop, Will. Howe having decided to
start business for himself in a few days
in the stancl on Main street recently o0 -
copied by the Charlton house numbering
ami street sign company.
Ilan e i .
Mrs, Sherlock has been complaining of
poor health for some days.
The hall was orowdorl to the door on
Sunday morning. Mr. Sherwood, of
Huron College tools lir. Lee's place and
filled it well. Flo preached an oxeelleot
Rev. B. Sherlock prenohed a Temper.
mace sermon to his congregation Sunday
evening. This service was attended by a
large number of the Sons of Temperance
who should profit thereby.
(Above intended for last week.)
Meeting of S. of T. changed this week
to Saturday 1113116 to give the members
an opportunity to hear Mrs. Jamieson.
Mr. Leo :sampled his usual post last
Sunday morning. Mr. Graham is an-
310a10ed for next Sabbath. IID is an in-
teresting young man.
Remember the lliesiontiry talk by
Mrs. Jamieson, late of I•ldia, in the
Presbyterian 011111011 here thea (friday)
evening, Collection to ,10l'•ay expenses.
Rev. lir. Sherlock nroa'hed 1lis fare-
well sermon to Ethel circuit last Sunday
evening to a large congregation. w11iah
would have been considerably augniented
but for the opprassiv0 heat. He leeve0
many friends Isere outside of his own
Next Wechnesd.ty, June 2251, will he
looked upon a0 pie hie rlay by a large
number of our hospitable and sport lov-
ooing 0itizen0. A snatch game of beee•ball
has been arranged between the winners
in the late Mitchell tournament, the
Monkton club, and the "Maple Leaf"
olub al this village. A good field has
been secured and some fine sport may be
confidently expected. As the players are
a gentlemanly lot of fellows 110 rowdyism
will appear. Ladies are particularly in.
vitecl. Refreshments will be abundant.
John 11111 and Bert were away at Ciin•
ton last week doing some Spring work on
their farm in that locality.
Mr. Forster will occupy the pulpit at
Roe's 013cro11 next Sunday evening. Ser-
vice oommen000 at 7 o'olook.
Misses Bella a11d Tide McDougall,
formerly of this township, are engaged as
teachers in McHenry Co., North Dakota,
and are doing well.
Luke and Ilartwell Sperain belong to
a long lived generation. Their father
died at the age of 82 years ; their mother
is 08 and still hearty and able to walk a
mile or so. The grandmother attained
the great ago of 107.
Mrs. H. Campbell, of Grey, has suffer-
ed with tearful pain for nearly it month
in ono of her eyes, on W11 10h WAS 31 nat6ar•
act. The other day Dr. Hamilton, of
Atwood, and Dr. Cale, of .Ethel, removed
hor eye to give her relief--whioll it is ex-
pected will be successful,
Win, Forster and lire. Joseph Forster
and daughter, of Teterboro', brother,
sister-in-law and nice to Mrs. Samuel
Ames, of 611ie township, are visiting here
this week. A00onpenying thein be a
cousin—Joseph F01'OtOr--IL'Onl Northum-
berland, England. He is en evangelist
end has a wide and fruitful experience in
hissoul saving wor1c.
A correspondent to the Listowel Ban•
her says :—It is said that a man from
Grey was in Brussels= the tiny of the
election of the Reeve, consequently ootid
not get anything in the hotels to moisten
his diaphram, so ho went to a druggist
and asked for whiskey and camphor for
a sore eye. Tho 31130331111 teas going to
mix it, but he said ho wonkl do tlllat him-
self, so he drank the whiskey. We don't
know what he dial with the camphor.
310010,\1, AND LSTIu14dwr.—On Wednee•
day evening of thie week a invaded and
literary eoterteiument was given in 11oo's
0l1tireh under the auspices of the Sab-
bath school. 1V. 11. Herr, of Brussels,
was voted to the chair after which the
following intending P00) 31enl was pre-
sented ;-=3Iilsie by chow: ; reeding by
Wnl. 31oQuarri0 ; =sic by the Misses
Ames and 3100001, Frain and Ames ;
reoitatien by Albert E. Frain ; eddress
by B. Gerry, B1•tlasels ; solo by Miss E.
ll'I0(3uarrie ; 3eeiteti011 by Jas. Hogg ;
solo by Miss Florence McKee ; reeitati0u
by Miss Mary Pearson ; deed by Miss
Strachan and jos. Frain ; 3100itetion by
Miss Minnie S11ary ; address by Mr.
Foster, of Petorboro'; Music by choir ;
addcoos by Rev, 1.3. 11110/10013 ; solo by
Miss 11tr 011100 .There leas a largo et.
1endanoe, "1.11e 1000fpt0 were $10.72
which will 110 devoted to Sunday school
Cu the report of the :hint wedding of
(luta Smolt and wife the DRUM of S
mum an,1 wife nllmdd h w11 b ern [1./0003,).
1031 w1411 W. Ainley and W110 to the china
tea set presented,
Last week John Sm111 sold throe head
of cattle to the buyer's. A 2•1101ar•013
steer weighed 1,200 ; a caw, 1,350 and a
8-year•old steer 1,670, They were sold
by the pound and were good cures.
Alexander IiluDanald, of the 2nd con,
of 13ruy, brought into the Benner 310100,
Listowel, Inst week, a ooup)0 of stalks of
Timothy hay grown on hie farm last
year, ono measuring 6 ft. 8 in. long, the
other 6 21, flo aleo iuferm00 them that
he is the possessor of a colt two and a
half yours old, from Muffling' etoo)3,
weighing 1050 lbs,
Onie,—Tho Aberdeen (Washington
Territory) Herald of May 211111, oontalne
the following notice of the sudden death
of a grandson of Jame0 Hn3g'e, of the
'ird eon, of Grey :—"The deceased LV00
horn in East Saginaw, Mich„ and moved
with hie father to Aberdeen in June,1884,
fIe was a prominent Meson, having join-
ed that order at the age of 21, being the
brat member initiated upon the organs•
oetlon of the lodge here. Ile 11r110 after-
ward. made Worshipful Master of the
l0d,•e, and leas the yonngert worshipful
master in the state. Ile teas also the
youngest Knight Te 1151101• at 1110 time 11e
10330 knighted, fn 18110. He served on
term as Grand Mesial of aha Grand
Lodge of the State of Washington and
w310 a delegate to the national conclave
of Knights Tempters at Washington, D.
0„ in 181)0. It was as a Mau, though,
that the people of Aberdeen knew him
best and loved him most. We all knew
him. Wo all 100p0311ea hien. We all
loved him. Ile was broad-lniuded, fear.
lees, honest atld upright. To 115, with
our narrow vision, it eeems,iuexplioable
that one so full of vigor and manhood ;
so full ofP urs strong intentions • 8 well
endowed with 0
p oa a 1toso accomplish,
i t a lieh
'should be taken away while life was
so young and full of hope and promise.
Only four weeks married, his whole
future was enviable for the brightness
that seemed shod along a way that was
to lead through good to be done by a
strong, gond man. Thera is nothing can
lighted such a blow for hie parents, to
whom he was all that such a noble, good
man and sou could be ; but to theta and
his young wife it must be consolation to
know how he was loved by all and how
his loss is telt. We knew him and we
laved him."
13L'o'Lit .
Hugh McQnarrie is visiting in Toronto
and elsewhere.
:Hies 3faggie Moore is visiting Miss
Ruth Jones, Se,2031111.
3Iies Susie Brownlee has returned
from a two month's visit in the forest
Thera has been a movement for some-
time past to start a lodge of the S. 0. E.,
in this burg.
The largo boiler and engine for I',
Kelly car Sons timing mills arrived at this
ata'inn on Friday from Galt.
There was 110 service in St. Andeetv's
Presbyterian church on Saintly evenim1,
owing to the absence of the pastor.
John McKiunoi left hero on Tuesday
ns delegate to the Vigil Court of the C.
0. F. which is being held in Stratford
this week.
W. 310ntry, bri,kntalter, 1331,3 just
Flub -11001 n large kiln of brick lvhi0h lute
turned nut to be of excellent gndity and
for which ho is receiving a ready de•
On Sunday afternoon al 11:30 the mom
hers of the O. 0. F. No. 80, said visiting
brethren will mnl'oh from their hall to
Trinity Omni) where a epaulet sermon
will be p1011011031 to them by the Mom,
bent, Rey. Bro. T. E. Highloy,
WkelaNn Brr.ns—On Tuesday after-
noon of last weak, Woodnlere, the home
of Chas. Floody, was the mend of it large
and brilliant gathering, assembled 10
w1tne00 the 0upt3al0 of a popular young
lady, Miss Line, his eldest dang11ier and
Goo. Sborlook, of W1nnip0g. The corn.
moray took place on the lawn under the
brandies of an apple tree in full bloom
from whish 00033111011 a bell of natural
0000318. The bride was beautifully at.
tired in white Bengaline, the bridal veil
was held in place with natural flowers
and a bouquet of white rosea. The
bridesmaids, Miss Osborne, Albany, N.
Y., anal -Miss Croaker, Blyth, looked very
pretty in white silk and Honrietta,oarry.
Mg bouquets of pink and Beam roses.
Tho groom was ably :sedated by Wm.
Floody, of Rutland, Vt., brother of the
bride. The ceremony was performed by
1Zov. R. Fleetly, brother of the bride,
assisted by Rev. air. Tonge, of Flesher.
ton, and Rev. .lir. Campbell, Blyth.
After receiving congratulations the party
sat clown to a sumptuous dinner. The
preeente were very nnmerotte and
beantif11. The bridal party left on the
four train for Kingston, after which
they will visit New Orleans and °MMango
before going to their 110tne in Winnipeg.
The bride 1000) ed about SO presents,. 13,•
eluding a Heideman piano, 'silverware
bronze ware, ladies work, oto„ tvl1)01)
were 0o0tly and handsome.
Bogus Quarters are in circulation in
John Dorsey, one of Seaforth's pron.
instil citizens, died Sunday night. Ile
has been ailing for some time.
A bionics olub has beau formed in Ex.
Ester. Tho membership ster10 at 12. Dr,
Lutz is president, H. D. 113rdou vice-
president, A. J. McTavish oaptaiu, Prank
Wood lietteneet, W. Browning, seem.
tory, Ed. Carley traaem'or, Prank H.
Lutz bugler.
A Young Men's Liberal -Conservative
A.000iabion was instituted at Nilo
Village, near GOderiell, the other night.
A number were p1'000 1 and addressee
were delivered. E. Floody, of the To-
ronto Young Men's Conservative Asson-
iabion, was present and assisted in the
organization, The following are the
ollioers Mooted :—FIon. President, J. J.
C. Abbott ; Pr'esidont, Win, Jones; Vitus.
Presidents, Charles Stewart, JO0Ob
Ryan ; Soorotary, T. G. Allan ; Treas.
neer, Ajex. p. Sheppard,
1, dd. Pini11a1er, who 1030 for many
years bookkeeper for Thomas Lawrence,
at Lueknow, left Insb week for West
Superior, Wis., whore ho has secured 34
more 111or3live position. A few evenir340
previous it complimentary sapper was
tendered Me, 1!indlator by the members
or the Masania Lodge, at the Whitely
Iloreo, a number of hie 0oeia1 friends
aloe being present, An tlddroas woe read
and presented by the Master of Old
Light Lodge, in wllioh Mr. P10311 ,lar fill-
ed the honorable position of secretary foe
14 years.
.LIlJ ntaantilj o/.
Wool wanted by the tart-
der signed, /or which .I,
Lala prepared to play the
Highest Market Price
G ►i. sv 't A
Grain Dealer, brussels.
All Stations in Ontario 0",',11;,1,1,"30
'Pickens w111 by sold for Excursion leaving
TORONTO 10 p. tn. Olt
Coote to Return notil JULY 016h,
acne IW;r•�,
Good to 11010111 until ,JULY al0t,
.7fnno •�i9, 1:'(02,
Good to Natant until AL'GU3T ith.
—ON- —
Sa1lyy 1 1 and 1313, IteSt02,
Good to Return until AUGUST 0814,
'rn lite following po111ts:H rates 01:11113311 :
NIda"SI'L'T 11100SO)IIN
101NB0ARTH 13 2 .00
Ma(TNP '30.00
5 q 00
The Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial
Exhibition w111 bo held from Jaly 26111 to
Stith inclusive, and July 13th , and 13th have
been Used upon for excursion to enable pas-
sengers to attend 1,190 Exbibitioa.
Au Auction Sale of Cinna3Hau I'aciae 1;011 -
way Lands will be held at Edmonton on
Ally 3th, 0,1000113010 taking advantage 0f
the excursion of June '-38th will retort Ed-
monton in time to attend rile Salo,
1 nr rurthor parLloulara apply to any .Meant
of t Company,
Agent, Brussels,
It won't break
—that's why Kabo is the
only thing for corset "bones."
The B. & C. Corset is
boned with Kabo.
More than that! Wear a
13. & C. Corset for two or
three weeks and see if you
like it.
If you don't you can return
tt and get your money.
It's a hundred to one you
won't do it, but you have the
Snot only a distressing complaint, of
itself, but, by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en-
feebled, is the parent of innumerable
maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is the beet m1r0 for Indigestion, even
when coin plicated with Liver Complaint,
is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway
Centre, Mich.:—
"Liver complaint and indigestion
made my life a burden e,nd came near,
ending my existence. For more than
four years I suffered untold agonyy, was
reduced almost to askeleton, and hardly
bad strength t0 drag myself about. A I1
kinds of food distressed me and only
elle most delicate could be digested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
physicians treated me withontgiving re.
lief. Nothing that I tookaoemsd to do
any permanent good until I oonmelood
the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which
has produced wonderful results. Son
after commencing to take the Seeman.
rills, I could see an improvement in 1113'
condition, 11y appetite began to return
and With it came t,130 ability to dig00t
tall the food token, toy 01ren3'13 im-
proved each clay, and after a fou•
yy1r10nti10 of 20it111o1 atimilMto to yen
(lh'Oellon0 1 found myself a well
‘1101311111, 8i110 to attend to all household
duties, The 131odiein0 I1330 given ole a
new lease of life,"
rer's ar4 ; mrffi l
3133/113000 ,sir
Dr. J. 0. Ayer & 033, Lowell, Masa,
Prfee $11 etc bottles, $30. Worth 40 a ban10,
7i' r• t
abr., t 1
v hat 1 u,"
at r. lone
01 Nr'rvm:e 410 -
BEANS winy.1,nnt Vigor uuti 1='3311•
hog Unnh" d 3'01' h
weakness restoresthe
of body or wind
1 134
or the au of excesses of
youth. Thlit Railway *absolutely
solcures the
most obstinate 01313014 wizen all other 111N41•
111:011.0 3331313, 1'1131101 013130 to relieve, sold by
druggists at Al par ilaokag0, or SIX for 110, or
0,•131 by mall 011 receipt of 313iee by uddre08.
Illg3113(, 4,1330011111)141N0 00., Toronto, 011t,
Write 03rpamphlet. Said In 13ra00015 by
(t, A. 11$AD131AN,
e t n
,l 9 t
Fti•tni.lri9r / �/'�Jst9
�iV L 1
Tile GREAT COUGH (1JR1:, this
etipeov ftil CON I4IJMPT.ION (1111.52.3, ie
without 11 parallel in the 1110301'y of meds•
nine, All dregg10t0 are authorized to sell
it 031 a punitive guarantee, a test that no
other ours can successfully staled. If yon
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Brolahltie,
0310 it, for it will cure you. If your ohild
bas the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief 18 Imre. If you
dread duct insidious disease CONSUMP-
TION, 3i11i"r 14134 to use it, it will Duro
you or omit nothing. Auk your Druggist
for S11I1.OHI'S 01111314, Pri00 100., 600.
and 31.00 If your lungs aro sore or back
'mediae Shiloll's Porous Plaster, 25o,
"""����4 "or.'l'A, T:aw^Irl• 1', 31031', A±rot, a P r..
1 y" A,.U•I':,n'Ir3r•Id:, rs•rhr11.03,(('Mllun
3 m•no„ltl n:nnvgtnux--s3, ity m:•3, e:,.x
0. f.'.r p:ll, ani u! 4": may thnr.,u ldr,lor,ea
rax ryN'L' �`'r: � ' f 1 a w.. 1 t- 1 r s. t t
V':18i N n: E•. r.917'r �n 3,t --I rl::o:n �r4 rig. -A 1',,•.1-. e
Restores Fading hair to its
original color.
Sten felling of hair.
t(e0ps the 60Elp clean,
Matee heir sett 1035331530
Naiades growth.
1110K! 9 LOOK!
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Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A look at his photos,
will convince you that they are first-class. The public
are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also Enlarged to cartrl size
7.12 Crayon at reasonable Prices.
A Specialty made of Cut -door View.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard Bank.
I- LJ . ST. 0 l_N"
40., 'i. .C.1-cSss.•M-car Ysi. _ - 4.1,0 .1.:1 26,30 aiC 1M(1tY1112a
TI -1 H!
WANTS TO GET, ` • _ .
3 t ��i.t j � a;,
P al la t• .i DS OF
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed,
We have a rque ,41,esortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Prints,
Cashmeres, Blankets, Sheet-
ing, Knitted Goods,
Yarns, &o.
All Wool left with us for Immo fteturiig, whether roils of
otherwise, will have our prompt attention,
Satisfaction - Guaranteed.