HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-17, Page 44 New Advertisements. Locals --1)r, Ayer. Loonis—l3, Gerry. Local—Alex. Smith. Paris Green --J. T. Pepper, Local—Ferguson & Halliday. Auction Sale --W. M. Sinolarr. (1i SIC )11111,"aSCIS A005t. F'UIIIAF, Ji'` l,' 17, 1892. HON. EnwAiin Burow has been asked to accept a seat in the Imperial Parliament' by the Irish National leaders. Pnesienxr Huu usox received tie nomi• nation of his party at the big Republican convention lost week on the first ballot. Mr. Blaine was not in it. Grover Cleve- land will very likely oppose Mr. Harrison for the Presidency and a big fight will be the result with the odds in favor of the latter. A srnr forward was made last week at the Huron County Connell when it was decided to ascertain tbe sentiment of the electors, by vote, next January, on the question of erecting a House of Refuge for thin County. Facts and figures will be placed before the electorate in good season so that they will be in a position to know both sides and thereby express their opinion intelligently on this very important matter. CIIfC.IGO 'WOULD'S Na110. World's Fair appropriations so far reach $4,500,000. The shoe and leather industry will have a special building. A herd of live elk will be taken from Idaho to the Exposition. An East Indian village and exhibit will occupy 200,000 square feet of space on Midway Plaisanee. One of the attractive features of Aus. tralian exhibit will be tree ferns from Sydney, New South Wales. Mme. Vishnergradski is chairman of the Russian commission to collect an ex- hibit of woman's work in the Russian empire. The Canadian Pacific Railway will exhibit.a model passenger train and also models of its fine ocean steamers. The Silk Association of Arnerioa and the Silk Industry Association will combine, making the finest possible ex- hibit of silk goods. A choral building, 100 by 200 feet, and costing $100,000, will be erected near the Horticnitnral Hall. It will be devoted to musical attractions, chiefly large eh cruses. It is proposed to ran from New York to Chicago at the time of the dedleation of the Exposition bnildings ten special trains, ten minutes apart, each train to have elaborate decorations and music. The :Methodists will hold an inter- , national canon meetin-; of a month's dura- tion at the time` of the Exposition. It I will be held half the time at De•plaines I and the other half at Lake Bluff, a few miles out from Chicago. Idaho will show some splendid speci• mens of mica in the Mines building. It has ledges of mica x feet thick and ap- parently inexhaustible. Sheets of it ns large as 10 by 1.2 inches, without a flaw and as thin ea tissue paper, are not un• common. The Italian Government has selected its warship America to nonvey to the United States the Italian exhibits to the Exposition free of charge. The Rome Chamber of Commerce has invited other chambers to form committees to promote the securing of Italian exhibits. Queen Victoria will send some spew.. mens of her own knitting, needlework, etc., and also some drawings done by her in her girlhood. Princess Louisa and Princess Henry will also send specimens of needlework. Perth County. The Midland Counties Baptist Associa• tion was in session at Stratford last week. An order has been made for the post. ponement of tbe South Perth election trial until Sept. 8111. Rev. Robt. Hamilton, of Motherwell, has arrived from his trip through Egypt, Palestine, Greene and Britain. A wager of $1 was won by R. T. Swales, of St. Marys for ringing the town bell for ten minutes. He kept it up for 10 min- utes. The Stratford Herald hoe purchased the Times of the some pity and amalga. mated the two, There were too many newspapers in Stratford. At the semi annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge for Sonth Perth, held in St. Marys, it was decided to par- ticipate in the 1,2th of July celebration in Sarnia this year. L. Bolton, P. L. S., of Listowel, is sur. veying a race oourse in Milverton. It will be a full half mile track, and when liniehed will not be surpassed by any other in the district, Rev. W. W. Leech, of Woodham, has been appointed one of the M. W. Deputy Grand Chaplains, at the meeting in Montreal, June 1, of the Grand Orange Lodge of British North America. The sohonl authoritiee of Stratford are negotiating with the Grand Trunk Rail. way Company for rates to Sarnia, in. tending, if it can be arranged, to give the 1,600 ohildren of the Stratford schools their annual poo -Hie at flay View Park. According to a diary kept by Rev, A. L. Mussel, 13. A„ of Exeter, of the wet days in the month of May, during the past number of years, the past Fray month has been found to contain vastly more Wet weather than any during the period of which note has been kept, August Dragon, a well•to-c10 farm er of the township of Logan, met with a very serious accident ata barn raising Friday evening of last week on the farm of T. Williams, two miles from Mitchell. Be- fore jnmping from a sill of the building, nine feet from the ground, Mr. Drager pitched an iron crowbar from his hand, and, not seeing in the dusk that it studs in the ground in on upright position, he alighted on it. The crowbar entered his bowels several inahee, and he remained impaled until helped from his pninfnl position, He Was carried to the house nand medical old woe summoned, but he died from the effects. TILE ]3RITSSELS POST wetextimeasemesuiscsmsousiesescroesseaseemeilionisauisamaserausareemainmenazseuseaxceencramerecemarnaerrouteesulmuyeatui Thu trial of Mrs. Nettie Carruthers charged with the murder of her hnabend the late Thos.. B. Carruthers, foemerly of , lilnnahnrd township, at ltoluy River, on January 3rd, 1881, commenced at Port , Arthur on June the 7th, befars Chief Jnstioe Armour. The parties formerly re.ided near Metropolitan. She was no- g itted. The Oland Trunk ta1lruY Company l aw Y intend erecting works on their property in Palmerston for creosoting or burro• tieing railway tie timber eo that the ties will be more durable. The work will be on swill a scala that all ties shipped from the 000110ns centering at Palmerston will be passed tbrongh this promise and re- shipped to other points on the line. Patrick Keating, sr., of Hibbert town• ship, met with a serious accident on the 8th lost, It seems that he was tighten- ing up a wire fence when his hand Blip. ped and the barbs tore it in a frightful 1 manner. The largest tear required five stitches, while there were a uumber of small ones which were brought together with plaster. He will be disabled for some time. What might have proved a sedans if not fatal accident happened on Isaao Barnett's farm, Bleneh008, a few days ago. Mr, Barnett with his father and the hired man were seated in a wagon to which the team was attached and were about to proceed to the house for dinner. As he bad done many times before, Mr. B. stepped on the tongue of the wagon and leaned forward to put up the cheek. This startled the horses and they bolted. The hired man jumped and esoaped in- jury. The driver's feet became entaug• led in the whipple and doublelrees and he was irsaRei along the eround can• siderable distance amid the wheels passed over his arms and body. Ilow he escap- ed with only a number of ugly braises and discolored limbs is a miracle. Mr Barnett, sr., an old gentleman of 72, realizing the serious predicament of his son, pluckily leaned forward and secured the lines and finally succeeded, with the aid of the much frightened hired man, in bringing the runaways to a halt. The Milverton Sun says :—The Rev. Thos. Lowry, one of the oldest P reeby- terian ministers in Canada, has been re- moved by death. On Saturday morn- ing,lfay 28tH, at the residence of his son-in-law, James Whaley, he peacefully passed away. .8. native of the north of Ireland, Mr, Lowry was ordained to the work of the ministry on September 24th, 1833, and was thus for nearly 50 years a minister of the Presbyterian church. The first ten years of his ministry were spent in his native • land, after which he was sent out by the Colonial Mission Board to Canada, where he has resided ever since. Mr. Lowry was an able and faithful preacher, as many of the older members of the Presbyterian church here can testify. For five years he was pas- tor in this place, and during his pastor- ate the now strong and flourishing con- gregation of North Morningtou was or. ganized. from Milverton and North 101[ornington Mr. Lowry was translated to the first Presbyterinu ohurel], Brant- ford, where he labored with conch suo• cess till July 5011, 1881, when on nceount of failing health he dead' tett his charge and retired from the active duties of the pastorate. For the teat two years he had been in feeble health, and trusting in that Saviour he hart so long and faith. fully preached he fell asleep at the ripe age of 81. His funeral was attended by a large umber of sorrowing relatives and friends. The services were con- ducted by the Rev. John Kay, Milverton, and the remains were laid in Milverton Presbyterian cemetery, .':r,rcicli„11 101c,'t:. Peat of good quality has been found near Berlin, Ont. John Bowles, aged 25, was drowned while bathing in a pond at Cedarville, Monday. J. W. H. Wilson has been elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba. Edward Huddleston, aged 22, was swept over a dam at Belleville last week and drowned. The treasurer of Middlesex County es- timates the expenditure of the coming year et $54,930. :Its. Corky, of Barriefield, .near King. ston, hid $30 10 her stove, forgot it was there and lit the fire. Matthew Sutherland, a young resident; of Kildonan, Man., was drowned while bathing in Red River. An unprecedented number of bears have been killed in the northern portion of Hastings this spring. Hon. D. 0. Fraser has been elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Nova Scotia. Mrs. D. ,Moore was found dead in a well Monday afternoon at her house, Manitoba street, St. Thomas. The County Council of Oxford present. ed Sir Oliver Mowat with a eongratula• tory address on his knighthood. Rev, John le, Semmens was elected President of the Methodist Conference for Manitoba and the Northwest. Nelson Sears, of Aylmer, Ont., bruised his knee in Dakota last winter. It bas now been amputated to save his life. Joseph )h Aud usenagedtwenty,of tY, was in. atantly loped by failing on a ah•onlar saw at Edgar Station, Essex County, Monday. Frederick Wing, aged twenty, and Eva Berkinshaw, aged eighteen, were drown- ed ;while boating on the bay at Toronto Saturday night. A Prince Albert despatch says there are ver strong g reasons for believingthat the M. and N. W. Railway will be ex- tended to Prince Albert this season. A Hamilton woman is suing the Ham- ilton Electric Light Company for $2,000 damages. One of the company's line re. pairere dropped a pair of pincers on her head, John Long, a young German, and a stranger in the conntry, aged 10 years, had hie hand out off at the wrist while running the edging acv in 0. Sohlofilanf'e mill, West Lorne, last week. The Paluterston Telegrrph says :—Goo. Merrick's eldest dauxlrter came near los' ing her life the other day. She 15 a pupil in the public school, and as there ie no drinking water on the school grounds, she, like other children, went to a pump near the salines, and whilst in the act of pumping the platform gave way and she fell into the well, end sank into the water over her head. On rising to the suttees she clutched the pump tree, An alarm ane raised and Mr. Mo. Arthur, one of the teachers, put a rales gown to the girt, which she grasped and 1 y wh'oh she was drawn up. The Caledonia Advertiser writes up n glowing obituary on a resident of Ire town and closes the artlela by saying 1-- ; "The deceased has also owed ns $2,60 on subscription for about nine years peat.' Jae. Harrison, the 0001101' Hutu who jumped from n second story window and thr'cmgh a skylight lit tbs Robinson Ianso, Boy slyest, Toronto, while suffer- ing from uffo -ingficm delirium tremens, them at the hospital laid,fS nrdaY til lt A fugenious Neu of buying the Imes - Bayles of life is reported from the neigh• boyhood of Berlin. A peasant woman with a large basket on her back entered a grocer's shop of that place. lu the air. outer basket was it large earthenware jai'. The woman bespoke about $5 worth of things, which she carefully packed in the earthenware jar, then tied up the mouth, and asked permission to leave the jar In the corner. She would return in an horn', she said, fetch the things and pity for them, The grocer, having granted her wish, she carefully put the jar in a corner cud retired—not to return. Atter many hours the shopman proceeded to examine the barge earthenware jar. It had 110 bottom 1 Mrs. Pike, of Duniland, Ireland, has become more or less celebrated by Batch- ing a 35 polled salmon with a six ounce trouta•od. She appears to have caught something of a 'pike' in her day, too. The longest train ever hauled in this ocuntry by a single engine has jolt been hauled on the Reading Road. 11 con- tained 260 empty freight cars and wo' abo'tt n mile and n quarter in length. The oldest hotel iu Switzerland, and probably in the world, is the hotel of the Three Kings at Basle. Among its guests in 1020 were Emperor Conrad II, and bis son Henry III. and Rudolph, the last king of Burgundy. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST P.LTES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors, BRUSSELS, ONT. Private Funds to Loan. x20,000 Have been placed in ms hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. B0rrOwOrS Call have loanS C0m- pletecl in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCL,AIR, Solicitor, Rrrissels. Jersey he Dream . .ND 1TERHY T[TbK SHAKE I have mule arrangemeut with Mr. G. A. Deadman *hereby he i, to sopply me with all the JERSEY CR !]Ali and JERSEY MILK I may require. You can therefore de. pond on having a very superior Ise Crean and 11Milk Shake. The following is the agreement between us ;—I hereby agree to supply 1![r. Thos. Rutledge, for his Ice Crean and shills Shalee, or other pur- poses utposes in connection with his Restaurant, Jersey Cream and 5111k as he may re- quire, on the conditinn that no other Cream or Milk is used except as supplied by me, G. A. DEADMAN. Please remember that we make a epee• ialty oleo of Bnaualas, Oranges, Lemons, Pule App'es, Cream Candies, Nuts, &c. Thos. ,utled ge. onstipation, IF not remedied in season, is liable to become habitual and chronic. Dres - ticpurgatives, by weakening the bowels, rather than cure, to evil. Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and strengthening in their action, are gener- ally recommended by tho faculty as the best of aperients. "Having boon subject, for years, to constipation, without being able to find much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills. dutyan a pleasure both a it a T deem to testify that I have derived great ben- efit from their use. For over two years past I have taken one of these pills every night before retiring. I would not willingly be without them,"—G. 'W. Bowman, 211 Beat blain st., Carlisle, Pa. "I have been taking Ayer's Pills and using them in my family since 1807, and cheerfully roeouimend them to all in need of a safe but effectual cathartic.” —John M. Boggs, Louisville, Hy "For Dight years I was afflicted with constipation, which at last became so had that the doctors could do no more for mo. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels reeoverod their natural and regular action, so that now I am In excellent health."—S. L. Loughbrldge, Bryan, Texas. Havingused Ayer's Pills with good results, I ully indorse them for the pur- poses for which they are recommended." —T, Conners, 033. D., Centre Bridge, Pa, eras Pills, 0158031100 nY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine, ooTs COTTON aAoz NE (IMPOUND. A reeont discovery by ml old physician, Successful. ly used mons bly by thots- auda of LAnlna, is the only perfeotiy safe and reliable medicine tis ,\• area. Beware of tot rp druggistswile e maw to s medicines inplane n�iiis. Asit for SiCowen ROOT COMPOUND. tuste n MIaa lustoss 1 aud 4 t.nant Osun pa stumps in letter. aWO Will 00ti, sealed, by return Full seal. od particulars in plan auvelopn, to ladies only, 2 stamps, Address rend 1,11Y Com" patty, No. 3 Fisher Block, 181 \Youdward aro., lletroit, Mish. t—^•s"sola to nlneeela by J,'1', prrrl.l0, G. A. I/MA 1MAN and all responsible druggists everywhere. Ontario Mutual Life, 1111:69) 111•'F1l'11, • N',l'I'Elt r,01f, 4)101'. Assurance in force Jan'y,'92, , 514,034,807 New bnsineee written in 18111 2,110.1,060 Increase over 1800 310,800 Cash lumina for 1801 047,020 Increase over 1890 67,020 Liberal Conditions of Policies. Cash and Naid-up Values guaranteed on snob poll0v. All dividends belong to and ole pail only to policy hollers. Premiums payable (airing flue month in whiah they fall dale. Policies aro inooutostablo two years from onto of issue. No restriction Diu travel, residence or oc- cupation, Lapsed ,nbcies may be revived within ix mouths after lapse. ) o4i\e s Death (Minns putt at once an completion of claim papecn. J, A. YOUNG, District Agent, Ethel, TKOS, FbETOlER, Practical 1Vatchm.calter and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Late.st Desiryns JEWELRY Wltnnmxo Rmxos, LADLES Go,r RINGS, Bnoocrrrs, EARRINGS, &a. 'Also a Full Lino of Vronmvs and Violin Strings, &u., in stook. N. 11: —Isi ..i' t1' or DinruRn;e IL/entices. T. Fletcher, - Brussels F+.Ii. carr c „ I4, —Manufacturer of— Buggies, Carriages, &e. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, BRIISS1s0LS, Our Work will satisfy you and our Prices will please. Call end See; till as We aro Here to Hustle Business, Pftotouailiy u Net i l� a i 11 1 The leading Photographer et' Woodstock for the past 18 years, has leased the Photograph Gal• levy lately occupied by L. Hunt. er, where ho is prepared to make first-class Photographs in all of the Latest` Styles and Sizes. AMISL ACTIO to GUARANTEED. Call at his Gallery and see Samples, PHOTOGRAPHER, BRUSSELS, NEXT To THE AIBBIIIC,1N HOTEL. JUNE 17, 1892 nuttumuccicssaccrecnencanunwanmaxransuczonnwawmamenntszawsmworawarowanwmat 8EASN'ALE A iH1.'IN & A. line ill Prints. to sell at 100 , regular 1.2..!e. Goods. .a. flue line of Printed Mitslins 1'1.011110o. to 25e. All Wool Delaines and Dolainettes, Chock Musl.ins, Victoria Lawns, Indict Linens, Lace Cur- tains, rurtainettes and Art i\Iuslins, Bats for everybody front sic. upwards. Parasols at 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $I,50, $2.00 c& $2.50. 'Rubber Coate and. Ladies' Circi,1are. A full stock of new Goods at the Lowest Prices. Give us a Call. IRWIN & McB-AIN. ....pvrn:p.pppmwwpvxc - .cc:nm-..rn-n.,.:m u� Of Ill1e1Uo!heP1lt1ic8 Having purchased the Furniture Business of Messrs. Smith, Malcolm & Gibson, Brussels, I desire to notify the public generally that I will keep a first-class stock of 7E Ot the newest designs, and will sell at close prices Spec- ial attention given to repairing. A NICE RANGE OF CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. I will keep a well selected stock of Caskets, Collins, Sic., also it first-class Hearse. My personal attention will be given to all orders. Picture Framing done on short notice. A large stock of mould- ing always on hand. tl call is solicited from the people of Brussels and surrounding country. Satisfaction guaranteed. DAVID HOGS SHALE'S BLOCK, IBRUSSELS. — WAVE (o) Listowel Woolen.:Pao tory. (n) Rikhest Prices Paid, Gash or Trade, (") Largest Wool lir.,rket in Ontario. Everybody come and see our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods which we ofi'er at bottom, prices for cash or eschange for wool. NEW AND FRESH STOCK. We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a wool sea- son's business as at the present one, and have never felt so com- pletely confident of our ability to serve you with the best of goods at bottom prices. A specially attractive feature of our new lines of fico Flannels, strictly New STyiioa, far surpasses any wool season yet. FINE WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTINGS, (Something New offered to the trade.) We are the only Woollen Factory in CanadaC a that make this lino of goods and offer them for one-half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow. STOOK IN TRADED English Worsteds, Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, it oltons and Cloakiega, Fino and Coarse Flannels in Dress Goocls and Shirtings, Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Woollen and Cotton Underwear, Fingering and Stocking Yarns, Cottonacles, Cotton Shirtings, Win- ceys, Duck and Gray Cottons. Also a good supply of Stockings, Socks and Knitted Goocls, V7.A,R,NIlTG. We wish to warn the farmers not to be deceived by Shoddy Ped- dlers going through the country selling dishonest goods. We have 110 peddlers handling ()UV goods and they can only bo bought by dealing direct at tbo factory. Toil Carding; Spiain7».y and Jl1anzafactit7'i,ng, Tweeds, 11 ira7vneZs, .Blranl ei,s, c'u'e. Thanking our numerous customers for their past favors, would bog to say come and bring your neighbor to see our stock, as you will be highly pleased to see goods so low in price. You will find 113 ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all, B. F. BROOK & SON.