HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-17, Page 1Volume 19.
tat raIa'ln....................................-.A9q48.t.alntiywupaWla.lagR=Ll4S&S.ItUMXIM.Mo.ttleMau4eastaasatpzrlyoalaaiottmasaomwscr.e.r.,-kaac/mryomocrsaruu.gmurroaµau.xutosram.neruKvmquutWnvoauxsc.aeoatkwusv.Irerak.
Huron County Council.
The Jona $scion of the Comity (Mull-
en (tax opened 00 Tuesday of Inst week
at 3 technic, the warden in the chair, and
all the mernbors preemie W. 1I. 'Seer
faking tha plan or J. 1f. illeintush,
resigned WI reeve of 1A excels,
On the reading of the miuntce of the
last day of the .launury session, a motion
by M. Y, AIoLuntl and F. Audureen, to
amend, was agreed to, the minutes rattl-
ing that riding rtgoianitural shows do not
participate in rho $300 granted by the
The folloxing oommuuiclttians were
rend :
F'. G. Noolht, Seaforth Sun, with
reference to eon10 mistake in printing
mi0ut30, Filed,
From County Solicitor, rotative to rho
rape bridge at Wingham, Ordered
printed fn rho minutes.
From James Cochrane, wardou of
Grey,advocaLing a plan for the reduo•
tion of members of County Cannella,
Report in favor of present system.
From Standard Pipe Co„ with refer,
mica to sizes and eats of pipe.
Resolution by Monis township coon.
cil, olailnitig part of the cost of bridges
in their municipality over 100 feet in
length, Laid over till the January see
Froin Jailer Dickson, referring to his
sickness, and enolo0ing account of ooet
of aesistancu during that time, No fiction;
A number of accounts were read, re-
ferred to P1110008 committee and ordered
to be paid.
A motion to grant $200 to assist 01
the erection of a look up in the town of
Seaforth was oatried.
Moved by Sanders, mended by Mc-
Pherson that W. H. Kerr be placed on
the Equalization Committee. Carried.
Council thou adjourned to moat again
at 10 a. m. \Veduaeday.
011000(0 D,(Y—W011x1(10.Y.
Council rosumee at 10 o'clock, the
warden in the chair, 1(11(1 all members
preaont except Mr. Coleman.
The following oommunication0 wore
read :
From secretary of Seaforth Collegiate
Institute, relative to time of 00111nn'uua•
mont of terms noel payment of grin ts.
From J. A. Gibbons, relative to dis•
r le at jail.
infectants fo 1 e (
Prom secretary of South Huron Isar.
mors' Institute, asking for the usual
grant of 023. Granted.
From clerk of 'oderioh town, declin•
o G o
in • rate offered commit for water and
6 e by c 1
electrio light for comity buildings.
From reeve of BeyIield, asking to have
Maria, McCoy placed as a comity ("3011.
Referred to Finance 0omm1t0ee. 8100
per year granted.
The following appeals wore referred to
Education comnutt08:---Frim tr;ieteea
S. S. No. 11, Hay ; from ratepayers of
flay, Stanl8y asci McKillop townships.
The Educational Oommitteo made the
following recommondatious :—ln refer.
once to the petition of ratepayers of
School Seotiol' No. 11, Har, end Union
Section leo, 1, Bay nod Stanley, the
committee re: nnlmended that His Honor
Judge 'Porus, William Coates, Clinton,
and II. E. Huston, Exeter, be appointed
arbitrators in this (111(110r, In 0318101103 to
the petition of Jolie Sutrfueder and
others, asking for the formation of a (10,0
Union school sect1o11 between the town.
ships of HIay and Stanley, the committee
recommended the appointment of the
same gentlemen an above recommended,
a committee to examine into tho matter ;
as to the petition of Thomas Mannder's
and others, of the tovu+hip of Morris,
asking that the south halves of lots 28
and 30, in the 7t0 oouoession, nod the
north half of lot 28, in the 8111 concession
of Morris, be detached from Union 8011001
section, of Grey, Morrie, and McKillop,
at Walton, stud added to school seotion
No. 4, Mortis, the oommittue renomineld•
ed the appointment of Uriah MoF adden,
Grey ; W. 1. Johnston, Morris, and
Thoinns l3, Bays, Aloli.illop, a (ellmittec
to arbitrate in the matter. The commit
tee further recommended that township
3130133 who boom not' sent in Wraps of
3013001 soutious and parts of school sea.
Cons aou1aiur(1 in their municipalities,
to the County Cleric for use of the Cooney
Council for reference, bo instructed by
the 000110y Clerk to do so at once.
The reports of the County 'Treastirov,
auditors, and a letter from the Comity
Clerk were trod, also the report of the
j8iler and Cho county oonamis0i01er.
Moved by M. Y. MOLean, seconded by
John Beacom that this Connell desire to
03110030 their sincere satisfaction and
thankfulness that H. Manning, reeve
of Clinton, is again sufficiently reoovorod
to be able to attend to his dsties in this
council and we hope very shortly to see
hint fully restored to his wonted health
and vigor, and we authorize the County
Tree:woe to pay Mr. Manning hie full
434003081 allowance for last January ies•
shin. Carried. Otte. Manning made a
feeling reply,
On motion of Kerr and Oliver the
usual genet of $25 to East Huron Farm•
er0' institute was passed.
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seeordad by
Mr. McEwau that this council request
the warden and 0081330080 to advertise in
the loading papers of the county, three
in08r110ns after every January and June
mooting, the a,11omit of sinking fend on
0811(1 for investment. Lost,
A 1noaion to pay John Carpenter $28,
ellen for oleariog ditch on boundary of
Logan 11.1101 14Lo..Kil100, the county of
Perth having pard the sante amount,
was (minded.
Council than ndjoarued 81101110 O'sfuok
Outtucil manned at 10 to m., the
warden in the glair. Letter from in.
epoctor of prisons was toad and reforred
to Comity Property Committee,
Lotter iron Sheriff Gibbons was read
and referred to Executive aommittao,
Roped of spooled. 0On11ni1108 ro Gra.
]tanl'0 bridge, AVingham, watt referred to
Road and Bridge committee.
Moved by Prondfoet, Seconded by Brit
fon that the woman of each mnnioipality
in the county bo requested to tape it vote
of the eleu(ora of the next municipal
('100(ion se to whether or 1101 a Melee of
should be erected in the Comity
of 'thane (;nand,
3103111 by I1au1ilten,,wenndd by Bryan
that the tratee00r, Clerk and warde:l tui
a 0II11111ittn0 to logit triter ant ((113ntl to
ineurilg the C1o, Wieling.] and to report
the sone to rho Council at every January
meeting. Carried.
Moved by 1t. B. SIuLaan, s0oomled by
McDonald that the rate of intermit be
induced to lee, on loans of the Go. fonds
negotiated after this date, Referred to
Executive committee. No 1(01100,
'Verged by Beok, 08non1131 by Kay that
the oarotakor of the Court IIouse bo in -
taunted hereafter to have the Co. flag
pot up on the dap, polo on the Queen's
Birthday, Dominion Day and any other
day that the Governor General proclaims
Lo he a clay of go nr111 tha nksgiviug, and
also during the Hea010110 of the County
Council. Carried.
Council then adjourned until 3 p. m.
The report of the Road aucf Bridge
committee was read. $300 7114 granted
to the \Viugham foot -bridge on condition
that the corporations of Turnberry and
\Viugh-un assume the 8111110. Moved by
Milne, secoo(1ad by Ether that a Com.
wittee 0nusi041ug of Rata, Kay, Griffin,
Keine and the newer and seconder, and
report at next meeting of Council con -
nettling the 00)S of expenses ro bridges
shim of Metric township. Carried,
The Finance committoeo report 1980
road, Moved by 11011, seconded by Mo -
Donald that ubo roport be amended and
the sows 111 of the town of Goderieh for
.$100 for water and light to Co. buildings
be paid. Carried.
The report of the Co. Property mom•
mittee was read and adopted.
Tha County Treasurer submitted a
statement of cash on hand and estimates
of the 111,10031 required to meet current
expenses, showing a balance of $12,000 iu
treasury, after all claims on hand are
provided for, and asking the Counoil to
authorize rho Warden and Treasurer to
borrow a sups nob exceeding $20,050 for
=rent expenses should any portion of it
be required. Ile also gave the following
statement of non-resident land aolleo-
tione between January 1st and April 20,
1009 :
Ashfield 8 45 58
Colborne 5 07
0oderiall8 00
Grey 35 42
if ,,y 85 88
Hallett 66
Morris 9 00
S81011100 1 (7J 54
Turnberry 208 94
East Wawanosh 26 22
Bayllold 0 00
Brnesols 9 00
8881 0.1
The following 1110 t111 amounts required
to bo raised by the several mnniaipahties
as equivalent to the legislative eohool
grant :—Ashlield, $430 ; Colbetue, 9240 ;
Goderiall, 0322 ; Grey, 8406 ; Hay, $461 ;
IIuwielt, $535 ; Uullott, 8380 ; MoKillop,
$896 ; .Norris, 6350 ; Stanley, $200 ;
Stephen, $407 ; Tuakorsntith, $343 ;
Turnberry, $'382 ; 'Osborne, $201 ; West
Wawanoeh, $237 ; 1,01 Wawnlosh, $257,
malting a total of $5,602.
The report of the gaoler stated that
tbore is not a coffin in the strias'
sense of the word, in gaol ; but there are
six males confined, four of whom are in-
sane and 110113 of them of a clangorous
type, and all awaiting removal to the
asylum. The other two inmates are
vag01ta18, A letter was also rend from
the Provincial Inapootor of Prisons, Mr.
Chamberlain. He reported having visit-
ed the gaol 0n the llth 0f May, and made
the following reference to that Institu-
tion :—This gaol is in a very poor con-
dition and ought to be thoroughly re.
mottled 80 0000 a8 possible. The water
Monts are placed fn the yards, and Ate
in a very insanitary state. Good sewer-
age should bo provided, and the town
water laid on to the premises. The bods,
bedding, cells and oorridors were in good
00(ler. The food supplies aro ubtoined
by contract, sol the dietary is in accord-
ance with gaol regulations. The hooka
are w,•ll kept and' the dlsoipliue and
management good. In future when old
people are oomnlitted to gaol for vagrancy,
they are not to wear the prison garb, but
slitabl3 ofvilittn's clothing must be pro-
vided if they havo not suflioinnb of their
anima's 41(031011.
Moved by Hamilton, seconded by eloon•
ay that after tiro first two eittingo of this
Coattail, committees report as far as they
llttvo gong with work. Ctu'ried.
Moved by Cox,soaondod by Beacom that
two btidgos—Dunlop's and Parson's—bs
examined by' Co. engineer and bo assumed
as 0o. bridges, Carried.
Moved by Kerr, seconded by Taylor
that this Cmul0il 1110pens8) with the
Deoember session for 3802. Carried.
Equalization committee's report was
mule 011 the buses of last year. Is event
of appeal the fine' equalization will boloft
to the judge.
(roved by i3eolc, 8300ndad by Taylor
that throe v111natg00 bo appointed by this
Connell for the p0rp08e of valuating tbs
real estate of this Co, and that their
081111111107 bo taken as the basis of equali•
ra1Ia0. Lost.
Moved by (tnnlilton, 0oaolded by Beck
111,10 envy of the "ilInuioipal World" be
ordered for eaoh member of this Council
for belanae of this year. Lost.
'Phe metal by laws (1303 read three
Hone and passed.
Tho County into for 1808 is 1 13)20
mills, for 1809 it w110 1 11(90.
Moved by Senders,08001ded by Keine
that Cho &lark be atithorizad to procure a
copy of tine 0038010111.W Criminal Law
for each of the reeves and deputy mem,
the same to become the property of the
080poativ0 municipalities. Carried.
Connote then (11905100801 at 11 p. an.
The ovorilow of the Danube and lie
1rib0tarlee OOv00e 240 square (1111es,
ts, closely oontostod (Minket maioh was
played at Exeter Friday between Peoter,
anti Clinton, remitting in favor of the
former by a 00000 of 88 to 63.
Presbyterian Assembly.
The General Assembly of the Presby.
terian Church in Ciumubt opm1011 its
eighteenth annual 81.1310(1 in Crusoent
Soret Chur0h, Montreal on Wednesday
of Istat weep. Over three hundred dela
gates 111 atteudalio1 front all parte of the
11on1111ou, Bev. 1)r. Wardrop, of
(Juolph, Ont., preached the opening
ltnv. Principal Cavern, of T000lt,,, and
Rev, Thomas Sodgwioh, of Nova Sootia,
were nominated for Modoratyr, analog n
veto being token Do. Cavan wee declared
(tented, and a03nmad rho chair. He
tlanked the Assembly for electing him to
the high poeitiel and referred to the
groat lose the ohttrell has sustained dur-
ing the year by t113 death of Rev. Dr.
Cook, Rev. Dr. Fraser, Principal Caving
and Spurgeon.
The Assembly had only routine work
Thursday morning (vith devotional
oxeroisee. All the delegates present. A
number of committees were appointed,
including one to oouvey the fraternal
greetings of the as3rmbly to the Congre-
gational Union now in 0080100. The 1(p.
plioatiol of a number of ministers t0
have their 0811100 planed on the rolls of
the Presbyterin Church in Canada was
referred to the committee on the romp.
lion of ministers.
As the resignation of Rev. Dr, Fraser,
who has for years filled the ollloe of re.
oording cleric, lvas accepted with deep
regret, the Assembly decided to
grant bins during his life time the salary
he has been reooiviug as recording
Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Montreal, was
0nanimottely cleated recording clerk.
The total receipts for the year for the
eastern section, which include the Mari-
time Provinoeo and Newfoundland, were
812,112, and for the western section, !n•
eluding all west of the former, ;;130,920,
augmentation $8,738, making at grand
total of $160,081.
The following were appointed to eon.
stitute the executive committee for the
year :—Rev. Dr, Coobrane, Dr. Warden,
Dr. Robertson, Dr. Laing, Dr. Campbell,
Messrs.MauDonnell, Somerville, Fraser,
Givary, Modic, Warden, Kerry, Kilgour,
noel Geo. Rutherford.
The most important business before
the Assembly Friday morning was the
to deor (ries of those
proposaleros al
rniuieters who received assistance from
the augmentation fund from $000 to
S50 per year. There as a hot discus-
Y (v (
i n ver this it as 111111 defeated
so o w b
n „ u
sod majority. It tyros ,deo proposed
to form a new synod 01 British Columbia
and to make three Presbyteries out of
the present Presbytery. This matter
WWI left to a committee.
The principal business at rho afternoon
session was the consideration of the re-
port of the committee on the Aged and
Infirm Ministers' Foul. The eastern
fund now amounts to $3,060, and there
are eighteen annuitants. The western
fund ,magma to $86,021, and during the
year 70 annuitants received in all 818,•
864. Of the 726 ministers in the western
section Duly 369 oontribute to the fond.
Rev. W. Burgs WKS appointed Secretary
of the committee.
It was decided to receive Rev. Dr. Gray
representing the Oheroh of Scotland, on
The whole of the evening session was
taken up with the report of the Foreign
_Mission Committee, which described the
Word( done in Palestine, China, India,
Formosa and other places. It wan au.
110l1 1130d Rev. Mr. Gould, a graduate of
Kuox Church, has been appointed assist-
ant to Dr. McKay iu Formosa.
Rev. J. McDougall, of the China
tnissiou, delivered a stirring address, In
which ho described the opium traffio as
the obstacle to mission work. The Ae-
sembly passed a Strong resolution eon.
doming the opium traffic] and inetrnatiug
the Foreign 3Iission Committee to tape
action towards its overthrow.
Monday morning the question of hymn
books was taken up and this resolution
(v11.0 passed;—That the Assembly in.
0truot the hymnal committee to be etp•
poinded to consider rho question of rovie-
Lug or enlarging the hymnal and author-
ize it to confer with rho praise 001110111 1.
tees of other churches with regard to a
common hymnal.
The committee on remits have report-
ed in favor of holding a summer session
for students of theology in one of the
Presbyterian colleges.
P00 reports on Knox Collage, Toronto,
and Afauitoba 0otlege were r000iv3(1, and
011010 recommendations adopted,
Rev. Dr. Cochrane, on behalf of tlio
Brantford Presbytery, extended a aorclial
invitation to the Gonoral Assembly to
hold its next mooting in that town. The
invitation was unanimously accented,
and the Assembly will meet of rho sec-
ond Wednesday of next June in Zion
Church, Brantford. Dr. 00011ra00, fs
one of the most popular members of the
Assembly, and the 111511011 to meet at
Brantford was carried with enthusiasm.
Principal King, of Manitoba A0s0mbly,
made an important au11ounawnent. IIo
autumn 0 l that the position of the Col
lege was not satisfactory, Out of 95
soholer0hipe given by the Univer0i0y of
Manitoba the studanl0 of 110 ,itoba 11(d
taken 11. It Das intended to' raise the
stun of $40,000 for adlitione to the build.
fug, and ho had boon promised by a
wealthy friend that W11011 the fund (va0
raised he would subearibe $0,000.
The Aeseuibly di0.n osod the oobjoct of
French evangelism lion. Satisfactory re.
ports of the progress of the Wotk were
presented. The total number of 1i'rouoli.
P001801a1)18 is now estimated tut 20,000,
with 15,000 in New lenglancl, Tho work
was strongly oemnended by W. M,
Cadlto, Q. 0., Toronto, Prinel ial Forest,
of Dalhousie College and others.
Tito coultui0100 on the Meiling of 01m1
mor theological 80ndiee ('010ered the
matter back to 1118 Assembly, as they
were divided on the principle,
The donate on Mortimer Clarko's
amendment to taste the appointment,
11untrol and remeval of professors in the
theological faculty of Queen's College
out of the hands of the tru81830 and
Iralsfar it to 111.. Genesi A...winless, was
1'riu0ipel Grant 1,1m11e n. strong dofoune
for Q11000.0. eharacteriziu;; the amend•
MOM as It revolutionary mea0mro, 1W 11
logi'al ae,1 ill Opposition to the historical
pnaitiol of rho nhurrh and ageiu01 the
p, lnoiploo of the not of uuinn.
The amondnutnt 3988 p06 to rho moot-
ing, when 36 voted for it ted 131 against.
A 00rnmi1(03 wits appoiut0•1, with Dr.
A. 13. Mackay, of itloutreal, 0,1 chairman,
to draw a loyal address t0 the Queen and
Governor General.
A long debate tool( plan m1 the plea.
lion of a 01(014100 00001011 in connection
with 'Manitoba College. Dr. Gordon
proposed that a summer eoesiou should
be held from April to Augnat, bot the
proposal, while strongly advocated by the
3lemi1abla delegates, ryas strongly oppos-
ed by other delegates and dismission was
The Assembly considered the question
of Sunday echoois. Satisfactory reports
were presented and a recommendation
that a genet -al colleotion on behalf of Sun.
day s0hools be taken on the last Sabbath
of September was adopted,
The temperance report, reporting; natl.
factory program, was submitted.
The Assembly eat until late Monday
night discussing the submitting of the
temperance question to the Prohibition
Commission. It was finally decided that
the moderator, with the clerk of the
Assembly, bo a committee to solicit sub•
scriptions before July 1560, and to see to
planing the case of the temperance people
before the Commission.
,O•rlir3 O;1' RECENT 1,0411811:111titlt.
Fur )i13x0cll'A0. ACT,
Tho qualification of councillors in
towns is reduced to $400 freehold or $800
leasehold ; in townships to $200 freehold,
or $400 leasehold.
Leaseholds for a term of not less than
five years are to he deemed owners for
the purpose of the Municipal P0e11011180,
and persons assessed for 8200 or more in
towns less than 3,000 inhabitants, are
now entitled to vote. Tho former mini.
mum was 1$300.
The day for resigning is limited to the
nomination day sad the day following.
A voter may soleot for himself any one
of the prescribed forms of oath.
Certified copies 01 dootunents in the
oustoly of the clerk may be fyled in
eau:0s Instead of the originals.
Auditors are required to make a report
n 1ton the condition and value of the
aocuritiee given by the treasures, the cash
balance in his h8nde, and whether itn-
tnediatoly 'wettable. The treasurer's
bank accounts shall also be submitted to
the auditors.
The valuation for equalization may be
extended by the county oouncil for n
further period of five years.
Clerks are to receive a reasonable re•
muneration for their services under the
Ditches and Watercourses Act, and for
copies of documents furnished by 1118m.
Ile voting on money bylaws, a voter
can vote in eaoh wand fu whiob he has a
The power of granting a bonus for
promoting any manufacture is ((it11•
A more definite procedure in relation
to motions to quash by-laws is enacted,
and the party applying is now regnired
to give security for Dost to the extent of
himself in .$00 and two sureties 111 $50
A magistrate is not disqualified from
acting where, in case of couviotion, a fine
or part thereof goes to the mnnioipality
of which,llc is a ratepayer.
Cities mud (owns may pass by -latus en-
abling inspectors or chief constables,
where a person is charged with being
drunk, ( 1011001 being disorderly, in the
case of a first or 8eee1d offence, to dis-
charge the offender without bringing him
before a magistrate.
Hawkers of watches, plated ware or
silver ware aro reg1ire11 to tape 001 a
peeler's license,
Morris Council Meeting,
The Court of Revision met pursuant
to adverti3emout, members nil present
and aubsoribecl the oath r'equir'ed by
statute, Appeals were disposed of as
follows—James Stratton, complained of
being too high assessed. Reduced SW..
00. John 1'htnna, O01.np11110Od of being t00
high assessed. Dismissed. John Kelly
entered owner Ne lot 13, con. 8 ; Edward
Ward entered owner ill. F. 811 12, con. 11 ;
Chas. Hami1100 a11d Jets. Potter entered
owners $8 28 0011, 7; David Fleming
entered 18111100 N. W. part 11, eon. 6 ; A.
Campbell and Jets. 3.iteho000 had each a
dog etruok off. On motion of Messrs.
Pouotor and Kirkby the Court of Ravi•
sial (vee then adjourned to meet again on
lite 27t11 June. Council business was
then pr.co0ded with, the Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of least sleeting read stud
passed. Moved by Oro. .Kirkby, Esmond•
eel by C. A. Howe that Alex. Clark be
allowed 20 ale. per roil for putting in a
piped drain cm silt/line between lots 10
and 11, con. 5, Jas. Proctor to inspect the
wont. Carried. Moved by Geo. Kirk-
by, seconded by 8. (:nldbick that the
taxes oolleoted,on the sovornl &hm•01100 in
the township last year he refunded as
they were illesettly ass00se(1. Carried,
Moved by Jas. Prootor, seconded by Geo.
Birkby that C. A. 3I,(vo be 130trttoted to
havo bridge on si,bli110 between tote 5
and 6, con. 0, pn0 in a mentor matte 01 rm
pair. Unrried. Moved by S. Clddbiok,
00011ndod by Jas. Proctor that this coon.
oil expend $200 on tiro east and $900 on
tee (vest gravel made providing the
wtnicipali0ies of Grey aid bast Wawa.
nosh expoud egn:tl sums. Carried. A
colmnnnicatlon from James Oeaig in
reference to clraiy 0)1 7th and 8t11 con.
cessions - (w110 read and filed.
By•lawo numbering 5 to 11, 1809,
wore react three tines and pa80od,
011 mottles of Prootor and 0alclhiol( tido
following accents wore ordered to bo
paid :- Albert Hughes, 1(0pt1101(114 road at
tot .19, eon. 1, 135.00 ; Misses Exford,
0harety, 90.001 'Moa. Sheridan, removing
(loodwood 1111(1 repairing bridge, $3.50 ;
Isaac Farrand, repairing culvert, $8,00 ;
Francis Wright, gravel, *2.22 ; eo+•p0ra
tion of Myth, shovelling snu,v en went
gravel ro,1!,*1.0) (leo, Jane set, lum1a-
H1o11 of «hnrch tux, .52.311 ; Ches. Me
Clellane, remission of (hutch tax, ti2.10 ;
\Vm. Wray, 0emis0ion of chorea tax,
'x3,11(1 ( John Watson, 1030.013''('3 eatery,
5181100: W. Clark, part eatery, $10,00 ;
W. J. Johnston, romieeion of clutre1i tax,
99,60• 'loved by S. Caldbiok, saouuded
by James 'Teeter that C. A. Ilowe be
instructed to expend $110.00 in 03(111hti014
road at lots 1 and 11, or 710 con. line.
Carried. On (notion of Messrs. Prom
for mud Kirkby the Council thenadjourn•
ell to sleet again after Court of Rovieiun
on the 27th of Jona next. -
W, 01,131,, Clerk.
P1511C1'11:t1 POULTRY It.t.181NG.
110 T. 1. wmcrrr0, warren:, 0110.
Don't be oatried away by your own
prejudices in the matter, recollect that
you are oato'ing to the publio, and if 3o0
wish to win a reputation for your droned
poultry yon 111081 011pply (rust the public
want ;told the majority of these who
represent the first class buyers of any
olty in Canada of the Clotted States,
prefer it fowl with yellow skin and yellow
beak, and clear yellow shanks free from
feathers, 30011 fowl in this co0utry 'rank
as firat•elass table poultry, whilst birds
with white skin, and white willow, or
black shanks are considered second class
goods. In England the reverse da the
case, white 81tin fowl ranking first, the
Dorking being held in great esteem, but
in America tins fowl i3 not bred to any
extent ; on the other band Plymouth
Rooks are Doming rapidly into favor in
England, large numbers of them being
exhibited at every poultry show, the
startling merits of the breed having (von
for then the good opinions of Euglioh
breeders. This preference for white or
yellow skin is doubtless all a matter of
fancy, the probability is that not one per-
son in Jifty could tell they a fowl is roast-
ed whether it orginolly possessed white
or yellow shin, and as neither the shanks
or beak appear on the table it would
seem a platter of indifference what Dolor
they were, such, however, is not the case,
the publio have their whims, and if yon
wish to sell your poultry to the best Y al -
vantage on must humor those whim
c o this
you will find it muoh easier to1
Ono to change the publio opinion to your
own way of thinking. If your fowl have
white 8k111 1(11(1 white or black shanks,
the best thing on can do is to of rid
thein, you can never pro(1(100 first-olass
table fowl as long as you breed such
stook ; don't persuade yourself that they
will do well enough at the present time,
it is easier t0 change to tho breed that
poss80se8 these qualifications nosy while
your took is email, than it will be when
you possess three o0 four hundred fowl.
One of the largest market poulterers in
the United States says lie cannot afford
to breed anything but what ranks highest
in the estimation of the public, because
a difference of one Dent per lb. makes a
clifferenue of 8300 to him its a year.
Don't forget this, gentle reader, if you
are cherishing visions of a mammoth
poultry establishment in the near future,
remember that your revenue will be
very greatly effeoted by the class of
Poultry that you breed. There are over
fifty different varieties and sub -varieties
of thoroughbred fowl, and many of them
(could be about 1(8 useful to the market
poulterer as blue jays or robins. Many
people keep such fowl fur their Orname0•
tal appearance in the same way that
others keep white mice, guinea pigs, ring.
tail monkeys, and other lovely and
charming creatures of that ilk. Bat few
of the ornamental v1( ,01138 possess any
praotioal, useful qualities, many of then
are extremely dolioate, and for market
purposes are utterly useless. Having
disposed of your common scrub bens,
your best plan will be to p11r311338 one or
two breeding pons of fowl of the variety
yon have selected as best suited to your
pm•pooe. To soleot the right broo:l is of
vital importance, but it is equally es im•
portant to select the right strain of that
breed ; a strain or family of fowl that
possess in an eminent degree the valuable
0harnctetistioi you aro seeping, v10.,
early maturity au(1 groat prolificacy,
0101'.11110 (1)01OP PROSPECTS.
Tho Ontario department of Agrioul•
ttu'e las issued a bulletin of (cops of the
Provisos gathered from repo0 0 of 600
correspondents on date lob June. A
summary of the reports shows as fol.
lows ;-••
(all wheat -This crop is still in a very
promising aondi1iou. Very little has
been plowed up, and the only nnfa('ol'able
conditions ate noted in oonue01lou with
late sown grain and that put in upon low-
lying, uudraitted 'soda, 011 the (whole,
peanut conditions p0iut to a direrclass
orop of full wheat, warm weather, how.
ever, being very desirable and necessary,
ns very rapid growth of straw has tal(011
plana and euntiouanee of wot weather
would cameo great Mee frons drowning
out sad from lodging. An extra good
crop may be exp011011 0ho0ld bright
weiteher continue,
0f miring wheat Lake Brio 00nnti80 00•
port unu11 damage from mitt 011 1110 Neat,
with improvement in condition as WO
01110( east. The condition of this 00011011
nt pr0301(1 0s only fair. While the spring
shoat can on the whole bo considered in
hardly as good uouditi1111 as the fall
wheat, the present pr0010010 aro up to
the ave'ag0, but the 0000(180 is now do•
pendent upon uoltilu0d waren weather.
Barley--••ACr3age is still decreasing.
The pre -0111 aaliditio1 over the Province
is fair en1 baalt0arcl, with a prospoot of a
very much do,reased 1o1e1l yield 0,113,1,1
the weather soon beoottlos 11(11 0011110000
more favorable.
Oats --On the whole, the condition of
oats is better than that of barley (1101
should the weather be favorable for tho
n0.et fox woeke et More than average
crop 1011by be cxpeotal.
Very few report rye 1(0 being sown at
all. Moot of tho reports incliente prob.
ability of small crops,
Number 49,
The reports r -I to 11,•1(' etre nc l ;airily
incomplete, ns owing to the hu, ne,8 of
IIhe some m, snwiug Was still in progr8OH
it1-many amities
.111 over the. Province, but more parli.
elllarly in the Corn growing emotive of
rho Lake Erie );roup, the repeated rains
of Alay greatly hindered corn planted,
but there 14 no reason to doubt the usual
average will bo given to corn.
The planting of boons, 1(e in the ease
of 00rn, Iwo been delayed. Some come
pondent0 ventured the opinion that the
area grown this 80108011 would not bo es
large 138 usual,
During tho past few weeks the hay
crop has tondo wonderful headway owing
to continued rain. A heavy yield is as-
sured. The appearance of timothy w110
perhaps never better.
Tee reports regarding the apiary are
far from euoouragiug. Lt addition to
losses by starvation, chilled brood and
dysentery wore not uncommon. Foul
brawl were reported only in a few lo-
calities, but the death of queens appears
to have been more 10,34 (est than usual.
The reported lo00e0 during the winter
and spring vary from 3 up to 78 per cent.
The average may be placed at 25 per
Fruits Vegetation appears to be about
a week backward. With but few exeop•
tions the a000m11e regarding apples were
most favorable. Pears promise well.
Peaches along Lake Erie and Lake On.
Curio counties were more or less injure((
by the winter. name and cherries are
still assailed by their old enemy, the
blank knot. In Eastern Ontario the in.
torest in oroharling appears to be devel-
oping. The fruit crop do on the whole en-
couraging. There is little that is special
to note in the condition of farm labor.
Regarding quality and supply of labor
opini0ne differ. While the greater num•
ber of those reporting consider that class
of hands are available, a strong minority
state good farm laborers are scarce,
People We Know.
Mrs. 7uo, Shaw is visiting at Seaforth.
T. (Selly and wife spent Sunday in
Daniel Lewis, of Bluevale, Suneayel
in Brussels.
Mrs. J. 5, Smith and Gordon. Sunday -
ed in Kincardine.
Fred, Montgomery
is spending the
week in Walkerton.P
Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B. A., of Bluovale,
was in town ouM,nda.
'Ira. Wilson, of Gerrie, was visiting
R. Leatherdaie'a
this week.
Miss Addie Best has been visiting Mrs.
Thos. Watson, of Harriston,
0. E. Turnbull was home from Owen
Sound on a visit this week.
Mre. Mattioe, of Port Huron, Mioh„
is visiting 'Mrs. S. Crawford.
Mrs. B. Gerry mad Mrs. V. C. Crocker
were visiting in Wia„ ham this weelc.
John Pelton, wife and son and Chas.
Grower, of Atwood, were in town on
Robs. Wilson, wife and Russell, of
Wingbam, were visiting relatives in town
lent week.
Miss Elsie Pelton and Miss Ednn
Fairfield, of Wingham, spent a few days
in town.
Rev. W. H Hill, of Michigan, and
John Hill, of Wingham, were in town
this week.
Henry Perkins, Post Master, and
daughter, of Gorrie, were in town of
Mrs. W. T. Lowe and Fran](, of Peter.
bcoo, are visiting Mrs. H. Dennis. The
111.3100 are sisters.
Miss Ethel Creighton is away at
Guelph this week assisting in getting
things in order in her brother's new
T. A. MoLauchlin is home from the
Normal School, Toronto, wie..e lie has
boon spending the pant five months. The
closing examination was last week.
Reeve Bryan, of Lnokuow, wits in town
on Tuesday en route to Blame County
Council at Walkerton. res. Bryan and
son accompanied him and will visit at
We regret to hear that Fannie, daugh•
ter of the late Geo.Haycroft and grand•
daughter of David Ross, is in a precari-
ous condition of health. It is feared
that rapid consumption is doing its work.
She ie unable to walk.
A painful accident happened recently
to J. Armstrong Kerr, formerly of Brus-
sels, now 11001180 at the Commercial, Sea -
forth. He had Mr. Edsall's pony on a
halter allowing it to tale a bite of grass
on the street at the teat of `the hotel,
when it wheeled around and gave Arm.
strong "a broadside on" with both hind
feet, breaking his arm and otherwise in.
luring him.
Geo. F. Green, who first applied elec•
trinity to street oars, is dead at Ke1a-
mazoo, 1311011.
There is no European o tuntry in whites
Women olerl(0 are mote employed than in
Planes. Indeed, it is rare to entero
131011011 0hnp cult{ find 1t mall serving a8
an 0oonuntlet. Bookkeepers aro paid
from 110 to :11120 a year and accountants
much the same, In the commercial
houses Whore rte clerks urn aloo end ploy.
0d, they often have an interest in the
The German Rummer's; imperial train
which has just been completed, coot
21(111,000, and has 08.11011 three years to
build it, 'L'hero are twelve carriages ail
nonnecLod by corridors. The libor'ty
saloon is hung with Lobelin tapestry
froin 111e Palen 0f COutrklttelbnrg, and
the (lining 0aleel is furnishod mud panel-
ed with oak. Tho drawing room is
fornix l(1d 0ntirely in white.
The ox-pnpite of SC. Mary's Collegiate
Institute have mole a grand showing at
the Uuivorsity of Toronto examinations.
All who wrote wore 0ttc008sful in their.
re051100ti00 sobjoots. Following are the
ianles :—Misses A. Lindsay, J. Graut,M.
12. hiller, N. M. Harding, A. Uoigbel, S.
Bunis, M, sees. 3, N, le, Brown, A. Stan-
ley, le, H. Knott, J. W Wheaton, E. A.
Stanley, J. A. MoVaunel, J. E. Moore,
A. Beatty, G. Mere, A. 0. Eddy, W. J.
Knox, (V. Tier, R. Grant, J. W. Stennett,
and F. Wlnclihan,