The Brussels Post, 1892-6-10, Page 88
Go to the publio meeting tlhis Friday
evening to at'rau,go for Pumiuinu Day
11, Dr'vvi•s anti D C. Ross Were in lion.
don on Monday playing ortekot with the
BEE kafortlt eleven.
BEE-HIVES,`Arne Wiugbam Salvation Army band
drove over here on Tuesday and ensisced
SEC LION , their brethren in their evening meeting.
1)8 M,NaruuroN has been appointed
Medical Health Officer in the place of
Dr. llolmes who lute removed to Detroit.
Bo you want to Buy
Or anything required in the
Apiary ? If so I will be
pleased to supply you,
Druggist, Bookseller, lc,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Goma SoOTB. Go5NO Nowt II.
31uit0:81 oar, Mixed 0030 a.m.
E.:Wrens 11:02 a.m. Mail 8111 pan,
'pried ........ 8:8) p.m, Express ( 3:10 Dan.
Drat lCtlIS 10115.•
A cbiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll profit it.
Tus picnic and Foe create season has
iJCROM, hoard will meet on Friday
evening of this week.
THE hay crop gives promise of being
abundant this season.
BeesssLs is looking its prettiest just
now, and is an attractive little town.
A enoro of the band boys was on ex-
hibition at H. J. Strong's gallery this
A MEETING of the creditors of McIntosh
S MoTaggart will meet this (Friday) af-
ternoon at 4 o'olook.
A Nunnsa of improvements and alter-
ations have been made at the Queen's
Hotel. The changes are principally in
connection with the bar toam.
W. GRswAe and R. N. Barrett went
fishing last Monday in the Maitland and
the former was fortunate enough to se•
ours a Sue bass, 14 inches long.
1. wELnINO is on the tapis in which the
groom will be a tomer Brusselite and
the bride a resident of Galt. We wont
mutton names just now though.
LAST Saturday'e daily 'Mail contained
pictorial illustrations of Seafortb, show- Tet there be a large turn out at the
Mg its leading citizens, buildings, foot meeting and in the meantime talk up
ball team &o. Some of the pictures were new attractions to present.
fairly aorract. A New swindle is being worked among
Fnsnsnu r., only son of Walter Coates,
of Wingbam, formerly of Brussels, died
onMay 28th, aged 5 months. Apr. Coates
and wife have the sympathy of their
Brussels friends.
TrssDAY was baby day in earnest at H.
J. String's photograph gallery. They
began to arrive about 8 o'clock a, m. and
kept increasing ie number as the day ad•
vauced until when closing time cane Mr.
Strong had photographed no less than 04
OwDie to the absence of Revs. Meesrs.
Ross and Millar, It. F. Cameron, a stn.
dent of Knox College, Toronto, will
preach on Sabbath, 1.2th inst., in Knox
ahuruh in the forenoon, and in Melville
church in the evening. ":here will cum
sequently be only one service in these
churches, at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.
We do not know of any preparation
that has caught the public favor in so
short a tiine as Dodd's Kidney Piths, but
when we consider that three-fourths of
the Canadian people are afflicted with
kidney troubles in some form or other,
and that Dodd's Pills are a quick and
permanent cure for all these troubles, the
large and inoreasing demand can soarcely
be wondered at. Sold by all dealers or
by mail on receipt of price, 50 cts. per
box. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto.
BAo AcawEST.—Sunday evening about
8 o'clock Earl, the 5 year old son of
Georpe Baker was on Maple street with
a younger brother. D. Mo1iillan'shorses
were grazing along the road when Earl
attempted to drive one of them away.
The animal kicked him, one foot cutting
a bad gash in the aide of his head, and
the other breaking his right arm in two
places. The little fellow vas knocked
insensible and continued so for some
time. As we go to press we are pleased
to state that he is Improving and will in
all probability recover all right.
Tins first of July this year marks the
25th anniversary of Confederation. Be.
Cusirxettee has been (wade of certain
proem laying out poison dor doge and in
one Inatome oats was found with a strong
admixture of Paris Green, Kirneb „Iy le
working up a big gelid of trouble for
tht'utselven 1f they are found out.
Tee vocal o'gans are strengthened by
the use or Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral.
Olergymin, lawyers, 1108008, actors and
pnblto speakers Bili thio preparation the
most effective remedy for irrtttttion and
weakness of the throat Anil lunge Anil Inc
11514 1 1 theme spooned her affirm alt etre lions of the venal organs,
olt'londay of title jweek-and will be eon- Two ynatlm were up before the magic•
lined to the house for Wins tam with trate on Tuesday charged with Causing a
it, distilrhence at the $al'atiou Atony bar -
\\'r are tlesaed to state that Rev, 0. melte and aloe on the street, This
F. t altou, the pttpnlar pa -tat of the should be a Warning to other boys and
Metlmdiat charoh in thin towp, will re. young risen who appear to think they
own the town. Constable 13roadfoot le
determined to leave order on the streets.
JUNE Ise. --Tho Ant reseed et the
recent session or the Ontario Legislature
to prohibit the scale of toba000, cigars or
cigarettes to persons under 18 years of
ago mane into operation on \Vodnosday,
Juno 1st. The penalty for selling or giv-
ing to such persons is not less than $10
or more than 1160. Any person aotnally
or tuonoiently under 18 years, found using
tura Im' another year.
7'111•. Itolye Woollen factory has a stearal
whistle in connection with the now boiler
put in and will nutrlt time for our chi -
eons morning, noon and night.
J. 11. Means, of Atwood, will deliver
an address to the Epworth League 10 the
Methodist church, Braseele, nest Mon.
day evening, commencing at 8 o'olook.
Trim Salvation Army expect to have a
bit, time on Monday, June 13th. Staff -
Captain Griffiths, the \' ilea Minstrel, edgers, eiga,ettes or toba000 on the
and his hallelujah s'iclln will be present, streets or in any publics place le liable to
LosT.--0u'I'uesday oveeiug a sem of a One of from 01 to 05 for moll offence.
money was lost either le Brussels or ROT.,L TEMPLARe or TestrNutsct:,—Cut
somewhere between there nod a utile Thersdayeverting of last week ltev, J.
north, Any person finding it laud leaving \V. Bell, lecturer for the Royal Templars,
at the office of THE POST will be suitably delivered a fine address, occupying over
rewarded. one and one half hours, in the ToWll
BOILS, carbuncles and eruptions of all Hall, Brussels. He illustrated his leo-
Merle are nature's efforts to throw off ture by magto lantern views which con•
poison from the blood. This result slay tributed very largely in enabling the
be accomplished much more effectually, audience to see clearly the trend of his
as well as agreeably, through the proper argument. 'There was la largo nedionoe
exoret)ry channels, by the use of Ayer's present. The chair was occupied by
Sarsaparilla. Bev, Tno. Rosa, B. A. A'Iueioal001m:tieing
Hmnser Aw.nn.--At the Universal were furnished by a uniou choir and the
Cookery and Food Exhibition held in reverend lecturer also gave two solos, A
London and opened by the Lord Mayor, hearty vote of thanks was given Mr. Bell
May 3rd, 181)2, W. G. Dunn it Co., of on motion or Rev. R. Paul and Geo.
Croydon, London, and Illamiltou, Cana- Rogers. Rev. lir. Millar offered the
da, obtained the highest award for opening prayer. air. Bell is a great goo -
Baking Powder. 0050 at Mae work in oolnectipn with the
TUE number of mutilated silver coins Royal Templare and it 10 expected that
in ctroulation now is being freely cont- Brussels Council will receive a fresh im-
meuted upon by merohauts and others. pates from his stirring words, lie will
Scores of 10, '25 and 50 cent pieces have be heartily weleoned back to Brussels
large holes in them, and some of the at any time.
coins have pieces nipped off their edges, DEBATE.—The first .debate of the Young
It is thought that somebody is in the Itlon's Conservative Club was held at
business of making money by the punch- their rooms on Fridtay evening, luno 3rd,
ing+ and °lipping process. when the subduct of discussion, "Resolved
MUSICAL CANTATA.—Prcf. Soott, prawn- Shot the National Policy has beau bene -
tor in the Presbyterian church at Wing- ficial to Canada," was debated. Speak -
ham, will hold a meeting in the basement era for the affirm itive wore Jas. Bowman,
of Melville church, Brussels, ou Friday H. Dennis and Ward Farrow ; for the
evening, June 10th, at 8:30 p. m.,dto en- negative, Jae. Irwin, D. Robinson and R.
roll all members who intend doming his L. Taylor. The speakers on both sides
singing class to get up that beautiful deserve great credit for the manner in
cantata "Britannia and her Daughter," which they handled the subject. The
All boys and girls above 12 years of ago arguments of the aflrmative proved too
and all ladies and gentlemen who have a strong for their opponents as the chair-
mosioal taste are invited to joie. man, J. D. Ronald, gave his decision in
Donrsto8 DAT.—Friday evening of this favor of the former. Much enthusiasm
week a public meeting will be held in the prevailed throughout the meeting and all
Town Hall, commencing at 9 o'clock, to were greatly pleased with the evenieg's
take into consideration the celebrating of program and with the success of the
Dominion Day in Brussels. Last year a deb's first debate. The next meeting
splendidly snoceseful time DIS enjoyed will bo held on Friday evening, June 17111,
and if the citizens do their part this when the following subject will be de•
vear's celebration will be uo exception, bated—"Resolved that more information
can be gained by reading than by travel."
For the affirmative aro B. Gerry, W. El.
Oloakey and A. J. MoColl ; for the
negative Thos. Farrow, J. T. Pepper and
T. A. Hawkins,
London Free Press of Tuesday says t—
A correspondent °arils attention to the
need of a Dross road or belt line by the
0. P. R. from London, by way of Arva,
Birr, Granton, ICirltton, Farquhar,
Cromarty, Seafortb, Winthrop, Walton,
Brussels, to the 0 P. R. at Wroxeter,
distance about 65 miles, throng's the
Township of London, part of Bidclulpb,
part of Usbo'ne, Hibbert, part of
Tucke•amith, McKilop, and boundary of
Grey and Morris. This proposed road,
the writer says, could bo built at a small
cost, for the country through whioh the
route would run from London to Wrox-
eter is very level. Not a bridge would be
needed and not many culverts. It would
draw a large amount of freight to the C.
P. R. east and west lines, from both
the north and the south. By this addi•
tional cross road the 0. P. R. would be
able to control a very large percentage
of the freight of the very best
section of Western Ontario, whioh is
readily admitted to be the most produc-
tive part of the province, not only iu
grain of all kinds, which it produces
largely every year, but live stock, such as
horses, cabbie, sheep, hogs, eta., also an
immense quantity of fruit, cheese, butter,
and last but not toast, eggs. D. D. Wil•
eon, of Seaford), is the egg king, and
ships more eggs than any man in the
DominionofCanada, John Hanna also
of Seaforth, is the largest butter mane•
factures in Ontario, he having no less
than foot creameries in fall blast every
season from early spring until late in the
fall. One of these creameries is located
at Kirkton and doing a Large business
555011 season, If the 0. P. R. wools a
shipping port ou Lake Huron that oould
Ise made a safe harbor without a large
outlay, the line could be extendecl north
as far as Iuverburon, whioh is reported
to be the beat and safest place for a good
harbor on Lake Huron. The road, it is
urged, would he of great benefit to Len -
don. It would cause a boom in real
estate, and draw a large amount of
trade to the city. London is now, and
always will be, the metropolis of Western
Ontario, and the distributing centre of
the west portion of the Province. There•
fore, a new line of railroad from the oily
of London direct north would be a great
advantage to the city, and also make an
excellent feeder for the east and west
lines of the 0. P. R. if the Board of
Trade of London would take bold of it,
and work with it determination to summed
they would we are assured, get assistance
from every place named along the pro-
posed line.
Business Locals.
the farmers by a sharper. He canvassed
the neighborhood some time ago taking
orders for evergreens, The order is given
for a box of shrubs a foot square, to 001 -
Lain about fifty plants or so at five cents
eaah. But when the font square box
comes to hand it contains in sonde in-
stances 2,500 plants costing $125 instead
of 50 for $2.50. It is estimated that at
least $20,000 will be taken out of the
vicinity of St. Mary's by the swindle, if
the farmers do not snooeed in the suit
entered against the proprietor of the
nursery at St. Catharines who supplies
the evergreens.
Dn. Howie.•_. The London Free Press
says :—In his lecture ou Mount Lebanon,
in the First Presbyterian Church, the
blind orator, Ghosn Howie, proceeded to
describe the Land of Promise, which is
practically coincident with what is now
known as Syria, 300 miles m- length and
about 200 miles in breadth and lies bo-
tween the Mediterranean and the Euph-
rates. It is oompoeed of a combination
of hill and valley, plains and platsanx,
ranging from 1,300 below to 11,000 above
the sea. Within the narrow limits of
Syria is witnessed every variety of
climate or temperature. When Dr.
Howie arrived in Jerusalem last Jena he
found that the harvest diad passed two
weeks before that. He travelled north•
ward, and in September arrived its Le-
banon, and found the harvest a little
more than beginning. In a day's
journey on foot the traveller may passal-
most from the tropics t0 the frigid zone,
There aro over 355 kinds of birds, and
more than 200 kinds of flowers. Dr.
Howie remarked that Palestine serves a
distinct apologetic purpose. Its hills and
valleys, its ruins, as well as customs and
manners, all contribute to the Christian
evidences. A vote of thanks was award-
warded to the lecturer, who, together with
IbIrs, Howie, appeared in native costume
and exhibited a variety of pictures anti
°urine which Dr. llotvte brought with
sides this iinportent fact the present bite 1atal
year is especially noteworthy in that it
0 the centenary of Upper Canada. Tho
event is to be fittingly oolebrltted at Ni•
agars, the first seat of Parliament in On-
tario, on duly llith. The committee hav-
ing the arrangements inland met recent-
ly in the librery of the Ontario Legis-
lature and submitted a report It was
especially interesting and urged Canadi•
ane teroughoat the Dominion to put
Roth extra effort to celebrate our 25th
national birthday.
PRESENT Season's Pawns von Woor,.—
The following eitoular lute been issued by
a leading Canadian Wool Firm, regard -
lug the market for this season, and sou•
Wising other pointers whioh should prove
interesting and of benefit to sheep breed-
ers and those having wool to sell :—i°Cho
wool clip of 1803 will some on the market
with a large proportion r,f the clip of 10111
still in the halide of th, d triers who are
offering to eel) selected : nnbines at 18
emits to 10 cents, wi:h,.et buyers. In
the face of these faote you can easily
calculate what you can afford to pay to
the farmer for the present clip. Advise
fermate; not to nee binder twine for tying
up their lichees. Do not buy anything
above the prioa of good oombing, unless
it be pure, well.washed Southdown,
whioh is worth 2o more, but, as the guan•
tity of tide wool grown in Canada is se
limited, and in most seStions none at all,
it 0 of very little imporbanom, Itejeob
all extreme coarse wools, ae you will find
you cannot sell such except et a dis-
ANOTHER Succsss.—A Ronald fire
steamer gave several publio exhibitions
of its water throwing capacity et Preston
recently. Sometime ago Preston decided
to buy, but by the ceding vote of the
reeve decided not to reoeive public
tenders nor competitive trials of merit
for the selection of the best and cheapest.
The public did not relish this style of
doing corporation huffiness in mottoes of
mush vital importance, Those in favor
of this open, aboveboard, true Mulleins
method invited the Ronald company bo
send one clown from Brussels, who were
offering, anxious to tender and compete
for such patronage. The eshibitior Was
Witnessed by nearly the whole people ;
the chief, engineer and several firemen
of the Galt lira brigade were alas present
at these tests. All wore enrprieed at the
great capacity of the small -deed inechine.
Eight school buys drew it through the
main streets. At G00 tub distance the
engine threw two, lone and six fire
streamsaim iltemteously high over Cherry's
31 storey mill, At Iiespoler the exbi.
bition wee repeated, Steam was raised.
and engine started, pumping from gold
water in 5;j minutes. Through 1,000 feet
of hose six streams were thrown at the
same time high over the three-story
Qneee's hotel ; but probably the grandest
night of all was the largest single etroam,
lg mall (appearing like a men's arra,)
whioh was thrown to a distance of 225
feet, The whole people were pronnunoed
in the praise of such a small engine doing
such big work. •
Fon your photos go to Strong's.
U. J. Senora finishes all hie work by
the now pleae50.
Pon first-class photos go to Parry'e,
nate to American Hotel.
kerne, the high -ohms photogralther,
next to Amerioan Hotel.
CIesans and oauliflower plants for sale
ab 11. Vareon's, Brussels,
Tnuvke add valises, good miser.mont,
very cheap at H, Dennie,'
Fon finely finished photos go to
Perry, next to Arnerioan Ilotel,
M,sn no mistake but go to Perry for
your, photos, belt to American hotel.
ALL photos made by Perry are well
finished and warranted to givo satisfac-
JuNu: 10, 1.803
..Lam nowm mtcat ricontiar,.,,,,•,. r.••r•••••ia lutptmcs,w.www tvyeu:coot mo
8.71,4N ,.-1.J D 1314✓P.A7 011' (./171'1.I),,I,
=1:4'x'A7=4::2xF..0 1Lc7:7,
ASSETS, (Seven ltlillicn Dollars) $7,000,000
• - $2,000,000
anenefeain ,(fl aldneipel point., in Ontario, clit lo.o, Manitoba, Ifni!, fl Stah'eit' Repluod,
CAPITAL (Authorized)
A General Banking Busitiese Transanteil, Partnere' Notes Discounted.
Drafts primed and C1slieetio,ta made on all volute, -
Interest allowed on deposite of $1.00 and upwards from loin of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Siowo 1, Arree 1.'io8 aty1:N'10 THE CoLLet o1O8 of FAluirtrtl' SALE NOTES.
Every facility afforded Cuetonlers living at a di
13 17 tJ 3 S
G. 1'. SCIIOLFIELD, Siex:tosn,
Akin dlv W S q
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
rill points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
552 ricYCS AVM' 0.3r. NAN AN
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Intereot Com-
pounded Twioo a Year, Being Added to the Principal ab the end of the Menthe of
October and April, .Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita.
4l'e etreelto write Insurance Inold s:nttilnll or Canadian Co 0q(1:flies, or in TBn(•
mt(1 Companies 115may be (test 1('ct.
11. 3. SrRONn photographed 61 babies
on Tuesday, baby clay.
Go to Strong's and have your photos
finished in the latest styles,
House, garden and stable to runt.
Apply at Tun Pose Publishing house.
Jim arrived a fine range of Baby oar•
riages whioh will be sold at reasonable
rates. H. Dennis.
ONE first.class new buggy for sato,
built by Walker C Ewan. Will be sold
at a bargain. I. 0. RICHARDS.
IJAr fork found. Owner may nave it
by proving property and paying for this
advt. Tun P. Publishing Ilouse.
Lr you want reliable plants, cabbage
early or late, cauliflower, tomato, celery,
oke., call on Thos. Felly. lie has a fine
CALL and sec our single harness, extra
value, niokle silver, only 015, warranted
never: to rust. Also black -mounted at
$12. I. 0, Benumtns.
PLAIN SEWING.—Mrs. J. S. Smith is
prepared to do plain sewing at her home
over the postoffice. Children's clothing
a speciality. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Bnrclt house, well finished inside,
with acre of land for stale, eligibly lo-
cated on the corner of Tnrnberry and
Queen streets. Price and terms made
known on application to
Aux. McLENNAN, Brussels.
WeiLL•Doeonoa AND DoILLINu,--George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to hits
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells °leaned out and put M proper
tare. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
8:de of TOr'nborry et„ Brussels. 34.6E
COCHRANE ct JonNa4•oN, marble mann•
lecturers, are now takilJ orders for
spring delivery in their line. As hereto.
fore all workinanship and orders trusted
to their °aro will be pot op in the most
approved style and satisfaotion guarau•
used in every case, Anybody requiring
anything in their line of trade it would
be well for than to see their designs and
prices before nlal"ing their parohasss.
Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables.
DANDY ROAD CAnrs.—H, Williams F
Son have received two new kinds of
patent road carts, main factored by the
Oananoque CarriaJ,e 00, They are call-
ed the "St. Lawrence" and "112'• ole
Leaf" and are extra fine rigs. The "St.
Lew -encs" has a finely finished body
•espended on two elip.ic aprings, body
not connected with shafts. Dont boy be-
fore seeing them as the primes are right.
Call at our show rooms.
H. Woroi,tts re Sox.
Men WI eirenie to Box are handling the
celebrated Gananogne Carriage Com-
pany's buggies, which for style, work-
manship and price cannot be surpa"sed.
They have cue on exhibition at their
show room, Mill street, and Dan 1100011re
any styled rig you desire, You can bey
from 10 to 15 per sent cheaper hem them
than elsewhere and every rig is guar5,n-
L, as to give the best of satisfaction. Call
in and see them whether you wnut to buy
or not.
$550.00 eon A Cenci:ex.—To create an
interest in the breeding of high -ohms
poultry, I will award a special prize of
$50.00 'asb to the person raising the
heaviest Plymouth Rook chicken hatch-
ing from eggs purchased of use. Ply-
mouth Rocks are unquestionably the beat
breed of fowl known for the Canadian
farmer. Ssnd for descriptive oir°alar
of this valuable breed of fowl. Eggs
for hatching, guaranteed fresh and true
to name, oarsielly peeked in baskets and
delivered to express company, $2.00 per
setting of 13. Address,
T. A. Wmeerrs, Breeder of Ply
mouth 1boole Fowl Weston, Out.
The Prinoo of Wales is suffering from
an affection of the throat, and gossip
connects the late Sir Nlorall Maolcsurte's
name with the opinion that it may de•
velop into a malady such as carried off
the We Emperor Frederick of Germany,
The longest bridge in America is a
trestle work over a. portion of Lance Pont-
allnrtrtain. It ie nearly 25 miles long.
The largest and longest stone bride in
the world is over an arm of the China
sea, 5 miles long, 300 aroboe, each 70 feet
MoOoLL, -In Now Westminster, 13. O.,
on ,Tuns Gth, the wife of Mr. A. J.
Mnaall, Barrister, formerly of Bros -
gels, of a son,
CAatriELL.—In Gray, on Juno 2nd, Agnes,
wife of the late Geo. Campbell, aged
53 years and 5 menthe.
Ronoout.—In Morrie, on June 6th, Hugh
Rodger, aged 81 years, 0 months and
G days,
Suom'E.—In Ethel, on June 1111), Wm.
Sharpe, aged 90 years, 5 months and
12 days.
Full Wheat
Spring Wheat
13ntter, tubs and rolls..,
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per 1b
Salt per bb'., retail,,
Sheep skine, eaoh
Lamb skins eaah
Apples per barrel
Ossrn.—In Wingham, on May 28th,
Frederick, only son of Walter Coate,
agocl 5 monbha.
Araneo,t.—In Elm, on May 30th, Miss
Ellen Anderson, aged 22 years and 1
4 60
9 00
1 00
1 00
G 00
10 00
1 00
1 25
331aoilsmitb's tools for sale ab a groat
bargain. Call and get »rico.
A. i0, McKAY & Co., Brussels.
A, Bauslaugh, Seato•th, has all 1h0 nega-
tives taken by bili while in Brussels and
will be pleased to print OabIuots for :SIN
nor dozen. Order at mice as we will not
print at above pnioo only for a short time.
Have all sizes that wore made and will print
larger sines fu proportion,
45.2 Soafot'th.
Netio° isbsreby given that an Batnrdr-y,
the 4111 in0t,, there was impomt'ded in my
pound, in Walton, two colts, doscrintion ns
follows : Oue a two-year-old tiara brewo
filly and the other a yearling bay Ally with
two white hied feet and one off fore foot.
The owner is requested to prove property,
pay °bargee and tante them away.
Further tate notice that if not redeemed
before the date stated below they win. be
sold by Public Auction at the pound on my
premises 10 the Vptauo of Walton of MON..
Day, JUNE 27th, 0802, at lbs hour of 1
°relook p. M. All interested will govern
themsaivee anonrdingl y,
JOHN WEISS, Found -)teepee,
Walton, June 7,1808,
•Ya..'' DEn0lo811n has Bovnral good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of NI orris and Orgy, P 5. SOOTT,Bruseols,
(11101010 FARM FOR SALE.
J Being South halt Lot 27, con.0, Morr10,
100 notes, nearly all cleared. Stood buildings,
Due venlig bearing orchard. Immediate pos-
session, Nosy Terms. Apply to
bf. Solicitor, &o:,Brus0el0.
mtl510Nan offers for sae the north
poet quarto rof lot 25, nonc0so1on 5, 10000,0,
County of Baron, 000015 Din g 00 acres. The
land Is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and uutlor.drainsd,
40 acres cleared. Newv!uam° 801150,8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walla, 2 wells,
good borne and shed orabtrd, etc, Eight
aures of fall wheat, This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Bruosole. Suit.
able born' will be given. Title perfoct,
J AM115 GRIEVE, Owner,
50. Scoter th P,0.
11E0110 tote 11 and 12, 0011,18, Tnw cabin
of Grey,Oounby of Boron, oontaniug '200
acres, te or°party of the late ,john Bobart•
son. 100 mores cleared and free from ob-
otrootions, 1a acres bush, nNxod timber,
balance partly clamed. Sod clay loam
mostly rolling, Fenoad with straight rail
fences and watered by two wells and a
epriug privilege. Commodious dwelling
house, with largo woodshed attached and
au excellent Millar under boom Two 101'rfo
barns, atone otntoine aid other outbuild-
ings. fiwo good boning orchards, Mut-
ramental trees end atnoll fruits. •I miles
from Brussels, a lively town on the(. 1,
convenient 10 aobool ohurobes and Dent 0.1110 property Alas well, is a first.
class grain and stouts farm and should be
seen by bitontling Duren awes as it is offer-
ed at a bargain, roe further pnettoutars
apply to 801(5. JNO 1101314BTSON,
he promises, or by letter to Oraubrook 1'.
O. 30•d
NICD'., !TETT Y, 0000. (10EAP,
1 lube In 5t,,ols between
5,000 and 6,000 Rolls
for you to choose from and another ship.
went exp50tu,1 111 daily.
Whatever yon du be erre and get your
Wall Paper at
11 le11S131'eL1i,
10183 NTIST!
M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S., D. D. S.,
Gratitude of the Royal College of Doutal
Surgeons, Ontario,and of Toronto tintversify, Oeetalt—oor Pepper a Drug --;Store,
�j{^. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER,,L 615 So lioi top' nod (May clamor. Oollee-
tines made. Oiboe—Vaustonu's Blonds, Brus•
sols. 21.3(11
• Sabel tor, (Moveyannnr, No tory I' ab.
lin, &0. Ouloo—Graham a Block, I do 00 north
of t'opper's Lotug Store, ,Private Funds to
(Late with Gal'1'Ow trf Pl'os(ifost,
rich ,) 11R1'1',s tors, Solicitors, Con YOyi(n e01'a,
&a. Olnees—brussels end Senforth, hens.
Bole 011lco—Up-stairs over 13auk. Money
to Loau,
n.5.10A00, W. B. DLCEsoN
Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stock, do. Terms
obeerfully 0)0011. Cra0Uronk P, O. Sales
May but arrt,ugsd at Pus 1'osT Publishing
House, Brussels,
Licensed Auction'.Or, Sales conduct
0,100 reasonable torms. Parole mud farm
stock a suocialty. Orders left at 'Ian' PONT
P ebliBhi ug Housa,13rueeels, or Walton
F, O., will receive prompt attention.
sE aq an Auctioneer, I am prepared
10 conduct Solon 0f farm stock at reasonable
1,1besq. Knowing the standing of neatly
every P0l's00 I am in a position to soli to
gond merits and gat good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
me acall. 32• ].' S. SUOT'r.
0 Insurer of marriage Licensee. Office
at his Orucery, Turoborry street, Brussels,
ji N. BAR11ETT,
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Noxi door
south of A. 01. McKay & Oo's hardware More.
Ladios'andobildreus hair cutting a specialty
• 0) oNAIR,
Issuer of Marriage L3uousoe, by
appoiutmont of Llent; (lovm'u(n', (Johnnie.
stun or, &e., Q. B. Conveyancer told Agent
Fire Ll0uramoa (10. O111ce at the Oranbrooic
Post Odlce.
Work of the Fourth Division Coirt
00, Huron. C'nnvey:moor, Notary Fub1(0
Laud, Loan ,.ml Insurance Agent. Fluids
invested and to lone. Cnlleotious made.
Oalce In. Graham's 131oo1,, 13russols.
Miss Motes, Of Wingbaol, la prepared
to give instruction in 031 painting. dorms
may be ascertained at Miss NOBio ROBB' More
where samples of work may be 500n. Bios
')cele would oleo take a few more pupils in
• Organist in St. John's Churolt, Brus-
sels, and vapid, in the Art of Toiteirlog, of A.
W. Tint yor,Mus. Dom, New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at 'rhos, F arrow'a,
corium of Qoeeu and Prblooss Ole., or if pre-
ferred, at their own homes. Terme moder-
ate. 46.
) 7 isI. F. OA.LE, 112.0., C. 01.,
'5 W lfember of the Goliege 0?Phyysietan,
and Surgeons of Ontario by oxamluatiou.
Ol1)oo Dud Itasidouoo — plain street East,
T A. MoNAUGaTON, 01. D.
• 0. M., L, It, 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P
S. Out. Residence and office in Wilma'
Block, corner of MAI .and Turuberry Sts.
ei • Honor Graduate of the Onbarlo
Veterinary Oollogo, is prepared to treat alt
diseases of alnmestioatod animals in a 0003-
petant manlier. Partloular attention paid
to votorinary dentiabr , calls pronptly ab.
tended to, 017105 andytnflrmary—Two doors
north of bridge Turnborry st., Brussole,
kJ For the eonvonlouo0 of those llvteg
at or near Blyth I have made arrangements
with air. Robb, Laidlaw, of Ninth Bali Lob
7 von, n, Morels, to1(eet.for service 401(110
the slimmer season one of 11(y Jersey Bulls.
Tho other wilt 050101n ab Brussels EIS hare.
G. A, MADMAN, Druggist, &0,
..4�' i7m)nrsigne,l will Aesop for service, or
let 00,eau. 0,Morris, thetbare'.bretiDurham
bull, "Sweepstakes." He has taken 4 first
prizes and 1 second,bodngbeaten by the bull
Nutt took 1st prize at the P rnviuohal Show ,
Terms -8115 imam a call $2.00, or 81,00 for
the season,
07 3m 3AS. SPEIR, Proprietor.
Too nndersiguod will keep ler servios this
present 0en505 Lao Improved largo white
Yorkshire pig ' ltendy' 052 lot 20, 500, 0,
Morels, to winch a 1)51)184 unnlber of soave
will - be taken, Taring $1,00 to he pail ab
time of 50ryiee, with the privilege of 00101 w-
ing if nenosaory, Pedigree rimer bo seen ripe
on mud teetde ). ItOlil h'I' NLOHOI„
1501 I'ropriotor.
.1. v5010,—Too undersigned will keep for
Bervioa on north half Lot 20, 0011, 7, Morris,
a 33000 bred Sorlsnloiro Motu', trod by rile,
Snell and. on Ohio improved Chester White,
bred ),y Thos, George, Putnam, from im-
ported stock on both silos. Thio ho took
Srdpriso at the Industrial Far in a aloes of
17,201800 and 800 at the Wooteru Fare in a
in 1f 1.I Terms 311,0 to be 7, 030 Indus -
trio s
of service with privilege of returning. if Deo-
20-tf SAMUEL WALItion, Trap,