HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-10, Page 5ir JUNE 10, 1982 TI.IE BRUSSELS POST ter.?t;05=01P:4111'1®iiatOr Rerori Tli5tritt t'l'eW5 Ureteel'Icoulc. Tide plat) affords a good opening for a tailor and R 0ho0nmlctr. firs. Steele has improved her rosidouee • by now siding and a coat of paint. Pa th ,C Lomeli will soon have 1110 belch ulnen? on 1), /,iturnern' resirleuou uoulploted. A haymow, our noted pu10pnlaker, complains of the wet welbber mH much' as the farmers. You set ha has an syn'` to biathlons. Slitohnll di \Villittme have turned out a largo number of buggies and road. oasts th111 Hoaaoualread,y, Their workcuauship enema to give good Bath:440110n. Taylor, the profe80toual tramp, passed through hero Lhe other day. lie had a long puree, where he suttee -flied in getting a nd11kle he would change Any 0140 of a bill from one to fifty. 11i1150')l. Rev. Henry A. Newcombe will bo the pastor of the Methodist ohurell hero for next year. Goon CATTLE. -0 'Monday of this week elegem. Heffernan t1 Betw3i(heitner shipped two oars of be ,f tattle from this Station. ;16 out of the cumber wore pur- ahlao,i from heave Milne and they plumped down the make at 40,800 ;mantis Mr. Milne netted a tidy sum on hie sale, ,1 young tow sold by 1910111) 131'oe., 21111 coe. of Grey township, weigh. ed 1,770 Pomade, Du:n. -On Sunday, Juno lith, Win. Sharpe, se., peseed lava}, ae the ripe old 5 days. 11�3 and 1� V OI 1 nue [ 11 years, 5 m It Ahem two week's ago 11r•. Sharpe fell :and fro'•, irl his thigh from the eff:eit1 rid which he (lever recovered Tim deceased waH burn on 1 hristinaa day in the year 18112. He nano( (0 /his 0.30) Iry f••nm Perthahire, Snutl:u111, i1 182.3 and settled in the tow1ehip of (hr. - ford, Grenville County,. Two gram later 110 ur'trelo3 Elizabeth hunter' who (ow I survives him, aged eighty three yelu•s, 11111 who removed 100 tic roe of hand from the government for loyalty to the not -miry. Deceased went to .Pres• Cott in 1817 fur Hix lm,ntln8 to defraud hie country from the McKenzie rebels. In 185211 mune to the Quo on's buoli and took up 200 aore0 of laud, Iota 25 and 2(1, con. 7, Grey township, where he 1'esided until his death. lois family cuneisted of thirteen Ohildren--six boys and seven girls, eleven of whom ars now living. They are :-- rladrew, Mrs. Dilworth, Mrs, Gill, Mrs. Henry, living in Grey ; Jamas, in Morris ; Mrs. Hubert and Peter, fit. Thomas ; Archibald, in Mee - keen ; John, Mrs. Duke, Mrs. _Hanley, residing in Michigan. Mr'. Sharpe was strictly honest and was never a witness or had a case in court in his life. .Iia motto was "Do just to every num and f0(1t• Goll." Deceased lute 5;3 grandahildroo and 6 groat grand• children. The interment was trade et Mime uctnetery on Tuesday efteruu nn. ,Leitettowv til. The Rev. W. T. Currie, mieeioiary lately retnrno.l from Africa, gave an ad- dress last Friday in the Congregational ch111'011. C..1. Close, who 11 to aniohed hi0 ap- prenticOeelp at the jeveIery bnainnee with John timbal, loft lest, weak for 'Toronto, ode re Ile is tmkiii4 a. on trae 111 1110 Cana- dian IIorologimel Institute. elm, Boyd, Victoria street, ILu,l daugh- ters, 111110(1 leaving tor Chicago ill a few dlvve, where they will reside le More. 31i•a. Boyd purposes tetllilg 0 trip to Glas 'Ow shanty after getting settled in Chicago. i3. peekage of 1111'1)0 for John Pag0 of tide town, from Peter 11o1dersou t Co., New York, re(wh0.1 hors by mai( a few days ago after being over a month oil the road. The delay was caused by the paoltage being misent to Ontario, C,LIi• fertile. .11 was parried about (1,1100 mile0 out of the way. A sol of alar(. (leo. Maynard, widow, received a vett' severe kick in 1110 head from a horse owned by Mr. Wright, 10101er, on Tuesday afternoon of last Week. The little fellow w(0 st•ncic 0(301' the eye emit two oe three ugly laches were merle which required some stitches. The .111111 (("10 also toned to be creaked, At last ao0oent the boy was getting a- long fairly well. 3104000. Gillies 2i Martin, of TOeswater, who have purchased the Listowol fouu• dry, are busy fitting it up, They are putting in a boiler and engine, to replace those removed, an(1 are 0(00 making other improven(eut1 in the foundry, propara- toy' to commencing miming. They ex petit to have the foundry in operation 111 0 n a fortnight. than lav R ' says -A short The Listowel Standard y t(mo ago elrs. W. lIuxworthy, Bi0nlat•ok street, reeelved a ohega0 for 13.1,000, through the Ofli3000 of Li+towel lodge, A. 0, U, W. Her deceased husband was a Inombor, In gold standing, of Lambeth lodge No. 217, A. 0. U. W., Rt the time of his death, which 000011ed about two months ago. The $2,000 bonetloittry is veritably a providential blessing to the widow and her young family, who, we unde1'Htalld, were otherwise not very well provided for. No more couvino(ug proof of the comineudable work which is being accomplished by the Ancient Order of United Worlkmon and kindred beneoiary in01110tions oonlil be desired than the present ease. is EwwoodA. Rev. D. Rogers was in Guelph hast *milt attending the Conference. The Band favored our eit1zenl with 00(301al solecbious on Saturday evening lest, ie being their first appearance thio 00(1800. A. new 1itehcn has been built for D. Murray, and a stone fo0nda1100 pat under the house. He intends to brick le, but not bhi0 summer. The brlak work in 000»ect1on with the new Preobytorian mana0 is being peeked forward rapidly, 'The Lowry boys of Brussels, have the work in hand. Therm were 1oa1' immer010n0 in the Baptist ohuruh on the night of hfay 20th, Ender Rev. Mr. Phillimoteie paato(at0, the Baptist 0(4090 here is making en- 0onr0ging progra00. Geo. Dienbrook and wife left on Thum. clay, of Inst wool( ter an extended visit to Mune son, George, in Cheyenne, Wyom- ing. 'Iles Mina Pelton accompanied them to Hyde, Colorado. Iilclmtind b'ox goes int July 106 to tante the foremanship of the nett/ Sobringvillo flax mill. 1-10 hoe tleryed a 0onsidor111I0 length of tim0 in the 010nbro01, Arthur and Atwood mills, and is well spin every department of the besinee0. aluuen'wex4.111=4=10anrumwcmte1103.1 a4r;ire• Cleo. Kort, Map driver, load a vallleble hors:, last wools, The movie of the tulle net; .3 death Wass a1( 150011011. ll a „ Tho '300 lege : •I m (nolo In anis peat we have been running !)r, T. A. S100'411'0 entre Ood !Jiver 011" adver. tis0me13, for which we were to get $20, and $5 for two small oleotfos, On presentation of our bill 1110 other day, we received the heart neighing intoll(genee that the Slneent Vona:MI (018 in 1110 hands of (bo o11erlff, that a mimeo,' of jello• menta had already boot served ngaiust them, and that they (mead not meet a fellation of their liabilities. We have taken the inose, whi0(1 has produce( a benefleial effect. The elroot is simply this, that hereafter medicine firing and advertising 11ge011100 will have to (any nosh ill advance at loofa rates for any 14dver• tieing spice they may solicit 111 11110 (134(103'. NO'Aapaper' publishers have lost mere money by therm patent mortician° frauds lien from any other 0011000, anoly11 is about time they avert) taught a Marlon. The Dr. Slocum honed adeartl:wl very heavily in almost every paper 131 the Do 111rlou, leV l it e3' le i rete . Horses ere already being e.xereleed for the \Vinghanl ('0000 on June 26111. Workmen were busty (est week com- pleting the plaete(ing of the Meyer hiuek, No. 2 Co., :Slyd 133 tele, Winr:h on, ex- pect to „o into eine uu Juno 19111, and Meru ell 2nly 21131. Thera were 507 mimeo 0(vuu 111 as seek• ors, during the meeting' of 'hews firm• ter and Crossley, 111 town. I (uou prueor meetings are Luing held in town by the v11riou1 ehuroheo for rt month every \1Ldn11ay evening, Cif Bullard d hal the inisfortime t •prill 111011011 1ne tla,V t Wt112,14, 1111 i, 41,133(111 011 the strert with 1(33(1,1)'",r_ T. 1e11 has pt chi=ti from J. II ,Ie. Gately the hu.,o 013.10 wl(iu11 11.0 Leen SDI 11:1111g ill Lilo raadn pass(ag( of the town ht4(1 fur several months past. Tho 0n11330111134 1(1r the foundation of the new English church 3'0 being done 1011 the war(( of building will likely be ,;enc of with 034 favi a; pt) Tibio. A cedar block crossing front the new bank building to the stuns bleak, on Josepltiue 13111,01, was connnenced e, Wednesday horning 01 last week. Mcssee. Sellery 13 T°mplo, who Imam boon 011rrying on the boot 3.0(1. 01100 busi- ness ill John Martin's old stand, removed Whir stook to 1(ino;u'dine last weep. The \Vingluaul firemen are practicing for the walkertoo demonstration, where they expeo1 to demonstrate their ability to rum and couple and perform the vara• ou0 other feats faster than their tappeu- tents can. Last week's Wingh,un 'Piave says :- The (ninon evlmgeli0110 eerviece &Asad Sunday evening. The Prosbytoriau church was packed long before the hour of 8erv.ie0 and a largo number went away not being able to and standing room. Tho service teas one of very great interest 4(111 profit. It will bo ling remembered by those present. After the opening e1erciscs the resident minietor$, whose ohurolles had united in the nervines, gave brief addro4.as touching nn 4110 wurlc of the 11041 four lvecl(0. Tho evil3e(iet0 0(lve parting addresses roll of comfort (41):1 encoi1t'ngernen 1 to I1:., ,loll' 0011Ve, is and older member's of the 0111rr111. Az the meriting service tut the Methodist church, IN 111 -111 1.14)1`n wet'° received, 11 by tetter and 87 on profeesiou of faith. A. good number more wig join 3'L week from next 141nr13111y, and a prnpe(•lduual8 num. leer will unite with the other ohnroheo. '.his 04041( will throw a heavy (30.,pu(ai- bility on the several churches, The evangelists left on the 0:45 train Monday morning for St. Thomas, IL large number being at the station to bid them good-bye. (11 a'tear. Sheep washing awl alto -eying is in order at present. '1110 (Dunt folks are beginning to talk of pl0.311us. 1411,tiug is a fevoril0 pastime on the 913itland river just now. Birds ere very plentiful this season, espenlally the rare specimens. 111,10 1'01ll•1 1f,Qu11e.11, Of B101121011, Michigan, in vision; her uncle, Thomas Stokes, 211(1 con, lien. Dart has been malting things handy around his fine stone residence by erecting a largo woodshed. Reeve Milne and Deputy Reeve-, Oliver and Bryan are attending the Cennty Grinnell this week at Goderieh. Lamb buy'er's Intro been through the eone00alon lines lend the p1000 offered by then are generally Very 0ati0111000ry. Limy promiees to be it very heavy crop in this section. Tho old proverb that rain ill 1Iay makes lona; bay will bo folly exemplified. vging t 3'1 valuable brood mare belonging o „ h John S10tvarl, eon. 10, died a few (lugs ago, Some time previous be .vas offer'lt $200 for her. Pall wheat neem• looked better in thin loualit,J'. Many fields ere in the shut blade 0,e that it will bo ready to berve01 mean earlier tato( anal, Thos. Newsome bas completed the new 110010 been for Joint Hart is, 1011) tine. 16(3 Ilerris has now the best equipped outbulldiugs in that neighborhood. PathloReters are rooeiviug their of(ioial papers so 111111 roar( work will soon bo on hand. Statute labor is not generally OOt+Hidel•ed (1 11)03107 melci011 husin0se. Rev. E. Victor Smith is home on a brief visit. Ile purp•aes leaving shortly for B1.1110l Columbia wham he ent01's 111° mission field, If good wising are any 11(lvautage to hila in his work he slloulu do well on the Pacific slope. Conrad Angel, 12th Bee, has been beautifying the front of bis farm by planting a row ei' m11p(e Ando limes. These 1ree0 were trimmed in • the bush last year and look ni00. It is (1hout limn Conrad was getting a ni0o girl to do the house 0v0rlt. As an example of how the meet tteente will Make (11101(1100 at times 1V0 in01a1100 t(10 following, The other day one of our young ladies, a farnleee daugheor who is 1,0te(1 for being a firot.ol11ss meager of the household department, ,vont to towel to do the (Mapping as usual. Among other things she purobased a quantity of Balt which teas dote up in a large paper bag. Some of this salt she used in pro peon; breal.i0st nock morning and after milking, it being bandy, 0110 gave the 00wa a liberal supply -probably 8eeeral potluck!, w(1i011 they ate with gnat rental), But now d0 where elle fern Gorses fn ; eonloltim0 during the day title same girl discovered that the paper bag oonto,inod nothing oleo than the beet of white sugar. She gays the next time the goes to town she will melte that etorekeepetie ears 340 red es it coal of (lee. cur e-r.stxvnt tw.^iparti 410. *; 1712azsacnC'{Tann DOTE as OPPIDO n,rw r,; SDIDanr n w 11 Mrs. Slater, daughter of John 11111, n j ,g:au hut' journey u( Monday 0f this ' avec (to )x otV, , °chic Jin, u' husband who whore she will join l c husbl n l 0 r a I vU j went tiers H0ver141 months ego. \V0 w101111r, 141111111(, tiletel and then' little eon notch Happiness In their new hump. Our reeve (dud d0lputiee are away this weep 101 their annual mld0ummer free exemedol to the (smutty town, They will likely mouldier bnah(xe with pleasure while there. AVlly le it that our patil- I0asteete, pone(1•Iteepers and health (11- 0peolor0 aro not granted the same !privilege ? Would not 11 we01( of 11101 beautiful 0L11111001' recon be Peat us belie - 1101111 to them ? We dont see the sense in slaking flesh of some officials tend fowl al the et11srs. We aro pleased to hear that John G„ son of Augna Shaw, ham been111eard from. De had been in Brinell Culuulbia, Wash- ington Territory aria California endeavor- ing to build up his health which was in 0 pr000rinus condition but with little avltlL lIio rel0tive0 were greatly Berpris. ed and pina00(1, after n long (alone°, to receive is letter from hen from '''ranee. Ile mid, he heel been writing regularly hilt his letter's were 10 1 8 1 0111 Boma way DB were (110 Dees sent haul by iia pttrent0 and (deter. J. G. Mike '.l coning beam 011 a visit for a fete months. Selmer, lt(:rm:re. -The following da the report of S. K. N1). 5, for the month of May :---.13'. Part 1 -Wild, (Contort, Lizzie Limas, Nellie Cortes, It,y 110,011 ; Sr. Part 1 -Arthur itobcrl+mr,1l ,bel Coates, Alex. Dunbar, 11Jbt. Mancha, ; Jr. Part 2 -Archie J1p1 1) (4 1,1/11,!0, Amin Paw. Hon ,lcsie (W ,1•, Part S -Howard • Coate, 211)111 1 ,bat. 1u, Study I end- d11y, Nellie Ridley ; do 1 Class Eddie j \lulauAuu I. �(,V lolly Stette,Jr.1 _1 ilei Feet gv .3 gin Dnulu, 1 I t Uhc 1 (161 1( la 134), ]fail ( �.., Atte; Spillet; • Jr. 11-11-Bu'+.11 I,.u':.n1, Mary Sly .3's, Elln'1 Dunbar ; Sr. •1411 --.1) mail Kill. ; no', S11on31 (-1:mlpbell, Cirri';;in•L Alex• coulee, team, Do0'mx, 1'oanher. Auti(1 1.,1 1 u t 1110,1 -1I(3 Data Jon: 1(iall.0ornlcrl -1 re •dive I vont 10110r and 111x1) the paper tin i Ig a dn0rril'tion of 1110 , (30330mllur you had wi111 n 5ho01. 1 wrote tllie to you just after I got yours bit it is so far away here 1 suppose yott will net get tide till the middle of the year 18'03. Tina me luta of ghosts here but not 00 big 11,4 the one that abased you. They are little wee thin58 and no one is much afraid of them. I guess Joe, you did get badly frightened that eight and well you (light. As you 0(11(1 ill your letter you ave taking the best way now to visit at that plans on Sunday aftornoohs and oomn home early in the evening. I WW1 glad to hear that she did not go back on gun. If year hair is still ani 010ndi35 on end from the fright you had better shave 11 clean off and it will comp all right next time. I hope you Will never have 1111Jt10(3 000:1 exp.))'i011ce. Yanr old friend, ALEN. ]! i i,ot'r. CIItx.1 \VEnI111,--Ort 1luuday evening of this week Chas. Rozo(l and wife 0010• braced their twentieth madding day in a right royal manner. Thor:, wa8 present their own family told thou 1 twenty iu- vite.1 guest) and the time s,) •(t lvaM very plea0,ult and agreeable. Late in the evening there leas a boltutif1l spread of good things and, judging from 1110ir dis- appearance, they were richly enjoyed. On toward the wee hours the 11,1v. R. Paul, of (3rnas:�l4, said la few Wer'd8 on behalf of the friends wile were present and had enjoyed themselves so much. Ile referred tie the blessings of the pest to, ranee, tdlo present harpy relation of the honiey mid prayed for peseta and prosperity with long life in the future. Mrs. Neil MOLaloOhlin also made a speech which was noted for its brevity. The following is a list of the presents given o1 the occasion :-Wm. Aiuloy and wife, China tea set ; Mi08 Ruby Plum, Chian 01101)0dere ; MN. J, Constable and Hays, of Seaforth, 1e1400ade set ; Mrs. N. Ile Lau1laliu, wutee set ; Mr. and Airs. Burkholder•, fruit (11011 ; Mrs. S. W. Laird, China fruit diele , Mrs. J. A. Ptt1• land, China ehoeso dish ; Miss 11oin10s, dos. China fruit nepeie01 Miss Ellie Plum, .1 doz. China butter pats ; J. G. Biome and wife, t0vo large China plates. The e"mp'l1 will long remember the happy time spent with their friends, Mr. 11,d 11x0, Bereell mud family. '(7(1Llt ani. hu„ I (jt) 1 I N 1Y f' V e soy Ice Groan The 01101c ill this neighb.,rhood bre on the mend. James illcliibbiu, of Vanderbilt, Mich., w110 visiting his parents here 111't week. The public oohool ohil2rou nuci their tenehers were photographed this week by 1V. Burgess, of Brussels. A0 will be seen by the list of stations lit aneatheL' 00(uOM, Rov. W. Ottelveli will returnto Walton fee another year. The R. T. of T. purpose holding a pic- nic in MoDongall's grove on Jetta 251„. Every one lo cordial y invite:1 t0 mune and bring their buckets. .311 sister conic• ails will bo wel0omed. The W. (1. ie. mot hob Friday at the 00sidenue of lass. Wm, 'loAllister. There WKS a good burn out of the ladies 0oneidering the very wet dray. It was decided to have a garden party at the manse on dime 23rd and to (01140 Mee, Jamieson, of Forowea, deliver tom of her popular addresses on that occasion, in 11101'tesbymrian ohurolt. As the mange is near the ohuruh tett will be Oeev01 there. \Vo (lope there will bo a good at. tee(1anee as it will no doubt be very 0lteet,ti1ing and inetru0bive to bear the lecture, ParLienlo'e later. Oo11,oeThio 140311 w0 00 10.1113d 111)011 to record the death of Agnoo, wife of the (ate Geo. Campbell, who passed "Way 1,0 leer reward of ,G'riday owning{ of last heck, amid 'Jin year: mud 5 months. The deceased titeeidod church the Sunday previous to her death and 00 Monday went about hoe household duties appar' entlyin her usual health, On Tuesday elle was 1ake1 Omk am! the following Fri - clay her spirit escaped from its earthly tenement and she watt to join the loved ones who 00(1 gone before her to the bet- ter lend. Twelve ohildeen are left to nlonrtl the loss of I. loving mother. Mr. Campbell (lied about eight years ago. Airs. Oempboll was ie fallhfttl m0mbee of the Proseyloritto 011ulvh and way beloved by all who know her, Tuo funeral took place 11rem her let0 residence, (0114, 00m. 18,0 ray, on Saburday and ivies very 10,1'501 a, attended time being 82 rigs in 3.110 proems. Blom The int0rmone (4330 made in Bra - 0010 00m000ry, Itee. 1). Forrest 0ondu0b- mg the 00rv100. Southampton da giving Bowm,ui 1b Zinl(atl 10 year's 0130mp1io1 from ta000 to rebuild their twittery r000ntly destroy ed by flet, JE RSEY MAINLK SIIAK111 1 intoe rnoelo att'rangepnmt with 11 r. (1. A. iJ'', IRl•,3) 33.iorolly 1(3.11” to supply nut With ell the .r1:liSEy' Q1(MAM and J1,I1SFY MILK I may require. You can therefore de. 4:034,1 ou having a w'ry gummier foe Cream and a'lilk 'flake, The following le tho agreerneut betweee no: -1 horehy armee to supply Mr. Thal. Rutledge, for hie lee Croton and ifilk Shake, or Other per- pa000 111 Cm1lnea110(1 with his 1toolour,lut, Joreey Croom and Milk ILS 110 may re- quire, on the (1'ldit(ou that no other Cream or Milk 18 need except aB supplied by Ino. (1. A. DEADMAN. Pietist, remember that we snake 14 spew laity also of 13,tuauas, Oranges, 1.0(110011, P1110 Appios, (1001110 Caldiee, Nate, ,Cc. fr"` 011 ,i%t101;'0„ All Stations I I Ontario 1011 i7 )!r erat Pliolouaplly. O6i� .E. PERRY, ,. 9 The loading Photographer of Woodstock for the past 13 years, has leased the Photograph Gal- lery lately occupied by L. Incit- er, where he is prepared to make first-class Photographs in all of the Latest Styles and Sizes. ,l.'I'1SFA.CTIONI OUAIIANT'EED. 0211 at his Gallery and 80e tramples. C. ';1.:.1F)I E i .5Z, PHOTOGRAPHER, D.RtJSSELS. sr.,,r✓1•.r..,. THOS,ilET1H}3'l,, 1'raeliecal TV'cafelrr?salter (&Ida' Jeweler. Thanking the publio for past favore and Nupport and wielliog still to secure your patronage, we are opening out bull Linea in SOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Platen Ware from Established and Relieblo Makers fully warranted by us, Cl0c'ka o/ l/u. Latest I) e.5' F,<.;•' r l .S JEWELRY 1 3,Vlt.,nIxo 11034, 1.111,11.(1 01.31 It11.1)4, Illtoornrs, (1.Lltnl0,:a, text. 1: "Alen a Full Linc of Voir(; MIA Violin Strings, ,l-°., in Bt0ek. 0. 11.•-losurer of Marriage (drensrv, NEXT TO '1,11'AMERICAN IIOTJ.L. T. Fletcher, - i3russels �FSi."-?lr11 n.tL'100wn•,tr.Pwr, w3L"1,, n^^.no,110a,,303.17 501''r'n,no 'wn,us.,..14CC...0 ..4, .•Sr'CQ".RIa ml ti 1( f�t lA gAA Si 1 ,I'cte Wilt I e.• to 1. ., Jd,. Vit, u,l 1t)li'1J fU 11(1.111 m, Or atexc. 9•(I, !lett At& Good to nem •u n,ol JULY 21.11. —'41--- .1 (0(10 °l, I1'80t.AX Gip. 1 to (1e11.1nl ue til (('1,".51,1, ---UT .':Anna,, eeteee (ieeteefeee, (t0od to 01,,1eru until AL'11(J,0'1' iib, —ON -- 11" Airs alelai 1139, ]cache..,, Gond to (Warn uuti1 teliBBB'r 05111. 'l'll (414 (bli(IN"vllR' 1,013(1005 rate( (tamed : 1118 031P'1' 11(100(131134 DELU1t.111 5 (11HU\V $'28.00 1SI1SU,1)0Tli =LTJ- 3.2N41. YORs.`TOST PRINCE ALBERT CALGA1tY 530.00 $35,00 Edmonton $40.00 Tho Winnipeg AgrioOItural and Ind 11Atried R Cldbltioo w111 bo held from July 0114 to 10111 inclusive, null July lids , and 1014 have boon fixe.( upon for exclusion to oual5o lloe- se04er1 to attend the Jlxtol:mon. Au l nation sale 01 Canadian Paoifio It1d1- W0) 11,, 0113111 1,1 bald u1 N./mouton. on July fith, Passengers tdring adva1tnge 01 the 001 ur=inn of Jo e0 este will score moiten ill time to alto,." 111•, Sala. of Inrt'1ee eerticalare apply to any .10.1nt of E1,0 Culupnuy. J. T. PEPPER, Age((, L1'u3sel'. 9 it jdAl SEA 33 1 r' d,•,.,. ,F . -� ,1 lJ t iota `gW R ,s r' .yy , d l i 1 A .i r 3:0 d . q� ,1 k 1 ,i .r itt1 i "�ttl d� arc, Having ac111cd new Scenery to his 11111 cry is now in a position to turn out work that is second to non'(. A loot( at his photos. \s i11 convince you that they are first-class. Tho public are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery. .Piet7rres Copied and also .E rltcarlrrd to any ,size Cru/o11 at reasonable ,Prices. A Specialty gado of fit -Leer View.. You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old staid over Standard -Bank, 13_ J. SrS']ONC-- TV'hat would yozc Zi%CC —in the way of a corset? Something that's easy and comfortable—something that clasps th'1figure closely, but yields to every movement? Then you want the Eall'a Corset. 11 you fend that you don't, after wearing for two or three weeks, you have only to return it and get your money back. &on l•SALM BY A. S711ACI1AV. heu "Fatima, BEING duo to Otto presence of mile acid intim blood, is most effectually cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Be surd you get Ayer's and no other, and take it 1111 the p0(0onons acid is thoroughly expelled from the system, We challenge attention so this testimony "About two yearn ago, atter suffering for nearly two years from rhenniatio gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had beau relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking .Ayoo'o Sarsaparilla, I then dooidod to snake a trial of this medicine, and took et regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it bas effected a complete 01.1r0. I have since had no re- turn of the disease." -Mrs. R. Irving Dodge,110 Wast 121411100„ Now ltork. "One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, b0in con- fined to my house six months. 0111110 out of tbo sidewise very nmoh debili- tated, with no appetite, and my Byre OM disordered in every way. i commuted using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at onto, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too 11111011 in penis() of this well-known medil.In0," -Mrs, L. A, stark, Nashua, N... Ayer'( SarsapariUUa� PREPARED RE Dr. J. 0. Ayer & 06,, Lowell, Mast, Prlco $1: elle bottles, $6. Worth $6 a bottle, WANTS TO GET-- — ° 0ti1� q •\ t OUND6 OF 31 -.. In Exchange for .}foods. ab.Tar..,. n,'Ymar,xs>amn The Iiighost .lar of Trico will bo Allowed. reelEAECI1.11.110A=1:111...0:111.13.1... 4.114 "We have et titley 31 OrIOi ent of 'Tweeds, Cottons, Fhlapiini l.: , Pri .ts, Gash teres, Blankets, +.3heei)., ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &o. All Wool left with us for ni'uiilacturing, wlletiler roll. or otherwise, will have our prompt attention. s b - .: Satisfaction1 n�taed. C .BRUSSELS.