HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-10, Page 44 New Advertisements, Locals ---II, J. Strong. Bees --G. A. Deadman. Locals -Dr. J. C. Ayers. 1'h ntOg rephic---A. Ii im itt n gid. Public Notice-- Jolul Weiss. ne 'post ) n r 1 FR/DAY, JUNE 10, 1892. Hox. J. G. Dunne has resigned the Secretaryship of State, We are pleased to notice that a cue• morial will be erected to the late llou, Ales. Mackenzie, at his birthplace in Scotland, Now that Grey mud Morris Township Councils have decided to upend $100 in putting the gravel road into a fair state of repair, we suggest that the worst part of the road --the 11 Hailes immediately North mal South of Brussels -receive a Large propurlia-n of the ;;rev,1. There is a greet deal of travel :la this rot iion of road and it was in u vete' had condition last Sprint. Tse Toronto Empire expresses oar 1 selltilllents a ;'lull\• whoa It Maya ;- That oft el r, red institntion of our rtitilirAYi e„ the elle, lin;.'. is a::nin to the mint lin tLne nim d .r the gr. load of e:'ul Imre t..- in the n t a 1s net done, bet the !• a et 3 le of an 1111 neat brute steaming with blood :emoting tie before a powerful neero till one last ter• rifle bow renders hits iusenei:,bo and pet au end to the revolting welts i5 surely enough for any community. This is an ensportstnanllke picture of the Tack -out -- Slavin lielit which took pace under the protection of the lows in London on Aro11- day night. Tb.y cull it spilt in Eng. land. Ar the last session of the Ontario Legislature an amendment was made tc the Landlord and Tenant Act, which is net ceoerolly itoowo. By the new enact. ment any tenant falling into arrears for rent, with the exception of the first month's liability, leaves himself open to be seized, and no goods or chattels which he may possess, are exempt from this seizure. Everything goes. Before this amendment the necessary articles, such as a stove, sic chairs, personal clothing, etc„ could not be seized for rent but now all that is changed and the man who falls behind is open to have seized and sold every article o1 permed property which be may be possessed oi. Dt1110e2 taxatiolt is to be tried in Quebec Province, es a part of the way out of her financial difficulties. The rate proposed is one mill on the (Mime by which it is estimated $400,000 at year can be realized. There is likely also to be a direct tee on stocks, bonds end mortgages. The ex. peetatiou that the direct tate oe land will raise 13100,000 shows that the valuation of the read estate of the Province, other thrid that belonging to the Government or the churches, is $400,000,000. The Montreal Herald thinks that the churches own pretty nearly half Its much ns that, which is exempt from tax:atiuu. The Herald Bays :--"The property in this Province which is, by law, exempt from taxation is computed to be worth over 5100.000,000. As the exemptions in the oity of Mout. real alone were in 11.00 valued nt nearly $21,009,000, tine rairulatiun does not seem by any 18e9113 to be overstated ; in. deed, it is frequently put down as amounting to nearly °i200,! 00,000. le this vast aggregate to be fureler exempt from all alone of the plea 13ele! bur- dens'?" The only m';;umeets which de- fenders of exemption have are, 1. That God should not be dishouored by taxes on property devoted to Hie worship or ser- vice. 2. That religious, eduoatiomtl and charitable 1111t1t11tie11e )benefit and elevate a state, and should not be discouraged by taxes. We are of the opinion if the Do- minion of Canada had a taste of direct taxation many of the 1 aareeettt extraV . glances would sone be slopped. "Dae," a writer for Toronto Saturday Night, gels off many good things but, to our mind, he hit the nail on the head in a recent issue when he said r -"I used 10 hear an old lle 0ad song A rase 0.t the Window le 'Waiting for Me. It was a very pretty sung, Somooee ought to write e, parody on it. Thera is a Face in the Newspaper 'Vaitiug for 111e. One cannot open a daily sheet or a weekly, religious or otherwise, without boli g met by some repulsive countenarl'le. It is probably en alleged portrait of Mrs. Jonas Sniff, 0ured of catarrh by ammo quack doctor, or ltlr. Iiattlebenes, who gained fifty pounds in fifty days by talc ing somebody's coil liver oil. On the next page Master Tommy Ooabb bean». upon us, first suffering from an ulcer and then in bounding health after being treated by some oilier variety of gnaclt. People with and without pimples shrink f'om our gaze; two -heeded boys and hairy girls, freaks will) an astounding needier of fingere or an extra leg adoral the announeemeuls of match penny inn- eeume until newspapers are a medley of horrors and deformities. I believe in illustrated advertisements, but I am of the opinion Diet no bill board, shote carr) nor newspaper 001um08 should be defaced by the pictures of freaks, deformities and diseases. These thinge have their effect not only in making the eye of the reader accustomed to hideous things, but ante• natal intinencee of tide sort have more than once Gauged the reproduction of freaks and deformities, Self•respeoting newspapers should forbid the insertion of. such thinge. There are other classes of advertisements appetwi3(1 in daily 310350 - papers in this city whlell make groat claim to high moral tone, which are 0 disgrace to their col1mus. If they mean anything they mean something vile and the renolies advertised unlaes they are TILE BRUSSELS POST not nostrums propend for theca who &tion County. lucre been frightened, 101'e such us should not be offered to the ptlblie, Altogether it seems to ole that there might be some editing plofital.ly done in the advertising Mentes, auil the pictorial horrors nutk5 ns sigh for the aeod old days when Lydia Piukbatn liret shone upon nc." Toe indieutione are that since bon egos have become illegal, Dente and (flies 1111 over the (mantra" will gradually adopt the plan of tax exemption 111 order to induce the loeetfon within their limits of manu- factories. The Toronto Cnunoil has 91. ready declared that for ten years the nutehiueryy, plant 01111 tools of every face tory iu the city will be free from taxation. The pity does not grant other special advantages but the resolution sets forth the privileges flat will be given thus "For a period of ten years to be coo• pitted from the first day of January, '93, the machinery, plant and tools need in every malufaolu'iug industry in the city of Toroute will be eeenlpt from tax. ati011 for general pnrp0035, provided, however, that the owns or owners of each yuan menti awtluilg 1(110atry shall be assessed iu l,ro1 d:uree with the pro• visions of the Assessment Act ; but the 110000003, where any such 10.11(010y is carried on, will ::how upon the ro'l the yalne of 1-11T. 111811in••re, plant and tools used in such iuduutl'y. The said exemp• tine will not e.xte'ul to the land or 11',1ild. tugs occupied d by said 111 ill. tr t atm' t0 1 1.11 ere till c el e wl 1 -11 is 0 rtt[t .111 t., f 1t be ti wildly or in put, by deed (3 0c 31 moot on the real eetats immediately benefited, or to sewer refits or rates, or to any other (Ian rates for general or school puree.eee. Thi. 11y.law does not apply to the machinery us d in breweries 1 and distilleries or t1 101111101ni50 holding I a fraeelliae from the city." 131 111.Dvallts. The hotel 18 under repairs at pres)bt and the new blacksmith shop is finished. Robert Icing, sr„ has fixed mp - a nice little room, twelve by twenty, for his girls to carry on the dressmaking busi- ness in. Aocordiu;' to the final draft of stations Rev. L 13. iVallmin is down for Waterloo street, Stratford. Rev. J. W. Pring, of b'ordwich, will become the pastor here. Lost Monday evening some of the boys went over to Whitechurch Lodge I. 0. G. T., for the purpose of hearing a debate, They say it was grand and are determined to have one in Bluevale Lodge. While itlr. Hooper was closing the station yard gate the other evening, his horse, which wae drawing two carts, ran away leaving one in the seev- sill yard and drawing the Other to the swamp, where it Ives caught. As the Wiughnm friends went from the entertainment on Friday lust au accident occurred which was very hard on the 'foie.. While going dowu the (hill at .lir, lloCracken's the waggon struck a stone and broke the axle, forcing them to walk h0we er stay there in the mud. The Bluevale Lodge, I. 0. G. T., favor• ed the eitizeus with one of the most ex- cellent entertainments ever given in Bluevale. Master Ralph Bingham, of Philadelphia, who superintended and conducted the entertainment, delighted his hearers with his humorous and pathetic recitations and ready wit till abont 10600. He gev5 some very fine selections on the violin. The harmonica band of Winghmn Auoher of hope lodge also deserve oar praise for the very ex- cellent manner in which they entertained the audience., 1Viet, ear i:.s. "Tb." and Johnny Saunders, of Ethel, spent Sunday visiting 51ttENDS on 1110 8rd line. Henry Bone, of Brigdnn, spent a few days with his 0oneitl, Thos. Bone, jr„ last 00el,. Miss Lizzie Ireland 15 spending a few weeks wait friends in Seaforth and ' Tuckeremi (11. Mrs. Wm. Anderson is still very poet•• ly, no change being n0)1000bl0 in her low state of health. We are glad 00 see that John Miller, aril liue, has completely recovered from his recent illness. Robe Maguire, having returned from the Northwest, is sojourning under the parental roof, at the 1st line. I11ro. R. Forsyth, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. 4Vtn, Anderson, has re• turned to her liomo in Sullivan. Mrs, Jas. Anderson, of Sullivan, is at present visiting et the residence of her brothor.in-law, Quinton Anderson. Mrs. Geo. Henderson, who was con- fined to her roam with a very severe at- tack of itniammation, is DM able to be 8t•,11110 again. hu. J10, Millsis lav[n, a lateen a ba u put ep tide seas0.'. It will ho 02 feet long with stone 4tabliteg. D. aALIN.tug1ton, of Brussels, Ina the ;oh, About three teens ago Geo. Mooney, of India11 Bead, N. W. '1'., land the mis- fortune to have his stable burned to the ground. The fire ayes caused by a spark from the chimney of his house. To make matters worse Mr, 930011ey'5 00190 bt50 tools, 0111011 were in the stab's, were also tlestroyell. Geo. Ilenderson had his barn raised en Wednesday of last week and is' note prepared for the masons who will be busy at work in et Few days. On the evening of the raising he very kindly invited the young people of the neighborhood to spend a fete hoses in the "merry mazes of the dance," which you may be sa.e was not long iu being accepted as 113. Ilenderson and wife know how to make young people enjoy themselves. Scuoor. Reroter,-•-The following shows the dorre01 standing of the pupils in S, S. No. 4, Morris, for the mon Ili of May t -nth Class -Fred, Pybus, Taylor Pipe, Frank Cloakey, Millard Cardlfl, Simeon Forsyth 1 Br.1 Glass -Lyon Pipe, Hugh Forsyth, George Cardiff, Jeanot 'I'huoll, Lily Sharp, Lily Mooney, Nettie (avis ; 2531 Class-7laggie Meauloheon, Lura Cunningham, Robert Oloakev, Ida Mooney, Lulu Davis ; Senior Part 2nd - Ida Pybus, Mand 1-loggatrd, Noralt Mann - dere, 111yrtle Nichol. William D. Jolla• sort ; ,Inninr Part 2nd --William Green Blade, James Innes, Hobert Mooney, Goo. Imes, John Cloakey, Joseph M0O11te111. eon,7ohi3 atm, Alfred 113100m, Roddrick McLean, William McLean. A, Tarr •31, Teacher, 13ulgretve. mune 0 5811001 Inutile. The nesre3t one is two and a half miles away. The people of Exeter offer 01.0,000, exempt tea from lltaatio0 8)11 at spec into the 13ur13e if tae Alaweey-11101ie Co. will allow the Verity Plow Werke to remain where they are. .Jon athero Miller, of the Albion Hotel, fettle et, and it I Gere are to he do. Fondants in It libel snit which has been entered by Maleoltu Colin (deuteron for e., 000 damage. Farmers in /Mexico always use oxen of ale o01or in the morning and of another color in the efteruaol. They da not ' kuow why', but they know that it must be the right thing to do beariuso their forefathers did it. A dastardly attempt was made Satur- day to wreck the regular G. '1'. It, ex. press ttllitl due at Clinton at 13:30 p. m., 1(h1e11 tree heavily folded with passim. gens for 1/111/113 0011 Cleale.tieb. The scene of the inbunuw attempt was 1350 111'lee east of Cliulou, on tum lid fdle ant l Lalte Intent 1103308 1 of the G. 1, 11. '911010 is Iet the spot a bridge known ea the 50001111 I31•1010, 15111011 spittle the Bay)1e1d j 3i00t•, the bridge being thirty feet above the stet'. It is rho slues bridge where I seloss of life was providentially 11001 110d a few years ago, whet] during the time of it 1 flood, the bridge eanl4 eallaiderally. The place is a tory lonely one, Ito Irons, s 0r help being within 11:.11 It mile, and be ap preached by deeeuding a homey "rale. T. Paltorman, who wee walking 101111 S3,a• forth to hie legate 111 (.'linens, haul eliteten ' the creek rather than the nnu1le. reads. When apprenrling the bridge, 110 b a d grind. of f.11il,4 .stones and the removal l S N 111 e•h a te 1, e- a a 1 um n alll 1 111 iei"u. n n 1 .vu 11rout, 1 to hie 1 lnu•ea that 0110 111L1'1011s were o b- int; p c.•d on the bridge, mal knowing (het the ex11rees 350111,1 snnu be rushing (evu nnp011 it, he melted to the top of 1110 grnd0 sheeting and wacieg his lantern. OIe succeeded in aora..ttire the atteutiol of I Engineer (been, 11011 the train was brought in t'1 otnu,i,1)) . Conductor Aase• beelike, after hearing Paltorman', story gave orders to proceed cerefn11y, and found when nerving the bridge that powerful nbsu'aetione had been placed on and 11 ear 11. On examination it wit= found that heavy beams, about twelve feet long, had been carefully wedged up- right between the sleepers of the bridge, and supported by huge stones, any of which would have caused the immediate deetrnolion of the train. At intervals of a few yards were similar obs+ructions. The obstructions being removed the train proceeded. The affair has caused great excitement et Clinton and Intense iudig. nation, The perpetrators have not yet been arrested. Iled the train been on time the chances are, as the slight was cloudy, that the tract would have been thrown down the embankment. OE'S COTTON 1100T ('0511'0('110. 8 recent discovery ay ml old physician. fincenssful- ly used 111011tbty by (bals- amic of L,ni&5, fa the 0031 perfectly 01110 root reliable tuedicine discos. °rod, 11ewitre 01 unprincipled drnpailts 1011, rafter et leder medicines iu place of this. Asir far (lnnt0o do rns ltno'r (3(1,13,151', tale ne Substitute: nr iu rinso Al ata d bores -cent Canada 1"11-15° (101106 in. letter. Ialnl we 33111 send, 0r91ed, by rel men mail. 10101 seal- ed )ar3lc3dur510 plant 1113.0131pr, to 1alies only, •3 330310,9 Address 00110 3,tt5 rotas. • 5 ar oc a •uta cur 141311, 1 9 Fl h Il 1, 131 33 1 0 eve„ Don nit, 'Mich. t sold 111(111(1,5515 by J. i', PEPPER, 0, Gratin Dealer, Brussels. \. 1111.313\t 114 and all resnonslbic druggists et•m•5'W(1c1c. tluNl'I 10, 1502 tee o^.rmnwwz.11!earum atrnx.aaararrsiactstain s'elaa 1:=3rclnlacavarta104181 l.'a.91321r=s8 SEASOA3LE CO "1HECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 1N CANADA. Fa111ne rs Gardeners. Save your 1'rtlit trees and in- crease your yield of fruit from 40 to 00.per cent, by u'iing the CO9tLIINNI) SPRAY P('1'ft' which caul be seen at aha Post- 3)119ce. The Postmaster is the Agent for it. k, p' prrsr 7..'t, dt. i tt VZ anT I0'.a)z T111' (111181 ((1t 011 0111111, file i ea 11 n; T 1 ( fu (. A [I 11 \ (1'111 is 111)1(1 ouno1 in out 111.00 of tuedi- cine. All droegtsts ere .lottolizd to veil it on e. )1 3)4,10 gua0lunee•, a test that 110 other cure eau snrrtssfidly stand. if yon have 0 Cough, Sore Threat or Brom:hitie, 1188 it, fur it will en re you, 11 yoeur0ldiel has the Croup, of Whooping Clough, nee it promptly, and relief ie sore. If you dread that iusidieus3'1 .,',se CONSU31?. TION, rinx'T FAIL 10 u.e it, it will cure you or cost nnthia'_. ark vnnr Druggist for SHILOH'S (41 'le, Priro toe , 60e. and 01.00 If yn n rouge ere eul•e Or back lame,use 11+1111011'1 Poruas'plaster. 25c, on •a roe 47 1 ,any Ott rlll'Ulf of Wool 41'illted 7)y the un- dersigned, for which Z alai, prepared to ply the Highest Market Price in gash. R. i e li Mar i0 Mutual Life' (((11n1 43133+01(., . {t'A'reat 3400, ONT. Assurance in force Jan'y,'112..e14,934,807 Nev business writ1e0 in 1501 2,004,1150 1 leer. ase over tette 810,800 1 Cash inooum for 1801 547,020 111c1.°88c. a0n• let90 57,020 Liberal Conditions of Policies. flash Aller 1'id l-np 1'8(105 gueranteed ou 09011 1101i05. All dividends hating to and ale paid only to 110)10y ladders. I't•etuillno Playable- during the month in 3vhi'dl they rnMine. Policia. are incontestable two y'ear'n fro an dote of i"u,l, Na 0 .,t: ictlon on Irl:ve!, rosidetioa or 00. 0nplttm. 13 nliele's may be revived within el (11,3t131 a h et Death entitle; paid at mute ma oamplotiou of 0bti,o 1.1Pars. J A. YOUNiG, l3is'riot Agent, Ethel, Salve Your Hair BV a timely use of Ayer's Haft Vigor: This propagation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp olcan, cool, and healthy, and preserves the Dolor, fullness, and beauty of the hair. "Book ache means the kid- neys are in trouble, Dodd's Kidney Pills glue prompt relief," "7G per 08nt: of disease is first mused by disordered kid- neys, Might as well try to have a healthy oity without sewer- age, as good health when the exist where kidneys are Dodd's Kidney _ clogged, they are Pills are used.' Flannels, strictly N1435 STYLES, tar surpasses any wool season yet. I the soau0ngers of the system. Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint, and the most dan- gerous s of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." "The above diseases cannot ...,..A'T' IBJ A line al' Prints to sell at 10(1, regular 131(. -Goods. A. tibio litre of Printed 13uslilis from 1Oc, to 25o. All Wool Delaines and Delaiuettes, Check Mus1ins, 'Victoria Lawns, Indira Linens, Lace Cur- tains, 0u011110ctl1.es and Art 1111slhis, Bats for everybody from, 5c. 7r..1r1./-.'cord.9. P:u'asol$ at 50c., 75c.. $1.00, •'1.35, $1.50, $2.00 & $3 50. Rubber coats and. La iez' ^ fat sv A full stook of new Goocls nt the Lowest Prises. Give 11(1 19, Cut,1. IR IN & MoBAIN. T A Y 4 i 1 � , c,vmmeevaarrttmxnnmrmmve nZsu:•._.^•--: 20. t_ 'CS! 1@ 1118 P Ill Having purchased the Furniture Business for Mei,ssr , Smith, 1Ialcoint & Gibson, I3russel., I desire to notify the public generally that I will keep a first-class stock of 11 c--r-Y . rye • TV ra v fT"II a 01 the newest designs, and gill ,ell at (:lose prices. Spec- ial attention given to repairing. A NICE RANGE NGE OF CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, .11x:' 1 1Pi11 keep a well selected stock of Caskets, Collies, 110., also a first-class Hearse. lfy personal attention will he given to all orders. Picture Framing clone on short notice. ,A large stock of mould- ing 131w1)313 on hand. A call is solicited from the people of Brussels and surrounding country. tiatistactiotl guaranteed. DAVID HOGG. SVIALE'S BLOCK, BRUSSELS. Ittagammtmusarntomstatatemscramsnatgampasotearsaa QUI as ANTEBO (0) Listowel Woolen (o) ac tory. fliphest Prices Paid, Gash or Trade, Largest Wool. M7 rket in Or tarso. Everybody come and sea our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods which we offer at bottom prices for cash or exchange for wool. • NEW AND FRESH STOCK. We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a wool sea- son's business as at the present one, and have never felt so roill- pletely confident of our ability to serve you with the best of goods at bottom prices. A specially attractive feature of our now lines of fine Sold ,l all deniers end rs or conch mail Is Y recei t of price go conte. pe box or Six for $a,5u, De, L.A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for FINE WOOL SOOTOH SKIRTINGS, book called Kidney Talk, "1 was rapidly becoming bald and g after two or kettles oft Ayers Bair Vigor any hair grew thick and glossy and the original color was restored." -Melvin Aldrich, Canaan Centro, N. IL "Some time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles. Alter due waiting, no now growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and any hair grew Thiok and Strong. xt has apparently come to stay. The Vi or is evidently a ggreat aid to nature." --J. B. Williams, Z>`loresville, Texas.' "I have used Ayor's Hair Vigor for the past four or five years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the Bair. His all I could desire, being ](armless causing the hair to retain its nature{ color, and requiting but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange."- Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 0 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass, "I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe that it has eatlsed my hair to retain its nathral color." --Mrs. EI, .J, Hingq, Dgqaler 311 Dry Goods, &o,, Bfshopville, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, WM 3111x0 air pr. J. 0. Ayer & 00., Lowell, Mass. field by Drugglelsand Perfumers. JAS. 1 S. 11.Al i, . --Mm,31Cactnrer of--. liltgyiest !Jnr1'ialge?St 4e. OPPOSITE TI1Wisl HAIL 73RUSSIILS, (Something New offered to the trade.) We are the only Woollen Factory in Canada that make this line of goods and offer them for one-half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow. STOOK IN TRADE. English Worsteds, Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, lfoltons and Clotakings, Fine and Coarse Flannels in Dress Goods and Shirtings, Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, "Woollen at111 Cotton Underwear, Fingering and Stocking Yarns, Cottonades, Cotton Bindings, Win- eeys, Dock said Gray Cottons. Also a good ,supply of Stockings, Socks and Knitted Goods. WAR]NT 1IsTG 'We Irish to warn the farmers not to be (deceived by Shoddy Ped- dlers going through the country selling dishonest goods, Wo have no peddlers handling our goods anti they can only bo bought by dealing direst at the factory. - Roll Carding, \ -innzn(1l cold Manufacturing, Tweeds, .LPL -tunas, Blankets, &o. Our Wolk will satiofy you and Thanking our numerous customers for their past favors, would our Prices will please. beg to say come and bring your neighbor to see our stock, as you will be highly pleased to ileo goods so- low in price. You will .find - us ready to give the most prompt and careful a110011on to all. (Jail anis Bee' ue as We are Here to Hindle Business, B. F. BROOK & SON.