The Brussels Post, 1892-6-3, Page 10SUPPLEMENT TO THE POST.
J'11NE 3, 1892.
Perth Coul'lty,
Gilles h Martin, of Teeswater, will
start a foundry in Listowel.
The Stratford Board of Trade have
started to move in the direction of a house
of refuge for the county.
Harvey Maguire, of Stratford, had one
of his wrists burned on Friday of last
week. A sky rocket shot up hie coat
M. Williams is pushing the work for•
ward rapidly an hie new store which
when finished will be quite an ornament
to Dublin.
Sense person throw a stone a few days
ago, that struok and broke the plate glass
window in Denfie's store, National hotel
corner, St. Mary's.
S. Marriott, Iilanehard, forwarded to
Montreal for export 74 head of fat cattle.
They were purchased by the Crowe Co.
of Montreal, and weighed 109,750 lbs.
G. G. McPherson, of McPherson nb
Davidson, lawyers, Stratford, was pre -
seated to court at Osgoode Hall, Toronto,
and sworn in and enrolled as a barrister.
The Roman Catholic congregation of
St. Marys have decided upon creating a
handsome edifice on tho part of their
property to the south of the) present
D. J. nanny, for many years a resident
of Stratford, and formerly n conductor on
the G. T. It., has Lased the Middaugh
house, Durham, and taken possession of
the same.
Mayer Cull, of Mitchell, has purchased
the line residence of .Jamas Jones in the
West Ward and will move there shortly.
Dlr. Jones will move back to his farm 2
miles from Mitchell,
Contractor Elliot, of St. Mary's sue•
tained a severe sprain to one ankle the
other day while endeavoring to quarry
stone for the coping of the Victoria
Bridge breakwater, London.
Messre. Thompson a Flanagan, of To-
ronto, paid out nearly 910,000 Saturday
to farmers near'ildilverton for cattle for
the British market. Thera were 12 car
loads, and they are being taken to Mon.
treat by a special train, where lacy will
be shipped.
An experiment in the artificial pro.
pagationof Rah in Victoria lake, Strat-
ford, is under way. The firsb batch of
Zany tribe was deposited May 17th,
Others will be added from time to time
as well as eggs and fry. It ie expected
in time to have the lake stooked with fine
Thomas Bell and wife, of Stratford,
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their
wedding on Thursday of last week. Mr.
Bell is the oldest locomotive engineer on
the G. T. R., having entered the Dom•
pany'e service in 1858, 90e formerly
lived in St. 11Jary's, but for the last 19
years has been a resiclont of Stratford.
He ie a olass leader in the Central Dfetbo•
dist church, and a gentleman highly and
widely reopeoted. Ilio eetimahle partner
for half a century was a .Hiss Jane Laid.
law, and they were married in Cumber-
landshire, England. The guests were
numerous, A congratulatory address
was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Bell on
behalf of their grandohildren, accompani-
ed by a beautiful boqueb for each. The
number of presents was large, and all
were of gold, except two magnificent easy
Reformats of rim COUNTY or PtnTo.---
The following is clipped from the census
bulletin dealing with the religions of the
people, issued by the Department of
Agrietlture, using the Dominion electoral
districts as boundaries :
Stratford city, Listowel town, Mil•ver.
ton village, Moruiugton, Logan, Elma
and Ellice townahipe,
Baptists 1,028
Roman Catholics 8,726
Oltarch of England 4,183
Methodists 5,749
,Presbyterians 8,633
All others 5,697
0E1t011 eooTB.
Population, 19,400 ; eousiste of St,
Marys and Mitchell towne, Blanchard,
Downie, Fullerton, Hibbert and Uaborun
Baptists 200
Roman Catholics 1,010
Chinch of England 4,173
Methodists 7,023
Presbyterians ,• 5,994
All others ,., 785
Huron County. NERVE Nlslavn BEANS are a
new discovery that aura the
worst casae of Nervous De
Methodist Camp Meeting in Robert
Kettle's Grove, Kippen, luno 12th to
10th. Serviaes all day, with preaching
at 10130, 2:30 and 6:30 each day. The
ministers of Goderioh District ate in-
vited and moat of thein will be present.
Condaator Snider, Mies Williams, Miss.
es Hall, Mrs,.Pentlan d, Revs. Wan. Mu.
Donagh and A. L. Russell, of Exeter,
Jos. Edge, of Acton, W. F. Campbell, M.
A„ Blyth, Jos, S. Cook, of Ripley, will
also assist.
Dlernr=T Tn•:xeceus,—The regular meet.
iog of the north Huron District Lodge,
I. 0. G. T., was held in the Temperance
(fall, Blyth, on Friday, May 20111. The
attendance was lbs largest known for
some time, nearly two hundred delegates
being present. Verbal reports from the
various lodges represented showed that
the most of them had prospered during
the term. Wingham and Clinton lodges
in particular had made very marked ad-
vancement, the farmer having a member.
ship of 208 in a two years' existence,
while Clinton lodge, only organized in
February last, has a membership of 00.
There are 22 lodges in the district ; end
during the quarter two hail oaasol to exist
and Ave new ones were organized. The
membership in 1891 was 089, and the
membership now is 1100, making au in-
crease of 207, with a Dash balaooe in the
district treasury of 63'3, Mrs. Scott, of
Parltdale, Grand Superintendent of
Juvenile Templars, was present and gave
an illustration of the private work of the
order, also giving the Juvenile Templars'
pledge to several members. Several in-
teresting discussions on matters relating
to temperance progress were taken pant
in by a number of the delegates, but as
time was limited, some of the addresses
were left over for future consideration.
The officers elected for the ensuing term
are :—P. D. 0, T., W. F. Brooltensbire,
Wingham t D. C. T., R. Somers, Blyth ;
D, 0,, D. Sutherland, Wing -ham ; D. V.
T., Miss Isabella Webb, St. Helens ; D,
S. J. 1'., P. Metcalf, I3lyth ; D. Seo.•
Treas., B. Lawrason, Londeshoro; D.
Chap., Rev, E. W. Hughes, Winghant ;
D. ill., N. Vellowlees, Clinton ; D. D. M.,
Miss A. McIntosh, Constance ; D. (4.,
miss M. Washington, Clinton ; D. S., W.
Wightman, Belgrave ; D. A. S., Mics 0.
Moffat, Blyth ; Delegate to Grand Lodge,
A, Woodman, Lontlesboro'. The next
meeting will be held in Clinton the sn-
ood Friday of October, commencing ah
11 a. in,
Iy3 its first stages, can the successfully
checked by the prompt use of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later
periods of that disease, the cough is
wonderfully relieved by this medicine,
t"I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with the best effect iu my practice.
This wonderful preparation once saved
my life. I had a constant cough, night
sweats, was greatly reduced in iteph,
and given up 'by my physician. Ono
bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured
me."—A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middleton,
11 Several years ago Twee severely ill.
The doctors sold I Was in consumption,
and that theycould do nothing forma,
but advised mo, as a last resort, to try
Ayer's Oherry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine two or three months t
was cured, and my health remains good
to the present day."—Tames Biraburd,
Darien, Conn.
"Several years ago, on a passage biome
from California, by water, I contracted
so severe a cold that for some days I
was confined to my state -room, and a
physician on board considered my life
in. danger. Happening to have a bottle
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it
freely, and my hogs were soon resltu•ed
to a healthy condition. Since then I
Lave lnvariablyrecommended this prep-
aration."—a. 18. Chandler, Junction, Vu.
yea's Cherry P cion
Dr. J. 0, Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Mass,
f"o'd by all Dregglote. Price $1; sixbottice,93,
BEANS �bility,Lost Vigor 8,43 Nnil-
fog Manhood ; restores the
tm of body or mind
orr bbs the errors of excesses of
youth. This Benno, absolutely aures the
most obstinate eases when alt other. TImm,-
MENTe kava faked even to relieve. sola by
drueat bq mali n1 il per of price or bytor ad ress.
iia Tnn James Muumuu Co., Toronto, Ont.
Write for pamphlet. Sold Is 13russels by
A recent Cisoovsry by au
aid physiolau. Bsocessful-
ly need monthly by thous-
ands of nemnts. Is the
only perfectly safe and
reliable) rnedioius discov-
ered, Beware of unprincipled druggists who
offer interior medicines iu plane of this. Ask
for CODE'S COTTON ROOT (1o11Pol7E1). take no
substitute; or inclose 8I and 4 threa•eent
Oeuada )postage attunes in latter. null we
will send seated, by return mail, Troll scal-
ed partienlare in plain envelope, to lediee
only, 3 stannpe, Address POW 5.1ly Com,.
pant, No, 1 Fisher Block, 111 Woodward
ave„ Detroit, Mich.
, r8otd in Brussels by J. T, PTPPEB, C,
A, DSA1)IIAN alld all responsible drug;;iota
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estato.
f1'o ConnittSSiol2.
Borrowers eau have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
SV, 11.1. SINCL AIR,
Solicitor, Brussels.
t #
TR& 1 TO1ER,
.Yrcletical TTtictchnzalter
aizd Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Establisher) and Reliable Malvin
fatly warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs
LAnnta Gaol Roos,
F.otuu Oa, &0.
r. Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, &a., in stook,
N. B.•–Iesrtrcr of nit educe ltfCenses.
F. Fletcher, - Brussels.)
r.a err.Trttnnren _....ecoe•rr ,,,•„...,, Rr4L7'311
I Tarouto, Trerrolne Pulenncer Anent, 0 P R.
ices: A,nInendrnlrte4;eraatrernoveraratu..
Gruff-.I[r action Io Inert ellon0–Ml my oWn moo
a mw a mlMaEtmne not eptly tbolouglay tnmOvod
P meellivu d:wdrutr neakumkElon bra ateppml
-4 NEED Rud1u ar hair. made%saa ail pNabtu nod
tauwh4n rtaibtuarot:ch.
Restores (radios hair to its
original calor.
Stops failing of hair.
Keeps the Scalp clean.
Makes hair soft and Pliable
Pro:mica Growth
SOLD BY G. A. DEA.111IAN, BIt08$itLs,
Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A. look at his photos,
will .that they are first-class. The public
are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery,
Pictures Copied and: also Enlarged to COLT/ size
in Crayon -at reasonable !'rices.
A Specialty mads of Out -door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stall(
over Standard T3ank.
fat. ti. R CD Ig