The Brussels Post, 1892-6-3, Page 9IF' ICA M
1St!°l.0Reim The flag which floated from the top of
Miss Woods, of Mornington,is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Robt, Knox.
john Pelton and wife were visiting
friends in Woodstock and vicinity last
Thos. Magwood, 5f. P. P., proaohed in
the Methodist chinch last Sabbath, at
11 a. nn.
Preparations aro being made to tole•
brats the metal day of Confederation in
royal style in Atwood this year.
Ed. I. Fox had the mietortnne to have
his foot badly hurt by a log falling on it.
He has been peaclierly unfortunate do-
ing the peat few months, having had his
hand badly out 10 the flax twill leek
9Vx-oxc i .
Jno. Rutherford is suffering with a
severe attack of rheumatism.
Mrs. T. W. Gibson, of Toronto, is at
present visiting friends in town.
Rev. 15. A. Shaw and wife talk of visit•
Mg the OldCountry this nun mer.
Jno. Amor has bouthb the business and
good will of Jno. Walden as carriage
The I. 0. 0. F. hall le now completely
fitted and will compare favorably with
any ledge room in the province ()LIMA()()LIMA()the oitiee,
Mr. Diool�,, of ifordwielr, has purolnieed
all the lamber and partly mannfaotured
stuff from the Smith, Malcolm 4/ Gibson 1
estate, and is taking it to Fordwich.
.8, couple of men here are in the habit
o£ cheeping peoplo by their profanity on
the public streets. There is teak of them kami let before a magistrate,
Lim:tl•o�e tel.
The firet shipment of cheese from Lie.
towel this season was made on Wednes•
day of last week by T, Ballantyne fi Son.
It eonsisted of 110 boxes.
The coati -tat far tha erection of Thos,
Young's new residence has boon lot. Baal.
ford Bras, brae the carpenter work and
Valentina larown the cions and brink
Wallace McKenzie, son of Duncan Ma.
Kenzie, has returned to town after an
abounds of six years. He wee formerly
an employee of.less-Tiros. Mr. AleKen-
xie recently took a trip to British Colum.
A briok oettage owned by John Thump•
son, Listowel, was totally destroyed by
fire on Sunday at 0:30 a. m., together
with oontonts. The militants being
away from home at the time of the fire
it is a mystery how it originated. Build-
ing insured in the Citizens' for $500,
whish will not near cover the loss.
't 71 atr,rtoeiaria.
The cells of the "cooler" were all occu-
pied on the evening of May 21th.
The paint brush is transforming the
appearance of several places iu'town.
'Topsy," the running mare owned by
Beattie Sloe„ of this town, scoured third
money in London, on May 2.11h.
W. A. Meeke, the dramatic elootttionist,
will give oua of his popular eutertain-
mants in'Winghann, on Tuesday evening,
Juno 7th, ander the auspices of the town
The engagement of too Baird Brame,
tieCompany to give a week's concerts in
town, under the auspices al the Firemen
was withdrawn on account of the revival
meetings being continued in town.
The races to be held in Win ham on
Tuesday, June 2811), promise to be a sno-
eoes There will be 0700 given in purses,
The following is the program ; B minute
—Trotting and pacing, 0200 ; Green race
-•-Trot or pace, for horses owned within
16 miles of Wingham, 1st May, 1802, that
have never won money in any race, 050 ;ag
g Mile re—Beet 2 in B, 0200 ; Freo•for.
ail—Trob and lance, 0260.
park ark flag )ole on May 24th was con-
spicuous by the absence of the banaddae
goat of arms, which had been In some
manner out out. The crown, however,
was there.
An examination of candidates for third
class certificates will be held in the public
school here, commencing on July 11th, e,t
8:46 a. m. Upon application the depart-
ment has kindly granted permission. It
will be quite a convenience for those in
the town and immediate vicinity.
Gore -ice.
B. A. Beaman has secured an agency
on the Eastern division of the C. P. R.
Howick Orangemen have decided to
celebrate the 12th of July Shit year in
W. L)oig'e pacer, "Jennie Evert," ear•
ries off and prize in tato three minute
trot at the Ilarriston rases on the 21th.
Preparations for the laying of the
corner stones of the new atm rah on .Do-
minion Day, are already being commeue
eel by the Methodist people,
Rev. T. A. Wright and family left on
Wednesday morning of last week for
their new home in Brantford. A large
number of Mende gathered at the e'ation
to bid thein goodbye,
Ales. Strong's little child accidentally
spilled a bottle of poisonous medicine up-
on itself on Sunday evening and it was
feared at the time that some of the fluid
had been swallowed. Fortunately each
proved to be not the arise and the little
one 1s now quite reoovered.
Tho Royal 8001.1eb Dispensation was
opened in Gorrie Orange hall on Satur-
day May 11th, when three of the brothers
were advanced to the Royal Scald. t De-
gree. The following ofheirs were elooted
for the present year :—S. K. in 0. Coin.
pauion, Jno. Dano ; Deputy S. K. in 0.
Companion, Jun. Bray 8, K. Chap.
Companion, W. J. Greer ; S. K. Soribo
Companion, Adam Graham ; S.. II. Treas.
Companion, Jas. Perkins 1 S. K. at Arms
Companion, Alex. Graham ; S. 1I. ins de
Guard Companion, Thee, Hemphill ; S.
14. outside Geard Companion, 11. Dane.
K:taat,tiebriar lel "tv-'e.
It is expected the winc,•y mill at Brant-
ford will resume operations in a few days.
Between fifty ao .sixty telehhonrs wire
damaged in Guelph one afternoon last
week daring to thunderstorm.
Sour Brantford boys, 10 to 12 years
of age, welt) whippol with 0 birch on
Monday at the Brantford Police Station
for petty thieving.
Recently Wilmot Sbilson, of Lea:Ide„-
ton, had his leg broken and since -then it
has been found necessary to amputate
tato limb to sacro the unfortunate feilew's
A number of o&Limns of Norwood had
an exciting bear hunt en Friday of host
week, and suaceecled in killing two line
black ones about two miles from the
village. •
Thomas Stevenson, late night operator
ab the 0. P. 12. station in Teterboro,' was
killed on Thursday of Fast week at Sutton
Junotion, through clipping and falling
under the wheels when attempting to
board a train.
The proposed electric street railway at
Brantford will octet 0120,000. A citizen
has offered forty acres of land to the
railway company for $$10,000 the same to
be used as a park, and hie otter will like-
ly be accepted.
Some time on Tuesday night of last
week a sneak thief stole about $$200 in
emelt and a gold watch valued nt 080 from
the safe in the McMurray IIouse Iuger-
eoll. As the safe does not appear to have
been tampered with, it would seem that
the robbery must have occurred during
the evening. No trace of the thief has
yet been found. Among the missing
money wore two ohaqust, one for 088,46
and the other for 08.05. The other one
was drawn on William Pertlo, Ingersoll,
infavor of OharIes 1iitutoro.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, clic.;
BrrossI8L9, ST.
Tlio leading Photographer of
'Woodstock for the past 10 years,
has leased the Photograph Gal-
lery lately occupied by L. Hunt-
er, where ho is prepared to make
first-class Photographs in all of
the Latest Styles and Sizes.
t3.&TA.6 ACTIO
Gill at kit3 Gallery and see
Samples. Z -��,;,;.7
IS a blood.cliseaso. Until the poison is
expellee. from the system, utero eon
he no cure roe this loathsome and
dangerous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is a thorough rourso
ta'!lyer's Sarsaparilla --the best of all
-r'1co.1 purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous,
"I was troubled with catarrh for over
Iwo years. I tried various remedies,
and was treated by a number of physi-
cians, but received no benefit trod I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, .A.
fete bottles of tins medicine cured mo of
this troublesome coinplatttt and conn-
1h•t51y restored my health."--Jesso i1I.
Dezgc, Holman's Mills, N. 0.
d, t heir .dyar'e Sarsaparilla was roc-
c:antendod to me for catarrh, I was in-
t -ted to doubt its ei1cac . Having
tered -o many remedies, with little ben-
(e1b, I had no faith that•eaiythingwould
r . •t+ tun. I became emaciated from lose
• nopetite and hnpaired digestion, $
Lad nearly lost tho reuse of smell, and
• yotem was badly deranged. I was
est discouraged, waren afriend. urged
, lc, try Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, and re-
f. mo to portions whom it had cured
c -f catarrh. After taking hall a dozen
iIn al this medicine, I am convinced)
the only sure way of treating this
Hato disease is through the blood."
—Ciu.,.rles 11. Maloney, 118 River st.;
L owell, Mass,
Sty r darsaparifla,
Panellist, n'P
Dr. J, 0. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; six bottles, $0. Worth $5 a bottle.
Ontario Mutual Life.
«81.833 OFFICE, • WATERLOO, ow.
Assurance in force Jan),; 02„014,084,807
New business written in 1801 2,004,050
Increase over 1800 340,800
Cash income for 1891 117,620
Increase over 18110 17,000
Liberal Conditions of Polieles.
Carib and Pail -up Valaoe gaaraltteed ori.
(nada p01101.
Ali dividends belong be and rine paid only
to policy Isolative,
Prentlunds payuble during tato month in
which they tall due.
Policies aro loeoatoetablo two years from
date of keen.
No restriction on travel, resilenao or aa-
Lapsed policies may be revived within six
mucus ftl'tel• ]apse.
Death eleime paid at once on camgletlau
of claim papers.
Dislriot Agent, Ethel.
lou Quantity of
Wool wanted by the zin-
dersiy7f.ecl, for which I
am prepared to pay the
Bigheot Markel;
arket Prioe
in Gash
Grain Denier, 13russels.
NOV Or Z rolcc'7Z
—Tubo. The "bones” in the
13. C. corset are made of it
—warranted for a year, too.
It's a corset you can wear
a few weeks, and then get
your money back if it doesn't
But it's pretty sure to suit
—else it wouldn't be sold so.
FOR lit i io Br el,.. STRA(314N.