The Brussels Post, 1892-6-3, Page 8,posattiettem. cworksonscrescarbew=ormitmoosen th A61 1 It would bo wise for thiate tif you - who have Gooseberry ,E41111 Cureant bustle., So be on tile wetch for whet is kuown as I the urrant Worm vdti,i, no qniekly este off the helves eel of course deenoye all prespeete of good . fruit. An ueeal we lave bought n •up. ply of .Pure Helleborc Which we guarantee to deetroy theee worms when Used as directed. It would be well to secure some at onee so as to be „ ready for them. Are yen going to paper your house this eaeon e If eo we will be pleaeed to supply you with faehionable Wall Papere at right plieee. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, ..te. DRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. some -nate ExTENKO- N W. O. & D. Trains infr, Brussels - Station, North and South, as follows; Goma- SorTn. (-Mixt; Ni' Ateti n:53 ere, .. . Express norteffin, 1:13 p.m. 0..15 pan. Express ....., n.13 p.to. ro tat '41 cto'4ff cm 5. Z. 0. chiel's emang ye takin' notee, An faith he'll prent it. Coexem meeting next 'Monday evening in the Council chamber. etters, in advance, securee Tiff Poor for the balance of le92. Subscribe now. 'linings and scarlet fever continue to caper around the homes of some of cur residents. Tiff; dog poisoner is at work in Belie - eels again aud more than one eaniee has gone to dogdotn. ANOTHER car of pig, was sbipped from Brussels station on Monday of this weeir by Messrs. Heffernan, Bawtinheimer aud Jewitt. R. A. Mcnteet, of London, was in town this week pushing the circulation of the Daily A.dvertiser of tint city. The papers will reach Brussels en the 11:52 C. m. train. PMermarEit FmutOw talks of building up the vacancy between W. 51. MoCrack• en's block and the present postoffice this season. He has the stone on the ground mow for the foundetion. D. C. Ross and family have taken possession of the commodious briok resi- dence reeently,nnrchased from Dr. T. G. Holmes. Tie Pose wishes them many years of happiness and prosperity in their new home. Selene derangements of the stomach and bowels may often be corrected by taking only one of Ayers Pills. Through not haying the pills at hand your disorder increases and a regular fit of sickness follows. ,,For the want of a nail the sboe was lost," etc. TEE editor of TEE Pose hereby teak- nowledges the receipt of many congratu- latory letters and notioes from his brother quill drivers concerning the Reeveship election. In this oonnecton it may. not be out of plaoe to state that the matenty was 52 instead of 50, the vote at No. 1 being 77 and 53, instead of 77-55. J. D. Emmy, Robt. Watt and a, Uarrie were away at Hespeler, Preston and other towns giving the citizens of these planes an opportunity of witnessing a practical test of the Ronald steam fire engines. No town will make a mistake that purchases one of these excellent machines. TEEEE are nore cases of sickness and death from diseased kidneys than from ! all other diseaees combined. It is your , own fault if you allow your kidneys to I remain in an unhealthy condition when the euro is at hand. Dodd's Kidney Pills ' are guaranteed to cure the worst eases. 11 eoste bit litile• h • l They are for sale by all druggists toid dealers or by mail on receipt of 50 cents, or 6 boxes for e9.50. Write for book oiled Kidney Talk. Hemeemete—On Tueeday of last week Wro. Mose, barnees miler of Brussels, . and Mies Jane, daughter et Thos. Pierce, of the same place, were united in mao. riage in the rectory, Bayfield, by Rev. G. Newton. After a etort visit with the ; groorn's relatives Mr. and Mee, Mose , drove back to Brassele mud seithd down ; to the joys Of Married life. A large ; cirele of friends with them many years of happiness in their new relation. Srn.yr Prem.—Postmaster Forme is the local agent for a combined spray limp to be used in spraying fruit trees, vines, buehes ttud wieentbles. It is esti• ! ranted that the exteut of the damage done . to the fruit trees and vinee in the United , States by insects and lunette, disease each year will reach four huudred million dole tars ; in which event it is time trdne mailed was clevieed to avoid this heavy loon, which is most felt by the growers in years of sorcity, The scarcer the fruit is the more we need to contend with in - WA, This is no doubt atieountable for , the short supply last year to a very great ! extent, In Europe these remedies( leve ; been neer for live yeareor mole and them application there is now tamest univerna. 10 Switzerlaud a law was recently paseed compelling grapetgrowers to splay their vines, THE BRUSSELS POST warrammourogerisomariunciatesecnissoriemaimminsorwiessifiss1= esseretme=promisearzetaars=ramerameareavatassiaretenetta Tile teirth will be the greatest dieta nee ! hie old friends and noighbore turning out I Ir om tee emi 00 the morniag 5 July 6.. to pay their last tribute of reepeet 11 hit ltotteite Alineenoett has Ilia root on I remains. The ittdeeet (if the ithuen wag 1 Po•ttiei•ue. Ferrowei new r. si.lonee IVA in Stroefore on Avon, lenelamtl, li is rieetitet the ititerted deeertinent now. It130, and came to Celled:I when a boy, Rea, It. Pon, amp bee the Methodist utllii li llowiels Townshio. About• ASSETel, °handl pulpit next Sunday in the absences I eighteen years ago he removed to Stmt. CAPITAL (Authorized) of tie, o)stor who is attending Confer' I ford, DM. coming west to Virden in P111', lase, in ortier to ether,. effilleient land for a growing up Wilily, of boys. He wee always known as itn honest, industrious, Upright man, and Was a consistent mem. bee of the Mt theliet Chtztele The f eral ser ull- vmes were concliloted itt bin late re9itienue, 5 10.20, by Rev. Dr. Fraeldin, and a funeral sermon will be prottelied on Smelly in the Methodist plough, Virden, by the peetor, Rev. A, Androwe, Ile leaven tt widow, four some and a dangle ter, Mae W. F. Holrth, of Virdeu, tO mown his 1069. JAmIlinos oN Foun ini..• -On There. day evening of lest week in Knox church, Iffuesels, Mra. JitlniesOn, widow of Bev, mr. jamieson lately a iniesionary in Formosa, lectured on el'ormose," to a hirge and interceded audience. She indicated by itid of a map, at the outset, the geographical outline of the country, praieed it fertility and natural beauty, um! gave a vivid idea of the inemners and customs of the people. Mrs. Jemieson made no preteneimis to delivering a steted address, but simply related what idle saw, been' and felt about Formosa, She paid a high compliment to the energy, faithfolness and Ohnstian spirit of Rev. Dr. MacKay, the founder and present moving spirit of the mission. The difficulties which Dr. MacKay had to encounter were very great, but he has, by almost supernatural energy, overcome all obstacles, and now there are Christian places of worship aud fully two thousend cenverts on the Island of Formosa. Mrs. Jamieson emphasized the great difficulty in mastering the language and geve illustrations witieh showed that the same word, by vocalization, might convey a dozen widely different and oftentimes rithoulons meenings from that intended to be conveyed by the speaker. The ex- treme arrogance of the people is a great hindrauce to the work of the missionary in Formosa, The people regard with supreme contempt the presumption of Europeans teaching them and attempting to get them to worship the le,uropean god "Jesue" for they ask "have we not had history, literature and religion centuries prior to any European country, and was not (thine the world's centre 3" 11 10 extremely diffionit to conVinos the Chino° that Jesus is the world's Saviour, that he is any other than the god of the European. Superstition and heathenism are the greet hindrances to the Gospel, these are =vent in Formosa, but Mrs. Jamieson is coulident the Lord is at work in thet oountry, aud though the present is the day of small things comparatively, there is a brighter future in store for the inhabitants of the Island. Mrs. Jamie- son sang in the language of Formes& with much feeling and taste, one of our well known goepel hymns. Rev. Mr. Millar occupied tbe ohair. Rev. J. Ross, B. A. and Rev. S. Joues were also present. ,Tim 3, 1892 OP C,IX/D,I, 1 YOU WA NT =reee....a.=Zex 7.7:ra= eeeteeet. OFFICE, - TORONTO. HEAL) Tun 112)1 000 outon 0 gurmatting tem last Freley nieht and raid their reepeete Jemets Bargese, W. Moo and Itev. W. P. le.er mei their bridee, eeettee. fleetly, Tee II tee1 6,11 Ed ill), eoutpsv.1 of Iirns.sels jtivenileg, nre prep trine fey a miteli 111, 0 eindler team leoin Shimee -edited ..0 Seta, day, Juee ilth, ou Vic- toria lee It. W. le 'few it aol Robt. Roy, Mailu np the Latter). for the Monkton beet. ball team at 511,01001 en the Queon's day, It is lutrilly etneesery to say that the Moukton °Mb won the id t prize. W. M. SINcLAili has purchased the cottage on Turuberry street from D. C. Boss, paying 5800 tor the same, It is a neat, cosy place told in first-class order. 'Mr. Sinclair an.1 family will take posses. Sion at (MOM OWNLue of cows who do not keep them an encloeure at night will, more then likely, find them cued Inc in the Village Pound. Dont blame tiny person but youreelf if it 19 uo fer you aro aware of the by law beteg in force. A emeriti!. euriosity ie on eehibitien at Tint Pose Pobliehing House in the Amps ole basewnol stick on which it good sized limb is attached securely at both ends. The tree grew on the farm of James Turnbull, Grey township. lr iseaid that one of our citizens quiet- ly sid out of town the other night leaving sundry bele dee grocers, butchers, etc., unsettled. This is auether proof of the necessity of a straight cosh bnoiness be- ing done by every mau in the place. Fon several years past a gentleman in nodule, N. H., has been in the habit of taking Ayer•e Sarsaparilla to toue up his system prop,retory to the heated term. tie tines flee this medicine relieves the tired feeling so prevalent during spring and early simmer. 1. erneneo ground for refuse from yards, ashes, em., hag been secured on Jno. Broadfoot'e farm, just west of Brae- ' eels, on Queen strot. People should et - tend to the remove' of rubbish at once aud thereby comply with the terms and conditions of the Board oE Health. D. Home has taken full charge of the furuiture store recently managed by R. ' elalcolm, and himself in the Stuale block and is now prepared to receive the public, He Mee hes the hearse and undertaking deeartment in connection. Mr. Hogg is O steady going mau who will pay close attention to businese and should do web. Some boys and half grown young man have been in the habit of annoying certain elderly people at their respective residences. Their names are known and if their pranks are not stopped an exam- ple will be made of theui by a call before the magistrate after a night in the "cooler." Rowdyism will not be permit- ted lu Brussels and the sooner these youths understand it tbe better for them- selves. CDINTox News -Record says ;—A letter over the siguature of X. Y. Z., dated at ellutOn May 24th, appears in the sport- ing columns of last Saturday's Mail and gives onr popular townsman, Dr. Shaw, the credit of having inveuted and brought into secteessful operation on at - MAIM= IN May. --An interesting event occurred at the resier to of Henry Taman, Blyth, ou Wed, =witty afternoon el last week when Jaime Burgees, oldest San 01 Samuel Burgess, of Brilesels, and Mies Ellen Taman were united in the holy estate of matrimony. Rev. A. Mc- Lean preformed the oerernony it ortIto. dox fashion. Miss Sarah Taman, of Detroit, a cousin of the bride, wag HA bridesmaid and Roderick MoKay, of Brussels supported the groom. The wedding gifts were of a valuable Charan. ter. Mr. Burgess and bride left lout their borne in the evening followed by many expressfone of good Wishes for their lutttre heppfness While galling Over the Matrimonial oft. Business Locals. Fon your photos go to Strong's, over Standard Bank. Fon first.olass photos go to Perry's, next to Anieriean Hotel. 'enure, the high-class photographer, tacluneot whereby a bicyclist May jrtnap next to American Hotel. hurdle., or any obstruction as handily as 0AM1AGE and oanliflower plants for sale an English hunter. It is operated by a at E. Varooe's, BrlISSelfi. slight pressure of the hand on the brake TrioNBS and valises, good assortment, and a pressure of the feet on the pedals. vary oheep at H. Dennis.' It further claims that E. E. Barrow of Doer forget Baby Day at H. J. Strong's the leloisons Bank in hie first mount on Photo Gallery, June 70. the Shaw machine performed the feat of Fon finely finished photos go to Jumping over the tewn pomp—platfoem Perry, 11111 10 Amerieitn Hotel. and all ; aud that the machine will with Mean no ritistalte but go to Perry for ease elute a hurdle six feet high and at your photos, next to American Hotel. the same time cover the same distance ALL photos made by Perry are well ou the ground, It is to be patented, We finished and warranted to give ambient. heertily oongratulato the Dr. and hope tion, he will not go out of town to have this Jun arrived a, lino range of Baby car. new and valuable attachment manufao- riages which will be sold at reasonable tared. rates. le. Dennis. Deem oe 0 PIONEEIL—We are called H. J. STnOso is going to photograph upon to record the death of one of the all babies two yeere of age and under on most highly respected residents of this June 75h, free of charge, section and one who enjoyed to the fullest ONE firseelass new baggy for sale, extent the confidence, goodwill and built by Walker ett Ewan. Will be sold esteem of all who know him. We refer at a bargain. I. O. RICHARDS. to Thos. Hoare, of the Ind con. of East Hee fork found. Owner may have it Wawanosh, who passed away on Friday by proving property and paying for this evening, !May 20th, after it slinet illness. advt. TUB PoST Publishing House. Deceased laid always enjoyed good health Cete and see our single harness, extra until a few mouths ago when he suffered value, tickle silver, only $15, warranted from an attack of grippe. Ho seemed to never to rust. Also black mounted at recover, but the effects on hie system 512. L O. RuniAtina. were too much to stand and he passed. 1 PLAIN SEWINO.-1\ITS. 5. 0. Sttlith is from grave to glory at the age of 72 years, prepared to do plain sewing at her home Born in Kent, Eitifland, ha emigrated to ,I over the postoffice. Children's clothing tbis country when qnite young and re. ! a speciality. Satisfaction guaranteed. mined in Toronto for about a yea:, after ; BRIM< house, web finished inside, whieli he located in the village of Acton ! with 1acre of land for sale, eligibly lo. and worked at his trade of carpenter and I Wed on the corner of Turnbeny and wagon maker for about eight years. In Queen streets. Price and terms made WO he mane west, having previortely I known on application to pnrchased from the crown the land on . Acro, MeLeeetwe Brussels. which he has since resided. For fully I WELL -MOOING AND Dnrreeno.—George 50 yeses he bee been closely identifica 13irt hes all the neeeesary machinery for with the Methodist chureh as a eines- I digging and drilliu wells and is proper. leader aud 0.0. teeebev, being reaticular- I ed to attend to all work entrusted to him ly well versed 10 deetrine and seripthro, in a way that Will ineure satisfaction, tits fles• religious training having been Wells cleaned out and put in proper received Com Rev, M. Willoughby one share. Terms reasonable, Residence of the pioneers of Methodism in this second door nortli of the bridge, west country, Hie funeral took place on Mon. side 01 Turnberry se, !Brussole. 04.11 day, May 23rd, service being held in the CocititANE & JonN9Tok, marble menu - Methodist church, Auburn, e.ntl it very lecturers, are now MMus.; orders for 'ergo number followed the remains to apring delivery in their line. As hereto -- Westfield eemetecy for interment. His fore all workmenship and (Adore trusted wife, three sons and seven daughters sur. to their care will be put up in the most yive him, Two of his sons—Geo. and approved !style end setisfantion waren- Cornolins—reside near Clinton ; four of teed in every case. Anybody requiring the daughters are married, being Mrs. S. anything in their line of trade it would Ifarrison, Belgrave ; Mrs. A. Garr, West. be well for them to sea their designs and field ; Mrs. Geo. Tyndall, Chatham ; anti prioee before making their purchases. Mrs. J. Chepmen, Chillwhack, B. C. Shop opposite Qum's hotel stables. epee Hoare, milliner, Brooke ie also it, BANDY BoAn CAurfi.—H, Williams et , daughter of the deceaeed gentleman. Son have received two iiew kinds of ! OUIT.—The Virden (Manitoba) Obroni. patent road cane, manufactured by the ! ele, of May 26, speaks 011 follows of the Gent -moque Carriage Go They are dell- . deceitee ef a brother of Miss Blakeman's, act the e Be Lawrence" and ',Menlo . of this place e—It is our painful duty to Loge" and are extra fine rigs. Tbo "file ' mooed thie week, the death of Thos. Lawrence" has It finely finished body . Blakeman, ono of the pioneer :settlers oi suspended on two eliptio twinge, body the Virden District, at the comparatively not contented with sliafts. Dont bay be- , cerly age of 61 yore end 8 months, Tho fore seeing them as the prime are right. deoettsed up to three or four days prior to Call at our show rooms. ! hie death was in hie usual health and 15, leVIDMAMI & Sow. 1 spirits and going about his usual commit. MIMI WILLIAMS it Sot are haedling the ! Mon. On lerichty el latit week he went oelebreted Gananogne Carriage Ootn• to bed, fooling slightly indieposed and pany's buggies, whioh for style, work- ; oomplaining of a pain in his side which manship end price cannot be. surnassed. 1 developed into inflammation of the Mega They have one on exhibition at their 1 Mediae aid was defied in but withonb show room, Mill etasee and oat proem° I avail and he grew avidly worse, his ill. any Styled rig you demo. You ean boy nese terminating in death on Monday at from 10 boll pot' cent cheaper from them Iil o'01001t, The funeral whioh took plum than elsewhere and every rig is gatemen. to the Virden (Amatory on Wednesdey teed to give the best of satisfaction, Opel , efts:3000n was one of the largest over in and see theft whether you went to buy t 0500 in this distriet, is large number of oe not, (501'01 loiil1icn DellitrE) . • 57,000,000 ,iaenciei in all principal point, in ()Warta, Qu.q.c, Ifeeihtea, t'1. lb ,gtalot •f• sill,w,5;57f40S' /Lqa.lrf,r. A General Banking Business Trenseeted, Ferment' Notes Diseounted. Deets lenu,b anti Collectiont; Made CM all poiute. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT interest allowed on delimits of 51.00 and upward:1 from ditto of deposit to date of withdrawal and coinpounded half yearly, SION'IAL ATTENTION M0E3 TO Tit CoM.KeTlox oe SALE Num. Every faoility afforded Customers ta 0 dietetic°. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, eltereotte. ,s,,,,.....s.tmotets=tusvvrInmetsvmartter.ruttran. Horse, garden and stable to rent, Apply at TUB Pose Publishing Hones. le yoa want reliable plants, cabbage early or late, cauliflower, tomato, celery, N., call on Thos. Kelly. Ho has it fine stock. BABY DAY.. -1I. J. Strong is going to photograph all babies two years old and under that are brought to his Gallery (over Standard Biotic) on Tuesday, June 70, ;free Of uhaege and present each mother with one finely finished oabinet photo. Dout miss this opportunity. Those who oan come early do so as it will avoid a rush. 550.00 roll A elliesici.—To create an interest in the breeding of high-class poultry, I will award a special prize of $50.00 eueli to the person raising the heaviest Plymouth Rook chicken !Well- ing from eggs purehased of me. Ply- mouth Rocks are unquestionably the best breed of fowl known for the Canadian fernier. Send for descriptive circular of this valuable breed of fowl. IfIggs for hatching, guaranteed fruit and true to name, carefully packed in hesitate and delivered to express company, 1)2,00 per setting of 13. Address, T. A. Wirearrs, Breeder of Ply- mouth Hook Fowl Weston, Out. A Montreal capitalist has cleared 570,. 000 in a Chicago wheat deal. There is only one sudden death among women to every eight among men. Woodstock minstrels have been offer. ed 5125 and free hall to go to 1Valkerton. W. W. Hilborn,of the Kingsville Ridge, has shipped 0,000 strawberry plants to Manitoba. The Methodist church at Tilsonbarg is to be lighted with -15 inoandeseent electric lamps. Olinda has an egg -beater in human form as he swallowed 30 eggs iu the space of two minutes. An uncultured oonviot in Kingston penitentiary has engreved the Lord's Prayer upon it 10 cent pieoa. The Gould Bicycle Company guarantee to locate in Ingersoll and employ 60 hands it given it suitable bonus. John Edwards, it fanner living at Witt. ford, had a ritle bati put through the rim of his hat while at work in his fields the other day by some unknown person. Rudolf Shaffer, a prominent builder of Ituutiugclon, Pa., after discussing the prevalence of suicides with a party of friends at an hotel there bet Saturday, went into the basement of the building and shot Mineola dying instantly. Dr. Nagle, of the bureau of vital statistics. says that so cosmopolitan has New York become in recent years that more than one hundred languages and dialects are spoken in the oity. The Earl of Durham has leased a shooting ground 20,000 auras in extent in the north of England. lf thee band were put under cultivation it would furnish ample support for 100,000 people. av:C.A.M112.11312D, Brneess—Teetee.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Blyth, ou May 23rd, by the llev. A. McLean, Mr. James Burgess, of Brnesels, to Miss Ellen Taman, KEDU—DOTY.—At the Methodist ohuroll, Oakville, on Wednesday, May 250, by Rev. J. L. Kerr, Bei -meets, father of the groom, assieted by Rev. Wne Kettlewoll, of Norwich, and Rev. J. S. Williamson, of Oakville, Rev. Wesley E. Kerr, of Thaniasford, to Miss Emma L., eldest daughter of 11,1r. P. Duty, of Oakville. - - - - - - - emzemp. WATTs.—In ilionitton, on Wednesday, May the 18th, James R. Watts, aged 26 years. LIADrigNNY.—In Trowlnidge, on Monday, May the 100, Ella, youngest &nigh - ter of Mrs. Ilalpenny, aged 6 years. Chunen.—In Grey, on Alay 290, Zona R., only daughter of Donald Crarar, aged 6 months end 22 days. Iloene.—In Ease Wawanotab, on May 200, Thomas Hoaro, aged 72 years, ezt.T...rzmee3Tes aez.a.mar.3Nexetel, Fall Wheat 78 80 Spriug Wheat 77 78 Barley 35 40 Peas 57 58 Oats 28 29 Butter, tubs and rolls,. 18 00 Eggs per dozen 9 00 Flour per barrel 4 60 6 00 Potatoes .. 20 00 Hay per ton.. ..... ...... 9 00 10 00 Irides por lb 8 3a spa per bbl., retad..,1 00 15 Sheep Blame each 00 1 00 Lamb skims eaoh 65 00 Apples par land 1 00 1 25 Wool 15 17 A ri RST CLASS SET OF Illaeltamith's tools for sale alt nrent bargain, Call and got mien, A, 31, BlcKAY & Co., Brussels, .—_..._ _ OMB. Tito Council nf the Cerebration of the flaunty of Burma will »oo t in the (Muni Itoltes Ondrieb, on '115180 DAY, 75s, 1802,463 O'clook p. nt W. 5,0515 Hay 30th, 11112, _ Co, blork, COURT OF REVISION. • VILLAGE OP 811,USSELS. tlitks tattoo that elt o Court Of Revision for the Village of Brunets, for the year 1892, Will be hold in the 'ems Rem, on Monday, June Nth, al 7:40 p. 010, 011 persons interested will ploarit take nOtice and aot aceordingly, le 0.1051155, Clerk, REAL ESTATE. foARAIS FOR 8 A.LE.—THE imitstogrn has several good Varna 10,, sale and to re n t, easY torms. 111 ToWnshipS ot Morris and Grey. ii. SCOTT, Brussels, 87-11. rillOICE FARM FOR SALE,— kJ Doing South half Lot 27, con.% Morris, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Gooe buildings, lin 0 young bearing orchard, Immediate pos- session. Ailey Turom. Apply to W. M. SIN CLAIR, et- Solicitor, dui.,13ru seals. 'fit /IBM FOR SALE,—THE nimsromin offers for sale the north east quarto r of 151 08, concession 6, Morris, County of Boron , ,'oiutintii 050 aaren. Tho lend is of Orst (molar and In a high state of cultivation, wen lenced nud under -drained, 41 acres aimed, Now frame ttosss,0 Teem 5, /MIN boUS0 With concrete Nvalis, 2 good barns and shed, orehard, etc, Eight mores of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins th o corporation of Brussels, Snit. able tette will be given . Title perle at J AMES GRIEVE, Owner, 36- Sealer th P. 0. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. Ate tereio Miele and 12, 000. 13, Township of Grey. County of Huron, containing 200 00105, 1110 property 0( 1110 late John Robert- son, 105 acres (deem/ and free from ob- structions, 15 acres hush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared, Soil clay loam, mostly ro Ding. Policed with straight rail fe noes and watered by two wells and a spring privil ego. Commodious dwelling house, Nvitili large woodshed attached 1111E1 an excellent a eller under hou so. Two large barns, stone stabling aud other outbuild- fogs. rwo goot bearing nrchards, orna- niontal trees and small fruits. 41 miles frem Brussels, a lively town on the G. T, R., convenient to school, churches and post ogle°. This property lies well, is it first. oleos grain and stook farm and should be Beau by intending parch items us 11 10 ann.- ea 01 a bargain. For further particulars apply to 1150. 250. ROBE aTtiON, or DANIEL ROBERTSON, on be pram Ise% or by letter to Oranbrook P. 0. 094 WALL PAPEN, NICE, PRETTY, (100Ie CUEAP. -- 1 Wive in Stook lictwoon 5,000 and 6,000 Rails for you to ultimo from end !Mother Mont Mipented. au WhaleVer yen do be BIM: Mid lee your , Wall Paper at PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, R 15 5 S 11 L 14, LEgAl AND CIINViEVANDING. • -1), L. TAYLORB , ARRISTER, .53 Is Solicitor and Conveyancer, (tollec- tions mado, Ontoe—Yaestonealtiook, Roe. Bole 21.01,1_ • ixj M. SINCLAIR, e V . Solicitor, Ponvoyeucer, Notary Pub- ic,,tto. moo—Graham o Block, 0,01 ar north of Pepper's 1) rag Store. Private Funds to Loan. - • — DICKSON & DAYS, (Labe with (Jarrow & Proud foot, Ocule- i;ich ,) Barristers, Solleitors, Conn( veneers, to Oilices—hrusaels and Nenforth, llrtte- mis 011ico—Up-stairs over Bank. Money to Loam 100. 0)10 W. IL MeNCON BAYAIANN, • Auctioneer, 19 always reedy to at- tend aides of farms, farm stook, ezo. Tonna cheerfully given. Oranbrook 1,O. Sales may be armload at Tow 1500 'Publishing Rouse, nrussols. GEORGE KIRKBY, Liconaed Anctionsor. Sales conduct oil on reasonable tonna. Farms and farm stock a stiovialty. Orders left s1 TI, Pow P umishing Hon se, Brussels or sent to Walton P. O., will receive prompt rearm time AVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- BM OS 0,0 Auctioneer, I Inc prepared to oond act sales of form stock at reascniable prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am In a position to •ell to good marks awl got good security Irlien sold on credit. Satisfaction gnarantood. Give me a call. SS- le S. SCOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. WT H. MoCRACKEN, • 'Bearer of MarringeLloonsos, Oincie at ills Grouery, 'rurnborry street. Brussola. N. BARRETT, • Tonaorial Artist. Shop —Noxt door smith of A. 111, Macey & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and childrens hair cutting it simcialtY A MoNAIR, o Issuer of Marriage Licensee, by QTOCK FOR THE DAIRY.— appointment of Lictut,-Goverunr. Conunis- Miler, dm., Q. B. Conveyancer und Agent For the couvenieuce nf those living piro fusorauce ogiaa 51 thc, cr.prook at or near Blyth I have Maki arraugaineuts post °Igoe. with Hr. Ron. Laidlaw, of North Ralf Lot 7, 0011. 0, Morris, to keep tor service during tho euunner season ono of i»y ,7orooy Bulls. The other win retinae at Brusseis as here- tofore. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, dm. p.1,ULL FOR 'SERVICE.—TME Undersigned will hoop for service, on lot 30, con. 6, Moretti, th o there...bred Durham bull, °Sweepstakes." He has taken 4 first prises and 1 second, beingboaten by the bull that took 151 prise at the Provincial Show Terms—To insure a calf sem, or 51.00 for the season. 37.8m SAS, SPELR, Proprietor. IMPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK- SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for services this present season the Improved largo white Yorkshire pig "Ready'. on lot 20, con 6 Morris, to whieh a limited number of sum will be taken. Terms 51.00 to be paid at time of servloo, with the miviloge of return- ing if neeessery. Pedigree May be seen un- cle applioation, ROBERT Niclion, 1511 Proprietor. PURE BRED BOARS FOR SER. viez.—The undersigned will keep for service on north brat Let 20, con. 7, Morris, a pure bred Berkshire Boar, boa by Mr. ckul 00 01110 improved Chester White, bred by 'rhos, George, Putnam from im- Ported stook On both solos. Tills hog toolc 3rd prize at the Industrial Fair in a class of 17,101500, and lad at the 'Western ]?alr clini.t. oleo of lg. Ilis sire took lot at the ufi trial ln UPI. Terms 01.00 to bo paid at time of supine with privilege el returning if 000' 055507. 05.11 SAMUEL WALKER, Prop, VETERINARY. T D. WA.R \VICK, eY • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Yeterinary College. is prepared to treat all cliseilkon 2 flnniostioated anhuale in a com- petent =minor. Particular attention Paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and teerniary—tewe doors worth of bridge Turnborry st„ Brussels, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM nistinetee, FIRE AND MARINF. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clork of the Pourtb Dinsion Court 00.. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Laud, Loan mud foam,. ace Ag•ut. Fonda invested and to loan. Collootions made. 01800 111 Graham's Block, Bruemds. Oil, PAINTING, miss elortes, of Winghtini, le prepared to give instruction in oil painting. Senna maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store where sampleS of work may be seen, Miss Mule would also take a few more puree in rp A. HAI -VEINS, • Organist in St. John's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil , in the Auto! Touching, of A. W. Thayer, Mus. Vac., New York, will give lessons to pupils either et Thos, Farrow's, 001001 01 Queen and Pilotless Stn., or if pre- ferred, at their OWII homes, Terms under. ate. 40 - MEDICAL CARDS. lieerAeirjtEbe'Ooliej)ge"of9;11Aylei'ailin, and Surgeons of Ontario by ()gemination. Officio uud Residence —Halo street East, Ethel,Ontitrio. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. CY s, C. M., I, R. 0.p., Edinburgh, PI. O. I, S. (Mt. Residence and aloe in Wilson' Bleo corner of Hill and Turnborry SW, DENTAL JL rio INT 'XI to) UV M. CAVANAGH, L. D.S., 0.0. S. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and. of Toronto Ifni - vanity. Owe/cr.—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels, Farmers& Gardeners, 1 Savo your fruit trees and in- crease your yield of fruit from 40 to GO per cent. by using the COMBINED SPRAY P UMP which eau ho soon at the Post - office. The Postmaster is the Agent for it. IIILO ES CONEAME P ZION OUlta. fl2his GREAT COVGIT CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in tho hiStoty of inedi. eine. A:11 druggiets are nuthorimed to sell 11on it positive guarantee, a test that no other mire Mtn successfully stand. If yoh /Ave a Congle Sore Throne or Bronchitis, nee it, foe it will etire yon. It your child has the Group, or Whooping Cough, 'use ib promptly, and relief is ante. If you dread that interline disease CONSUMP. TION, DON'T 2,111, to use it, it will cure you or cot nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CUR% rtiott 106,, 600. and 111.0f If youe lunge are sore or back laine,ttee ebiloll'S Porous Motet, 25o, BANKING.' NOTICE. All parties owing the firm of WINTON ci MoTASOART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Aro requested to call AT ONCE and save costs as they aro closing their business, NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Creditors of Catherine Sheik, into of tho Village of Cranbreolc, 00 the County of itur- Oslo martiodwomatO deceased, who died on 0i:before the 50001101 day of Maroh, 1801, end all others having claims against her es- tate are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the under- signed, 10xooutor 0( 1110 last will and testa. talent of the said deceased, 511 Brussels, on or Wore the 15110 'Pay 01 40100, 1802, their Christian eittlilee and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars of their °Mims, stetemenie 53 their n000tints ucl teensy 0( 111 soeuatiee 11 toy, hold by them and in daimon theroef and innuotliete- ly after the said Mai (ley 01 Juno tbo assets of the mid doomed will be distributed ainongst thoso entitled thereto, having re. dant only to the eln.ims of Whioh notioo shall nave boon given 05 above required, And this netieei being given under the provisions of Min Revised Skink's of Ontario Chapter 110, see, SO, the Bitoeutor will not' be liable for the said assets, or Rely part thereof, to any person Of whose claim notice Shall net have boon received bY hire at the thne of said distribution, 45,4 A, HUNTItlt, Brussels. 1+104,11,'02. hi:041110r.