HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-3, Page 5{ @t. Dorn, 3, 1952 TyLLMIT47.114ILLIILL4MAIMISILL :IODAMIc'IarS111=FL•EMIT. S8^.._°✓01INUICLOMM9ELOCIINZILAW iLTMLICR}:iTd'.MMILZ1T¢' f47TNIATISP4t74•.atlACAL'o' 'i'1,�atr• ttt �Cto . 4irian le rugic. A son of A. Raytmtnn's was quite ill with inflammation of the bowels bnt is bettor now. lt, T, o' P.—The Royal Templars bold a nominal and literary entertainment in Donie' that Hhert time age and anjny• oda iLkilattnt and instructive evening, Rev. 1), 11, McRae 000neicd thio chair. Proem:de aul,uuted to tele.00. 311* iIr. Rev, W. F, Otto pbell ie attending the Methodist Conference this week. O'n• band, under the leadership of S. Gldley, went to Exeter on the Queen's Biethifay, E, 1Vateou, met with n ntieforhine by getting :no of his Bombs severely laver• aced while trimming ante pules With his jaolulife. The nowhere of the 0. O. L'o'eete)'e, No, se, ri„,template having their tunical set nt m preuehed to then) shortly in Triutiy (!Brunch, SlIare -1411.. ''Grey Tube” attended the races at L on,len het slid not come I'o the front. Ralph lit:wheet, tho bey "roger, will appear i•t the Foresters' Hell in this Place on friday evening of this w'a )c, under the an ;1)1,1,33 el thu 1, 0, G. 1', Tia is said to be well worth hearing. Rev. I. B. Wailwin, 13, A„ it away at Goete, thi, weak aticeding the annual Conferees, We caro sorry that he- and Mee. \Vallwiu will have to remove from 131tteveee this your. -their three year term haviuel, zip/'¢dl@"1'ad- 41 vvashiee be in order this week. \S.C.:;t.' , e t t sed anile have not retn,ne.I front Detroit where they dere called on Friday of last week to attend the fnnenel .d their ecu -in-law. JnH, (t,.,r,.len h.tL the misfortune to lose a geed horse un Tuesday from in- Oaetmtthon. We sympathize with Mr. C. as hu out ill off ud tho 1•.es. Cit ie. inn I 0.1'e 1weiliim house, rah con., G:ey, had n. narrow escape from. Ore oto Friday hat, e. large hole being burned in the roof, together with all his son William's clothes, "except what he was tveari4'.'.. Iedu t1)tve�l. A man giving his name ns Edward Emory and claiming to hail from Ilam - niton got himself into trouble at Listowel on the Qneet'e birthday by attempting some sharp practices in making change. His moi° of proceedings was as follows : Ile went into Ed. Dorosam's hotel end asked for a drink. In payment he tendered a $2 bill and got back 5'1 0)5. He slipped the dollar bill into hie pocket, put s +'t dent pieee on top of 91 coots change and asked for ';'1 bill in exchange, making the excuse that he did not want the small change. On being handed the dollar Lill lie put it aloug with the dol. lar of silver in change on the °minter anti asked to be given a 112 bill for it. The attempt wee too traneparont not to be seen through at a glance and be was prem, tly cuilar.r.l and the constable snmutnuel by ttlIophime. Ho WAS noel. mitred fur tt'f.rl. Weelteees. Iiev. Wm. ()Unwell and Wm. Pollard are bots( away to Conference at Guelph. W. Richardson, of Ethel, unmoved his family to Walton on Wednesday of this week. Miss Annie Gardiner was visiting her cousin, Miss Noll Richardson, in Brussels this week. Jonathan lttnote and his esteemed wife have removed from their farm into Wal- ton. We extend them a hearty welcome. Dr. HoPadzean left on Saturday last for L'airgnove, Mich. He purposes en- gaging in his profession in flab locality. His many friends wish him sitcoms. Rev. A. Moliibbin, of Pine River, paid his parents a flying visit this week en route to Conference. Uo has received a cordial invitation to return to Pine Riser. John Ilewitt has a hen On hie farm that should certainty be well fed. She lays eggs ti x8 inches, as the editor of THE POST cin prove from eample left with him. II'Jtldact. Mr. and Mrs. MoFadden, of Walker- ton, are visiting tet the parsonage. Tho committee appointed to secure a site for the proposed Township Hall will likely get to work et ones. Dc. Cale has ereoted a windmill at the east side of his house. Itis said he has it to pomp water into his bathroom. I1 is understood that Miss Sherlock resigns her position as teacher of the second departmenb of our sellout at mid• summer to attend the Normal school Pre•tic.—Tho antral pio•uia of the Presbyterian Snbbath school will be held in R. Dilworth's grove on Jnne 22nd. Further particulars of spooled sports later. Wo are sorry to have to ohroniole a serions uocidonb to Wet, Sharp, sr., whereby be is made a cripple for probab- ly the rub of his life. On approaching his door Sunday evening last 110 made a misstep on a weak ankle ; it gave way and falling heavily of his thigh he fractured it near the hip joint. Al the old gentleman is 02 years old it is not ex- pected that ho will recover, The reoen1 prolonged wet weather has rnado one fanners generally and poem - piers of low land particularly intero.tod In dituhee a11c1 rho a.ljndleation of mimeo, nus cases of this kind, as well as the ro• vision of assossmenes on those already projected took ep a largo parb of our council -moil's time on Friday last. Tho aomtoil adjonr ed about 8 - p. m., after having patiently performed an arduous day's work to the general stttisfaetion of evefy body, Tho marriage of T. G. Ratollffo, the popular teatihee of the Donegal ethoul, to Miss 511001e Graham, yenngest daeghtee of John Graham, of Atwood, was one - heated on flay 18th, in the presence of about 90 gueses, centres the Atwood Bee. Rev, A. Ilenilor00u, 11. A„ tied the knot. The bride was tbsaisted by Mies Miriam Dunn, and the groom was supported by Jae. Burke, of Britton, The bride look- ed oharmiug in a been colored dress, while the beidoenaid was becomingly dressed in gray. Atter the ceremony the company sat down to a suinptntons wed- ding 009ast, a£te which nursed, addresses, am nsements 10100001101 ollat was indulged 111. A0 11n11H(etlly large number of pro. Notts teettlied to this esteem in which the young people etre 114441. A beautiful peanut eaeetl el•g,ttt w•us a itreeen1 to the bride Prem her inotltef. '1'Itu Pratbyterial °Introit choir marl° the bride the reel pleat of a silver Halad bowl and a breakfast meet, in rueognitio n of her se'vioos as orgauitt. The bride has for years taken a very ttetive part 10 the Presbyterian ohuroh mud Sabbath sullied work, hteldeu haling organist of the church. 11leggie has always been deservedly popular with theyomg people 01 1100' acquaint mac, Ton is every mull of a mat and it of the snoop of young men who ere bound to succeed in the world, hie 5910011111 farm near Donegal and comfortable income derived from bis school being evidanote of ,hie font, Hoxmt felon,:,. ---The following hi the ro• port of the junior department of Ethel 1'nblio school for the month of 'fay :— fr. 3rd—Geo. Greetetde., Wm, Sputum, Wilbur Lindsay, 0, liawtinheimer ; Sr. Sud Chtee—\Vrn, 1Iiohie, Mabel Llekmier, Ellie Dilworth, Lillian !ting, Zuchariali 11 1I t num ; .Tr. 211d Close—Maggio Device, Alvin Barr, May tllihne, Sand. ford Burton, Edith Milne ; Sr, fart end --Edna Rayunrd, Howard Diu Allister ; Jr. 1'at•t 2nd —\Villin Dowdell, Karl Mc- Allister, illary Mtlllain ; Sr, Part 1st -- (1. Sit a'p, Stein Vanities, 1Villi0 Liud- wtv, !anti 1 WllliH 1 .1r, Part tat --Olivet• Lin. I.rty, G:u•Iic'd Dunbar, limey :Kleiue- clu•uth,Arutie Itinhardeon ; let Cl:i84- 1Iami0 11ot1suuld, 3E111110 Bntetmtn, \Villin Attlee, L. Srtaatoce, Teacher, • Thu hlma council met at Wynn's hotel on May 11th, ati a court of revision on the uHuew;menu of laude in Elton fur mmtict,atl drainage nude: by.ltw i\n, 2.11 of the lo'.nl hip of Croy. After lu'aring the eulupliditte of the persots present 141(0:: hwrlt tree. tttfeet,d by 11tr) ;Leiese• mut,toil they hot being w'illine to make an append through the council to reform), there was no change made in the Elnea assessment. It was resolved on maim) of Masers. Hammond end Tnghau that whereas the persons who attended the court of revision for the township of Elmo for nntnloipal drainage under by- law No. 23 of the toweehip of Grey net being desirous that the council of Eltnet should app, al ngainat the assessment in Elms, to the referee, therefore that no action be token and the assesenicut shall remain as it is. Council thou niet for general businose, minutes of hist meeting being toad and signed. On motion of Messrs. Rothwell and Hammond, Messrs. Mitchlseu, Macdonald, Shepley and Mer- ritt were ordered to bo paid 153,115, be- ing account in full for services in getting debenture bylaw legalized by the Legia- lasive Assembly. Cr (1:c• nil wheat and Spring crops are doing well although the heavy rains have flood- ed the lose lands badly in some places. Last Sunday Jeanet R., infant (laugh- ter of Donald Cto•ar, 11th eon., died, aged fi months and 22 days. The funeral took place on Tnestlay. Workmen are busy tit Dnnean 11IeIn. nes' new bttt•n, lot 22 con, 13. Tho building will be Ural! feet. Dan. Zim- mer has tho ooutraet. The Council did perfectly right in deciding to huild a Township Hall. Had they taken the boll by the horns at the oommenconlent of the talk it would have been even better. On Wednesday evening, 15th incl„ a musical and literary entertainment will be held in Roe's ohurah, 3rd cot., under the auspices of tete Sabbath school in that place. A good program will be present- ed. The "King's Workers," a society organ- ized in this township with charitable motives in view, have presented John 1fc- Laohlan and family with It memoriam poem bearing on the d000sne of Miss Jessie MoLaohlal. Du.n—On Wednesday,'May 18th, Mrs. P. Ronndbreo, sister of Oounoillor Brown, died at her home, near Cale. denim Haldimand Om, aged 50 years. The funeral tools place on May 20th. The deceased was troubled with her heart for many years, the first pause having been a fright over the sudden and ultexpeoted death of a relative. Her husband and six children survive her. lSio rri`.. Sheep washing is in season. Rumor says that there will bo another wedding hi the vicinity of Jamestown 50011. Mise Annie Eaket, 01 the 1st eon., was visiting friends at Gerrie and Lakelet • this week. We ate pleased to be able to state that John Mothers is recovering froth a severe attack of pleurisy. Goo. Hood's health is improved con• siderably and he is able to move about among his friends. Mrs, Nelson Thornton, of the let eon., is ro00vering somewhat from an attack of inflammation of tin lungs. John Mooney, Co. Master for North Huron L. 0. L. was attending the Grund Lodge al Montreal this week. 1110 pulpit in Johnston's obttroh will be 000'tpiod by Mr. Wellwood, of Wiuglnam, noxi Sunday morning, on a000unt of the pastor being away nt Conference. A by-law has been passed by the Commit prohibiting the running at large of cattle, hones, pigs, die. Cows giving milk are allowed their liberty, however. Miss Sarah E. Johnston, formerly of the 1st eon., who now resides tut the Nile, was visiting at her 101heeet, Geo. Johnstou'e, for 0 couple of days this week. In the absence of the pastor, who ie attending 0' Merano() at Guelph, the servioes all Sunshine 11,0e Sunday after- noon will bo coudatcted by James Hunter and Sia:shall Ilughes. John French, a prisoner in the Stmt. fold ,jail, mads his mane on Monday morning. lie had been gent do 0 011 froth Mitchell 01141 Wal serving 0 sentence of live months for wife boating, 11e laud put in about two menthe Ont of the live. ITe le described ne follows :—H0 is about u feet 2 inches in height, of light build, 11111r and ayes vary dark, small dark mustaoho, sbrttiuht nose, features fairly regular. When Inst awe ho had on jail pasts and vosb, one side of oaoil )igili grey, woll horn old doeskin Dap and cnaree,olcl shoes. IIe olainoi to bo 85 ,years of ago but looks yonugee. Suppie. ed to have headed for Downie, and wlton last seen limped in hie walk, jailer Niohol has offered 05 reward or his oaptnre. - Huron County, Reyfluld wants a cow bylaw. 1''rait prospects in Clinton Locality aro gond. The epriltg rttie914t Clinton! Wut'e rather a :Ueda, 0..Johnson, eleaforth, has a lily in bluotn, the bleu:um measuring 7, by 0 inehee, 1),wliet Beee', Clinton, rerneV" i nn less 1114.1) thirty1svo tooth from nue ;iudlvnl. nal, at a alttine. The distr'at meeting of the Royal Tem plan/ of Temperance will be held in Ilensall on Juno flet. The well known trotting stallion, "Goderiott Chief," took the chief prize set Dungannon on the 2lllt. In Clinton on the 24111 a boy not 12 years old was so belpleesly drunk that he 1001(1 not move along the street. A. II. Maiming and family have re - tunnel from !Florida. Mr. Maunin; e health io oonsidernbly improved, \Virile,,°icing in Dick's mill, L'ord- wirh, V. Halliday t'cl,ived an ugly out on the head as 11') Witi p tisin4 ua1)r n pulley, 'Phomas Detriug underwent a painful surgical operate:it ty lowing a portion of each foot out al'f, owing to a very severe aOliethe). 1 h e (0 nstie:tuee in 1,neltnu'•r, tri be - sliming matin tc be the crying evil enol ae'trei'ly tr (try p'eesee that eeiilpl.titttt ltt'o not Marl, :thein it. The Comity Orange Lodge of South Huron will hold itis eerlll.atitual meeting in the ('lintel, thrall hall on. V, e'ltsdoy Jana 1110 15th, at 11 u'e,'aalt a. In. John Euwcomle, of Exeter, received a very painful wetted from being Welted in tin+ head by tt 11 0, which USIA t 1.01 the Anil. 11 tu,pcar_, 1 number or yeu,5 boyo were tt.0:iee the auIItl 0 with sticks when thin ye t 1 lrtt got tow elm.) rcualt- irtg try abort'. A to'tain farmer, wlu, r,wids nn the Huron !Road, was boustiug the other day, and jotly 00, that ho had a very line calf. In o'dar that no harm should be- fall it, he tied it en the barn fluor and aunt about hie bode:: s. When lie took a look at 11101 calf in the evening he felt 90 disgusted that ho hardly 'mew what to any. 1t Lad kielied the beards of the fluor louse, and falling through, hung treif, From lforrisburg Herald, May 25th : This morning G. D. MOT.,ggart, of Clin- ton, was married to one of 11Iorrisbm•g's most highly esteemed young ladies, bliss Broder, daughter of William Broder. The ceremony was performed by !Rev, Mr. Mavety, only the immediate friends of the family beteg preemie. We are sorry to loge so fair au ortarncut from our soutal cirole, bet congratulate Mr, MuT,tggart on securing such a oompenion fur life. The groom has many wenn friends here, being for several years couneoted suit1, the Molsots Dank iu Slorrisbtirg. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Parte or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to 4. Hunter, Division, Court Clerk, Brussels. JI.S. W:A,LL>n, .—Manufaotorer of— Buggies, Carriages, &c. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, Our Work will satisfy you and our Prices will please. Call and See. us as We ere Here to Ilustlo Business. Jersey Ice Dream. AND JERSEY ELK SllM( . I have made a•rangemoot with Mr. G. A. Dedman whereby he is to supply me with all the JERSEY CR AM and JERSEY MILK I may require. You can therefore do - pond on having a v.m9 enperiot Toe Cream and Milk :•hake, The renewing is the agreonteut between us;—Ihereby agree to supply Mr. 'Chas. Rutledge, for hie lee Cream and Ilillt Shake, oe other put, poses in tonneetinu with his Roetauraut, Jersey ()ream and Milk as ho may re. quire, on the erudition that no other Cream or Milk is used exocpt ad supplied by oro. (i. A. DEADMAN. Please remember Haat we mance a spec ialty also e( Banana% ()rupee, Lsmots, nee Apples, Cream Dandies, Nuts, tae, The; ., Butlectme 41,251 8 w.6raII,a'Yd�ticeldYnt^...rJIDa�&lr�tmelYe,waes rdNea•"MULL fG31r4111.a rainfvmtWillitm a 411.12,2(2:21 W e.s101 :&]t IS STILL GOING 0 iq" We have not adverr sed many (3_1;6- t Price Sales since we commenced Business in Brla e . 1s nearly - thirteen yeers ago, but when we say Cost we mean it. We have sold a pile of Goods this last three weeks and the people who bough went away well pleased with the bargains they got. If you have not been in kindly call and take a look through our stuck and get Sale Prices—they are sure to please you. We want Three Thauzanal nollan (iaeh aurinz the Month o prune, and. will continue .ue thio ileo We want the Money or we would not Slaughter the Goods. Boys' Tweed Suits, coat, vest and pants, sizes from 25 to 32, for $3,50 regular price $5.00 ; Boys' and Youths' All Wool Tweed Suits, coat, vest and long pants, sizes from. 30 to 35, from $5.75 to $7.00 regular prices from $7 50 to $10 00 ; J3oys' and Youths' Suits, not all wool, sizes from 30 to 35, sale price $3,25 regular price $5.00. M en's id 1C Suits 11 for $3 50 5 00 11 9 00 /1 Regular Price; $5 00 Gc 7 50 4C 14 00 There is Nothing in Paper Bargains --- Call and See the Goods. Shirtings LC 11 11 Cottonade 11 L/ for 8 Cents. Regular Price 10 Cents. 4 7 a. :1 d. 9 11 Gd 10 11 11 i1 127 tr t4 11 01 11 G1 14 ,, 4, 15 t1 11 1, 20 11 td 19 C1 11 11 25 Cd 11 '124 1. 11 11 30 •1 10 11 41 11 15 1d 75 11 (1 11 1 '5 60 " d1 1 00 50 ,c 11 1. 75 25 L4 t1 1, 40 40 1t ti 60 Summer Dress Goods for Dress Silks e, 11 Gd All Wool Bedford Cord, All Wool Henrietta, 11 td Space will not Permit giving any more Prices. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Tweeds, Wor- steds, Coatings and Pantings, and a full sto of Gents' Furnishings. EVERYTHING GOING AT SALE PRICES. CALL AN -ID S1DID TI --1143M. sat BRUSSELS.