The Brussels Post, 1892-6-3, Page 2ThE BAME OF LLNDY'S LANE, BY ERNEST CR teia:SHANK, Apart froj . the specie! looal Worm% which t eenundem Mean the beginning. The must of you unfit feel, it ie Mit natural theme Inonthee lanonleme, 181e, wasmarked be, the 11 British•Ameriemens shoalt regard the en. Interment of the Atnerleau troops trom their Moment which took placo on this slim them: a; Port George, whieli they hatl non, eoine seventy-four years ego with feelingpied since the prenoling elay,unmier oireum- of More than ordhiary pride antl satisfam eteiren which tended to cover their arms tiOn. Not only did it form the crisis of with disgtetee. Under the pretext that it -the last and most formidable attempt at h*. wee nunnery to deprive their advereaeles -vasion in the come of three yeare of war- of Metter upon that Mullein, the rent:Ming fare, bal, a very large proportiou of the of. inhabitants of Niagara were driven from ficers and men en gad in the action, on their homes mid the entire village commit - the Beitieh side, elthough serving in Dori- tett to the awes. Wit the same intention, manta of the line, were natives of the pro. meammeimatou was deliberately bombarded with vinous now forming part of the Dominion of ree•hot shot from the batteries et Lewiston. Canade, and their cotnniander, Sir Gordon Many isoleted farm houses were destroyed Drummond, was himself is Canadian by by marauding parties of soldiers, or when birth. they proved too oubstantial for intent de. Let me say a word, in the first place, as moIltien, were rendered uninhabitabbe by to the sources whence I have been enabled lenient of the doors and winclowe. The Ito drew the material for this narrative, few matte still remaining in the possession of These may be divided broadly into three the °Gunny people myna mercilessly slaughte classes :-(1) Booke and pamphlets ; (2) the ered or driven away, and their grain and newspapers of the period and later dates ; dour removed or destroyed. On the 10th (3) unpubliched correspondence. I ref December, General McClure wrote exult - Probably in no country in the evorhl is oo 1 Maly from Fort Niagara to Clov. Tompkins enueli attention bestowed. upon national and i of :New York : " The village ime new in local history es in the United State% and damn mid the enemy shut out of hope and regret to be obliged to add, and, in none, so 1 means of wintering in Fort George. This little as in Canada. Consequently, althongla etep has not been resolved on without, coun- the mass of printed matter dealing with sol," he ambled, " tool is in conformity with this period from an American point oe view the views of the Secretary at War, made is very great, the number of volumes in hewn to me iu prevents emeninumeations." which the other site of the qUeSt1011 1,1 Title however, was strenuously denied by presented is proportionately extremely !he 'letter, " nly orders," 110 assoned, limited. I have in my hand a list of :141, were to burro it if neeessery to the defense books and pamphlets, historical, biographi. of Fort George, and not otherwise. But he cal, and contronesial, tleding directly or does not defend For, George, and then burns indirectly with the subject oi tire war of Niagaraaly orders were given an the re- late% and more than four-fifths of these port emf the General that the attack of Fort were published in the United States. Theee George might be covered by Newark," of course vary in ein hewn a bulky volume Almonbeforethe ink waemtry on McClure s to a pamphlet of a few pages, and vary quite as much in hieteried value. In the first iestauce, the published official letters of the rival commanders formed the 1: oboist John Murray, which already lay at basis ot tho narrative on either side, and in Twelve elite Creek. Putting his tnen 111 many works are paraphrased without the sleighs, the British communder hurried for - slightest criticism or examination with wend through a blinding snow storm, and reference to the statements of their adver- fell upon the ineondiariee before their work series. The tnain object, of the writer is to of deStilleti011 IO41.3 completed. The village gracife" national vanity and prejudices, and of Niagara had been already reaucel to ash- actual invasion. Captain William Robinson, the truth is frequently emcee/ea or remains es, but the barraeks and defencea of Fort half -told iu the endeavor. of the Stel, was appointed lioutenantoolonel George were left compantively uninjured, and captain eweee, Korey, of the eneeoh, Among British writers, the volumes of end the retreating garrison left, the whole of Militia, major of this emps ; the ranke were William James, entitled, "A narrative of their tents standing in the works they ha41 rapidly filled up with stalwart young re - the military occurrences of the late war," so precipitately imbaudeeed. The recover?. omits, and it was armed and exercieed as anA d " narrative of the naval occurrences of the Mit bank of the Niagara by tae 13rites a battalion of light infantry, under the title of the late war," published in 1817, nowt be was followed by tho surprise of Fort Nia• of the Ineorporated afilitia. Several egp- still regarded as the chief authority, and gem and the capture of the Americau tared fieldeonis and tumbrile were fitted for httle has been done in the way of supple- batteries at Lewiston and Schlosser, and, active service, and supplies of grain and meeting hie statements try more recent finally, by time occupation of Buffalo after a llour were diligently collected in various British authors. Jamee had lived in the lmardefoneht action near Bleak Reek Be - United States for several years beeore the fora the end oi the month, the Arnevicans war, and had 'oecome imbued with an in- were therm:a from every defensive position tense autipathy towarda the inhabitants of npen their own benk of the stream, severe that country, new manners and customs, and stern retaliation had been exacted for which, unfortunately. colors every page their rievagee upon theCoatamliansettlements, American newspapees clamored for the of hie writings. k1i emppears to Men nearly every habitable buildiug between speedy recovery of Fort Niagara, Late in resided at Halifax during the period of hos- Buffalo nun Eighteen Mile Creek on Lake January, Black lem eme: was remeoupied by Unties, and his narrative is evidently based Ontario being laid in ruin, aud the terrified their troops and they began to annoy the - upon the published official correspondence , inhabitants had fled beyond the GenessBritish post at Fort bleie by the fire of ar ee. and information gleaned from newepapere These succesees pnt the small British force Olney from batteries there. At the same of the day, or gathered from the lips of employed in poweesion el an einple and sore- time they were reported to be building large some of the officers who had participated In ly mooed tinnily of provieion, ammunition, bouncers npren Lewiston Heights, several the campaigns which he describes, Not- and military stores of various Ichele besides mina inland. The sabsequentinoyement of withstanding his partisan feeling,. few of. furuiehing them with comfortable winter- a largo body of troops from SackeLL's Hu- hn statements have been suacesstul con- quarters.. Hithern the men had beon un- hflyitt'hat direction was "1°1°86 irrim°111- troverted, Major Richardson deals only provided with winter elothing of auydeeerfp. ataly revealed to the commandment at with operations on the Detroit frontier iron, and they were etill svithout a field- Kingston by deserters, and General Riall prior to the battle of the Thames; Auehin- train, artineers, eugineere, or regularly or- VMS placed on him guard. Severe cold wen - leek's volunie contains scarcely anything gowned conuffineariat. Darin the /wend- ther, accompanied by heavy falls of snow thet was not already recorded by James or mg cempaigu, gnautitiesof ammunition heel during the latter pan of March, delayed Richardson or in the published official des- been spoiled by being conveyed with the the progren of defensive works already patches; Colonel Coffin's "Chronicle" was army in ordinary open farm evanctons, for commenced by the British, and early in never finished, and the general histories of lack of regular tumbrils. Drummond at once. April, General Hiatt sallied out ivom Fort Canada., as a rule, give but a nanty and projected the recluation of Detroit and the laaagara and levelled with the ground the earthworks which had been erected by the destruction of the American squadron on merioans, the premous yettr, along the Lake link, then lying at Put -in -Bey. He right bank of the river from its mouth to pushed his outposts forward to tile forks of Lewiston, fearing that they might he 00 - bit Thames, and his tweets penecratecl ta oupied by bis adversaries. A deserter, who the borders of Lake St. Clair, and even yen - came in a few days later, reported that tured to cross into Michigan, where they seven thousand soldiers were already as - captured the arms of a company of militia. aembled near Buffalo, The difficult:Me of The departure of the proposed expedition wee delayed by the mildness of the weather, the situation daily increased, and the pros- aluelm kept the roads impassable until pen for the future became more dimming - two anonymous publintions, Mansfield's March, By that time Om garrison of De- ing: A greet coupon for the Indian of Life of General W. S. Scott, Scott's Autobi- troit had been beavily reinforced, several Oluo, Inthana, and Michigan, WILS convened ography, Stone's and Hubbard's Lives of thousand militia were collected at Putminm by Amerioan agents at Dayton and those present ever° informed that they must take Bay for the defense of the ships, and the up arms agaiast the British or be treated as enemies of the United States. Bach warrior was promised stipend of sevonty-five cents a day, and their wives and children would be retained as hostages. The Delawares, Senecas, Shawanees, and Wyandots joined in the war dance and were directed to as- semble at Detroit. Similar steps were taken to enlist the trine of Now York and Penn- sylvania in the movement agmtinet Canada. Mantic/mg parties from Detroit made fre- quent inroads into the \Venom District, carrying off the loyal inhabitionte and de - staying the settle:moms at Delaware and Point aux Pill& In the middle of May, eight hundred Americans conveyed in six ships of war made a denent upon Port Dover, ancl burned the 'entire village, turning the inhabitants out of doors in the midst of a ohilliug storm nf rain and sleet. They then proceeded up the lake, deetroying the mills near the coast, Neith the grain collected for grinding, as they went. At the stone time ID became known that another squadron of eight sail, filled with troops, had passed itto Luke Huron with the intention of attacking alackinac, the only post retained by the British in the west. The availabl store of grain and flour was much diminish- ed by these incursions. Fresh mneat was not to he heel. The Indians daily consumed twioe as mull fine as the evhole of the troop% In the smell garrison of Fort Erie alone, not much exceeding.one hurdled per- sons, no lees than sixteanine cases of ague were reported in a single week. The Pro- vincial Dragroons had become almost unfit for service from the miser- able oondition of their ill -feel and overworked horses. If Commodore Mama. cey should succeed in gebtina out upon the la,ke with the formidable frigate he had re- cently launehed at Sackett's Harbour, the Americans would obtain as undisputed oola trol of Lake Ontario as they already possess - eel of the upper lakes. Upon the prorogation of the Assembly on the 18th of March, Drummond returned to Kingston end threw himself with meat vigor into the labor of moviding for the defence of the Province. Es ery soklier that eould be of the slightese use was sot to work in the shipyard, and two new frigates of the largest 010,48 wore launched and able to leave port foe some weeks. Hewing thus obtained a decided enemy's ships in their stronghold ab Saakett's Herber, Bub the Governor•Genetal flatly refused to send him troops to enable him to undertake tin expediblon. "It is by every inotsure% end occasional daring onterpriees, With appar.. wetly dispeoporbionato means," he replied, " that the war hae ben et:retained, endive= that polioy I am not disporied to depart." However, on the 5th May, Drummond made e suctooseful dash froni Kingston upon the naval depot at, Oswego, whialt Inc took and elestreyed, and Sir Jamey Yeo immedi- ately established a Irwin blockade of Suet - ether Iterbem. Tbe Wen of these (mention was to delay tho equipment of the American TB:B BRUSSELS POST, .T.1.7N111 .1892. e t ott it most 1 habitml_ lo. allaitinll 10 IliS ti.00101, several thousand nonwombeetants and in the destitute condition of Ole coil this seemed an almost hopeless Most of the Western Indian thab had lend General Proctor's defeat, as evi the whole of the Six 'Amiens' from Grand leiver, three thoneand poreone of with) twodairele were helpless we end ohildron, Mod sought eefuge near Britieh eantemmente ae Burlington. 1. depvedatione so harmed and alarmed n of the inhabitante in the victuity that abandoned their farms and took elicit the soldiers' quarter., Mho nem fugitives front the Niagara were alsc pendent upon the over -taxed commissa Thus while hi$ armed force numbered than two thottoettol, between seven eight thousand remixes were %seed eltt Already, in the month of January, it CAME/ evident that the eupply of meat NO soon Inc exhausted, and Drummond be to entertain Emden apprehensions tha would be compelled to abandon all that ; of the Province lying mvest of Kingst from sheer want of food. NOP WaS situation at the latter post then more eouraging. Five thousend ration w consumed there every day, and on the April there remaiued but sixteen barrel flour in store. Although a vote of oens had been justpassed on nis predecessor in Government by the Legislative Amin of the Province, for having preelahn martial law for the purpose of supplying troops front the county, Drummond then compelled by claimer of tobaul nervation to resort to it again, that with greeb anxiety aud relnotanee, sa the Imbitants did not appear willing to p with their prodime aL any price. His ciao to induce the Western Indians to remove Lower Canada were unsucceesful, w as /As endeavors to persuade the Six :Nati( to return to their deserted farms on t Grand River. 'rho inefficiency of the ad letter the flames ot burning.Nitigara had bit froni want of discipline and defective become the signal for the rapid advance of equipment, us Igen , lade of com etent a email leritielt corps of observation, under . • ..anamemfaleereeremeaeattelemaitelemea teen; equattron forewent weeke, mind 0-010 NM, "U" ly retard tiltqF 111Va.lon of Mane da lry eV fee'', of time Niagara frontier. Emirly elity t MrY troupe intemled for tide purpose bad beg "01t. to assemble at iltiffiolo, where a Munp ef elle' uneaten wamx immediately formed tooter 11 a' menu:and of lerietedierafeneeal Wool, th° Scott, one of tho 'nee% talented anti he O 011 twilled ollemere in the tinned titatee arm Inen It AILS prop0,011 that the force employ ,, the 'Mould eeeetnef not low than five Limner 1101e regular hole/Moe mid three thousand milk 01-113' drawn from the Statue of New York tit th°Y Pennsylvania, The emovaley and Lonnie ee 1° were re-organieed, and the eolietenent .,055 three now regiumenta of riflemen authorize 'Xo oncouraio recruiting, a bounty of at rent. WaS oire1.0.110 melt person enlisting, Mem loge of the infantry regiments seleeted heel sere 5„nn throughout the pine:ling cempaigue, el ;lea consequently had nen quite as meet) loth oulml INVylltrofabree aosppn,ized otfot ettilmle ops that Were lik gall The spring elections had prostrated tl O le° Federal panty in New York, and the Goo ernor had at host a free hand, The Sena 00, readily passed a bill, touthorizing 11 Leo enliatnient of 4,000 state temps to eery 011• one year. The general ordee pr ere aiding for the equipment of tit all, New York contingent, was issued en 'Mare' 0' and anthorieed the organization ot two in 4.!"?0. 1.1.4414,101...1.141C.:41.30,111Nre,r rtry,r3V,Ilif NilAt OLtiOCTfaSTANTIAL HVIDENOH. rt the two men liret terreeted until they " fee we e , . ,„ limi some etimee enstances 11: a wieder anew, • 'dee rite ay mete:eel, The wunLa io,pAra, nn :ranted, said the ohl lawyer, !hal nof: in• ,me man out of a thotemand who Leen dill the killing, and eimat they only wetelled im convieted by a jury wee iniument, end 1" 8"' 11°1' 11° wee 11"t illtmelPtedm The Rlett pelted again tbet eireamateutiat eowee,,m Ineweention BOW Mt tosenred teat. it, heal a itt,4trooger than ditein proof, yet I ven "1/1111 "1", whi11 1 r°1111a°11 'hat Black y, you of e ease which will titmice yen'. chilli- PI"' Pun Lb° MUM tie In° 111e 111°. IC°01111g ItVilVe in both juries mid the sort of evidence 1H, "1"""11 nnev° 13,111'n te1,1° 1"4" 2.°11.11tu't° mel named, It oceurred greed holy year's 1011 1110 ,l411101411 Plod° mere to 'Wein° la, logo, but no old lawyer hes forgotten the f‘cvnimmh lien oBIZikt panictilare; ry to eay ix word aboat such " coufessions" 01 of 4,000 inhalation, and, being in WOMOrn 111° tOWO a Cane Hill, say, had about NSITV Mad° 111 this can, Onvo groats .1. State, Met tot element, of toughen% elute while there rimy be one with nine little 2,4 der ,c1Lti 1/ot 0 rare crime, and robbery and f1Q1'Inlihlia111010t,,, ah:ilatat.h°AmatinomeilltYaaveroaat"eadooakaot1 ell Malinger arrived who gave out thab he lin at assent', were very common ones. One day it mi charge Berens enough to send him to Statnml e tended to establish a priveda latighlotavultamignae al):117$301 ft0 t:ot feYatra'eue,rlialallrmilfdgacni1,1taYx,e411)balteae '0 WWI capital of about, 813.000, ol confesa hie own guilt. If he is toabe Ivied e- he gave Wai Chavies Williams, and it lir?: understood than he wee front Chicago, for his life he will swear the murder against le W118 a middle-aged, geuteel nutn and was any party the Sheriff or Chief.,of Police cle- in him to, It is anything to pull his own a well received in the tewn. He stopped at link out of the noose. The Sheriff natural - to the hotel while making alteretione to the y wanted eo (mein Black, and when le building he had secured, and eine a week e otm so was known by sight et. mune to every- Carnes end Asher were " peened" they 0- body, naked up a very plausible "confession". inco morning the dead body ef man WAS I heel verified Blank's story, I Lad gone 1, found in the water wheel of the grist mill, to the barn mend found a candle in a box just where be had told me to look for it. I had ,1tvashicsidl1111dmiwddliLlsiTillaYegh.elndlf4crelfteleamnecelliab themel the journey to aud fro, and found it liams. The skull had been occupied ehe interval 'Anted. I had found med on hie boots which had come from a MACTI'ILBD BY A BLOW, epot near the barn. I had found people who and money and jewelry wen gone, At the met him that night and took him for w inquest as many te twenty different eitirons stranger. However, when the ease wee Who had met Willimus teetified that it was called in the higher court 1 was appelled at Ino body, Not eee ef them identified it by the ettmengtli of the evidence against my any panic:tine e." xe or worlc, but only in a general way, The idea that they could be town, everybody wan ("lint. As is invariably the ease in a small ted to appear to know mistaken never °enured to them. It heel something. Men were put on the stand who the general appearance of Williams, end swore they saw Black in town at 7 o'clock ; therefore MIS WilliaMS. °tilt:F:1131M him an hour later; others still 9 murder havii a been committed some ',believed. they saw him have ehe nub e ottoman be ammeesl'ed foe the crime. Wil- found at his house. 911 this WaS nensense, limn could be traced link to the °Veiling RS you will diecover, but it told with the before, but to no certain hour. The ialld• itzry. lord was sure be saw Mtn at suppee time, 1 emould only prove Lwo things in defence - but uot then The clerk eves sure he :maw previous good ohmmeter and hew the over - him talking to the hondlotel en hone later. albs mune to be stained with blood. Blaolc One ohambormaid saw him up stairs at 0 boldly confessed that he had intenJed to o'clock and another at 8:30, Ono 1110.11 new burn the barn and the accounted foe his him at the depot. at ff, and rot the same ltour time, but it ouly hurt his ease. Everybody some ono else saw him a mile away. You, jumped to the conclusion that a man who who aweigh against the delays atel techni- would commit arson would not sample at entities at the law end the canning of laW. murder, True, he had boon known for yen, are asked to note these sido issues of years as a peaceable farmer, but his oppor- my story. Right in that small town, where thity for making a strike had not come e1 Anions aonleln't 'neve moved a rod with- until the stranger appeared. lt was shown ont being recognized and remeorked, he Mitt he ware had up financially: that certain couldn't be traced after 6 o'clock in the mon wore rather afraid of him. that be had evening. Men who had talked with hini at heel:seed to make dire thrents, and they 3,4, end 5 o'clock eouldn't be suro, Whalt enni(1 net have peinted bitn blacker had he called upon, whether it was Gila aftenoon ben ouo of the Younger brothers. or the previous one. On top of all this came the " confession." An Hewn was speedily =de. A euspi- Carnes and Fisher had occupied the stone dons oh tometeentomed aohn Carnes got. drunk cell for days, and therefore agreed in all and displayed a roll of money, and when the donne. They Mere to meeting Black deemed with the murder tie exhibited what just outede the village. They entered the is termed town to look for Willimmans aud found him " EVIMY SIO1,T OF (I VILT," on tee street. Fisher swore that he au - The Sheriff was congratulated, Carees was costed him and directedhim to the millrace, locked up, end everybody was sameelied On telling him that the owner of the mill wont - the preliminary examination it turned out ed to en him. that Carnes had only $45, Being a murder- ArTan Tun Nit'ann. em, he ought to havo fled, but so far from taking any steps in that direction he had hired out to work for a livery stable keeper for throe months. Sifted down, the case against him was thin. The only bad thing against him was the fact, that he could not account for his whereabouts between 7 and 10 o'clock of the evening of the murder. In fact, he didn't try to, and I may as well tell you the reason right here. He was engag- ed in robbing a house in the town, a house where the family was temporarily absent. He got about fifty dollen in cash, but ouly after a two hours' search. To acknowledge this was to go to State prison ; to keep silent WU to be suspected of the holler. He pursued elm latter course, knowing his innocence and doubting if he could be con- victed. While Carnes WELS held to the higher court and many believed him guilty, the Sheriff stumbled upon another good thing. A mem who wee suspected of being non ex - convict, and who wits known to be hard ep, suddenly became flush. He also talked a good deal about the murder, and seemed very anxious that Carnes should be convict- ed. When he was gathered in the sum of thirty dollars was found in his wallet, Ask- ed to ea. -plain where he got it ho became confused and emberrassed end told lies. Asked toaccount Melds Lime on the evening of the murder he mixed him:tell all up, end enally relapsed Otto a dogged silence. It was believed that Inc and Carnes Ivere pertnera in the crime, and again the en- terprising Sheriff AV0S duly complimented. Thom name of the Met man SWIM Joel basher. When the second prisoner was examined me vigorously denied the murder, bub like :ernes, be failed to acne= for his time fter fi o'cloek. He tried to, and when it 41LS seen that, he we.s lyiug the nubile mind ettled epon him as • ,elt Ileme fanny regiments of ten companies, each coneisting Ilme pincers and men, and DM il1. e'Y depeudent battalion, composed of one com• sti pany of rifles, two of light infientry, and 111e one of mounted ribs, forming a brigade of vale 2,502 of all /mike, under Major General Igh from the Niagara District of New York ate peter B. Porter, recently a congreesmen, In. and one ef tha chief prentoters of the war, arb new two menthe and a half bet 11 regulars and 1110 m ilitia were contently exercised in battelion to and brigade drill from seven to ten ell hours a day, until they were considered. to Ile have attained a remaritable degree of &hi ele nom. The Froneh smeratem tmf field enrols o cen, beeome manifest, he c wean od the enlistment of a bathalion of four hun- dred men from among them, to serve dur- ing the war, with the intention of permit- ting the remainder to bestow their undividm ed attention upon their ordinary pursuit ex- cept in the event, of a levy en 'name to repel parte of the country for the forces in the field, It seemed evident that a fresh atttemp at invasion -would not long be delayed. vague outline of the principal °vents of this period. Some information he been gleaned from the "Historical record of the Royal Scots," the "Histedeal record of tho Stut Foot," Browneem "England's Artillerymen," Duncian's "History of the Royal Artillery," and Hon. W. EL Merritt's "Journal." The American histories oi Armstrong, Bracken- ridge, Davis, Gilleland, Hum, Ingersoll, Low, Perkins, Russel, J. le Thomson end Red Jacket, the rare pamphlets of Ripley, Treat, and White, beeicles numeroue articles in magazines and reviewe, have been con- sulted. Newspapers of that date evere not the repositories of Current information Oita they have sine become, and the de,ta to be gleaned from chain is cemparatively scanty, although sometimes of cardinal value. Weekly newspapers had been published be. fore the war at Newark, Kingston, and York, but all of them seem to have perished during the contest, A file of the York Gazette for the year 1812 is preserved in the Arehivee Library at Ottawa, but it contains little informatiou. However, files of the Montreal Hereld, Quebec Gazette, Buffalo Gazette, Albany Argus, Gazette, and Register, Baltimore Patriot. Boeton Conti- nel, Nun's Register, and Poulson's American have been referred to, not without profit. The chief and most authentic source of informabion respecting elle period nmst energetio Governor of Now a met had been enabled to gather it large force of State troops at Batavia. The British General WM at the same time obliged to proceed to York to open the annual seeeion of the Legiabeture of Upper Catania, for ho united the function of admixdstrator of the civil government with those of commander of the forces, and during his absence, the Americans began to contemplate the recovery of Von Niagara. With this view, three thousand .regular troops wore rapidly moved across the State of New 'York irom Sackett's Herber tee the encampment at Batavia. It had been ascertained from deserters that great diecontent existed in the battalion of the 8th or learg's regiment, which garrisoned that poet, and that the same cause evhioh had prevented the tolvence of an expedition against Detroit had delayed the reinforce. ment, of the division guarding the lamina ever e the offunel correspondence, which, , by troops from Lower Canada. In fact, however, has been inaccessible to persons en- Drummond had beau obliged to weaken it gaged in historical inquiry until very reeent- u,y netting a detachment; of the Nemylound- 1Y, and consequently has remained almost land regiment and artillery to relieve unconsulted. In 1873, tho Canadian military Mackinac, aud withdrawing the battalion correspondence mantling over a period of the 41st from York for the defence of of nearly a century, lay sawed at Helifax, Kingston. The number of desertions frotn packed in cases for transportation to Eng- the garrison of Foreh Niagara had beanie land. Owing to the efforts of Mr. Douglas so groat and the discontent of the men so Brymner, thievastoolleotiou of deaumentary pronounced, that tho battalion WU enally evidenee of inestimable historical value in withdrawn and replaoed by the 1000h. compiling the annals of this country WAS Senrcely had this been accomplished than seemed for the Canadian ArchiveS and by they, too, began to desert in such numbers the unflagging industry of that able publie that General Riall,who had been left income servant has Since been classffied, thronolog• mand of the division, was forced in sheer °ally arranged, and bound in volumes, eleepair to recommend the abandonment of Some idea may be formed of the mere bulk "that cursed fort," as he forcibly designa- of the eorrespondence thus enquired, when led it. At that time the British army I mention that 10 weighed eight tons, 001T1. was largely recruited feom the pauper and prising more them two hundred thousand criminal olassee, and many foreigners were documents of ell forms, shapeo, and sizes, enlisted even inte regiments of the line. and 'DOW cotnposes 1,384 bulky volumes, Thus, five men deserting in e body from upon the shelves of the Archives Library. the Royal Seen at this tune were deseeib., Here is to be found, almost entire, the oer- ed as being all foreigners. Besides being espondance of General Riall with Sir imperfectly <dolled and often hershly treat - Gordon Drummond, and that of the latter era they had received no pay for upwards . with Sir George Prevost, during the pre- of nix months, and their disentent at the gross of the campaign, linidos numeron irksome and monotonous roand of duty in letters from subordinate officers, official re. Fort Niagara, ie not surprising. turns, depositions of deeertere, and the eon. Drummond, however, resolutely refused his . ' ganged communications of spies and se• comment to the evanation of a post so im. net agents. portant, and, as fine weather returned, de - 8 still greater quantity of similar meter- seetions diminished. tic Was unremitting lals is Understood to exist in the depart- In hie preperations for the teeming mom mental aloes at Washington, but up to the peep Through the amorat of weather and prommt remains inaccessible to the inquirer execrable rote& ho hurried from York to 11 from the traditional secretive policy of tho Kingeton, and from Kingestort to Delawere, United. Steno Government and tho clutobio making inquiries into the resources of the eondieion of the papers, The correspon- country and the condition of the inhabit- denee °Mr. 11, D. Tompkins, at thet time ants, Moortaining that the Wheat crop Governor of the State of Now York, has neae the freaky .vm likely to any° den. race:wetly been acquired by the Stet :, emm el cleat, he promptly prohibited the distilla• may be ornoatod to throw SOrne ii;71,1., ,,P011 Lion of grain, and Wetted orders for the for - the subject, but, I re/Tot to say 1 b,,...e not mftion of inegazirmee in the vicinity of Long yet found an opportunity of ow/minim' it, oinl, n part O1 th° conntry which had To obtabk a correct understanding Id tun hitherto one ped the ravages of the itivaden, position of the emitanding forcen, it will be whe tate" moween chipime.a me neceesary to briefly review Otto progromme of lore gele Lei beer hO CMTIOtely had , wns adopted, and, to n. proof of their rapid ity manwerring, 3.1 is stated that 8c6tt's brigade of aim full batlaliens Was able to execute all onuttro change of front to either flank in three minutee ancl a half. (mo t,a coNTISUED. ) Siberia. " Dense swarms of mosquitoes attack the inhabitants Miring Summee night and day, and cleeths have penned from their bites." The natives do not sieughter oat Ile and me exceedingly poor, " the staple food being a sort of cake made of fir tree bark powdered very fiue." Blocke of solid ice are used as window panes in the houses during Winter. " An idea of Lhe lowness of Oh temperature maybe gai [toothy the fact thationvithstand- Mg the heat inside tlie hut, theso seldom melt till the rerun of exprem," Now among these natives who have noth- ing to sell, and in these not very warm hub, political eeiles ere living under einem - stances which make thin existeme harder then that of a native. In Sredne-Kolyins1, for example, a place whioh is hundreds of milee further mirth than tho Tewn of Yakoutsk, there were, in ell, only eixty " houses," in some of which two families of natives, together with their doge and cattle, were already crowded, when about twenty. five " politieals " were sent there This was (mite an invasion, and one can easily understand the anxietiesand miseries oeused by the scarcity of dwellings. Itnagine now these male and female seudents of different universities, young doctors profenional nurses, technical engineers, literary men, and even schoolboys of sixteen to soveuteen, on a frosty day, barehanded, patching up tbeir huts with clay and snow or cutting ice blocks, 200 pounds in weight each, for their windows, or fishieg in icy water. Jit Smuttier, when n greet deal of other \eerie is done, they are obliged to carry every- thing on their shoulders, es Sredno-Kolynisk does not possess even a whoelbarrow. Again consider the food question. A native cen easily live on putrid fish for months, but a F,uropean needs bread itud nolo variety in food. Now let me quote a letter received some time ago from one of the political exiles in Sredne-Kolymsk, Ile thns de- scribes his daily menu. during two months' : "During March and April our tood con- sisted exalusively of ration of bad meat, The meat was boiled hi wane, and taken withoub any vegetables, sauce or anything else to make it eatable, The miscroseopie slice of bacl rye bread given per mau only awoke au inaupportablo longing for more. Afber having eaten such a would-be dinner in our common dining room, every one of us took home a small piece of the same nieat, wrapped in a little rag, aud another shoe ot bread. „Coat sons ior supper mend breekfast next morning. But, ee we were nwfully hungry, the meat and bread were 1 ei eaten up iinmediately after reaching home, anti then we had for our sole forme, " mot" drink, in Cm eveninn arld. 11eNt moreing, the detestable cake -tea, without anythilig elso to fill onr stomachs. Women Fihould.eat Often. More women sin through undereating than through overeating, avel all women sin in not distributing rightly the amen t of food taken through tile twenty-four. hours. An empty stomach is as bad as an empty head, Digestion is the proper function of the stomach, and it oan be made more nearly continuous than people think. Tito eOmmon practioes of putting into the stomach three times in twenty -font hours just as much food as it can hold, and then of giving it nothing winttever for twelve hours more, is abed as illegical au arrangement as anybody ever devised'. To the credit of the human race be it said that this is a Imbitm than not now universal. The French eab four times it clay, the English four and sotnethnes five, the Ger- mans four also. A woman who breakfaets at 8 should oat again between 11 and 12, Luncheon at 1 again and tea and e biscuit et 5, when dinner ia at 6:30 or 7. Before going to bed at 11 she should eat a little more -a biscuit again and something hot. Thie will insure remote and resting sleep, be- came it niece the blood from hi:loin:ad, where attld,doesn't belong, down to the stomach, vhero it does beloog.-e0malue World -Her' The Only Good Hair Tonio, flair washes ate generally more harmful then good. There is only one sithstancte on the Moe of the earth that has any virtue as O tonio and that is rosemary oil, An 00- s0000 made from rosemary oil greatly dilu- ted in water ie an excellent wash for hair that i8 becoming Win or falling ona Is seems to revive and sthengthen the soalp rend stimulate the hair bulbs to renewed aotivity. All the other windiest more par. eiculterly those applioations which count grease of aty kmd, are far more hurtful then beneficial, since they olog up the scalp and provenb the natural nourishment being eupplied to the hair, A thankful man owes itt courtesy ever ; the unthankful but when he neetle Jenson, 1 ml ti 13 ca eo 01 Itt le T o to 01 ni ed on ke Sto mol et en. 80 10 On itt ho in 131 Id all lef alo for lie sot 10 Bit 01t bar ha die I? fire not. inn A the Tun 0111E1, mnantnEn.. w1/1 also toll yea why lie couldn't tell a treight story. From Lo 10 o'cicok he was ngaged in robbing a freight car the spot yard, Ho lied two accomplices, end le goods were tekeu aWny 111 a wagon. sing innoecia of elm murder, be didn't repose to give himself away on a lessor mime. He was also hold to the higher urt, and the man who doubted his goat ould have been Lhoughb an ass or a Jun - lc. I told you ba the beginning that it was a ueer one, and you will not be surprised to own that a third arrest was soon made. his turned out to be the most hnporbant 'ell. Two farmers living in the edge of wu had quarrelled over a lite fence, and 'me of them called on bile Sheriff at mid. gat and gave him a tip. Tide WAS follow - by an arrest and a enroll of the pHs- er's premises, He was a single man and pt house for himself. They foand a false nand false whiskers hidden away. They BO foUnd ptoir of overalls with blood bins on them ; also a hickory club, the d of which had. evidently been freshly raped. leeeile tnoney wart foetid, it as argued that he had buried the sum se - red froin Williams, and for three daye ore than 1 00 people were ranneking his use and barn end every foot of him land hopes to unearth the treasure. The name of Om third party arrested was wk. Ile employed 010 to defend him. y first idea naturally 1,7041 to prove an bi. claimed to me that he had not this house during the ovoning„ Living ne we had only Ids unsupported word this, and by accident ascortainea that was lying to me. Three different per- ks had naiad at his house between 7 and an o'clock d found him absent. Then ok made a onfestion tome. The f item - with whom ho bed quarromled had largo n on me &ern three milee away, and Black d ems there to burn it. Ile had gone in guise, and he told me the Mune of the pie ha had seen whilo dodging about.. s intentions wore bad enough, but the Inc kindled went out and the barn did born, To Weer himself of the one he st own no to the other, re if tho moo Was 1101, complicated enough Sheriff took another stop. Ibo worked all went to Macke] home, where thu money was to be divided. Ho had niece' Cronies end Fisher fifty dollar:, vice-) and pue off the division for to week. While neither saw tho blow nor the body iluitg into the the water, both agreed in Black said on the way home. He hate reel them thin Williams seemed suspicion fuel n as about to run away when atomic deem. 1 lost my can, of Quern. The jury vreut out simply forappearenee min, and In seven minions retuned with a verdict et " guilty." Yon mey ask what, done to trace Williams I Very little, Ho had said he NOELS ir0111 Chime:go. No one knew hie full addrees. The [their had boon published in the Chicago pupae, but no ono had identified Williams as Williams. He seemed to have ueither relatives nor ac- quaintances. Black wes to be sentenced to death, and Carnes arid Fisher were to get off with a term in State meson. They bed not yet boon sentenced whenWilliame, the man who heel been murdered and but Goa returned to town as quieely as any other traveller ! ou can imagine the public annteement I He left town on the night of the murder at 9 o'olook, going to alilwankee to see about te bank safe and other things, Ile was taken ill en roues and left the train at a small village where he had relatives. Ire had . been siek:with fever for weeks and nothing whatever wee known of the ease, At the depot, he conversed with two citizens and the ticket agent and all SIM him board the train. Bob one of them came forward to testify to these facts. They had " fergobten all about it I" In ail such eases the average mow is either over-anxious to go on the stand or he obstinately refuses to remember anything iu favor of the prisoner. el y case was won by the reappeavanee of Williams. It was for his murder thet Black had bet tried. 50n0 WAS 011111,10Ta1 Thee. WAS never found out, though it was generally believed that he was one of a pair of bend men who had 00(115 10 Cane Hill with some evil intent, and had .guarrelled with and been done up by his pal. Carnes and :Risher at, ouce went bank on their " con- feseion " and accounted for their time on thet evening, This gave them away on the robberies, and they were duly Weed and landed behind the bare. Black had confess- ed to an attempt at arson, he while the 0055 5005 dragging along he committed suicide inn aerl, and thus disposed of it. I have given you the cese just ae record- ed. I havon't complieated it Inc order to poinb a moral or adorn a tide- There was no need of that. There is smereely a dey in the week that your daily paper does not complain of the law's delay and give in- staller* of how ibis juggled with. Lawyers and courts are referred to as almost devoid of honoi and integrity, and here and there it is demanded that Judge Lynch open court, Take Any ease you will, follow it deeply, and the explanation will be ample. The ignorance, stupidity, and midterm of the public oalled to take tlie withese box on either aide it the real foundation of nine - tenth of the oompleints egainst the law, ewe mare Poisoned by Pleasure. A peauliar cue of poisoning is reported from the Bristle Ridge neighborhood, norbh of Crawfordsville, Ind. At te large peaty rm new-fangled kissing game was inbeo- dune', winch proved very popular, The young men on arriving drew strings of variegated melon from 11 1/0:,{ ItIld then sa- inted girlie whose dresses matched the stein, The yout?g granger then toolc one end of the ening in his month and the girl itttaehod her fan in a shine way to Oho other. Both then chowod up the ening until they were mouth to mouth, NOI1011 sav- ant kines wore exchanged.. At the party In queetion the penmen coloring the striegs ha used dyes which woo not fast and the that, man. ;•Aevern,1 woro poisoned very seriously cind it is feared that one 01 1500 cases may result fatally, American railroads get titi..2.0.10,00010 year 01 carrying the