HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-27, Page 10SUPPLE.MENT PR t L POULTRY ItIlsiTY.O• eleewhore but who come Lor thole rtieit!ti, -- are supplied with twenty-one meals per ns T. A, smarts, wass 0,r. wok at a cost .1.60 for women and -- 6030 for men. This is an lige of maohinory, in farm- The annual value of the poen*, and ing as 10 every other summit machines eggs consumed p31: Oapitaundoe such are indispensable ; you aslant your grain cooditions, and at these pries for sob - with a oombined drill ad Seeder, yon sistaitoe, isS6.41per adult. out your hay with a moo or, harvest it Bearing in mind the relatively large with a sulky rake ; your grain is out consumption of the product ot the hen with a sell hinder, le threshed by multi. yarde in the South, and perhaps in the nosy and then run through the fanning West, this may be considered at least mill. Now how would you like to dis. an average standard. Our present pope - pease with these useful inventions ? You laden oh about sixty•five millions, count - would as man think of making a journey iug- two childrol ten years oe under of three or four hundred miles in your equal to oue adult, has the mused -ling waggon, instead of stepping aboard the power of sixty million adults ; at 50.41 train and being whirled to yous deaden,- each the consumption of potato' and egg, tion swiftly and in comfort. in round figures, may thereto's) come to Inventive genius has perfected ma- $386,000,000 per annum. At the present chines for every description af work, time this sum is equal to about three end while the varied uses to which times the annual value of the produot oE electrieity is applied are indeed wonder- pig iron, four or live times the annual fni, yei, no loss so is tho modern incubas value oh the wool clip, six to seven times for which hatches chickens by thousands, the entire product of all our silver mines, and gross tkern oat on the exaot clay that and about equal to the value of the pots want them ; thousands of these cotton crap. 13u1 we depend for a part =shines gre now in use. Yon may not of our eggs on the hens of Canada, Dos - be &ware at it, but it he a fad neverthe- mark and Holland. less, Sim itscabstor ot to -day is not an Whether this Manlari of the can - experiment, bet the leafing makes are sumption of poultry and eggs is a fair the result of years of patient study and 0110, each reader may judge for himself. experimenting, and are now as nearly The VILTOof the egg product only of perfect as human hands can make them. Ohio, computed by assessors of each town "Necessity is the mother of invention," and city, is greats than the value of the and when poultry raisers found that they wool of Ohio. could raise any quantity of eggs in the J. K. Fetch in his excellent work winter time, but could get no broody "Poulture Oakum" in estimtsting the hens to hatch them, they began to look consumption of eggs says, if each person oh= them for some means of n000m• in tbe United States were to eat one egg plishing this desideratton. For many there would be 61000,000 worth consent - years the student of oartifioial ineuba. est at average prices ; and if oath of this -don" was regarded as a sort of harmless no article of food would amount in the lunatic, so also was the Inventor of the steam engine, but no one tow•a-clays doubts the efficacy of steam power, and the incubator of today is just as great a success in its line, as the swiftest l000. motives aver built. In Canada, com- paratively few ineubalors are in iuse, but in the United Statss there are many large poultry raising establishments that would have to go out of the business, but for these useful machines ; in other words, they are the result of theinvention of the incubator, which opened up a new industry which could not possibly be carried on by any other means. To give some idesof the extent to which incuba- tors and brooders are being used in the United States, I may mention that at one large establishment in New Hampshire they keep sixteen incubators in almost constant operation, having a capacity of six hundred eggs each ; then there is the well known poultry farm of James Ran- kin, who annually raises thousands of chickens and ducks for the Boston mar- kets by the aid of his incubators and bee iders ; W. II, Rudd & Son, who also cater to the Boston market, and raise thousands of Plymouth Rock ohiakens, do all their hatching and rearing by artificial means. In New Jersey there 14 a little town oallod Hammonton, where the chief industry is raising broilers for the New York and Philadelphia markets ; they are all hatched ia inotthators and raised in brooders, thousands of them being marketed annually. Many other oases 00111d be mentioned, but this is surfisient to give some idea of what is being done in commercial poultry rtsis ing. I will not weary the reader with any further exposition of the matter, but I deem it necessary to a proper ap- preciation of what is to follow, that we should thes hastily survey what is actu- ally being done at the present time. At this jurtoture it may bo well to consider the question of supply and demand. We have no official statistics in Canada re• hating to the cousomption of poultry and eggs, but American figures will serve our purpose very well in making an approxi• mote estimate of our own consuming naivete. In an article on "Comparative Taxation" by Edward Atkinson in the Century Magazine, June, MO, he says The value of Ibo entiro product in pig iron in that year (1.800) was less than 0118 1)511 the value of the segos ancl pool. try which were supplied' from all the barnyards' of tho country. There is no census of eggs and poultry known lo me, except the assessors returns hi Ohio ; but perhaps we may take as ti standard of general consumption that of the fez. tory boarding houses of New England, in which men and women are boarded at from 62.25 to 68.00 per weak, and in whioh the mealers, sonalled, who dwell T 0 T li P 0 S MAY 27, 189%. SEELOIV ONS TION 0211941, gi."5 Id Id 1111-t14 This GREAT COUGH CURE, this Pucoessf01 CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of tnedi• eine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a. positive gnorantee, a test that no other cure can sueoessf ully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Broachitis, use it, foe it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping COO, use it promptly, and relief is sore. If yeti dread that insidious disease CONSUMP- TION, DON'T ansa to use it, it will euro you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SIIILOIPS CURE, Prise 10c., 50e. and 61.00 If your lungs aro sore or batik lumens° Shiloh's Porous Piaster. 135e. TEM, FIJETNIER, Prete tieat Watch; ilake r and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are openieg out Full Lines in WO Ain SILVER doubtiue Thomas" will say that there liver Flateci Ware aggregate M $305,000,000. But soma s• are thousands of our people who do not eat an egg each day. Granting this to be true, we must face the fact that many other thonsands eat from 2 to four eggs daily, one that eggs enter very largely in the composition of many articles of food which we oonsume each day, such as cakes, pies, salads, ooffee, custards and puddings. Applying the same figures to Canada, and estimating our population at five millions, and eggs at on average price of 20u per dozen ; 11 each person in Canada were to oat an egg to -day there would be 410,006 dozen eggs consumed represent- ing an aggregate value of 682,353. Then if each person in Canada were to eat an ogg per day, for a year, the con- sumption would amount 11 the enormous sum of 630,410,140. It is the opinion of the largest aimless in table poultry and eggs in New York and Beaten, that a constant supply of first ohms goods, has a tendency to con- stao tly increase the demand, so that the probability of orerstoaking the market is very remote. James Rankin who is pro- bobly the largest breeder of market ducks in Ameriort, says that years age when he first went into business, he had to go into Boston, and almost worry the dealers to buy his duolcs, but today with a stock of twelve honked breadths bieas, he finds it diffioult to fill bis orders, Other largo producers beat similar testi- mony to the demand for ohoioe goods ; and commissioa merchants find no diffi- culty in platting all that is offered at good prime, but there is no room for poor goods, and no money in it for anybody who handles soots stuff; 111 Canada at the present time there is unfortunately very little else to be had, hence the low Prices of dressed poultry. Go on tho markets of Toronto and Montreal at this season of the year, and you find little else bat a lob of miserable scrub hens from one to five years old, the refuse of poultry yards all over the land, too old many of them to lay, and others after laying all winter are sent to market because they aro not broody and have noosed to lay ; verily these aro tooth-sonie birds SO for an eqicuro. The Anstealian scohiero. Stanbory and Kemp, intend paying a violt to America shortly. Dr. Haynes Agnew, tho great Phila. dolphin, surgeon who died recently, made it a sale to charge his pdients strictly according to their oireumsbances. Those of moderate means paid 02 for each visit, while a wealthy patient was often olaargsd from 61,000 to 62,000, and the wife of an Ettglish nobleman once paid 020,000 for a single operation. from Established and Reliable Makers' fully warranted by es. Clock's of the Latest D65'7;412.8 JEWELRY MOOING Roses, LADIES GMT RINOS, 1311000IIRS, nARRINGS, &O. r&"AISO a POI Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, &e, in stook. X. 111.—I0011.1.1,1. 0 t marriage IA senses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. Indigestion IS not only a distressing complaint, or I itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en - feeblest, Is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best cure for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.; — "Liver complaint and indigestion made my lifo a burden and come near ending my existence. Por more than four years I suffered untold agony, WOS reduced almost to a slceleton, and hardly bad strength to drag myself abont. - All kinds of food distressed me, and only else most delicate con10. bo digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re- lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do any permaDent good until I commenced tho use of „Ayer's Sarsaparilla, *which has produced wonderful renalts. Soon after commencing to take 00 F1a1111111£L. villa could see 011 improvement in my oontliti on. Sly appetite IleCaT110 001 urn end with it came the ability to digest all the Mod token, my streteph im- proved melt clay, anti nft es a few months of faithlul to ;sot leo to ;sons direet isms, I found /as self a well woina», able to attend to all household. duties. The medic= has Oxon 1410 a new lease of life." 1)11 0 yers daisopwalia, PEEPARED ET Dr. d. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Price 51; els bottles, 50. Worth 51 a bottle. tv.7.; • 0.11 10111 oI ,Iny (211'intity of Wool own ted by the un- dersillned, for which 1 p repa refl to pay the , Big'aost 1arket Prig 111Gasl OR!HAM Grain Dealer, Brussels.. "Backache means the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills give prompt relief." "75 per tent. of disease is rst caused by disordered kid- neys. " lifightas well try to haus a healthy city without sewer. age, d as goo health when the kidneys are clogged, they are the scavengers of ,the system, "Delay is dangerous. Neg- leo ted kidney troubles result i n Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liuer Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Blights Dtsease, Diabetes and Dropsy." The aboue diseases oannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used." Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of price so cents. pe box or six for $c.so, Dr. L. A. Smith tt Co. Toronto. Write for book called Kidney Talk. tit priAT Reduction asp h in Prices. Lands West of Third Meridian.. Sge commenced April at the uniform price of PER AOR E. Edmonton District. Auction Bale commences May ii. Apply to any agent of tho J. T. PEPPER, Ageut, Bruesels.