HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-27, Page 9BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, MY 27, 1393.
ing•eilas lAA.
The case et flurry Garbutt was on rho
peremptory list before the Court of Ap•
peal at Toronto last week, and the pHs,
outer, Garbutt, was in attendance in
spurge of an officer. The naso was to he
heard en appeal from the doeision of tbo
Common Pleas Division remanding Gar-
butt to custody fur extradition to the
state of Texas t•r stand his trial for
forgery, Before lite ease was reached,
however, on the li,t, Garbutt arose and
informed the court that be would submit
to the judgment of the court below and
go to Texas, Thio announcement was
rather startling, but on its being asoar-
twined that Garbutt was in earue,t, and
fully determined upon this course, ho
wits again remanded for extradition, and
will duubthss bo sent away ie duo court°.
Arbor Day was observed by the pub -
ho school here when the toaohere and
scholars indulged in a general olean up.
A meeting of the shareholders of the
Exeter Salt Works Go. will be held Mon.
day, June the Gbh at 2 o'olook p. m., at
the Town Hall.
The Exeter people will build a branch
lino frog tho L. 11. ,k B. Railway to the
Verity Plow Works, rather than have
them remove to Hamilton or Brantford,
James Stewart, of Huron street, has a
large quantity of potatoes above the
ground whichhave six Leaves formed on
them. They are of the Orange Racer
B. B. O'Neil is the possessor of a horse
that can pick looks and open doors. The
animal succeeded in opening the door
which leads into the proprietor's driving
house and ransacked things in general
and was continuing his depredations
when caught,
While William, son of David Richard,
was engaged putting the harness on a
horse belonging to John hunter, of Ile.
borne, the animal bit off a portio] of one
of his ears and dropped it on the floor.
O1he horse was never considered cress,
anti the reason aeeigued for this occur-
rence is unknown.
Lab <thatow.
The Sunday school Convention of the
Aehfleld circuit will be held in June.
The yonng people of the village are
contributing 9100 towards the note stage
in the town hall.
MA Sabbath school Convention of the
township of liiuloss milled by Alfred
Day, Secretary of the Provincial S. S.
Association, was held in the Presbyterian
church Lncknow, on May 12th for the
purpose of organising S. S. worker's in
the township into a permanent assooi•
ation. The following raisers were elect-
ed ;--J.-G. Murdock, President ; Miss M.
Walker, Sec-Treas. ; D. J. Taylor, 1st
Vioe•President ; 110. Holmes, 2nd Vioo-
President, The Exoetttive Committee to
oonsist of the of -hears of the 'association,
the Superintendents of Sabbath schools
and pastors.
The Kincardine distriot held its mind.
al Meeting in the Lucicnow Methodist
°hutch on May 12th and lath, the Rev.
Dr. Ilonderson, ohairman of the Distriot
presiding. Tho Membership of the Dis-
triot \vas reported as 1,889 an increase of
(17, missionary fend 1$980 an ineeeese of
931, Education 9208 an increase of 981.
Kincardine headed the list in missionary
subsoriptiolls and Ripley in Edttoational,
The results of the eleotions to the oonfer.
once and its several oommittees were 00
follows—Lay Delegates to Conference,
George Swan, Samuel Burwash, John
Miles, John Ilumbertson, Jas. Taylor,
Jas. Bryan, G. W. Cater, JohnLatemol'e,
Juo. Taylor, Robert Smith, Stationing
Committee, J. S. Coiling. 13. S. Com.
mittee, J. R. Isaac and Jas. Bryan.
Epworth League Committee, J, S. Cook,
M. A., Ph. B. and John ITmnborteon.
Missionary Committee, John Miles.!
One of the saddest accidents that has
ever occurred in the village took place
recently when Wm. Barber, the 13 year,
old son of Samuel Barber, met his death
at rho Lueknow farni; urn factory. Mr.
Barber is employed an engineer e.t the
foolery and n. few weeks are hurt hie
blots, and np till tho time of rho terrib'o
accident had been assisted 4y his son in
his work. The little fellow was alone in
the engine room at the timo and just how
he met his death will never be known,
but it appears he was caught iu the driv.
ing belt of the engine and carried around
the main pully, severing one of his limbs
from his body.
Chin ton.
Clinton grocers will close their shirts
at ti p. to.
Thomas Jackson jr. has doubled to take
a second trip to the old uuuutry.
A. 11, Manning and wife expect to
leave Foster Park, Florida, for hone the
latter part of this week.
D. Cantolon, will leave slimily on his
proposed visit to tbo old country to make
arrangements Inc the apple trade of the
coming season.
AIr. 1Vhitehead's p0:pot-e 1 mammoth
black will soon show signs of the brisk
superstructure • the t•ubstautial stone
foundation is approaching completion.
13. B. Combo purposes leaving town
for three months, to assume 0 highly
lucrative position \vith a drug house do-
ing business all over the Status ; he in-
tends t0 return t0 town at the expiration
of his engagement.
(J te21,CE•i Cie.
A new plate glues flout is being pub on
A. Y. loIcLean's dry goods shop.
While playing ball, Melville Penning.
ton, eon of \Vol. Pennington, fell on 0
piece of glass, outting a deep gash la his
The resignation of president Aiken -
head, of the Agriculture Society, was re -
calved and duly accepted, and Jaime
Connolly 1000 oleotod in his etoad.
The title of Collegiate Instituto \vas
conferred upon the high school on Tues-
day of last week, and Monday celebrated
as a holiday is horror of the °ouaeion,
Rlubard Walstall,of McGillivray town•
ship, who has spent the last six weeks in
jail, charged with b'gamy, was tried be-
fore His honor Judge Toms, last week.
IBollard had boon married in 18311, to ono
Snsauuab Cook, who is still liviug, and
on Moroi) 19, 1889, had a second Gere.
mooy performed by I1ev. sir. Clement,
at that time Methodist minister at Exe.
ter, to Aun Oobleigh, of MaGdllivray.
The aertilloates of both marriages and
other couulusivn uvidenee wore addnutod.
It was showe,'hovover, that the prisoner
and duds wife hal not lived happily to.
gethor and that some five years ago she
left him and wont to Michigan. In Peb•
Teary, 18811, Waistell went to 1ldiohigau
to induce Susannah to 001115 hack to laic
bed and board, which she refused t0 do.
He then made overtttree to Ann Cob -
leilth, and was married to her on the loth
of ;March following. Ills honor found
the prisoner guilty, and under the sir.
cumstances sot forth allowed lain to go
on so0ponded sentence, under w bond of
$600 to appear for eeuteuuo within five
days when called Inc.
Farmers in Woolwich t,wnellip state
that wheat never 10.3ked batter at 111is
time of the year.
13f11 Dompman, a miner at Sale Crook,
Nev., has for 501no time boon missing 0
groat doal of Huh amalgam from Itis
sluice boxoe, 13e kept watch for several
nights and noticed that a email calf came
about the same time every night to drink
from the sluice box, Ile Bred at the calf
With a cry the call staggered on its hind
lege and then fell ou the ground. On
running up to the supposed animal
Dienpmau discovered he had shot and
killed a young 113011 who had boon around
the camp for some time, Later investi-
gation showed that instead of a man the
supposed boy yeas a girl of about 18.
A recon discovery by nn
old physician. Successful-
ly used Monthly by thous-
,,,tande of T An100, Io the
only perfectly safe and
reliable medicine dieeov-
Dred. Beware of unprincipled druggists who
offer inferior nnedia111e5 in place of this. Ask
for Coon's CloT'rov Rocs 00nwoulan, take no
substitute; or inclose 01 and 4 three-oeut
Oenada postage stamps in totter, and we
will send, sealed, by return mail. Full snal-
od particulars in plain envelope, to hmios
only, 3 stamps, Address 1"aud toy coin -
pony, No. 8 fisher Plonk, 131 woedward
uvo., Detroit, nick.
f3f113 '8e1,1 in Rausstlby 3', T, PTerruFt.
A. .1.1111.1.1r.1.1111.1.1rsod ell l reap.) usible druggists
every whet 0,
The leading Photographer of
Woodstock for the past 18 year's,
has leased the Photograph Gal-
lery lately occupied by L. Hunt-
er, where he is prepared to make
first-class Photographs in all of
the Latest Styles and Sizes.
S. FJ,lJI$F) fiiTION
Call at his Gallery and see
f1�NYt cache
i(S a complaint from which many suffer
$ and few are entirely free. Its cause
is indigestion and a sluggish liver, the
cure for which is readily found in tho
use of Ayer's Pills.
"I have found that for sick headache,
caused by a disordered condition of the
stomach, Ayer's Pills are tho moot re-
liable remedy."—Sauluel 0. Bradburn,
Worthington, Mass.
"Alter tho use of Ayer's Pills for
many years, in my practico and family,
I am justified in saying that they aro an
excellent cathartic and liver medicine—•
sustaining all the claims made for them"
—W. A. Westfall, ltf, D., V. 1'. Austin
Fs N. W. Railway Co., Burnet, Texas.
"Ayer's Pills are the best medicine
known to me for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a dis-
ordered stomach and liver. I suffered
for over three years from headaohe,1n.
digestion, and constipation. I had no
appetite and was weals and nervous
Most of the time. By using three boxes
of Ayer's Pills and at the same time
dietingmyself, I was completely cured."
—Phiip Lockwood, Tope ca, Kansas,
"I was troubled for years with indi-
gostion, constipation, and headache. A
Cow boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small
daily (loses, restored me to health.
They are prompt and oifootivo."—W.E.
Strout, Meadville, Pa.
Ayees Pills
0130rda00 nx
Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Sala by all Drnggialo and Dealers in Medicine.
mme ``qq RR
rS ,per
The undersigned desires to in-
timate to the public that they
have leased the above well known
Lime Works where they will al-
ways have on hand a quantity of
first -glass Lime. Order early.
Jersey Ice Cream
I have made arrangement with Mr, G.
A. Deadman whereby he is to supply me
with all the
and J.E1tSLY IIILI •
I may require. Yon can therefore de-
pend on having a very superior Ice Cream
and aline Shake. The following is the
agreement between us :—I hereby agree
to supply Mr. Thos. Rutledge, for his Tee
Cream and Milk Shalee, or other pur-
poses in connection with his Restaurant,
Jersey Cream and Milk as he may re.
quire, on the condition that no other
Cream or 111i11t is used except as supplied
by ane.
Please remember that we make a spec•
darty also of Bananas, Oranges, Lemons,
Pine Apples, Cream Candies, Nuts, ,le,
Thu. Rutledge.
—Manufacturer of—
BiBnggies, Carriages, &('.,,
Our frock will satisfy you and
OW Prices will please.
Call and Soo us as tVe aro Ilere to
Hustle Business.