HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-27, Page 8ply 1Btttettl.Avrns have Inca homy' n,ttendin to scute tteecI l repairs to St, John's �R chtam ant have left it i0 stood elope. I 119e�p._�(i„u;eup,y or 119'11 nu,l homing drat 1)l 8B• ',nednt1thet;nunN13irtltlot w,tsv;ry 1 uwagro. I1 o good job Hutt aarfoytdty iia not judged by outwerd show. :kick,:. c. —On idol day, 93rd inst., a dark brown yearling hotter. Any nt• formation as to ire whereabouts will thankfully received. 11, .LI:A•rl IiIII AEI:. Poem, cherry and early apple trees a well laden with bloom in Brussels a locality and if Naish' any indi00tio11 res treat Crop thele should be It large yiel THE'towtt Saud serenaded the lion Bleat et his home on the morning of 1 Qnn.'n'g Birthday. The boys demo praise for the creditable way in will they ecgnittecl themselves. Oe .Monday lost Jas. 13hashill, Macho founts a 10 carat gold ring iu a most u likely place. It was found embedded the 010m,ta11 of a young heifer. Any on may nen this curiosity by calling at 1 B'ashiII's butcher shop. R. T. or T.—On Thu' Belay evening of nee week Rev, J. W. Bell, of Hamilton, will deliver a lecture in the Brussels Tow u Hall bearing on the Tomperancoqueetinn. The pablie cordially invited to attend. No othnission fee. Cbair taken at 5 o'eloolt. • Tun en'oring wedge of a complaint that may prove fetal is often a slight cold, which a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral might have cured at the nom• menoement. It would be well, there- fore, to keep the remedy within reach at all times. OMT.—Tuesday night, May Ind, the grim messenger death visited the Lone of Beogald Strachan, Arcola, Aesinaboia, N. W. T., formerly of Brussels, and beckoned the spirit of Mrs. Strachan away. The cause of her demean wee oonsuniptiol with which she hag been affected for the past few years, She wan a daughter of Thos. His'op formerly of G,ey township, Ont., and was united in marriage to her now bereft partner about 0 years ago, residing in Brussels for a Humber of years, where the deceased by her kindly manner mud social qualities endeared herself to all who knew her. in July 1890 Aire. Strachan went out to Manitoba to visit her parents with a view 1 also benefiting her wasting inetth, They have node their home there since, Death had no terrors fortlne deceased and HIM talked citlmly and joyously of the hone beyond. Gtr. Strachan and three little dant'hters are left to bold wife and mother in loving remembrance. The funeral took place on Friday 13th. Mies Lizzie Strachan left on Monday of this week far Arcola where she will make her home for a time 10 Gering for her mother• less nieces. Hraron AND CaossLtey.-13rnsselitos on- jnyed a treat 0u Wednesday of this week in listening to the evangelists, Revds. Hunter and Crossley, who cane clown from 1Vingham and held an afternoon 'service in the Methodist church. JI- thongh the honr fixed (1:15 p. m.) was rather an awkward time yet the body of the church and the galleries were filled to their utmost capacity. The meeting It would be wine for those of you who have Gooseberry and Currant bushes to be on the watch for what is known MS the • Currant Worm - whloh so gaiakly Bate off the leaves and of course destroys till prospects of good fruit. As metal we have bought a sup - 1 ly if Punt' Ile llobnre Which we guarantee to destroy these worms when used ae directed. It would I be well to secure some at once so ae to ba ready for them. Ara you going to paper vim: house this season ? If so we will be pleased to Ripply yen with fashionable Wall Papers at right prices. G. A. DEAD\IAN, Druggist, Bookseller, 1e. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800TitIMN EXTENSION w, 0. & n, Trains recta Brussels Station, North and South, as hallows: GOING SOOTII. 003440 Nonan. MaB 0:53 a.m. 111 god 0:35 n.m. SIMMO5e 11� 9 0.111. Mail4.111 p.lu. Mixed h5, 1.W.R\ rea A 17:1u 11.10, k'cr l 1dii fire 15. A'ehiel's among ye taltin' notes, An faith he'll prent it. COrNTc Council opens on Tuesday, June 7th, at 3 p. m. JAMES Wasters: Waster has potatoes shoving 3 r300 leaves above the ground. Corti of Revision for the nlnnicipality of Brussels will be held on Monday even• ing, June 011,, at 7:31) o'clock. LAST week the electric light was off duty for anight or two owing to some necessary repairs to the dynamo. A WEDDING or two, or maybe three, in the near future in Brussels afford pe"ple en opportnnity of indulging in some good natured goosip. Two double decked care of hogs were shipped from Brussels station last Mon- day by Messrs, Heffernan, L'awtii'heilner and Jewitt. J. J. Grum got his house, and Jas. Walker hie 0)771000 shop photographed this week. \V. 1\'. Burgess was the pbotnerepher. S. W. Lamp has disposed of his interest in the Springbuck ohaese factory, as maker, to S. Howard, and will continue' a resident of Brussels, for a time at least. WHAT about holding a meeting to ar- range far the celebration of Dom111100 Day 10 Brussels ? The sooner the con. mittens are set to work to perfect ar- rangements the better. LAST Saturday Jame, son of J. S. Smith, of this plane, had one of the fingers on hid left hand crushed in a cog wheel of the picking machine 1rt the woolen mill. The injured member was dressed and the patient is doing as well as could be expected. Dearmrset has driven to an early and even suicidal grave many n man who, if he had tried the virtues of Ayer'e Oar- a saparilPa, would be alive today and in the enjoyment of health and competence. s Sufferer, be warned in season, and dont 1 allow the rystem to run down, A BF. A Messroxatty,—floor often in g ohureh, lecture -room or theatre one will h notice the ehon'dere of a good-looking and f well -fitting garment plentifully be. t sprinkled with dmndru0. Be a mission- ary and tell people that Anti -Dandruff is Ii, P'taranteed to remove dandruff with three I p applications. t Tens Salvation Army introduced a new I c ide:e into their march the other day. 1 ,. Each of the soldiers carried a chair and 1 t, in the meeting on the street the chaire S were put to their intended use unless t when the individual members were speak- k ing m• praying. Major Baugh, of Lon• 1 w don, addressed the meeting 0n Saturday ! p night and Sunday and delivered power- I ful appeals to the unsaved. I d OrEN]NG IN Bapssits.—Dr, Gillies and ! o Clark H. Smith, b•ulkors, of 'Teeswater, 1 e bave opened a bank in Brussels, in the 1 b building formerly 000npied by Messrs. ! co Molntosh & McTaggart, Andrew Comm ley, well known in town, has been install- ed as manager. The firm purpose loan• ing money, clash farmers' sale notes, colloot notes and accounts, write insnr• anee and do a general banking business. Mr. Smith has had years of experience in connection with a ohartered bank, Emmett LeacouE,—Last Monday even. Ing a Missionary meeting was held in connection with the Epworth League of the Methodist ohureh. The chairman was Nelson Gerry, President of the re- ligions department. After an opening hymn and prayer the following program was entered upon :—Reading, "A paying invesim 11,” Bliss Braden ; solo, "If 1 were a voice," T. S. Humphries : read TUE BRUSSELS POST no s,holare ; Ethel, Methodist nheron, 7. 1 lolluway, superintendent, 7 teachers told ill sollollre ; Ethel, llpieenpal eh117011, 1J1. (fele, euperftrtondeit, 4 teachers fuel 20 sebolare. \Velton--Proebyt❑riahl ohureh, Jas. Smillie, superintendent, 1?. teacher's and 70 soholate ; Methodist oatuclh, U. Grigg atlpeeiutou'lont, 1e teachers and ,0 eehohtre ; I:pisuopnl he church, J, Bolger, superintendent, 0 teachers and 60 eoholare, Morris Town- ies chip—Jaelcsau's school, W. Jlcksol, nd superintendent, ti tcaollore and •15 to scholars ; Batton's, P. Watson, eupGrin• d, t indent, 8 teachers and 00 echelon; ; v1) Barrios, 11. Forsyth, •1 teachers sand 211 he echotere ; Sunshine, II, E. Bori(holder, ve superintendent, 11 teaollere and 45 grind. oh ars ; Speir'e, BI. Black, enperiutendrnt, 5 teachers and 30 eoholare ; Jowitt's, Bir. r, Fraser, superintendent ; Johnston's, W. 11. J. Johnston, superintetelcut ; Belgrave, in Methodist church, 0. W. Lawrence, so - o per'lntondent, 7 teaobole, 47 scholars; V. Belgrave Presbyterian church, T. Ander- sen, superintendent, 7 teachers and 50 scholars. The above gives a total of teacherg and officers of 207 and the total average attendanoe of pupils, omitting 3 schools for whioh we have not the figures, 1,331 1. opened with the singing of severed hymns by the choir and congregation, after which Capt. Dodds of the Salvation Army led in prayer. During the reading of the lesson by Rev. Mr. Hunter the greatest possible attention was given, the large audience Oppearfog to be. swayed by the speaker at his will, their faces one momma being i] t o lammed with l '1 sme and the ne01 bathed with tears. At the con• elusion of the chapter Mr. Crossley sang one of his beautiful hymns, "By ain country," in his rich, fell voice and then b -gun Lin diaoonrse. Hie text was found in Ian. 35th chapter, 8th, lith and 10th verses, The sermon was Very interesting 3101 wall interspersed with mueioal selec• ions which seemed wuyen Y en in with his object. Ile closed his remarks by sing. ng "Iffy mother's prayer." Ilovds. Mas. rs. Hunter and Crossley are doing a rand work all over the Dominion and we ope that in the not too far distant Mere Brussels may be fortlumte enough o secure their services. Cnrncu Norr'.s.—Last Friday afternoon 1)v, D. B. :McRae, of Cranbrook, preach - el in Knox cherub, Brussels, in 0onnec. ion with the communion services, die• nnreing profitably from Luke 15 and 2, This man receiveth sinners." Tho pas. Rev, D. Millar, took for his text on abbath morning "Have I hemi so long inlewith you and yet haat thou not 0ow11 me Philip 0" 111 uew nsembors ere received, 4 by certificate and 15 by rofes.lion of faith. Mr. Millar assisted ley. A. Y. Hartley, Bluevale, last Satur• ay and will go to Molesworth on Friday £ this week.—Rev. G. 1''. Salton preach - '1 a very interesting sermon Last Snb. ash evening on "The elder brother," in nnection with the series of eermnne on le Prodigal son.—Revds, J. Roes, B. A., nd D. BIi11ar will attend the P resbyterien ssemb!y at Slontreal.—uov. G. F. Sal• 0 goes to Guelph next Wednesday for le opening of the 1lethernet Onnforeuoo. Servide will be held in Melville church n Saturday et 2:30 p, m., when Rev. S. one. will preach, On Sabbath morning e Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will observed, Rev. D. B. McRae will each on Sunday evening and also on onlay at 10:30 a. to.—A congregational eating was held in tho Methodist arch on Wednesday evening in place the u1nal weekly prayer meeting. Sra11.3 Smoot, 1Te nsTere.—The fol. wing Eaots were gathered onnoerning nnday 8011001 workers in the seetiou en• aced by the local Sunday school Con• orlon he'd in Brueeels l..st week :— hirtoen miniotere reside in the district 'I d there are twentveight Sunday horde. They aro an follows :—Bros. le, Melville chnroh, A. Stewart, super. beudant, Ill teachers and 121 scholars.; russets, Methodist ohureh, W. II, Kerr, peritltenclent, 251 teachers and 1S3 Molars ; Brussels, St. John's olntrch, Dennis, 3Ope•intendont, 0 teachers id tie scholars ; .Brussels, Knox church, A. Deadman, enpm•intendelnt, 12 where and 70 vallolare, Grey Totvn• hip --Roe's ulmtrch, 7. llayuard, etporin. uclett, 0 teachers and 40 scholars; n1t11'5 school, T. Straolian, supnrin- ndent, 7 teachers and 50 scholars ; raelbtn's, J. Strachan, eullorintandene, teanil as mad 10 scholars ; Shine's, P. itchio, eOperintendent, 7 teachers and scholars ; Creethroolt, 12fothodist Ewell, J. 5, Mitoholl, superintendent, teaollere and 35 soholare ; Cranbrook, resbyyterien chnroh, A. McNair, super. intendent, 0 teachers and 70 scholars ; ri Whitfield's ohureh, L. Panabaker, supers ratintendant ; Fulton's school, J. MoNeir, 81r0rintondent, 5 teachers anal 30 senal. RIR ; Ethel, Presbyterian aileron, W. SI'onoe1 enperint'11deut, 12, totoher5 Arad tl A to tl 0 J th be pr eh m eh of la int!, ":firs. Pickett'e missionary box," bt G.:nrge 1100 •s ; dnett, „Off the shoals," ve Rl,-s.s F. E. and 51ey herr; reading, T Bring the men up to the standard," Dr, an L avanagh ; dnett, "Good news °mem so over the sea" Misses Bessie. and Minnie se bloom; closing exercises. ill Y. M. L. C. --Last Friday evening the et club room of the Young Mens' Conserve, els tive club of fieuesels and locality was in formally termed. President Irwin oocu• II pied the chair and made 00 appropriate ai iutrndnetnry speech. He then introduced G V. W. iliolnlyre and Andrew Elliott, to Met, members of the YonugMeConservativ0 s Cluh, of Toronto, who del: tired nppropr1• to ate addresses. Jas. Bow,cam, D. Robert. Si sin and R: l,, Taylor ale(' briefly spoke to Ota 1091,105 of interest to tie audience. St Roger meetings will bo held fur the 111 pnrpoee of debating the questions of the le day, &o The first rinb.tte of the club 49 will be held on Friday evening, June 3rd, els et 5 o'clock, at the OM rooms, when the 4 following eubjeot will be dist:mood :— P "Resolved that the introduction of the National Polley has been beetioial to the interests of Canada." Jas. Bowman, I1. Dennis, Ward Farrow, for the affirm. ative ; D. Roborteon, R. L. Taylor and Jae. Irwin, for the uogative. PERSONAE, PARAGRAPHS. Fred. McCracken has gone'. to Paisley. Miss Francis spent the 24th in London. D. Shiel, of Galt, 5105 in town on Tues. day. airs. R. L, Taylor is visiting in Lon- don. Miss Kate Cormack is visiting at Godo. rich, Aliso Birdie Roberton is visiting in Soaforth. R. Buchanan, of IIen„all, was in town this week. Hilton Laird, of Port Elgin, is visiting in Brussels. MI'S. Leech, of Goderioh, was in toren on the 24111. Mrs. Harris is visiting her daughter, Mrm. Jae. Bell. Alis, Dilly Batter spent last Sunday iu Winghaln. Thos. Kew was visiting in Wiugham last Sunday. Miss Lily Vanatone is home from Southampton. Miss Mina Pelton, of Atwood, was is town this week. bliss Man l Ball, of IIenfryn, was In town this week. Mrs. Thos. Ainley, of Listowel, was in town on Tuesday. G. 1'. Scholfield was i5 Toronto on the Queen's Birthday. Mise Maggie Smith, of Blyth, was home for the 24th. Mrs. Jas. Walker and roc are vieitieg friends in Teeswater. Willie Armstrong spent the Queen's Birthday in Mitchell. Alex. Ross and Fred. Montgomery Sondayed in Listowel. - Mrs. Leslie O'Connor, who was on the sick list, is better again. Miss McIntosh, of Grey, was visiting BL•0. A. Cousley this week. Dan. Clark, o1 See -forth, spent a day or two in Brussels this week. Thos. Watson, of Ilarri+ton, was in town on the Queen's Birthday. W. H. Willis, of 11incerdiue, paid a hying visit to 500111 OD Tuesday. 13. Gerry was on the sick list this weep but is able to be about again 110w. Hardy McLeuuan, of London, spent Et few days in Brussels this week. Mies Messer and: Miss 1 s Stone of Blue- vnlawere i Brussels d- n B t asels 1)u the ..4th. Lincoln Henlbly and Robb. Leather• dale were visiting at Salem this week. Hugh Alexander, of Ottawa, was visit. lug Pt-etmaeter Farrow for a few days. Charlie Grower, of Atwood, was shafting hands with the boys on Tneoday. Alm. 0. Knechtel and children, of Wingliam, were visiting in town this week. J. Gordon and blies Lily, of Lucknow, were visiting T. Fletcher and family this I week. T. Thomp.on and wife, of Soaforth, were ren0wing old acquaintances in 13'08s015 this week. 0. R. Vaustone, of Southampton, was in Brussels on Wednesday of last week recording his vote. - IRov. J. L. Kerr and W. H. Kerr were at O.tkville this week attending the marriage of Bev. W. E. Kerr. J. H. MoBain, rheological student of \'letoria College, was visiting his brother and other friends in town on Tuesday, uiss Minnie Shaw, of Port Elgin, and Dr, J. W. Shaw, of Clinton, were under the parental roof for s short time this week. W. 13, Dickson and Miss Attie Dickson went to Detroit on Saturday to see Mrs, Dickson who has been visiting there for the past few weeks. Miss Nellie Carlisle has gone Ilene on a visit. Her health has been poor of late and it is hoped the ohange of air and scene will prove beneficial. Thos. Town, of Buffalo, a former wall known reeidsnb of Brussels, was smiling on ills old friends in town this week. Co- ale Same territory appears to agree with him tip-top. This week R. Malcolm and family moved to Kincardine where they will make their home for the present. Mr. Malcolm was a good citizen and we are sorry to lose him from town, Dr. T. G, Holmes left Brussels on Wednesday of this week en route for Detroit, He started from here with the intention of driving all the distance. Mrs. Holmes and children will visit in IMolmesville for a while before joining hint in Detroit. We wish the doctor and family happiness and prosperity in their new home. Business Locals, CA,,loon 17100118 and 500dllg corn at McCracken s, Fon firet•olass photos go to Parry's, next to Amorioan 1I0301. Petite, the higl•olass photographer, next to American Hotel. 7'nnutte and valises, good assortment, very cheap at I1. Donnie.' BEo•r valve i5 magic harness, dusters, rubber rage and fly nets. I.0. Richards. Ata, photos made by Perry aro well finished and warranted to give satisfao tion, A anon heavy fa•m horse, weighing about 1200, for sale. Apply to James Walker, Brusssle. JUST arrived a fine range of Baby oar• ages which will be sold at roasonablo tee. H. Dennis, Pmts Snwatio.—Mie, J, S, Smith is prepared to do plain sewing at her hone over the posteflioe. Children's clothing a 52e0lality, flat: taeti=n gaarautuacl. S 1) BANE OF 04,N,/J..D4, .. aT o3..i30 2 02'0773' 11 8'4' . HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ASSETS, CAPITAL (Antborired) • (Two Million Dollars) 27,000,000 02,000,0110 4)511,'ien to all principal 1)1)11111 in Ontario, Qu,/re, JL,eltoba, ("oiled State d''i:Opfurul. ORM. SIMS' eS0 R tW,Z'VAZ. A 00ueral Banking 11usineee Transacted, Farunlrte Nates Disoonuted. Drafts issued and Colleetione iundo 011 all points. SAINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed on deposits 01 21.00 and upwards from data of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL A'TTEN'TION r1„tos TO TuE_Cox ',I:C'L ..r' 0l• 1!'.ttc)tt•:l,f3' SALE No1•3s. Every facility afforded Customers living at n distance. G. P. SOIIOLFIELD, AI Mallen. loon your photos go to Strong's, over Standard Bank. DONT forgot Baby Day at 11, J. Strotg's Photo Gallery, June 7th. A FINE range of baby oarria,ges, doll oabs, Sm. tet L 0. Richard's. Fon finely finished photos go to Party, next to American Hotel, :IAEE no 'Mends," but go to Perry for your photos, next to American Hotel. sell. J. STRONG 10 going to photograph all babies two years of age and under on June 7th, free of charge. Jos. 1\ ALmoon has sold 13 buggies, 0 road carts and 2 lumber wagons this Spring and has orders in for more now. He says it does not pay to buy factory buggies. Jas. WALtusa thinks that it pays to make first•olass rigs as he has sold 113 buggies this Spring already. Work is in- creasing so rapidly that he has hurl to get another hand on, Bruck house, well finished inside, with r} acre of land for Bale, eligibly lo- cated on the eco„"r of Turnberry and Queen streets. Price and terms made known on application to ALEX. MCLENNIN, Brussels. I. C. RICnneos is head quarters for ex. press wagons. He keeps the largest stock in town and sells the cheapest. Prices from 50 cents upwards. Call and see our stock no matter if You do not want to buy, as w0 want 10 show you our goods. WELL.Dloamo AND DDu.Ltvo.—George Birt lute all the necessary maohinory for digging and drillin svelte and is proper - ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction, Wells °loomed out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence sowed door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-tf BABY DAV.—H. J. Strong ie going to photograph all babies two yeltrs old and under that are brought to his Gallery (over Standard Bank) on Tuesday, .111110 7th, fine of °barge and present each mother with one finely finished cabinet photo. Dont mise this opportunity. Those who can come early do so as it will avoid a rush. COCHRANE & JOItxeroo, marble manu- facturers, aro now taking orders for spring delivery in their line. As hereto- fore all worlimanslnip and orders trusted to their care will be put tip in the most approved style and satisfaction guaran- teed in every case. Anybody requiring anything iu their line of trade it would be well for thein to see their designs and prices before making their purchases. Shod opposite Queen's hotel stables. DANDY ROAD CARTS.—II. Williams & Son have received two now kinds of patent road carts, mannlactured by the Gananoque Carriage Co. They are call- ed the "St. Lawrence” and "Maple Leaf" and are extra fine rigs. Tho '•St. Lawrence" has a finely finished body suspended on two elliptic aprings, body not connected with shafts. Dont buy be- fore seeing them as ilio prions are right. Call at our show rooms. H. WILLIAM & Soo. Henn WILLt foie 4It Sox are handling the celebrated Gananoque Carriage 00111. pany's buggies, whioh for style, wark. manship and price cannot bo surpassed. They have one on exhibition at their ehow room, Mill street, and oast prooure any styled rig you dewire. You eau buy from 10 to 35 per cent cheaperfroiu thein than elsewhere and every rig is guaran- teed to give the best of eatietaotion. Call in and see them whether you want to buy 0t' not. 600,00 Fon A Cetcxun,—To create an interest in the breeding of high-olass poultry, 1 will award a special prize of 650.00 cash to the person raising 1110 heaviest Plymouth Rook chicken hateh- fng from eggs purchased of me. Ply- mouth Rooks aro unquestionably the best breed of fowl known for the Canadian farmer. Send for descriptive circular of this valuable breed of fowl. Eggs for hatching, guaranteed fresh and true to name, 0arelnlly packed in baskets and delivered to express company, $2,00 per setting of 13. Address, T. A. Wrcexrre, Breeder of Ply. mouth Rook Fowl Weston, Out. Loudon bas now 11 Methodist church. es, the corner atone of tee Centennial chnroh having been laid in the east end of the city Tuesday. The new °heron will cost 5112,060 and have a seating annuity for 000, aoFeoo. JA34tusoi.—in 13rueeele, 00 May 3rd, tate wife of Mr, George Jamieson of a daughter. Besse—In Ehna, on the llth lust., the wife of Mr. Peter Ross, 16th eon,, of a son. Sitrcunrn.--In Grey, on May 17th, the wife of :Mr. Richt, Blitoholl, of a daughter. SitocuEa.--Iu Tionfryn, on May 15th, the wife of Mr. Samuel 1'l,inee, of a eon. �tt.�xxxiTS-1>7, OIosu—P11len,-10 Bayfield, on May 24tH, by Rev. BIr. Newton, Mr. Wn1. Biose to Miss J01111ih Piaroe, both of Brussels, B tr01, testi--Gnenes .—In Atwood,on Wed• nesday, May 180, at the rosidenoo of the bride's father, by Rev. A, Henderson, M. A., Mr. Thee. G. Ratuliffe, of Donegal,to Miss Maggie, youngest daughter of 111r John Graham, Asara. OAamenLL.—In Logan, on May llbh, Mary E. Campbell, aged 10 years and 10 months. SrlAonAlc.—At Atoola, Man„ on May 10th, Am ile, beloved wife of Dougald %radial%1vrmorlg of 13russelet Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Cate Better, tubs and rolls..., Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes lIay per tom Hides per Ib Salt per bbl., retail Sleep elder', each Lomb skins each Apples per harm' 80 81 a0 81 85 40 57 55 27 28 13 00 0 00 1 50 5 00 20 00 000 1000 3 3} 1 00 05 00 1 00 65 00 100 1251 .. FI1.1013 CLASS SET OF l Jl. Blacksmith's tools for fall` at n groat b01gam. Ca11 and get m•35e. A. lt, MrIIAY & Co„ Bruesols. OTICE, The Couucll of the Corporattnu of the ('nmay of I100a, will ul out ;u toe Court House, (]ndrlob, 00 r0 I'181) AY, JUNE 7th, 5012, at 3 O'clock 11, nl, NN, AFny 2-0th\V LA , 1:.1, Oo. Clerk, COURT OL 1110VIS10N. 1ILL:1010 Olt BRUSSELS. Take notice that filo Court of Retihinn for the Finn go of Brussels, for the year 1e03, will be held in the Tow: 11ALL on Fl outlay, .lune 6311, 111 7:80 p, 11i. All persons interested wi11 please take notice cud not accordingly. F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. REAL ESTATE. TIARMS FOR SALT;.—THE UN• DuascoNEn has sovnral good Farms for sale mad to rent, easy terms, in 7lolvnabips of Morris and Grey. F 8. SOUTT.lOrusseis. 37-tf, �^1HOICE FARM FOR SALE.— ) Being South half Lot 27, con. 6, Mo:ris, 1110 acr05, nonrly all cleared. Good buildings, nue young hearing orchard. Immo:Bate pes- (Masien, Easy Tends, Apply to 1,101014, SIN 0LA1I1, 00- Sohoitor,&O., Brussels. `ARII FOR SALE—THP UN- nna5I0NED offers for sale the north east quarto r 0f lot 25, Concession 5, Morris, County of Huron, containing 00 aorca. The land is of drat quality and in a high State of cultivation, well ieneed and uuder•drainod, 45 aures cleared. New frame been, 6 rooms, milk house with1)1)11 towa11A 2 wells, good barna acct shod, orchard, ate. night tiaras of 1wheat,Tbt5desirable properblei 0130crperg en oBrueaels. Suit- able 013- all ty ullet015` will be giyen. Title perfoct, JAMES GRI37V14, Owner, WWf 30- Sortb P, 0. I�PLENDiD FARl•I P011 SALE. a mono lots 11 and 12, emu. 11. Tewnebip of C7roy. County of Huron, coutaluinp 200 10005, the property of the late Jo11n Rob oft- of sou. 100 acres eioared and free- from 0b• etruotions, le acres bush, nixed timber, balance partly cleared. Soil slay loam, mostly rolling. Ivenood with straight rail fences and watered by two wells and it spring privilege. Corinna io,,e dwelling ]louse, with large woodshed attached and au e10 .flout eight:: uncle:: house, Two large tarns, stone stabling and other Outb ailtl• huge, two good beak's orchards, erme- meetat trees and smell fruits. 44 1111155 from D assols, a lively town 0u the G. 1, R., convenient to school, churches and post office. T..15 property lies welt, is a llrnt- elams grain and stools faun and shotII4 be aeon by f ,tending 11n1'eblt4e'o as 11 is offer• olt at a bargain, For further particulars apply to MRS. JNO.1101316 RT SON, or DANIEL ROBL1RTSON, on the premises, or by letter to Oraubrook P. U, 30.,4 DULL FOR SERVIOE.—TELE undersigned will Imo for service on Lot 24, Ooe, 5, Morris, a thoro-bro7 Durham 13,,11, bract by Jas. Glouu, near nNoter, Bred from inlpertod stook 011 both sides. Terms 31.50 for season payable Jan, let with Privi- lege of returning if necessary. 15.2 CARDIFF & INNI7S, Props. ULL FOR SE1WIOE.—THE 'Undersigned will keep for service, on lot 70, oon, 0, Morris ttboro'-bred Durham bull, "Swoepstabes Morrie, 11'e has takou 4 first prizes anal second, being beaten by the bull that tock let prise at bho Provincial Slow. Torah—To insure a ot41f 32.00, or y11,50 'for the 5550011. 37.3m JAS, 8P1:113., Proprietor, ERSEY BULLS FOR SER. voeu, hty Jersey Bulls are from lino 111i111intg strains and e11o0ld nroduoo stook equal or superior toavy tor either the creamery or oboeso factory, The dam of one 51111111 my possession gave 7,000 lbs. of Milk in 12 mon DM with her first calf, For further particulars apply ab my Drug nue Book Store. G. A, DRADM2 N, B russols, Ont, MPROVI1ID LARGE WHITE YORK. SHIRE BOAR. Trio undersigned will Imp for service tide present season the Improved large white Yorkshire Mg "Ready" on lot 20, con. 6, rllorrfo, to which n limited number of Sown hill bo talteo. Terms 31.00 to he paid at Mine of 0 010100, with the privilege of return- ing if 0500000,17. 1 adigree may be seen ir- on appliotttton. 10010141013 Sv1Ol'LOL, 15tf Proprietor. pURE 13111111D ROARS FOR SER. .rt-- v103.—Tho undersigned will Beep for service on nartii half Lot 20, eon, 7, Morris, a pure bredBerkshire Roar, broil by Air. Stroll,and an 01110 improved Chester -white,lueclby Thos, George, Putnam, front im- parted stook on both 51d0s. Tbie leg took e'd prise at the Iuctnstxinl Falr to a erase of 17, in 1800, and 3x10 at the Western pall• iu n class of 1L. lips Sire tools 1st at the Indite - trial In 1831, Terme $1.00 to bo paid et time of nervios with privilege of 001071ning if noc- emnary, 204 SAMUEL WALI(IBR, Prop• VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, BY • honor Graduate of the Ontario VetsrtoaryGallego, is prepared to treat all diseases of domostioatod animals 10 a coin- p0tens manner, Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle pronaetly 111' tended to, 0010o and A1lrtntry—Two 6100r0 uortit of bridro,'Pareberry eta L3ruatelgl MAY 27, 1892 __ YOU WANT___. WALi„ PAPER. NICE, PRITTY, G001), 0111]Al'. 1111130 111 Stock between 5,000 and 6,000 Rolls for you to choose from end another ship- ment expected in daily. Whatever you do bo mire stud gut your Nall paper at PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, D1113SS11LS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1,1 L. TAYLOR, BAii•RISTER, a.. as Solicitor and Conveyancer. Co11ao. tions made, 011100—Vanototo's Block, Brus- sels. 21-3m UT M. SINCLAIR, e Solhuitor, Convoy:moor, No tory Pub. lin, &o. Uilieo—edraltaw s 10losk, 1 dr; ,,r north of Poppor's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. D1OKSON mo HAYS, (Late with Garrote & Proud foot, Gode- lioh,) Barra fors, Solio' tors , Conveyancan , &c. Oili050—briesole and Soaforth. Brus- sels 011100 -17p -stairs over Banit, Money to Loan, n,e.1i000 W. 71.010)150N AUCTIII(t;E2RS, A • RAYIMANN, auctioneer, 15 always ready to at. tend ml farm stook, &o. •Tems tl10efully von, Cranbrook P.O. Sales mai' be al00011011 at Tuw Posen Publishing Douse, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sa1os eendu0t ed oreasonable hnstk , y field1rdis loftat and Pu T Y u With 1 ng ilnuso, Biu ssols, or sent to Wal ton P. 0., will r❑oeivo prompt atteu than, LYING TAIKEN OUT LICEN- SE 115 an Auctioneer, I Gln ln'ePat•011 to eonduot sales of farm stock et reasonable 51'1005, hll0wing 0150 staudlug of nearly every parsec (9111 In a position - to 5011 to good marks and got good s5enrity when 5014 on credit. SatIndaotiou guaranteed. Give moacall, 3:: F 8. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. 1%T • 11. n[oOl.i<1CKIl.'N, Isery,P F3J,uriageLiesunee, 0010" ntlis Uroesry, Turnberry street, Brussels. � Si. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. M. McNay & Co's har,lwaro store. Ladies' and children:: hair cutting a spoolalty A n aloNAIlI, t 8 111, Dor of Marringo Licensee, by appointment of Lieut,-liovernor, Commis, sumer, &c., Q.13. (conveyancer nod Agent Fire insurance Co. 01111)1) nt too Cr:DO:rook Peet 011lee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINO. GUELPH. ALEX. IIUNTA.R, Clerk of the Fourth 15010101, Court Co, Huron, Cenveyaneer, Notary Public Laud, Loam and Instn•nnee lgsnt, Funds lnvsstB d ,tad m0 10105 Collections made. ()Moo in Graham's Block, Brussels. 0 IL PAINTING, MIES Merles, of \Ving111tm, is prepared to give instruction in 011 paiuting. %arms may bo ascertained at Miss Nellie Moss' store where 0amp100 of work - 01113 1)0 0500. Miss Morse would also take a few mora pupils in musi0, rp A. UAW KIN S, • Organist in St. John's 0115051, Iirue- 001e, and pupil, i5 the Art 01 Tuaoltu of A. W. Thayer,Mits. Doe.,Now Yo•Io, will give lessons to pupils either at Thos. Farrows, carne• of Queen and P1in0555 Ste., or 1f pre- ferred, at their own h0tues, Terms moder- ate. 46 - MEDICAL CARDS. %/ 1. it+'. CALE, nit D., C. NI., P V Member of the College of Ph mitten, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. O61oo and Residence—Main street Hata, 17uhel,Outario, T A. MaNAUGf•ITON, l2. D. C9o 0. M., L, R, U.P., F,dinburgh,-M, C. P S. Ont. Rosicenoe and office in Wilson's Block, corner of Mall and Turnberry Sts, DENTAL. .113 1.11 IN TX ea.r.leE M. CAVANAGH, L' D• S•, D• D. Gradate of tbo Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Md. varsity. Conon—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels, BANKING. NOTICE, All parties owing the Urn of MoINTOSH c2 MoTAGGART, BANKERS, . I3RIISSELS, Aro requested to 09,11 AT ONCE and save Costs as they aro closing their business, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Creditors of Catherine Sheik, 1,100 of thn Village of Cranbrook, 4u Tho County 0110110. 00,01, ivarele,lWOlna1I( deceased, who died on or before rho second day of Atof•ob, 1691, and all others having claims against Ilse MI - 11110 aro horsby uotitiod to cowl by post, prepaid, orothelwise deliver to the under- segued, Kreooutoe of the 1101 will and 10515, numb of the said doomed, at Brnssols, on or boloro the lath 11{n, of June, 151,•(y;51r} their 011'Iolian 11111105 and slll'samoe, loth(ae50es ant deseriptioue, and full particulate of their 011(1110, 010001110010 Of 110)11, n40051110 Incl emcee of the 500nritfeo, .if any, bold by 1110111 and 10 default thereof and immediate- ly aftor the mid setb. day of Juno the tweets of the said doaonsud will he distributed ainouget those entitled tboroto, having re- amed only to 1110 claims of which nutioe Shall nem boon given as %hove required, Audi this notioo being given under too provisiole of rho 10031504 01.1111We of Ontario, Chapter 110, Dao, ee the 1, xoodtor will not be liable for the Egan assets, or any pori thereof; to a5version of whose claim notice Y u Li Shall not have boon received by blm at rile them 0f said distribution, 40.4 p, g[l11'T10R, 131055515, Ufa #14'033 Xlzseutora