HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-27, Page 1t�t 4 Volume 19. THE 24TH IN BRUSSELS. The program marked nn1 by the direr. tors 01 Brussels i)rivltlgPerk ABeaalation in connection with the colobraLiou of Her Most Gt•aeious ltlajeety's 73rd an. niversary was very encoosatuily earned out and altltnugll dark clouds hung around ell day, ominously threatening heavy rain, the Midge gators were not open. ed and the day, although on bhe chilly side, wont pleasantly by, About 8 a. m. the Brussels Band, 18 in number, and led by Jas. Jones made their appoarau0e and played a number of pieces in tip-top style. They repented the close in the afternoon and wore well and deservedly praised for the excellent manner in which they acquitted them- selves considering all they had to non. tend against. The i) o'aloelt train brought the "Marl- boro" football club from Lietowel. Gerrie sent a contingent and the junior club of Listowat also appeared ou the scone. The Lietowel soniofe and Brussels faced the nnteio on Victoria Park in the presence of to largo number of spectators and a hotly eonteeted match was played. The visitors played in better form, especially in team work. Brussels had sevor it Gerrie 11a or and t 1 s play ore was an nppavqut lank of unity in their work, At the expiration of the alotted time tho youths from the East were declared winners of the $15,00 puree by a score of thre, goals to 1. McLeod, J. Audersou and Kennington nada the Malty kicks fur Lietowel and Pete. life. Namara got the credit of saving the carpet town's goose egg. Tho teams lined up in the faltoeing order:-- DansecLa, POSITION, LIS'rOwnL. ICaalce (i cal........._. ... ... Bray Jaalcaon...... ,.., 1 Dna1cs 1 TD u„han Mitchell r I ............... (,ass tallahay..,I r Burchell Ferguaou Hnlf Baa ire I...(1 Anderson Remote f lull Wilene Cilouuau Centro J,Andera,u Hn-ts .. ........ .. g MONuwa•a....� Loft WlHg {' Ward bellinlot %nine Waters.......... } -6,84t Wing { Alexander .....,Alexanoorl After dinner the junior foot ballera of Brussels and Lietowel engaged in a corn. bat to decide the enuremaoy of their ball kickers and a real good game was played by the fntere champions, the home eleven winning by s to 0. The players were :-- 13 nOSSI:LS, Pas' l(eC. Ltn'rowzr,. Wright Goat Loes:e ire 1)ad.la ... t Beaks 3 Wilson Rumple 1 ltnrnet• Downing 1 (;ibso3 FletcherHalf Beaks 0tontgn,uory W, Dodds i Btanutaheon Anderson Contra ...............Large Shave..........,! RAW" tViug 3 Bamford Ferguson ......f a.....f Left \inS f Stewart ....... Livingston Y. Vih.n Anderson Cheers were given o give 1 for the victors and thevaxlttished and the Band being on hand the march was begun up to the Driving Park where the program dram was taken ftp• Tho track was in Bret•' class condition and the throe trotting raoea were lulled, soma splendid work being done by fleet footed equines. The result of tho rapes were as follows 01'i2N TROT. —P. Amour's "Billy A," Brussels, 1st ; T. Coleman's "Gus Pick- ard," Seaford), 9nd. Thome MiivuTs TROT.—P. Scott's "Tommy B," 13ruasele, let ; A. Kmnig's "Mabel 0." Brussels, 2nd ; G. Cardiff's "Topsy," Brussels, 8rd. Jno. Amends horse "Harry A." was withdrawn after two heats on a000uute of him going lame. GREEN TROT.—A. Straohan's "Black. Ton," Brussels 1st ; A. Koenig's "Lotty K," Brussels, 2nd ; P. Scott's "Brown Billy," Brussels 3rd, The judges were S. W. Laird, J. Putland and J. D. War. wick, V. S. There was a large attendance of sight• seers and they report having a good afternoon's -sport and believe rho Dirac. tors fulfilled all they promised in the program for the day. Presbytery of Maitland. The above Preebytory met at Wiugham on May 10th ; Bev. T. Davidson, mortar. rotor. The congregation of Teeewater was transferred from the Presbytery of Brace to this Presbytery by the Synod of Ham• ilton and London at its late meeting at Stratford, and Mr. Malcolrn and his elder were weloomed by the court. Mission maps of India were distributed to the congregations, and ae four ad. ditional maps ore required to enpply eaoh congregation with one the olerk was instructed to procure the number requir• ed. The following Session records were prodnned for examfnabiol, and on the rte. port of the committee appointed to ex- amine them were attested as carefully and oorreotly kept, viz; Wroxeter, Look - now, Belgrave, Molesworth, Oraubroolt and Ethel. Tho following theological etudeuts wore reported as residing within the bond of the Presbytery ; —R, F. Clamor. on, Cranbroolt, aud E. A. Mu3enzie, B, A., Luokuow. The finauas committee reported the Presbytery Fund to be in a satisfibatory condition, Mr. Boss presented a petition from the Young Poopla's •Saaiety of Christian Endeavor of Melville church, Brussels, asking the !Presbytery to overture the General Assembly to take steps to too. conplish the fodoratiro of the varione Young People's Societies on the line of Christian Endeavor with a oommon constitution, The p01111011 was trams. mitted by the Session with approval and was favorably entertained by the Presley. tory. Tho Presbytery roeolvod to over- ture the General Assembly to appoint a special committee to frame a suitable oonetitetion for a Young People's Chris. Ilan Union, more or lose aintilar to what now exists in the Established and Free churches of Scotland, or on the general lines of the united Soeisty of Christian Endeavor of bhe United Statoe, and sub. mit the same wills recommoedetio00 to rho next General Assembly with a view to definite action. Moms. Roae and Davidson wore appointed to support the gctt41.1018 1591oto the General Assembly. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1892 The Rev. Mr, Stewart, of Bolmore beiugpreeout was invitee to elf as or responding member, Mr, htovenxrnt, uenvenet' of eominit tee, pruvionely appointed, presented meet excellent nud exbanstive r0 t o the statistical nud ihntucial returns of th congregations, and the thanks of th Presbytery were tendered him for hi sorviues. A reference from the session of Wing ham ow:grogatiol was presented by Mt' MoQnarrie as moderator of the session Pardee wore hoard and after some con sideration it was resolved that tutu motto be'lairl tie bile table till next mooting o Presbytery amt that the followiug com- mittee --Messrs. Murray, MO/ebb, Ross, Stevenson, Douglas and Campbell, be appointed `o frame a deliverance on the whale question of the reference and to moonlit the same to the next meeting of Presbytery. At this stage the Moderator was obliged to leave for Monne and Rev. A, Stevenson wee appointed moderator pro tool, The committee appointed at the onial meeting in Stratford to confer with the Session of Lucknow congregation report• ed favorable of the result of the oonfer- e100 with said oeeoion, Mr, Ross was appointed to support the application of tate Presi tarY before the As duelYau behalf of Rev. D. Davidnott for leave to retire from the active work of the minis- try and to place his moue in the net of annuitants in the aged and infirm 011010- tor's feud. A medical certificate forward- ed by D. Davidson was read and ordered tribe transmitted to tho Assembly. Mr. Stevenson oonvetor of committee previ- ously appointed to consider Mr. Douglas' overture to the General Assembly is re- gard to the procedure of business in that court, reported and prosented the over. turn as prepared by the committee. Mr. Denglae was hoard in support of the overture and after some consideration it was agreed that Mr. Doughto be allowed to hold over his overture until next meet- ing of the Pros b,ytery. Intimation was received front the following Presbyteries of their intentions to ask leave of the General Assembly to receive as ministers of this ohnroh the ministers named be. lois; 'i`hoPresbytery of Wallace to reooive the Rev. A. Gray of the Presbyterian church of the IT. S. Winnipeg, to receive the Bev. John 1Val111ce Nelson of the Presbyterian ehuroh iu U. 1. London to reoeivo the Row. Martin Loury of the Presbyterian oltnrol1 in U. 0., also the Rev. Joseph Eliot of the Presbyterian ehuroh of U. S. :Mr. Hartley resigned his appointment as commissioner to the General Assembly and the Rev. A. F. McQueen was appoint- ed commissioner in hie stead. The report of the deputation' to Lang - side was considered. It was agreed that the supply of Laugside be left in the hands of the moderator of their session and that the congregation be asked to contribute as liberally for supply as their circ n,stances will allow. It is expected that the D. M. C. will supplement their contribution by $2.00 per Sabbath when supplied regularly, The next meeting of the Presbytery will bo held at Wiugham, July 120, at 11:15 0, to, Jou McNnne, Clerk. ilutieriuh i)istrici .Meeting. The District meeting of the Goderieh Distliob was held in the Rattenbury St. church, Clinton, on the 10th and 20th. The ministers of the distriot were all present. Rev. W. Ayers, of t1olmciville, was elected secretary, and Rev. E. A. Foto and itev, H. Irving as assistants. Tho first day's business was esp.ciaily the examination of ministerial charao- tet'. Two young men were reuotnlnond- ed no probationers for the ministry, Albert Tiffin, of Nile and Wm. Lewis Parish, of Ohiselhurst, the latter for work in the North West. In the evening a very intereoting S. S. meeting was held, when stirring addresses were given by Revs. H. J. Fair, H. Irvine and A. Potter. The choir contributed much to the interest of the meeting. On the second day the lay men W010 present, and the business of the day was mostly Binomial, being rho reports, from the different circuits. In the reading of schedules a marked increase was notice. able on most of the oirouits, partionlerly Nd1e and Dungannon, which, beside being in advance in the ooanexional funds, were able to report an increase of a hundred dollars each in minieterial support. Batteubury St, Ohuroh, Clin- ton, headed the list for financial returns. After the fourth ballot; Rev, Wesley Cowan was gloated to the stationing coin. minted, svith Rev. Austin Potter to the Sunday school, and W. M. Gray to the Missionary committee. Rev, E. A, Fear and H. Poetise to the Epworth League committee. Tho following lay men were appointed to attend the conference to be held in Guelph on the first of Jena :— Godorich, North St„ R. H. Halls, he, A, ; Viotoria St., Mr. Million ; Clinton, Rat- toltbury St., R. Holmes ; Ontario St., E. Turnor ; Seaforth, W. M. Gray ; IIotmosville, W. Stanley ; Yarns, Mr. Keys ; hinneall, J. C. Stoneman ; Kippon, Wen, Sinclair I Dungannon, L, Ander. son ; Nilo, Henry Dodd ; Bonmiller, I. Fiehsr. The next District meeting is to be hold at Holmesvillo. 31 was decided to malts the following changes in circuit relations :--Dryedelo is to bo taken from the mission cirouit, and Lakeview from. the Housed cirouit and attaalled to Bayfield, and n, yontlg mon to be sunt, malting Bayllulrl a double oirouit. The nloinbeeship on the district shows a deoroaso of 90, duo to deatlt0 and re. movals, The Distriot Meeting was vary pleasant and profitable throughout. A very ocrdial roealution of thanks, to the,nembore of leabbenbury St. church for their hospitality to ministers autd delegates, was pessod unanimouely, Austin Bomborry,grandeon of 0. Wit. Bern Wage, of Caledonia, was playing et Elmo' on the reserve when a dors thrown at a mark pulsed through a 0roviee in the shod, at whish he was watohing rho pddostro n lugllitono of hie o y eei t completely y g 011 .o ,tliout llublt' 'i'enen,•rx. IIT FRANK IL 'ruo'sl, My good old mother, whom I am thank fttl to say lived to see her mistake, begge me often with teare not to think of he doming a ma0ician. She had known country singing.sohnol teacher, wh generally collrlaatedsihool three or fou nights a weekend loafed about the Laver; daytimes, all through the winter, an half ran a farm in the summer, I wa to become such. I onoo knew a doctor b say, "What I make friends with a muni oiun ? " Let the friends of any yonn lady discover that she proposes to wed musician and np go the hands in horror If any suoceseful beaoher tells a group o business men sotnothing of holy ho eon ducts hie baoineos, they in surprise wil exclaim, "Why, you really have to knew quite 1t little about businese to be a muni elan, dont yon ?" The musician ha been, and generally still ie, considered 111011 not fit for ordinary walks in life but ono who dreams, who makes a guy of himself in appearance, who has little if any good morals, and who is altogether unlike other men. In the various branch- es of music he is rated at very odd grades. An oroheetral musician must be a beer t l al for earth ' a sot ; a pianist too 0 1 ore o vocalist, a i ndle of conceit,whose handle entirely suppressed virtues have been o ly through envy and jealousy ; the ehur011 musician at least dee degree lower than the sexton oe' janitor, and the singing teacher—hell hu is not to be neendoned The reason why thin is true, if it is true, is because the circle of musiofaus is not known to the outside world. Mr. Metll• ews says, and I delight to repeat it when- ever I can, "Rost assured that any must Man is necessarily a good fellow, if only you can got the right side of him turned to the light," Do musicians give cause for Buell judgement of mankind, and if so, is change needed and how can such change be secured? You may answer, each for himself, "if musicians give cause," but enough will veto affirmative- ly to let me plan out something as a way of change. Voice QcnaTnnfv. d a d s 0 • g a •• a Wingbam District Meeting. The ministerial session of the Wing• ham District meeting of the Methodist church was held on Wednesday after- noon in the town of Wingham, Rev. S. Svilery, B. D., p113111ug. Rev. I. 13. Wallwin, B. A., of Blnevelo, was eleetod Secretary and Rev. IP. Swann, of Auburn, Assistant Secretary. The questions re- lating to the ministers of the District were asked and satisfactorily answered. A resolution of sympathy was passed to rags is who has Kerr, of e Rev. J. L. I�et B somemonths awing to beau laid aside for 1 t - a right e the growth of a oa aract o hie eye, whioh be had removed last Fall. Thursday morning at 9 o'clock the lay representatives took their places along with their pastors and the work of the past year uamo up for review. There were present : ltevds. S. Sollery, B. D., J. A. McLachlan, M. A., E. A. Shaw, G. F. Salton, R. Poul, W. Ottawell, J. Ferguson, W. le. Campbell, P13, B., F. Swann, J. II. Dyke and I. B. Wallwin ; also Dr. Towler, W. E. Orr, John Bray, W. H. Kerr, \Vm. Pollard, Jno. Wilford and '2, Jenkins. The following is a list of oirtnits and number of members :— Wingbam, 285 Londesboro' -- Tees water, 171 Blyth, 290 Wroxeter, 178 Auburn, 270 Brussels, 204 Belgrave, 170 Walton, 165 Blnevale, 108 The total increase after removals, tea., were deducted amouuted to upwards of 100. A resolution was presented from Wal- ton cirouit asking that Jackson's appoint- 1lieut be onoo more attached to their 011- ouit. After a lengthy disoussion it was decided that no notion be taken at pre- sent. Walton will be recommended to spoaiel consideration at the hands of rho Stationing Oommittee. Rev. W. F. Campbell, Ph, B., of Blyth, was elected as representative on the Stationing Committee ; Boy. G. F. Sal. ton and W. 1f. Kerr, of Brussels, on the Sunday school Committee ; Rev. J. A. McLachlan, 111, A„ of Teeswater, and Wm. Pollard, of Walton, of the l+lplvorth League Committee ; and Dr. Towler, of Winghacl, ou the Missionary Committee. the following laymen were chosen to represent the District at the Doming Coufereuce, one layman for each minis. ter :— Winghanl, John Nselands and W. Fes• sant. Tooswator, Geo, Nixon. Wroxeter, John Brey. Brussels, T. Fletahor, J. T. Popper and W. H. Kerr. Walton, Wm. Pollard. Londeeboro', Jas. Braithwaite. Blyth, N. II, Young and John Milts, Auburn, W. J. Johnston. Bolgrnve, Win, Wray. Bluovolo, T. Jenkins. The Fall District meeting will bo held n Brussels. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Winghatn people for their hospitality, The following porbioulars were oopiod ruin the 80130110m aaneerning the Dis- riob for the past year :—Number of olive ministers, 10 ; snporannuoted, 4 ; cool preachers, 19 ; exhorters, 9 ; lend. rs, 82; stewards, 70; representatives, O L ; trustee boards, 16 ; Sunday sohools, 3 ; Epworth Lea;mos, 0 ; preaching Moon, '23 ; Sunday school teachers and Milers, 95 ; scholars, 2,170 ; soholers vho toots ttempo/mompledge, 128, The mimes stood as follows :--Ministerial support, $1,810, loaviug a clofloienoy of 78 ; Missionary, $1,400 ; Sapore,nnuatod ond, $907 ; Educational, $155 ; Contin- ent, $46 ; Church relief, 9.13 ; Sunday °hoot aid, $17 ; Sustontation, 942 Woniens' Missionary Society, $133 ; Sun. ay sehool purposes, $1,102 ; Epworth cat, 9284 ; Ladies' Aid 9472 ; Tens- es J0n3oard5, $5,270 ; all other purposes, 437. Tho odd omits ern omitted for the eke of brevity. Ilov, 1'. 71'orguson and Rev, I. B. Well - vin will move this year and Rov, tV. ttowell may also. f 1 p fJana (lean 1`,i(+svr,. Premier Abbott has been knighted, Tho Dnnlinien Senate has adjourned until the Slat inst. The Alamos of fort Stanley aro build. Mg a new $2,000 hall. A now herring bank 100 miles long bas been disenvered off the wast coast of NOW. foundland, 1V. W. IfIlborn, of the Kingstille Ridge, has shipped (3,000 strawberry plants to Manitoba. The Methodist ahurob at Tilsonburg is to be lighted with forty -live incandescent eleotrie lamps. W. J. Nelson, barrister, frrmorly well. known in Toronto hes committed suicide in New York. Olinda has an eggbeater in human form, as ho swallowed thirty Ogg0 in the apace of two minutes. Mon. 0, Mowat le announced to lee• Lure on "Christianity and some of its Frnibs," in Woodstock. The Union Fire Insurance Company has taken out a license for the transom. tion of business in Canada. The Gould Bicycle Company guarantee to locate in Ingersoll and employ 80 hands if given a suitable bones. A. young man turned off the electric light,in the evangelisticelecting in Von. duec's other r hell at Tara the evening. a to n . g A. malignant type of scarlet fever Hae broken out among the men in Quebec citadel. Two oases are now in quaran- tine. A Mose farmer owns a Leicester sheep from whish 15 pounds of wool were ()lip- ped the other day. Enough for three blankets. Wellacebargers aro agitating for a sys• tem of water -works. An estimate of the cost of putting in a complete system is $15,000. That there are 26,709 pagans in the Do- minion, 2,872 of whom are in Ontario, shows the field that still exists Mr home mission work. Kingston Council refused to grant $200 to defray expenses in eonneetton wick the district camp, so it will bo held at Belleville instead. Burglars stole $100 worth of jewellery and ready-made clothing from E. Kitah• en's store at Delhi on Thursday night of Iast week. There is no doe. Rev. Dr, Potts is sailing for Panglend es delegate from the Methodist oburcb of Canada to the conferences of the various branches of Methodism iu England. There are 4,000 local branches and 400,000 members of the Epworth League in the United States. A Board of Con. trol of fifteen members has been appoint- ed. The body of George Reynold, a stone• mason, was found in the raceway in front of Meldrum Davidson Co.'s mill, Pe- terUaro, last Friday. It is supposed he fell in aooidentally. In oase Mr. Watson, M. P. for liar• quarto, should accept to position in the Manitoba Government Senator Boulton will probably resign and oiler himself as an independent candidate. A now belonging to a farmer near Port Barwell recently gave birth to a calf whioh only balanced the soalee at nine pounds. It is about the size of an average oat, and is certainly a curiosity. The by-law granting a bonus to the L. E. re D. R, R. was carried in the town of Bleu/mho, by a inajority of 195-220 for and 34 against, but it was defeated in the township of Harwich by a majority of 75. Among the names mentioned for the position of jailer at Sarnia, rendered vacant by the death of Jailor Allenare, are Donald Simpson, Sohn Dalziel, Wm. Padclell, Capt. J. B. Symes, It is worth about $1,500 a year. Lake Erie is eaic1 to aonbehe a sea ser- pent of unknown species. It is twenty five feet long and a foot and a half thick, with a fiat head, if two fishermen at Oak Harbor, Ohio, are to be believed. Bub fishermen sometimes see snakes of species not set down in natural history. Magistrate Noble, of Strathroy, fined John Fitzpatrick $20 loud costs for selling liquor during prohibition hours, also $10 and costs for permitting drunkenness and disorderly conduct on his promisee clue- ing prohibition hours, and Ed. Jarvis MIS fined $2 and costs for obtaining liquor in Fitzpatrick's hotel during prohibition hours. A tramp was walking on the Michigan Central brook near Essex town, Sunday, and did nob seem to notice a train that was coming up behind him as though Satan was after it, Mr. Tramp was struck and thrown into the ditch. When the train had passedlle picked himself op, brushed off his clothes, arranged his toilet, and kept on his weary way as though that was a common oaoner:moo. It le said on good authority that as to result of the report of the cominissiou ap• pointed by the Bishop of .Huron to in• vestignte the oase of :Rev, N. H. Martin, at Chatham, the absent clergyman will not lose hie gown, but will be susp0nd011 from the ministry for a yam. This 10 011 evidence that his lordship exonerates Mr, Martin from all blame, except in so far as leo lett his ohar1'e without permission. Mr. Martin has already been offered four charges iu Manitoba, Sir Alexander Campbell, Lientouant• Governor of Ontario, died of Toronto 00 Tuesday at the age of 71 years, He had almost oompletod his five yeses' torm of office. The office of Liont.-Gov, of On- ratio ]las bottom escalated with dignity, iboral hospitality, courtesy and uuewere- - ng impertullity, and it is the general erdiat that this honorable tradition was thoroughly well maintained by Sir Alex. Campbell. His personal ohmmeter wee igh and n0 Oilatge that We aro itwltre of, ither of wrong -doing or neglect' of duty, cvae over made ttgainet him no any of the ositions which he filled during a public anon of sono 3:t yoaro. Ho was a tannoh but nob aggrossive potty man and hie spsoohes were rornerkablo for heir tone of unvarying courtesy. To ay of a public man throb from yonbb to ld age ho served his country diligently, honestly and honorably, was faithful to hie friends and fate to hie fops, 15 high raise, and such a plan was the lata ieutenanb-Governor of this Province. The fnnera1took place et Kingston on ridgy, 1 v h 0 r 0 5 0 0 F George Wulrz, Wuodslee, threw a stone at a two-year-old colt In the wheat field and broke its leg. The animal lntd to be shot, A. hotel peeper named Rudolph, of Hepworth, who was lined $131.10 for rel - long liquor to Indiana, made arrange. menta to sell out, but eoustable hailer• man wont out and arrested hint ami the next day Ito managed to pay the flue and emits. Work is progressing favorably on the Erie ,b Huron extension at Itoodean, The extension will be three inilss and a half long, and when oompletod will have as a tormiltus 0 most beautiful summer resort on the lake shore. 13y the end of Juno everything will have been dnished, Rev. R. Burns, of Ingersoll, has invent- ed a very ingonione electrical connection between his study at the rear of the ohuoh and the tweeting.: by which he can bear the clock strike, or the half bell ring, or be called by any one in the honsa. Stephen Come, while plowing on his farm in Nassageweya, e couple of miles from Spayside, turned up a complete skeleton. As the field had been plowed before anti nothing discovered it is thought that there must have boon foul play, and that not many years ago, 1 Wa ke or' new rt 1 s el ostoBice is completed late d P ? except for the furniture n and ptro n the electric light. Besides the general delivery wicket, there are separate apartments for registered letters and money orders and saving bank departments, and 452 look boxes, no 2 ksye of whiob are alike. The premises are supplied with water from the water -works and are heated by hot water, the heating apparatus being men- struated with all the latest improvements. Thera are also spacious apartments for the collector of inland revenue and ons. toms effioor. Visitors to the Chiaogo Exposition will be able to go comfortably and expediti- ously from one part of the grounds to another and obtain advantageous views of the buildlugs. They may do this either in electric boats through the la- goons, or by the intramural elevated elec. trio railway. The contraot for the latter has been awarded. There will bo five miles of double track and stations at convenient points. The route, as neap. ped out, runs from one end to the other of the grounds in a sinuous - aourne, The faro will be live cents, and the capacity of the road about 20,000 an hour. Joshua Thomas, of eau. 1, Lather, had 28 or 30 hives of bees destroyed by skunks during last winter. henry Thomas, who lives near his father, also lost 13 hives in the soma manner. The skunks got into the plane where the hives were wintered and then ate their way through the covering into the hives and devoured the bees, but did not take away any of the honey or comb. Most of H, Thomas' bees were destroyed since spring, the skunk's plan in this case be. ing to make a noise in front of the eeives to arouse the bens and then capture them as they came out. M1. Thomas trapped five of the skunks. The loss of the Messrs. Thomas will be about $300, The Guelph Herald says :—One day last week a well. known eitisen and ono who has the iutereeta of the Fire Depart- ment at heart, found himself in a very precarious position whish he will not for- get for some time. He was crossing the street when be tvlte knocked down by a large St. Bornarcl dog that ran against him. A big mastiff coming along at the same time, the two dogs began fighting over him as he lay on the broad of his 1'zalc on the street. At this juncture the fl'e bell rang, and before he could think rho hose wagon and firemen came up the street at a breakneck pane. The ringing of the gong stopped the fight and the gentleman rose to his feet in a state of bewilderment, more soared than hurt. Frederick George Walker, a prominent young barrister and society leader, 01 Victoria, B. 0., recently ohorged with misappropriating $120,000 intrusted to him for investment, has skipped. When the oharges wore first brought he pro. tested his innocence and said he would face them. Ho was admitted to bail in $10,000, as the amount of the defalcation then discovered amounted to $8000. His bond was signed by his father-in-law, Justie° Crease of the Supreme Bench, and C. E. Pealey, Q. 0., president of the Proviucial Executive Committee. Walker went to New Westininoter and then the full extent of his defalcation was discovered. Letters received by friends from him say :—"I am going to another country to begin life over again, I intend to pay every cent of that money." Oarsman McLean, of New Westmins- ter, was interviewed on Saturday and said :—"I will accept Henlan's ohailenge for to race, three miles with shells, with 000 yards start, and the same distance in a skiff, with 100 yards start. I am pre. pared to race Ranier or any man he can bring to Moo Paaillo coast, three miles in canoes at saratoh, 1+Ia0h event to be $1000 a side. I read Muirhsad's inter- view in Victoria, saying that Peterson would race 1310 upon Shownigan Lake, giving nee 75 yards start. I will oat ao, cep;. I want 100 on Shawinigan Lake, but if Peterson is so anxious to match himself against me I will take 50 yards start on the course on the Fraser River, and if T win I will row him even. If he gives me the inside course, in good con- dition I am confident .I can mance it in. ternsting for either Hanlon or Paterson," The Marton Echo says :—A young daughter of lir. Logen who for a year past inns been seriously troubled with fits ;vas relieved of hot eufferhng0 in -a abrangs WRY. A gentleman visiting the family anti being told of tlta cas0, immediately Bata that the child wan eeffeeing from a lizard in the stomenh. Ile prescribed for the ohild a tablespoonful of tureen. tine, which ho said would either kill or cure. The remedy roaommeudod was applied, as Lha girl was not expected to endnre her aOliotion meth longer, with the result that the troublesome lizard, about 4 or 5 footles in length, passed from her in a very short time after. The girl is sivae doing well. It 15 be. lived that she swallowed the lizard while drinking water out of a pool in burry plotting soaeon last year, Number 46. Portly Oollnty. -- The city bakers, of 11010l'fmd, have re. germ the pt'i•,e of bread to ('vs 131.310 per loaf. Metropolitan lodge of the Patrons -1 Industry has 13 munihers in gond stand. fug, 131an0hard's seven lodges of Oraugemen will rslobrate the glorious twelfth at Sarnia, 1). 1V. nutmegs, of Petrolea, late of Sfrktoe, lose sold Icfs stoalc to W. A. Milne and located in London. Goiria Court of Foresters have appoint- ed a committee with a view of ereotiug a hall for themselves if deemed advisable. The wife of S. Caplmg, one of the oldest settlers of South Jiasthope, retir- ed as usual on Saturday night and was found dead on Sunday morning. Stratford Liberals held a great demon- stration Met Friday night in Honor of J. N. Grieve, M. P., who was re.eleoted in North Perth on Thursday of last week. An effort ie being made at considerable expense to stook "Victoria Lake," Stre'. ford, with fide. Some stook hos a'reody been planted and more is expr.oted this week. The Stratford Juvenile Select Choir will give their annual coneert in the city hall on June 1rd. A charming g cantata r entitle "A party,"i d marry b„ L. 1, Cow- ley, will be given. On Monday, about 4 p. m., Johnny Merriam seven. year-old grandeli,ld of Sirs. McLaren, 0onfedLioner, St. Mary's felt in- to the Mill Pond et the intereeetiou of Trout Creek and Water street, and was drowned. Some Newryites drove to Listowel on Thursday evening of last week to cele- brate Mr. Serimgonur's eleotion but they got left and instead of having a good time received a thorough dreuohing on their way home, J. D. Hyslop rode hie ouebion tyre, Whitworth safety, from the Stratford posboffioe to Mitchell in 63 minutes. This is a record on that road. The fastest previous tilne on any wheel was 54 minutes, At a meeting of the direot0rs of the South Perth Farmers' iostitate held at Fullerton Corners ou May 5th it was re- solved to have the summer meeting take the form of a pia -uta to be held at soma central plane in the riding. A young man recently from the 0Id Country, named Watt, employed in Hul. bort ck Merryfleld'e sawmill et Moukton, was reaching over the edging saw and toeing his balance fell upon it. His leg Was cut off end ho died a few hours later, Alex. Anderson, the defaulting book- keeper of the Macdonald Manufaotariag Go.,tratfox S d who has been lying in t Y g the county jailMarch ar b since I7 was sentenced by . Polio Magistrate treed O'Loauo to six months in jail at herd labor. This sen- tence is in addition to the two months which Anderson has already spent in prison. A fatal accident ooenrred near Shake- speare on Saturday afternoon. Two boys, aged six and eight years, sons of Joseph Dodriah, got possession of an old•fasbion. ed pistol, unknown to their parents, which had been loaded for a long time, and in handling it was discharged into the abdomen of the younger, who died Sunday afternoon, It is learned that Miss Nora Clench, the celebrated Canadian violinist, of St. Marys, is aboat to take up her residence in London, England. She lately played before the Countess of Flanders, in Brussels, Belgium, who was delighted with her skill and mastery of the in- strument. The critics on Brussels epealc in warm terms of her talents. On Monday, 18th inst., Samuel Nay, ex -Deputy Reeve of Howiolt, met with a melons aacidont which will lay him up for some thereto Dome. He was assist• ing to place the binding.pole 012 a load of hay when it broke precipitating him hard to the floor. The fall was a heavy one and he sustained serious bruises 'besides having both his arms broken at the wriete. Andrew Snoddy, engineer at Carter ,b Co.'s mill, Bt. Mary's, was cleaning the engine, which was in motion, when he re- osived an ugly wound on the back of his hand by a stroke from a crank, neoessd- bating five stitches. Ho will be laid off work for some time. In the sane mill Si day or two ago Edward Fairless had one of bis fingers badly torn while he was working around ono of the grain eleva- tors. A lady, a resident of Dublin, is author. ity for the following story :—Soma time ago her Brunk was checked at Toronto for Dublin. It did not arrive in any reasonable Limo, and upon invesbigatioe being made it was ascertained that the trunk had gone to Dublin, Ireland. After waitiug about throe months it reaohod its proper destination, having crossed the Ocean twice. Youmans if your horse is sore on top of the nook get a bridge sweat lead from I, 0, Riohardo. It cures every timo, Wo warrant them all. I. 0, Riohards, ALL ABOUT Snetnei8D,—This is the title of a 32 page pamphlet of information, aontaining answers to all the questions an inquirer would bo likely to ask about books, instruction, salaries of stenograph. ere, how to secure positions, eto., eta. It will show what young men have doue at home on farms and in workshops ; how from the humblest beginnings the highest success has been reached by learn- ing this art at phano•m001 study, and while pnra11109 other 000npati0ns, The 51100050 of stenogt'eupho's ae oomparsd With tea snasoss of young men in any outer vooatiot In life, will bo Poen to be marvelous and encouraging. The a11h01' of this system was himself &farmer's boy and learned the art while following the plow. Tho information ho gives in this pamphlet will be of interest and video to every yemgman oeyoungwon=either) wlto must earn their own living, The pamphlet is nailed for 5 one oent postage stamps to any000 writing for it end meobioning the paper in which tins article appears. Address, D. L. Son , r. Boolvoio, 251 West 14111 Street, New Y12110, 19.Y.