HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-20, Page 80� IN atcli I It would be wino for those of you who have Gooseberry and Currant hushes to be Ou the watch for what is known as the Currant Worm which so quickly eats off the twee and of course destroys all prospects of good fruit. As usual we hove bought a sup• ply of -case Hellebore Which we guarantee to destroy these worms when used ae directed, It would he well to secure same at uuee So as to be ready for them. Are you going to paper your house this season ? If so we will be pleased to supply you with fashionable Wall Papers at right pi ices, G. A. D1+,AD1\MAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ENTExsION W. G. & n. Trains feavc Brnssels Station, North and South, as follows : GOINe NODTR, GOING Nose, Mail 6:5) am, I Mixed . 9:55 a,m. lexuress 11:56 a,m, Mail 3:15 p.m. Mixed 055 pm. Esteems 8:15 p.m. rn.cal ValiS Monis. A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Mr Bees of Maitland Presbytery otowd- ed out this week. Tam post office will be open on May 24th from 4:30 to 5:30 p. m. A NEW Ronald steamer was tested on Monday of this week. Wawa out for the Wool advt. of Brea - sets Woollen Mill next week. A LARGE acreage of flax has been put in this spring by the J. & J. Livingston firm, A stn armed is expected in Brussels on the Queen's Birthday. See program iu another column. MRs. DEMsow has a duck that is mak. ing a record for herself by laying eggs measuring 0x9 inches. GEo. AvsnY, %vho is a well known sportsman, succeeded in despatching eight foxes in two days recently. THE storm porch has been removed from the postoilioe front door for which the pnblio are devoutly thankful. AIAJOR BAUGH, of London, will conduct meetings in the Salvation Army barracks here on Saturday evening and Sunday next. A NEW awning has been put up at Jun. Hewitt's barber ehup and at Ferguson & Halliday's. W. Roddick has made no less than 10 awnings this year. Rev. G. P. S.m'roi, Rev, R. Paul and W. II. Kerr were in at- tendance at the annual District meeting of the Methodist church, held at Wing. ham this week. Tan Carlisle colt sold by P. Scott to Robt. Wilson, Seaforth, has been entered in the colt race at Listowel summer races. She is a very likely looking ail• mal and stands a good show to wiu. Some it is now a welleetablished fact that catarrh is a blood disease, medical men are quit,: generally prescribing Ayer's Sarsaparilla for that most loath. some oemplaiut, and the result in nearly every instance, proves the wisdom of their advice. Mas. JMo. SINCLAIR, Princess street, has improved her gr„unde iu connection with her handsome new residence and has eterything as tidy as can be. If every• body would do likewise Brussels would soon become a veritable paradise a6 far as beauty is concerned. Be A MrsstoNARV.—Hots often in church, leoture-room or theatre cue will notice the shoulders of a good-looking and well fitting garment plentifully be. sprinkled with dandruff. Be a mission- ary and tell people that Anti -Dandruff is geantntoed to remove dandruff with three applications, Hy5EMEAL.--CIS Wednesday forenoon of this week Samuel Carter and Miss Emma Denbow, both of Brussels, were nutted in marriage in Seaforth. Robert Deubow podia] med the duties of grooms. man and the bride was attended by Miss Sarah Carter, sister of the groom. Long life and prosperity is the wish of their friends. Stamina has been lively at the station yard during the past week. The out -put has been 12 cars of oats by Messrs. Hourbly & Vanstone ; 6 oars of peas and oats by R. Graham ; 5 care of salt by T. Coleman ; cedar posts by 13. Gerry ; lum- ber by McDonald Bros., of Walton, &o. There were three oars of cattle shipped last week by Joseph Clegg instead of two. Lass' Sunday Laura, the little daughter of Rev. W. T. Cluff, who has been ill for a short time took considerably worse eo Mr. Cluff drove over to Clinton for Dr. Gunn. Mr, Irwin took the morning service iu St. John's church and alae stuipliud at Walton fu the afternoon. - Tho evening service was withdrawn. We are plea -awl to state that Laura is im- proving nicely although still in a weak condition. House Nrunenteis: —3Ir. Charlton, of the Charlton Heine Numbering Co., is in town tatting orders for numbering the stores and dwellings. The numbere average three inohss in size, made of solid white metal mounted on blocks and high. ly ornamented. They retain their color equal to silver. The Charlton system of numbering (patented) ie tl:o only °orris0t and standing system kn<, .n, having boon adopted in 128 towns aril eitie0 in Om tario and 63 in Qoebe.l is sufficient recommendation of its popularity. Ths nembers are allotted to every 20 feet of ground by actual survey and by this method proper provision is made for all Inters erections possible. This firm has recently numbered Owen Sound, Dolling, wood, Meaford, Wiarton, Orillia, Barrie, Hanover, Nsostadt, Harrieton, Palmers. ton, Listowel, Atwood, Drayton, Modnt k oreet, Ao,, &o. We hope our towns• people will all buy a number and. keep up our reputation of not being behind the day. Itteittrmatters are the order of the dny at the residence of Adapt Reid Elizabeth S ;street, street and J. R. Smith, Albert s n , Nie publish a little earlier this wook to make time owing to the holiday breaking in next week—Tho Queen's Birthday. l'Ieu053(EN have been working over time at the river during the past week in their efforts to POPLIN "brain fodder." Soma good catches were made, Tine Cemetery Committee intend building a new piece of fence along the front of the or'metery and will have the unoccupied ground simmer followed so as to level it. CoanmN10N service in Knox churoh next. Sabbath. Rev, D. 13. Moltao, of Cranbrook, will preach on Friday after- noon at 2:30 o'clock, and the pastor, Rev. D, Miller, on Sunday, Tan Methodist Sabbath school orohes- tra wan photographed one day last week by C. E. Perry and we expect the group will likely adorn the display at the entrance to the gallery. Nem had a preparation a more ap. preprints name thou Ayer's Hair Vigor, When the capillary glands become en- feebled by disease, age or neglect, this dressing imparts renewed life to the scalp 8r, that the hair assumes much of its youthfulness and beauty. Wool,—The wool question is once more a seasonable one and Brnassle market is open for large purchases. Last year the Woollen factory, R. Graham and S. Swale bought heavily and paid the top notch prices. Farmers will do well to see our buyers this season before selling. Tan G. T. R. hoe issued a new notioe regarding baggage. It says: "Messengers are entitled to seat room for one. Bag- gage and parcels that cannot be placed under car seat, or in the passenger's por- tion of the parcel bracket, must not be taken into the oar. All baskets, baggage and parcels that cannot be stored as above, if taken into the car will be re- moved." PROVINCIAL Liaoon LICENSE LAw.—The Provincial Treasurer has issued a circular pointing out some of the epooial cainsss in the recent amendment to the Liquor License Act. The fees to be paid fur tlausfors and reinovalshave been inoreas- ed. Druggists are now liable to a fine for not entering on their books sales of liquor, and inoroased penalties are pros vided for against those who purchase liquors for habitual drunkards. All brewers and distillers must take out a license, and the fee for the same is $250. The following important olause of the amendment is partioularly referred to On the trial of any proceediug, matter, or question, before any �1'nstice of the peace, mayor, police magistrate, in any matter cognizable by suoh justice, mayor or police magistrate, the party opposing or defending, or the wife or husband of the person opposing or defending, shall be competent and compellable to give evidence therein. GUELPH COMPERENCE,—The ninth sea. sion of the Gnelph Conference of the Methodist ohnreh will be held in the Norfolk street churoh, Guelph, beginning on Thursday, June 2nd, at 11 a. m. The program of services has been arranged from which we glean the following :— Rev. Dr. Carman will preach the ordin- atiou sermon in Sunday, juin 5th, at 11 a, m. Rev. J. W. Holmes at 7 p. m., followed by the Lord's Supper, conducted by Rev. E. S. Rupert, M. A. The various pulpits of the city will be filled on the Sabbath by members of the Conference, among who are o--Chalmers'ohurch, Rev. I. B. Wallwin ; SI. Andrew's churoh, Rev, W. C. Henderson, D. D. ; Knox church, Rev. D Rogers. The temper- ance meeting will be addressed by Revs. W. Smyth, F. E. Nugent, and Judge Jamieson. Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., deli- vers the leoture iu connection with the neologism] Union ; subject, "The proph. ecy of Micah." 'The Stationing Com- mittee meets on Mo clay evening, previ- ous to opening of Conference, to prepare a draft of stations of the ministers for the coming year. Monro Free ENGINE SALES.—Only last week we noted the sale of a fine lire Steamer to River de Loup and the grand work it did in that uistent growing town in the province of Quebec. Another order, we are pleased to note, comes from the °nal Town of the N. W. Terri- tory—Lethbridge—which will bo dis• patched in a few days with full equip- ment of hose, branch -pipes, reels &o., fog lire iightins. Tlnis nntltos seven Eneines in the last seven m•tiths, the hest record of sales the Ronald Works; have ever made. The sales are as follows :— Last Oct. to Blenheim, Out. ; Nov to Cote St. Paul, Que. ; Deo, to Bathurst, N. 13„. Carberry and Virden, Man. ; River de Loup, Que. and Lethbridge, N. W. T. Another, the largest of all, is going to Halifax, N. S. next month. It is said to be a ripper and offers to com- pete there with any similar sized Fire Steamer in the wile world. A specialty in this business is highest class of workmanship and mrterials ; a personal determination to win solely upon the merits of these articles, and honest work, has, made the Ronald Fire Stea,mar a synonym of success. THE REEvmsmn.--:Che municipal con- test for the Reeveship of Brussels took plane on Wednesday of this weak. A large vote was polled, considering the busy season of the year, and the result at 5 o'clock was as follows ;— Div. No. 1. No. 2. Gee, Busker, 53 43 —98 W. 11. Kerr, 77 71 —148 Majority for herr 5Rr Total v ,t, petrel L' id, moils d 1111018 11• Dir. Dmite' counted on being elected by 8, Both candidates have paid their reepeots to the electore very faithfully for the past eight or ten days and no one will regret that the content 1e over. Mr, Kerr takes this early opportunity of thanking the electors for the honor done him and for the energetic; efforts put forth in getting ratepayers to the polls. The last muni- cipal election where there was a vole re- corded wad in January 1880, The result then was :-- No. 1 No. 2 It, Graham, 70 74 —150 G. Becker, 50 66 —125 Majority for Mr. Graham 25. Total vote Oast 275. The corner store now =attend by Gunther &Schmidt, of Milverton, was sold by auotion last week, It was knook• ed down to Knox, Morgan d Oo., of Hain- ilton, for $2,000. The Athletio Aeeociation of St. Mary's, has secured the Knights of Sherwood Forest, of Stratford, for the 24th of May, also a game of laorosee between two globe Of Indians will bo played. THE BRUSSELS POST People We Know. Mine Annie livers is visiting et Clio. ton, Miss Elsie Pelton has gone to Wing - hem. 13. Leathordale and wife Sundayed in IIarristou. Rev, Mr, Norton, of hit, Forest, was in town this weep. Sam. liay, of Luckuow, was visiting W. Fal'l'ow this weak, It. Henderson's parents spent Sunday with himself and family. 13. Gerry and wife purpose visiting the Northweet this Summer, Mrs. 0. A. Deadman and children are visiting relatives in Delaware. Rolla. Dickson and wife have been en- joying a visit with relatives in Toronto. Miss Emma Eastman, of Wardevllle, has been visiting her sister, Miss Edith, of Brussels. Mrs. herr, Mill street, has been quite ill of late. Mrs. M. Richardson, of Ethel, has beep caring for her. Miss Maggie Stewart, of Blount Forest, was home for a few days attending the wedding of Dr. Knechtol and Miss A'Ioore. Mt's, T. MaCnllongh, of Detroit, was haute for a portion of last week to visit her brother, who continues quite poorly. Jno. McCallum purposes going for a holiday visit t0 relatives at Newark, N. J., in the near future, with the hope of benefitting hie health, Win. Jowitt and family, of Morrie, have moved into Brussels and will be- come permaneut residents we hope. We welcome them to town. Willis Busker had the misfortune to sever an artery in his left wrist, Inst Tuesday, while working with a butcher knife in a Listowel shop. He is home now until able to resume work. D. Hamilton was in town this week. It was reported a few weeks ago that he had died from the effeate of a surgical operation in having his arm amputated. He's the healthiest looking corpse we've observed for a long time. J. T. Cook was colied home from Cale. dolia this week to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. C. Horton, of Lakelet, who died ou Monday and was burled on Wednesday. G. A. Cools, another broth- er, of Brantford, came with Mr. Cook on Tuesday. Dr. Huhnoa intends removing to De. truit where he will take charge of a oity practice. He has taken quite an interest in oharoh and society work and will be greatly missed. J. T. Pepper has been appointed as the doctor's 000005506 in the position of Secretary of the Trustee Board of the Methodist church. The Ingersoll Sun of last week says :— For a young man Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Thamesford, is an able preacher. He delivered au excellent sermon in Charles street eburob last Sunday forenoon, hav- ing exchanged pulpits with Rev. R. Barns. He is a fluent, pleasing speaker, a logioal reasoner and an earnest preacher. J. T. Pepper is away at Toronto this week whore he is doing duty as an ex- aminer in connection with the Ontario College of Pharmacy. His subject is Materia Medica. There are 130 pupils writing. Mrs. Pepper accompanied Mr. Pepper and they purpose going on a pleasure trip Eastward, calling at Ham. ilton on their return. The Daily Columbian of New West• n'linster, dated May the 911s, says ;—i'The very nnexpected death in California of lira. Barlow, mother of Mrs. A. J. Mc- Coll, will be learned with the deepest regret by all of the deceased lady's ac- quaintance in Westminster. Mrs. Bar. low left the city two mouths ago 00. a visit to friends in San Franoiseo, and was taken ill shortly afterwards with la grippe. Her couditian was not eon- siclered alarming, but a few days ago she took a turn for the worse, and died yes- terday. Arrun;;elnents for the funeral have not been completed yet, but it is understood the remains will be interred in Toronto, where the lata Mr. Barlow is buried. The deceased lady had many warm friends in Westminster, who will sincerely mourn her death and the loss of so dear a friend." The above refers to a sister of Airs. (Dr.) Holmes, of this plane, Business Locals. SraAcnnN'e 300. Japan tet is the best. Sne Stroug's photo. advt. this week. H. J. STRONG invites the ladies to call and see his photos. Fon first-class photos go to Psrry'e, next to American Hotel. Loon I Nothing but first-class work at Strorg's photo. gallery. PERRY, the high-olass photographer, next to Amerioan Hotel. Tan gentlemen are also welcome at H. J. Strong's photo. gallery. Tacxxs and valises, good assortment, very cheap at H. Dennis.' Rouse to let, conveniently looated. Apply at TEE POST Publishing House. BEAT value in single harness, dusters, rubber rugs and ily nets. L 0. Richards. ALP, photos made by Perry are well finished and warranted to give satisfan- ti0n. TowELLrxoe, table linens and table nap- kins all going at sale prices. A. R. Smith. Juin arrived a fine rouge of Baby oar• riaglt which will he sold at reasonable rates. 11. Dennis. Jtter what you are looking for a pair of boots, good and cheap. A. Strachan. CGnerrs.-13 it: C., \Vatchapaine, Jir• miuie, Unbreakable with several' other linea for. 30 oeuts and upwards, A. Strachan. Km gloves, Josephine, Countess and , Everlasting in black and colored. Lace, sills and Taffeta gloves and mitts in all shades. A, Strachan. SoanETnn rt now in felt and straw hate. A line assortment of caps for men and boys. Just the thing for Spring and Slimmer, A. Straollan. Tan o0easion demands it. We tried to stave it off, we feared it would cone, 'tis arrived at lash the greatest sato of them all of now geode at A. R. Smith's. WE are offering this week a nice range of dress geode. Good and serviceable geode for girl's droesee. Special value, 11 yards for 31.00. A. Strachan. PLAIN SxwrNe,—Mrs. J, S. Smith is prepared to do pplain sewing itt her home over the postoflnoe. Oh1ldren'c clothing a speciality. Satisfaotion guaranteed. Bract hones, Well finished inside, with aore of land for sale, eligibly l'o• =Sod on the corner of Turnborry and Queen streete. Price and terms made known on application to AJAX, MoLogeuw, Brussels, S 4X.Dt,l,T.D BANK Oaf. C,.4XJJD,.Z. =m'F2 5=- "ST=D 10755. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO. ASSETS, - - 37,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • (Two Million Dollars) • 62,000,000 Apsnefee in all prinetval3,0f1(1 in Ontario, Q, el,'c,,1J, ,!t,lut, Milted Slates (6 England, A General Banking I3usinose Transacted, Fanners' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issttod and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed on deposits of 81,00 and upwards from (late of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION 080050 TO 'Inc•COLLECTION on F,unntR& SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, MANAGER. A rmNE range of baby carriages, doll cabs, &o. at I. C. Richard's. Fon finely finished photos go to Perry, next to Amerioan Hotel, SEVIntAL dress lengths of black silk mervee at wet. A. R. Smith. Maim no mistake but go to Perry for your photos, next to American Hotel, ALL wool bleak, blue, garnet and cardinal Henrietta at 25 Dents, worth 35 and 40 cents at A. R. Smith's. FARtuEne if your horse is sore on top of the nook get a bridge sweat pad froiu I. 0. Richards. It ousts every time. We warrant them all. I. 0. Richards. L 0. Ricenem,s is head quarters for ex- press wagons. He keeps the largest stook in town and sells the olneapest. Prices from 00 cents upwards. Call and see our stook no matter if yon do not watt to buy, as we want to show yet our goods. LrsTOWEL WOOLLEN MILL.—T1116 week B. F. Brook te Sou, of Listowel, asks the attention of wool growers and oloth, flannel and yarn buyers to his oponiug announcement in the advertising columns of Tin PosT. This firm does a barge trade and this season their stock is euperior to any past years. COCHRANE & 3otoNSTON, marble manu- facturers, are now taking orders for spring delivery in their line. As hereto- fore all workmanship and orders trueted to their oare will be put up in the most approved style and satisfaction guaran. teed in every Daae. Anybody requiring anything iu their line of trade it would be well for them to see their designs and prices before making their purchases. Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables. DANno ROAD CARTS. -11. Williams es Son have received two now kinds of patent road carts, manufactured by the Gananoque Carriage Co. They are call. ed the "St. Lawrence" and "Maple Loaf" and are extra fine rigs. The "St. Lawrence" has a finely finished body suspended on two eliptio aprings, body not oounected with shafts. Dont buy be. fere seeing thele as the prices are right. Call at our show rooms. H. Wine -atm & Son. Mem Wu -Luxe & Son are handling the celebrated Gananoque Carriage Con• pany's buggies, which for style, work- manship and price cannot be surpassed. They have one on exhibition at their show room, Mill street, and can prooure any styled rig you desire. You can buy from 10 to 15 per cent cheaper from them than elsewhere and every rig is guaran- teed to give the beet of satisfaction. Call in and see them whether yon want to buy or not. Since the Franco-Prussian war Ger- many has spent 62,200,000,000 on her army and navy. A soueatiou has been canned in Russia by the appointment of a military otlicor as inapt:eter of the whole system of rail - wave. Two weeks ago Isabella Ma.knno was to have been married to Jose Pedro, of Los Ojos, N. M. Pedro, however, prov- ed faithless, marrying instead Angelica Montzau. The jilted girl immediately recovered from the prostration into which her lover's perfidy threw her, and one afternoon entering the apartments of Pedro and his wife found theta both asleep. She cut Ont their tongues and fled, only to be captured by the city !marshal after a desperate struggle in which the latter was severely wounded by the maddened woman. Pedro and his wife will live but will never be able to speak again. A peculiar case of poisoning is reported from the Bristle Ridge neighborhood, worth of Orawfurclsvillo, Ind. At a large party a new-faugled kissing game was in• trodneed, which proved very popular. The young men on arriving drew strings of variegated oolore from a box and then selected girls whose drosses matched this string. The young granger then took one end of the string in his month and the girl attached her face in a similar way to the other. Both then chewed up the string until they were month to mouth, when several kisses were exchang- ed. At the party in question the portion coloring the strings had used dyes which were not fast and the oolore ran. Sever- al were poisoned very seriously and it is feared that one oe two oases may result fatally. aeAxzx x sn. Ii NnscnroL—A1oanE.—In Morris, at the resideooe of the bride's parents, on Wednesday, May 18th, by the Rev. David Porde, of Cheeky, assisted by Rev. David Forraet, of Walton, lJr. R. W. Kneehtel, of Ripley, to Alise Belle, eldest daughter of 1Ir. David Moore. Fail Wheat 80 81 Spring Wheat 80 81 Bardoy - 133 40 Peas 57 58 Cats 27 28 Butter, tube and rolls..., 113 00 Eggs per dozen 0 00 Flour per barrel 4 50 5 00 Potatoes . . ... . 20 00 Hay per ton - .9 00 10 00 Hides per lb 3 3 Salt por bbl., retail1 00 05 Sheep skins, each 60 1 00 Lamb skins °nob 85 00 Apples par barrel 1 00 1 25 NOTICE. Who Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court Borne, Goiter lab, ou TUlil SDAY, JUNLl 761, 1892, at 8 O'alook p, m, W. LANK, May 20th, Co. Cleo]. A FIRST - CLASS SET OF Blacksmith's tools for sale at a groat bargain. Call and got Prior,, A,11, MCI(AY S: Co., Brussels, frEND]1RS WILL BE RECEIV• 1 ED by tiro Secretary of S. 8. No, 9, Morris marked "Tender," for repairs to sebuol house, Particulars may be obtain ad from auy of the Trusbees. Tenders reeoiyed up to June 20. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aoeepted. The work to be completed daring summer holidays. Trus - toes -8. LEAP, RRIau, 13Ewma', and G100, 0ELLY, 8e0,-Treas, 48 8 Walton P. 0, REAL ESTATE. 141ARHIS FOR SALE .—THE UN• nrnaxsn,m has eevnrai good Farms far sale cad 10 rent, easy term S, in Totvns11lpte of 1f Orris cud Grny. 7! 5. SOUTT,I3rueaela, 37.tf, ['1110I0E FARM FOR SALE.— kJ lining South half Lot 27, oon.6, DIo_ris, 100 mares, nett Ply all cleared. Good buildings, One young hearing °reliar,l. Immediate pos- session. Easy Torras, Apply to W. M. SI.N CLAIR, tf- Solicitor, 58s., Brussels, T'0R SALE OR TO RENT,— Tan brick store on the north-east cor- ner 0f 11111 and Turnbon;y streets, Brussels. Loy particulars apply to PETER LERGUSON, Queen street, or by mail address Brussels P. 0., Hos S7. 11-4 pARM FOR SALE.—TEE UN- DmnetGNED otters for sale the north east guar terof lot 08, oouoeseion 0, Morris, Couu ty of 'Enron , contaInin g S0 acres. The laird is of first quality and in ahigh state of cultivation, well 10,105,3 and under -drained, 15 00 res °leered, New Irate a house, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 welle, good barna and shod, orchard, etc. Eight acme of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation 0f 13101eso1s, Suit. able term will be given. Titleperfect, JAMES G301EVE, Owner, 10- Soafortb P. 0. QPLENDiD FARM FOR SALE. 1. J Bursa lots 11 teal 12, con.10, Township of Grey. County of Enroll, containing 200 cares, the property Of the late Johu Itobe•t- sou, 150 aar05 cleared and free from ob. strnetio ns, 15 acres bush, mixed timber, balsams partly cleared. 5011 clay loom, mostly rolling, Feuoed with etr,,igbt rail fences and Ivo tersl by two wells and a spring 7rrlvilege. Commodious dwelling house, with large 'woodshed attached ant, an oxaoliout cellar under house. Two large barns, stone stabling and other outbuild- ings. Two good healing orchards, orna- mental trees and smell fruits, 44 miles from Brussels, a lively town on the G. 1'. 1t„ convenient to school, churches mutt post omen. This property Hes well, is a first. class grain and stock farm 0114 should. bo seen by intending purchasers as it is [lfor- ed at a bargain. Lor further particulars apply tO AIRS. 3500. B01311BT30N, or Daman 10000,05188050, 011 the promises, or by letter to Oranbrook P. U. 50.4 L? TJLL FOR SEJ.IVIOE.—THE unde•algued will peep for service, nu Lot 28, One. 1, Morris, t1,e ,veli broil grade bull"Billy." Terms 81,00 with privilege of returning if necessary during season, 110131. CURRR., 46.4 Proprietor. ULL FOR SERVICE.—TILE uude'siguedwill Itemy rot' sorvioe mi Lot14,Oou.1, Jos. n thoro-bre:l Durham from ibmported s. ckou,noar sides. 1rrz,l front imported stsek ou both eldes. Terme 1 1,50 for acatr,00 pttyabte Jan. let with ).rivi- ts s e' l'etlrl'ni,lg i1 00Oeeaary, 45.2 ()ABDUL' & INNER , Props, . UL1 FOR S ltV.IOIt .-TSE A.) Undersigned will keep for service, m1 lot HO, con. 0, Mnrrls, the Saone -bred Durham Mill, "Sweepstakes." Ile l,as taken 4 Ii1'at prizes and 1 second, being beaten by the bill that took 1st prise at the Proviuolal Show. Terms—To insure a calf 32.00, or 51,10 for the season, 57.8111 JA9, 8101;(10, Proprietor, .LLZSEY BULLS F013 SER. yirs,-1Iy Jersey Bulls ago from 1100 milking strains and should protluee stook equal or superior to any for either the creamery or oboeso faetOry. The dam of Duo still ]n my 11,oseesato111 gave 7,000 lbs, nr 0,1110 in 13 saccade with ber first adr, Lor fturtheS• particulate apply at my Drug and 13 oak furs. G,A, DEAD0AN, Brnssole, Ont. JM.PROVED LARGE WHITEYORK- 1_ BOAR, The Undersigned will keep for service this present ;mason the Improved large white Yorkshire pig 'Bendy on lot 30, 00u.0, Morris, to which a limited number of sows will be taken, Terms 81.00 to be paid at time of aervloe, with tbe.prlVtloge of return- ing if neeeastu'y. Pedigree may be atm Up, on. application, 10013E11'0 I410I10li, 111! Proprietor. PURE BRED BOARS FOB SLR. virE, Tha undersigned will loop for service on north. half Lot 29, cns'. 7, Morris, x10,65 hrett Baritshho line', let l by Dl0. Snell, and an Oh lo improved Chester White, bred by '1'ltos. five g•, Putnam, from im. Ported stook on both sales. This hos' took 3rd prise at the Industrial Fair in a clew of 17, in MO, and 8rd at the Western 1,,Ir in a clans of 111, Ills sire took 1st at the Indus- trial In 1691. Torino 31.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if nee- eseai•y 30.14. SAMUEL WALKER, Prop, CURT OF REVISION. 18OWNSIIIP r,1' 1311.Ey. Notice 1s hereby given that the 'Mentalist]. Council of the Corporation of the Township of Grey, County 05 1h800 Will meet ae Court of Invasion ,Lt Burton's Rotel, Ethel., on 1 silos ', ;may 27111, 01 t?. O'cleett p, an, Parties interested will govern thomeolvos semordiugly. Wlvi. SPLINOE, Clerk. TAI(1) NOTICE that it Court; of Boylston for bearing appeals a aluab the Assessment of Drabeago 13y.law No, 28, 4 the Townshi}].r.. of Grey, will be hold at Burton'e Sotol, tube), on FRIDAY, May 27th, 1802, at the boor of 11 o'oloak 8, in. Any per0on having any oo,npla inns to make in respect to the 1 oaoomOeb le required to give =Moo of Such complaint and the memo and matter thereby 10 the Clerk of the said Municipality en or before Mae 19th day of May, 1802, WM. SPENCE, Clerk, MAY 20, 1892 YOU WANT WALL, PAPER' NIDE, PRETTY, GOOD, CUEAP. T have in Stock between 5,000 anar6,000 Rolls for you to choose from and another ship. moot =pouted in daily. . Whatever you do be sure and get your Wal) Paper at PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. I)L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, e Solicitor and Conveyancer, Collec- tions made. Ofilaa—Vasstono's 131oo1e, Bruer sole. 21.5m -VV. • 111. SINOLAIR, Schulte,', Oonveyaucor,Notaryorth Ile, &o, 011luo—Grahams 111oolt,1 dc.,r no- rtb of Popper's Drag Store. Private Funds to Loan. I) 10KSON & NAYS, (Late with Garrov es Proudfoot, Gude• rich,) tomatoes, Holiaitore, Oonceyaue..rs, &o. OAicos—l,r,,ssols and Seaforth, liras - Bele Otlioo—Up-stait's over Sank, Money to Loan, it. a. ISATIS. W. II. DICKSON AUCTIOi I:ERS. IA. • RAYIIANN, Auctioneer, 15 always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm Ston lc, As. Terme cheerfully given. Cr,Lnbrook P.0. Sales may bo arranged at inc PeST Pabllehmg House, Brussels. EORGE KIRKBY,__ Vl Licensed Attotionser, Salus cambial ell on reasonable terms. Parma and farm stock,t specialty. Orders left at TELE POST Publishing lion so, l3ru seals, or sent to Walton 1'. 0., will receive prompt attention, L[AVING TAKEN OUT LIOJ3N- 617 as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to con,lnot sales of farm steak at reasonable prices. Euo,viag the standing of nearly every person I um In a position to Bell to good nn,rks and get good security when sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Clive me a Call. 32- L S. SOOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. 0'V • 11. 11oCRACKEN, Issnrer o f 1Carriago Liosusos. O111oe at Grouory, ruruberry street, Brussels, T. N. BARRETT, e Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. DI. McKay Jr. Co's bat"lwo.re store. Ladios'aurl ebildroue hair on Bing to specialty 110NAIR, e Iesuror of Marriage Licenses, by uppaintntant of Lieut,.)i ove'nnr, Commis- sioner, &e , Q.11. Conveyancer and ,&gout Fire Insuranoe tic,. 011ee at the Cranbrool, Prat Unice. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INatl'ANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of rho Roa.rth Division Court Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Lein and Iusnrallon Ago ,,t. Ponds invested and to loon. Collections made. Ofilee 0, Graham's Block, Hrussele, OIL PAINTING, Miss Slavic% of \Viugbaur, is pr'epar'ed to give instruction in oil. painting. 'forms maybe ascertained lit Miss Nellie hoes' store where samples of work may be seen, Dl,ee Morns would also take a few more pupils in mule, r>)•lA. HAWE.INS, Aa Organist 1n St. Johne Church, 13rus• cels, and pupil, to the Art of Teaobiug of A. W. 'fhs4 er, Mus. Uoo„ New York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thos, Farrow's, corner of Queen and plluooas Sts., or if pre- ferred, at tbuir uwo homes. Terms moder- ate, 40 - MEDICAL CANIS. OALE, 11 D., 0.11., Member of the (:ollego of Physician, and Surgeons of Outa:rio by examination. Mao and Residence — Main street East, ll tbel, Ontario. T A. MaNAUG•HTON, 11. D. r • O. 5,1., 1,. R. O.1'., P1(11' 4,111.01, iii. 0, P S, Ont. Residuum and otlico iu \Vllsoa's Bloc l,, corner 01 Mt11 and Turnberry Ste. DENTAL. 1.1147 INT10!Yri OC M. CAVANAGH, L, D. S•, D. D. Se Graduate of the Boyd College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, ao l of 'Reroute Uni- versity. Dances—Over Popper's Drug Store, Binseam, N 0 T 10E, All parties owing the firm of MCINTOSN MoTAG' a 3T, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Aro regncstetl to call AT ONCE anti l,41.Vo coats 08 they are cloning their business, NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Creditors of Catherine Sheila, lotto of the Village of Oraobronk, le the County of I1ur• on, (a marriedwmnan) deceased, who died o1 or before the none day o1 Ma'ob, 1801, and all others having claims against her es. tato are hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the under• sigl sd, llxoeut0r of the Cant will 3304 testa. menb of bile said deceased, at 131 e0 ole, on or before the 10,115 '003, of .111oo, 5815", their Christian name loud surnames, addressee and tleseiptieue, and full Partioolare of their claims, statements of their a0o0unts and =Lure of the securities, if any, bold by them and in default thereof anti fmmodie.to. ]y after the said 15th day of Juno the onsets of the said deceased will he distributed amongst those entitled therm°, staving ra- gard only to the olefins of which nOLios shall have been given ae above required. And this notion beteg given under the provistons of the lie Teed etatatee or Onta40, Chapter 110, sea, 80 the Mentor will not bo liable for the sant 058018, or any pati thereof, to any person of Whose claim notice; shall not have bee» rooeived by him at the time of said distribution, 4'1.6 4, EIJNTIOII, Brussels, May 11,'02. Executor.