HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-20, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Locals—Dr. Ayer.
Toe Cream—Thos. Rutledge.
Hellebore—G. A. Deadman.
Wool Wanted—R. Graham.
Spring—Ferguson di Halliday.
Sale—A. R . Smith.
Cost Price
Local—Voss ubl
Bull for Service—Cardiff & Innes.
\Vol Wa,.ted--13. k'. Brook d Sou. w
New Seasonable Goode—Irwin C Mo.
ct'b'e W{�i 11'S5eJ z$t.
FRIDAY, MAI' 20, 1892.
Tin Commission appointed by the D. -
minion Government to inquire into the
working of prohibition, has held its
second meeting, and has sent the follow.
ing question to the members of the medi.
sal profession in Canada, asking for early
replies :-
1. Is it your practice to presoribe al•
collo! in any of its forms—spirituo0r or
fermented ?
(a) For persons in health.
(0) For sick persons.
2, In your opinion has the practice of
prescribing alcobolinoreased or deoreas•
ed of late years ?
8. In your opinion could any substi-
tute for alcohol be used which would be
equally effective?
4. Can you state approximately what
rerceutage of the cases you attend may
be attributed to the use of spirituous
or fermented liquors ?
5. In your opiniou, and making allow•
once for the intemperate classes, would
the general health of the remainder of
the population be improved by total
abstinence from the use of intoxicating
beverages ?
6. In your opinion, is the use of in-
toxicating beverages, in moderation, in•
furious to health ani to an active con-
dition of the mind and body ?
7. In your opinion, and judging from
your experience, what percentage of
deaths is attributable to the use of in-
toxicating beverages ?
(a) Directly.
(b) Indireotly.
9. In your opinion, doss the use of in•
toxice,ting beverages increase the num-
ber of insane persons 9
General IN ew,..
Deeming the wife murderer, will be
hanged at Melbourne on May 23rd.
A decree permitting the export from
Russia of oats and corn will be published
an Friday.
Recent snowstorms in Wyoming have
caused disastrous injury to live stook on
the ranches.
Charles Tanetin, a stevedore, commit.
ted suioide at San Francisco by jumping
into the furnace of a steamboat. He was
drunk and despondent.
A report from western Kentucky is
that Buffalo gnats are causing great los-
ses. It is estimated that 1,000 horses
hove been killed by them.
A Loudon cablegram announces that
during the coming two months 273 fash-
ionable weddings will be oelebrated in
London. It is reported that fully one•
third of the brides are Americans.
The flour used in Russia black bread is
oompossd of a cured grass ground with
the bark of a tree, a little rye flour and
that of some leguminous plant. The
bread is brownish black, of the weight of
burned bread and tastes like hay
Mrs. Marshall Balliogtoa Booth is said
to draw just $7 per week for her services
in the Salvation army, and to find time
to make her little boy's garments and to
attend to the housekeeping duties of her
modest little home in Jersey City.
James Goodie, sr., has jest died in
Chicago. He is said to have built the
first vessel that ever crossed the Atlantic
by steam power alone, namely, the Royal
William, whish made the trip from
Pioton, N. 8., to Gravesend in 1833. He
was 81 years old, and was married to his
wife, who survives him, nearly 60 years
While Mrs. Ensenberger and a friend,
the wife of a wealthy wool grower, of
Salt Lake Oity, Utah, were sitting in
their room after returning home from a
dance three masked men entered, and
with revolver in hand, demanded their
valuables. Mrs. Ensenberger had ten
stones and her friend five, all worth $6,-
000. Mrs. Ensenberger saved a valuable
brooch by dropping it on the floor. Two
purses, containing 5175, were also taken.
There is no trace of the thieves.
James Grant, a lineman of the Chicago
Telephone Co., died Saturday night un-
der peculiar circumstances. On Monday,
during a shower, he went to ring up the
central offioe from Lake and Fourteenth
streets. As his hand touched the crank,
and while he held the receiver to his ear,
lightning struok near by and Grant fell
to the fluor unconscious. When he re.
covered oonsoiousness be was insane, and
for hours afterward cried, "Hello 1 Ring
off I" He would eat nothing and became
violent, but gradually lost strength till
be died Saturday nigbt,bis last words be.
ing 'Hello I Ring off 1" Grant was a
Canadian and Dame to Chicago 10 years
ago. He was married and had a wife
and two small children,
L. :Wynn., Pa0Pn1ET011.
Monday,—Will leave his own stable,
lot 17, con. 14, Grey, and prooeed to 3,
Hanoe's, oon. 12, Elma, for noon; thence
to Wynn's hotel, Newry, for night.
Tuesday,—Will proceed north to A.
Tnohin's Trowbridge, for noon ; thenoe
to Steins' lIotel, Molesworth, for night,
Wednesday,—Will proceed west to
Andrew Doig's for noon ; thence north
to 4th line, Howiok, to Mr. Sparting's,
for night. Thursday,—Will prooeed to
Cameron's Hotel, Wroxeter, for noon;
thenoe south, then west to P. Scott's,
Morris and Turnberry boundary, for
night. Friday,—Will proceed to Win.
Forrest'e, 2nd line, Morris, for noon ;
thence south along gravel road and east
to Archie Lamont's, eon. 7, Grey, for
night. Saturday,—Will prooeed to
American Hotel, Brnsade, for noon ;
thence, via Oranbrook, to hie own stable
where he will remain until the following
Monday morning.
w J, 000PEn 1a01'1s1E005.
Monday,—Will leave his owu stable,
north part lot 25, con 11, Gray, and go
to John Vallanoe's lot 13, oon. 11, Elma,
for noon ; thenoe to A. Malian's, con.
11, for night, Tuesday,— Will proceed
to A. Baker's lob 20, son, 8, Elma, for
u's lob
to win. Hutohinao
noon • thenoe t
Wedl edn —
•' n Inc night. le
4 n 4 Elam, .Y,
1� ill proceed in Wm Campbell's lot 211,
oon, 8, Grey, for noon ; thenoe to his own
stable for the night. Thursday,—Will
prooeed on the 10th con. to Rota. Mc-
Donald's for noon ; thenoe bo Robb.
Nichols, 6th oon. Morris, for night.
Friday,—Will prooeed to McDonald's
hotel, Cranbrook, for noon ; thenoe to
John Clark's oon. 16, Gray, for night.
Saturday,—Will prooeed to Jas. Living -
stone's, 16th oon. for noon ; thenoe to
his own stable where he will remain
until the following Monday morning.
moos. OALDes, PnornrETon.
Monday,—will leave his own stable,
lot 9,con. 12,Grey, and proceed to
Y, an Taylor's, 3rd oon., Grey, for
noon ; thanes to Thos, MaFarlane'e 2nd
con., for night. Tuesday,—Will proceed
to Moffat Bros'. for noon ; thenoe, via
Bluevale and Wingham, to Robert
Currie's, East Wawanush, for night.
Wednesday, --Will prooeed to the Queen's
Rotel, Belgrave, for no. n ; thenoe to
Wm. Sheddan's, 4th line, Morris, for
night. Thursday,—Will prooeed to the
Central Hotel, Mous el., for noon; thenoe,
via 5th Hue to ,1oun Walker's, 6th con.,
Morris, for night, Friday,—Will pro.
seed to James Hislop's, 10th con., Grey,
for noon ; thenoe to Wm. Fulton's 16th
oon., Grey, for night. Saturday,—Will
proceed to John Ceruoohan'a, 12th con.,
Grey, for noon ; thenoe, via Cranbrook,
to his own stable, where he will remain
until the following Monday morning.
A recent disoovery by an
old physician gueoessful-
ly used monthly by thous.
ands of Lents, Is 1110
only P y safe awl
reliable nei led druggists
oiler Beware s nnuos inp la drug iss. Ask
r ,
place ( Li this.
for r (l inions' moa l(,,nn in 11 c 1 Ask
fobetito'o; 01' In lose Ounui 4 bl 50.50
ec.c nu
substitute; or tholes° $1 and 4 thrns.oent
Cpostage stamps lu letter, and we
willhasse send, sealed, by return mail, Full seal,
ed particulars in plain euvolope, to ladies
only, 3 stn. on, Address 1.01(1 Lily Woodward •y, No, a Fisher Biopic, 1131 .Woodward
Iwo., Detroit, Mich.
be'B°ld in Btu male by J. T, PEPPER, G,
A. DAADefAN and all resnonslble druggists
H Elp
Isr 11t„
To talce the place
of the old-fashioned corded
corset, try the B. & C. corset.
This is just what you can
do. You can try it, and even
wear it for two or three
weeks, if you wish. Then, if
you're not satisfied, you can
return it, and get your money.
GEAT in Prices.
Lands Fest of Third Meridian.
Sale commenced April 4th
at the uniform price of
$3 A O R E.
Edmonton District.
Auction Sale commences May 8.
Apply to any agent of the
Agent, brussels.
C. F.
PER • Y,
The leading Photographer of
Woodstock for the past 13 years,
has leased the Photograph Gal-
lery lately occupied by L. Hunt-
er, where he is prepared to make
first-class Photographs in all of
the Latest Styles and Sizes.
Call at his Gallery and see
Save Your Hair
BY a timely use of Ayer's Hair Vigor
This preparation has no equal as a
dressing, It keeps the scalp clean, cool,
and healthy, and preserves the color,
fullness, and beauty of the hair,
"I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray; but after using two or three
bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair
grew thick and glossy and the original
color was restored."—Melvin Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, N. H.
" Some time ago I lost all my hair in
consequence of measles. After due
waiting, no new growth appeared. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently come to stay. The
Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature."
—J. B. Williams, B'loresville, Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past four or five years and find it a
Most satisfactory dressing for the hair,
'tie all I could desire, being harmless
causing the hair to retain lbs natural
color, and requiring but a small quantity
to render the hair easy to arrange."—
Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street,
Haverhill, Mase.
"I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor
for several years, and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color."—Mrs. 11. J. Bing, Dealer in
Dry Geode, &o., Bishopvn[e, Md.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Minna)) DX'
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase.
Hold by Druggists and Perfumers.
.I ny Quantity of'
Tool wanted by the un-
dersigned, for which Z
airs prepared to pay the
Highest Market Price
in Cash.
Grain Dealer, Brussels.
NERVE Nrizvli 11EAN8 ars a
now dlacovee'y that oul n the
wel'eb epees el Nervous Do.
BEANS bitity,l ost vigor and rail.
is manhood 1 restores the
weeknessof body or mind
or the errors of excesses et
youth, This Remedy absolutely sures the
most obstinate eases when all other 'ran.lr'
MEsys have failed even to relieve, Bold by
druggists et el per package, or six for 80, or
sonof by manu r'ee(It t Of Klee ad(
g Tun 340505 aEn,orxEcs. Toronto, orc,
Write for pamphlet, hold in Brussels by
successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is
without a parallel in the history of medi-
cine. A11 druggists ars authorized to sell
it on a positive guarantee, a test that no
other cure eau suooessfully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
use It for It will cure yon. It your eland
has the Croup, or Whoping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you
dread that insidious disease CONSUMP•
TION, notes PAIL to use it, it will cure
you or cost uothiug. A,k your Druggist
for SHILOH'S CURE, Priori 100„ 50o.
and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or baok
leme,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 250.
Tuesday, May 24.
The Direotors of Brussels Driving Paris
Association will celebrate Her Majesty's
Birthday with a semis of Foot Ball and
Base Ball Competitions, and Horse
Races. The former will take place on
Victoria Park in the forenoon. Admis-
sion free.
The following Trotting and Running
Rases will take place on the fine, new
half -mile track belonging to the Associa-
tion, in the afternoon, commencing at 2
o'elook :—Open Trot or Pace — Purse
560.00-1et prize, $30,00 ; 2nd, $20.00 ;
3rd, 510.00. Three Minute Trot or Paoe
—Purse $40.00—lst prize, $20.00 ; 2nd,
$12.50 ; 3rd, $7.50. Green Trot or Paoe
—Puree $20.00—let prize, $10.00 ; 2nd,
$7.00 ; 8rd, $3.00. Running Race—Half.
mile heats, best two is three—let prize,
56.00 ; 2nd, 54.00.
Entrance to races, 5 per oent. of purse
Entries to be made with the Secretary
net later than Monday night, 23rd May.
American Trotting Assooiation Rules to
Admission to Races :—Adults, 25o. ;
Children ander 12 years, 10c. ; Vobioles,
25 cents extra.
Brussels Brass and Read Baud will be
in attendanoe.
Secretary. President.
ns ?ed . elir elzsfrlTabkt
whe1ttrs in m1°ess 6001'
Be Fair with Yourself and see
our Spring Stock.
It presents an opportunity for Eco72onnieal Buy-
ing that nobody can afford to miss.
New Styles, store is crowded with the Newest of N w S y le
s, sel-
ected with experienced care as to Quality, Good
Taste, Style and Generous Prodigality.
As to Variety it is
The Right Place to get Right Goods
at the Right Prices.
Popular Styles, Late Novelties, Standard Grades and New-
est Attractions are all found in abundance in every
Department of our Elegant line of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Fancy Goods, Notions, Etc.
No Question about these goods pleasing—They make none
better. No Question about Prices being Satisfact-
ory—None can Sell Cheaper.
Depend upon us for perfect satisfaction and value for
your money.
FIa'glIsoll & �alVdal.
B.--lilghest price paid for roll and tub butter.
MAY 20, 1892
111\111111 &
A line af Prints to sell at 100 , regular 14c. Goods, A.
fine line of Printed Muslins from 100. to 25c. All
Wool Delaines and Dela.inettes, Check Muslins, '-
Victoria Lawns, India Linens, Lace Cur-
tains, Curtainettes and Art Muslins.
Bats for everybody fro7n 5e. upwards.
Parasols at 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1 50, $2.00 & $2.50.
Rubber Coats Ladies' Circulars.
A full stock of new Goods at the Lowest Prices. Give
us a Call.
Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A. look at his photos.
will convince you that they are first-class. The public
are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also Ert•1ai jed to aril/ size
in Crayon at reasonable Prices.
1 Specialty made of Out -door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard Bank.
Listowel Woolen Wactory.
Hiallest Prices Paid, ijas
or Trade.
Largest Wool 2/1-7rket in Ontario.
Everybody come and see our tremendous big stock in all
kinds of woollen goods which we offer at bottom prices for
cash or exchange for wool.
We have never been so well fitted and equipped f
W of a wool
son's business as at the present one, and have never felt so com-
pletely confident of our ability to serve you with the hest of goods at
bottom prices. A specially attractive feature of our new lines of fine
Flannels, strictly Nay STYLES, far surpasses any wool season yet.
(Something New offered to the trade.)
We are the only Woollen Factory in Canada that make this line
of goods and offer them for one-half the price you pay in the city of
English Worsteds, Fancy sweats, Scotch Tweeds, Meltons and
Cloakings, Fine and Coarse Flannels in Dress Goods and Shirtings,
Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Woollen and Cotton Underwear,
Fingering and Stocking Yarns, Cottonades, Cotton Shirtings, Win -
toys, Duck and Gray Cottons. Also a good supply of Stockings,
Socks and Knitted Goods.
We wish to warn the farmers not to be deceived by Shoddy Pod-
dlers going through the country selling dishonest goods. We bave
no peddlers handling our goods and they can only be bought by
dealing direct at the factory.
Boll Carding, [Spinning and Manufacturing,
Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, (to.
Thanking our numerous customers for their past fayors, would
beg to say come and bring your neighbor to see our stock, as you
will be highly pleased to see goods so low in price. You will find
us ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all.