HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-13, Page 88 TIDE BRUSSELS POST 1B1+ IN FASIIIa N 1 Wlieu you are peporing your house it would be well to remember that D.1, 1+�J..11 P•6LP R8' Are very little used now and have en - Healy gone Out of Fashion. Our stock comprises the fashionable colors purchased both in the Canadian and American markets, and will make your house look cheerful as well as beau- tiful. Don't forget also that a light paper will keep nine longer than a dark one whether for kitchen or parlor. Do . believe this 2 If not try it and be convinced. We will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DLi'ADa1A\, Druggist, Bookseller, &a, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. $OUTU00N EXTENSION W. el, it B. A Minaret of Brusselitee have visited Wingham this week to hear Reeds. 'Hunter and Greeley, the ovengeliste. 'r. -toss has rlispneed of the "North• ern Diver," shot last week to It gentle- man in Seafnrth for the num of $10.00. Tairruxo stock le coming to the front, A. Koenig, A. 11. Smith and A. Cnrrie are the proud posseesere of "letrlisle" foals. A ereecltinan in Detroit writes t—Tine Peer ie 0 welcome vieitnr and I enjoy reading it very, much. Euelosed please feud my aubsaription. D. Lowey and stall are bney building I'o.tmaeter Farrow's new briek residence south of the Town Hall. It will be quite an addition to Turuberry street when completed. Ounnurmx services will be held in Melville church on Sabbath morning, when Rev. S, Tunes will be indooted into the eldership, and Hugh Forsyth, Alex. Stewart (Grey), and A. M. McKay will be ordained and indented into the son e office. "1f.rruos% Illuminated" was on the program at the Town Hall on Monday evening in the ehnpe of a stereoptioaa exhibition, in which 200 views were thrown on canvas showing scenes in the Prairie province. The audience was not lane. Ten election in Brussels for the vacant Reeveship will take place on Weduesduy of next ween(. The polling places will he 3. J. Gilpin's office, with Ronald Mo- Nanghton as Deputy Returning officer, and the Council ohamber with Wm. Aldridge as Deputy. Poll from 0 a. m to lraine Femme Brussels Station, North ° ATlth• e meeting, 0! Smith, Malcolm A and South, as follows: Gibson's creditors, last Tnesday aster• GOxNG Sol/Tn. Golxe 1;01•en. noon, A, Strachan, A.. Cousley and J no. Mail n:ss a.m. Mixed E reit n,ur, lliott were appointed inspectors. The 1 h Express 11;52 a.m. Mail .... .. �.. 1ia3 p.m. Mixed 3:35 p.m. , Express ...... 9,4.1 p.m. assignee will wind up the business as speedily as poseible. It is not yet known who will manage the factory but we hope it wi'1 soon get to work again as the fn'nu'r employees aomet ali„rcl to he idle very long and we don't went to lose them. Nor 'Turf. —I have been informel tllat certain per5One In canvassing against ane for th•. Reeveship are stating that I ag• pealed to the last Council meeting to have the Cow By-law include the day as well as night. I state, positively, that I never mentioned the matt.', the Council, nor oven thought of it. Any rloubter may satisfy himself by asking the members of the Board. At tbe nom. ination wits the place to make these charges and not behind a man's b sok for the purpose of deceiving electors with a view of getting their vote. W. 1I,Kenn. C. 0. F.—At the regular meeting of Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, C. 0. 1'„ the following officers were duly in - Malted by Bra Wm. lllashill, D. D. C. R.:—Bro. Noble Gerry, 0. R. ; Dro. N. Flatt, \'. C. le ; 13r'o. Rev. W. T. 'Tuff, Chaplain ; Bro. Walter Smith, 11. S. ; Deo. A, Keeuig, F. S. ; Br... \\'m. Mash - ill, Treas. ; Bro. Jesse Wilhite, S. W. Bro. John Kirkeounel,J. W. Bro. Geo. R gers, S. B. ; Bro. R. Williams, J. 13. ; Drs. Graham and McKelvey, Phyeicinns. Wm. Blashill and A. Konig are the delegates to the High Court, which meets in Stratford on June 14th. The Court is in a prosperous condition and during the last six moutil'a term has paid $107 to sick members. There is still a handsome balance on hand and the prospect for a large increase in the present membership of the society dieing the proem -it term, RrsOLETIov,—The following resolution appeared 10 the TIarriston Tribune of last week :—Droved by L. Briebin, aeuouded by J. Kenner That this Quar- terly Official Board of the Methodist church, Harristun, desire again to give expression to its continued esteem and eppre0iatiou of the Christian character of our pastor, Rev. W. Smyth, es evidenced in his daily life, unceasing work and nn• tiring zeal in the Master's cause. We gratefully, acknowledge the goodness of God in blessing his labors in connection with this church, We rejoice that under his ministrations the services have been well attended, the finances are in a good position and above all that God has wonderfully blas -ed his labors in the con• version of many precious souls. As Mr. Smyth is soon to leave us for a. new field of labor we most earnestly pray that en- der Divine guidance he any continue to accomplish much good for our blessed Lard and Master. Carried unanimous- ly. HunnAu ! Fon Tan Rox.suo—The town of River Du Loup, Quebec, last February ordered a No. 4 Ronald Steam fire En- gine, 1,000 feet of Baker fabric 3 ply hose and hose reel, the engine and reel to have shafts so that either can be hauled by one horse, which is the general mode of Haul. fug in that locality. The outlet was to be delivered in May. On the 7th and 0th of May Sales Manager Parsons and Engineer Melsom arrived with the en- gine, &o. and a test was made. The town Council secured the services of the Government master mechanic, Mr. Filet, to see that the mechanical part was up to the standard, while the whole pope. lace with the Council and a large unm- ber of visitors watched the exhibition. The boiler was filled from the river, (sae snow water) °2j1 gnagas registered by the glass and in lass than 7 minutes 0 one inch stream was flying over a warehouse. 'the lift was about 11 feet. In a few minutes another olio inch stream was sent flying over 200 feet, horizontally 050 feet away up an elevation over 150 feet in the elevated part of the town. This was a surprise to the people that the little machine could do such big work after climbing up sunk a high hill. Siamese couplers were then put on and three, 4 and 5 streams wore thrown at one time covering Rs many different points to show what could be done in a naso of a running fire. These five streams wont far above the highest buildings. One building near the engine caught fire dur- ing the tthow and was instantly quenched. The el:gine was than taltan to the middle of the bridge to test her lifting powers ; 20 feet of enation hose baroly reaobingthe water. Iestantly she took the water and eplplenclid streams were knocking the ebb:glee, &a„ off the roofs. One horse easily hauled the engine. On Monday an exhibition ss as mode in the lower part of the town and a fine stream thrown high up the church spire, said to be 216 feet high, with 35 feet of a rise and using 500 feet of hose. In the afternoon 1;250 feet of hose weep put from lower bridge up town,a rise of 75 feet above the water,. and a splendid stream (going inch nozzle) was thrown, the engine being operated by it young man who never saw a Stoani- er before. River Du Loup is the first town in the Province East of Quebec city to secure a McAteer and they ate proud of their ahaioe, Vocal ieto5 A chief's anmeg ye taldu' 1 1,8, An' faith he'll preut it, Smoot, Boord meeting thi (Friday) evening. J. A. Priests low put a neat sewing machine rig on the rued Inc the Singer. Jos»rn CLree shippe l 2 ears of prime cattle from Brussels station on ll'ednee. day of this week. J. S. Smith bad the mid .Thine to give one of his fingers a bad jam at the Balt block one day last week. BBAaiM.m ANnunws is getting along feral -class. He is able to get about out. doors now and is thinking of going home shortly. Jas. Ittwix, of Irwin 0 McBain, march' ants, has disposed of his holey driving horse to Mr. Featherstone, of Listowel, at a good figure. REY. G. F. SALTON is preaching al in- trrceting aeries of sermons Smiles even- ings on The Prodigal Son. He will preach the third next Sunday. Tier Gordo Gazette advises the "Union" base ball club to come to Bruer cele on the 24th and play for the purse offered. They will be made welcome if they do so. Ton Council have bad the break in the sewer, north of the bridge set to rights by digging a new ,iitch at the foot of the emb'tnkment. W. Ellis and Geo, ?ami" - son did the work in short orddr. Dn. Gnau:.M bus greatly improved the appearance of hie grounds by the removal of a small st dbie, the erection of a pew wire fauna and the eroding down of the new p0rtiou procured from Mrs. Scott. , The Dr, has a very pretty place. R. G. VINCENT bas purohoscd a house • sed lot on Princess street from Jno. N. 1 Kneohtol. He Intends enlarging the dwelling and improving it. The contract is already let. It. G. can afford to now as be was made the recipient of fortune on Sunday, in the shape of a baby boy, valued et 81,000 at least. Noe many physicians make great therapeutic disooveriea. For the most tart they content themselves with ad. ministering judiciously what is eremite. ed iu the books. To Dr. J. C. Ayer, however; is due the credit of discovering that greatest of blood•purHers—Ayer's Sarsaparilla. THE CAMP.—The military cam; for district No. 1 will le bald on the grounds bought by the Dominion Government for clamping cud tither purposes in London. The corps taking part in the camp thle year will be : No. 1 Company, Infantry School Corps, First Regiment of Cavalry, London Field Battery, 21st, 22nd, 28th, 211th and 32nd Battalions. The 33rd Bat. talion will take a rest this year. NEXT Tuesday the anion District Sun- day School Convention will be held in Brussels, The program embraces a number of very important subjects and a profitable time should bo enjoyed by all, Many of the friends in the adjoining schools have nob yet Pent in the names of their d+•legatee to Rev. R. Paul for billets. hlvaryhndy will be welcome. Will the pastors and superintendents kindly announce for the Convention in their reapentivc churches and sohools next Sunday. TEE MmSIDDIEn EnAMINATIONS.—The entrance and public school leaving exam• ivations tvlll be held this year et Gorle. rich, Exeter, Dungannon, Zurich, Clinton, Seafortll, Wingham, Brussels, and Wrox• iter, eommeucine un Tuesday, Jane 2Hth, The primary junior leaving and pees matriculation examinations, which will be held at Goderiob, Clinton and Sea - forth, will eon,:.lenCe on Monday, Joly lath ; cud the .,enior leaving and honor matriculation examinations, at the same pieces, will commence on Wednesday, Jelly 20011. A$ Evulvroo Wrrei Ten CoLonen ?mere,—Monday evening there was a Mega attendance of young people at the Epworth League meeting in the Metho. diet church basement to enjoy "An Even. ing with the Colored People." After the preliminary exercises the following pro• gram was presented 1—Chorue, "Stand the storm," choir ; rending, "Personal recollections of the office 'd people," Rev, G. F. Salton ; duets, "2 can is the cold, mold ground," Misses Ft -ranee and Clara Hunter ; dnebt, "dint them hard trials," Diesera, Humphries and Jackson ; read- ing, "flow the darkiee court," Rev. G. F. Salton ; solo, "Swaneo River," Miss Fannie Thomson ; reeding, "Charlie and the pouenm, " T. S. Humphries ; address, Rev. W. Smyth, of Iiarriston ; duan, "There's it meeting here to•night," Mes. srs. Humphries and Jackson ; Doxology. Next Monday evening Ren. I. B. Wall - win, of Bluovele, will deliver a lecture entitled "Battles," It is highly spoken of and will no doubt attract a large tldienee. MAMMA (to her little boy.) "Now Ban. hie, if you'll be good and go to sloop, npttnma '11 gine you one ,e1 Dr. Ayer'e nice eager -coated Oathart;o pigs, mixt time you need medieiue," Bonnie, emit. ing sweetly, dropped off to sleep at Delco, \\r5 pre nleneed to hear that Geo, Tee - key, of Rinoardine, a first-class nlsullin. Feb, luteutls coming to Brussels and will also move his family here, Ile has made an engagement with J. D. Ronald, et the Fire Engine Works. This ie pleasant news iu the facie of numerous removals. Foreman Watt is pushing business at the fonndt•y and Flail a umber of lire steam. ere in conree of oonetruetion and all hands are busy. 3h'. Ronald, Mr, Par- sons and Eugiueer Melsom have been vi-iting towns in the Plast, giving exhi bitio s of the power incl efficiency of the fire fighters and closing contracts for engines, ALr. Aimr'r SttonTcilun.—•This is the title of a 32 page pamphlet of information, containing answers to all the questions an inquirer would be likely to ask about books, instruction, salaries of stenograph• ars, how to secure positions, eto., oto. It will show what young men have done at home on farms and in workshops ; how from the humblest beginnings the bighted games has been reached by learn- ing this art int pleotemeal Andy, and while per -ming other occupations. The success df stenographers as comps sd with the emcees of young men in any other vooatiun in life, will be seen to be marvelone and encouraging. The author of this system was himself a farmer's boy and learned the art while following the plow. The information be gives iu this pamphlet will be of interest and value to every going man (or young women either) whn must earn their own living. The pamphlet is mailed foe 5 one cont postage stamps to anyone writing for it and mentioning the paper in which this article appears. Address, D. L. SCOTT. BROWNE, 951 Wast lath Street, New Yerk, N. Y. Business Locals. Seneentu's 30e. Japan tee is the best. Sun Strong's photo. advt. this week. Ice•, cream at the Star Restaurant Sat - tardily night. R. J. Sruoxu invites the ladies to call and see hie photos. Fon first• -class photos go to Parry's, next to American Hotel. Loos 1 Nothing but first•olaas worlt at Strong'e photo. gallery. PERIM the high-class photographer, next to American 1lotel. TIE gentlemen are also weloome at H. J. Strong's phot p. gallery. Fon the beet Cart in the market go to John Wynn, Brussels. 1'nuuas and valises, good assortment, very cheap at If, Dennis.' AL1. photos merle by Perry are well finished and warranted to give Satisfte°. tion. JueT arrlVed a fine ralhge of Baby Oar Magee which will be sold at reasonable rates. H. Dennis. Jose what you are looliiug for a pair of boots, good and cheap. A. Strachan. Goon boat for sale, two pair of oara. Will be sold cheap. ALEX. L. STTu'AltT, Brussels. Coirslrre.—B 0 C„ Wittobaprieg, Er- nliuie, -Unbreakable with several other lines for 30 mote and upwards. A. Straalnen. KD, gloves, Josephine, Countess and Everlasting in black and colored. Lace, cilli and Taffeta gloves and mitts in all sbarise, A. Streohan, SoMnrtnNo new iu felt and straw hate. A fine assortment of oaps for men and boys. Just the thing for Spring and Sen neer. A. Strachan. THE oncesion demands it. We tried to stave it off, we feared it would dome, 'tie arrived at last the greatest sale of them all of new goods at A. R. Smith's. We are offering this week a nice range of dress goods. Good and serviceable goods for girl's dresses. Special value, 11 yards for 01.00. A. Strachan. PLAIN SEwINO,—Mrs, J. S. Smith is prepared to do plain sewing at her horns over the postoffiee. Children's clothing a speciality. Satisfaction guaranteed. Blues house, well finished inside, with f acre of land for sale, eligibly lo- cated on the corner of Turuberry and Queen streets. Prise and terms made known ou appiioatlon to Atm., MOLENNAN, Blaseel9. Danes Arm MANTLE \1Ar.INe.—I desire to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that I have opened a shop for dress and mantle making, over Ferguson & Halliday's store. Latest styles. Satisfacbiou guaranteed. Miss Hoteints. GocnsANE & JonNSToN, marble mane• faoturers, are now taking orders for spring delivery in their line. As hereto- fore all workmanship and orders trusted to their oars will be put up in the moat approved style and satisfaction guaran- teed in every ease. Anybody requiring anything in their line of trade 10 would be well for then to see their designs tad prices before making their purchases. Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables, DANDY Roth GAR'rs,—II. Williams & Son have received two new kinds of patent road carte, manufactured by the Gauanogne Carriage CO. They are call- ed the "St. Lawreuee" and "Maple Leaf" and are extra line rigs, The "St. Lawrence" has a finely finished body suspended on two eliptie apringe, body not counected with shafts. Dont buy be- fore seeing them as the prions are right. Call at our show rooms. II. VenzetMa & SON. Ilroei \VILrtnta & Sox are handling the celebrated Gamnoque Carriage Com• poly's buggies, which for style, work. manahip and price cannot be surpaseed. They have one on exhibition attheir show room, Mill street, and can P100015 any styled rig you desire. You oar oiy frons 10 to 15 per Dont cheaper Isom them than alsowhere end every rig is guaran- teed to give the beet of satietaotion. Call in and see them whether you want to buy oe not, Etienne Srocit Foto S,eon.—I have a large stool( of Norway spruce On band, the right height fee planting out for brcalcwinda,hedges or lawn trees, at low primo, flrst•Olaas stock, also horse chest- nuts, 8 to 10 feet high, ab 25o. each. Grape vines 15o., cherry trees 25e. Two greethonseafull of house and bedding plants, vegetable plants in eoa9on, 20 or 30 bushels Empire State Potatoes 400. per bushel. Parties wanting any of the above will find it to their advenbags to see my stoop or write to Trios. KEras, 80.0 lleuesele, P. 0. 2'J�11VD,i[1'.D B.d.ArR OF _Ym�xwzxm nc HEAD OFFICE' - TORONTO. ASSETS, - - - $7,000,000 CAPITA (Antllnrizod) • - $2,1100,0!'0 .1ger8•iea in off I,rinelitll Emfnl t in Ontario, (mire, Manitoba, 1'nibx! States to Ent/land, A Gsneral Backing 100010 ae Traneaetod, Farmers' Notes Dlseouuted. , Drafts Issued Rud Colleciious nmde on ell points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Llterest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from ditto of deposit to Hato of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO'17ile COLLECTION GI FARM MIS' SAMS No'rEe, Every facility afforded Customers living lit a distance. G. P, SCIIOLFIF,LD, MANAGER, wmavrmaeepcmv A ruin retngo of baby carriages, doll oabe, fie. at S. C. Richard's. Fon finely finished photos go to Perry, next to American Hotel. SI.vxnw dries lengths of black silk mervee at Dost. A. R. Smith. 1110110 no mietalte but go to Perry for your photos, next to American Hotel. Been value in single harness, dusters, rubber rugs and fly nets. I. 0, Richards, TOwELLINOs, table linens and table nap. kine all going at sale priors. A. R. Smith, ALr, wool black, blue, garnet and cardinal Henrietta at 95 omits, worth 35 and 40 amts at A. R. Smith's. nee ens if your horse is sore on top of the meets got a bridge sweat pad from I. C. Richards. It cures every time. We wnrrnnt them all. I. O. Richards. I. C. Bcentnns is bead quarters for ex. press wagers. He keeps the largest stook in towu and sells the cheapest. Prices from 00 cents upwards. Call and see our stock no matter if von do not want to buy, as we want to show yon our goods. $50.00 pox a CuicrcmN.—To create an interest in the breeding of bigh•class poultry', I will award a special prize of $50.00 cash to the person raising the heaviest Plymouth Rock obiokeu hatch. ing from eggs purchased of me. Ply- mouth Rocks are unquestionably the best breed of fowl koown for the Canadian farmer. Send for descriptive circular of this valuable breed of fowl. Eggs for hatching, guaranteed fresh and true to name, oarefn]ly packed in baskets end delivered to express company, $2.00 per setting of 13, Address, T. A. Wretterrs, Breeder of Ply. mouth Rook Fowl Weston, Ont. PET•111E.-111 Elma, on May 5th, the wife of Mr. Chas. E. Petrie of a eon. OVENS.— In Elma, on Tuesday, May lira, the wife of Mr. Chas. Ovens of a son. Foc.et.—In Elute, on Sunday, May 1st, the wife of Mr, Henry Fogel of a daughter. VINCENT.— In Brussels, on Sunday, May 8th, the wife of Mr. R. G. Vincent of a son. YorNG.—In Moosomin, N. W. T., on May Srcl, the wife of Mr. J. H. Young, formerly of Brussels, of a son. 1VIcLArcnorv: —In Grey, on May 5111, Jessie, eldest daughter of John Mc- Laughlin, aged 30 years and 5 mouths. 01=2.TS3aa:2,S 3uLA=0'1'01. Fall Wheat SO 81 Spring Wheat 80 81 Barley Peas Oats Butter, tuba and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Hides per lb Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each .. Lamb skins each..,,.... Apples per barrel rs•,epp0mmem,mvncrosa f 1150IOE FARM FOR SALE.--- J ng SOuthha10 Lot 27, coma, Me7ri s, MO seres, nearly ell cleared. Good buildings, One young bearing orchard, Immediate pos. aesskin. Easy Terms, Apply to W. Ili, SIN CLAII tf- Sohoiter, Aro„ 'i l:resstls, FOR SALE 011 TO 1RENT.--. ''rax bride store 011 the north -Gnat cor- ner of 7111)1 and T')rnberry streets, Brussels, Fol' particulars apply to 1.1111000 1'ERGUS 0N, Queen 501000, or by mail address Brussels 1. 0., Box 37. 91.4 L.33ULL FOR SE1tVpIOE —THE unon.4, Morrie, will beep fee 9ervtee 011 Lot 28, Com. 4, Morris, the ,sell bred grade hull "Billy." Terms $100 with privilege of Morning if necessary during seaa0u, 110131', 00111(111 48.4 Proprietor, sULL FOR SERVICE.— ... Tire undersigned will hoop for servile ma Lot 8, Cron. to, f Troy, a thorn' brie Illu•- haw hull, Terms 81,00, with privilege of returning during heasnu If necessary, JOHti DILL, 41.4 Prop titter. 1)(JLL FOR 5EPVI0E.—THE Undersigned will hoop for service, on lot SO, eon. 0, Morrie, ill o tharo'-broil Durham b a11, "Sweopstnkes." Ole has taken 4 I1rst pri0e9 and 1 second, beteg boatel by the bull that took 151 prISe at 11)0 Provincial Snow . Terms—To insure a calf $200, ur $1.50 for the season. a7.3m JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor. TERSEY BULLS F011 BER- G" wen.—My Josey Bulls are from lino milking straina and should produce stock equal or superior to any for either the erealery m• obooee factory. Tile dew of 1101 still 111 my posses)8on gave 7,000 Ills, of milk in le mouths with her first calf, For further particulars apply at ray Drug and Book $ tore. 0,0. DEARMAN, B russet s, On G. TMPROVED LARGE Wt.TITE YORK- SI11R1'E BOAR. The nndersig'led will keep for service this present season the improved lar,.,. 11-inite Yorkshire pig "Jteady" on lot 28, eon.0, Morris, to witieln a limited number 0f sows will be taken. 'l'e'is $1.00 to be paid at time of service, with the privilege of return- ing if ne0essary. Pedigree may be seen up- on application. It01SI'IIlT Nit11103e 150 Proprietor. PURE BRED BOARS FOR SER. vtd].—Toe undersigned will keep for serv)00 on north hair 1..•0 SO, con, 7, Morris, 0 pure bred Berkshire Dear, bred by Mr. Snell, and n0 Ohio iulpraved Chester White, bred by Thos, George, Putnam, from lin, 'meted stools 0n both shies. This hog tools 3rd prize at the Industrial Pair in a class of 17, to 1800, nod MA rat the Western Fab' in a class of 15. His sire took lat at the L1dus- trial is 1031. Terms 91.00 to be paid at time of sorvioe AV•fth privilege of returning if nee- es5nry. 30.11 SAMUEL WALKER, Prop. 0OURT OF REVISION. T GUNSHIP OF GREY, 3.5 40 Notice is hereby given that the Municipal 57 58 Council of the Corporation o1 tiro Towustlp 27 28 of wetly, Comity of Burin, will meet as Oonrt 13 00 of Boylston at Burton's Hotel, Ethel, on 0 00 01r1111y, May 271k, at S O'eloclt p. 01. 4 50 5 00 Parties interested will govern thou] salvos accordingly. 20 00 WM, SPENCE, 01er•k, 0 00 10 00 3 35 1 00 (5 60 1 00 05 00 1 00 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S CUM. A FIRST - GLASS SGT OF Blacksmith's tools for sale ab a great bargain, Call and got 7lrim, A, M. MoOAT Al Co., Brussels, TIE DERS WILL BE REOEIV En by the Secretary of S. 8. No. O, Morrie marked 'Tender;' for repairs to school house. Parbioulars may be obtained froze any of bbe Tlustoes. Tenders remind no to Juno 20. The lowest or auy tender not necessarily acooptsd. The work to be completed during summer holidays. True- toes—S. 510011 lllou. Brawn=, enol GEO. KELLY, Sen.•Troas, 48 8 Walton P. 0. REAL ESTATE. I1 ARMS FOR SALE.—'THE UN. nrtuiXONriD baa several good 5armefo' sale and to rout, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F S. SCOTT, BruseeiB. e7-tf. A('ARM FOR SALE,—THE UN - 1L annsioxxn offers for gale the mirth oast quarto rof lot 38, concession 0, r,loris, county of Huron, oontaicin g 50 a0xos. Tim laud is of first quality audio a high state of o novation, well /aimed and uuder-draiuod 45 sores cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms, milk h.ouee with annotate walla, 2 wells, gsotbarn5 and shod orchard, etc, plight Wes Of fall wheat. '1'hte (imitable property adleins the corporation of Brussels. Suit. able emir will be given. Ti tie perfect, JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 00- Soafor tb P. O. Q .PLENDiD FdRitI FOR SALE. LJ' RPaso lots 11 and 12, sou, 10, Township of Grey, County of lltnoll, containing 200 Sores, the property of the late John Robin t• 50)1, 150 soros Cleared and free from ob' atl0etio no, 15 sores bush, nixed limbo:, bielauoua•tly cleared. 80,1 clay loam, mostly rolling. Permed with straight roil looms and watered by two welts and a spring privilege, Oommodiosa dwelling ]rouso,with largo 'woodshed attached anti an exaellont oellsr tinder heueo. Two large WM, Mono stabling 011,1 other outbulld• Svgs. Two good bearing o•obarda orna- mental trees and smell exults, It miles from Brussels, a lively town on the G, T. 14„ eouvenlont to halloo!,ohurobos and post office, Tale proporby ies wolf, is a erat- 01.,es grails and stook farm and should bo seen by iutesding purchasers as itis cffer- ed at bargain. Por further particulars apply to MRS, ,1140. 1i0J3ERTHON, or DANIEL 1ifBEiLTISON en t e ptemlaoa , or by lottor to Oronbbrools TAKE NOTICE that a Court o1 Revision for hearing appeals against the Asaease,oub of Drainage 1lylaw 1`o. 28, of the Towusbin of Grey, will be hold rat Burton's Hot,,, Ethel, ou FRIDAY, May 27t11, 1802, at the hour of 11 o'clock it, in, Any person having any ea mplaiute to make in respect to the assessment is required to give notice of such complaint and the cause and matter thereby to the Clerk of oho said Mnniolpulity m1 0r before the 10 011 day of May, 1802, WM, SP110010, Clark. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Creditors of Catherine Sheik, late of the Village of Craabrook, in bits County of Hui, on, (amarried woman) deceased, who died on or before the second day of 5(01011, 1801, end all others having Balms against her es- tate are hereby notified to aaurl by post, p'otlitdd. or otherwise deliver to the under- Oig.ued, Executor of the last will and testa. went of the said climate:el, at Brussels, oft Or before the 1011, Day or Julio, 18112, their Christian names and 101uam08 addro•aes and descrlptlous, and full par(fottlars of their olltime, statements of their aoonenta and nature of the securities, if any, held by them and fu default, thereof and immediate- ly after the said 15th day of J41315 the meets of the said dammed will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the 0lahus of whlelr notion shall have been given as above required. And this notice bulug.gnveu under Luo provisions of bbe Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, ace. 80 the Idxeodtor will not be liable for the siud assets, or any part thereof, to auy porsou of whose claim notice shall not have been received hl him at the time of said distribution. 41 4 A. HUNTER, Brussels, May 11 '51. I9xeenier. DENTAL. ill IDNT1Iw 'I M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S„ Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of 113o'011W Dili. vorsity. Oifetou—Over Popper's Drug Store, Brus00 5, BANKING, NOTICE. A11 patties owing the firm of iVIcINTOSN MoTAa4RT, BANKERS, - BRl7SSELS, Apo requested to call AT ONO1 and save costs as they are closing their business, MAY 13, 1892 emeweireworezzesieteerestmomiwastais YOU vVANT WALL PAPER Nt0E, PRETTY, 000D, CUJIAP. I have in Steck between 5,000 and 6,000 Rolls for yon to (Meow from and another ship. 100110 expected in daily, Whatever you do be surd and get your \t ill 1'aptr at PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, DRif SSISL0. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, 1L. 'TAYLOR BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Cony eysneer. Colleo• nous made, OOlo0—Vanetooc'e Bleak, liras• sole. 21 -an INT M. SINCLAIR, Hol totter•, Coovoyaneer, Notary Pub. lie, &e, Onloe—(}rebook Block, 1 do .,r north 00 Pepper's Drug Store, Private Fuudu to Lean. 1i bSOKSON & HAYS, 11 (Liao with Darrow S PrOuli foot, (lude- 11010 1+a•rastsro, Sullcitors, CouveyaueerS, 2e. Ofllaos—hru sums and Seaforth, Bruer eels Office—Up-stairs over Sauk, Hooey to beau. 13. RATS, 0.11,01000003 AUCTyil x, i:R a. /. RAY\IANN, _ca. • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend Wee of farina, Yuan stock, 00. Toms ohoorfalily given. (lranbrovk 1'. 0. Sales may be arrimged at Tun PscT Publishing House, 1lrues,bl. r-rp EORGE KIRKBY, A Lienn:ied Aeletiourel', Solos oondnot ed on reasonable terms, Farms lid - farm stork :.elcialbs'. Orders left at Tun Posm Pu ipli shit house, 11i'usdels, or sentt0 Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, 77pp AVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- .11—A sr•. 00 an Auctioneer, I inn prepared to condeet 01 s.11os of farm stook at reasonable prices, Knowing the standing of nearly e101•3' Pomo 1 am in a pe elt1un to on to good works and gut good security when sold ou Credit. Sett slat Lion guaranteed, Give w0 a call . 82• 1' H. 011101'1', IJLlsIt0 "Wi:➢x'D CARDS. 3 r H. Mc(ORACKEN, ' • Insurer at h[s Ins r rorMarriage Licensee, 00100 (1looery, Ptruberry street, lirts:10, N. BARILETT, W JLS.;• Tonsorial A mist' Shop—Next moor south of A. 1f, McKay C Co's hardware Store. Ladies' au4 clrildreus !0th' cutting a specialty A11oNAI1'•, . lasnrer of 010111rie Licca,. ' b appointment of Lieut, -0 creamer, (4 1,�unlu eion01', Arc, Q. 11, Conveyancer and Agent Piro (Milusuco.raoo Co, 051,el at tee Ora' ,00k Pori ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, EIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. • /�, LEN.. HUNTER, — 26i. Clerk of the 5nurth Division Court 05, Uort+n, Col:voyaueer, Notary Politics Lail, Loan and 'acme neo Agent. Ponds Invested and to loan, (lolleetioue mode. Chloe in Graham's Snook, Brussels. 0 IL PAINTING, Miss Meries, Of Wingham, is prepared to give Instruction in oil painting. 'terms maybe ascertained at Slim Nellie Rosie store where samples of work may 110 seen. Miss Moria would also tube a few more pupils in innate. (11 A. HAWRINS, .1. • Organist in St, John's (Thumb, Ilrua. sole and pupil, to the Art of Teaching of A. W. Thayer, 'Mos. Doe., Now Yolk, will give lessens to pupils either at Thos. Petrow's, corner of Qaoeu and Princess fits., or if pre- ferred, int their own homes, Terms woder- ato. 40- MEDiCAL CARDS. �XTM. 1'. OAL.E, 11. D., 0. N1., Member of the College of Physician, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. 012100 'mil Itaeidouoe—\Hain street East, li bhel, Outarlo, A. 111oNAUG(iTON, 11. D. ei • 0,111., la. R, 0. P., Edinburgh, M. C. P S. Ont. Residence and 00100 iu Wilson's ]hook, corner 01 Ma11 and Ternberry Sts, VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, 4J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a eom- potent manner. Particular attention paid t0 veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. byline and Infirmary—Two doors north of bridge Tnrnberr'y ot., Brussels, Notice to Creditors. IN TILE 1101111» 01' ''1110 ESTATE OE 811IT11, MALCOLM & GIBSON, Or THE VILLAGE OR BRUSSELS, IN Tina GM INTY 01' Huoox, D'IAN1SAOTuol.na. 'I'A7(n Nomrcn bhat the above named Smith, iffeloohn it Gibson beep outdo as assigu- m0130 tome bearing ditto the 90111 day of April, A. 1). 3800, under the provisioue of "An Aot ream:cting Aaeigum Cote and Pre. foresees by 1usolveet Portions, being Chap- ter 124 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario and amenrhueubs thereto, of all their real and personal estate and effects Su trust for the benefit of all their Creditors, A meeting of the creditors or too 0aial Smith Malcolm , Gibson is hereby ;moven- ed and t: will bo hold at the law office of ray Soliol tor, W. 1,1, Sinclair, en '1'I11b5IOAV, the Tenth Shay et May, 181)2, at Slue O'clock, Pa 111., for too i,p ointment of ivapeebore and the gleing of directions oouo01nfng the mauagumeut aucl dispose' of the said eababo. And further take notice that all persons claiming to bo entitled to ran It as o•odrbors Of the said oetau0 and vote at the said meet- ing, aro booby required t0 furnish to my said Solicitor fun parbiotiars of their chime verified by affidavit, together with such vouobers as the nature of the case will ad- mit of, ou or before the day of snob. mcatlug of cr0dttoo0. And further take notion that atter the 81000ND Day of July, A, D. 1802, I will pr0- seedl10 distribute the ascots of the said os - tate, having regard only to the 0lnlm0 of which l shall than have notice, and!. will not be rueggoueible thereafter for the welds of the Said estate or any part thereof to eny person or poreon0 of whose claim nobioo 911011 not have boon received et the time of such distribution. PINLAT ST'> WART SOOTt1, W. M. fo ter fol said Assignee. Assignee, Dated at Brusaols this 80111 day 0f April, A. 0.1902.