HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-13, Page 44
New Advertisements
Local -•--Mass Holmes.
lentils— 11 .1. Strong.
Louela Dr. J. C. Ayer.
Lnea1--Alex, 1UeLeunen,
Photogtaeby-11. J. Strong,
For Salo A. 01. McKay & Co,
Notice to Creditors—A. Neuter.
Connie of Revision --Wm. Spence.
Q.boe Tint.
tiRI.DAY, MAY 13, 1892..
EAST Your, ivas carried by W. F. Mo -
Lean, proprietor of Toronto World, on
Wednesday by ovet 200• His opponent
was Alderman Leslie who ran in the Re-
form intet este.
THE war cloud on the European con•
tinent still hovers over Russia and threat •
ening reports are constantly on the move
causing uneasiuess and worry to the gone
elements of more than one nation. An
exchange gets at the heart of the noes•
tion when it says :—The summer of 1002
will hardly pass over without witnessing
either a general war or a general di-arma•
went in Europe. Tbs cost of the armed
peace which has existed for twenty years
past is too great to be borne. Italy has
just collapsed under it, in Russia one-
third of the population is en the verve of
starvation largely as the result of the
enormous cost involved fu keening the
Empire always hi a state of preparedness
for war, Ansiratio-is i0 little better con-
ditiou than Italy, and even in France
and Germany the strain has almost
reached the breaking point. Well will it
be for America if the cloud parsec over
and the nations, by mutual consent, lay
down their arms. Th. temporary and
unnatural activity which would result
from war pricse would be as nothing to
the permanent advantage to this conti-
nent resulting from pence and prosperity
in Europe, and consequent increase in
the power of its people to purchase the
food products we are so well able to sup.
WE have been asked by several per -
sone to reproduce the substance of the
new Act passed by the Local Legislature
respecting the use of tobacco by minors,
11 is as follows
1. Any person who either directly or
indirectly sells or gives, or furnishes to a
minor actually or apparently under
eighteen years of age, cigarettes, cigars,
or tobacco in any form, shall on sum.
mary conviction thereof before a justice
of the p, ace be subject to a penalty of
more than 00 with
• than $10 or o
not less b$ ,
or without costs of prosecution, or to Im•
prisonment, with or without hard labor,
for any term not exceeding thirty days,
or to both fine with or without costs and
imprisonment to the said amount and for
the said term, in the discretion of the
convicting magistrate. And in case of a
Slue, VS a fine cl,1 cn-to being awarded,
and of the same not being upon convic-
tion forthwith paid, the justice may oom.
mit the offender to the common gaol,
there to be imprisoned for any term,
not exceeding thirty days, unles the fine
and coats are sooner paid.
2. Any person actually or apparently
under eighteen years of age who bus iu
his possession, or smokes or in any way
uses, in the public street or other public
places, eigarett,s, cigars or tobacco in
any form, shall upon summary conviction
thereof before a justice of the peace be
subject to e p malty of not less than one
dollar or more than five dollars for every
offence, or to imprisonment in the com-
mon gaol 1,m any period not exceeding
seven days. And in case of a fine being
awarded, if the same is not upon annvio-
tion forthwith paid, the justice may 0002•
mit the offender to the common gaol,
there to be imprisoned foe any term not
exceeding seven days, unless the fine is
sooner plaid.
VP a11051.
W. J. Hamilton, a divinity strident,
ocenpied the pulpit in St. George's
church last Sabbath. Mr. Hamilton is a
brother of 11Irs..1.,8. Sibbena,
The monthly meeting of the W. 91. S,
was held at the residence of Mrs. James
Smillie 011 Friday last, There was a
good attendaure of m.mtbers, It was de-
cided that the Society appropriate twenty-
five dollars to preeentor's salary. In the
evening le short program wits presented.
Proceeds amounted to $3.30.
Sam. Cade, who has been working for
the firm of McDonald Bros. for the past
year, Inas gone to his home in Hellon,
On the Monday evening; previous to his
departure a select party was held i0 his
honor at the residence of Chas. Ritchie.
Some person will be lonely now. Sam,
wag a general favorite and will be missed
in 11, T. of T. Couneil of which he was a
etaugclt member.
Woe 112E0.; 0112 :a. In November 1059
Audra v Mort n,, of .McKillop, gave a
mortgege on his fern] to Lewia Mellon•
all I Iti1121, 1 1 00210 0 0000 and 111100-
eet, ti„ ammutt 0f the mortgage being
largely made up of a debt due by Moe -
riots to McDonald. In the following
December Morrison made an aseignment
of his est:oto for the benefit of his end" -
tore to Robert Gibbous, the sheriff of the
comity. Shortly after the assignment
Sheriff Gibbons an aoti0n In
the High Court of Jneti0e against Mo.
Donald to have his mortgage get aside as
being fraudulent anti void against the
creditors of Morrison, or a8 having the
effeot of giving him a preference over
other oreditors. The ease came on for
trial at the Spring A.ssizee at Goderich
in 1890, and subsequently judgment was
rendered by the Court in favor of lite•
Donald. The Court was of opinion that
there was no fraud in the transaction be-
tween Morrison and hloDonald, and al-
though the effect might be to give Mo.
Donald a preference, yet that won in-
sufficient to avoid the mortgage under the
authority of a case of Johnston vs. Hope,
then recently decided by the Court. The
plaintiff then carried the case to the
Court of Appeal for Ontario, and judg.
Ment wag again given in favor of Mc-
Donald, the Court dismissing the plain.
tiff's appeal with costs. Not satisfied,
the plaintiff appealed the cage to the
Supreme Court of Canada and the cue
came on frit argument in November laet
and on May 2nd inst., judgment Nes
again given in McDonald's favor, the
plaintiff's appeal being diemiesecl with
't us
ousts, the Court Using neatttnoiv of
the opinion that there was no intent to
give a preference and 00 want of bona
fttlee in the transetetion. 1t. S. Hays
site solicitor for the plaintiff, and 1''.
Ilohnestnd was acting for Mr. OlaDonald.
What the costa in the ease will be and
how teach they mood the original
amount, we leave our renders to judge
for themselves, _.
Huron, County.
Thos. 1. Miller, of Wroxeter, has gone
to Calgary.
Clinton Fall Show will be held on
Sept. 22nd and 23rd.
Alex. Montgomery, of Bowie's, tolled
15 sores in four hours one day rooently.
Rev, J, SV. Pring, of Furdwioh, la
preaohieg a series of sermons on the
Lord's Prayer.
Dr. and 11fre. Towler of Wingham,
purpose taking it trip to the old country
this summer.
The dry goods stores in Clinton Have
all arranged to close at 7 p. m. for the
summer months.
L. Campbell, of Gorrie, has moved to
Teeswater, where he has purohased the
Dominion hotel,
The Gnderieh district meeting will be
held in Rattenbury street ahuroh, Clin-
ton, on May 10 and 20.
Wm. Melaughlin, of the 18th con.
Howick, had a valuable horse killed by
being struck by lightening.
The temperance lodge at Bolmore is
booming. They have a large menthe, -
ship and are still increasing.
Rev. J. A. IIanulton, of Lyndooh, has
been inducted into the pastorate of
Holmosville Presbyterian chnreh.
Mr. Taman, tailor, of Gerrie, who was
binned out has reopened in the building
just north of Bean's general store.
James Dow, of the 10th con. of East
Watvau081t, by sone means was thrown
off the roller, and had two ribs broken.
W. Doig, of Gerrie, had bis two pacers
in Harrison during last week training
them for the corning races ou the 24th of
H. MoHardy, of Wingham, and It,
W. McKenzie, of Goderich, have bought
the hardware stook of L. A. Brink, of
Conductor Potter has assumed the run
on the London, Huron & Bruce, between
Wingham and London, lately filled by
Conductor Snider.
According to the published statement.
Hon. J. C. Patterson's election m West
Huron cost him 01,871. M. C. Camer-
on's expenses were 0481.34.
Archibald McCully, editor of the
Grafton, Dakota, Advocate, (formerly of
Stanley,) i8 an aspirant to the position
of County Superintendent of sohools.
Fred. Gedobe, of Howiok, had the mis-
fortune of losing his year old colt. The
colt had his leg dislocated by having it
caught between the floor of his stable.
The semi-annual institute meeting of
the West Huron public school teachers
will be held in the paella sobool, Gode-
rich, on Friday and Saturday, June 3rd
and 4th.
1. Carling purchased from the Stephen
and Llsborne Agriceltnrel Society, Exe-
ter, the old ingli.h church premises
Adjoining the fair grounds. The sum
paid was bleu.
Win. ,Mulholland, of Holmesville, hos a
bellows in use whish he says never fails
to foretell a storm or ohange in the
weather From time immemorial it has
squeaked eta wa0nin1, and he never re-
members of it giving a files alarm. I
Seveuty•six applittations for iosurseme
were taken by the I1010 c Ina. Co. for
Ilse month of April, 27 being new risks
and 48 renewals. The Lenient of prop•
erty insured is 0112.075 secured by
premium notes amounting to 05,003,75,
The Clinton New Era says :—Customs
Inspector MrMiobael is nathority for the
statement that the accounts of the lite
collector Irwin reveal a shortage of about
$1000. The irregularities have been go•
ing on for a considerable length of time,
and will have to bo made good by his
Geo. Wsstacott, of Hallett, delivered
to J. \V. Irwin, Clinton, a gnautity of
hen's eggs which weighed 31 onnoes per
dozen and received 6o per pound, or
equavelent to 130 per dozen. S. Glidden
delivered sone that went 42 ounces to.
the dozen, which, at the same rate,
would bring the pries up pretty well.
The following officer's were pleated in
connection with the Gorrie 1\Leohanios'
Institute :—Pres. Henry Harding ; Viae -
Pres., Robt. Blow ; Sec., S. T. Fennell ;
Tran.., W. Doig ; Directors, A. Doan,
W. II. Clegg, IV. J. Perkins, W. J.
Greer, N. hleLaughliu, Jas. Armstrong,
Dr. Tuck, J. B. Campbell, J. R.
The Toronto World says :—Thomas
McGillicuddy, whose suoce.8 as a lectur-
er has been so marked, gave one of his
mast popular and amusing lectures to a
large and appreciative audience in Bevor-
ly street Baptist ohuroh. Mr. AUGUR.
caddy's subject was "'Che Small Boy,"
and it wee treated its it very entertaining
and humorous to Lauer. The portends
went to the credit of the Sauday school.
The Goderich Signal Faye 2.—Fishing
Q in
oontinnes ver gond, wn to unfair
weather during the week some of the
boats have hoeu suable to lift. Follow-
ing aro the total batches for last week
Tugs—Seibold, 5,074 5.074 lb±. l Sea Ring, 10,•
000 lbs. ; Oreadia„ 5,070 This week the
tug Sea Icing lifted 2,100 lbs. ; the fishing
boat Maple Inc!, 2,157 Ibe„ and the fish-
ing boat Thistle, 2,408 lbs. On Saturday
the Sea Ring evade a big haul -3,030 Ilk.
The Fordwich Methodiet chetah Sab-
bath school circulated the following
pledge on the last Sabbath in April, and
every officer and teacher belonging to the
Sabbath school, 12 i0 number, signed it,
and 51 others, eoholitre and visitors 2—
"We, whose nannee are hereunder writ-
ten, do solemnly pledge ourselves to ab-
stain from the use of tobacco and pro -
fano language. And we are in honor
bound to keep this pledge until we per-
sonally apply to the superintendent of the
Methodist Sabbath eohool in Fordwioh,
to have our rlamee erased."
A. O. Patbison, of Clinton, representing
the Atnerioan Government, is oollaoting
the accounts and arranging for a settle.
trent of claims oonneoted with the rescue
and oars of .the sailors wreaked near
Bayfield last fall. The claims presented
amount 'to about $1,500, and include
those for board, medical attention,
services, On. If anyone ever deserved
special recognition at the hands of a
government, over and above her legit".
mate oxpenace, it is Mrs. Snowden,
whose house bag been a veritable hospital
for months, and whose care and tittles -
tion was all that could be desired:
A young man named Robt• Jae. Car.
beta, who lits hem] living wi h C. ,leo.
s'o Howlett,
n IOPN 1 1 0
noes, on the 2nd c t t f
for some time poet was found dead in the
barn ou Monday evening dud lust, Ile
had been eubject to fits fruun his youth
up and lite naiad had beneme somewhat
deranged in consequence, and it is sup.
posed he expired while in one of these
paroxysms. Ile wits to sort of Jelin Cur.
belt 011 the Oth l'n„oeeeloil. The renla1(10
were iuterred its li'uidwielt,
The annual report of the Postmaster
General has been received and the follow.
ing part ionises concerning the revenue,
salaries, et0„ of the Luoknow post office
will be Of interest to our readers. The
groes postal revenue was $2,383.55 ; num.
ber of money orders netted 1,515 ; total
amount of money orders issued $23,747.
73 ; total ootnurisrion reserved from pub-
lic $170.30 ; total amount of money orders
pain 810,944,11 ; compensation veld on
money order business $05.37 ; pel.id to
post master 011 8. B. business $50 47 ;
eatery $740 ; forward allowance $7.2 ;
allowance for reel, fuel, light, etc., $100.
A baseball meeting has been held in
Kirktou, when the following tinkers were
elected :—Hon. Pres„ Amos Doupe ;
Pres., W, 1Z. Carr ; V. P„ 11. MoGcwan ;
Capt., W. B. Doupe ; See Treas., J. O'-
Brian ; Executive Com., re. Donpe, .Bry-
one, W. Jamieson,
Timothy 41a,me's barn, on 12th con. of
Mime, was 801'11e10 1)y lighteing on Tees -
day of last week. It toroth the peals of
the roof, ran down one rafter, splintering
it all to pf0008, gild followed to the e.,vl'.
trough around the straw shed, and d0wll
a poet, winding up with Iii -hog 0. hog.
The barn is 11ot seriously damaged fur-
801,812 stone PEOPRI1;Ton.
Will stand for nmree during the season
at his ownstable, Lot 14, Con. 1, Morris.
0)20. 000012, PROPRIt:T„a.
Monday,—Will leave his own stable,
Lot 10, Con. 4, Morris, and proceed along
211d line to 13ni't. Warwick's fur noon ;
tinnoeto Belgrave hotel for night. Tues•
day,—Will proceed east on 4th Con.
Morris, via tiunshine, 'e Jno, MoArter'e
for noon ; thence south to Ohio. How.
teat's, Con. 7, Morris, for night. Gad
nesdav,—Will proceed along the lith
Con. to S. Walker's for conn ; thence
to Central Hotel, Brussels, for 2 "curs ;
thence to Thos. eioLuuchlin's, Grey, for
night. Thursday, Will proceed east to
—for noon ; thence west to Ino. Cult's,
Con. 2, Gee•, for night. Friday, --Will
proceed east to Henry's At•mstrnng's for
encu ; thnoo west alone Bound -try
Johnston's,on. 1,elor is for
W. J. o ,r ,
night. Saturday will pr0e0e I veal to J.
Roniuson's for a :01 ; thence to his own
.table where he will remain until
th' following Monday met -nine.
uutr Arse... any 1110 L ani'' Inn
wort., reser of ?',.0)050 De-
bility,',"st \'its„]- :�,d 6 11-
Ing \L,Min ,d ; restores the
wool:11.s of bole or mind
or the errors of exnpeeos of
youth. This item 00 0.hsnh,tel, cures the
most obstinate 5122 1 vheu 0011.00'
Sreees hove fails 11 peon to r..li, 00. 0,1d by
druggists at 51 per ;package, m• FIS 120 ai,i, or
gent uy moil on rceo,M or mice :,v addrpae-
ingTon ;Teems 111eowtvu tin., Toronto, ant.
Write for pamphlet, cold In II 0A,c, Is by
Ontario tutu'. Life)
111x.811 OFFICE. • 0!'A'r'.:It0,00,
Aesnrttttee in force J an'y,'41'2..01• ,934.807
New beelines written in 1901 2,1)04.4)50
Increase over 1090 1421,800
Cash income for 8411 517,620
Increase over 1800 57,020
Liberal Conditions of Polloies.
'lash and Paid-up Values guarentoo,l on
each policy.
Alt dividends belong to mud ale paid euly
to policy holders.
Pramtnnls payable during the n1on111 in
which they fall deo.
Poliol"s aro luuont0atabl0 two year's fro m
data ofd sun.
Nn ostrlotion on travel reei,leuo, or o0-
Lapsed polities may be revived within SIN
months after leps0.
Death oleins paid et once on completion
of claim pap0rs.
Dislrtot Agent, Ethel.
IF not remedied in season, ie liable to
1become habitual and chronic, Dras-
tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels,
confirm, rather than cure, the evil.
Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and
strengthening in their action, are gener-
ally recommended by the faculty as the
best of aperients.
"Having been snbjoct, for years, to
constipation, without being able to find
mach relief, 1 at last tried Ayer's Pills.
I doom it both a duty and a pleasure
to testify that, .1 have derived great bon-
et]t from their use. For over two years
past 1 bavo taken one of these pills
every night before retiring. I would not
willingly ho without them."—G. W.
Bowman, 26 East Alain et., Carlisle, Pa.
"I have boon taking Ayer's Pil18 and
using them in my family since 1857, and
cheerfully recommend them to all in
need of a gaffe but effectual cathartic."
—John M. Rogge, Louisville, Hy
If or eight years l was afflicted with
constipation, which at last became so
bad that the doctors could do no more:
for me. Then I began to take Ayer's
Pills, and soon the bowels recovered
their natural and melte action so that
now 1 am in excellent health."—S, L.
Loughbridgo, Bryan, Texas,
Having treed Ayer's Pills with good
results, I Helly indorse them for the pur-
poses for which they are recommended,"
—T. Conners, M. D., Centre Bridge, Pa.
Ayer s Pills,
puarenan D:
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Oo., LoWe?, Mass.
Hold by all Drusgltete end Beeler/ is Medicine.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
This GREAT COUGH C11Rle, this
eu000esful CONSUMPTION CU1tE, is
without a parallel in the history of medi•
eine. All druggiste aro authorized to sell
it oe a positive gnarautee, a teat that no
other cure oat successfully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
urs it, for it will cure you. 1f your child
has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is aura. If you
dread that insidious disease CONS111U.P•
TI ON, noxi r•.tm to use it, it will cure
you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist
for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 100„ 600.
and $1.00 If your lungs are sore oe bank
latlle,uoe Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25o.
CRANE JLi (.rS..
The undersigned desires to in-
timate to the public that they
have leased the above well known
Lime Works whore they will al-
ways have on band a quantity of
first-class lime. Order early.
in Prices
Lands West of Third Meridian.
Sale commenced April 4th
at the uniform price of
A C E .
Edmonton District.
Auction Sale commences May 3
Apply to any agent of tlio
Agent, f lusetls.
Is ..
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
For farmers in the vicinity of Brussels,
who intend raising flax during the coming
season, which they are prepared to deliver
in quantities to suit tlax growers. Can
be got et the Brussels Flax 111:111 or at
W. H. MaCracken's grocery. Seed given
out at $1.50 per bushel and on the usual
terms. Order early and mule a supply.
For Flax grown from this Seed
t$10 per Ton will be paid,
If of good growth, harvested in the pro-
per (season and delivered at the Flax Mill
as soots as fit for threshing. We will
also rent a number of good sod belch for
the purpose of growing flax.
J, & J. Livingston,
Will. BRIGHT, Puoreteirons.
'tel !lLimo
The leading Photographer of
Woodstock for the past 13 years,
has leased the Photograph Gal-
lery lately occupied by L. Hunt-
er, where he is prepared to make
first-class Photographs in all of
the Latest Styles and Sizes.
Call at his Gallery and see
DANDRUFF „_..rn'----�"
�1). 1L. CAVEN,
1 Tm,nle, 9l , lima PasnOng°r A2rnt, tl P E, bulli
w-""`®--- snyn: And.umldnurin npnrrretrm,mcornrolnc Stops falling of hale.
drm-Itnnotionimm�rveuaan—nn lily o:aOlin° I(aope the Scalp Clear,
a IOwnpplirntt°ne lion only thernughiv removed
Ono Solna dandruff nemsnolatl°n ha, ,Lopped Mnites Italy soft and Pliable
L.. Lair,,V l...--di'•:nbioud PromotesOrowth.
8„"ell pranwteds•'�nlhlei;l'mrth.
ing hair t0 its
SOLD BY G. A. DEA.DMA.N, BRussrl.s.
elf O !1 lLc1 FY %t Y
Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
torn out work that is second to nolle. A look at bis photos.
will convince you that they are first-class. The public
aro invited to call tip and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also Enlarged to any size
in Crayon at reasonable Prices.
A Specialty made of Out -door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard Bank,
c. srrr- c7N-'a.
MAT 13, 1892
Stall Res(�ur�ul
Call and see the line stock of
Bananas at 20o. and 25o.
per dozen,
4 Dozen Pine Apples at
15 Cents each.
Oranges And Lemons from 20c.
1)el' dozen up.
40 Gallons b'resh Cider at 40
cents per Gallon.
Fresli Stock of Cream Candies
1892 —JLPL AX— 1892
Cameron Bros.
Rave a limited uumher of Bushels of the
For fartitn•s in the vicinity of Cranbroole
who intend raising flax during the coating
0000on,rvbi011 they oro prepared to deliver
in quantities to suit ilex growers.
Can be got at the a rnohr0ok Flax 01111.
Sued given nut on the muftiWane and 01.10
Per bus, order Duly to ensure a sup ply.
For ilex grown from this send $1 9 per ton
vvtll be paid. if of good growth, h erveste,l in
Proper season, anal rleilver0d at tbo Flux
In11 Its goon 109 tit for threshing,
Wo void rent it number of go: 11 sod Holds
for the purpose of growing aux.
Proprietors ('ranbroolc "811ax 30111.
to plain facts about the B. & C.
corset. You can't break the
bones—for one thing. If you
do, within a year, you'll have
your money back. It fits like
a glove. And hear how it's
sold : if you're not satisfied,
after a few weeks' wear, you
can return it and get your
t7b.S. e ' ALE:ElR
—11Ianufactorer of—
Buggies, Carriages, AT.,
Our Work will satisfy you and
our Prices will please.
Call and See us as We are Here to
Hustle Business,
r'ae-LCC61 TT/'atohnla1,er'
and Jeweler.
Thanking the publio for past favors tend
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Establiehecl and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by ue.
Cloclts of the
Latest Designs
LAns1a Gen RIN00,
'lnanuN08, &0.
I. "Also a Full Lino of Vtongs and
Violin Stefngs, &o., in stook.
N.R.—Iesu0er or leferrlage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.