HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-13, Page 1Volume 19. PR, torten, POtJI I'itY ReNIN- ne T, A, IVILLITT$, w'1;a'1'oN, ONT. Now•a•daya we hear femora hi the older provinces complain thin their land ie run down, and in consequence they cannot grow the crops that they used to thirty years ago ; this with tho oompeti• tion from the invoouae grain fields of the Northwest, whore wheat can be grown at lose cost, in gt'oator abundanoe and of better quality, are fruitful Bounce of complaint. Why not grow something oleo that will meet with a ready Bale, and that Offers a reasonable probability of being remener• alive? It will be generally admitted that thous farmers in Ontario and Que. bed who pity the most attention to dairy- ing and Stook raising are Inch more see - useful in their nailing t.,,tn Lhoir neigh- bors who depend almost entirely on grain growing. I think I ani putting it milder when I say that very few farmers will dispute this. Now we will compare cattle raising with growing spring °hickong : You raise a steer and anti rout when three years old, weighing a thousand pouude, for time mons per pound live weight, thee receiving for an =lima thrtt you hero led for thirty-six moults and have ]rept housed in your barn for nearly half of that tiros, and wheel bas had to be attended either by yonrsn't or your man, every day that it has been donned, Now what do you propose to charge for labor ? to soy notiiitie ut the feed, lu arriving at xn estimate of rho cost of that steer, Wo will fi,;nre a little on the cost of pro. during a thousand pounds of spring chickens : two hundred pairs of =hike of the right breed will weigh a theueand pnnncle at the age of eleven weeks, and it should not cost over Poor outs per pound to grow thorn ; leaving their total cost, exclusive of the mitts from which they wore hatched, forty dollars, but the cost of the eggs is Stn important item, you had to Bet them abort the nest of February, when they were worth thirty cents per dozen, and we will sopposn that you set seven hundred, t,is gives u liberal allow. auto for infertile eggs told casualties atter the Chicks are =tutted out, thus malting the cost of your chicle+ $57.50. These ciliates if placed on the Toront i or Mont- real markets but the end of May will brio;; readily 80 cents per pair, thus realizing the snug son) of $1110.00 of wltinli $102•:x0 is or'alit, ..ori it has taken ju _t fourteen weeks from the time you set the eggs. Now what about that steer ? If he coat you nothing for feed, mud you know only too well that be did, he has still Dost three years of .labor, which is about equivaleut to what yon get for hint. Your thousand pounds of nhlultens give you over 150 per aunt more clean profit than the total amount realized from the sale of -sour thousand pounds of beef. You dont believe tinct anon a price us 80 coots east bo obtained ; we kern,/ that it can, but to meet your ideas of the matter we will say thee yon only realize 00 cents, you Still have left the resportab'e sum of 003.50 tis clean profit. Even if yon are now satisfied that this price is obtained, you perhaps doubt your ability to handle such ea flock ; and we are per- haps progressing a little too rapidly, but I have made thio comparison of beef and poultry growing to intrust year attention to what I shall subsequently bevel to say on the subject, I don't wish you to think for a moment that. you could aeuomplish this with yonr present methods, neither could you harvest forty mores of grain without assistance if you used the old sickle of fifty years ago , but the modern aelf binder enables you to easily dispose of such a orop. You are quite convinced that modern agrieultnral machinery is RD absolute necessity to every farmer who. desires to keep pace with hie neighbors. Then why do you still cling to the time honored methods that were it vogue when Noah's lone pair stepped into the ink, in the management of your pool. try? NOMINATION D.O.Y. Last Wednesday was the day appoint - ea for the nomination of a, nandidate for the position of Reeve of Brussels, to 811 the vacancy occasioned by the resigna- tion of J. M. Molntosh. During the allotted hour W. Ila Kerr was proposed by W. M. Sinclair and e000nded by P. Scott. Goo. Broker wars nominated by Thos. Farrow with John '4Vynu as seconder. Returning Olitoor Scott gave the ofltoi• al notification of the election, polling places and deputy returning officers, after which it was moved by Jno. Wynn, sec- onded by W. H. McCracken that F, S. Scott be the chairman of the atter meet- ing. Carried. I6 woo agreed that eaoh aandidate should have half an hour and the last person nominated to speak first and have the privilege of a ten minute reply. Mr. Basket addressed the meeting brief- ly, Ile thought elections by acclamation were played out hone and that a contest was the proper thing. Considerable trouble had been experionoed to the last few years itt keeping the Connell Board full owing to the removals of D. Strachan, W. F. Stewart, Cottneilloro, and ' Reeve Nlolntosb. ilu urged his claim for tho position on the ground of being DO old ratepayol' and citizen and having served as councilman for several years. .II. , been defeated by R. Graham when running for tits Reeve - ship before but believed Me. Graham made o good Reeve, In his 18 years in business in Brussels he had had hie difficulties but he bad done the square thing with every man and wag as much entitled to rum for the vaomnoy as any. body. Another reason he was in the Reid was because Mr. Kerr could not qualify owing to his having a oontraut with the ooeporatfon and having a000nnts note nupaid. After referring to somo personal remark made of /aim by a mem• her of the Board he eonoltided by asking for the hearty support of the eloators on the 18th and if ale0ted would do bis boot for the interests of the place. W. IL Korr was then called upon. He said ho had been at the Connell Beard throe) years, associated with Beeves mar BRUSSLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1892 Young, Rogers and McUrtwlcorl anti he had an ambition to li'1 the pooitlnn of Reeve and get the Co. Council uxporiouce. The .i00esemeot of the town this year shows it to be $5,000 in advance of 1801, If Brunetti wee as hard np as 101r. Baikar Reid the SRI/DORM of au election. aoald have been saved by an aoohuuation and the money devoted to something else, more s0 as there was only about 7 months of the year left and the officers Marl eel been Appointed tttnl the 0ontraote let, Reference woo made to the necessity of something being done in the way of industrieo to give employment per citizens and peep them in town. The speaker had wrieton to a IIarriston man. utaoturor, who was talking of removing from there, in regard to the good opening in the factory lately built by Meagre. Smith, Malcolm & Gibson if they did not continue to ran it, At the Co. Counoil the question of House of Refuge would likely come up and if there he would do all in his power to favor it. 11[r. herr said his quelifioations were jest as gond as Mfr. Broker' and affirmed that the ourporatlou clid not owe hon a cent, Mr. 13roker'o statement to electors in canvassing ahem that he (Kerr) would be unseated if elected was not true, was only en electioneering dodge. Mr, Kinker had not always snared oiear himaetf when in the Oouneil. On Doo, 10, '83 he had received $1.15 for tvrod supplied by him for oh:trity and on Jan. 12, '85 lie pro -tented an account for $12 and moved that it be paid, W. le. Van- etono furnished 1untbm• to thewerperatito while at the Beata and Jno, Atnent diel the same last year. In citing these oases he dill not find fault with the mon for they SONS vales for what they received but lir, Banker has not boat an objector. After a fow words in reference to Sha settlement of Lard Improvement Fend with Morris lir. Kerr took his seat after asking the hearty co-operation of the electorate 011 Wednesday nest. If elect. ed hie bast endeavors would be to pro. mote the well being of Brnsee'd. Mr, Balker in his reply said that 11Ir. herr had read the atatetnent of his ac- counts et the Connell Board from to slip of paper. Why did ho not produce proof instead of trying to deceive the electors ? 'To settle the motor the Clerk was asked ",To settle the Council urinate book, which be did ant rho accounts were foetid ao statist, Mr. Beaker having neennded the pawing of the wood account rand mover! tine Oiler.; Iilr. Broker claimed that he belonged to the Council that settled the Lend Improvement Fnnd money with .Morris. The nloetiug was then brought to a close. seetar+0t.rtirlta Now A. A. Campbell was elootcd nnnyer of Rat Portage Monday. Bntbro village, Oxford county, bas voted to have to $3,5,111 town hull. In Hamilton, five licenses to sell liquor have been cut toff, leaving 86 :in force. Twenty more men have been disaharg. ed from the G. T. R. car shops in Lon• don. Brakeman Williams, of St. Thomas, injured at Brantford on Thursday et Inst week died on Friday. StoutYvflle voted on a local option Liquor by-law Monday. The measure was carried by four majority. The Quebec Legislature will, it is said, reduce the sessional indemnity from $800 to 0000 and abolish the franlciug privil- ege. Eli Redo, aged 21, a son of Jacob75etle, a farmor,Colohestar, was killer/ by a large stone about whioh he was digging falling upon him. Donald Cameron, of Prince Edward Island, a popular student of Queen's College, died iu Kingston Monday of boort failure. The funeral Monday of the late Wm. Bradley, reeve of Greenoolt, who died suddenly dt Paialoy, was the largest ever seen in that section, A Doseronto Junction young man named Airhardt accidentally tett an artery in his left arm while whittling with a jack-knife. Ho bled to death, The strawberry crop has been seriously damaged by the heavy frosts. Mr. Blom• cy, of Oehawa,.says he will take $50 for Itis crop, which i0 usually worth 0500. The three-year-old sou of William Gammas was run over and instantly kill- ed by au oleotrio oar on the Metropolitan Street Railway on Young street, Toron- to. While playing with D communion a sot of David Kelly, of Demmer, nue Peke. boro', had rho tine of a hayfork driver into ilia head below the eye, and is fatally injured. Grade Methodist church, Winnipeg, has extended a doll to liev. G. 11. Turk, of Owen Sound, to snowed Rev. ,James Allenwho goes to Centenary church, Hamilton, in Juoo. Tho propeller Celtic, of Hamilton, foundered off Rondeatt, Lnite Erie, Mot - day, as the result of a collision with Oho Ameriottu propeller Russia. The nook of the Cottle, Margaret Straohen, of St. Catharines, wits drowned. W. Buaklugham, formoriy private secs. eatery to the late Eton. Aloxanglor Itltto• ketzio, and /ton. G, W. Ross, Minister of Jfdnoation, oro engaged in the prepare. tion of a biography of Oho demeaned ex - Premier, which will shortly b0 pinned be. fore the public An iogenions arrangement has been pimple in one of the New NVosOininetor, B. C., fire halls, whereby the olootelo light is turned on at night es soot as urn affirm is sounded. The ewitolt is eon - fleeted with the rope that frees the horses from theft sbodta, and on the fust strolce of the bell, the hall is ablaze with light. The 10 -months -Old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs, John Gregory, Chatham, had a narrow enema from death loot Friday mooning. Tho infant got hold cit a /natal "jack," a small six pronged toy with whioh boys and girls pixy the old•time game of lack.etones,t' and swallowed it. By the time the mother had reached the doctor's ofilee, the child woo blank in the face. Dr. Holmes suooeeded in diolodg. ing and drawing ottt the ertiot°. A few moments later and the child would have suffocated. Mr, Popper, of '.'or'ot,to, has engager/ Ilarry IVilson, of Lucan. Ont., to ride his jmnphtg horses. IIigttgate busks of a basket faotory, 'Murphy Bros„ proprietnre, and abotct twenty hands employed. Two small hogs, named Daley and /leering, fell Rif a raft at Button on Sat- urday and wore drowned, At the Charleton Assizes on Friday of last week the Labelle murder trial was put off until next noshes, 6 Paris, Sbratford and Niagara Falls will compete for the senior ahantpionship of the Canadian Lacrosse Association. Nearly $000 was divided among one hundred oerporetion teen at London last Saturday, being their weekly wages. Mimi Kato McKellar, of Ingersoll, has recently graduated as a professional nurse [corn harper hospital, Detroit. Jumus'farrow, arrested at St. Thomas for bigamy, has been sontsnotel at OWW8n Sound to four years in the penitentiary. Abont 250 members will be added to the dif[arettt Brandon =urchin es a result of the visit of Messrs, Crossley and Hu it tor. Mire. Kerr, of Drummondville, aged 80, was run over and instantly kilted at a crossing on the M. C. R. near Stamford on Saturday night. Alex. Jamie'. ,n, a Chatham young man, is tinder arrest charged with stealing a letter from the pootniltoo and unlawfully detaining a post•letter. L. J. Hooper, buntister, and comity clerk of Lennox and Addington, died last week at Neptune. Dee:rased was at ono time 101. P. P. for Addington. Stvitehmau McArthur caught his foot inn a switch on the M. C. R. at St. Thom- as on Monday, and wan run over by a train, receiving injariee which will likely prove fatal. IV, lei. Moore, of Orillia, sold a collects tion of rare tains valued at several thous- and dollars to n Boston man the other day. They will be exhibited at the IO'onlcl'e Fiala'. The outlook for a barge grape Drop in Essex county is favorable. It will be remembered that the yield last year was snmothing euormnns, and it is expected that it will be greater this year. A house eb Belleville, tenanted by an Old woman named McCarty, was burned to the ground last week and she perished in it. Tho cause of tato fire, which was not seen by any of the neighbors, is a mystery. J. McKenzie, of Walkerton, teas oft Priday fined $00 and costs for practicing medicine, contrary to the provisions of the Ontario Medical Act, in the county of Brant. McKenzie was formerly a machine agent in London. Duncan ,tloOormio, Q. C., a prominent Montreal lawyer and active Conservative, has disappeared and is believed to have gone to tate United States. A. meeting of creditors inns been called. He was the trustee o1 many ptivate estates. Alban Lizzie Love and her father suer. ed verdicts for $500 and $700 against Robert Johnston, of Aldborongh, for beenolt of promise end seduction teepec- tively. Now Robert has settled the claims by marrying Miss Love. A few months ago a blacksmith named John Wilson, of Toronto, lost an eye, caused by a spark of red-hot iron striking it, On Thursday morning of last week the other eye was streak in io oimflar manner and the poor fellow is now nom• pletely blind. A'strong local company has =weeded in establishing it line panning factory at Kiugsville, with $40,000 capital. The stone is now on the ground for building end will be run this season. The betid- ing will be a two-story brick, iron roof, 022210 long. The fertnors are now sign- ing contracts to put in tomatoes, corn, peas, dm. This great fruit point will pro- fit by so close a home maritot, 100 fe- males will find employment. A Michi- gan expert will ounamand the factory. A lata/ shooting accident occurred on the river Thames, near Prairie aiding, Dover township last week, the viobim be- ing Mary Drage, a little 14 -year old girl, daughter of a highly respeotable fancily Of that locality. It appears a fire was in progress in the house of Wm. Trndelt, a neighbor living next to Drago's, and Mtory teas present. Another young girl Dame out of the house with a loaded revolver whioh sho was °leaning, and which, in handling, was discharged, the bullet striking her playmate and pro- duoiug instant death. The steamship Alberta (Capt. MaAllis• tor,) lett Oweu Sound on Thursday after- noon of last week with a full list of pas- sengers and freight). She arrived at Sault Ste. Maria on Friday eventing. The sea got up, accompanied by a blinding snow storm. About nine o'olootc she ran into an ice lion and while near Passage Island (which is only a few miles from Isle. Royal, whore the Algoma was lost,) the iso brolco three hangs off her wheel, leav- ing her helpless. As the crow were try ing to sot the canvas an the vessel one of the booths jibing struck Second Mate W. Rixon, of Cwoa Sound, knooleitg him overboard. No true of him has since been >omnd, The sOoamottip Athabasca, which left Owen Sound Saturday, met the Alberta Dud towed her into port, from where she will be brought to Owen Sound for repairs. O1d sailors say that b'riday night's storm was the worst they cede axperionocd on Lake Superior. A sad nnoidenb happened a f ow miles south of Indian Head, Assn., on the niter - noon of May 3rd, whereby a mate named Nathan White, to now settlor from leort- mgovillo, Orn., lost his life. It appears that White, who was going for a load of hay, had for company a man named Wit. linen Spreedborottgh, who is employed by the Dominion Government oolleoting specimens of wild birds. Spreodbonmeglt jumped off the wagon to shoot what ap- peared to be ahawk, and in attempting to again got into the wagon the gun went off. The charge entered the spinal col- umn, and death was instantaneous. An inquest wee held. The jury returned a vordfot of aocidontrl death, Sproadbo•- ongh being exonerated. Tho oirown- otanco has oast a gloom over the entire 0ommunity,. Sts dooeaoed was a quint, steady man.' lie leaves a wife and two email Ghfldren in Ontario to mourn his loss. The total number of students inattoud- anoo tat Queen's College, Toronto, during the poet Elution was 4R1, Strathrny has inorrtased itt population =ring the past yenta to ale extent of 011e hundred and forty fear souls, Assistant City Clerk Gosselin of Mon- treal, wire mysteriously rliseppeal'od a week ago, has returned. He had taken a trip to Basten. The Connollyo' defence has been pled. They deny the claim of the Government to r000vor lutlf a million and make out a bill due themselves of $120,011,05. Hen Bros., mannfaoturers of furniture at Toronto Junction, brave decided to go into liquiilatien. Three years ago they got to bonus of $1,500 from the Junction, Andrew Aileck, a farmer of Cart weight, Manitoba, started to drive home from Winnipeg nue was missing for about it week, when hie bony was found in the river near Winnipeg. 'tie horse also perished. Tho steamer Paeadena caught Watoh• man Geo. F. Forth against the dock at :Sault Ste, Marie papal nit Sunday night and crushed him in two. The lower parts of his body dropped into the ortnal. The upper part, with Itis heart forced in. to a vein between the neck and eldest, hill over on the dock, The Pasadena teas entering the aural, when Ford started to climb down the keel rope to tnko the line, Ito got too far, bat did not notice it until the steamer was ton oloeo to the docic to raise hintaolf and the dock too /ugh to reach. In an instant the steamer had lined him agaitet the clock timbers. Ford's parents reside neer Courtwright, Ont. IIe had been a school teacher at Sombre., near Sarnia, nod this was bis first and last trip, Tire twentieth annual report of the Confederation Life Association, which has just been issued, shows a record of steady and substantial progress, and must indeed give satisfaction to the policy holders and annuitants of the association. The guarantee capital and assets new amount to $4,588,180; the new insurance written was $2,807,900, and the insurance now in force amounts to $90,587,180. The premium income for the yoar showed an increase of $78,- 071 and the 101010st receipts an inat'oase of $21.,404, or together over $100,000. An increase of over $355,00i in the assets is also shown. The interest and rents since the company commenced businese, and adorned up to December, 1801, have not only been entt-rcient to pay the net amount of death claims but leave a sur. plus of $137,671, a result which, it is said, has never before been attained in the same period of time, and whioh bears testimony to the carefulness shown in the seleetiot of risks and in making in- vestments. Policies are issuers on all desirable and safe plans of insurance, and are free from restrictions as to rood - donee, travel and occupation. In fact this assoointion affords all the advantages of cheap insurance while giving the se- curity of m well-established and thorough. ly-reliable organization. ate'. -moi .fol09'Y es. Rushville, Nebraska, had 10 iuoltee of snow last Sunday. One thousand granite cutters at B-trr0, Vermont, strttak last week. Mrs. Harrison, wife of the President, is slowly regaining her health. Severe floods are reported in many parts of Illinois, paused by heavy rains. At Jasper, Ind., four Whitecaps have been seuteuoed to two years' imprison- ment. M. Guiraod, a composer and one of the greatest authorities on mean in France is dead, Fifteen thousand people attended the aotora' fund fair in New York, The re- ceipts for the day were $10,742, Mrs. S. A. Frank, aged 72, committed suicide at Newark, N. J„ by taking poison. Her mot was due to a family quarrel. Patrick O'Sullivan, one of the Cronin assassin's, died at 7:•10 o'clock last Thurs day evening at Joliet Prison. He made no confession. The largest borne in the world, stand- ing 22 hands high and weighing 2,200 pounds, owned by T. E. Ridgeway, of Fort Worth, Texas, is dead. Three counterfeiters at Brazil, Ind., gave a tramp a eprtrions dollar to pass off. Tho tramp informed the police, and the three molt were arrested and locked ups Break EL Hutchins, of Utica, N. Y., was instantly killed by being whirled around a shaft revolving 140 times a minute. His logs were torn from his body. A storm at Marietta, Ohio, on Wednes- day night of last weep lifted the roof from the Leidordooker'Tool Company's build. ing and dropped it in the street. Sever - el unfinished buildings . were wrecked, Nobody hurt. Thomas Hopkins, a Rochester carter, tried to kill hie wife with m hatohot last week, but was prevented by the pluck of his step -daughter. Then Ire wont out and cut his own throat, dying immediate. lyAbbio A. Vinau, of Brantford, Ont., loft her hcabend in Canada three years ago. She applied for a divorce at De. droit lust weep on the ground of ornelty. Vinan, it seam, was at one time worth $25,000 to $80,0110. A man in letitbrigo, Me., was building a small sohooter, and was about to out down a tees for tiro ototn-piece when be was approaoltpd by an elderly Trench Canadian, who aoked : "You out down that tree 1" "Tot," the shipbnfldee re- plied. "Well, he my safe --I koop my money he there," the Acadian responded. Pelting oat a carefully concealed plug at the baso be brought forth a tin box filled with gold coins. Deeming, in tvletbote ne jail, note wears prison garb and his wrists aro in 'hone to prevent him attempting suicide. He is eveitfng an autibiogrephy and it is be- lieved he will in it confess to and deseribo all his orimoe, Edo 1s in good spirits but evidently has no hope of tlemanoy as he la hastening to demplots his book. He say s he will bequeath the book to MissBounsovoll, the young lady to whom he was engaged when arrested. It le believed tbrtt the toostaeenmplislr. ed negro undo* in the Vatted Mateo lives near the small creek of Goosenpolt, in the Indian Territory, forty, milds from the ROAMS IMO. HIS /SOROS IS alive with minima and rate, and le adorned with bones and skulls. His many followers believe pito implicitly. Alexander C. Bannerman, rho famous Australian cricketer has arrived in New York to take '.barge of tate (ricket inter - este of the Manhattan Athletia Club. The lamoue little "etonowaltor" has been a member of six A natratian elevens Ghat have toured in England, in four of them returning with the higlteet batting aver. age. His average for the last four Seasons is Vito phenomenal, no leas them 07 per inning. Sir W. Minter mentions a mon•oator who was known to have killed 108 per- sons in three years, anti an her, which killed an average of 8e persons a year for the same period. A third causer/ 1:3 villages to be s.baudoned, and 250 *mare miles of land to be thrown out of'culti- cation. A fourth killod 197 portions in a year, and stopped a publin road for many weeks. A dozen persons were injured Times - day morning of last week by an explosion of a bomb in a house in the foreign quer, tor of Los Angeles, Cal. The oenupaute of the hone'. were Italian and Untied= families. The bomb was thrown in through an open window by an unknown man who wore a Slouch lett drawn down to his eyes, and a large cape. No trace et Linn Ran be f.tutel. TI,O Meteor of the house was wrecked, Al) Italian fruit vendor named Paoli muerte that the per. petrrator was a discarded lover of a mar- ried woman in the house, and that be had followed lar here from New York to accomplish hie revenge. C. J. 11tmlin, of Btf6do, has issued four very sweeping oballeoges. IIe says be will match two 2 year olds, three 3. yoar•olds, one 4 -year-old and one r5•yoar old, the latter eligible to the 2.21 class, against any honor in the worldof the same age, for 9500 a side, the onntest t0 tako place over the track at Buffalo due• Mg the Grand Cironit meeting in that city the first weep itt August, Mr. Ilam - lin will also match a ]corse eligible to the 2.18 class against any horse eligible to the 2.18 olaos, for $500 a aide for 2 mile race, at the same meeting, Mr. IIatoliu has deposited $250 forfeit to bind those challenger with Secretary Howland of the Driving Park, The ac- ceptors of thou challenges must deposit a like sum. The challenges are open until May 10th, The big parade of the Foropaugh show had just wheeled into line on North Tenth street at Reading, Pa., when a large fe- male tiger leaped from her corner in the uncovered cage and sprang upon the man in glittering spangles who wan seated, whip in hand, in the iron -hound ca_e. She struck Itim with both forefeet on the breast. IIe reeled and fall to the flour, his whip falling itt a corner. Instantly the tiger, a heavy 10•yee 'old animal, s1 rang upon the man and pt'antod her Protruding claws o. top of bis head. Then she screamed terribly, and appar- ently prepared for a time of pleasing torture before she should !till him. Lawrence W. Slott, of St. Paul, was the keeper. IIe instantly began a fight for his life. With all his power he tried to raise his head, but the angry animat usod her right paw furiously, and pounded Scott almost to insensibility and kept him down. Then two streams of blood poured down his face. This seemed to set the beast in a frenzy. She howled and pawed, and her chained male oom• panion in the opposite corner sprang for- ward as if desirous also of a taste of human blood. H. 0, Grim, a local pro- duce dealer, jumped from his wagon and run to the side of the mage. In the din and blare of brass bands the driver of the oage had heard no noise. "Trow me down the flog -pole I" shouted Grim to the driver. "There's a tiger in that nage killing him." Grim had to scream sev- eral eeeral times before the driver heard. Meanwhile the tiger had begun to lick up Scott's blood, holding her victim between her (slaws. The driver threw down the pole, and with it Grim and several others beat the savage beast oaf the prostrate man. Several powerful blows were land- ed on her bead, and she went howling back into a corner, where her mete growled and tugged at his chain to be free. Keeper Scott quickly saw his op. portunity, He was weak, but he iead sufficient presence of mind to keep his gaze fixed on the tigers, as if to defy them. Step by step backward he went until he gained the iron door of the cage. Then like a hash he was out and the door was closed and barred again. It took 25 stitches to sew up the head wounds. Scott says he ppuuished the tiger at Potts. town for attacking a leopard in the same cage. He thinks she meant to attaolc him. She itad been very arose and surly all the morning. -Scott will have to re. main iu the hospital for sove'ol days. He is weals from loss of blood and from the shock, --Now York Sun. People We h'.now. Mrs. A. Brood was on Oho sick list this week, 101iss I1tiza Oliver went to Toronto last Saturday en a visit. Stanley Popper is visiting his grand• parents at IIantiltort, David Shiol, of Galt, wan in town for a few days this week. Cbarlio Wake has boon on the sink list but is about all right again now, Min bertha MaCnllonglt is visiting relatives and friends et Goclerioh. I. Bowman and wife, of Listowel, Snn- dayed with Oho family of L. Ltotubly. W. J. Norton and Frank Kelly left on Wednesday for Middleton where they have set:need a situation, They expect to be away for several months, Rev. '4V. Smyth, of Iltorrioton, a former pastor of the Methodist churolt here, wens in town on Monday Galling on a number Of his old time [dondte Samuel 0110509 has gone to Poninsula, Ont., where ho Ines seemed an engage- ment for rho Summon. Hie son Fred. ie working at the same place. pmemaviriavssmssessilCs Number 44. Mire. Ronald and !t'i'res. W. T. Cita ar• rived home from Toronto last Monday night. J, Louilesborri and wile, of Seefartb, were the geeing of R. lior'ihetviate and family for a few days this weep. Wo oh•erve by the Stayuer ften that Immo Fitzpatrick, formerly of I3rnoeole, has teen elected Chief Ranger of the Canadian Order of Fot'ostere in that town, J, II, Young writes from lllonsomin, N. W. T,: --Another 160 +:°res of land wanted (see birth nigher) Ile also adds "Spring is Into, seeding is yet unliul. ed," Tug I'osr ext• ode congratulations over the boy. Additional -,oca1 Brows. Wx, Rename has hung up a new awn- ing for A. Currie at hie butcher shop also one for Mies Nellie RON this week. EAa'r 'Iuron License Commissioners met tot the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Wednesday and 'tined the new lioonses and sent away the necessary reports. A NEW boiler is being put iu place at the Howe woollen factory which will add very materially to rho motive power, as it was not an may matter to keep steam up with the old one, REv..1. Ross, I3. A., Ittev. D. Miller, Rev, S. J"nos, of Brussels, Rev. D. B. McRae and R. F. Cameron, of Cran. brook, and Wm. Spence. of Ethel, attend- ed the Presbytery of Maitland, at Wing hewn, on Tuesday. I'r is expected that the first dividend in connection with the Molrtosh & Mc- Taggart private bank will bo trade in the coarse of a fete weeks. Immediately thereafter the persons interested will re- ceive their altar°, AN invitation has heen receiver/ by the Bruesete Bare Ball Club to play a game of ball with the "Unions" of Gorria and Wroxeter, for a puree of $50, in Walker. ton on June 15th or 10th, on which dates a demonstration is to be held, Efuo'rr,t',ns.—Last Saturday Andv Sample hang 78 rolls of wall' paper in el hours, Bishop Ward did the pasting. It will make paper hangers hustle to beat this record. The boss—W. Roddiok— will have to leek after his own laurels, Iln'RovtoENTo.-1Irs. Thompson is having the building in the south-west pert of her lot modified, onlarget and oonverted into a dwelling, where she will make her home. She has leased her residence on John street to Rev, D. Mil- ler, pastor of Knox church,—D. Mc- Naughton and son will soap have the oarpentor work on the large addition to George Crook's house, on Queen street, finished. Mr. Crooks will have a very cosy place of it when hie calculations are completed. Fon the peat year I have been troubled to very great extent with dandruff, alae n dullness of cots in my hair, and through the advice of a friend (who spoke from experience) I tried your Anti- Ilandruff, which, upon the application of less than a bottle of your liquid, I find my heed not only thoroughly cleansed but a vast improvement in the dolor and growth. I have and do recommend it as highly beneficial to the profession and public generally as an agreeable and wet. cane innovation in the remedies put forth for public favor. Yours, &o., Wit. P. WOLFE. Advertising Agt., "Frank Daniels Co." Season 1800-01. A SYS'roit has been adopted by mer. chants who give credit in the American cities, whioh, we think, would be very suitable here and world save a great amount of book•koeping and disputes about accounts. Books of tickets, re• presenting eums from 50. up, are given to =stunners, just as bread tickets are supplied here. For iustane°, a oustnmer goes to his groper and asks for a $10 book of tickets. He is charged with $10 worth of tick0ts and when he makes a purchase he heads out tickets to the amount of the bill and these are put in the till and re- present so much cash. Once eaoh month or two months, a note is given or cash paid for the tiokets sold, and no sale of ticket books amounts to less than $5, so a great saving in book-keeping is effect- ed. POINTERS FOR POST CORRESPONDENTS.— Send ua news as often and as fully as you eau. Write only on one side of your paper and when yonr supply is exhausted ask for more, Do not seal envelopes, as they may be forwarded to the Dead Let. for Moe, when only carrying a one cent stamp ; if sent to us they coat 4n. to get them out. Send no items but what you believe to be facts, and no items that are intended as personal insults; and noth- ing in unsealed envelopes except what is intended for publication. It bas happen. ed, though rarely, that an indiscreet postofice clerk, has divulged the names of persons sending oommmnieetions through the mail. If oori'espontlente lcnow of this being done at any time they should inform us of rho feat and we will see that the matter is brought to the at. tention of the proper authorities. SARA Lone BAILEY.—On Wednesday evening a largo audience greeted Sara Lord Bailey, the elevor Boston oloentiot- ist, despite tito disagreeable weather. The program eves a splendid one and carried through to the satisfaction of everybody as far as we know, Mrs. Bailey's beat piooes wore "Life for a Life", and the "Chariot Rape" from Bet Hue and site proved beroolf equal to the occasion. In the light numbers she wee quite at home, "Ruggolses' go to a din. nor party," "How the Indices usually fish" and "Experiences of a genius" creating a greet demi of amnsetnent by the natural representation of the scones. Ting was illrs. Bailey's first visit to Brussels but she will always be heartily woloomed book. Ln ',doe, gesture and personal ate. pommies she takes heat rank. The orolr- ostra of the Methodist Sunday school, it. L. Jaokeon, oondu0tor, oottributtd tour selections and rather surprised the =affirm with the excellent rendering of the sense. A pretty olarionot &nett was given by Dr. Oavanegh and 5I, L. husk - eon. lbov. Mr. Salton is deserving of thanks for bringing Mee. Bailey to town and giving Brusselites an opportunity of enjoying a firtt•cless entertainment,