HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-6, Page 8tregiallittelayellatesclessestisweenenewa
When yeu aro prime/leg yeitr lions° It
Would be well to remember that
DaRK: P.1P.Eli,'S.'
Are very little used now anel have en•
tirely gone
Out of Fashion,
Our stoek comprises the fashionable
eolote purchased both in the Canadian
and Americium markets, and will make
your house look eheerfai its well as beau.
tiful, Don't forget also that a light
P1'° r will keep nice longer than it dark
one whether for kitchen or parlor. Do
you believe this? If not try it rend be
• convinced, We will be pleased to supply
Droggist, Bookseller, etc.
SOIrrneltel Mantis/ON W. 0. & 13.
'ermine Imre Brussels Station, North
and South, SS follows:
Goixo Setrrn. Cionao Num rt.
elan 41113 4.117. I Atipa 9:35 a.m.
empress 11110 13.313, Mail 84114 p.m,
mixed 1333 p.m. Express 0:05 pan,
toralcb temz
chiel's aMring ye fekin' tenths,
Anfaith he'll prent it.
LAWN Teems will likely boom in
Brussels Mlle season.
Selmer. Board will meet on Fri..
day evening of next week.
Tun Presbytery of Maitland meets in
Winghemi on Tuesday next.
'DIME are several oases of measles and
mumps in this neighborhood.
.A. enw awning has been put up at A. R.
Smith's. The work wag done by W.
TUE warm May shower, are making a
great transformation in the appeerance
of growler &reps.
Tim fewer rows, bnilt on the principle
of the 01113 011 Monday evening, the better
for the reputation of Brussels.
Tome IIaH, Btussels, next Wed
evenittg. Sara Lord Bailey, 31
electaifleiet thew her
neaday 4.J....tnan Fire trigibite was !al/typed to
ostou's the Brovinee ot 00 111.8b leri ay froin
the Ronald Work':Engieere eceleem
went east on Wednesday to give an ieehl.
bition of its powers, Mr. Ronald 131 ever
ready to prove the merit of hie oolebrated
engin, by 9311111l31 oempetition, open to
Town the world.
Lord B14.31038LIA33 /4.1114112 We, who had his ant
from amputated /ad week, is getting along as
favorably as could be expected, He WAS
removed from the Revere House to the
residence of David Itaiste, WlJLism
etreet, 011 Menefee', where he will have bo
remain for another week or more before
etarting for his home. His brother visit.
ed him limb week for a few clays.
Fon the past year I have been troubled
to a very great extent with dendruff, also
a dullness of color in my hair, and
through the advice of a. friend (wbo spoke
from experience) I tried your Anti.
to a Dandruff, which, upon the applioation of
left lees than a bottle of your liquid, I find
Flax my head not only thorouellly Gleamed
but a vast improvement in the color and
rgin- growth. I heve and do recommend 13 95
n be- highly benelioitel to the profession and
that public generally as ten ageenable and wel.
day. come innovation in the remedies put
ndae199.1 forth for public favor. Yount,
Wu. P. WOrgeg,
A.dvertisieg Agt, "Frank Dauiels Co."
drew Season 1800-91.
ague AssEssilIENT S139,TISTre44.—A8ee31331)9 Stew -
last art having oompleted his work for this
as year we give the following particulars
°pie from the roll also the figures for last year
or by way of comparison :—
, °Am. ST111311'013 says he will pub a plate
/ glass front in the email wing of the
Queen's hotel instead of the ordinery
retell now in use.
NEXT Wednesday evening in the
Hall, lirussele, Mrs. Sara
the celebrated elocuMonist
Boston, Did you see a program 1'
3/15. DOCKET. who hag been in the
5(1113)131' 01 D• Ewan, 113 this place, has
leased a bluelcomith shop in the village
of Henfryn and commenced operatious.
Doer forget the District Sunday School
Convention in Brussele on Tuesday, 17111
inst. 19 you are interested ha the work
make an effort to 113181391 11133 three ees.
a Marine. —Mr, Currie, of Listowel,
professional grafter will be here next
week and will be pleased to attend
large numbee of orohards. Orders
With W. Bright, manager of the
Mill, will receive prompt attention.
A vource lady of Jefferson, West Vi
133., dealares that she was all run dow
fore taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla ; but
now she is gaining 13199031911 every
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is certainly a wo
fully effective tonio for the feeble
Tun song service, "Her Bonny,"
a large eudience to the Epworth Le
meeting at the 'Methodist church
Monday evening. The program iv
good one. Next Monday 11)1)119 1138 t
is "An evemeg with the colored folk
Sonthern Methocliem.
Nnw sidewelk has been laid before
postollice alni W. Li. Methnoken's
before T. Fletcher's, B. Gerry's
Mre. 0'. C. Rogere' stores.
will be oontinued north t
the new walk put down lest fall 18 re
ed. Jno. Broadfoot he doing the work
Tern SING 214,—The General Agoll
this sewing neaohine, assiated by
Fox, of Steatford, have been giving a
display of the fancy work in amuse
roe:, silk enthroidery, Kt licit ,ton at
and white work in the Stratton bl
51 )8 well worth geeing. 3. 4,, Putl
ms taken the mem), for Brussels
urrounding oonntry for the dinger.
Dislattor MEETlxo.—The anneal m
ng of Wingham District ot the Met
319 1111113011 will be held in Winginun
Vednesday and Thursday, 18913 and 1
f May, The minieterial session
pen at 1 o'clock on Wednesday and
ay repreeentatives will take their pl
hureday tet 9 a, m. In this Distr
here are ten circuits and foneteen mit
ers, four 51 1)15 latter beim; on the
red list.
TIMM 143 a scrup of law that may
e familiar to a great many. "A fin
prOperty LS compelled to make dilig
iquiry for the owner thereof, and to
ore them. If on finding the proper
e attempts to conceal $11011 feet he m
e prosecuted for larceny." The fief
oy when y n find anethii.g ie to adv
so the article in the columns of a lo
w991313(11309, The loser gledly pay t
ec.ssary expenses and perhaps meet
it beside.
the Total real proper.
$ 275,225 $ 209,815
1892 1801
and Totiva4 personal
10111 Taxabl
r• p operty, 38,100 41,400
e income, 4,000 13,700
Total $ 317,925 $ 312,013
t of
Imes Total population, 1208 1193
1131811318No. of clogs, 58 0(1
ene No. of bitches, 4 3
ital.; No, ol cows, 110 23
oak, No. of pigs, 45 02
and No. Of horses, 127 113
d No. of births, 31 14
No. of deaths, 3 4
eet, No. of steam.
he, boilers, 12 10
9h tPeople We Kn0w.
the Roddick has been On the sick list a
9...°0 portion of this week.
1.e1 j. Soott, private biker, Listowel,
1'0' was in town last Friday.
re Bliss Smith, of Stratford, was visiting
Miss Mabel Smith last week,
not Mra. Gilpin and son of Gorrie, were
der visiting at J. W. Gilpin's on Wecinesday.
851 Mrs. Clark and sons, of Woodstock,
re* are the guests of 5Irs. G. A. Deadinan
11/ this weelc,
EtY Mrs. Walter 3130109011 and Leon aro
est (Max at 'Toronto 00 9, visit with relatives
09. and *friends.
e031! Last Friday J. D. Ronald injored one
he of his feet slightly while 11821813399 in load -
rd ing a fire engine at the railway.
H. J. Whitley has removed his wife
and family to Kincardine this week,
where he is magag..ed as Bandmaster.
T. Seli, merobant, of Harriston, was
visiting his parents in Brussels on Mon-
day. Mes, r. Sell hthe leading business
in Thirrieton
LAST Friday F., C. Dunford opened up h
a branch tailor shop in the McAllister
bloek, Ethel. It is under the manage. w
-Dent of D. G. Here.
A 3(509 331390, of the Goldie et: McCulloch
manufacture. Galt, eves pieced in the 1'3-
posteiliee ithis week to replace the one 70
burglarized sorne time ago,
4. nounim decked ear of hogs was
shipped from Bre:reels station by Hafer.
nen ce Bawtinheimer on Thursday, 5 tri
cents per 1)011091 9931 tbe prtee paid, we ,
A. M. MeKAv, Alex, Stewart. Sth con., ed
and Hugh Forsyth were e110,140 its elders en
fu connection with Melville church con• 1111
greeation in this place. Rev. S. Jones lie
was made au honorary member of the ah
TEE REEVP.SIIIP.—T1119 week George he
Meeker annommes, in TIEN Pose his in. of becommg a Candidate for the
Reeveship of Prnesels so that he and W.
H. Kerr will have rnn for the position
on the 1.891) Nomination next Wed.
A Das, hacking cough keeps the bron-
obial titheq in a state of constant irrita-
tion, which, if not speedily removed may
Oen be had than Ayer's Cherry Peetoral,
which is both an anodyne and expector-
A 11ENTiNG Of 1118 Creditors ut MeS6114. Rev
Smith, lkialoolm et: Gibson is called at W. mit
M. Sinolair's law office, on Tuesday of The
nest week, 10th Ltd., at 3:30 o'clock, for et
the purpose of appointing inspectors and met
atteuding to other besinecw matters in sibl
connection with the estate.
Tr our subscribers in arreers only A
realized the amouut of loss and 1110059011.tees
ience we experience 0993119 to their not whi
paying promptly, we are sure they would Bes
do so with becoming, alacrity. If they tie,
were just in nor positm for a week, they mina
would never allow their subscriptions to 11011
run behind again. The omission is the Thai
result of not knowing.
1,1011DZATiON for a Reeve to fill th
011T1Innet DIVIta.-011 uesclay a. T.
atom ale has a bird of the mune
cies in his 00118otion that fell a prey
the sportsman's; gun a few years ago
one river.
RICKEL—The organization meeting of
assets Cricket club was held in G. P.
iolfield's room, over Standard Bank,
Wednesday evening. The followin
,cerswere elected :—President,
131)8 ; Vice -President, Rev. G. F. Salt-
; Secretary -Treasurer, A. °mislay ;
naming Committee, above °Moors and
P. Scholfield, D. C. Roes, j. T. Ross,
. W. T. Chill ; Canvassing Com•
tee, IL Dennis and G. P. Seholdeld.
club intend getting clown to praotice
once and will arrange a series of
ohes for the season as soon as pos.
e. There is material for 0 splendid
en in Brussels,
Itaun TaEl.T.—As 11, 103931 998 111490
On to feel proud of the andienoe
oh greeted IiIrs. Sara Lord Bailey of
ton last Monday evening, more par•
larly when we state that she most
ire.bly sustained the exalted repute -
which had preceded her. The se -
one were entirely new, ranging all
way from heavy dramatic to the
t humorous, and the de'inetttion of
'130189 throughout Wail perfect. Mrs.
ey seems to have complete oontrol of
y faculty of the body, and this
iled with her natural beauty enables
to exael amoug oompetitors.—New•
351311011110,19 who tithe
pride in the fine eppectraucie of the
te should twit° determinedly to abate
waste paper 11815111105, Simple eau.
on the part of residents is MI that
eded to keep the etreets free from
g pieeeg of paper. Every person,
or female, should 01>081111110 himself
rself a committee of one to piit en
o nuisance that is slovenly in the
of men tend a oonetant mute of
t to timid Lorna. If 1188)3081 for
Humnd a 9(30(1 order is 130119 883)91.
strong to cstatiliell re-
in 111)819311(91, the law ehould be
ly enforced.
tA Loen 11.01.1111.—The Guelph Mot.
0119y o i 1 the 16th says—"A good
audience apent an enjoyable eveni»g ab
11>0 0117 hall last night. Sara Lord Bail.
ey, elooutlonist of 13osto», Maga., made
her first appearemoe before a Guelph
gathering, and ably sustained the repu-
tation whish had preceded her. Sho hits
a graceful appearance, and throws her-
self heartily into the spirit 02 1383' reeita.
lions. In "A. Life far Life" and "The
Chariot Raoe," her fine dramatio powers
wore fully brought out, and her audience
got a vivid realization of the scenem she
pictured. In "The Engineer's Signal,"
"The Drummer's Bride," "The Experi-
enee of a Gentile" and "Money Musk,"
her 810)11 11> the imitation of varied and
&Moult sounds were eapitally diepheyad ;
in the last piece she wee very effective.
"The Ruggleses go to a Dinner Party,"
and "How the Ladies Usually Fish,"
were height and laughable selections true
to 1i1e, 9108, Ruggles, especially, being a
clever inteepratretien of Ohmmeter. Ma,Bailey will be a warm favorite here
should she return.
OSS and W. itr• Sieclair managed
oot a rare specimen of the feather
be, in the Illaitleud river, known
orthern Diver, or Loos. The bird
bee utifully ,-'ked plumage and weig
seven pound, . 91 18 a fast swimen
d wonderful diver, travelling, pe
ps, 200 yards under water. A. pee
rity of the loon 31>131 its. legs gro
eve its wing., instead of below as wit
e majority of fowl. Mr, Ross iutend
ving in staled and mounted. It
ead to bronchitis. No prompter remedy Del
vacancy occasioned by the resignation of oh,
J. M. McIntosh, will take place on Wed. Ben
nesday next May )1th, at the Town Hall, es,er
at the hour of 12 o'clock (noon.) Should
a poll be demand/ cl the election will be her
held on 'Wednesday 18th inst. Polling I
plaoee al . 3. 0)1131118 office and the 035,13
'Couneil Chamber.
Tim Oanadiem postal card has a very any
"gi»geely" look when placed side by Ride 8,1re'
with the now and large one now sold in ,1110
the States for a cent. Couldn't the 01. Pea
te,wa folks take the hint and give ne a 1,,e 95
little more 0131'39 901 the same motley with. laYin
out senaibly reducing the vieible 'nippily 1e/11
of ? 11 011,933 help tn Mose er ho
041r Oyer] to the primitiveness of the de. end
sign 911(31 11132 for so lotig been maequer- eYes
ading in Italian eky•blue ink on the ad- 1911411
<Trete/B-side. clean
Bono or Ifterart.— A. meeting of 331e(,1
of Health wits Itch) last Monday evening, form
P1008319, 137. 99. McCracken, Reeve pro etere
tem, Jno. Wymi, a. G. Slone, Dr. Holmes Tim
and Clerk Soots, It was decided to have
all water elevate in the file limit district
throogbly donneri and disinfected before
May 15111, Health Inspeotor Broadfoot
to see that the evork 18 done and the
same attended to up to Nov. 1st. The
•Seeretary Wag instructed to mixture
Reaper Menke for tho purpose of phy•
. mane giving notice of infeetious diseases
in their perectioe in Ben .918.
Emmet Remunone Tee: ancemet Ex,tenS.
ATIONS, PaitS113,711111iter Oneacu.--The Can-
didates from Melville ohnoh appear on
the examiner's lists with the following
dietiuotione Mural History,
Henry Blaine, oeetidecete ; junior Bibli-
•ortl, Dora Smith, diploma and prize,
Agnes Richardson, eertificate ;Intermed-
iate 131bl1etthje11nie goLanohlin, diploma,
Ainley and Margaret Rutledge,
'oertifteetes ; Sertior Biblical, Chrlictieue
Mehziee and Maggie 0. Stewart, diplo.
Santee DootrinaL Daniel Stewart
and Mee. Tuffs, diplomas and priges,
N1244 J.cylan Stewart, Edward Garvin and
Alex. T.J. Stewart, diplomas.
B4,7V18OF 04X.1.71/1.
?,....223m=333 9r17v
ASSETS, • • •
CAPITAL (Authorized) •
- $7,
MAY 6, 182
NICE, PRETTY, 00013, ormu).
000,000 ,
Agencies in all principal poiniv in Ontario, (Adel., Manitoba, trailed Slates •fi England.
ORFAVVA8 RfateMakt.
A General Ranking Businese Transacted. Farmers' Nobel; Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
99191)39 9319981 811d compounded half yearly,
5111111011. ATTENTION OWEN TO run °mammon 011 1i'ABA1111111' SBA 91014243.
Ie.very facility afforded Customers living al a dietetic°,
15 °MONS pure maple syrup at GOO.
B. Gann is offering a new top baggy
very cheap.
A nun range 01 baby carriages, doll
melee, dm, at I. 0. Richard's.
Fon finely finished photos go to
Perry, 110299 (0 American Hotel
511111011, drew:, lengths of black enk
merves 8.1 oost. A. R. Smith.
MAgn no mistake but go to Perry for
your photos, next to American Hotel.
Thrice value in single harness, dusters,
rubor rags and fly nets. L 0. Richards.
TOWniii,nans, table theme and tale nap.
kilts all going at stele prices. A, R.
13, Ginter cells your attention to his
large display and great value in pooket
knives. See store window.
Aim wool b!aelf, blue, garnet and
oardinal Henrietta, at 25 cents, worth 35
and 40 eente 11.14.. R. Smith's,
l'eltances if your horse is sore on top of
the nook get a, bridge sweat pad from I.
D` cures every time. eve
warrant them all. I, 0. Richards,
I. 0. Baellelum Is head quarters for ex,
press wagons. He keeps the lax/gest
stock in town and sells the oheapese.
Prices from 50 cents upwards. Call and
see our stook no matter if you cle not
want to buy, as We want to show yon our
PLATS SnWIXO.—MrS, J. S. Smith le
prepared to do plain sewing at her home
over the postollice. Children's clothing
a speciality. Satisfaction guaranteed.
11551.08, call and see our beantiful Bed•
ford cords, ha all the new shades, the
latest and most fashionable dress goods.
All wool &thanes 1 black and white
1130811110 in cheeks and stripes ; black and
colored Renriettas ; gimp braids, a full
range. A. 0111,3011.111.
DANnY 1.10.31) (Illus.—R. Williams ce
Son have received two new k)ncla of
patent road coats, manufactured by the
Ganetnoque Carriage Co. They are pall-
ed the "St. Lawrence" and "Maple
Leaf" and are extra flue rigs. The "St.
Lawrence" has a finely finished body
sespended on two eliptio aprings, body
nob connected with shafts. Dont buy be-
fore seeing them as the priaes are right.
Call at our show rooms.
91. WILLI/45M tk SoN.
Honn Weimmars ce 5033 0110 handling the
celebrated Grenancine Carrieee
Mrs. Ronald is spendiug this week I PanY's.bnggiaa' whthb 209 style, work -
with her daughter, Mrs. Cluff, who is I menship and price cannot be surpassed
They have one on exhibition at their
show room, Mill street, and cen procure
any styled rig you desire. You min buy
from 10 to 15 1350 9001 cheaper from them
than elsewhere and every rig is guaran-
teed to give the best of tettisfaction. (bill
in and see them whether yo11 want to buy
119 nob.
AGOcMt rin JolINST013, marble manu-
facturers, are now taking orders for
spring delivery in their line. As hereto-
fore all workmanship and orders 'bladed
to tkeir care will 130 1101 up in the most
regiduing her strength but is not yet able
to come home. •
Mrs. litergreavee er„ of Paisley, and
Miss Marion, her grand -daughter, are en-
joying a visit among old friends in Bras.
sela who gave them a hearty weloonae.
91 15 reported that Dr. T. G. Holmes
purposes removing from Brussels. We
dent like to see old residents move away,
econld moot/ rather have families moving
S. YV. Laird end family and Wm
Mooney expect to remove to Lakelet next
, approved style d satisfaotion guaran.
week where Mr. Laird has charge of et
oheese factory, Mr. Mooney is his assist- *95811 in every case. Anybody requiring
ant. anything in their line of trade it would
Oliver Smith he.s gone to Cheslbe well foe them to see their designs and
where he will be employed for a time prices before making their purchases.
Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables.
pending the 110910,) to be taken in oonneo.
tion with the factory bore. Mrs. Smith
and family will remain here. large stook of Norway spruce on hand,
The Londothe right height fee planting out for
n Free Press says of a for-
mer resident al thie locality 1,___Jem„ breakwinds, hedges or lawn trees, at low
pr'oe, fIrst•olass Mcok, also horse chest.
Forsyth, purchasing agent of the Vim
nuts, 8 to 10 feet high, al 25o. eaoh.
thrice Hotel, Chicago, and formerly in R.
Grape vines 10a, °berry trees 25e. Two
Larmour's office in this city, is visiting
London friends, greenhouses full of house and betiding
plant., vegetable .plants in season. 20 or
Rev. S. Swann and wife, formerly of
30 buehels Empire State Potatoes 40e.
Brussels, intend making their home at
Fergus, an old field of labor of the rever. per bushel. Parties tvantiug any of the
above will find it to the'r advantage to
encl gentleman's. He has purchased,
residence there where we hope be and hsee iny stook or write tois
good lady will enjoy many happy yeare. Thos. Kam,
J. T. Cook left on Wednesday of this 30-0 Brussels, P 0.
3150039033 A Cnrentric.—To create an
interest in the breeding of high-olass
poultry, I will award a special prize of
$50.00 catch le the person raising the
heaviest Plymouth Rock•ohioken liateh•
ing from eggs purohased of me. Ply.
mouth Rooks are unquestionably the best
breed of fowl known for the Canadian
farmer. Send for descriptive circular
of this valuable breed of fowl. Ego
for hatching, guaranteed fresh and true
to name, mu:dully packed in baskete and
deliveted to express company, $2,00 per
setting of 13. Adidresa,
'I'. A.. Wirmetra, Brooder of Ply-
mouth Rook Fowl Weston, Ont.
weel foo Caledonia, neer Hamilton,
where lie has a job of millwriglittng.
Mr. Conk is a first-class mechanic!, and
we hope arrangements will be made
whereby he will remain a resident of
Business Locals.
PERRY, the high -Masa photographer,
next to American Hotel.
Eon the best 011,1 11) the market go to
John Wynn, Brussels.
Foe first-olaes photos go to Perry's,
next to American Hotel.
bitterns and valises, good assortment,
very cheap at II. Dennie,'
ATM photos made by Perry are well
finished and warranted to give eatisfact.
Juse Itrrivod 99)00 range of Baby cede
Haps which will be mold at reasonable
rates. II. Dennis.
Goon boat for sale, two pair of oars.
Will be sold cheap.
Armx, L. Semler, Brussels.
Tun best 30 cent tea iu the market.
28 lbs. of raisius for $1. A full line of
groceries, Mewl, puee and fresh, at A..
Tim occasion domande it. We tried to
drive it off, we feated it would 001138,
arrived 139 11001 the greatest sale of them
all of new goods at A. 92. Smith%
Oun stock of boots and shoee is the
largest and mosb complete of any stook in
town, of the best make, in all the lateat
styles and at the moat reasonable prieea.
hilT passed into idea anothee bale of
Lyhater mills ehirtinge, in eheeke, and
Prince Viotor euitinge, full Weights mod
warranted fast colors, the hest value M
the trade. A, &RAMAN.
furnishinga, flannelette shirts,
Balbriggan natured wool underwear, fancy
ties, half bete, felt and straw hate, a full
tango from the best makers aecl of the
latest styles. A. SVa.ton.ts,
010101110.T..—In Grey, on April 2101, the
wilet of Mr. David Campbell, of a.
Ginsos.—In Wroxelor, on April 98111, the
wife o11511'. Thomas Gibson jr. of a
1103.31118.-911 Edina, on April 21st, Moe.
Charles Holmes, aged 20 years, 8
months and 27 days.
LA103.—In Grey, on April 29911, Carrie
IL, daughter of Wm. Lake, aged 20
years, 8 mouths and 211 days.
1)'C.T03nt12EIT.831 2.4L.A.MOaCZPIVil,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheal;
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes .
Huy per ton
Hideo per lb.,
Salt per bbl., e.... 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 60 2 00
Lamb skins each • 65 00
Applea per barrel 1 00 1 26
80 81
80 81
136 40
67 68
27 28
13 00
9 00
4110 500
20 00
000 10 00
3 3
A. BD by the Remit/try of B. S. Go. 0,
Menge, marked nTe11de1',1. for repairs to
sehnol house. Particulars may bo obtained
from ally of the P rustees, Tenders received
up to Juno 20. Tho lowest or any tender
not necessarily aceepted. The work to be
completed during summer holidays. Trus-
tees—S, Pima, 1310u, 131lw0,nvotud
GE 0,
43 3 Walton 1?, 0.
DERSIGNED 1.1119 several good Parma for
sale and to rent, eitcy terms, in Townships
of MOMS Itlia Gray, S.17-11.
A. Tina Inlets store MI the north-enst cor-
ner 09 Milt mid Turnbei ey streets, Brussels.
FO,' particulars an PIV to
entair 317,.or by mail address Brussels P. O.,
N....) Being South halt Lot 27, 4011. 6, Morris ,
100 acres, nearly all eleured. Good buildings,
Due young bearing °rebore. Immediate pos.
sessiOn. Basy Terms, .3.14_111Y to
Solicitor, be., Brussels,
111105I033E3) offers for sale the north
east quarto r of lob 28, eonceSsion 6, Morris,
°minty of Huron, containin g 00 acres. The
land Is of first quality and in 0. high 010,16 01
cultlVation, 99011 10955(1 end under -drained,
09,10950 olearod. ew roma house, 8 90003 0,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good 1303013 31031 shed, orchard , ete, Eight
130008 92 fall wh eat. Th desirable property
adjoins Ma e corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able tour will be given , Title perfect,
36- Senior th 31.0,
11003(0 lots 11 dna 12, eon. 18,1Yownslifp
09 030)'. 0590 13' of Duren, containing 303
imps , the pr op nvt y 02 1115 late John Robert -
see. 1.10 neves cleared and free from oh.
1311101.13 00, 10 acres bush, mixed timber,
ba/111103 Partly 010ILI.0(1. Soil clay loam,
mostly rolling. 9913115011 With straight rail
. - • .
I have hi Steele between
5,000 ana' 6,000 Rolls
for you to ohoose from and another ship.
numb expected in daily.
Whatever you do be mire and get vette
Wall Paper at
A. A • Solicitor mud 00090750009, Oolleo.
tiona made. 011.1ea—Yanstoue's Block Bra-
wls, 21-0411
u- 1111. SINOLA.IR,
v • soilai bur, 0 onvoymmer , No tary Pnb-
Ito, Rte. 011100.—Clr8h0,99 s Meek, 1 11,, Jr north
of PoOper's 121110 Store, Private Funds to
A—, (Leto with Darrow Lk Proucl(oot,
rieli,) narrators, Hon/Mora. Convevatmerti,
80. 011iase—hruSsels and &Worth, Brus-
sels °moo—Up-stairs over Bank, Money
to Imam,
a. 0. acre. w. n.n.tostunf
• Auctioneer, le always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, WM stook, dm, Terms
cheerfully given. Oranbrook 11, 0, Sales
11.50 be arr.taged at iPma l'OST Publhalung
Ponce, Bru Swig
\..A Licensed Auctioneer. Solos conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Forms11,1 farm
stock ,c.apleitiltv. Orders loft l'osT
P ubli eh lug linuse,Bru Beals, or sent ro iValtOn
P.0., wit 1 receive prompt attentiou.
A.A 011 115 3111 Auctioneer, 113311 prepared
to eoncluet sales of farm stook at res,..mable
prieeft. Knowing the standing of nearly
every perSeo I nal in n, position to hell to
good marks and get good security when Sold
ou credit, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
me it eon, 02- 1? S. SCOTT,
111o0194.091]991,AV 111o0194.091]991,. loiterer ofilfarriage Licenses. °Mao
at his Grocery, Purnborry street, Brussels.
- - -
1..1) Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next doer
south of A. M. McKay& Oo's hardware store.
Ladies' and °Whims hair elating a specialty
AIstairer of Parillige TA, aims, by.
appointment of Lie11t,43tivernor, Coumits-
stoner, 80,9)13, Conveyancer und Agent
71e0 Insurance Go. Oilica at tho Cranbrook
es aol wstered by two wells and u, l'ost O01co.
spring PI.Irilege. Commodious dwelling
house, with largo woomenol attaohed arid ROBERT CUNNINGHAM
am excellent miller under imam Two large
1395531 stn. ding and other outbuild.
i>'go 0,00 good bearing orchards, orna,
mental trees and small fruits. miles
from 13russels, a livcely town 011 the G. T. R.,
convenient to school, churches and post
Moe. This property lies well, Is *1 first-
elass grain 311,1 stook farm and should be
semi by intending purchasers as 11 10 offer-
ed at a bargain. For farther particulars
apply to MRS. J1410. ROBERTSON,
or OANIEL ,310 WHITSON , oll
the premises, 00 137 letter to Oran brook P.
0, 824
undersigned .0111 keep foe service, ou
Lek VI, 009.4, Morris, the well bract grade
bali ''Billy." Terms 61,00 with privilege oC
returning 10 1:0000(3197 duri ng seaman.
140141`. 011)033111,42-4 3190p11e100,
-- —
Tee nutlerat cued will keep for service
on Loll 8, Oon. 10, Grey, a thorce bred Dur-
ham buil. Terms :aim, with privilege of
returning during 050500 (0 necessary.
41-4, Propilet 113,
7..inclerS1gned will keep for service, 011
Int 30, eon. 0, Morris, th e there,hred Durham
bun, "Sweepstakes." fle has taken 4 first
prises and I second, boingboaten by the bull
that tool, 1st 90106 ,11 the Provincial Show.
Terms—TO 1091(100 calf 01.00, or PIA for
Ole season,
87-3m JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor,
V vion.—My Jersey Bulls are from fine
milking stratus and should produee stook
equal or superior to auy for either the
creamery 00 5118850 factory. The clam of
ono still lomy possession gave 7,000 lbs, of
milk lo 12 months with her first calf, For
Bfujotkieuriterlioulars apply at my Drug and
G.A. 13EA.D09AN,13russel8, On 1.
The undersigned Will keep for service this
present season the Improved large white
Yorkshire pig "neatly. on lot 28, eon, 0,
Rforria to which a limited number of sows
will be taken, Toms 61,00 to be paid et
time of ROrViee, 3vIth the privilege of return-
ing if nottessery, Pedigree may be semi up-
on application, ROBERT 3.401:1011,
1312 Proprietor.
vIon.—Tne undersigned will keep for
Service on north 11(432 Lot 28,0011,7, Morrie,
it pure bred Berkshire Boar, bred by ate.
Snell, and an 01110 improved °beam, White,
1113835 139 Thos. George, Putnam , feom 1131.
ported 0143011 on both sides, This hog took
304 prise at th o Industrial Pair fu 33. olass of
17, in 1803, and Sed DA the Wes teru Pair in a
alae of Ill. IBS Sire toolt 101 at the Indus-
trial tu 1803, Terms 81.00 to be paid at ti1110
of serviee 141 th privilege o f returning if nee-
iinua JN 7.0 k.ioe
WI. CAVANAGH, 1.. D. Se Dc re, S.,
Graduate of tho Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, 0n15,r10, and Of Toronto Uni-
versity. overon—Ovez Pepper's Deng Store,
Alt parties owing the firm of
MoINTOSH cg Ill9T404RT,
BANKERS, • 1315935815118,
Ate requested to call AT ONCE
and me costs as they aro
dosing their businobs,
Clerk of the l'ourth Division Court
Co, Puree, Conveyancer, Notary Pnblte
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, letutile
invested and to loan. 05111383310013 =ado.
Ofilee in Grahum'S Sleek, Brnssols,
1.„, Miss Merles, of Wingbam, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting. Tomas
maybe ascertained al; hliss Nellie Ross' Fitore
whore samples of Work may be seen. alms
315030 9905191also take 134 801 more pupils In
• Organist in Rt. John's Church, Bros-
ocig, and pupil, in the Art of 2.'ea54ing, cIA.
W. Th a yor, Alus.Doc., New 'York, will give
lessons to pimils either at Tilos, Yarrow's,
(loner of Qtieou and Ptinoess Sta, or if pre-
ferred, at their own homes. Tonne moder-
ate, 46 -
7sTT11L 0. GALE, M.D., 0.91.,
77 Member of the College or2b78111350,
and Burgeons Of Ontario by exatnination,
Oilleo Rad Ilesideuee —Main street East,
9hel,0 uteri°,
• O. M., L. R. (3, P., Etlinbin.gh, M. 0. P
8.000, Pestilence and 011100 in Wilson's
Block, corner Of Mill and Turnberry 850,
U • none)! Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary Co/logo, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals 114 a oom.
potent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry, 00110 promptly at-
tended to. 00.1.oe and Infirmary—Two deers
north of bridge Turnberry st., Brussels,
Notice to Creditors,
90 Tma 111713EE OF THE ESTATE 011 8111/1I0,
111.53401411 01 GIBSON, OP TUB VIiitatctit
09 BRIISSELS, ILI Dna 003)19139 09 HIDION,
Tiack Noncom that lam above named Smith,
Muleolin 01 Gibeon have made au aSsigit-
meet to me bearing date the 20411 day of
April, A, D. 2802, under the provisions of
"Alf bat reSpeetittp Assignments and Pro -
lemma by !noire..1 Persons," being 0120p
ter 04 00 9110 Statutes of Ontario
11)131 atuandm ants thereto, oi all their reel
and persemal estate acid °Heats in trust foi:
the benefit of all theft Oreditors,
11 mooting of tho emitters ef the said
Smith, Maleolni Gibson is hereby oonvon-
ed and will be held at the law allice of iny
S011eitor, W. IP, sinelithe on TENSISAY, elto
Tenth pay or elan 1892, at 3:30 O'clock,
15. 0111, fov tile appointment of inspeotors
thud the giving of clireetiong Concerning the
naemagoment and disposal of the quid Oat& 10.
ALId ruilbor bake notice that all poisons
Mitimlog to be entitled to rank as creditors
3)2 ,1110 said estate aucl vete at the sodden:mt.
Mg., are hereby required to furpish to any
said No/leiter 2511 particulars 0) 131013 Manna
verified by ammlyit, together with moth
‚0000(10118 135 the nature of the case win ad-
roit, of, on or before the day of such meoUng
of creditors.
And ferther take nOtieo that after the
szooND Day 01 21517, A.. D. nee, I will pro-
ceed to distribute the assote oi tho 013191 06
tato, bieveig teamed only to the 91091510 031
when) I shall then have notice, mull will
1101 be responsible thereaftet Ter the assets
of the Said 5811915 00 (107 7(118 thereof to any
pemen or persons of weose claim notice
shall not have been received at the time of
such distribution,
11.1)0811Nolitorlifionr'intia Assignee.
Dated at Brume's' this 3011) day of April,
A, 3), 1892,