HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-6, Page 7MAY O( 1802, THE RUSSIAN FAMINE. Desoriptiouo Do Not Do Justice to the Situation. iscoovitS ivms,s 11010 01118.1.10. Tho.preeent condition of the Iteseiee nem. entry 111 the Tontine nietriets is 000 of sueli appalling misery that any ono not t borough- ly (Le:painted with thu tents woallil be liable to shrug h Is dentinal.; and regitril the whole thing its an exaggeration. Notwitlistenii- ing the generous gnus thab have beim poor. ing in front every quarter of the globe, tunong which the inegniticent oontributions from Americe tette the Bret, piece, the need is so great) thet peecoptible hnprovement io noticed in the wretelled condition of tho populace. As a striking illusteation of the general eouthtion NI extract from a privete teeter from Samara luny he of interest. The letter is in reply to a previous one, 141111 iS (10 followe : Your letter, filled WW1 warm. hearted interest for onr suffering poor has cheered us greatly. You seem 1.0 d0111M. THE ACTUAL CONDITION and aro inolined to think that one reports have been magnified. I 01111 assure you Mut1. what you have been told is the l'011h, pure and eimple, Yes, the description given does not do justice to the frightful reality. Every eye•witnese intuit confess that an ex- aggereted description of our people's mates. witless is ubsolutely impossible. Thanks to bountiful gifts, it has been possible for 110 to daily give the start lug Herne warm soup. 01 1(10 3,500 members of our congregation we feed 2,700 daily. In this manner they aro at least kept from starving to death which they, under other eirounistancee, would surely have done. However, they COMEllitt hungry even with what: we give them as nobody gete but one meal /11 tweety-iout. to thirty hours. A bowl of soup and very thin soup at Med is not the most satiefactoey n mrishment. When, as is the ease with us, all enemies oe mon ARS SKIIAUSTRD, when there aro no potatoes, no broad, no vegetables, nn tett, no sewer, and not even fuel to protect us froln the Mame() cold, it is not to be expected (.1(0.1 0)10 misery is ended by getding e bowl of S011p a day, bedtime this only enables us to save our lives from one slay till another. Old and young waste away imel fall an easy prey to sit:knees mel death. The schools are dosed on n000loiL est lack of fuel. Teaoherseml °Incline of the congregation have not retteived their eateries for a long time past and are suffering inuch misery and greet privation, This 18 Why we consider ourselmsjustilied in asking for bread for one starving poor. The thirty pot -olds of flour which the (100' 00011101111 allows emit mouth only lasts about, ten or twelve days. The vomaining twenty days the people are without food. NV ith in a month TOE SPRING WoRK COMMENCES. Most of the peasants are withent cattle or horses, end consequently can not perform thu uecessary ploughing end sowing. The few that still have draught animals are in danger of losing then, RH they 11111.0 no fodder and aro almost certain et tiering to sell them to procure bread foe themselves. But hew will they be ebbs to take ettee of the farm water without horses or oxen ? Whet will be the 001100' 0)001100 if the peasauts ere unable to cultivate their land? This is but one of 111)30 0101113' thousand 0011. gregations similarly situated. The renewing figures which nre obtained from o clergyman, show the 001011 10(0)1 of a typical village in Samara end epettk for themeelves. The normel (30(314(0 11(411 of the village WM 7,850, but of this uumber on Jan. 1 !eel. 2,765 were alment froin Valione 00110e0, while 78 were reported ill. At the aort•osponding P1111100 OP 1886, the villuge was in a proeperous condition. .All the people were leen clad, had plenty of fuel, and poseessed adequate supplies of bread and wheee. There WM also plenty of fonder for the cattle end horses. At the beginning of the present year alma one- third of the total number uf families had absolutely no luel, and an equal nation bad hardly any elothing, their only protec- tion front the cold being 0 few miserable rags. Between Jan, 1, 1880 Red Jen. 1 1 802, the number of horses had diminished from 3,739 to 1,667, the number of COWS from 2,381 to 609, and the number of !sheep and gents ftenn 6,526 to 1,962. Al present some 1,210(310001(0 in this nue N'illage are denote'. ent for their subeidenue 11(1)00 (1(10 relief they reeeive from Zemstvos. With regard to the emeences OP NEXT HARVEST; they are blacker than ever, ns may be seen from the slender stock of grain that lute been and is availeble for seed. The rela- tive position le this village as between the two periods compared, stood time 1 Num' bar of " clessiatines" (a dessiatine being two 0/1(1 three•quartere acres) for which there 30108 008111(1 hand Jan. 1, 1880, 14,1300; Jan. 1, 1802, 886. Number of dessiatines sown Jon. 1, 1880, 8,850; J401.-1, 1809, 1,303. This means that some 15,701 dessintines of grain -growing lend, or over 40,000 acres, must 10 this singlo nistrict of lemmata lie fallow tiering the present year for lack of seed. Tho calculation if extended in a greatly modified form, to the famine• stricken districts generally yields results which are 000I01VSLY APPATAANG. Since the month of September the lira stock of the village referred to above has been diminished by the loss of 1311 hovses, 162 oxen, 11(1400000,20(1 calves, and 9,500 sheep (1011 )101(110, ill al 4,038 11011G of cattle. in addition to those lessee the indebtedness of the community hos boon increesed during tho past six yeare by 511,184 rubles. en 1886 it was 13,210 rubles ; it now steeds at 72,380 ruble. Many of the peneente, to save fuel, have dug for themeelves hales in the ground, and then ennsteuethel subtheranean alienat0 in which they burrow like foxes. In some of the villegoe they aro eating broad made from wild hemp, and even the =cams of the horses that have died. AN OLD MAN OP SIOVENTV•PIVII who had walked ten 1111108 marrying lat enor• Mous lona of cotton which he end his family had woven received in peplum it bag at flour weighing thirby.six pounds, and a few 0(1100 3100(100(00(00, min with this fresh hetet ho preowned to walk book. Ris 1100008 1101? been sold, and nobody would lend him one. The people manage to got amne nourish- ment out of a kind of tea made from tho wild pass of the steppes, awl mixed with Spanish licorice, /a many villages this is all they havo to live upon. Ono priest writes from Tula thab out of n. congregation of 6,000, only 1,000 are nide to ecippoet thotnsolvese Meet is Co say, they peen 0000 onoagh olothing, some foot, and a little food; the remaining 5,000 aro half naked and • NIIARZNI tireaven Tho government does what it 0111(1 111 gives thirty pentane call:me to emit person, with the exoeption oi laborites bet Ween 17 and 15 y tare of aye Now, there are eeverel temilwe in whieh there 111013 (01)1 wo lo five lehorerte (tad, lie they arC1110I011 titled to 0l(y rel ,of whatut Or FRO 0 THE 1;0W:it:Ill ENT, (11(0 0(10))')' may readily be imagined. No. holy 11" "1111111g, exeept te little breed made of bran. Nobetly ilares to eat it square tneel ; (1 1(0 did, the dimities are that lie Nyman be without food for dap; even melte, ass nobody lute potatoes and beefily cooking Halt. Nobody (1are) to Irate the lirarelloue into bread ; they make a soup /W100 0(1)13' 01)11 (1! water, era, and brite.11our. This lit mean its a mbetituto for bread, We Lave lived in this manner for months. All of 1/0 are ernaciaten and have (3 (10(1111113' pallor. Youlag men 90 and 30 Y01000 old tremble like oln men (11101 Dee Too Ne zee TO DO ANY NVORN. As they 000 0101 anything but this bran they become bloated and subjeeted to a peculiar dropsical eomplitint which alwaye eesults in death. Few 11000 sullielent fug. children nonrated behind the stoves. Nobody hos any light. One must lie sleeplese with an empty stomach , from 4 p. in. to 0 a, in. We have not even matches to light a fire with, 11 we do not obtitin speedy relief the larger portion of , our coogregetion will perish. The Sabbath Chime. Icon not 001* 18800(0(1(1 the presence of bffe's rams to -day - 1 ,foy in these; But' can saY That I would rather wane this rugged (00.7, It Rim ((p181800. Tenn not foot That all is well when enelconing oloudsooneleal Tho shining SIM; lint Woo 1100030 Gocl lives and. loves -eon say, since it Is so, ' Thy will he done. I do nn; POO Why Clod should Car permit some (11111(40 (0 bo When (11, is Love ; Ilut. I can sen, Though often dimly through tho my•dery, 111.4 band above. 0011 not speak In happy tomet-the tetimIrops on my choolc Show 1 am std ; Tint I can speak Of grace 10 301)001' with submission meek Coin nimbi gind. &mot ionic Cpon the present, nor in Nature') book, To read my ram; Bill 1 de 100H E'er promised blesgligs In Clod's II Book, And I can watt. T may not try To keep the hot t (MN 11.1,1•:, 1016 110011 the sign, " it 'might have been; ' And try to stilt All rising murmurs, and to Clod's sweet wfll Ito:Toed, .11 (1310. Gol In Thoughts for Every Day. Monday-- We know, as (1 311 our pride to know, thet 111011 is by his constitution ft re. ligieus animal ; that atheism 14 against, not only our rem on, but one instinets ; and that it can not, prevail long. Bat if, in the moment of riot, and in earl-011ton delirium from the het, spirit neaten out of the alembic of hell, which France is now so furiously boiling, we shouln uncover our nakedness, by throwing oil that Christian religion which lute hithereo been our boast and comfort, end one great eource of civilization among us, mil among many other nations, 300 are appreheiteive (fallen well aware that the mind Nvill not endure a void) that some u couth, peruieleus tuul degrading supersti. tion might take place of it.--LEelmand Burke. Tuesday- - J0000 meek and gentle son of (Mil 11,04 high, Pitying, lot ing Savior. Beat thy children's cry. Pardon our offenses, Loost, nor 'motive chains, Break down every idol Which our soul detains. Clive us lioly 100011001, 000 1101011 Adlif 1011) Pre w 110, holy 0500, 'rn the realms !there. Load (10 00 000 30(1011)', lie thyself Om way, Through terrestrial darkness To celestial day. -Anonymous. 11 eanesday-Let us appeal to ourselves, whether we aro not more unwilling to seevet, closet, hearty duty to God, than to join with others in 001110 extetnal serviee ; as if those Mei/Peel serviees were a going. to the reek, mid rather 001' (303)01)00 than privilege. How much service !loth God in tho world from the same principle that vegrants perform their task 111 Bridowell 1 How glad are many of evasions to batik them in the no. gloat of the commands of God, of corrnpe reasonimes from the flesh to waylay an act of obedience, 11(1(1 18 multitude of exenses to bleut the edge of the precept l-rDr. Char- red.. Thursday -Religion is not confined to cells and elosets, nor restrained to sullen re- tirement. These are the gloomy dootrines of Sepetstitlon, by which she endeavors 1.0 breek those eludes of benetielence antisocial affection that link the welfare of every par- ticular with that of the whole. Reinember that the greeted', honor yon can pay to the Author of your being is by such cheerail be- havior as discovers 0, mincl being satisfied with his dispensations,-(Johnllowo. Friday, - Grant 110, 110111' Lord, from oril ways Tree absolution and release; And bless us, more than in rant days, .'t • 1 11130110(81)03100, Thi'elItgli ilfo'e lung (ll(('and 11010011',k 's (lar 0 gentle ;loses, bo our light, Labor is stv001, for thou ham. Mind; .end 00-00 131 light, for thou hes cartel ; Ali never let one works he With etei re, or by deceit ensnared. Threugh iffeei long day and death's dark night. 0 gentle Jesus, be our light. • ne, Faber, Saturnety-T, know from experience that habit can, 111 direct, opposition to 000.77/ 0011. viction of the mind and but little ained by the elements of temptation (stud: as present pleasure, eta.), 13(1100,130 repetition of the mod intworthy ections. Tho mind is week where 11 (1180 once given way. It is leng be- fore a principle editeeta eon become as firm as one 11111 11(18 novee boon moved, 1110 as lbe case of rt 011540111 of a reservoir ; ff this mound has ill one place been broken'what. ever elmas , hbeen taken to make (ho re- paired. part as strong ne poesible, the probe. Witty is Mutt if it give way again, it will be in that Num. -Pohl Foster. Oanada at the World's Pan, A. despatch from Ottawa, artyrn-Mr. Saunders, Canadian cionlinisimier to the World's %the WKS to -clay notified by diroctor.gemoral (1(101epee lied boon allotted for the exhibit of Canadian live stook at Chicago as follows : Ili horses, 1130 cattle,' 3(10 sheep end 11(0 swine. 11 hose fignros 110)11 1)0 30010(1(00 118(00 to tele live stock mem , RH it was not peeten thee, they woula lio permitted to exhilnt so many. The repro- eentations, however, of Mr, elamelers have evtilontly had nue effect, It is ((('0 (300001 to allot cho number fairly among the ifferent provincee, THE 13BUSSELS P 0 ST. YOUNG FOLKS tomsjof European Pester, of the bier, deo- V- Around the Corso'. " Now, Rob," said Rob's mothor, givinga last toueh to w hi tie, •remein her, (11180. not beyond the ei reel; euriaar,,, " V011'111," 141040'01.1N1 1L/111, "I'll remember," mid he jammed his hat down, quite sore al that ;mama that untillag could tempt hini loth dm forbidden av,:ri tut, 11 was his first morning out in his (low ' sailor suit, and that wee one reeson why ho felt it so easy te premise, Any ono, a' Lo 11110 on /4 brave note milt, (019 (1 white bleeps down tho legs and three deep pnekete lie actual count, and low.eut Ithoes, will find It towy to make a promise, And so this 11 ttlo gentleman in blue tent I down tho broad brow)] steno Mops, feeling, 1(1 via) of the then distance ha eould go, quite cheerful and confidena It waen t 14 very lively street that leiltved on, with ite still' little 00W Of VOQH down the ' centre, and its (1111 1(00000 Una one 0.1111(11A teli apart except, for the curtains, ,uni its I nurses with fluify-haired little gi 01s -it wasn't at all lively, .And when Rob hal, Nvelked up one side- walk and down the other, and had coupled the birds ill the trees till they ell 11030amity, 0001 11(111 mad, "How do you do, sir?" to the Ing policeman, he felt 1111180 310 heel come to the end of what liveliness there 3008. When, further, he had seen a boy go past with et suit on exactly like his 0000, he was doe he eves having a very dull time. Then 001110 the thought of the dear, big„ dlr(y avenue jeet around the corner. Tho boys there played leap.frog and spun tops, for he had wen them, 111101 (11103' alweys seemed to be 010(1(03 0. let of noise, wind, everyliony knew meant hon. "Guess I'll go and look at 'em," he sitid fingering his marbles. " I won't go round I'll only look," lie didn't; incan to forget bin promise, and he never could tell how it happened, but somehow that, Melt led to a step, 111)11 the step to a pane, and presently he was play- ing wall +al his might, and main, It 0000 glorious fun, (11(11 ±11 the midst of it somebody canon him a cheat. " I don't olleat,” said Rob, angrily. " I say ye do. 80011 ye 1" retorted the aveene boy, and then before 0110 0011111 say Jack Robinson, before one mould even take breath, the two boys were fighting with Het And foot. 11 1100.0 t; eorry sight, there on the sunny pavement, and a gentle•faced lady coming swiftly tewara the heieting, tumblings lig. 18(00 stopped to eepamte them. " boys," she said., and instantly Rob's linnets unclinehod, his hoed dropped, Ids very heart seemed to choke with shame, for it was the voice of his 00011 mother. She had not lthown him in this sad char. actin., but now she saw who it wits. " Can it he nty boy ?" she asked, with snob nal ache in her voice• that Rob's lips quivered in spite of himself. "31y boy that I trested ?" Then she hrusheil the deny shoulders, and led her rumpled 'tailor home. He had to go to bee?, and lie' there the whole long afternoon with tho sunbeams looking at him like deer, sorry eyes, rind the birds outside seeming to say, " Now aren't you sorry, noW aren't yon sorry, nOW are not -you-sorry." It was twenty•four hours long that after noon, but at last it was night, and then in le jiffy it was morning with a. chance to begin again. " Trust) me this once, mamma," he said with a hig hug. "end I won't oven leek round the mum" Ite kept, his weed, too, though a 11(10(1' 0)0(1)1 played just out of sight, and one of the boys came to ask 11101 to roll hoops. He kept his wont, an11 when he nestled down in his mother's arras that night he 15103 very glad, for her eyes were happy Iagain, and her voice eounded like Christmas music, and the stories she told hint were every one about bonne and Indians the very host she had told yet. GODDE'S SONDAYB, rhe quaint Mame be. nester eunday once erns -Known. An old sermon handed down front the days of Henry Sixth tolls how " (lode men and W0111011 know alle wen this day is called Auster Day, tend in some place Sasch Day and ill some plane Goilde's Sondaye. 1111110 celled Auster Day for in Ditch place it is the mem to put fyre onto of the house at the Astnr, that had bone all the weynter burnt with tyre and blithnd with smoke. Hit shall this day be arrayed with gene rushes and mete flowres strewed alio &boobs, showing (0 heygh ensample to elle ;nen and women that right Re they mity olone the house tale within, bearing owte the lire and strawin flowres, so ye sehtilde elenee the home of yonre sonde," For the benefit, of the reader, wo have modified the queent spelling, and in these Needle spoken in the dark ages NVO find all the hooray of the Easter thought, the soul oleansen and inede heitetiful to receive the new life, the flower; just risen from the gray, dead eareh, fit emblems of the 008110. nation. More than any other oelebration, the Easter festival reaches into tho past and mingles with the creeds of all netioes. Tho sublime resurrection thought it embodied in the philosophy of legypt, Persia, Gaul, Greece anel Rome, and is everywhere typified by the egg. The day is 113p001801(. 011 with peculter ceremonies. In olden Enelancl a sepulcher WAS erected mei 111011 geavely wateheel ib through the night. Fires NVOTO extingeishod in every home. Those were again kindled by braeds lighted at, the church aro'which was itself newly made with flint, The brands, 10141119 0010. ed their purpose, were kept as talismens. In timo of storm they wore relighted, anti the house thus protected was believed to be safe from the dangersof lightning °ref wind, On Easter ova the ohnrches wore lighted I with paschal tapers of immense size, Ono is recorded prepared for Westminster Abbey church as weighing :300 pounds. 1u many houees, partioalaely in Ireland, great prepaations were mule for the finish. ing of Lents :Emig were dressed, pieces of baeou set to boil, while lite assembled ones waited for the 000k to give the midnight erow. With a, layout; olapping of hencle Lout was then doelaron out, feasting and merriment followed for m time, when all re. tired, to vise 1± the early delAVII anti wateh for the (1(100313 81131, Even the 11030 honed, which is eupposod to be alike near to the woman's heart, and the bane of the husband, and which is part of the deck of the professional humorist, fa not tho result of present tasto er fashiem, but conics front the far past. It was the rule that evory poison have 001110 1101,0 art. foie of tithes upon limiter day, Ileanoe, Dorsolabire poet, tolls how "Les( c lioo(,'ol put on my blue newt: vont the 1104130111 noW, ValIor buttons o' brass. That 3111I0(')((l in the ette like RIOS% 11 •1- i• a • •ner entt la " 1 1Nfo have bees told and retold of tho ens- nrolod Will] orangeand olden, mule, bearing tho bo•ly of the dead Christ, 01 (110 011111e81. watching for the mortiing and the he wain' dad reel in r the Greek " The Lord has Risen " with us response. fro 18 teem indeed, and both appinrol 110t0 l'111000." We know bow the roieao 1.‘,4ee1e, with songs HS 1110 /0r..11.1prjao/1 /awe/w01n/1.1 Wind 111 /40(1 On 1, 011101W 1 00 /11110. V1-.1., W11110 00011 locality led ire 01011 p mailer cleaning, everywhere the eag 1101110 1411 importhet plane, The Egypl ions (.1 e in (11 (1(1 43111111021 1(1 (11(1 universe olol ‘.1. 1110 renevation ((1itien 'titer the deb' ee, The Pereinne 1011 11(111' Ahriman, by breaking fogether the egg made by hie brother Ormuz anal filled with good genii, and then ewe which he had IWO with evil demote:, (het good and evil were mixed 01 1(00 ornaloll, 'nip twin 11111101 ot ow Ronne; Castor and Pollux, wore fabled to have spetneg from an egg. The Helarewe piece upon their paitehal 1101)18 )1(1 egg 3/000.1140 Of Ilio Ned mie 01 1.1(0 dishee appointed for the feitet of the elect In the other lite. The Mesopotatniane stain eggs red in memory of the shed blood of the oruol-Iixion, The Cornetts associate wit h the colored ogee, which the children say a deer little hare brought them, rt tender story of home life and gratitude, The cuetom origin- ated in the [witness of the Hartz Mountains. A oonntelie, a refugee from war, wishipg to reward the people for their kindness, had 0 few fowl brought to her, the first ever seen there. Inviting the children to her 110008 0(1 Easter Day she pleiteed them by having them find in the grove nests of the pretty eggs, winch the children believed (1)0 1110000 in the grove had laid. During the play the count, W110 WM said to be dead, came to the village. When the lady re• (.001)01 (0 hur 08011 110010 she there instituted the feast, which beriame a universal thing ancl everywhere a typo of reconciliation and joy. In (11(0 01000 strieb of the Greek and Ro. man churches eggs were forbirlehm during Lent. Perhaps from that comes the ensthm 111 101103' of one homes of holding a vevitable feast of ego at the Easter Sunday break- fast taldo resulting in a small triumph to the 0110 30110 could eat the largest sinroher. An old book tells how in Italy on Easter eve great chargers of eggs were sent, to the churches and blest to be eaten LIB the first flesh fond after tho lenten feet. Each per. son carried his own portion home where a large table was sei in the hest room, cover. ed with fine linen and strewn with flowers. On this table would ne placed several dishee of meat together with the eggs which, in a wealthy funny, would number twenty doz• en. Side tahes aronnd the room were laden with the family plate and every available ertiele of beauty or value. The 000111 re- mained thus arranged throughout the week, and all who came were invite11 to partake 01 (8(1 Faster egg, which offer must 0011 1)0 refused. The Beater egg played 110 small pert in the old Ploglish home. They were bonen and while still warm designs were traced with the end of it tallow cenelle and then bnmereed in the prepared dye. The part melte(1 with the tallow would, renutin white. Others (meld be tlyen, then etched with a penknife, an embitions artist at- temptieg mottoes, cupids, or COVOTI 1011(1- 8001)00. (11(11 while 111)0 1103' woulcl carry out his speckled ewes to test their streneth againet these nf others until the one strong enough to nutlast the pugilistic encounter 3014,, pill away 10 triumph, his elder brother net the darefully decorated egg to the girl who Was at mire the object of his love anti fear. 1.11 1110117 1 northern village home, on the top 01101 of the corner cupboard there me.y be seen a leng-dernmed (110 311180 hold- ing it enbaren egg, and the mandmother of the house will tell the ineredninue visitor how gren'ther gave her thee the Easter 'fore they W000 )11100(001, " just forty reit% ammo ; theth's the vent words he wr• 'Dost (ho love me, Peggy ?" On Han English table bitter herbs, eansy, 0101110(1 (01111 others weee always the accom- paniment of the egg, (3001)111113) 11000(100 of the hitter herns that were used on the paschal table of the Hebrews, That loyalty imlulged in eggs 10 0110(0(1 by 10 roll of the expellees of Edward I„ where there Is this item 1 "For tom hundred and a half of eggs, ciehteen pence," Those were purchased for the purpese of staining or covering with goldleaf and were gif te worthy of a pence. Sifting was once a popular yet peculiar custom, It was the habit of knightly and furbelowed cavaliers to carry mounds gaily decked chair, enter the houses, place epee the cheer mime patched and powdered lady, and lifting (1)high in the air, eltam e, kiss as ransom for her release. Or it might be a group of jolly matrons who evonlel sit amine( table bearing glasses and r0 11(0010. (00(1 a foaming ale. Let my luckless man appear and be would be chased, eseught, heaved in ((1)1(1110, kissed, nun eompelled to pay eixpencie for liberty to go. • rhe Matt surgeon Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, 0111d. nuty 'be eon:allied either in person or by letter on all amnia dieenses nominee to men, 1313n, young, old, or middle-aged, who Snel themselves nerve one, week andexhauste(1, who are broken down from execs) or overwork, resulting in many of the following eymptoms 1 Mental depression, preineture old age, loss of vital. ity, loss of memory, bad dreems, dimness of sight, palpitation of the beert, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kinder, heed. 'hate, piinples on the face or body, itching 00 (3001111(10 sensittion about the scrotum, W18011119 of the orgens, dizziness, specks before the oyes, twitching of the Imitates, eyo lids and elsewhorenteshfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of willpower, tenderness of the scalp and spine,wertle and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyessurroundeawith 0,1)0111)10(0 011(00.8, oily looking skin, eta., 000 )111 symptoms of tervous debility thel lead to insanity anti elontil =noes cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function 00e3100 in consequence. Those who through bum committed irt ignorance may be per- tinently eured. Send yotte address foe ;took on all diseases peculiar to mon. tBooks senb free soalod. Iteardiseaso, the symptoms of whieh 0,00 11(11111 spells, purple numbness, palpitation, skip beets, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, runic' land irrognlar, the scond heart beab Vaster than the first, pain about the breast ibono, atm, eau positively hemmed. No dupe, no nay, Send for hook, Address, al, V. LtiBQI(. 24, Macdonell Ave. Toronto, Ont The Wabash river litte overflowed, am? many of ehe low lying sections of Indiana aro flooded. Crops aro ruined. ;Ninelt dam. 0,30 lute also boon none by floode in tho Sem gamin valley in Illinois, Th o search party in tho Ttill Farm 1111110 at Dunbar, Pa., on Saturday brought out the bodies of Ilarney Marsh and David Naves, who wore entombed t11e10 in J11110, 1890. This 111(810-00 27 bodies rouovered, POST -OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Annual Report of the i'oetwasterGen- Brat 1 11.1,1'01010 (88 Nu In 111+2, or 1,0,4 1^01111(.1.4 1,11 II% the 11•71g0 --Letters 11elWe00 VII 11 l'4/01'Pr Al 11 11, 111011 1$ Kong Toronto releasers the CVO:IWO .431101}1 1 Or WOrk 10 1110 heniteintent ee ate g Ranh /48110kIlle8, ;simnel repert of the Posingteler. timeral WIN presented to Parlitinient to- day, It stake; that the I10t113,00 Of 'Wit. 0n11704 10 LIM Dominion 011 duly 1 1.00 was 8,0(11, being an inertiose nf liS over the number in operation 011 Ole 101, July, 1111(11. The (nail routes have been ed 1,3, 707 miles (((1)11 the annual mait'travel hen been ineretsed froin 991,510,-3r miles 40 97,1139,5113 miles. The Northweet territor- lee earl Manitoba, show the largest inerease in mail route, in those provineee 'teeing in. creased front 0,053 to 7,480. 130i001)4 Col melee also Mimeo vonehlertable Dicrease, the mileage in 1800 1)0103 8,0(18, end in 1801, 5,001. OlitariO, 7)11tUrtilly, 00111i5000 to furnish the grenteet emenutt, of e foi the department. There were existing hi the premier province on July 1,3,026 post - offices as against 1,441 in Quebec. 'I he number of miles of post route in Ontario 30100 IS,670 ; in Quebec, 11,11114 ; the (1)51)01 rote of mail travel W0.0 12,330,290 milee in Ontario and 3,845,078 in Quebec. The estunated number of letters posten in the Dominion WAS 07,073,000 •post cards, 2(3,300,000 ; newspapers, periodicals, cir- culars, book packets, patterns, ate., 98,8001)- 000 '• of these Ontario centributed 53,000- 000 letters, 13,1 75,1 00 post cards, 15,700,- 000 newspapers, etc. In 1800, made were carried over 11,032 mdee 01 railway, Lest year the mileage War; 1'2,191 ; sat increase of 309 miles. The daily service by bags over the big roads is as follows 1 Oland Trunk, 7,038 miles ; P. R„ 4,200 ; Intereolonial, 1,087 ; Prince halward Island railway, 450 ; C.anaila, At- lantic, 492; Canada Southern, 412. The total daily service by bags 111 charge of company's servants es 15, nines. From the 1 7 th Jenuary, 1301, to 90111 January, 1809, 01,375 letters paSSed be. tweon Vancouver and the three post -offices of Hong Kong, Shenghai and Yokohema and 20,1.12 newspapers, the miseellaimous pitekttges amounting to 14,204. ,January, 18911, there was inaugarated a direct mail service between St. John, N. /a, end Demerara and certain of the 1 est India islands, by steamers subsidized by the Government. This has already been rivalled of to Lb considerable extent, and will un- doubtedly be more so, as the frequeeey and regularity of the service are increased. Telteerre'e STANDING. Toronto, lae beyond any other airy 111' Canada, fume. "9 11h0 greatest ranee of work to the dep., ,tent. I'he weekly meet - age of letters, postcards and newspaper:, , delivered in Toronto has been 3'37 84', • in 31outreal it has bees 158.499, whiie Hama. 1 ton comes third with 57,553. During the fiscal year the deposits in the Post -office Savinga Banks were in needier, 147,672, and in amount, $0,500,379; and tho: withdrawals 84,063 in number and 87,875,- 077 in amount ; the averaee 110110/411% 3000 844.02 and the average withdrawal *99.67. There were 29,701 accounts opened and 39,006 closed. The total number of ecconats renuaniug open at the close of the period was 1 1 Le:30, and the aggregate balance ilue to depositors 891,738,0 18, making the aver. 0(30 012100111 ab the credit 01 011011 depositor, 8105.44. A classification of elm depoeits received during the year had been mane, showing the following results ; 53,12 t 7 from 131 up to 1310; 96,427 froin 81 1 up io $9 ; 37,50 1 from 6191 np to 851) ; 17,685 from $51 up to 8 103 ; 7,005 from 8101 up to 6,200 4,09 1 10010 17901 up to 8400 ; 407 from $401 up to 8600 ; 147 from 8001 up to (3800; 179 front 81301 up to (31,000. :FOP the year ending 30111 Juno, 1801, the geese postai revenue was 83,374,887, being an increase over the revenue of the previous year o113151,273. The expenditure for the same period. was $4,020,739, an increase ot 880,044 over that, of the year before. P110 increase in the revenue is about four anti (4 (1(1(1 (300 cont., but the increase in the expenditure is only a smell fraction over 9 pee oent., so that the revenue continues to increase in much greater proportion then the expenditure. In a !urge department like the postoffiee, with a, business extending 000) 3001 only the greet railwey lines from the AtlauLio to the Pacific, bub into the remotest settlement in the backwoods, and tannest to the shores 01 the Amnia ocean, it becomes at once appar- ent how greatly tho success of its operadions depends upon the cordial. emoperation of those to evil= the supervision of these °potations is entrusted, and for that cordiel co-operetion, in its frillest extent, Col, White, the deputy post -master general, ex- tends his thanks to the officers of both the inside ancl outside service. There's Magio in it. What must be tho satisfaction and grati- fication, at so small a cost, of 000 (01(0 writes like this 1 Mr. NV. Meson, editor of the Rotford tend Gainsborough News, Retford, brig., says : " I had suffered front sprain- ed knee for twelve months, evithont being able to obtein relief from the pain, when I rubbed the lthee thoroughly for twenty min- utes with St, Jacobs Oil. That night I traveled 200 miles by railway, the next day I walked 25 miles, (0)1(1 (11)0 pain bad entire. ly diseppeared, I have never lutd the slightest return of it since." At Poland, Moat, ou Tuesday, the three. yeateelil son of Mr. John Jordan had his head blown off by his brother, evil() used a gun whielt ho was quite continent was not loaded. A bill grinning the electrio railway fran. °Mee to the Maekenzie-Holt syndicate at Winnipeg, passed the Private 13ills Commit- tee of the lalauitolia Legislature on Tues- day. ,An instruetor and ten boys conneeted with tho Thompson:1311001 11(1 13081011, antss„ went out, in a sailboat, n inlay evening. The boat was capsized and all tho party except two boys were drowned. 7 5,1 1111, 11106 01310111 1)011110(11 14'110040 of 01 diseases. leennesty feielly lo latirely free freen it, while Moue "els e. 'ytt here Its fimrausu elavee. tirt.411110011115 11114 0,111/101041110 01.10010(4 enring every form of :eget elm The mist sever» tuttl pubitel dna tang sores, swellings 111 the neck, or goltre, humor In the 00.0, causticr. 1,01•001 ov total blindness, and rv.•ry other form of Mood disease have 3,1el4ied to the pen tulul «Guts 80 this euellelme Try ne Hoo arsaparilla Bold by au MN ("0 01. Prepared ontr SY 11.1.1100110 00, Apotheeerles, Mem 400 Doses Orto Dollar INCIDENTS OF LIFE. The Rev. Dr. Pare, when perpeteal curate of Heaton, Warwiekshire, wheel, living ho held front 178:1 to 1790, regularly smoked in the vestry while the congregation were alleging long hymns, chosen for the purpose immediately before the written. The doctor wee wont to exclaim .• " My people bike long hymns, but I prefer& long pipe." To -clay in Engler el, at Itarrow, the boys are doctored en masse. Each one is served with two grains of quinine at morning and night es a safeguard against the influenza. The ;Iron is administered efter prayers, and the ceremony has thus 0 double solemnity, As the boys go out in single file they 0.00 met by the matron, who 91000 each one his choice of powder or pill. The choice is mad!, the drug io mellowed, and so the (1(10 10 gradually ehortened. blow riell a country France is, and what huge 101rdens rt can therefore carry, may be inferred from the figureo of the annual bud- get, just introdueed in the Chamber of De- puties. Tee receipts are estimated at 3,348,258,395 0141100, am' the expenditures at 3,34 7,0.10,375 felines. in other words, France perposes raising and expending 10 1892-93 newly 4703cmf,000, a thing that it could not an if it dill nt,t possess as 113(111B• 1,1'10119 0,11,1 frugal a people as can be found in the 300r111. The King and Queen ot Greece haye been married twenty•five years, and 00)1(11000 (1) live for caeh other in gond, old..iashioned a libation. The Queen, says a (00(100 101 the Paris Figaro, although 000 bas 1(00123111 11(3 a family of sOrt,11 01111(lren, has preserved all the grace of early vouth. Her oharming smile softens her Amend° beauty, which sp11100cinitotsnu,,o from her father, the Grand 13 ota.1,0111,11111111111W How does he feel 2 -He feels blue, a deep, dark, unfadiug, dyed- in-the-wool, eternal blue, and he makes everybody feel the same way -August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel? -He feels a headache, generally dull and con- stant, but sometimes excruciating - August Flowerthe Remedy. How does he feel? -He feels a violent hiccoughing or jumping of the stomach after a meal, raising bitter -tasting matter or what he has eaten or drunk -August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?-He feels the gradual decay of vital power; he feels miserable, melancholy, hopeless, and longs for death and peace -August Flower the Rem- edy. How does he feel '?-He feels so full after eating a meal that he can hardly walk -August Flower the Remedy. o G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U, S. A. A short time ego the :Moorish Raids gave the Sultan of Morocco and his son a p000001 - 01 200 male and female slavee to celebrate the event of the marriage of the heir to the Moorish throne. Melt from 10 to 13 years of age fetch about°$80 to 13120 each end the slave men:halite find the 1301110100 MOTO profitable Iron 10 to 20 years of age. 'Pho longest span of telegraph wires in the wcrlil is to be founn in Coehiti China, oross. lug the river Mekong, and the longest span of 00101)110110 WRVS in .0091:111d. It lutppens to be a portion of the wire crossing theriver Dart, 11.11d connecting Dartmouth with the trunk lines between Torquay and Plymouth. The span of the former wire is stated 16 be 9,560 feet, and of the latter 2,400 feet. In (lertnany, the smith, when finishing the alma punches a hole in the two ends, ((1101 3011011 the shoe is coin he tens in hammy thread aml mows into the shoe, when on the horse'e foot, n elierp.pointed stud of au inch in length (1811(1 with shoes thus fitted horses dm travel sunray over the worst posibio road, and 1111N0 (WNW 118011 kilONVII HO Slip 1 end draught homes are shod in het 0111110 Rev.Walpole Warren, the Englieh clergy- man heought to New Volk to be rector of Holy Trinity, eve he will not, become ne, • turelised, because he will not accept en. .fritnehisement in so corrupt a city. 4 "elk' STJACOBS 0E4 St. 1,1317111 1 eibitleal•Vi let Jacobs Oil te; celit Ora The Bride's &wee Untried In white, you have thasen all right; Married in gray, yeti will go far away Married in blank, you win wish yourself batik; Married in red, you will with yourself dead; Married in green, eshamee to, be seen; Married in blue, he will always he tree; Married peerl, yen win live in a whirl; Married in yellow, ashame,1 of your MOW ; Mulled in !mown, yoll (4111 1170 001 01town; Married in leek, your spirits will sink; Maned or not, you luny havo to toil; vor FOR LWRIIHRTION 1±4100.1 okil‘ ERSPAlit TIHR ORE T REMIEDY POR PAIN VrialitliZIMICS=Sikarair grIgNIMMEMNSiiiMPirl