HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-6, Page 44
To the Electors of Brussels.
Lames atm GRNTLEan:x.
Having boon asked by a num.
her et citizens to becenno a candidate for
the Rooveobip of Brussels, and after
nature consideration, I have consented
to comply with their wishes. b'rcm my
long experience in Municipal matters if
eleoted I intend by strict economy and
watohtulneas to fill the position to my
beat ability,
I ask all who are interested in the
progress and prosperity of the town to
unite in giving me their hearty support,
Your Obedient Servant,
Sao, Ba:NEB.
Brussels, May 6, 1892.
New Advertisements.
Local -Mr, Currie.
Card -Geo. Bteker,
Local -Geo. Backer.
Locals -0. E. Perry.
Locals -A. R. Smith.
Locals -Dr. J. C. Ayer.
Locals -L C. Richards.
Tenders Wanted -Geo. Kelly.
Wall Paper -G. A. Deadman.
Quick action ieneoessary-A. R. Smith.
(1..bc russets Vast,
I'ItrDAY, iIAY 6, 1892.
Most of the business houses and pri.
vete residences of Atwood have been
numbered by the Charlton Rouse Num-
bering Co. It is now in order to have
the names of the streets put up at the in•
tersecting corners. 95 will pay for this
At a meeting of the oreditore of Wm.
Forrest, undertaker and furniture dealer
an offer was made to accept 80o, on the
dollar' payable 15c. cash and the balance
in 4, 8 and 12 months ; but the proposi•
tion was not accepted. It was rgreed
that the property be placed in the hands
of Wm. Dunn and Thos. Fullerton, who
are to dispose of the same and settle up
the business.
James Donaldson, jr., of Elma, has in-
structed his solicitor, J. E. Terbune, to
bring action against Patrick Higgins, of
the 6th oonceesion for $1000 damages for
libel. Ile accuses the defendant of say-
ing at various times last February to
different persons that "James Donaldson
and Frank Collins stabbed my colt and
I will have them in jail for it in two or
three days." The writ was issued on the
22nd of February and the case will come
up for trial at the fall assizes.
The Bee says in speaking of their flax
mil] :--The mill should be run to its
fullest capacity even if a large acreage of
ground has to be rented by the Co., which
we understand they contemplate doing if
sufficient farmers da not take hold. On
an average, since the establishment of the
mil, the Co. have paid 910 per ton for
the flax, including this year. It la to be
regretted that owiogto the losses acoruing
from the low price received for their seed
they were unahle this year to pay inter
eat on the stook invested in the industry,
but this is no reason why the stockhold.
ere should fly , ff the handle, or become
dissatisfied with their investment, or dia.
coeraged. The following board of direc.
tors was elected :-President, 1. W. 11o.
Bain ; Seo.-Treas., Wm. Loohhead ;
Directors, Wm. Dunn, Jas• Manna, John
Graham and Joseph Fianna.
Miss Maggie Bourses is home now.
Sports are becoming quite lively now.
Miss Maggie Bell was in Bluevale Ibis
The gardens are beginning to show
some taste in Bluevale.
Dame rumor says that a wedding will
come off before we knew it.
The blacksmith shop which was burnt
last week ie nearly reared again.
Sandy Anderson is having his place
ploughed up this spring to plant potatoes
T. Johnston and W. Pattereon, of
Wingham, are visiting here for a few
The musics was greatly improved in the
Methodist church last Sabbath. Mise
Ball, of Brussels, was the organist.
The Foresters' Hall looks better inside
now than when it was new. John Far-
row shows great taste and deserves oredit
for the becoming manner in which he has
decorated it with the paint brush,
Bluevale Lodge I. 0. G. T. is progress.
ing slowly bat surely. Three candidates
were initiated at the last meeting and
more are expected for the next night.
The following officers were eleoted for
May quarter :-0. T., William Fraser ;
P. 0. T., E. Johnston ; T. Dept., R. N.
Doff ; V. T., T. Ellie 1 R. S., M. V. Hart.
ley ; F. 15 , H. Robb ; T., W. Gray ; 0.,
R. Stewart ; . Hartley ; G., M. Mes.
tier ; S., W. Bailey
ley ; A. S., M. Duff ; D.
M., F. Gardiner,
Dungan McLaren, who is well known
bete, was euddenly palled to join the
great majority. A abort time ago he
took la grippe which developed into plea.
risy. Ile recovered however and went on
a visit to build up his strength. While
away he cought cold and had a relapse
which terminated his short life when he
had been home bat a few days, It ie but
a short time since Mrs. McLaren passed
away and the death of this only son
leaves a doable vacancy in the family
circle. Mr. McLaren and daughters have
the deep sympathy of the whole nom.
James Johnston, of Morris township,
writes from Minnesota, under date of
April 20th as follows :-I left Bluevale
at 6:40 a. m. on April 22nd, via Stratford,
arriving there at 10105 and got to Lon-
don 11:35. Reached Port Huron at 1:05
and Chicago at 9:80 p. m. Left the
Windy city the same night at 11:15 by
the Chicago de North 'Western railway
and arrived at Elroy, Wisconsin, at 6 the
next morning and on to Duluth at 4;80
p. m. The changes made on the trip
Were at Listowel, Stratford, London,
Chicago, Esti Clair, and Spooner. I was
only 85 hours and 10 minutes travelling
887 miles. All the delay I experienced
was 19 hours at Chicago. The weather
has been very cold, the wind blowing at
a terrible rate, There le about 20 miles
of lee on Lake Superior yet and thirty
five boa`s last in it unable to get cat,
1'11tE,-A moat disastrous are visited
Bluevale on Friday Morning, 22nd ult.,
o'clook. The blacksmith shop
and carriage shop were Moth burned to
the ground. It is supposed to have
caught 0001 a ohimuey in the oarriage
el1..p. The fire bad only made small
headway when it was noticed and soon a
number of willing workere were on hand.
No attempt was made to ear the oar -
liege shop, but the centente were soon ou
the road. It was now seen 1901 the
blacksmith shop was in imminent danger,
It was defended for a short while till the
fire got the beat of it and soon it was in
dames. The implement shop occupied
by John Gardner was seen to be in
danger and a number of hands set to
work to tear it down, which was soon eo-
oomplished. The shoe shop occupied by
1. F, Morrison was saved from destruo•
tion by the work of the mac. The work-
ers deserve praise for the way in whiob
they labored at the tire. Ail the lose, ex.
wept the insurance, falls on the shoulders
of Thos. Nixon. Mr. Nixon intends
building again. 0. Craig, carriage mak.
er, has started again in Mrs. Stowe's
Perth Oounty.
Stratford City Council will invite the
Toronto highland regiment to visit the
Classic City ou May 2499.
There were registered with the City
Clerk of Stratford during the month of
April 10 births, 2 marriages and 12
Ile annual meeting of the Perth
Teacher's institute wilt be hold in Strat-
ford, Thursday and Friday, May 19th
and 20th.
Wm. Lupton, of Stratford, shipped
thirty-five head of cattle for export Mon-
day. They cost him froth 0 cents to 59
cents per lb.
Samuel Scott, of Auburn, has eoutraot.
ed for the whey of the Llma Cheese Can.
peny'efactory for this season. Ile has
put in about 170 hogs.
In the Chancery Division Tuesday
morning a cross petition was filed
against James Trow, staudard-bearer of
the Liberals in the late eleotiou in South
Perth, William Pridham, the member.
sleet, is the petitioner.
There is a hitch 111 the negotiations for
the purchase of a plant by the Perth Flax
Bill Company, of Stratford, for mann.
feature of binding twine, and there are
prospects of a big law suit before the
trouble is ended. The fight is between
the Sewell & Day r,o., of Boston, and the
National Cordage Co., a strong corpora.
tion controlling all the binder twine mills
in Canada but one and many of the
United States factories.
f'be following are the officers of the
Perth RifleAseooiatiou for the current
year :-Lieut. Col. McKnight, Patron ;
John Worden, Presideut ; Wm. Gillard,
Vice.President ; Wm. Lawrence, Seers -
tart' ; B. 0. Sealy, Aesietant•Seeretarv' ;
Geo. Beck, E 0. Sealy, Capt. Cook, TI.
Marchant, N. tion eitll, ,Council ; W.
Gillard, N. Monteith, Auditors ; J. Woo-
den, W. Gillard, E. C. Sealy, H. Maroh-
ent, N. Mouteitu, Geo. Beck, Rouge
The Elms. Cheese Co's faotory, James
A. Gray, maker, is not oely the first fac-
tory in Western Ontario to adopt the new
method of paying for milk aecordtug to
the butter fat whiob it contains, but is
also the first, so far as we have beard, to
commence operations for the season. On
April 12 work began, 12 cheese being the
result for the fi' s, day, as against five on
April 14, the opening day last year.
When fu full blast the factory has about
100 patrons and turns out from 40 to 50
abee-e per day. The 13ab000k test was
applied for the first time ou April 16.
Out of 45 samples of milk tested the low-
est peroeutage was 320 and the highest
4.10, which is considered very satisfactory
for the time of year.
Geu.erul miaow"•..
A terrible wind storm ravaged Iowa
and Missouri on Moudsy.
Two earthquake shooks were felt in
Concord, N. II., on Monday.
A cyclone struck the village of Bieros,
Kansas, on Sunday. One person was
The U. S. House of Representatives
has passed the free binding twine bill.
Yeas, 183 ; nays, 47.
Rev. J. W. Lambeth, D. D., one of the
oldest missionaries of the Methodist
church is dead in Kobe, Japan.
At St. Louis the other eight, Charles
Oretzer fatally shot William Callahan as
the result of a quarrel over five cents.
Over a ton of dynamite and gunpowder
has been stolen from the magazines at
Corfu, the Greek island in the Mediter-
About 400 house carpenters are on
strike in Baltimore to enforce acceptance
of their demand for the eight hour day,
wages to be as heretofore.
The rain makers have been trying
their hand again iu Texas, but without
result, and the people are beginning to
think the scheme is a humbug.
The Marriage of Fen Lee, a Chinaman,
and Agnes Gertung of Berlin is comment-
ed upon with surprise, being the first
alliance of the kind announced in Ger.
Patrick O'Sullivan, the iceman, who is
serving a life sentence in the Illinois
Penitentiary for the murder of Dr, P. H,
Cronin of Chicago, is dying of consump-
tion, and a confession is expected.
The beauty of the Royal family of
England is said to be Princess Marie,
eldest daughter of the Duke and Duchess
of Edinburgh. The young lady will be
present at the first Drawing -room of the
Ohio takes the lead of all the States in
the number of humane eooieties within
its borders. So ear the fifteenth annual
report of the American Humane Associa.
Eon. Pennsylvania bas fourteen, New
York twenty-nine, Indiana forty-five, and
the Buckeye State caps the climax with
Oolenian Blacknearn, who was hanged
at Fayette, Mise„ a tow weeks ago for
wife murder, is reported able to walk a-
round hie room and converse with friends.
After hanging for 86 minutes and being
pronounced dead by three physicians hie
body was turned over to relatives for in-
Moment- They resided in Franklin
county, a distance of 85 milee overland,
While en route to the family burying
ground a seratehing on the inside of the
coffin was heard. The top of the coffin
was removed and the ecpposed aorpse
was found to be breathing. A physician
wee at once summoned, and after treat.
meet, the patient 0900 pronounced out of
danger: He was hanged by the now
system and was jerked up lolly tit feet
With a 11re8.foet drop.
Tho spelling match for the champion. MONEY TO LOAN.
ship of the World and $2000 a aide bet.
ween ChampionmJames Utanbury and
Thomas Sullivan, the New .Poland
champion, took place on Monday on the
Paramabta River, Melbourne The
betting was in favor 111 lt!e 01111n:1+''n.
• But a great many followers of the 8leori
were along the river b„nlc and eagerly
snatched up the odds, however, Su111.
1 mu was ea-ily beaten and Stanbury eti'l
retains the world's sculling wham+aonehip,
It ie expected that Stanbury will sail in
June for America to meet O'Connor and
other Anti•podoan souliere.
Will stand for mares during the season
at his own stable, Lot 14, Con. 4, Norris.
0E0. 01,9011, PBOPIIE'iOB.
Monday, -Will leave his own stable,
Lot 16, Con. 4, Morrie, and proceed along
and line to Robb. Warwick's for noon ;
thence to Belgrave hotel for night. Tues.
day, -Will proceed east on 4211 Con,
Mortis, via Sunshine, to Jno. lleArter's
for noon ; thence south to Chas. Ilow-
lett's, Con. 7, Morris, for night, Wed
needay,-Will proceed along the 0911
Cal. to 5, Walker's for noon ; thence
to Central Hotel, Brussels, far 2 hours ;
thence to Thos. MoLenchlin's, Grey, for
night. Thursday, -Will proceed east to
—for noon ; thence west to Jno. Cutt's,
Con. 2, Gres, for night. Friday, -Will
proceed east to Henry's Armstrong's for
noon ; theuue west along Boundary to
W. J. Johnston's, Con. 1, Morrie, for
night. 'Saturday will proceed west to J.
Robinson's for noon ; thence to his own
ttable where he will remain uutil
the following Monday horning.
N1,RTE ROANS are a
new discovery that cum the
worst oases of Nervous Do-
bility,l,Ost Vigor and Fail -
fug 6lenhoed ; restores Cho
weakness of body or mind
' or the errors of excesses of
youth. This Remedy absolutely mires the
must obstinate oases when all other TmtAT-
ntENTa have failed even to relieve. Sold by
druggists at Ol per eaoaage, or six for 85, or
sent uy maIl en receipt of price by address-
ing Tim lamas MMEDtorx0 Co„ Toronto, Ont.
Write for pamphlet. 8014 in Brussels by
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Pillage Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent,, Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brasacla.
1892 —FL AX— 1892
Cameron Bros.
Have a limited number of Bushels of the
Por fainters Is the vicinity of Oranbrook
who intend raising Flax during tbo owning
season, which they are prepared to deliver
in quantities to snit flax growers:
Can bo got at the Oranbreek Plait AIM,
Seed given out on the u0uai tering anti 51.e0
Per bus. Order early to ensure a supply.
For flax grown from this send 1$10 per ton
will bo paid, if of goodrowth, harvested in
proper season, and delivered at the P'1ax
Mill es soon ao fit for threshing,
We will rent a number of anvil sod golds
for the purpose of glowing flax.
Praprl dors ("man eek Flat 21111.
The undersigned desires to in-
timate to the public that they
have leased the above well known
Lime Works where they will al-
ways have on hand a quantity of
first-class lime. Order early.
ry . 1
It covers the ground;
—the B. & C. corset. It is
perfect in shape and fit, is
boned with Kabo, which will
not break nor roll up, and if
you are not satisfied, after
wearing it two or three weeks,
return it and get your money.
Fon "'L,,, DTA
Ontario Mutual ilifo
Assurance in force Jan'y; 92,$14,984,807
New business written in 1891 2,694,950
Increase over 1890 8411,800
Cash income for 1801 547,620
Inc -ease over 1890 07,020
Liberal Conditions of Policies.
Cash and Paid-up Vnlces guaranteed. on
each pollee.
A11 dividends belong to and ale p 11 only
to policy holders.
Premiupls payable during the It lath iu
which thoy fall due.
Policies ore incontestable two yea. g 510 m
date of lone.
110 restriction ou travel, residonc or oe.
Lapsed Whiles may be revived within six
mouths after lapse.
Death elalms paid at once on oont,•letiou
of claim papers.
District Agen , Ethel.
TS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub -
1 stances from the bronchial passages.
Frequently, this causes inflammation
and the need of an anodyne. No other
expectorant or anodyne is equal to
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It a:,sists
Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays
irritation, induces repose, and is the
most popular of all cough cures.
"Of the many preparations before the
public for the cure of colds, coughs,
bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there
is none, within the range of my experi-
ence, so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral. For years I was subject to colds,
followed by terrible coughs. About four
vised to try Ayer's Chwhen so eryPet and
today all other remedies aside, I did
so, and within a week was well of my
cold and cough. Since then I have
always kept this preparation in the
house, and feel comparatively ware."
-Mrs. L. L. Brown, Denmark, Miss•
"A few years ago I took a severe gold
which affected tay lungs. I had a ter-
rible cough, and painted night after
night without sleep. The doctors gave
me up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
which relieved my lungs, induced sleep,
and afforded the root necessary for the
recovery of my strength. By the con•
tinual use of rho Pectoral, a permanent
enrolees effected." -Horace Fairbrotiaor,
Rockingham, Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rltsr/Itsli AS
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co„ 1.owe14 Mus.
bold by sit Ammeter. AO*, 1; the boala i QL.
in Prices.
Lands West of Third Meridian.
Sale commenced April 4th
at the uniform price of
Edmonton District.
Auction Sale commences May 3.
Apply to any agent of the
Agent, Brussels.
e _ vare
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro•
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, cdc.,
Biwssias, Oar.
For farmers in the vicinity of Brussels,
who intend raieingflax during the ooming
season, which they are prepared to deliver
in quantities to suit flax growers. Can
be got at the Brussels Flax Mill or at
W. H. MaOraoken's grocery. Seed given
out at $1.50 por buehel and on the usual
terms. Order early and mum a supply.
For Flax grown from this Seed
$10 per Ton will be paid,
If of good growth, harvested in the pro-
per Beason and delivered at the Flax Mill
as soon as 'fit for threshing. We will
also rent a number of good sod fields for
the purpose of growing flax.
J. c@ J. Livingston,
2 .6 PERRY
The Ieading Photographer of
'Woodstock for the past 13 years,
has leased the Photograph Gal-
lery lately occupied by T.J. Hunt-
er, where he is prepared to make
first-class Photographs in all of
the Latest Styles and Sizes.
Call at his Gallery and see
0. P.J. 1::Z13a,Y,
MA Restores Fading heir to its
original color.
Stops failing of hair.
Keeps the Scalp clean.
Makes hair soft and Pliable
PrOnlotaa Growth.
D. L. CAV3N.
2 Toronto. Travelling ras1nnnor Agont. 0 r R..
Saybl A,ai•nandrnitle a pnreatramavat a lDnn.
,Full -Its action 18 marvallan,-h, my own raen
Q1 o tow nppllratlonn not only thoroughly removed
9!1&IP+81'l,l8r1 e,� "JI xcaaslvo dnndndr accunelntIml but 010952811
tnaingort1wbull.ai Itauanodpeabtaami
promotnda vlslblogras+�th.
A Surjilxe in Pliotogllapliy 1
W. W. Burgess, who intends going to Winnipeg, has sold out his
Photograph Gallery, in the Stretton Block, over the
Standard Bank, to
Harvie J. Strong.,
Who has Kaci FIRST-CLASS EXPJ RIENCE in some of the best
Galleries there and is prepared to execute all the work en-
trusted to him in a way that will be apprecirltecl by
those who like a well finished Picture.
In ca short tilne he expects to be in a position to
give special attention to Crayon Work..
Orders Filled Promptly at Moderate Prices.
Your patronage is respectfully solicited,
Don't forget the place.
MAI- 6. 1892
Star ReslaHrallt
Call and see the One stock of
Bananas at 20e, and 80e,
per dozen,
4 Dozen Pine Apples at
25 Cents each
Oranges and Lemons from 20c.
per dozen up.
40 Gallons Fresh Cider at 40
cents por Gallon.
Fresh Stock of Cream Candies
sAlrCwILO,4�I' ..
successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is
without ,t parallel in the history of tnedi.
sine. All druggists aro authorized to sell
it en a positive guaractes, 29 test that no
other cure eau successfully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
ueo it, for it will cure you. If your child
has the Croup, or whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sera. If you
dread that insidious disease CONSUMP-
TION, DON'T RAiL 90 flee it, ib will cure
you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist
for SHILOH'S CURL+", Price 10e., 50o.
and $1.00 If your lunge are sore or back
lame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, 255.
M.D., M.A.,L.C.P.S,O, M.O.P.S.M.,
Specialist, - Toronto,
JONATnAN 335005AET, Materiel, says :-
"After spending all my money and property
to no purpose on medical moo, foe what
they termeda hopeless naso Ot consumption,
Dr. Sluolalr Cured me."
Mne, MART PIIBLoOO, Wcodlmase, says :-
"Whoa all others failed, Dr. 818010ir cured
in e of fits."
D. ROBERTSON, Carleton Place, says:
"Dr, Sinclair mired ,no of Catarrh:"
GEo. Itowr.D, 11]yth, says: -.Dr. Sinclair
onrod 101a of heart disease 004 dropsy, when
all others failed."
Diseases of Prfpate Nature, brought on by
folly, .Dr. dinclair certainly Cares.
Wednesday, May II, '92.
JAS. C. '7Y aal,a,LICSa2,6•
—Manufacturer of—
Buggies, Carriages, &c.,
Our Work will satisfy you and
our Prices will please.
Call and See us as We are Here to
Hustle Business.
Practical 'Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Cloths of the
Latest Designs
Wannixe RINGS,
Zambia, &e.
ta'Al5o a Full Line of Vt00,988 sad
Violin Strings, &o,, in stook.
N,B.-lssater01Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.