HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-6, Page 3MAY 0, 1P92, LATE BRITISH NEM. On Tuesdny 11 Wita Stated 1111 the War Offlee that the Sews (*eye, when they move shortly from Newbridge, will go diretiely into Dublin, itini will not go Mr mining 10 the Ourragli on 00010, ad preview1>1y order. ed. The Oyer; are to be ropineed al Dun. cielle by the 1(1.1) Motion, ( (air, It may uot he genet ally lumwn that the bugler who melee 00,10e4 semeled t he fatal olittrge 01 Balaelave is still living, awl 10 loll praetioe 1/1 lilo pl'0119,Bir/D. Mr. Land. fried indeed mdeented 1(11011 eXceilolit oor. not and trumpet notelet, and he ale) the pose of legitimatiter of the 1 st Sussex Volunteee Artillery. Al Werd Hartlepeul on ItIonday night, an extraordinary domoustration tend: ploee 0 domestic( servaids, who demand shorter hours and a weekly ball -holiday, The We. 111011 marched through the streets, attired ill neat &owes and carrying Mollie.; prom+, coal oalatiod, fiat irons, webbing knishes, and other emblems of their tilling, and created (11 0011 amusement, The proceseioniuts pro. pose to form a tuden, l'he body of a girl was accidentally illative. eyed on Satenelay in a labourer's eettage about two milee from liendon, It, was burled beneath the lione, and muse lieve been there for a considerable thne, as 11 was IA 011 advautica state of decomposition. An inquest was hold en eviming, but the evidenne given threw no light, on the affair. The house heel been unmempled for some thmi. The puttee are investigating the matey. The protection which Willett juries afford to men who alol00 they WiVefl 111 Maraordin. ory, and (1(10 10 a striking Cade : Al Leeds a man named Knight, whnee ',vire had de- serted him 00 aecount of his violonve and in. temperance, went to 1100 hoe Lo ask her to return home, end bemuse she refund he lived three allots at her, hitting hor eitch time, wounding her in the arm, back, and eat. Ths jury found that the prisoner fired only with the 11110111 10 "frighten his wife," and the man 11011 to be clisoharged. A Newry correspondent telegraphs on Wednesday evening :—Mr. John M'Cortan, on extensive hunlowner, residing at War- reimoint, County Down, was attaeked by a Man mtnled Patrick A. Byrne, a tenant of his own, while making 10 Lour of the town. laud of Aueharville, and s (ebbed him several times on 1110 1100(1 and body with a " rain " He was ease badly butte], and his rig it arm was broken. He was discovered lying on the road and convoyed to Warrtinpoints Byrne has escaped, but the police axe in search 01 111111, Twice or thrice this year there have been iteetainte of warlike opernt ions 01 1(0110'), least Indien troop( in the service of the British Cloyorolllellt in Africa. A report of the Brit nal I V011001 111 Nliwn,mbi,p, w hi eh Ni roam, ' ly laid before Parliament, told of au 01 tack inado 11)' a nody of Sikh troops upon a sleve- trading, camp on the southern elute of Lake Nyassa, and it is evident that the Sikhs wore aocomplislicti lighters, for they killed thirty.two of the enemy's moil whlie nuly ix of their own number were even wound- ed. aa$TIIIRTY THOUSANIJ 1111112, 0111 In What A litirleus Way— Segue ettenclieeing emerbdone or Nature. " Tile Way 111111ga eat hoo alWaye been an real' 'ng etinly to me,"naid the Profeesor, " Eor instanee take the 011811. People don't klloW illreil alma the mud!, Folks eat, them in ?name anti lite Own. Some edits ant them ir 11110 001011 ry and pretend they like them, Bee it ien't 111, 11111,14 10 OA that the enall is a eurieeity ee 1110c11 RH it la ao I Meg that eats. Tho snail's mouth 10 ono ot most extreme/Mary objects In intialre, Providence in kind to man in not arraying any boast of prey WW1 a mouth like a snail'e, for there Is no living creature, Gran the Mold terrible, but what would bo sem • thing 10 be petted compneell with one named I' with the formidable devouring epparatus with which the sluggish and almost, Innen. sato 8(1011 10 fitted. You see in your uoulee thin clammy anined oe whatever 11 may be, 11xed on a leaf and feeding, bet did yoe know thet in lie month were :10,000 teeth Don't ;start 1 Snell is the fact, The Mail W0111/1 make a, dentist Melt 11 11 should give him an order for Jost 0110 1401i of false teeth, but kind nature is the den list, and by the time it lme worn 01(1 1110 lent one.° ite ;30,000 100(1) 10 new set has beim previa ed for it to begin all over again, withou money and without pelce. These teeth ar all (01 the tengue, and thee toligue in itself a wonder. It is coiled up in the baok part of the sintil's month, The teeth etud it like the keen copper projections on the fuller's card, TIlO roof of the mouth ie hard like horn. Tim Intel placee its tongue 011 rho under mut of the leaf 0/2 Whiell it 1001.11d feed, and 111.06800 it up against the hard roof of ita mouth. Only ti, small per. Linn of its tongue le uncoiled. As the black• smith rove the horse'a hoof after he han set the shoe, so the snail ramps elle leaf and grinds ite nubstance away, cnrrying the moiet filings bock aver Be tongue into its atomath. The minute teeth wear eevey un- der the process. The snail rolls the denud- ed portion of its tongue downward as yon might wind a ribbon amend your finger, and uncoils another toothed section, pro- ceeding thus until the entire mitfit of teeth is 100(01 111011)'. Then it releases the roll of tongue (1 11)10 wound up. The ribbon coils once more in the back of the mouth, and lo 1 the toegue s 30,000 teeth hove been re- newed again, and the snail bogies i10 raid on the leaves just the same as before. Curi- oes? I think so, Then see how the baby whole takes He dinner. 'Phe whales am animals, you know. They suckle their yenng as tho cow does, but if a aow's 01111 11011 to take its sustenance 00 the wing, so to speuk, as the whalo'n calf dote% it would think 11)01 110 lines had been east in anything but 1)1005 1(11 places. I refer especially to the areenland whales, leviathans of the deep, whoee mouths, con' able of tithing in a wholeman's boot mid its crew with ease, yet seek no greater pvey than the minute animalcule. of ley seas. l'his groat merino beast has teeth but onue in i10 life mill that is when it is born. Those teeth are utak teeth, just the same kind ot mill( teeth that the human bay hoe, the sanie that the cow's calf has, the sante chut all mammalian infanta have. These teeth in the 111.081111mA whale cub do not fall out with age, but are absorbed in some mysteri- ous way, and then the leticein appears, Baleen is the whalebone of 0111010000, be- lle way. The general finpiceeiret is cleat whalebone is the ribs of the whale and that all whales have iti. Whalebone isn't bon atoll, 8111an ossified aggregation of hair plum- ed ill the upper jaw of the Oreeidend whale ouly, .2,10 of them side by side, like 1.110 of a eitteltroom, with which, when it eloees its jaws, (1 010111110 from the \voter the little 111011110180 0(3 which it feethe 'rho speed of this whale through the water, footling ne it goes, is faster than any !chip that soils. The whele baby travels but as fast its ite mother does and its mother never slackens len pace (1 bit to give her infant its nourishment. Now, it would be a physical impassibility for the young one to 11101110 a0(1 keep up Ito speed at the soma eine, and so Neter° has provided for this emergency, just as she has tor every emergency. fah° has given the mother whale the power to eject, end tho Imlay whale the capacity to teceive, an 011' 11100 mem' it an instant. The mother whale speeds through the water, her baby at her side hunger overtakes the infant. Hhe seelts the maternal fount, and the mamma1 fount violently forces from its depths instantane- ously the entire quantity of milk the baby retentive, and the baby receives it just as in- stontaneonsly into its stomach. And tbe Why whale's stomach holds just four gal. lens! " And what do you think of IL thing that eats with its whiskers ? But excuse me, That is jocularity, 1 ant speaking of the oyster. The oyster eats with its beard, The beard of the oyster is simply its mouth, its jaws, its teeth, and its palate. You mud I would not care to have such a combination ill oUr beard, but the oyster gets a green deal of enjoyment out of life, all the same, 11101/0 a payohologioal friend who declares thot even death is a pleasure to the oyster; that, parting with life betweee the bon vivant's teeth, it expires in eastasy. I hope my fmend is right. If he is, I will hove given mortuary delight to a dozen Blue POint9 Ulf the deep this evening. At Salford, 011 ,N1 twiny, John Kelso!! was charged with having burnt, his wife to (teeth, The evidence showed that Kettle went home peal:My dynnk 011 SAturday, ana without saying Anything threw a lighted paraffin oil lamp at Ids wife. The lamp :amok her on the forehead, the glass china -ley 1011.0 smashed, itml the burning oil 0p111. 21.1 upon the 1.1100111.1142 clothes. She was in. limey enveloped in flames, and WAN no quently found by tho neighbours lying 00 the floor burnt, to death. The prisoner teas remanded. An attempted doelde murder, follow ed by suicide, took place in Edward Street, York Road, Lambeth. At it late hour on Monday night. Two women were stabbed by lb man maned Wm. Buckley, who afterwards cut Ins own threat, atal ins viettma were a young woman named E. 13001011 and her mother, Buo t ey had been keep% cotnpany with Miss Berton, who Is only sixteen years of age, and enamelled avith her through jeal- ousy. He stabbed her 110 less than seven times in vorious parts of the body with it dagger, and the mother earning to her as - 0(9(11110e Wite also atobbed repeatedly. He then ant his th)oat. The Press Association'ts Belfast, corre- spondent reports a melancholy heating so. oldent on Belfast Lough on Sunday even- ingewhich reeutted in the loss of four lives. Two yoeng men hired 181)00.1, and peoecrea- ecidown the channel, taking on board on pass- ing one of the Twin Islonds three girls who had expressed u, desire to accompeary them, The boat already had a good deal nf \melee iu her, the result of a leak, anti the extin weight of Om girls rapidly Moralised the leakage, with the result that the boat ulti- mately foundered. All three gine and 0110 man were drowned. It appears the pro. prietor of the boat drew attention to the lealutge before starting. CYRUS NOBLE HEARD FROM. 01.0 Runaway T00004* Couple In rat:tiro:al Attempt to Gel. 4)10 (3111 Away. A despotch from Lockport, N. Y'., says ; —About three weeks 1130 (1 frightened and timid couple from Canad0 struck the town, and begtui boarding at a fashionable house on Allen street. About a week ago an old gentleman, Robert McCall, hailing from Toronto, ayrivod here, and it wee Jemmied that he WM searching for Ifis deughtee, who, ho said, had tdoped with Cyrus L. Noble, a grocer of Toronto. Tho couple were sought out, and the wayward maiden said she would return to the patent- ed roof on the condition that she could correspond regularly with Noble, and tinumy him as soon as he could get a divorce from his Wife, from whom 11,1, had been legally separated for some time. The old gentletnan consented, and the two started for Conklin, When they nulled Stispension Bridge the girl, who is only 17, suddenly darted from the train and boarded a Lockport train, and was soon baolt in this city. The cottple are now boarding at a (muse plaao on ChoStnut street, ond rarely leave the house except after dark. Th e old gentemon says ho has dono ohasin g after lois 00111111 offapring, and much diagus 1. ed, has retnrned tio Toronto alone, No Inclian wigwam hag been Amick 17 lightning since the dawn of history, and no Indian has been ley lightning (00 111080 then 100 years. A good illustration of the amount of Change brought about by deopmea 1nveet4. gations in our ideas oe the distribution of the &hoe ie to be soon in the natant history of the discoholi. 11 10 now shown' thot the discoboles, diskboarers, lumpfishoe, sucking fishes er 8018 snails, as they atm variorrely celled, 0(1(0 11(3 longer rose -toted to the A. lan tic mod Pacific in their northern parte and to the Aretie Ocean, THE BRUSSELS P C) 8 T. _ leg In the elioele, pondering, atel whisking r A frili c A:0 Ffil IA/0 Li i Li rV! " 3110 (180 (1(1001' areaturee, all of Its, my "11- boy 3 but queered; when wo oat." Italy ,fay Lean Arrina —Another Prio4 0,A,ITCRT BY AN OOTOPIL3, --- Attacked, " The f011081,,,,:itit3z.,11,13,11:41;y1.11'eneilit,iviz.,41.1,:as this A 1111)110 delettel( (V)741 -- T110 11((tI(.10 lielnalio peoliallee it etateinent to the effete An' timo,, win)/ ,A 1/01018 to a farmer, goin' Aaventeree With the 1(1110)1)10 (100 not. un- that at 11 2.4thillet meeting held yesterday it An. )1,,!'i';i11.:0'01,',1,i01 (0111) n. 11.4.6y., bnn, inneee e common, but rarely de We read 1(1(1)111' inv. WWI 1080104,11 to meet, tile 3101011 in the budmei een Inc! 0103)1(10 experience of thin kind than that re- ' Them 11(11, 1i11.:111, elf 1( 10))' Mak tis the roses 0„01,11,11 ),,,1„.„ by a ece.reep„neente lee get by eeolleinice annum) ing to Si3,0011,0tin 0 ,h ,11 , 11. .,,,,1, JoelStarhard, searching for sea birds' eggs, a monepoly 01 1010)01100. It ;.; believed that off the enast a few iniket moth of San h'ean- 010 neteeb meeepely e,d; ;endue an ameeee '111"/' "Id alllo 1112 ee trilaan' :n ir I'd elle; eimeo, and had made a pretty succomsful wae ont, in a email hoot with a friend named . and ley boirettsing texatioa and es faith:thing .111','1:44,1:,:11,1: '11 en".'3, '11 "01'3 PA. Itla'1 1" be driiv mond ali lot. after/10011'H WOVIC, when he einiglit sietieof a millet to S3,000,000, One of the economic:1 1 hal i:;,),1311,t,,111111o,.113,11i11.e honor when that little fine uhalone shell portly covered by tt reek, determined tterni ie 10 abandon all 11011.m Ite a tonna hi' W'orld, but what evee a man 1 determined to seenre the prize, and, be- 3)01(10(0(10(10 to Afriea except :Nlitelowali. Thi, 1,;(')14„111,11" edi'1.1)111",!;:;!..nits in him when ho leas ing baver°°Ima' 401)1)0 101) Liu' 10g'80 I hie latter statement has 10001111(1 much a child of his Iwo. Where it, came 111)0031 My knees. I began - werking to dieengage 1.110 then when mid- 8111 3' inn, ree it woulot mean the end of I tal v ',, Why, When JAI 110 to 111,, ewearhe pine (1(001 denly 1 felt 8m/welling like 0 tightly drawn aeldritl /MIR to a share with other great pow. rope about my 1011. 1(1(1810. era in 0') 0181. The Italian posse:times on I made a sudden effort to draw my foot . Lie Rad loo, 11(100 hum not only unprofitable, away lint could not glove it. I knew in a 1 Intl; very expensive, minute that my ankle 0000 'ripped by the The coml..' I, according to the l'opeln lee. 0111.110, 80(10111.1,d to limit the Italian To.s,es. sinus in Africa to Mansowalt, lf (1116 (0 (tee Italy will give up her posseselons in the 1, „,„.„-,,,q, 1,1 314711,0 1.411„3183,, (00(8 jut 100„01y Ihtlilak Archipelago, the Assab territory , spree i and her protectorate over the territory of '10 1),, ,.,.11..1 11,j/ 101)011 (0 rant'e ,,0 tired he . the Halal), Itoges, Beni -Amer and Afar, the wee1,101,,V, .'.1",`,,,,,7"ehofiet t;11'.1'11,.1 ,limf.i, a.; mad as al! latter including the Sult anate of All( -8(t, 1.(0- (1(1. 001. 8 osodzarrospoes.s.g.1.110,1104.1.1”""*".."1".1",!rf! rat Little Hand. AlT IMPROI3AI3LL STORY, 0(13 8101, n11'11010004 fur pinny. tellohlict on to me, A ltrariner Said Re Inn ve lied the same Ex. That 1,1 11.311013111.141019U(.1.110 n1ee01 th1)1g1 40111' 101 411011110. '111 An' .1 t•• N011,1;4 ((1101010n43,1' intek'.1r.ls1110's sirdi a int u, Au' 1(31 0(1 s. 3mt1 to 111 3 einistlens bout every ofid. I. the "en. ten 111010 of nei oetopos, and rmade another f spriny, to eimapo, bye or three tentacles . wore now wrapped 10(10(1( 110)' bore leg. But 1 atilt thought I could get away end began t' tugging with both hande te disengage those ee ugly feelers. ' Joel, meantime, heel rowed the boat a few rod( off and was luspecting a lenge of rock , sides Somali, (18111010,01 and the Kingdom '.1for birds' nests. 1, Abyeejee, ebee.,,wee bee e I(1(441011(,e,, el ..1n 11,2,,r,011,,:ahl li 10)41,1>1.00- go eroopm. IMO lily leg ., 1. Before I realized my danger one ei those ' Mena eta:teen (1011011001 inli.dnunits, 01 An' the fair little face bo put up to patted tentacles was >wound my arm and the her- whom, exchisive of the garrison, about, five en' eteldled an kIst ; tilde slimy creature Witi encirclin133 my hips hundred are Italians. An the puny eleillider.; elln out n' the froelt and waist. 111.11,1101 00 mother. yoe tao0 1 'Xlie occupation of . ;Mores of the Red Ns nigh (l)re. yea -s ..en q3 she died an' left Foe a few minuten I (struggled daspehnte. Sea and 14)1(11( 11 by Ita.y was done at the in- ium to me, ly, thinking to land the outopus, for I was etegamon anti ,:y the consent of ltngland, bat a few feet from the shore. 13ut a sud- who whilied to hove 4 frien 11 fey peen along den 011101)11060 1010)0 ever me, my strength the Red Sea route 10 3(81' Indian poimesefous. seemed gone, and held in that vise -like grip It is deuldful if the engeestion will be rem - I felt myaelf drawn down toward the water. (Adored eerietiely by Um Government. Bid " J oel ! J oat 1" I cried, despairingly. if Italy should desire to ablution Melee, Joel hected my terrified call, and 01010 Me England would be a ready p debaser and splashing about and behaving in a most un- would then be able to extend her Egyptian aceounteble matinee. In a moment he wee possessions along the whole mast line from alongside and saw the big octopus. Next 81102: M the Gulf of Ailen and alo»g the ho had out his jackdenife ond began slash- Eastern coast down to the Gorman African ing find honking at the tentactes. possessions, 110 JAMES Wilereoein Muer. The 10110100)010 011110(3 of its feelers proved A despatch from Vienna, says : —The Some elng of the nly, ami daisy, and epee, too much for the octopus and it relaxed its Anarchists of the old Polish Kingdom do And the eansiss and pinks that tho >40 01160' 010 up on the sand, and, alarmed at endowed with 00 much courage as their In (Pie gr'elen ; hold on my liraw lap of tho mender that tnbs and body. Then Joel not appear, from their ('00001 exploits, to be tas my deathlike pallor began pounding andrub• French brethren. 'rho Frenchmen, at least, Tilinklie up at the skies through (ho sunshiny bing life into me. It, was more than an cannot be tomused of cowardice. Not so the dnyo I hour before I was able to stand and several Posen Anarchist or whatever he may be, pit what 1, the 1113- and all of the root 01 th0,t livM ere to la an witn a, heart in 1110 days baker° I fully recovered my strength. He looks as much like 0,30010.11117 cutthroat liee"t', But for Joe's p1001101 0011011 I should not as a regenerator of mankind can well do. That hos eloped hi-limn10' full of tho honey e1 be alive to tell thus story. He prefers inoffensi ye old priests es sacrifices Of the sweet clover blossoms his babyhood i,L1::iey on the alter of the future. Before entering i his house he 1181800 01808 to see that the hottae. — keeper is nee on the scene. In a ealife that 1 never eet ey04 en a elovonfleld new Or fool round the stable, nr 011(011 in t,he mow, happenell recently this precantien 110,109 ( usg- leeted, with the result. that the Anarchists But sny ibilliouil Aims haelt.J114 1.1.• elear and as Vain were routed and tine of the hand captured, .:1,3 the incll of 1),,' elover I'm "Mtn in' again ; And I wsteler away in a latronaded dream, This 01010 030 331,03,1 les of liberty 1100 Wletre 1 meek my tees in the b.ossonii that chosen another 01a mail feclile ocelesiastie on 141 whom to avenge their weal:go l, In .1 ,1100,m, Wit 11;18;T1 :1,w of the dawn of tho morning of Austrian I?oland„ another cowardly attaek, e. el ' was made on a. pyltst, this 110110 (1 Dr. Dzero. esee o wept o'er the gineses I'm moon. trhom Ivies, a high eoeisvastical afgettary. Dr. Daer0WICS 0009 walking in the vie:laity ed tho town when he Wad eaddenly set upen by eve ruffians armee with cudgels, who bent hint severely. His aesnilants then cerried the Doctor to the river owl threw him in. He hail been badly injured by the blows showered upou him by the men and faint and weak, he could only ory feebly for help. Foretmately some passers -lay 1000.011 histories, and running to the river they succeeded, with much dif • fieulty, in rescuing him, The two men, as soon as they had thrown their victim into Str0331::113 thrly teinpur tin Du blamed:f :eri e4(1(1(18,Theres; emnet eurne ln one agile 11:0 big 1,„1 They 1L1111,0.11;i044,14,,ep jk,otn. der pity folke I Moe (01' te Bow they'd peel, 03)1 01 ft 11ne10111'. afore 3 on "Consider the woodpecker. Tap, tap, top, he says, clinging Lo the stem of the tree. Hist 1 lie says, turning his ear to the bark aml listening. Alt, Ile, Grub 1 Ho hears you foolishy meting at the sound of his lop, Ratty.te-top I Muerte-tap 1 Rm. 0.e.0 rtap I Ber.rder rap 1 Liko a drum beat - Mg in the morning. Straight to 1118 1111018, true as drilt or anger, goes that unerring beak. Quicker than either it taps the spot it is aimed at. But tho straight, sharp beak can ne0e0 follow the frightened grub In ies 0010311 010 tunnelling. It doesn't have to. The woodpeoker bos a tongue, long, round, flexible, eensitive, end barbed 111(5 )0 Fijian's spear. thrust on the larva's trail. A transfixed grob, A morsel for the crimson -crowned fed s palate. " The lobster and the crab, are iteptimions but never dainty, no (natter what they are eating, (always hnmediately see sotnethin else that they want, and 0(0(1 1)1 wait nue they have mastioatecl the firse before attack- 1 Mg the second. 13o1 thoy don't give lip the a first, not by any monnee of means. Nature humoring this repactons bent, has fitted up the lobster and the meth with tooth 10 11110111 stomach, end they swallow theie inalf-mae. Witted food and finish the chewing process with their stomachs, While thoy seize and ohew the other thiug thitt has attracted them, Lobsters and orabs have no teeth in thoir mouths. They chew with their claws and etomathe only. " The gritashopper isn't; 4 01110110ns al. 111011(31110 lays egga, but it has a gizzar111 like aoloiokoll, except that the grasshopper's t30100(11 has teeth—sharp, horny teeth, The uttorily 11,08 30 most delicate and beautiful little poinp inside of it, with which it pinning 1100tar from the flowers. lite patient 011 crops the gums day, but never knows 1ie hati boon eating until tho food too hos bolted 10 lined back at him fermi 1110 fourth atema611 in the shape of tho familiar 'cud, ' P which he chews and ehows and (thews, stand, 31 An' when 1 gi roen 1 to turn In, there be lies asleep in 111, no :1, 18,1011 help .1.n. win' him 310,0 ale haggne 1,1111 up to nev breast. An' he wake.; hist enough to say " poppy,' an' slip 1)14 (1100)81 into mine, An' Ms tourn K0410 through my vene like a drink u' Arena. wine, Msley FnAxene Glover Blossoms. IT'B GROWING COLDER. But only leigrune, end Ongy eir a l'etv ears. Attention was recently directed to the discovery that Europe has been growing elightly coldee during the last live or six years. Ono of tho explanations originolly ()eared hie One lewering of temperature was that possibly a cold period for the whole Northern Hemisphere, reualting the glacial epoah, haa beetle to Bet en, This exolana. thin was based upon tho assumptien that the (00101100 01 cold noticed in Europe woutil be found to have occurred in America and Asia, oleo. 13tit !Met. investigations seem to show that the fall of temperature has been eonfined to Europe. M. Camille Flammarion has col- lected a large Ember of stotistiee upon this subjeee white, prove that slime 1881 or 1880 the average temperathre has been below the normal in France, England, Spam, Italy, Germeny, Belgium, and Austria, fuel in mute of lialS21a. In the extreme north anci nertheacit parte of Europe no towerieg of to nporoture has occurred It is evident then that some Cann, Nyitieli affane only control and southern Europe, late been at week doprosaing the temperet are over that part of the earth. What that cause is remains to be. discovered The deerease of temper/any° noted to be large, varying in 11 idbren phtees from more than s degree itml it half In loss than one. third oi 11 degree in the average for a year 111)1 00(011.3 00101180 tleae some of itss ur est mottle of progress in tile observation et snob small chang!is, 1101 in fact, oven the slight inert -nee or (Iola thus indicated is thonght already to have made itself felt in Ito °fleets upon the vineyatels. At any rate, 11 (1(5 temporal ore of Europe should eoritinou to fall only the fraction of a degree 10 )1 yette the result (night in the end peeve a, serious matter to sumo blanches of agriculture. It is exceedingly improbable, however, that the change will go on to n, disastrous extent, for allpost experience indieates that, much variations of elimate are zoon arrested, and that then a reverse ehange sots hi like the slow swiug of a pendulum. The Centenary of Cas-Liating. The present year is the centenary of light. ing by gas—the invention of that not too highly appraised Scottish nmehaniondgenins, 31, 1111401(1 'Murdoch. .1.11 1792, while serving os overcome 111 souse mines in Cornwall, he lighted his nwn hoase 111 Redenth with coal gas. Lem ntose great inventions, the novel illuminant made but slow 3)00(30050 (81 first, mei hod to contend with much distrust and opposition, In 1798, some titne after Slur. (loch bransferred his servieve to the greet engineering firm pf Boulton & Watt at Soho, he erected apparatus in the works, and in the centime of a fewyears the whole of the large factory was parmanen tly ligh tad by gas. From this tinie the introduction eff (1110 13)10 other factories at Manchester and Halifax was effected by Murclooh and his pupil, Sam- uel Clegg. Front single factories 0001.3a5 141i length, and very tardily, came into use as a street 111(0111(1111101, Experiments were first: made in London at the Lyceum Theatre in 1603, bub 111 tvas not bill 1113 that gas Was employed en a large settle. In that year Wostminstoe 13eidge wee suoaesefully lighted, and in the following year the whole (51. Ilargaret'eparieh. From that noriod the 1100 01 gas extended, but it was some time before the nubile dietrusti was over- come, for it is rehtted that Somme 010 (3(33 who onclettook the lighting of 180111 10» 3eidge, had et first to light, his own lanips, antibody could be found 10 0011(1011(8180 title perilous office. Coal gets wits fiest used in Paris hi 1816, iu Glasgow iu 1818, ie the "United States in 18613 and in 13edie 1826. Even miter it bad come into general 1150 as street illuminant 31 only found its Way slowly into private houses, ettened it. The 0180 80180 nob 101111 11131, but the youth in the new spring suit plumped himself down by the side of tho handsome girl 111 gray, " Possibly—ow—you aro holding this soot," he said with 11 smile, " for 001110 gen tleinan 1" "3 WO.14" ell0 Raid With a sigh of diss,p. pentinent, " but he dosen't seem to have '0.tn" eictelthe youth in the new melee suit moody got up and wandered on into tho 01, 301100(1, the river, their evident ititention being to drown him, took to their heels and made thee wove, No meson for the teestault ho giveu. People of the Earth. Exactly how many people there 000 11') the 11011(1 11 is impossible to mty, silica no cen- sus is taken of many populous countvies, like Chino, while the number of people who live in the jungles of Africa con only be guessed at, As long ago cm 1866 Bohm, loading Gu- mmi authority, estimated the populrotion of the earth at 1,400,000,000. In 111110 the same authority set the figures at about 100,0 0,000 more. lie did not base the neW oetimates on the natured inerease of the people of the world, but explained thee more accurate figures and estimates had °notated him to guess more closely, Two years later Ale. 13ehm estimated the earth's populotion a1102,Ii00,000 loss than tu 1860, the deerealle being accounted for by the fact that mate investigations bad nom. polled the reduction of the estimated pope. talon of China from somethiug over 400,- 000,000 to about 850,000,000. Probably the estimate for the year 1891, made by a learned German statistician, is the most nearly accurate of any yet made - 1,480,000,000. 11 10 believed that the world's population is increasing at tire rate of nearly 6,090,000 a year. The most .populous continent is Asia, which contains two countries—China and India—whose swanning millions outnumber the people of 1011 11)0 other countries of the continent. The most densely peopled oontinont 104 01 course, Europe. The uumber of people in Europe is known with 0 great degree of ao. curacy, There are 101,1001 360,000000, and the continent which accommodates all these people is so small 1(1(01, 111)0)0 aro upon it au aveletge of ninety-three people to the square mile. The people npon the two cotenants of North and South America, without theoretic regions, aro less then 122,000,000 in number, or ouly eight to the square mile. A Priend in Need. Jinks—" Rello, howdy do, Blinks ? Stay, old fellow, oome home acid take tea with me." Blinks—" Really, Zam searcely present- able. in these--" Jiuks—"13other the clothes I That's all right, Come right along, My wife and I 0181 110 people at their tete meth ; WO don't go by their tailors' bills. Como right along." Sam Jinke (half all loom later)—" hero wo are. My dear, allow me to present my friend, Mr, Blinks. Me, Blinks, Mrs. Jinks. 13y the wily, 07 dear, those things you >0111 300 to order I forgot all about tined too loth to got into the store, Met Jinks What 1 Forgot f --ron—or.—it's '01 110 oonsermenoe 1111811, 017 clear, nee the lomat, Happy to make your acquaintance, Mr. Blinks. What de. lightful weather we ore having. Ploaso ox. 01100 me ono moment," Jinks whisper, after Mrs, J. has (lisappeored).---" Worked like a them," " W hat worked 1" J inks —"81re didn't thlo•o say a word about my forgettiror these things with eonitny preeent. 'flint's why. I *ought you. Ami I love (driver —it see103 like a port or rho soneeilest .00r100104 and Joys of my hean ; And wherever It blo,Amig, oh, there let me bow, And thank the good God as Int theittfin' him new ; And 3 pray to him etill for the strength, when ilio, To go DTI tin the (gormand toll it geed -bre, And lovingly nestle my face In its 4100112' While my soul slips away on a breath of pro. fume. Entering lu, The church War dim ate silent With the 1112,11 bete, the prayer; Only the solemn trembling Of the organ einem .110 5.10, Without, the sweet. Palo eunshine; Within, the holy calm, Whore priest owl 0002210 welted For the swelling of the psalm. Slowly the dal', 00000(4 01)00, And a tittle baby girl, Brown.eyed, with brown hair falling 10111;111y a WaVy earl, With soft cheeks fleshing hOtly, glanomi downward thrown, And Knell bench; einem:al before her. 1110011 111 the aisle alone, stood half abetted, Mile frightened, PnknowIng Whore tO 440, While liko a wind -reeked !lower Her form sweyed (0 (006 fro; And the ehanging color fluttered /0 the little troubled face, As free, side to Nide she wavered With a nie to, Imploring gram. It was but fora mement ; What wonder (.110,0 100 By etc h strange. sweet picture From holy thollghts beg/1110dd T/p, then, rose Soule ono softly, All 1 many an eye grew dim, As through the fonder silence 11, 1)010 tho child %eel MM. And long I wondered, losing The sermon end theorem., If when some time 1818(01' The ninny mansions fair, .And (stand abashed (11011 (1000)1110(3 In the portiere golden glow Om Lord will send 011 angel ShOW MO whore to go A Tongue for Blarney. 131C 11AT11. Xts114:14Er. Oh. Larry, 11001 Larry, it's 00 0140 atalkite, Ye're too bottld onthirely to snit a girretaste Yo're nivor content avid a sheltie at 1000101003', (0000030 wid yor 111111 round my To hod 11101' 117 BM out; wid boggle' for 11100e0, A1V the more 10 do get, why, the bouldhor ye're grOwn ; An' when 1 done; glee '0111, it just makes AO differ— Ye take ; but, Larry, now lave 010 alentl, Iraith, what would the misthroas say, man, did 0110 liodn iPorivor a.10oyt10'00001111,118 01 017 wark1 Ye're a tyr.ta1 that takes what re happen to No bpiuni,141,1? r, n swear, thaa iraythn en•bor Lbroom, tad, You've the tonguer fothe Sur.eignevo,, %would be =Bin' the heart; of a Wid both hands in the dough kin elver resist To kyo— now it—an' yit ye won't lave me alo(1e) Oh, Liogelse now Larry, be good an' sloton toys- Therceig somebody oomine quit foolin' and 1 h I An' will laity "yes," willi have ye? 01 Larry, daughters a pair of twins. She is already Ye'ed be charade' the very blede off of the the maternal ancestor of twelve, born ft the I met name a day soon when the bansellan be Poriod of two years. KinP1 Me amescape ye, 0011 hone, led, Och ibnsalc: 1(Itist iomarry yo whodder or no—ye'm a vit. HutiarAlu'rry, iwill»if yell lave ino Monet Would Make Some Steam. kterneting, to the Yerinooth .b'i ',wry last February the w Win Star of the Boat was 111 toe yieitiity et (lie Palkland Islande Nesmith% for whalos, whivli were very ecarce one morning the !co.:keel, Il3gl11,2 .1 whale ahem three 1(111e0 away on the atarbOard quart,r. Two boats WON( 01(1,1111 0(1, 18ti new( ehne one of the bov.ti with 1000 emnigh harponuer (1111)10 1,o whale, Windt prayed to 1.1,111 teemed. inely ((dee, one. Wit li the :dial, j01 side the seentiel 11181 111t14 vp,d away, 1g1110! 1110 11()31, aft, r him wit It teemilite epe; lfe (10an) etraight id. 11 :1 about five milts, when he fnmo hack alneNt directly wyw 11,/, 1,1101, 15110111 !IP 1118(11,1,11 1111 1 1J00/1. ed. The eeeeed beet welted fer him, ;del when but a elena distanee awey role it be r000 to the ,,111'f ('0, As 80011 HA his batik ohowell norm the surf:lee 01 the water the harpooner in the neeend beat dm ye 01101110r Flynn, ;(1 to Tile 114410 appal (Indy enamel the whele, for it threshed about, 01111 10 waa 11,00011 11110' 114,, heats Wolild im siva:roped and the crows tirower,I. Finally the whale . wain al/Ay, dragging the tea , beat, otter hint, w. nt Moen three miles and wended or 1,41118, (11111 111.11 10(01,3 ;mats could not exiled y Ic. odd. The 11n0 . attache,1 to the harpeone Were Altair, bikl.r.0()1ler0 1/EVIAL RIOWIY to drag them In and coil them in the tubs. As 00011 40 they wore tautened the whale roue to the atirface and beet abets with las tail in the maddest faellion, boats attempted to get beyond the remelt of the animal, which 0000 apparently in its death agoeiea, and one of them sumeeded, but the other was less fertunate. P1113 whale street( it with his nose and upset it. The men were thrown . into the water, and before the other boat could piek them up one man was drowned and J10e11e0 1311etley had disappeared. When the whole became quiet, from ex. hauetion the waters were searched for Bar- ley, hot he could not be found, and, under the impresicion that he had been struck by the whale's tail and sunk to the bottom, the survivors rowed book to ship. The whale WEIS dead, and in a few hours the great body Wee lying by the ship's side, and tho :nen were busy with axes and spades cutting through the flesh to secure the fat. They worked all day and a part of the night. They resumed operations the next furenoon and were even 1101011 10 the stomach, which WaS (0 1)0 11010(0(1 to the deck, The work- men were startled, vehile laboring to clear it, and to fasten the chain abont it, to dis- cover semething doubled up in it that gave sposmodie signs of life. The Vaat pouch wee imieted to the deck and cut open, and nettle 10115 1000,1 the miasing sailor, doubled 03) 1(0)) unconscious. He was laid out on the deck and treated to a bath of sea water, which (4001) revived him ; but his mind was let elear, and he was placed in the captain's quarters, where 1,0 10,8.111011 for a fortnight a raving lenatie. He was earefelly treated ,3' the captain and officers of tho ship, and ie filially Iregan to get 220800001011 of his .enses. At the en.i of the third week lie had en. .irely recovered from the shock and 100000. '1 his ditties. //siring the brief sojenrn ho be whole's belly Bartley's skin where it vas exposenl to the anion of the gastrie nives, underwent a striking change,. Hie nee and 11o10110 00100 bleached to 0 deathly vbiteness end the skin wag wrinkled, giv- ng the man the iippearance of lowing been arboiled. Bartley affirms that he would robably have lived inside 111S 110USO of lesh until he etarved, for 1m lost hie senses hrough fright and /Mt through lack of air, ie says that lie remembers the sensation of (031)3 111(011 he o the air by 1110 11000 of the . elude and of failing into the 08)0.0001 then hero was a fearful rnehing sound, which o believed to be the beating of the water y the whale's tail ; thee he was encompass. 11 by a fearful darkness, and he felt him• lipping (dome a smooth passage of some ort 111101000(11 tO irere aria carry lum for. erd. This mineation lasted but attestant, hen he felt that he haa more room. He elt about him., and his bands 018011e in con - set with a yielding slimy substance that eemed to shriek from his tenet. It finally dawned upon him that he had eon swallowed 17 the whale, and he was vereome \vial horror at the situation. He ould breath easily, but th, heat 11110 ter, ble. ',vas not of 10 searching, stifling attire, but it seemed to ,.;,on the pores of is skiu and to draw out ids vitality. He 0001110 0017 weak, aud grew sick at the omach. He knew that them was no hope esettpe from lois strange prison. Death amid him in the face, and he tried to look it bravely : but the awful quiet, the fear - 1 darkness, the horrible knowledge of his ovironments, and the terrible heat finally weenie 13101, and he must have fainted, r the next lie remembered WAS being in O Captain's mann. 13art ley is net a, man of timid nature ; blot says that it was many weeks before be old p010 0. night without having his sleep sturbed with harrowing dreams of angry aales and the horrors ot his fearful prison, te skin on the faire and hands of Hartley O never recovered its natural appearenee, is yellow and wrinkled, and looks like old rehment The health of the man does not am to have been affected by his terrible perione° ; hoioiu splendid spirits, and ap- rently fully enjoys all the blessings of life ati come in his way, The whaling cap- ita say that they never knew a parallel se to thie before. They say that it tre- ently emu% that men are swallowed by orles who become infuriated by the pain of e harpoon and attaok the boats; but they ve never kr1011,11 11 01(00 to go through the deal that Bartley did and come out alive, A Prolific. Sheep, 13. O. James, of Amity, Oregon, hag lb sheep that loos a remarkable record in rais- ing a family. Two years ago she gave birth to twin lambs ; last spring she had three more, and one of her lambs (070110 ago gave birth to twins. This spring she agitin usher- ed triplets into the world, and one of her The youth "who sows his oats" is apt to mix in more or foss tares. Herbert Hague, of Bangor, Me., had ft bell -terrier pup of which ho 10110 00(3* proud; but now, alas I ho and the pop have ported company forever. One night he and the Ono of those soientiflo gentlemen 1016 pup ocoupied the same room. At the witch - spend their time in determining restate 011 ing hour of night, when ohurohyards yawn, impossible hypotheses, estimates that of the Herbert's deep slunober eaused him to snore earth should 00(110 10 001(110011 881)11 another loudly. The dog leaped on the bed, and body a tho siane olio, tho qnan(ity of hertt000008110)1 his face to arouse him, Heebertgener:tetwotltbesltr°Ia116tomelt, boiI gee° the pup m vigorous whack on the ar,alIdolnpmtoiyvapolz0t111asofi0eioiy and the dog retaliated by seising lois master 700 times that of boat the colliding worlds, ,. by the nose and shaking him as he would a or, in other words, on iced pla150000 riet, rid. This was too .tmoolo for Herbert ; he miles in diameter, i became really vexed, and tloelo 181111. there ! closed the °armor dills pot pup by killing A boy 0111(11011 William D'horwoodr Iva' it. Now, its !forbore views his •noso In. ing in imigh, Lanooibire, 1111,1314 10 1.1215 1164. Cop glass, lie uo longer thinks. that that. 'file boy's mother Look. the netale the Mem, l'emee ds,a, thing elf; leedtey, .tentlet joy4for•., or, and WU rewarded with thanks—and 21 ' ever, 1