HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-5-6, Page 1Volume 19. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY F3, 189,2 JA P4 N. The railway from Yokohama to Tokio follows near the therm of Yeedo Bay for its eighteen utiles. Trains;lemve hourly, but the exact sahednle may be had from the daily pahlere, At Oro ire hale way, the toueiab should stop and take Hulk.' islta to the Iltegami Temples, a mile and a half distant. Those aro the head bemplce of the Nlohiren sect of Budd. hide. The annual me suri, or religious festival, coeurs on the 12th and 13th of Oot., and preeeuts a spootaole almost un- rivaled in Japan, Ib in the most popular and picturesque of all the matattris in the region, The train follows the chore of the bay through the Sbivagawa sub. orb and stops at Shinbaehi station. Turning to the left after be passee the wicket the stranger win lind the jtnrisk• Ube stand. He may take a check from the jinrikisha bureau at the top of the steps and avoid all trouble of settle- ments by paying for his runners there. Seventy.five cents a day is the regular obarge but as the distances which a sightseer, shopper or caller covers are so great,a gratuity in added for a long day's run ar else two 000110E1 are employed. Sanjiro, the famous Euglish.spetking ti runner, pieke and oheosee hie customers at will and will serve on.• as well as a guide, but all his colleagues know the rounds meant when told to mare mart% (go sigbt.seeing,) The Olub and Seiyo• ken hotels in the Tsultiji district, near the railway station, at,d the Imperial and Tokio hotels, wast of it, aro all kept in European style. The Bribish Lega- 1 tion is in licjimachi faring the palaos moats, and the U. S. Legation is in Aza- bu, west of Shiba Park. Besides his passport the tourist may samara from his p' a legabion tickets for the Fukiage and Hama Rikiu Gardens, two imperial pleasure grounds where landseape•garden- ing has reached its limit. Ho may also obtain peemisaiot to visit the famous garden of the old Mite Ysahtki, now the Arsenal, by addressing the Minister of War through hit legabion, The Imper- ial Palrce in Tokio is not open to eight. seers, Only thoee bidden bo its state functions may cross its marble bridge. The mortuary temples of the Tokugawa Shoguns ab Shiba andII eco Parke are the lineal: examples of arahiteatlre and decoration in Tokic, and the jinrtkish t runners will lead to the gateways where tt e•le etaraobe to their iuteeiore may be hel. A fee of 25 sen ie paid the priest who conduote one through the temple and to the tomb of Hidetada, the Ni Dai Sho- gun, and the same is paid at Uyono. Ou entering a temple, the inner mama of s shop or tea house, chose must always bo removed as the finely -woven, exquisitely. :cleat straw teats and the polished wood- en floors would be hopelessly ruined by the tread of course and dirty leather. IIicletada's tomb is very line nut the mostbtantiful mortuary chapel, gardeu and tomb at Shiba are those of the 0th Tokugawa Shogun. The bronze doors at the entrance of the 'orb are deserved- ly famous, At Aeakusa Temple shoes ars not removed. Religion and amuse- ment go hand in hand there, and having paid and prayed the pilgrim may enjoy and amuse himself in a hundred ways at a tuousand booths, shops, theatres, side-shows and restaurants. From an imitation Fujiyama and a mock Eiffel Tower be obbein's a bird's -aye view of the city of a million and a half inhabi- tants which rivals the outlook from the Ronde Point of Uyeno Parlc, Great flower shows are always in programs at Asaknsa, There are three government museums in Uyeno Park and a bazar for the tale of goods of Tokio manufacture, all of whish should be visited. The Zoological Garden contains a good collec- tion of aninutls and there is a pleasant drive from blunt pleasure ground to the Botanical Gardens, passing the buildings a , of the Imperial University on the way. " Near the Ityogoliu Bashi the colony of wrestlers abide and every spring hold their great tourney. The word sumo (wrestler) is suffioienh order to the jinrik• isba coolie and if there be a show tent open it is soon declared by long pendent banners and gay standards and ono may watch the obese, overfed champions con- duct their struggles ou anything but the Westmoreland - rules, The Shintomiza and the Chibosa theatre near Asakusa, all the region around the Asakusa Tem- ple and the whole length of the Ginza, bbe Broadway of Tokio, furnish one dramatic, actobatio amusements, side• show and outdoor enterhaiumeut of every kind for the after-dinner hours. Every night is fete night somewhere and always one will find throngs of happy people be• bween doubly rows of lanterned and torah - lighted booths, where all the toys, plants, flowers, halite, aonfeotinns, commodities, notions and geegawe tempt and delight the masses. Whatever these people fashion, from the toy of an hour to the triumphs of all time, in touched by a taste unknown elsewhere. To stroll down tho Broadway of Tokio of an even. ing is a liberal education in everyday ave, Two lot:g lines of gaily lighted shops, etretelting off into bbe distance, loolc otic across two equally endless rows of torah lit booths, the deborous yellow gleam of the ono oo0tresting strangely with the demoniaoai red flare of the other. As your feet follow your eyes yon And voureolf in a veritable choppers' paradise, the galaxy of twinkle resolving into worlds of delight. Nor do you long retrain a mere spectator for the shops open their arms to you. No cold glass reveals their charms only to eltut you off, Their '' • ,Y wares Tia invitingly exposed to the g. ublfe needing to you already half our own. 'At the very first you ometyon atop involuntarily, losb in admiration t over what you take to be brio'a.brac. Ib is only afterwards you loath that aha objeot of your oosbaoy cam the common- est of kitchen crockery, Next door you halt again, this time in front of some leathern pocket books stamped with de- signs in colors to tempt you instantly to empty your wallet for more new ones than you will over have the means to l fill. Opposed as you may be to idle Our, • chases at home, hero yon will find your- ss1P rhoray of an acute case 6i efipppiug j fever before you knew it" Nor will it bo much consolation eobaegnaptly to ills- A, Visit 1'o Edinburgh, cover that you have squandered your patrimony 0pn the most ordinary arbi- The meet prominent feature of the else of everydayuse, If, in deem:et:ynu city of Edinburgh is rho Castle, built turn for refuge bo the booths, you will upon a precipitous rock on all aides ex. hub have delivered yourself into the sm• bopt at the entrance, The castle within brace of still more irresistible tasoine. the walls mmwern about six acres and is tions. For the nooturnal squatters are about 400 feet above the level of the there for the express purpose of catohing Firth of Forth. It stands, it may be the susceptible. The shops were modest- said, at the upper end of the High street, ly abtraobive from thole nature bub the the Palace of bolyrood being ab the low - booths deliberately make ayes at you, er end, probably to mild apart. The and with bolling effect. The very at• street is up grade all the way and keeps mosphere is bewitching. The lurid getting steeper as you approach the smokiness of the horchee lends an ap• castle. The buildings on High streeb propriabe weirdness to the figure of the aro of varied styles of arohibeobnre, eotne uucnuthlyolad peddler who, with the of them high and antiquated with a few polibeuoee of the aroh fiend himself, die• of time Weide stairs left upon which the plays to an eager group the fatal fasoi- people stood and viewed the proeessians nations of some now conceit. Beyond of vttrioue kinds, malty of them historic, this lien spread out ou a mat a moot whioh passed up and down the street. happy family of curios, the whole of The entrance into the castle is up en es• which you are quite prepared to pear. pianade, largely artilioial, between three phase en bloo. So one attraction fairly and four hundred feet equere and treed as jostles its neighbor for recognition from a parade ground on which groups of the gay tboosande tient, like yourself, soldiers were being drilled as I wont up, stroll poet in holiday delight. Chatter. One of the companies was being put ing children in brilliant colors, voluble through its exetwiaes by quite to stripling, women and talkative men in quieter but who though young was clearly no novice. no less pittaresgce costumes, stream on At the gate there was &licensed ur official in kaletclosoopic oontianity, And you, guide who offered bis services in a re• carried along by the an rsat, wander spectful manner. Fila charge is six - thus for utiles with the tide of pleasure- pence for a shraugor whose time is ifmib• seekers, till, late et night, when at lust ed and he was well worth the money as you turn reluctantly homeward, you fool he showed mo the places of interest and as one does when wnitenecl from tome too. their hiebory. The room in wit bolt James delightful dream. I of England was born is a small room not mare than 9x7 and lighted Val-(;'t'IL',11, POULTRY il:llr;Tail, by a small window, the t.rasernerket being probably 250 feet nearly perpon• By T. A. lvmrlrrs, wasxon, oar. dicnlar below. The guide said the in• fanb when a few week's old was let down Before lmuuohing, into the sea of details the rook in a bt,eket and carried to Stir - that go to stake up the sum total of ling Castle. This is true enough as to modern poultry keepicg,a few prefatory the journey according to history but remarks may not be out of plane, These there seems to be no confirmation there• articles are written nob merely Prone a, in for the descent, 1 was shown the gun fancier's eubhasiasm, but are the staid whtoh is fired every day at 1 o'oloek, opinions and exearieuaes of one who has Greenwich time to a nomad. I also saw devoted many yeas of study to this the crown jewels of Scotland which are fascinating permit, Whilst the wriber kept in what is called the crown room, admires well•bred fowls as =oh as any where they had been deposited after the man livi,tg, and has himself bred many anion of England and Scotland and had peize•wiunere, yet the chief object sought remained for 111 years hidden and se- durinRalltha- a years of merely lookeded in an oaken ahe sb. On thehas been utility. Fith of February, 1818,the looks were No matter how handsome a Fowl you forced open and they wre found securely may breed, it may be a paragon of beauty, wrapped in linen cloths. After seeing the but unless it is hardy and a good layer or drown jewels of England in the Tower a good table fowl, we have no use for it. these seemed poor mod diminutive. The We live in ten emiueutly practical age,and orown is of euro gold and was made fee rue creature teat is not self-supporting, Robert Brune; the sword of aceto wits be it fowl or man, is oonsidered a poor given by Pope Julius II to James IV ; stiok at best, and sooner or later mast the sceptre was made for James V I rho uome to grief. In this connection ib Order of the Garter, given by Elizabeth should be borne iu mind, that whilst we to Samos VI ; the coronation ring of bipeds are admittedly selfish, our fowl Charles I and the royal jewels are tail to eslip.0 no in thin. particular ; possibly have been presented by the last in the boaaatte they lack the knack of eoloealing direct line of the Stuarts (Oardinal York) their faults ; at any rate we will bechari• to George 1V. The oldest piece of table to our faathered friends, and take masonry on the rook is Queen Margaret's tide view of the matter. chapel, a smell, antigae building, said to No hen that ever graced or disgraced Ile about eight hundred years old. A the barn -yard ltd the remotest intention fetv'yards from it is a large piece of of laving one solitary egg more than the actilley nailed Mons Meg, a hooped number necessary bus satisfy her own piece of ordnance, some arty made ab requirements ; and thio number is genet' Mons and others say in the South West ally about one dozen ; she then proceeds of Sootland in the titre of Jttmes IV, It to nit on them with a vie,o to reproducing was buret in 1582 firing a salute to James, her species ; here we have in a nutshell, . then Duke of York, afterwards James II, the object of hong in laying ; it to quite It had been removed in 1700 and brought true that most hens lay a great many back with great rejoicing in 1829 and has more eggs than they h.tbuh, but this is remained there ever since. It is fully 20 because her owner is constantly robbing inches in diameter in the bore. It was her, and she either has to lay mare or said of it at Dover t "Sponge me well give ups erfin ntbatever in the old sin aw,— and kelp me clean, I'll throw a ball to Biddy Gaines green.' 1 saw a aherob door If et firer you don't succeed, try, try open on my right, oomiug from the again,—and with admirable persistence Caatto, and the doorkeeper told no the she will keep ou laying as long as the Established Synod , of Lothian and eggs are removed, until she is utterly in- Tweedale was in session but the public capable of producing another, then her teas not allowed in. He showed me in a mind is quite made up to sit, and sit she different part of the building where the will in spite of all remonstranaos of her General Assembly met. I asked him if owner., even if site gets nothing but a John Knox was buried in Grey Friars opine tient egg or the bare floor to sit tip- kirkyard and how to get to it. He said on. he was not buried there bub in what wan It is clear, titan, this daily removal at the time St. Giles burying ground, of the eggs, coupled with the foot that nota Parliament Square, a few feet back for very many years poultry keepers from the equestrian statue of Charles II. have seleuted their best layers to breed As I was searching for it a young man from, that has brensformod a bird aha h was passing rapidly by me and I asked in a eaten: of nature would lay only about him if he could point out to me where two dozen eggs iu a year, into a, veritable Knox was buried. As he shot past he egg machine, producing as many as said "He lies in Grey Friars." lie wee fifteen dozen in some instances in that just sobering the doorway leading into striae of time. This foot alone, should be the law court when I saw the stone, sufficient to oonvinoe the most skeptioal which he must nearly have stepped on of the great possibilities of catch" broad- as it is quite lecul lvith the causeway, 1115 1 why people will oonbinue to keep a On the stone are the letters J. K., 1572. lot of uncouth mongrels, possessing There aro a great many monuments neither iubrinsio worth nor outward standing singly in the streets but I failed beauty, is one of the conundrums that to see one to the illustrious man who bad nobreeder est of chore fowl an n w n solve. more to do with moulding the character Most people who keep such wretched of his comatey than perhaps all of them specimens of poultry, will bell you they put together. I passed into the Peelle - don't pay, and this it is to bo presumed, merit building which magpies the same dna eir reason for not getting sotnebhing place for Scotland as Osgaode Hall does better. for Ontario. I had au introduction from It is the writer's intention to shote in a friend to one of the assistants in the these articles that foul will pay and pay Writers to the Signets Library wbieh has handsomely, too, if you have the right 00,005 volumes hn it, We passed through kind, and keep them iu a rational man- here auto the Advocates Library, which nee. Ib fs partly for each popple that is more into•eetieg and contains 150,000 these acbiolee were written, bub more volumes some of thein very rare and particularly for bhs,farmers of our land, aut•ioas. Among the relics is a manu- who almost without exception keep fowl. seriph bible of St. Jeromo's translation, Ths ponitry, however strangely enough, beautifully written and supposed to have seems to bo the most neglected branch of boon done in the eleventh stentnry ; also agrioulture ; why it the name of common a copy of the drab printed bible, in two sense do farmeee keep fowl in utter volumes, from the press of 1+aush and neglect, and put forth ouoh gigantic ex• Guttenberg; the original League and ertions to raise art more or two os turnips ? Coveuanb drawn up in 1580 ; several If they aro candid about it, they will toll copies of the Covenmtt of 1588 and many you that the reason is simply bhis, the other artioles too numerous to mention turnips will not thrive at all without a of reeolloot. The original parts of the certatn amount of attenbien, whilst the buildings ware erected in the time of fowl will ; the turnips must ate looked Charles I, tato foundation being Joist in after or abandoned, whilst the fowl can 1582 and finished in 1040. The ghat under complete neglect yield some return. hall, more modern, ie 122 feet long, 49 Dae it nob seat utte • 1 Does n z fol thou to feet cid- and a Y+ o finish d with a loftyroof negleob Haab which possesses snob sterling of open woodwork of oawk. It was rowd- Worth ; would it not pay to give your ad with Advocates in their wigs and fowl more attention ? Let us reason to. gowns, pacing up and down with their Other. Why are yen farming at all a clients or waiting till their oases name on. Doubtloss you will reply, to make money ; In a roan about the Size of the oourte in teach being the case, why not grow that Osgood, Hall there wore four Judges which will bring you the most money ? sitting, a new President or whaa. we call • a Chief Juebice among them, The con - William Jonea,g lighthouse -keeper at duet of business could not be slistingaiatt. Sand Heads, B. 0„ lice beoome a raving ed from one Court of Appeal but for the maniao, the solitude of the lighthouse wigs. I think it is What is (called the having affected his reason, Inner Court titan was deelin with Civil For publishing an arbiole wllioh a jury oases. The other or Outer Court or that thought insinuated that Mrs. Isaac! Du- of the Justioiary was different, there be- roohor was responsible for her husband's ing only three Judgoe, their gowns in. loath the Montreal Star has to pay the stead of being sills were ermine, the white widow $250, predominating, rho other color being chiefly red, which at the first look had a startling appearance and to which I was not reoonoiled as long as I saw them. I Llniehed up my iospgobiou by going into the Royal Institution fn which I expeob• ed to see a ooliootion of paintings. After loolctng at a great variety of Mettles which were being copied I suppose by artists, the majority of them ladies, I caked a somewhat surly attendant where the paintings were. He told me they had been removed some place I did not make out where. The following day I went bo Stirling, Bannookburu and other ptaaea of which I will speak in my next, T Gamer. Wroxeter, Number 48. 1ttresTJOty BOX. St, Thomas still hes scarlet fever and DEAH Sin,- I would like yourself or wasters within its bounds. somebodyalas to answer ke two follow- fall wheat is lookin rexoeptionally well in the neighborhood 01 Port Elgin, ing questions 1-e One hundred sottlere from Dakota took 1 ---Why does snow in the 01d Country up residence int ikfanatoba dining April. drift into the hollows while in this 0000- A large bug, costing $15,000, to be try it drifts on the rising grouted 2 known as the Reliance, was launched at 3' Why ie it that the wind lulls in Collingwood Monday. midday in the 011 Country while in Water was let into the Rideau Canal America it increases at that hour ? Monday, and navigation between Ot'awa May 2,'92, Monarnrrit• and 1Singeton is now open. What is Teohnio, a word musicians The work of dredging Collingwood bar- havo so mush to sayabout 7 bon has been oommenced under the super. vision of Government engineers, Purer,• The C. P. R. tae nenb from Montreal a Vroxeter, April 2G, '92, Ane,—In its relation to the piano ft is specially prepared train for the oonvey- the ability to tumbrel the hands so' as bo anoe of the blue jackals from Halifax to lA•ue5C1A Mechanics'Inst Institute. ermines the beautiful tone and to make Vancouver, that tone with all degrs»e of force and Alex. Cummings, a young farmer of The annual malting of the Brussels speed. So says Miss Flora Hunter in Boyer township, fell h••,m a vshiete at Mechanics' Institute was held on Mondaybale "Etude," of Philadelphia, Chatham and received fatal may prove afternoon, in the Library room, Presi• fatal injuries. dont Rogers in the chafe. LEATH The lose by the recent fire in Winni- Seoretary.Treastrer Hunter road the peg is now placed at 575,000. 411 the minutes and the various reports which Nearly every person requires a change buildings in the burned district' were of were reoeived and adapted, of foot wear at this season of the year. very frail strooture. Prom the reports we gleaned the fol- We can sell you shoes, either fine or The bell in the tower of the first Bap. lowing information :—Total receipts for coarse, at,e the price of previous years, list Church, Guelph, is to be used as a year, $107 ; total expenditure, 5105 ; Our mens' two buolde plow boots for el.- fire alarm, and the sexton will receive value of library, 51,000 ; total number of 15 aqd our 0. P. It. boot, without seams, $25 a year for ringing ft. books in library, 1845 subdivided as are wonderful, makes customers every be Parkhill Gazette has changed follows :— time. Our fine laced boots with whole av- foxin for men for $1,50 cannot be hands Mr edtheflmi of. Ile it h Books in Lib'y No. issued. ggot ing purchased the filminess. He will as - Biography, 285 55 at that money elsewhere. Wo have a eume full control and management next Cordovan gaiter ah 52.00 that is good twee. History, 77 55281 value for $2.75. Our ladies' low shoes The Queen's Own Rifles, of Toronto, Miscellaneous, gnu for 78e, fine kid buttoned boots for $1.70, have decided to go to Owen Sound for the 52 and dull kid for 111,40 is just cost with General Liters- Queen's Birthday, They will leave on expenses added. You can get a pair f the evening of the 21st and return on the tore, 48 boobs for your child or boy or girl or Poetry and your boots repaired for lees money or night of the 24th. Drama, 45 18 trade than could be thought possible, A gold care institute will be one of the Religious Liters.a features of Windsor in a short. Dr. P. Lure, 9:1 81 trunk at %Geo. Good'magniaoent zinc covered A. Aikman bas thoroughly tried the Science ee Arts, 221 32 v- Monroe gold mire for alcoholism, and Voyages and _____" pronounces it an assured amoebas. He Travels, 187 149 Erneeels COnn.eil: will run the institute there. Works of RePac- A meeting of the citizens of Comber encs, 82 The regular meeting of Brussels was held the other weaning to consider __ Council was held last Monday evening, the question of inducing the O. P. C. to Total 1045 915 Councillor MoOraolcen in the chair. build a branch into Comber. The pro - The following officers were cleated for Present, Geo. Thomson and Jno. jest was favorably received and overtures the current year:— Grewar. will be made to secure the connection. President, F. S. Scott ; edltlinntes of lest meeting react and pass. The Dundas Banner, noticing the drat , public aPPear n a t o Toronto onto of the Viae-Prasi dent Rmv, G. FThe following F. Salton; g aaoounts were present. kilted regiment, says :—"They say it Seo. -Teas., A. Hunter ; ed :— was funny to see trouserless warriors try. Direobore, Roy. J. Ross, B. A., Geo.Thos. Stewart, street scraping$22 50 ing to shrink up into their kilts when Rogers, A. M. McKay, John Beattie Bros., Fire Dept 2 00 they saw the young ladies looking at Shaw, J. T. Pepper, W. B. Mrs, Meadows, part salary 15 00 their bare knee joints." Dieksou, Robb. Graham and W. B. Gerry, coal 8 B7 A youth named Callagham, of Guelph, s1, RO1'i• Geo. Seal, charity 1 74 the .:bber day was driving the horse, at - Ib is the incaution of the Directorate to lure. Wallace, charity 1 00 taabed to a horse -power, and by some make an effort this year to enthuse the Mrs. Wallace, wood 1 75 means one of his feet was caught reading public on the line of taking fresh Mrs. J. Blashill, charity 4 00 in the machine, resulting in the flesh interest in the institute and thereby ae- E. W. ltfeisom, fire dept 5 00 being stripped from the safe of the foot. cure their finanoial and moral support. Rich. Williams, street Dart - 0 00 from the heel to the thee. There is also Miss Shaw was reappointed Librarian. Jno. Broadfoot, on salary 27 00 at deep wound in bis leg. D. Stewart, Assessor's salary40 00 51. B. Roister, of Comber, met with a .l7oi21iniO12 garlialYlelit F. S. Scott, on salary 25 00 painful, if not fatal, accident the other Wm. James, to bal. salary 15 00 day. He was repairing the flat roof of Hon. John Haggerb's health is such as Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by and dwelling,andted whileltinn theim asaaostore t of to seriously alarm lois friends. There J. Grewar that the above ac0oauts be elitnbin u a ladder with a pail of boil. are fears that the honorable gentleman paid. Carried. ing itch, cite ladder broke, and Mr. may permanently lane his eyesight, The resignation of S. 1 . Mointosh as Rnister fell to the ground, the ib a meeting of the Banking and Oom• Reeve was read and on :melon was ao. Pak fly- Atd. weld - memo committee R. S. 1'Vhita's hill bo aepted. Anew election was ordered, ing into his face, and los wn..s badly scald - require every insuratoe agent to obtafu a nomination to be held on Wednesday, ed about the eyes. Itis thought that license from the government, was thrown May 11th, in the Town - all at 12 o'clock they will be permanently injured. Mr. out by 19 to 14, after considerable die- ('loon) and the election, if necessary, on mister suffers much pain, cession. A strong feelingwas reseed the following Wednesday, 18th inst. Fleeter W. Charlagworth, whe for some ex p time bad been managing editor of Toren- that the clause prohibiting rebates, wan Rev, R. Paut addressed the Comma to Saturda Ni t d an iuterferenoe with private rights and relative to the gleaning out of a drain fie •,has tar and takken aen a his peel - that the bill would bave the effect of orossing Primulas street, The Street Mon on that papenother on nce Committee to see about it. The World, J. T. Clarke, lately of The causing a combination among insurance World, has seeeeeded Mr. Oharlesworth oompaniea and thus raising the rates. The question of tree planting was balk. in the editorial chair of Saturday Night, A deputation of fifteen railway mail ed over and Constable Broadfoot was in• clerics from all parts of the Dominion sbruoted to secure the co-operation of the Mr. Clown has already made himself (tune:m t the number X. W. •McLaren of residents- in setting out maples where well known o ehrs heoopeen onyn to Sat - $S ' required. nrday Night over the pseudonym 'Mack.' South Loudon), waited upon the Post.He has for some timeast edited The mester•Generai on Wednesday of last Oouucil then adjourned, Pickering News with good judgment and week and urged an inorease of pay and ability, Tay - Hutt some scheme of Government in. 's'aotgat- axe Nevwcs. A second victim of Wednesday's big suranos be adopted as on amount of the storm is reported, be being Satre Tay- natme of their employment railway mail Ingersoll is agitating for an all.night lor, a young yuan recently arrived from alecks found it diftoult to effect inanranoe iu ordinary companies. Sir Adolphe MP telephone service. anchester, ngland. Deceased left J. Navigation is now open at Fort Wil- R. Sturt's residence, Adelpha, at 8 Caron said he was afraid ib was too late liam and Port Arthur. o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, aoaom- to do anything about salaries this seseiou, Braettord'a electric railway will be to ponied by Harry Stud, with the inten- bul be would sea what could be done for operation by July 1. tion of walking bo a chanty four miles nnext year. eard toe 05urancenow male, Samos Lowles died in the Township of away. They missed the trail and were fug enquiries of frtthwith e department wto the Tan Arran, Ont., aged 98, out all night, and Taylor died of exhaus- P The majority of Mr, Lowell, the Libor. tion and exposure. His body was found adopted in England, and he would see if al candidate in Welland, is 280. 15 hours afterwards, half a mile from anything in that dieeotiou could be done The Winnipeg painters' strike has cal. John .Highman's residence. Sturt ar. here. apsed, the men returning to work, rived nearly exhausted and alightly Tito death of Mr, Mackenzie following The Nova Scotia Legislature was pro - frozen, • old neceso ssarily auggeahsStto us allr John thera• rogutd Saturday afternoon by Lieut.- Jim Woods Palls is a little hamlet near pidity with which changes in parties and Gov. Daley, Watertown. Afew weeks ago a sensation in Governments are affected, Some Samuel Davis, of Brantford, wag fined was created there by Jenny Green, Amy years ago a picture of the d. Ss of $1 Saturday for exposing for sale meat Green and Myrtle Smolder, three young unfit for food. ladies of the village, e, taking g Prank Bart-Uoufoderabinn was printed by order of The steamer Maaaaga made her first lett out and giving him a good sound Parliament. There are about thirty trip of the season from E'amiltott to To- horsewhipping while the father of the figures in that group, each representing rano Saturday. Green girls looked on. The girls alleged a statesman who in his day oaonpted a Edward Bell, of Waterford, has been Haab young Bartlett circulated scandalous large place in the public mind. At this Heed $20 fon practicing dentistry with, stories ,boat theta, Bartlett, however, moment only eight remain with us, and out being qualified. caused their arrest awl the Dasa was tried of these there are only two iu public life. Tbirteen•year.old Martin Maloney, of ab Brownville before a jaetioe of the The eight living fabhees are Sir Charles Roxborongh Township, Ont„ was kicked peace. The girls pleaded guilty to horse - Tupper, Ste Leonard Tilley, Sir Alex• to death by a horse, whipping the rang man, and the father ander Galt, Sir Elector Langevin, Sir P. Morrison, private secretary of Rail- of the Green gale also said he was guilty Adam Archibald, Peter Mitchell, Oliver way Cootrantor Ross, died in Montreal of encouraging his daughters. The four Mowat, and William Macdougall. The from a stroke of apoplexy. were lined six pante eaoh, and Bartlett is two ocempying representative positions During April 4237 actual settlers en. still smarting from the lashing he remits. are Sir hector and Mr. Mowat, Bub all rived in Manitoba, and cluing four el at the hands of the girls. are °Avanued in years, for while a quarter months of the year 9294. A tragio affair 000arretl at the dry dock of •• century is la small period iu the life Mrs. W, R. Mere Ebb and the Mimes Sunday afteehoot. The steamer Wil - of u weary, it is a very important end Meredith, of Toronto,who went to Switz• helm Celssner, which ran ashore at the a very large space of time in that of a erlend a year ago ole at presunb sojourn. mouth of the Halifax harbor, is in the man. When lumeConfederation was disown:. ing in Germany. dook for Impairs. Three of her ores ed by slnoou6niuodattt of meads, -b s two An ingenious railroad signal and auto- were ebanding on the deck Sunday after. Hous thgre aro in pn 200 life tbers. Ply, matio switch .hen boon invented by T. noon, semi•inboxioated and conversing iu to the here and obl in the House af Botcher, of Belle River, which is said a loud tone, They made a wager for the U �ho titillate s . There ore thus only fourteen to be a marvel of nmoltanical 51111, beer, that ono oe them, Carl Henget, a mon m Ottawa who qac give from per. Wm• Blight, aonta•aetor, of Ohetham, fireman, could not walls from the steamer soots t Ottawa particulars eau give of the great brought into that town the other clay to along one of bbe "etays" to the side of sonstiexperie debate of 1805. In Pat- magnificent lake, salmon broub from Lelco the dook. This distance was about 15 P1rie that t"stay" pas m nod over Ave feet axil feet, and 'lament 6 + o , d the was roan hero i bd and s but one only o gentleman—Sir • Eoatoe Langevin-.who was a member of weighed tbirty-uioe pounds. five limbos in diameter, Mengel started Sir John Maodbuald's first Cabinet—thatThe first conviction under the new law on his fatal trip, the ship'e company by of 1807 ; and there are only two, Sir titniting the nabob of black bites by an in- this time watching him attempt the fool• Riohard Cartwright and Mr. Saab, who divtdnal was gemmed at Amheretburg hardy fait. When a little more than belonged to Mr, Maokenzie'e Cabinet as lot Friday, when George and Lewis half -way across he staggered, lost tie formed in 1873. Of the National Policy G odobild were fined 510 moll. balance and fell. The poor malt tried to Cabinet of 1878, only one member, bit',The dot ble.braoking of the Toronto save himself from the certain death tltnt Bowen romaine in the Mfnisbr although two are in the House of Commons, branbh of the G. T. R,, is under way awaitwed him on the granite bottom of y g again, over 100 men being at work. It is the dook, 80 feat below, by clinging to expected that the line will be completed the stay. It wee of no avail, and, after '' into Hamilton in about six weeks. a momentary struggle, he dropped to Last Saturday the crown attorney re. The winter butterrotaking experiment death. .His skull was crushed and the delved word from the Attorney.General in the East and West Oxford cheese body frightfully disfigured. He was 22 of Ontario that, oviog to the seriousness factory, near Woodstock, proved a grand years of age, unmarried, and a native of of the crime, it would be neoestary t0 emcee. The resulb wag moat eattefaa Lttebeblc, Germany. The two men who bring Lundy, the Brampton murderer, 'tory, lnasmull as from 15 to 25 per won their bet of the boor but 'saw their before the magistrates. Au examination nenb, more butter was obtained,bspeoiaily mate die, are Otte Sonntag and Carl has been fixed for Saturday, May 7th, from the Milk of "stripper cows." Liotta,