The Brussels Post, 1892-4-29, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST APRIL 29, 1892 A MI IST ,ns How easy it is to buy gouda, eepeoially Wall Papoose end ltnd afterwards that you have made a mistake and oeuld have bought some that you would have liked anuoh better. Now if you wish to ,wufd BI8APPOINT IIN T Yon should Select your Wall Papers From our large assorted stock of new American designs, which we are offering at such reasonable prices. If you are contemplating doing any papering we would like you to see our samples. G. A. DEAD:1IAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, !ARANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains tears Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Go/NO SOUTH. GOING NORTH. nfv il...... G:s a.m. Alfred . 9:18 a.m. Express 11:52 a.m. Mail 5:16 p.m. Maxed 8:65 p.m. Express 0:45 p.m. y41 41 fk1?SI�f1Yl", A chiefs smang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prem it. CLEAN up your yard. Comte meeting neat Monday evening. Dm you see the bills for the Queen's Birthday celebration iu Brussels ? Tais weeli Wm. Edgar moved. to Wal- ton to prepare for the opening of the cheese making season. ECLIrs&.—A total eclipse of the sun, invisible in Canada took place last Tues- day. We envy expect more nol,geoial weather from this. Near Sunday the regular quarterly meeting will be held in the Methodist church, Testimony meeting at 15:00 a. m., preaching at 10;30 and Sacreen501 at close of service. Mns..BAILEY'S reputation as an elocut. ic',ist is rapidly extending, and her per. formnnce last night was calculated to add oousideral.ly to it. Her recital of the "Chariot Race" from B.o Hur, could not uo surpassed.—Toronto Empire. Docsons may differ in opinion as to the cause of that feeling of languor and fati- gue se prevalent in the spring ; but all agree as to Nisbet is the best remedy for it, namely, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It makes the weak strong, sold effectually removes teat tired feeling. LAST Moody James Blashill, shoe-' maker, removed from Brussels to Ethel whers he has rented a shop and intends pushing his trade. The orobestra of the I Methodist Sabbath School will miss him as be played the flute and was always on ' hand. They are sorry to lose bin. SasENAxE.—Lest Friday night the Sea - forth brass Band drove to Brussels and sereuaded their former townsman, Jamas O'Leary, now proprietor of the Queen's Hotel in this plane. After a number of musical seleetions had been rendered on the piazza the boys were hospitably entertained by Mr. and Aliso O'Leary. AT Association Hall last evening, Mre. Sara Lord Bailey, one of the fleet lady readers of the United States, appeared for the first time and more than sustain- ed the great reputation that has preceded her. Her readings were good, particular- ly her rendering of the "Chariot Race," which has probably never been equalled in Toronto. This brilliant reader is al. ready becoming quite popular with the Canadian people.—Toronto Globe. ORANGE or BUSINESS.—Harvie J. Strong, of Toronto, has purohased the photo- graph gallery, in the Stratton block, from W. W. Bargees and has taken possession. He p omisee to do work on the latest end most approved sye'em. Mr. Burgess, who deserves great credit for the good 1) 5010eas he has worked up, intends re. moving to Winnipeg in the near future where his brother is now liviug. While regretting ilir. Burgess' removal we wel- some Mr. Strong as a resident of Bros - els. A LITERARY and musical recital was gi en in Beverly street Baptist Church last evening at which &Irs. Sara Lord bailey, the 0000mplised Boston elocution. let was assisted by Cha thumb choir. Mrs. Bailey's readings were new and excellent. icer rendering of "Ruggles' Dinuor Party" and "Life for a Life" were eepeoiately effective. The Beverly street people say they have seldom, if ever, had the privilege of ever listening to such a brilliant elocutionist, and are certainly to be commended on their choice of such a reader for their annual ooncert.—Torouto Mail. Fins—Saturday afternoon the cry of fi..e was raised and the fire alar{n was soon heard. The fire engine and hose carte were hurried to the scene which proved to be the rag/donee of ano. Me. Galium, shoemaker, situated on Mechavio t. reef. How the fire started is not known as the inmates of the house were all absent at the time but from appear. ances it looked as if it spark from the kitchen chimney had lodged in the roof of the main building. Water was soon Warms from the linos of hose but it 800.2 plain from the first that the building was d.•omed and all that remains is a badly searched wreck. The most of the furni- ture, &o, downstairs was saved but every. tbien upstairs was oonsumed. Had it not been for the sten:y and powerful stream: of water from 1 to fire engine the residence of Roberti tienderson would have fallen a prey to tho flames too as the wind was very strong. Mr. McCall- um had $550 insurance on the building and'oontents. The house was 4 frame stracittre, 18x24 feet, with kitchen in the rear and was Greeted sixteen or aeven- teen years ago. Beattie Bros. team took the engine to the river. It was placed north of F. LeBon's property and Work. ad splendidly. The Inspector of the Ilforbh Amo:loan Co. was here on Wed- nesday and granted Mr. McCallum an order for $470 on bodge and °entente destroyed. it was a very prompt settle. .lent, ANor1IEn1 intereeblug Tether from Thos, Gibson, M. 1'. P., has been received and will appear i11 the columns of Tote Past next w, fi Amore:rite meeting of the bast Huron Lieeuso Comnliaeiouers will be held at the Amerioau Hotel, Brussels, nn 1 richt' cf this weep, J. Prawn, brie been appninted agent for the Singer sowing miaobiue for Brus- sels and legality. Ile will take up hie residence over le, 0, Rase' store, Worm, it trot be a good idea to ask the Dominion Government to stook the river Maitland with trout or some other kind of nail that world live in it and its Crib. utaries ? ALEN. Ross has taken a position is the Brussels postolltoe. It Is said that Ward farrow, the genial and abliging as. distant, will seek bis fortune in the Prairie peovin05 next fall. Tile Band Committee has received a number of applications for the position of Bandmaster, in response to their ad- vertisement. They asst for a ooruet player, oompetent to teaoh olarionet players as well. Tum constable should gather in a few of the perambulating cows some of these nights. Several persons have complain ed of cows forcing open gates and pruu• Ing shrubs, hedges, &c., without the Don. sent of the owner. LAST Sunday Rev, Sellery, B. D., of Winghanh, preached two excellent ser• moue in the Methodist ohureh here, The morning discourse was an The wise and foolish builders, and the text in the even- ing was "The Master is Dome and oall- eth for thee." W. NIGHTINGALE is having the apart. meuts over hie store tilted up for red. dance and will remove his family there when completed. Ile is having a front and book staircase put up outside, It will make a very ligbtsome and coo. fortable dwelling. NOTICEABLE IxrnovEMENT —Hew femme at John \Vynn's, A. Jamieson's and Wan. Kneohtel's.—Wm. 131ashi:l is having his redid nice improved by the aid of the painter's brush.—An addition has been built to the mar of Mrs. llcLean's house, Princess street. Tus superior merit of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as an anodyne expectorant is clue to a skilful combination of the must powerful ingredients. Nothing like it has ever been attempted in pharmacy, and its suo10ss in the cure of pulmonary complaints is unparalleled. C. E. Panne, of Woodstock, has leased the Pilate. gallery lately occupied by Lorne Hunter, over A. R. Smith's store, and is getting things in shape for turning out Hrst•elass work. He has Kaci a large experience iu ell branches of photography and guarantees satisfaction. Mr. Hueter has gone to Toronto, we understand. d, Cl tnz's team ran away on Wednes- day morning and created a little excite. meat. The democrat and Harness suf. fered somewhat. The horses ran home, tear Sunshine. They got frightened et a piece of paper belies; carried slow; the et,eet by the wind. People should pat loose papers in the stove and get rid of thaw. "IIEn BtNNr."—This is the title of the song service to be given at the Epworth League, in the Methodist church, next Monday evening. Rev. G. F. Salton will read the touching and interesting story oouneeted therewith. New musical selections are intersperse) at appropriate intervals. A collection will be taken at the °lose. Meeting 00111In50oe5 at 8 o'- clock. Too Taus.—A gentleman in Brussels answered the frog problem, iu connection with a certain Toronto journal, and sent 15 cents, as pee instructions. He was awarded a special prize, a "diamond ring." But before it would be sent he was asked to forward two new subscrip- tions to the publication, at 82 each, and 50 cents to pay for casket and trans- portation. The after conditions rather spoil the "wonderful" offers made by these fake Institutions and there is often more than the frog in the bele. Asstc:ea.—We regret to hear that the firm of Smith Bros. & Gibson, of the planing mill and sash and door faotary, have beau compelled to assign for the benefit of their creditors. It was expect- ed, as stated in these columns, that a settlement would be arrived at without closing the doors but it appears that the Merohant's Bank, London, was pressing their claim through the Courts and as the money was not forthcoming the firm thought to let all concerned share alike an assignment would be neceesary. F. S. Scott, of Brussels, will ba the assignee. It is rather unfortunate that this lousi- ness concern should be placed in this position as it will interfere to a consider- able extent with the large amount of work they have been doing. There are not many oreditors, however, so we hope a settlement will soon be made and the factory resume operations as of old. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION.—The fol- lowing is the p,ogram of the District Sunday Salami Convention to be held in Brussels on Tuesday, May 17111 :—Fors - noon session -10:80 to 10:14—Devotional exeroisee; 10:15 to 11:00—Discussion on organizing a permanent association ; 11:00 to 11:15—Topic, "How to gather in children who do not attend S. S.," by Rev, G. Law,l3etgrave ; 11:15 to 11:80— Disoussion ; 11:30 to 11;45—Topic, "How to retain young men and women in the 5, S.," by Jas, Smillie, Walton ; 11:05 to 12:00—Dteou ion and utosing. After. noon session -1;80 to 1;15—Devotional mumbles ; 1:45 to 2:00 •-Address by Pres- ident elect ; 2:00 to 2:15—Topic, "Flow to maintain order in the S. S,,' II. Dennis, Bruaeele ; 2;15 to 2:80 —Disoussion ; 2:80 to 2:45—Topic, "Wrong methods of teach- ing," by Rev. H. Miller, Brussels; 2:45 to 3:00 --Discussion ; 8;00 to 8116—Topic, "How to conduct a review," Rev. 1t. Paul, Brussels; 3;15 to 3:50—Disoussion; 8:80 to 8:46—Topic, "The teacher's in- terest in the pupil in and out of school," T, Strachan, Grey ; 8;45 to 4:00—Dinous. sign ; 4:00 to 4:30—Topic, "Knotty points in S. S. work," by W. 13. Kerr, Bruesels ; 4:30 to 4:45—Topic, "How may the S. S. aid Missions ?" by Rev, D. 13. MoRae, Cranbrook ; 4:45 to 5:00—Disoussion ; 5:00 to 5;80 - Miscellaneous and cloning. Evening session -7:80 to 7:45—Opening enrolees ; 7;45 to 8:15—Topio, "The duty of the home to the S. S.," Rev, D. For- rest, Walton ; 8:15 to 8:45—Question drawer in charge of Revds, Messrs. Roes and Salton ; 8;45 to 9:15—Topfo, "The Sunday School world," Rev, J. H. Dyke, Belgrave; 9:15 to 9;80—Closing, The morning and afternoon sessions will be held in Melville church and the evening Meeting in the Methodist thumb. A union ohoir will supply the music at the latter session. Tho names of the dele- gates should be sent to Rae. Ile Paul, of Brussels, at once. MECHANIC'S' INsmrro's.--Tiro aminal meeting of 1lrsssete Mother/hes' Institute will be hold in the Library Boone e n ',itchy next, May 2nd, tat 4 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of bearing the annul report, electing officers, ,to, All interest. ed in this important work are neliod to be parrent. 1);t. llor,+ucs' 1lorne Dan away from the railway station on Wedaeeday forenoon. Afton making le oiroult of the station yard the buggy came in unbent Nihil the gate and thee . wan a disn .lutior of pert. ner'hiu between the horse and Ills rig. The buggy and harness were somewhat the worse of the fracas. Posou, Foseers,—The report of the postmaster general shows that at the end of June, last year, there were 8,061 post. offices in the Dominion, that the routes ov,'r which wars are carried uggregabe 68,005 miles, and the uggregabe mileage of mails during the year then ended was 27,152,643. While the progress of the whole country is of Nret importance, resi- dents in Ontario will not be displeased to learn that this province does more than half of the total postal business of the Dominion. Of 97,975,000 lottery 53,000,- 000, or 54 per cent were posted in Go. bario. Of 25,890,000 transient news. papers, book packets, etc , 15,700,000, or 60 per cent were posted in Ontario. And so with registered letters and other o''as• ass of mail matter : Ontario furnished more than all the rest of the Dominion put together. The revenue of the de- partment for the fiscal year was $3,374,. 887,66 ; the espendibnre was 54,020,739,- 94. The 2x0588 of expenditure over rev- enue was $545,852,28, against $782,268 in the preceding year. The progress of the Dominion is well illustrated by the poet al revenue which in 1871 was $755,050 ; fu 1881, it was 51,757,162, and in 1891 it was 53,874,887. Sinoe the rate of interest ou money in the postofCloe savings bank wee reduced, the deposits slave fallen off. At the and of June, 1889, they amounted to $28,011,422 ; in 1800 to $21,990,658 ; in 1801 to 521,738,648. Bross c.1 A5 SEEN ny A VISITOR, —'11.1» following letter appeared in Inst week's Wiughatn Times :—I ant set foot in Brussels on the evening of that eventful day when Ilse deceased patriot was ousted, and superseded by Sir John, the political magician, whose potent wand labelled with the cabalistic letters, N. P., raised the price of coarse sanded sugar in a Lower Winghamstore. On the previous evening I bad ascertained the where- abouts of a family chole whose members are still inexpressibly dear to me. While endeavoring to forret them out, I was thrown off the scent, and it was close on to sundown when I reached Brueeele, where I was told they were located in Grey, some frntr miles further on. I svae pretty hardy and healthy then, and when about half way I fell in with a vacant shanty littered with fragrant shavings, affording me a conch, where I slept the sleep of the just till daybreak. Ere long I was knocking at the lleepitable doer, and the younger broiler recognized his old teacher at once, His partner in life and himself were scbolirs of mine away among the filti,-s, when in what was known as Wilson town chapel'[ taught a school gathered from three oountiee, and four parishes. They, with their four ohildren aro now in Winnipeg. I had arranged with my friend who was to meet me at Benssels, that we should drive round by the dear homestead, and have a talk over old times, when I had to modify my program, through a slight inaccuracy in your bust week's issue. I was explaining the why and wherefore to my Jello, when pulsing through the village to take stook of the handsome blocks that have sprung up phoenix like from the late fire, just as the modern Babylon did two centuries ago. On my way out I was quite delighted to see so mush swampy land reclaimed, and it struck nee that tuesao grass indigenous to the Falkland islands might find a habitant in Ontario as it does in the Orcadian Archipelago. On driving back to Brussels in the evening, I was charm- ed with the distant view of the eleottio lights, the shade trees nn each side of the roadway, and with the new and hand- some villas lining the same as you ap- proach Brussels from the south. Wer. LITueov. Business Locals. PEnny's photos are the best. Ton first-class phntoe go to Perry. ALL kinds of fencing wires at B. Gerry's. No. 2 Daisy churns for $3.75 at 13. Gerry's. Is you want a finely finished photo, (all at Perry's. PERRY has great suooese in taking babies' photographs. PERM% the photographer, makes a specialty of family groups. NUNES and valises, good assortment, very cheap at R. Dennis.' ALL photos made by Perry are well finished and warranted to give sabisfao. tion. JueT to hand this week some special lines in men's waterproof omits at FOS. 00802 & HemeteaY's. JueT arrived a fine range of Baby car' riages whish will be sold at reasonable rates, 13. Dennis. FERGUSON & HALLIDAY always have the largest and newest styles in dress geode and p ices the theapeet. Holism OLEANnNG.—Use Alabastine in- stead of lime or whiting.,; It will not rub off. A fresh lob gnat in at 13, Gerry's, THE most popular Dorset in the market is the "Wateh Spring" and Fergneon & Halliday are sole agents for Brussels. You can always depend on getting the latest styles in ties, shirts, collars and cuffs at Maumee & 11ALLInee's, JUST to hand the largest assortment of parallels ever shown in Brussels and extra value. Ferguson & Halliday, Goon boat for gale, two pair of oats. Will be sold cheap. ALEX. L. Si'EWART, Brussels. T11E beet 30 cent tea in the market.' 28 lbs. of raisins for 51. A bolt line of groceries, clean, pure and fresh, at A. STRACHAN'e, Oun stook of boots and shoes is the largest and moat complete of any atook in town, of the beet make, in all the latest Styles and at the most reasonable prises. A. STRAolAN, JUST passed into stook another bele of Lybster 511115 sltirtiege, in checks, and 1'tinoe Victor suitings, full weights and warrauted fast colors, the best value In the trade. A. STRAGRAN. Mos' furnishings, flannelette shirts, Balbriggan natural wool underwear, fancy ties, half hose, felt and ntraw hats, a full tango from the beet makers and of the Wed, styles, A. Bunn'. ST!LXD,f.11.1) mM"Jr OF 04NA1),.'i, T;gT.P 7:0T,Ztemx=.J 1.07'5. HEAU OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, CAPITAL (Authorized) - 87,000,0(10 $2,000,000 Agencies to all principal minis in Ontario, (pother, Mon Ilan, ['ailed States tORagland. A 0aueral 13alilting liusinese 'Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all point., SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded hall yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To ''0(111 COLLECTION ar 1i'AsOlnas' SArl, NoT101. Every faoility afforded Customers living at a distance. 0. I'. SCHOLFIELD, 111121000, ODE stook of Drees Goode is ltuown too well inBrusselsfor others bo advertise they have the largest. Ferguson & Halliday. 13r ceiling at Ferguson & Halliday's you will be convinced who has the largest, newest and cheapest stock of Drese Goods. LADIES 1 Have you seen our Gorman .lade mantles yet ? If not you should call and see then as the styles are the latest. nentou902 & IIALLIney. Poem Somme—Mrs. J. S. Smith is prepared to do plain sewing at her home over the postoffioe, labildreu's clothing a speciality. Satisfaction guaranteed. FEnousms l51 HALLIDAY have received this week all the newest styles in dress goods and would ask the ladies to call and see our goods itnd prices before purobasing their Spring dresses. LADIES, call and see our beautiful Bed. ford merle, in all the new shades, the latest and most fashionable dress geode. All wool delaines ; black and white mneline in oheche and strives ; black curl colored Henrietbas ; gimp braids, a full range. A. So'otouAN. FInsxEnr.—For 0110ap hosiery go to Mrs. Kirk. Listowel yarns warranted fast colors, a largo assortment on band, any sized hose .lade to order. Children's sizes in Saxony, Zephyr, Andalusian, &o , in black or colors. Cell and be convinced that we s, 11 obeap. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary nranhiuery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Reeidence second door north of the bridge, west side of Tnrnberry sb., Brussels. 84.01 HIIGII WILLLtiis & SON are handling the celebrated Ganauoque Oarriage Coin pany's buggies, which for style, work- manship and price cannot be surpassed. They have Ono 00-xhibitior at their show room, Mill street, and eau procure any styled rig you desire. You can buy from 10 to 15 per emit cheaper from theta than elsewbsre and every rig is guaran• teed to give the best of eatislaotiou. Call in and see them whether you want to buy or not. To Wooer rr M.tz Coycsno.-1 take pleasure in thanking the residents of Brussels and surrounding country for the very liberal patronage which they have extended to me during the six months of my bueiness here as photographer, and would recommend to then my successor, Mr. Strong, of Toronto, to wheal I have disposed of my bueiness and I tbink 111r. Strong will be found to give good satis- faction as be comes well recommend- ed. Yours Truly, W. W. BURGESS. CGCRRANE & JonNsTON, marble manu- facturers, are novo taking orders for spring delivery in their line. As hereto- fore all workmanship and orders trusted to their care will be put up in the most approved style and satisfaction guaran- teed in every case. Anybody requiring anything in their line of trade it would be well for them to see their designs and prices before making their pns'chasee. Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables. $1.00.—Orin dollar will buy at B. Gerry's :-1 14 quart pail, 110 quart pail, 1 0 quart pail, 1 2 quart pail, 1 large dish pan, 1 milk pan, 1 pudding pan, 1 wash basin, 1 large dipper, 1 pie plate, 1 tun cep. NURSERY STOCK FOR SALLA.—I have a large stock of Norway Spruce on hand, the rigs 1 height for planting out for brsakwinds, hedges or lawn trees, at low pr'oe, first•class stook, also horse obesb- nute, 8 to 10 feet big)), at 25o. each, Grape vines 15c., cherry trees 251. Two greenbouees full of house and bedding plants, vegetable plants in season, 20 of 811 bushels Empire State Potatoes 40o. per bushel. Parties wanting any of the above will find it to their advantage to see my stook or write to Tnoe, Knave 89.6 Brussels, P, 0. $50,00 eon A CHIcueus.—To create an interest in the breeding of high-class poultry, I will award a special prize of $50.00 cash to the person raising the heaviest Plymouth .Rook chicken hatch- ing from eggs purchased of me. Ply- mouth Rooks are unquestionably the best breed of fowl known for the Canadian farmer. Send for descriptive circular of this valuable breed of fowl. Eggs for hatching, guaranteed fresh and true to name, carefully packed in baskets and delivered to express company, $2.00 per setting of 13. Address, T. A. WILLh''Ts, Breeder Of Ply. mouth Rook Fowl Weston, Oct, BOR2S. DENudN.—In Brussels on April lath, the wife of Mr, Daniel Denman of a daughter. lIoinniss.—In Newry, on April 7, the wife of Mr. 0. H. Holmes, merchant, of a daeghtol. SOARLETT---MAunsoN,—At the Parsonage, Brussels, on the 25th inst., by Rev. W. T. Oluff, Mr. Harry A. Soarletb, of Rlyth, to Mies Mary L 11laudsos, of Mftohell. Games—BEOwli.—At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, on April 13th, by Rev. C. H. Phillimore, Mr. Samu el Cairns to Mies Louisa V, second daughter of Mr, Win. Brown, all of Atwood. DoCRET—Ail5t5TnONrl,—On the 20th inst., in Christ's church, Listowel, by Rev. I. Parke, Me. Robt. Dookeb, eon of ltfr. Randall Docket, of Grey town- ship, to Mise Christina Elizabeth Armstrong, of Elma township. Mune'—REio.—In Christ church, Lis• bowel, by bbe Rev. J. P. Parke, on Wednesday, April 13th, Mr. John A. Hurst, of Rima, eon of Mr. Geo. Hurst, of Morningbou, to Miss Elisabeth Reid, of Mornington. WILSON.—In 11lorris, on April 22nd, Ed. gar, eldest son of Wm. Wilson, aged 10 years and 21 days. PE,tnete In Belgrave, on the 19th insb., Matthew Peeren, aged 84 years and 22 days. - .mmeerm- .. Z.[iew.e.cs erthe Gall Wheat — ` 80 82 Spring Wheat 80 82 Yeas , Barley 3u 40 37 58 Oats 27 28 Butter, tubs and rulle.,., 15 00 Eggs par dozen 0 00 Flour per barrel 4 50 5 00 Potatoes 20 00 Hay per ton 0 00 10 00 Hides per lb 3 d} Salt per bbl., retail....., 1 00 ('0 Sheep skin,, each00 1 00 Lamb skins each 05 00 Apples per barrel 1 00 1 25 TUE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ENEIIAL SERVANT WANT - up. Apply at once to ,11105. W.M. SINCLAIR, Bra gaols, ANNUAL MEETING;, Brussels Mechanics' Institute. The annual meeting of thn Brussels Me- chanics' Institute will be held on Monday, May Sud,of 4 p. in. at the Library, for the pnr,OBe of reneiving the annual report, electing :Akers for the 'surreal, year, &a. A. BUNT)570, Sec.-Treas. REAL ESTATE. 11ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN - A. .name can has several good farms for sale and to rent. easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey, F S. SCOTT. Brussels. 97.15. ���OR SALE OR TO RENT.— Tins brlek store on the north-east oor- nor of 5x111 and Turnben'y streets, Brussels. For particulars:to ply to PETER L'I;IRGUSJN, Queen street, or by mail address Brussels P. 0., box 97. ..__.. _ 81-4 r1HOIOE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, oon.6, J1o_rIe, 100 across, nee rly all cleared. Good buildings, flue young bearing orchard. Immediate pos. session. Easy Terme. Aptly t0 W. M. SIN OLAIR, tf. Solicitor, &a., Brussels. �t'ARM FOR SALE,—THE UN. bER8IeNED Offers for Bale the north east quarto rot lot 28, concession 8, Morris, Oounty of Huron toutainiu g 60 aures. The land is of first quality and In a high stators of cultivation, well foamed and under -drained, 45 acres cleared. Newiranie Louse, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wens goad barns and shed, orchard, eta. Eight aoree of fall wheat, This desirable property adjoins tb a corporation of Brussels. Suit. able tour will be given. 'Titleperfe at, JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 35. Beeler til 1'. 0, T1ARM FOR SALE BEING .L Lot 15, coo. 5, Grey, containing 100 001.05, more 00 lose, about d0 acme cleared. There isa aomfortabls house, two barna, orchard, walls, springs, &0., on the Uremine5 and 0 acres ni fall wheat growing. The thea e16alln piowingtdone.' '21,eltaboveu farm was the property of the late J. T. Barker, Listowel, and will. be sold cheep to wind tip estate. I'or further Pertfoulers as to price, Lorne, &o., appl y to WM, BARKED, Exoautors. or 11013T. ILANSO,M, } 92.._ Ethel'', O. QPLENDiD FARM FOR SALE. le BEING lots 11 mud 12, eon.18, Township of Grey, County of llnron, containing 200 mires, the property of the hate John Robert- son, 100 sores cleared and area from ob etrustione, 10 acres bush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared, Boil May loam mostly rolling, ]maned with straight roil fauces and watered by two wells and a spring privilege, Commodious dwelling house, with. large woodshed attached and au excellent cellar under house. Two largo barns, stows stabliog and other outbuild- ings. Vivo good Limier( orchards. orna- mental trees and small fruits. 41 miles froca 13rnseel9, a lively town on the G. T. convenient to school churches and post 011ioo. Thie property school, woll, 18 a first - Mass grain and aleck farm and should be seen by intending purchasers me it is offer. ed at a bargain, For further particulars apply to Tullis. JNO.1t0BE1ITS0.N, or DANIEL ROBERTSON,on the promisor, or by letter to Oretbr101 P. U, OU -4 BANKING. NOTICE. .111 parties owing the firm of MoINTO,W 4 McTAI3GART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Are requested to still AT ONCE and save costs as they are closing their business. es YOU WANT WALL PAPER NICE, PRETTY, 0000, 0111:1.11', 1 have in Stook between 5,000 and 6,000 Rolls for yon to choose from and another ship. mom expected in. daily, Whatever you do bo sure and got your Wall Paper at PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, 1BUSS.10LS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ▪ L. TAYLOR, BAR1RISTER, Solioltor and Conveyancer, Collec- tions made. 001oo—Van,tous's Block, Brus- sels. 21.9m yv 111. SINCLAIR, • solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPub- lie, &a, Odies—Grahaul a jIlock, 5 dc.m north of Pepper's Drug 81000. Private Penchi to Loan. D1OKSON & HAYS, 11JJ (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot, God°. rind,) narr,a(ors, Soli°lbore, Oonvoyanuere, &•o, Ol0ooe—brussels and Seufurth, Brun sots OfIlee—Up-stairs over Bank. Money to Loan. rt.0,5AT5. W,n,n10510N AUCTIONEERS. A •RAYIMANN, Aaotloneer, 18 always ready to at - to ud .ales of farms, farm stook, etc. Terms olonrfally given. Uranbrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at T110 POST Publishing House, Brussels. (/7 EOLOGE KIRKBY, 'l 7 Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct 0d ou reasonable terms. Farms and farm stock it specialty. Orders left at Tun Pos' Publishing Jionee, Brussels, or eentto Walton P, O., will receive prompt attentlo0F yl-'pn AVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- J.,1 sm a8 an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good manes and get good oecnriby when sold onoredlt. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give mea 01111, 92- N S. 800TT. BUSINESS CARDS. A1T H. 1toORAOKEN, IBe000i' of ltlarrlage !,leasee. Ofllaa at tie Grocery, lurubor y street, Rrussele, N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. If. ataliay & Co's barlware store. � 141oNAIR Lad ie s' an, minaret's hail sUttin' a specialty Isomer Isoer of :dewlap Lieeneee, '1y ain,nh,tmeut of Lient,-rlovenor, Commis- sioner, dm., Q.13. Conveyancer and Agout Pure insurance Co. Wilco at the Orannrook Post 00.158. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, MRS AND MARINE. GUELPH. A MINTER, ▪ cloth or the Fourth Division Court 0o. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pit Oic Land, Loan and insurance Agent. Fends Invested and to loan. Oolloatione made. OOlae In Graham's Black, Brussels. OIL PAINTING, M1mX10rles, of Win tam, in prepared to give instruotiou in oil painting, dorms may be ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store where samples of work may be seen. M,ee Morin would also take a few more pupils in. musics, T• A. HAWIIINS, Organist in St. John's Churoh, Bras - e els, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching Of A. W. Tim yer, !dna. Doe., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thos, 'Yarrow's, earner of Queen and Princess Ste., or if pro- ferred, at their own homes, Terms moder- ate. 40 - MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. OALP3, M, D., 0.111„ V V Member of the Oa/loge of Physician, and Burgeons of Ontario by examination. Office stud Residence—:Main street East, Ethel,Outarlo. JA. MoNAUGLITON, 1M. D. • o. M., L. R. U.P., iidinbssr b, M. 0. B, Oat. Residence and oBlee in Wilson's Block, corner of mall and Turnberry Ste. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, e/ • Ilonor Gfadoato of the Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a eons - potent manner. Particular tovteriarydea1y,Callspromptly tended to. veterinary, and Infirmary—Two doors north. of bridge O'ornberry et., Brussels, DEI'TAL. 1) 1 T1k+T: M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. Orvmi—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brunets, Notice to Creditors IN TCZn SURROGATE 6405(3159 0P TRH UOIINTIf 1,3 THIt MATTE11 Or TL[E 115010E Or DAVID S11119L, or 1511b1. Y00011011 or BRUSSELS, IN Ms 0001M o1 HURON, GENTLEMAN, DEmt80E5. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0. ehap,130 that all persons Haying oldness against the estate of the above nomad David tibial, who died on or about the Oh dayof November, A. D.1801, aro on or before the 1st day of May, A, D.1802, to deliver or send by poet prepaid to W, m, Sinclair, at Bras- sels,Soltof.tor for Dayld Douglas Wilson, of the town of SCaforth, in the County of Fluron,lilxeot,tor of the last will and Wean, - moot of the Said David Shies deceased, their names and addressee with full partic- ulars of their claims. And notice le hereby given that after the said 1st day of May, A. U.1802, the said executor will pr mused to distribute the assets of the said testator, or any part thereof, amongst the parties en- titled thereto, havingregard only to the =SWOTclaims of which the Sa=SWOTl;ail then natio, and the said oxeontor will uotbe liable for the agitate of the Said estate or any part thereof, co distributed to any per- son of whose claim the said executor had not notice at the time of distribution there- of, W, M, 511N0LA110, Whittier ter Executor. Dated at brussole Mile 18th day of Marek, A.D.