HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-29, Page 5APRIL 29, 1982 s't1ltt I t, C1Uo. +rastwar aresstpnagcer nmmavrtr .: wase+awaw N, T. Kansas Oily, Mo, ; Philadelphia, Mr Stevenson, of Ili/lawmen, who an. Pa." ill, made extensive puruhosns of eupied the allele, called on some at the yIII hordes througllt the district, agreeing to ratepayers and 10801,008 for abort sl. pay for them upon delivery at a later drams, and these were followed by a few date, but when the day arrived he had words of consolation and divide by Mr. disappeared, along with ammo ranging i Stevenson himself, Ali now dispersed to from $3^n to ROO, which he ltad borrow• t'„'ir homes simaelmna that they hart Raub FOR SI+71tVJOE •--TFIE 1l r rairar•r•iki. Wm. Hanna, of this township, plowed ten ..ores of gr and with a narrow plow Rod drilled in twenty mores in one week whit the ohestuut team of John Hanna, On Friday morning of last week lad - gar, the eldest eon of Win Wilson, who lives just north or Brussels, died after 0 very brief iMinnieof Group. The little fellow waif a bright boy ot ten years of age and will be greatly missed. The funeral took plane Saturday afberuoon ab Gowanetown. VV al tart. 8eaforth 'Sand gave as a serenade lash Friday evening its they went to Brawls.Preparations are being made for the Doming cheese making season, 1V, Ed. gar, maker, moved here this week, He will live 1n the factory, Rev. W. T. Olaf took the service in St, George's oburoll last Sabllabh after noon The congregation was well pleased to see hila again after his long absence. Cleetteaeter o)(. 'Mate j1T,trgars' Albert left on 'Tuesday for Edmonton, Alberta. She pnrohased her ticket from J. T. Pepper, Brussels. The Parolee, tattier says :—Mr. Berrie, the well.kuowe athlete, 18 getting up a splendid program of Caledonian games to be held in the Greenwood Driving Perk, Petroloa, on the 21th of May. A largo sum of money has brim subscribed and some good prizes will be gismo. The bent athletes an Ween• t•n Ontario will false part in the contests anti a big day ie ant ciputed. tilt. tacit. Connell will moot at Burton's 'Hind • May 27th. Mrs. 11. Paul, of I3rusaole, was visiting Mtg. Simpson last week. A number from Ethel will likely at- tend the Sunday 801,001 Convention to be held in Brussels on May 17th. James Blashtil, of Brussels, has open- ed a ehoemakershop in the Milne store and om omonced work Inst Monday. We welcome him to Ethel. Was 13ALT.,—At a meeting held in W. Simpson's store on Wednesday evening, 20th inst., a base ball team was organized to be known as The Maple Leafs of Ethel. The billowing of vers were elect• ed for the 0eaeon :—Mone President, Reeve Milne ; President, Dr. W. F. Cale; Vine-Preeident, Chas. ltnbbs ; Secretary - Treasurer, Chita. Willis ; Captain, W. Routley ; Committee of Management, JOB. Ileinsworth, Geo. Brewster and G. Dobson ; lJni tie, Wm. Spence. S1Vileit;,llallet- Crowell Wilson is out again after his severe illness. Bev, Messrs. Crossley and Hunter will epee their 0van901isti0 campaign here next Sabbath. The town flag was hoisted at half meet THE BRUSSELS POST ed on the strength of the pnrehn ea and 5t 0ns it vary pleasant awl happy aftet r p582 partnere, Ile finally turned up at Lie, AFALBt RornsT.—The following item towel. where be followed the Ramie plan anpear0rl 111 leaf week's 18880 of the Maim Expos:tor 1 -,1 rennet h'tvin•s got a ad o ' in t outlet art bre ,asp orally hes southern p of thin county, that Mr. Bowerman, a well-known nubile salad tooaher, had panished a pupil of his 80 severely that the lad died from the effects of the in- urit•s r00eived is few days afterward, we Scott he canlmunicated the foots to oho lave boon requested 10 publish the fol- Attorney•Gsnoral's Deprtrtmint. A few lowing privo'e letter from Mr. Bowerman months later Morten srrested in to , frien1, who had hsa.d the report and Winnipeg in eonllsrtiou with a patent had written to him elgnir{'I5 0510 110 right swiru{le and lodged in gaol Mare. trathfoinoea, The tatter, although not While awaiting sial has'rddrnly ann0une- written with a view to publication, gives ed that he had (leoir ed to lead a new life, a very plain end oirenmetanbial state - jag the arrival of funds from his and suOveed5d in negotiating 11tH J. W. Scott, rfvat0 banker, a draft for $1,000 bearing the eignatnre of W. L, Yode, oaehior Faint National Bank at Mahoney City, P4. Next. day the bowie buyer die - appeared. Wl•on the tant of tbesignaturo being a forgery became known to Kr. lin dorsigaell 1017 beep for service, on Iot 20, 0 on. 4, Morris, the well broil grade hull” Jill ly." Tor ms 8100 with prlvilogs of returning 11 nee005ary duringtson, 151)17.1 1031180n. C,UltIiril, 41.4 Proprietor. � ULL FOR SEBVIOP — The gndersignee will keep for service On Gots, Oen, 10, (Iray, a thoro' bred Dur- ham bull , Terms 01,00, with privilege of 1•etitrnln g during 5005011 if 000000017, ,IOIIN WILL, 41.4 'Proprietor. 1.U[,L FOR SEEVICE.—THE ) Undersigned will keep for Hendee, on lot 30, eon., H, Morrie. 1110 th nro'-hrod Durham bull, "8weopstakos,l' fie has taken 4 nr,t Prom anal ascend, ',Mogi-mitten by (he bull that took 1st prise at the Provincial Show, Torras—'Po insure a nal! $200, Or $1,50 for and, adopting bhe religious role, convert- meat of the affair and should quiet any 8110 Aoason, ed a majority of hie fellow -prisoners as Nate remora coune•oing the matter s7.0, JAS. SPTTR, Proprietor, well as the turnkey. A few days later ho which may have gained oarrency. The ! T liIRSEY 13UGTjS FOR SER. escaped from prison. No further brans afitir happened in a school in the bown• t vroH.-81, Jersey nulls aro from line of the itemised emlld be obtained unlit a ship of (Bay, and the letter from which ; mflidnx stratus and should produce stook few weeks ago, when Detective Murray, 1 we quote is doled, Br,, osle, April 13611. easel or superior to any for either the who had meantime visited Mahaney city, Of catlr85 we only give the part of the areawnry or ol,oeae iaatory. for, clan, 04 Pa., obtained the aflilavit of Ca lifer i lett 0 referring to this occurrence and It 000 AEi11 i» ,ny p005050IO❑ gave 7,009 lbs. of Yode res bn the 1,r'ery, lona eel th toting. ' 110100.18 eta fol Iowa : —" Well, that' Ba mi11c n u t2 canalis wltll net• [test calf. leer R l Y camas, n„moutho 0511!!Y LG my O,ag and nil in tib, Paul, and tool( him into onetody, ' stories never lose an Vthing 1., the telling, . Book 4to•s. Ib i5 thought that Morton will make a and it seems it is so in the an50 of the G,A, D1:AD8tAN,Brussels,Ont. determined fight spinet extradition, a8, boy yon have meutiouod. It is true I j MPROVEDLARGE WUITEYORK- onee in 0A nada, hie liberty is lik .ly to bo . gave the boy it slight unnlshment. Lb SHIRE SOAR. curtailed for same years to come. was not by any means severe and ib bap- The undersigned will keeps f0,- service thi8 paned that he had diphtheria norms on ' pl•01O„t seaoou the 1,o(rl0ved large white TTenli-vn . him, End aday Ortwo after wag cln„'n Yorkshire tdg "Ready” on lot 26, coo. s, john R. Fraser tools a ,herb visit to with di •hth.ria. Thome hal been 11,80 Km will i1betrtnsr0,,e11 ;s 111111 55011. f orulsto8LO0number to be paid of sows the ('7laeoics dilly hist week. other families 111 the section mak with time of service, with the privilege of rnt01u- Silver Corno•% Cheese fanbory cote -' thesame di ea e a few weeps before th r i it y P...1i' e Way tv lieAno up means, operations on afonlay next The farmers are busy with their geod- iug acne aro repnrtrrl nearly through. 0100.—'[`inn undersigned willkeep or Money to Loan, Private Funds to Loan. Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty fit LO WEST HATES. 1Funds. Private and(:o un v man u y DICKSON ,&, HAYS, Solicitors, cfe., Blousons, ONT. 1892 —F']. AX— 1892 (o) Cameron Bros. Wave a limited number of Rwanda of tho — BEST DUTCH SEED For ferules In tbo vielniby of Cranbrook who intend raising Flax during the seining 0„50cn, which they aro prepsred to deliver 1n 1laantt100 L0 suit Rua pro in00s, Call be got at the Oranhrooh Pilo 71 T11, 80011 given out on the usual 50101,4 aur 81.00 per bus. Order ecrly t) 0e0nr0 n 0up ply. For flax grown from this Fiend $10 per ton will b0 paid, if of goad growth, 1',rv0st0a ht prepor o,a on, and delivered at the Flax Mill n0 A000 ns fit for threshing, W ill G 1 f d 1 fields 5 w rot a nen nl for 1 5n' 0or - for the purpose of growiug Aux. —,__ __ _ C AM1(RON 151100., Proprietors Crain ,root Plot MM. $20,00( Have been placed in lay hands for Investment on real notal,». LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans eOaJl- lted inThr Days title pe Three ift l satisfactory. W. M. SINCL AIR, Solicitor, Brussels. OON'S COTTON INT 1'0)1 PO ITN A rodent discovery by an old physician, Successful- ly used monthly by thons- 1lnla of EAn1E8, IN 030 0100 pnrfertly snfe cul reliable modlofpu elissnv. orad, Beware of tmprinciph-d druggists who oder Interior medlch)oe 011 place of this. Ask for 0000'0 CoTTns !tam' C ,Hrranan, Cake no 0nb00100 00 incl"eo ?3 nut 4 three. vent (inn,d .. ts,e t.,1:14 cry tette" ••' we will send, ,Haled, b01) 0111 mall, 81111 scat. ad perlieulars in plain envelope, to 1(51[0, only, 2 stamps, Address Pan,f fitly come Witty., Nn. 3 Fisher Sleek, 131 1a'oorwa,d uv,,., Detroit, Mich. r-,-9nhl in I4111s'ol, by J, T, P51'PF.I5, C, A. 1)P11,1131 IN and nil re0V0nstitle drugei-te everywhere. s a ther, n; n0e0Naai t r,, [ t l 1 dar 11110 a �rneof then, 001110 10 sohnol hefOre ell �Inpliuetinu, 1 OHl1(1' N (N(12,, i 0' •• they Lad bn_n nae; 411011.11 reap vera .1 and 1151 1 rr pr[0100. 1,, gelnl0'1111nto51,, enhwO. Tho 110,1• Ulf 11 RI1EJ) Ria \ as 1011 SPR vntnrvx)nLneedtheInva)alm.,��a tPwho him beenecrionslyindiepoired,i800.dothehngCens.Aga1inastherloetnra0rvannuan•ChhidTnr 29, ran.7, Morris,•sawume1,nnonnn5r,m1rc1a a,osnnn,Chulo12theon.,Cirev,hadtheonce.Theboydied[bentawon'tagueaeo11andenOhiomprovdChestea�hA,'0 i12re.John 3GtcLeo 1, ofSilver f outer,, 1, 75'O (' ! p • 1 't 1' 1 th• t a nn• bred Itnrk ]fro Bu brerl by Mr covering. bred by Thos. (l gorge, Putuma. tram ED- 11 misfortune to luso a valuable !tore a tho clay I punish al him. I didn't kink pnrt•d aleck en bots) 9, les. This hog took short 'Min ago. i � :. I', prise , 1',l 11. Symonds, formerly station agent kink (m o a push or shove with toy -light font 17, to 18904 and 3rd at the 'Western Fair in a clu. IIIc sire tone 1st nt too t time The areola neer said anything to mn , 11;11071u1! 0 privy e . o o pa a me renewing acquaintances here, p y of •,o•vico with privilege of returning if nos- renewing wedding parley passel thrnnuh tin the boy was laughing eftnr the p'Iniali- village on Tuesday evening of Nile week. j mart and never OOmpllthlell to any one, Robert Rockett of Grey, and 98100 Ohrie. The parents .lid not know that he had tine, Armatronk of 12111 con. Elms[, were get punished till gaits a fe.v days of ter. the prominent figures. 1 In any other case the pinishment 050,1111 never have been noticed ; but his getting AA wood. I sick with the diphtheria soon after, was A load of our temperance workers what started the talk ; and when that drove out to Jubilee cherish on Tuesday , starts it is like rolling it m big snow tall when 6110 snow pools+—{t gate bigger and • him 111 the stnm4o11 blit "av , hila a h 'ht •1 T [ it 1 t the 1ndllat 1 1 Pair in R Class of here, spent part of has Easter holidays than a krait) a Irl le below the rump1801 T f i E b id t time Call and see the line stock of C'�ttTBM. DanitnaS of 30 cents try This GREAT COUGH CURE, this 21.15 SAMUEL OVALKNR,Prop, successful OON8UMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medi- cine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure 000 successfully stand. If you have a Clough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you night of last week for the pnrpase of I h'"�,r the f the it goes. No one in the Aesurmnae in force 0 ,..,'92..514,0(50 50') dread that insidious disease CONSUMP. Ontario .htitual Life. 111[.110 OIP10E, . wA'rE1sL00, O,7T. organizing e, branch of the I. O. G. T. 1 sea'tion or v oinity who has enquired into New business written 1n 1891 2,094,960 TION, DON'T Pout to dee it, 1t will cure Ono clay recently a little eon of J G. 'the Lwtd and ,.,t the full particulars on- Incceaso over 1800 840,800 you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist Robertson while going to 0011901 had the 1 tertaius'ho ridiodlously mbaurd notion Caah income for 891 547,620 for 413ILOI1'S CURL, Prtoe 100., 60e. mi•fortnne to have his leg badly bitten I Ltorease over 1890 67,020 and 91.00 If your lungs aro Bore or back by a dog. lame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 250. Hate{ licenses in this district have been granted as fellows :—Tavern— kind of round -clout way, one telling and Alfred Huggins, Monktoo ; A. Wynn, adding or changing, and then another Newry ; N. Coughlin, and V. Inerger, I ahnngiug{t still more and so on until at Atwood. hag got around to y m the way you hays A meeting of the directors of 1115 Elmo I told me. That y m may see itis perfect - Farmers Metal Fire Insurance Onm- , 1 time about the diphtheria being in the pany was held at Atwood on the 12511 school, the health officer, Dr. Cale, has on the town hall, in honor of the late inst. Anplioations for insurano8 were I since been around. 110 examined bhe Hon. Alex. Mackenzie. received and accepted amount{ng to school ; condemned the old desks, which J. II. Dulmage is home from Fashion '1$het Tuesday Meeting adjourned till the he said were a splendid breeding wound Stink Pam, Trenton, N.J. with a very y May. for germs, and orderers the old floor and fins standard bred ,[,hien. On Satarrlay of 'est week while finish- i deals t' be taken away and new ones put ing the 5010011'5 .tools cf fllux at t1e flax ' . mill, Robert Farrell got his hand in one in. nits man have been working for H- of the brakes and had the first finger of boot a week at it now and are just about the right nand oompletely chopped to done. It is a kind of double 00111 building. pieces. The finger was amputated and is 1 They are working in the north end and I now doing as well as can be expected. Gln teaohiug in the south and, there be • • ing Besets iu both rooms " that the ninishmea that I gave him was the cause of his death. But others quite a way off seem to have gob the news in a A free concert, for the children of the town, to be given in the town hall, in the near future, will be one of the events of the season. A municipal officer of the town has the matter in hand. Miss Lillian Phelps, of St. Catharines, the renowned temperance lecturer, was The injury will lay 11(81 up for r s ore unfortunate that seem m t' and v 've two time, k and delivered m [1718 week a in Winghnn the foot that 101• lentures ander the anapioas Of the W. C. about the aaoida rt is T. U. in the temperance hall on Monday other two hours work would bate nom• atilt Tuesday evenings. plated the work he was at. Under date of 12th April, from Vim toric, B. C„ we learn H. W. 0. Meyer, Q. C., sailed far Yokohama on the 6113 last., by the Emp ORS of bele ; and that the weather i1 Victoria then 70100 oold and disagreeable, although green and leaves were green and flowers in bloom. S. Youhill, has completed bhe assess- ment of the town for this year. The total real property is placed at 9455,788, personal property at966,000, and income at $14 525 making a grand total of 6588, - Huron County. M. 0. Cameron is home from Florida. Hi The Home Circle, Clinton, now num, beta between 75 and 80 members. Rev, Wm. Martin, of Exeter, the pop. alar pastor of the Presbyterian church, is going to England. Reeve Beek, ot Saltford, was in Toron- to attending the funeral of his brother- in-law, Capt. John Atkin, of the Mail composing staff, Ben. and Walter Balite have parches. ed the good will of the 41oOooghey Bros„ Goderioh and tape possession of the Union Hotel on May 1st. Mayor Butler, of Goderioh, attended Hon, Alex. Mackenzie's funeral at Sarnia last week, .0nt by the town. A me sage of condolence was forwarded to Mrs, Mackenzie. There ie some tali[ of patting in addi- tional power in connection with the elec. trio light plant, Clinton, in order to supply power during the day to any one who wlshee to use electricity for a motive power for any kind of maokinery. The Clinton Cricket Olub is organized foe the season of 1892. The ofBoers are : Hon. president, 11 A. Forrester ; Hon. ✓ ice -President, G. D. McTaggart ; Pres- ident,N. Me. L. Pair; Vioe-President' Mr. Rimington ; Sem-Treas., J. W. Chid - ley jr. ; Captain, L. Kennedy ; Executive Committee, J. H. Howson, W. H. Ball, J lateMurchie, Dr. Shaw, T. L. Fortune; Match Ootnmitteo, L. Kennedy, M. D. McTaggart, Jae. MaMurahis. One of the best known pioneers of God- e^ioh township died on Wednesday of lash week in the pereon of David Oante- lon, of the 10th con. He had reacted &Pannell, A. Mulntos5, Geo. Z1 lax, { i continuously on that farm for 68 years, Roils ort Kidd. Shop, henry Rapp. taken to 1110 mother's residence 111 and wis a treespeofman of the good old James Madill and Conrad Zilliax—tavern Wawauo0h, 101411 etook which made the wilderness of —each 8 months extension.'1,0 early days to blossom into the garden Fire broke out about 3 p. m. Wed- Greer-, this township now presents. Mr. Cante- nesday in the Commercial Rotel Here, There are tlmneanda of 13110ho19 of Ion sowed hie day and generation in w hich was totally destroyed. Insurance, wheat held bank by farmers in 11ie town- many branches, including the M0111odi01 91,000 in the Northern ; 91,000 in the ship awaiting a rise to price, Tony btty °til matters the Orange order he n mon a- Queen's and 99660 in the Pbmuix, of have to wait a good while. 1 England, which will nearly cove" the Tho now teacher—Mr. !gloom -00,11- confidence and rospeet of kis fellow men. loss. mooed work iu S. S. No. 1 this week, He leaves a family of six eons and three Annunzio IN ST: Pint. —A.n important Mr. and Mrs, Bowerman and a11d daughter ln5'trllt01l testimony T1a1111 101 011theFriday Was arrest was made at St, Paul, Minn„. 011 have removed to 92 c in Thursday of last week by ,John W. ar' Sonooe ExaanaAT105.—Mt', MoDonnld which the deceased was hold, being ono ray,, chief of the Ontario Detootivo Foroo, and his pupils of 5, S. No. 4, Grey, d1'. o f Wear largest ever see in T1151 aonntie in the person of la. G. Morton, alias 0. played to the publio their work dd g I3. Phalling, C. 0. Oole and holt-a-dozou the last term by closing school with a sstoners m011,1 Clinton ridaylicenses.d aliases, one of the cleverest swindlers end very suoceeafnl public exit urination, The n granting oonfldenoo men on the continent, who is exarninmlion began at noon and continued The following 70050 granted hotel R. wanted in various States in the Union till holt past five o'clock in the evening, (tenses :^•Clinton—Ratbmlbnry, Spooner, The specific 01Orle on Daring the afternoon the monotony of Pike, klilne, Kennedy, Lent B08100 lo' cirri h Canada. p ibhi which he was arrested and on which he 0x0mitting was relieved by a nnrnber of the Commercial when tot is held foe extradition is the obtaining of beautiful and appropriate selections endfitted rip Paisley.Shop, s��sofnotion of 111- 91,000 from J. W. Scott, banker, of Lie. sung by 0attlo of the children o nam ot the sec ; Godnraoliley. Cox, J. Miller, S. towel,'Ont., on a forged draft purporting oellent 1nanner. The pr g to bear the efgnntars of W. L, Yode; pupils was largely supplemented by vocal C Martin, W Babb F S warts Ms. oashiel of the First National Bank at and instrumental ounce rendered by the Mahoney City, Ps., a small mining town Masses Bryans, Misses Boss and Miss about 100 mita, from Philadelphia. Ab- MoQu0rrie an a manner which drew oat two years ago Menton turned up in hearty applause from the visitor0. The Eastern Ontario, visitingin turn Pew• visiting tea:here present were Miss broke, Brookville, Beleville, Kingston Smith, and Messrs. Rirkwood, Fowler end other cities. He represented hint- and Ba11, who subjected the pupils to a self as a member of the firm of "11, 0. searching examination and it must be Morton le Co„ dealers ill herpes and acid they acquitted thomselvoa with modes, 'The largest establishment in the pre(lit both to themselves and their. world, Na bvill0, `Tenn. ; Jorsey (sty, teacher. At the elose of the day the Rev, The band has received some new ha- otrllmente and have gab down to plate - Moe under the leadership of Mr. Gidley. W. Kelly, butohsr, mot with a rather bad aouadent by getting a large gash in cue of hie lege with a draw knife while doing some wood batohering. Three etlt01101 were put into the wounded parts. The annual meeting of the Woma l's Guild or Trinity ohnreh was held at Mrs. 298, which! is $11,880 in excess of the Tanner's, sr., residence when the follow - total aeseomsnt of last year. 'Chore are ing officers were cleated for the ensuing 188 doge and 6 bitches in towd. 'rhe population is given as 2,140. There were 68 births and 15 deaths in town during the year. year :—Pres„ Mrs. Tanner ; Vice -Pres., Mrs. Higley ; Sea., Mrs. Powell ; Asst. Sea., ltfrs. F. Tanner ; Treas., Mrs. Metcalf. On Monday the regular sitting of the Litato weI. 12th Divisiml Court woe held before lie J. ct J. Livingston received last week Honor Judge Doyle in Industry hall. 160 bags of flax seed direct from holland, The intoxicating Battle ease of Rally vs. which they intend giving out for seeding. Ni01101, which was tried before a jury, The following officers were elected in occupied a large portion of the day. connection with the foot ball club :— Prondfoot for plaintiff and Oampion for President, J. W. Fleming ; Vice Presi. defendant. Alter the witnesses for both dent, D. MoDonald ; Seer -tory, G. An. sides had been heard and the address of demon ; Treasurer, T. Alexander ; Oap• his holier, the jury after a short time brought in a verdict for the plaintiff, Barry Kelly for 910,00 damages. On Wednesday morning a large num- ber of the Foresters and Orangemen of the town proceeded to the railway station to receive the body of their lata Bre, Jason Ellis, which arrived on the 10:25 train, who had died in Deka t after a short illness. The remains having been placed in the beano, a procession was formed and marched a considerable die• lance out of town, the ramming a ng tain, G. ialitoheil. A. Yule, baker, has let the contract for the line residence which be intends er eating this summer on the south side of Main street, Valentine Brown being awarded the contract for the stone and b1i01s work and Jacob Large has the oar. punter work. The following licenses wore granted by the North Perth Commissioners in this town :—Barber Bros!, P, Collision, Tames Liberal Conditions of Polioies. Clash and Paid-up Valnes guaranteed on each policy. All dividends belong to and ate paid only to policy holders. Premiums payable during tho month in which they fall due. Policies are incontestable two years fro m date of issue. No restrietlon on travel, rea14050e or in- onpabion. Lapsed polinies may be revived within six months after lapse. Death nla[)ns paid at norm on completion of claim papers. J A. YOUNG, District Agent, Ethel. Pllutograpliy 1 C. E. PERRY, The leaching Photographer of Woodstock for the past 18 years, has leased the Photograph Gal- lery lately occupied by L. Hunt- er, where he is prepared to make first-class Photographs in 5,1? of the Latest Styles and Sizes. sATISFAUTIO�v GUARANTEED. TEED. Call at his Gallery and see Samples. 0. . �' JR)R.Y, PHOTOGRAPI3ER, BRUSSELS. S!Ik headache IS a complaint from which many suffer and few are entirely free. Its cause is indigestion and a sluggish livor, Ma- nure for which is readily found in the Me of Ayer's Pills. "I have found that for sick headache, caused by a disordered condition of the stomach, Ayer's Pills are the most re, liable remedy."—Samuel 0. Bradburn, Worthington, Mass. "After the use of Ayer's Pills for many years, in my practice and family, I am justified in Haying that they are an excellent cathartic and liver medicine—• s„stainin�gr' all the claims made for them." W. A. Westall, M. D., V. P. Austin & N. W. Railway Go., Burnet, Texas, "Ayer's Pills. are the host medicine known to me for regelatug the bowels, and for all diseases caused by a die. ordered stomach and liver. I suffered for over three years from headache in- digestion, and constipat'.on. I had no appetite and was weak and nervous most of the time. B using three boxes of Ayer's Pills, and at the 00010 time dlethl myself, I was completely mired." '-Philip Lookwood, Topeka, Kansas. "I was troubled for years with indi- Itr 011, , geation, constipation, and headache. A Caug1sy, W. Craig, D. Ourry, Shop, 001 bares of Ayer's Pills, used in small A daily dace, restored me to health, W. Horton ; �Vindllaai J. t3waytH, They are prompPt and effective."--W,.H. Roe, D. Meiormiolc, J, Dineley, I. Kir- Strout, Diccat dello, P5. man, A. Orr ; Blyth, J. Emig 1, J. Belly, J. Mason and W. Wotan' laid Over ; Ash• field --3. litoDonald, T. Griffin, 3, Mal• lough, L. Smith, R. Belong ; Coliseums— W. Latham, H. Martin, 1!'. McDonough, J. Ilam ilton, A. Allen ; llidiot t—J. Kuntz, J. Ben ; W. Waw,tnosh-•-3. Long- beed; 19. wommiosl--,J..Dixon. Ayer's Pills 0011w:ern BY Dr. Ja C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Masi. 8014 by 1,11 Druggists and Dealer. In Medicine. ALL,':‘N LINE Royal. Mall Sl,nnt8h1p8. Liverpool (calling at Neville). PROM STEAMER 010NTREAL AT DA1LTGRT SARDINIAN PA c- r RL AN CIRO [AN., SARDINIAN 'NUMIDIAN... PARIBIAN..,,,,, CIRCASSIAN 'MONGOLIAN SARDINIAN PARISIAN. a1R CASSIAN, 'IMONGOLIAN„ SARDINIAN *NUMIDIAN PARISIAN......,,. OIRCAS61AN May 147 " 21 • 28 June 4 11 " 18 25 July " 16 " 80 Aug, 6 • 13 „ 7 Sept.10 1'1(000 81R131a 9 AHI 4f,iy " 22 31110 5 12 • 19 ' 26 3)!1718 " 17 u all • 81 Ong, 7 14 " 21 28 Sept. Zi 401111.y Cabin passengers only on the voy- age to Liverpool. Bates of passage:—aabiu from S45 PP Intermediate 180: Steerage 820. Passengers for the Steamships "P arislan," "Sardinian;" 'Circassian,"' Numtd Ian" aui "Mongolian" leaving Montreal on Saturdals leave Toronto by morning express on the Friday morning. and go on board immedi- lately o0 arrival of train at Montreal in tho evening The Steamships Parisian, Sardinian, Mon- golian and Num0dian 10.v0 the Rieotria Light throughout. o ths, further;oapplyo particulars, as too railroad rates, b W. H. KERR, AassP, BRusseno. Also AGENT 7015 0115 WRITE STAR LINE, New Poen To LIVERPOOL. ars i It 7"om'tt break -ti.,1t'3 why Kabo is the only thing for corset "bones." Til^ 13. && C. Corset is boltu l with Kabo. More than that! Wear a P. <': C. Corset for two or three weeks and see if you like it. If you don't you can return it and get your money. It's a hundred to one you won't do it, but you have the privilege, Fort SAL1, .NY A. SS'y't1AcRAN, per dozen, 4 Dozen Pine Apples at 25 Cents each. Oranges and 800010ns from 20c. per dozen up. 40 Gallons Fresh Cider at -10 cents per Gallon. Fresh Stock of Cream Candies arrived. T. RUTLEDGE BRUSSELS. Why Not Do Tour Own Thinking Bnvsssns, November eth,18E9. 3. U. MOLEo1, Goderioh, DEAR SIR; 1010010 have written !micro now to let you know how I am getting along. I am a lot better than rIves; gaining etrela;til every Sty. f have a good appetite and sleep well. I can take the full quantity o1 the System Renovator toil 10 does not sicken me. 05y 10mb0 are 5.11 right now 1 pOOo smart in that way; swelling all gone. The grant thirst is gene; I drink 130 water at night, but I take a little botterna)k. I am quite straight again. Soni mo another bottle of your System Renovator. Youra'00., JAs.DUNUAN. PODRTP.EN MONTn8 LAT1111. 1311700111.8, February 7th, 1E191. J. M. mason, Gnderich, Dons S111.—Flitesn veers ago last Novem- ber I nturtrd to dortnr brat; I was tre„ted for dyspepsia, 3a e s t n hat they never helpeded m e ao. et times I suffered greatly from my atmel • I but I 51.017 worse. I turned slol ;limbs and body swelled badly. Y00 know the acute I was in when I want to Gosulfer ng mere wreck, email stone 7014. ag frlas Rall I b dis- gan. ease. eno one year ego last tall I began. your Renovator and B; eau UurS. I b, for to mann a feta day. ; Although thee far three 'monthsnoet cured Although I was told 1 could nob be cured, , 14 you saw that now, in the aid 17hearty0 ; eat the praise that cones the tvtlyy. I own you the pratd of env!en my life. I wa0 in a hopeless aauditton w!,en I went to you, in fact no ono thought I would gab bettor. I (menet spoalr too highly of you and of your medicines, for it was them that cured me. Words cannot express my thanks t0 you, Freely pass my name to Bn70110. Sours, /Se., 10ME8 D'UNCAN. SOL» er J. T. PEPPER, 73nusssr,o. FOE BITS BI THO T --lN-- BRUSSELS., Tuesday, M;'., ,r1a The Directors of Brussels Driving Part: Association will oelehrate Her Majesty's Birthday witb a series of Foot Ball Rod Base Ball Conlpetitinn0, 5110 Horse Races. Tho former will take place on Victoria Park in the forenoon. Admit:. si of fres. HORSE RACES. The following Trotting and Running Beans will [eke place en the fine, )rata kali-olio track belonging to the Aesnria- ton, in the afternoon, commencing 0.t 2 o'clock :—Open Trot or Paoe— Purse 960.00.1st prize, 980.00 ; 2nd, 920.00; Std, 910.00. Three Minute 'Trot or Paco —Purse 9140.00-101 prize, 920.00 ; 2nd, 912.50 ; 8rd, 97,50, Green Trot or Pace —Puree $20.00 -1st prize, 910.00 ; 2nd 97.00 ; Ord, 98.00. Bunning Rltoe—Hail mile haste, best two in three—lot prize 96.00 ; and, $4.00. Entrance to ranee, 5 per cent, of purse Entries to be made with the Seoretar3 not later than Monday night, 23rd May, American Trotting Annotation Bala to Gover Admin. ssion to 130085 :—Adults, 25c. ; Children under 12 years, 100. ; Vohiolos, 25 cents extra. Brussels Brass and Rood Band will ha in attendance. J. D. WARWICK, 1'. SCOTT, Secretary. 1'005100ns.