The Brussels Post, 1892-4-22, Page 66
No doer, elk, =wee, reindeer or mal shell
shall be hunted, taken or killed between
the fifteenth day of November and the 11f•
teentli day of the following 1h•tober ; but
the p011041 hereinbefore Minkel .hall out Ise
t0 moose, elft r -fmleor o1 caribou, apply
beforeuntil ale 1 -ell a,L. t0•tobe• lsul
terns of three year' each, in the manner
Herein tfter sot torch, and who, ux,ept the
BIRDS OF TRE SP$ING• onto down .4.1. 0 and ging the premise of
- green lea\ , 1111.1 8113111101L After tenth ma,
Beeretlary, who may be a menthol' of sell Pretty wryer lIM Ahn11) 9'to. io I.11eallns ptfts usually sever° 41181 141, they 1 )084111 the
board, shall serve wllllea1 eumpeusat1e„ neon 111111111 bort, blue liirur were more nmare'nlle than is
direct o • indiroet other than actual itobin and bluebird aro the dcal•esl hat•• milder se1s011s, It 1011$ $1 favorite name for
either ht t 1,41'-
t4 1111 1 t )
I ,u u l I'd0n) and tl
dtsbur;2mmit4, Out of the 0,11,1 Cununis. lingers of spring 111111 the best hived of birch the. R 1 ; tie m u 4
ice matin the Ihwt ,la • They team. Mite e11abutlimeuls of the first bard wag not hell sl Hotly sa sod, the 11)1114
stoner,: eh,d1 hold 011 >
of Apra ISN3, 111'0 NI4al1 Multi ofiicae until the balmy Southern breezes, the forerunners of who ktllod 0110, bed emitting sutuding 111111 esteem in
it et Ida • of .\ n'il, 1S3)I, and the temli[ling sprint; deli;; ,t+.old suumaerplea'un'es, Their the 'Algonquin 4111aeem by dulugso,
t \ 1
two hill hold 'die' until the sir;I day of pit incl' in doorynr, land air la ft prepnvey' .r
('Illli r ., •'
and nn mouse- elk,,'eind.ur, lir ruri bun shed) April. 1111111, :eel tht. said ('0mmmisNi,,,,, 1's 111.11 11141114•) them,1unhly lvelc4�nl0'lud wnl141
1 I \ t I fel' them 4 pl t'1' ill the pm,tl tel' heart. fan
" A Rloanable Rotineit,"
bo fifteenth
,1 taken Or het la. before
1111' .hall, aN eeo,1114 ,u, ,0.1)4 '4' l Ile : el , a 4 The •\Ilnn`ien1151„1•ting la ersap;ne rlivielt
fuftoont11 4111 , 4111)0)„bre, 151).', anat.), •44,:clukh0 at the ,'l1 ' of Toronto, nn ' drat 01 the g.y summer •401 stnrw, •4''\to ill ship s ec,wi of the 1 motion to
Hunting wit 11 hound; shell led 4,vfal'lily 1,y- lot de'hl' legatee.); 1 4..he.411S141 I le u' 'sound of 1'v in:;t nue ie so thrilling as the lino i
froluLilo first till the tiftoet1111day 1111','• reN1100li,4term.,of "+'i .. tommi..'i'nees that trill ofthe )lmbi'la- he iluttersthrunl411 the Dominion g..vernm4h1L to protect out•
i u 01vuer of 11.1))' lluunll o'1• other 4)1,17 Ir.,) Ila • u t '1111' 11 the expit•at 1,01 of lite air with a sheen en hi4 w'fngs like the saliumie 811'.'4111:1, 11 f'ir'st 111141 Strvanl f11 u1'
ember, and 1editorial o11 those l headed ,\ 1'1•asnu-
doe known by t he',seller to be n"''I rnnl"d Om•u• tern , of ed, v, be reappoint.7i for 1+61' i, blue r : ituo,r skive, and a uu,veuunut
F 1 L ' t able Bequest," says , ' Inert, Is not brat of
ee)thllenl ill the movement to '4•.'4Lro more
adequate pruleetion for 111)14dian salulnn
rivers ; of the contrary, it 10ltstep fully'
justified by the rules which govern 111
to Plasm.. 1. �+, -1,dl periost any ,die, u 11 ,,1',i tet n:: of three y c u.s. 1.141 'q ,;, i .a v,cihed fl•agutout a tut )4
or other dog 10 11111 at fear 144 •.tl,,) . The 1.1(n; 'u tut t levernor•ftt Council4hull empyrean 111411 with the glories 01 song.
where deer arc 'lewdly roma: �'1uri',p; 1111,- malt), appoint111141) to 11 11 ra4.•lin,a`N, and '11'' Idneblyd i4 the poet's ileal of spring,
'11''1111.'',. appoint joint the resident mud seeretar' 11f 1110 Icing the 0,41,1111 blue of sky, his breast
period from tilt• iitte,•nth of \ ..',all l I 1 1 )
to the first •lay lit x„''11111,1' of lit" follow• the 011111 1,0,1111,
fig year. Any penes heal ,ouriug of claim- 'tho said board shall moot ,al least once
ing to be the owner of such 111111111 lir dog and not awing than three time; cacti year.
shall be deemed to be the uwmer thereof t'mm1slu11make rule. and regulations subjeet
and any hound or dog fumel running doer 1 In flu' approval of the Lieutenant Aiovernor•
between the fifteenth day of Novculbe' and 411•l'eumetd for /lie guidance o1 gaile and fish
the rivet day of Neveulhee following may Le 1 warden.) and inspectors, 'Che said board
killed on s,gilt by ally person, and 411e pee ! shall have power' to appoint game and fish
sun killing such 111)11)1,1 or dug shall not Ge wardens.
liable to any penalty ordaulages lho',d.r, I 110411011 1 of the .tel 1'o F.u'•a l'' j 140 Ik'-
(3) Naoi' person 8)14111 d11irillg:toy' oleye11)' ; .tecybi / of W,,f ',•s is ante , led by striping
or season hill lir telco more ill all than Wu int the figures ".8ll" in Ile seventh lino
deer, elk, moose, reindeer o' earibee. thereof, and substituting '' 10" 11018001',
(4) Hunting or killing deer by what is and in any unorgenized district of the Pro -
known as ' evustin,' or while they aro '1)102, or in those p"rtious of the Pro-
" yarding" is declared nulawfnh I villa. where there is no 00011Ly or -
the cinnamon of the brown earth, his plain-
tive contralto the lit 0701.1a of springtime
longing, AA 11e 111111
Shifting he:light•loud of song
f1'eltl post to pn'.1 the 1'b tearless fence long.
Simple, sweet told fresh, Ills trill suggests
banks of blue, violets, and his undulating:
flight the freedom of wanl1Orillg s1m0net• are quite reasonable when they dienand I
winds. that they shall receive that for lvhlc11
The robin is a different presence. 1'Ithe• they pay. 'This 1,01)0 oat only
real the bluebird is : staid and practical x14411'8 to 13811 in, but fish in th0 rivers to fish I
this 011)01' friend of the early spring, Iia 1s for, Nor is it tuu'eason'blc to ask the'
ie elnbte» tl the thrift energetic, self- abatement of any unduly dostrnetive I
Peapecting titterer loving home and en- agencies which interfere with the nutint1n-
joyiiu the the society of his kuxh Mono of nice of the fish supply. As a matter of
the bluebird's plaintiveness creeps into his fact., the salmon have been decreasing mil'
(,i) N., daes nor fawn; mu, any will ,leer gam/alien, the person who Ina, 1.11es the melodies. Hie notes ting out withtt cheery
not. 11.,1 '11 Ii,'r,,s a all at :ls 1.014 be lu:nt• . raw or freslr heal of a wolf before fullness and tho wholesome rhythm of con-
ed, kil.'e,i, take.: 1'r possessed ; Imeses4io❑ ' 1141)' etipeudiary magistrate or juslile of the tent, as befits ole who duly appreciates the
of does and falvnsafter being killed! shall 1'u peace, 141111 makes Oath 0)' etllil'llnttfa)1 as the beauty of the world. Even in the days of
presumptive evidence of n vielltiau of 1111$ case may be, or proves to the 44118fn01i0n of storm and distress, when fitful spring yields
act. 1 enc11 stipendiary magistrate or Macke of the for the time to wintry blasts, he still bears a
It shall be nub4wful for any person to', peace that the wolf was killers within the of:eerful mien.
catch, !tilllirdestroy, ortopnrsuewith such , limits oftile t'revin'e,shall. upon the cerci• His repertoire isnot extensive, bot 11188110
intent, any g0n080, pheasants, prairie i tloate of 1I: tip,•ndim•y magistrate or jlu0- never tires of 11, and his matins are among
fowl or partridge, woodcock, sinipe, rail, 1 lieu of the v.:Ave, be entitled toreeei4•e frum the most charming of our birds songs.
plover, ducks Of all 11111134, or any other was , the funds of the Province the said son of Maurice Thompson has remarked: "Ido
ter fowl or other game bird or a11iurtl tin- '81o. L1 every such ease the raw head of I not envy the 1111411 1w110Ae heert floes not
eluding eg1i1'rels, hares and middle) not I the wolf so produced shall tie burned by the 1 0nuletines quiver in unison with the
herein otlerwlse provided for, at any time stipendiary magistrate or justice of the 1 bird songs of spring," and surely the olio
between the fifteenth day of December, anti peace, or under his direction, 'and in the' who can listen untouched to the robin's in -
the fifteenth day of September in the 41)1,1 certificate he shall certify the 411411)14• ' spicing welcome of the sun on an April
following year. Or any quail or i tion of the ]read by burning. R. S, 0., 1557 morning has lost the capacity for the purest
wild turkeys bete', 11 the fifteenth e. 2'13, x. 1, and sweetest pleasures of life and ' is lit
day of December lied the, fifteenth 1 The sum of .111 shill be payable by way of , for treason, stratagems, and spoils."
day of October of the following year ; Or any bounty in re tpeet of every fox killed 01' do- I 130111 robin and blu0bird aro greatly ex -
8144118 or geese at ally tittle between the first stoyed within the 1'lot ince, subject to the 1 celled in musical capacity by later song-
day of 31ay and the 8ftemith day of the fol- 1 same cenditiun8 as to proof of killing; pay eters. 1.11 the 01601' thrushes, to svhich
lowing month of September, )tont and otherwise as are coatlaiue1111 the 1 family the American robin belongs, leaser.
No wild turkey's shall he hulte.l, taken 1 said Act to m100!1lstge the destroying of I pass it in round range and Holiness; Those
or killed at any time before the fifteenth day , wolves as by tits sect, on amended. who have trembled with delight at the won -
of October, 1111);, and no beaver, utter, 1'r The prol•i$iO08 01 the game laws of this 11140(01 melodies of the hermit thrush, " the
fisher before the first dale, of November, 1 Province shall not apply to 111(116»41 or set•
1807. 1 Hers fn the unorganized 1)4011ict0 of this
No person 8111111 kill 1',r shoot at any bird', Provluce with regard to any game killed
or wild fowl between sunset and sunrise. , for their own inunediate use for food only
ol'dnlary busbies: relations. The-.1)nmiuien
government lessee to Canadian and Anmri-
can clubs and iudividuult n nnull)or kf
rtvrrs for 2111111431 fishing. It melts mel 18'
eeivos for these fishing privileges a sub-
ataa1)lfal rental. Those who pay the. tents
swamp angel," es the Adtdnnrlack guides
call it, vhfoh i41r, Burroughs pronoenu04
"the fittest sound in nature, know the
robin's song is weak and prosy beside it,
• It f9 not lawful for any pursoa on the and for the reasonable necessities of the and it would not be difficult to select half
Lord's Day' to go out lisbi0g, or i)untiug person killing the same, :and his family, a dozen birds of mi11annune4 with 'feller
game animals or birds, or to take, kill nr and not For the purposes of sale or trafiie. vocal endowments than the bluebird.
destroy any fish, or tante animals or birds, 4 Any person offending against the proofs- But loth robin and bluebird are familiars,
or to use any gun, fishing ted, net or other ions of this Act shall be liable for each of- About our homes they take up their abode
engine for that put•p4180, fence to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and their presence gives brightness and
No person shall, by himself, his clerk, and not less than twenty dollars, together cheer to 04eryday life. Even in crowded
servant or agent exp0.e or peep for sale, or with the costs of proseeation, and any cities they continue to live under our eyes,
directly or indirectly upon tiny pretence or parson °trending against any other of a reminder of the freedom of forest and field
devise, sell of barter 01 in consideration the provisions of the said a tot as hereby lost long ago. What if that strange recluse
of the purchase of any other ptuperty give amended 81140) be liable for each offense far 111 the forest has more brilliant vocal
to any other person any quail, snipe, will to a tine not exceeding twenty-five
powers than have they, it is the test of
turkey. woodcock or p:u•trulge, lie matter dollars nor less than ten dollars , together greatness not to weary, 01141 however much
the robin's sous echoes down from the top.
most branches of the tree hard by, however
often the bluebird's trill floats out on the
nearby air, it is still the stamp sweet wel-
come song, as full of cheer and fellowship
and love as the voices of dearest human
friends. It is this friendly spirit, this love
for mat that has associated them sn closely
with human life, and perhaps more than all
with other good qualities endears these
birds to every one.
Robin redbreast in Scotland is never mo-
lested 1,0canse a drop of God's blood is upon
its breast. -1.n English legend ascribes the
color to the piercing of the breast by a thorn
from the crown of Christ, upon which it
voice front the clouds iltrononnced Lhe bird
sacred and promised it many friends hi
many lauds. Another bit of folklore, upon
which Whittier founded his poem, "1'ho
Robin," is that the bird's red breast was
scorched from the flames when in pity it
tried to bear a drop of water to lost souls in
tormoot. 'J'he Devonshire superstition,
which impresses upon every lad the cer-
tainty that all the crockery in the house
will be broken if he robs a robin's nest, has
for its basis the same sense of sacredness.
Something of this regard may have arisen
from the robin's mythical part in that
childhood tragedy, the "Babes in the
Woods," which is only a juvenile 'forte of
the same myth to which Webster referred
in his " White Devil " 250 years ago in the
Call for the robin redbreast and the wren,
Since o'er shnd2 groves they hover,
And with 10nvso and flowers do cover
Tho friendless bodies of unburied men.
These legends by right belong the
European robin, and only by a sort of pop-
ular substitution can they bo applied to the
American bird. Of the latter only one
story has come to my notice, and it, natur-
ally enough, is an Indict one. Our robin
Wag the dearest bird of the ivarragensetts,
their "mercy bird.' Its esteem, the story
rul,8, dates from the early days of the tribe
when a Narragansett Maid of rare beauty
'Lad wisdom 4vas saved from death by its in.
terforenoe. A jealous and discarded lover
determined to revenge 1111n001t for the mlaid'o
preference of another more kind and courtly
primes to himself. But as he rushed upon
her, knife in lend, a mercy bird flow 00
any moose, elk, reindeer, caribou 01' other spitefully in his face that ho but scratched
deer,mink, otter, fisher, noble, beaver or lands in Algoma and earrying nn mining, the girls nem, and she was enabled to es -
deer, mink,
gone animal or bird referred to smelting and 10)1)1fug operations, Ammn- cape. The would-be murderer struck at the
in this Act, without havingfirst', referritel ed
a1', her of the syndicate, who occupies the high I bird and stained its breast with blood from
license in that behalf ;evry 11110)1 license pn«:tion of admiral, was last fall soul to iter earn, He met his just fate, and the
shall be signed by the Chief Fish and conte 1'1 .110 the preliminary inv08tigetioi0, and he meetly bird, which before had hem) gray,
Warden, and countersigned by the Prot'in- h ' made a highly 8410145 to,r� l�upon. ever o ter wm�tt�Aoolmanstain
wa its
offal Secretary m, his Deputy, and shall be 7 "'s1'' enquiries were male as t the enmity 110 robinv y ways,
in force far one year from the fifteenth dna • ' 1 coal and coke front Sandusky and other ting emblem of our nationality. 411141y on
of September in eaoh year, and shall be sub- \mecican portsand in consequence it has the ground in the spring, a most industrious
1Y keen decided lo establish large refining lard, style; in its attention to business,
joct to the provisions of the gone laws in works on 1110 111.1.1) shore of the Georgian working to raise not merely one, but two,
fore', hi the Province at the time the 8111`1 Jia where nickel stool will be memento- bane and sometimes even four broods in a
license was granten, aid .hall he payable d ; the fee to be pair! lured on a huge scale, sir gnu season, allvaya on tho alert, he amq-
therefor shell 1)11 3 'rho iron will be nhc0lued from the iron gems in his life t,heassiduit persistence and
to the Provincial Treasurer to be applied ranges i) the fort Arthur Distt'iet, B"aufh- ihrfft of Canadian ohmmeter. Would that,
towards the expanses incurred 1111 earlymg ties will be provided for treating the otter as a 40nple, we might as well appreciate the
out the provisions of the game laws, Ores produced b Ontario, This s ndleate
Everysn0hpersonshallonrequestbyany P Y y hetauLyofualtlre and the joy of life, and
person whomsoever within the Province, at has beat formed to compute with the So lute feel as sweet a content es sits ripen rho
du Nickel, who 0,4n the New 011edoda modest, garb of this, one (10oryard thrush.
where killed or procured, far a period of with the costs of prosecution, and
three years from the paesiog hereof. iu default of in1)n0diate payment of such
No person shall at any time enter into rine and costs shall be imprisoned in the
any growing or standing grain not his awn commie goal of the county where such
with eportiug implements about his person, conviction shall take place, for a period not
nor permit his dog or dogs, In enter into exeeeding three months,
any such growing or standing grain without The Justice or Justices shall, in any such
permission of the owner or ocuupaut there- conviction, adjudge that the defendant be
of, and no person shall at any time hunt or imprisoned, unless the penalty and alsothe
shoot upon any land of another after costs and charges of proseuri1101) and 01111 -
being notified ant to lent or shoot mitment and of conveying the defendant to
thereon. Any owner or oceuptant of prison are sooner paid,
laud may give the notice provided for in One half of every find collected under the
this section by maintaining 10-0 sign p084)0)ons of the said Act as hereby amend -
boards at least one foot square, e,l shall be paid to the prosecutor or person
containing such notice, upon at least on whose evl'lellceaconviction ismade, and
.every forty tierce of the premises sought the other half shall bo paid to the Treasurer
to be protected, on or near the borders of the 1'ima ince ; but the wardens appointed
thereof, 0r upon or ucar the 0110408 of any under this Act shall not be entitled to any
waters thereon, 111 at least two eonapietiono portion of lines in cases wheee they may act
plates, or by giving personal written, or ELS prosecutors,
verbal notice; and so fir notice firstly herein Any officer specially authorized under the
provided for may be in the form following : provisions of this Act to enforce the fish and
-"Bunting or stenting on these lands for- game laws may without process arrest any
bid,len under Ontario gano laws," violator of said laws ; and he shall with
Any person found with a dog and gun or reasouable diligence cause him to be taken
with a gun upon lands where game birds are before any justice of the peace for a war -
known to exist, shall he deemed prima facie rant and trial either in the county where the
offence was committed or in the county in
which the violator was arrested, and juris-
diction in all cases ander the said
Act is hereby granted to all justices of
the pe4ace, magistrates, stipendiary magis-
trates and all other courts to be ex -
The justice of the peace shall hold the gun 0101004 in the same way and manner as if
of the person so offending until the sane the offence had been committed in their
to be there for the purpose of pursuing said
birds with intent to kill, and the owner of
such Minis with such others ns he may con•
50and to assist him may arrest such person
'while so on said land and forthwith take
him before a justice of the peace.
shall be redeemed by paylncat of the fine
which may be impoeed 1111,1er this Act, and
the gun shall be deemed to be the property
of the persons°of'end)ng. At the expiration
of thirty days from the date of cnnvioti,n,
unless the tine and costs shall have been
sooner paid, the gun shall be publicly sold, officers, wood -rangers, crown -holds agents,
and so much of the pr0uee410 14s nay be timber agents, fire wardens and fishery
necessary shall be appropriated for pay inspectors lir 040080ers, are vested with the
meat of the said fine and costs, and the powers of deputy wlardens and at111101zed
balance, if any, returned to the (mimeo) the to enforce any of the provisions of this
said gun, but nothing herein shall relieve Act, and shall receive for their services the
the person co 10101011 from payment of any same fees.
balance (if any) of the tine or erste which The information shall bo laid within two
may remain unpaid after applying the net months after the commission of the offence,
proceeds of the sale of the said gun.
No pereon not a resident and domiciled in
the Provinuss of Ontario or Quebec shall he
entitled to hunt, take, kill, wound or destroy
respective counties. Any ofileer who
shall malielo0sly or without probable cause
;these his power 111 stick proceedings - shall
be guilty of tum offenoe tender this Act,
Sheriffs, deputy -sheriffs, provincial police
or constables, county constables, police
The Sudbury Mines.
A powerful Irronoh syndicate has been or -
'named for the purpose of acquiring nickel
the fiohigg has been growing poorer ami'
poorer, until the lessees of many streams
have naturally roue to feel that the
Dominion Government is -unwittingly
it may be, bat done the less of.
factually - perpetrating an imposition
on them when it takes tlleit' money
and gives them no fair return of fishing op-
portunities. Tho netting as now earned
on, peantically without intermission, is re-
cognised Its the destructive nein,. In
their petition the lessees request that the
netters be required to raise their nets 1lm'-
ing three successive days and nights of 0410lt
week, instead of for the 11,401 van from Sat.
urday night until 1londl4 ' morning, width
is now the roguletiou, whether or not the
practice. As pointed out by the petition.
ors, 10 8110) added immunity from netting
shell result in an uerenao of fish, this Ikea•
sure will benefit all alike -anglers and
netters, while it is none the loss certain
that ncam tin 11"111'0of 01e destrnotivosystem
now in force will work growing hurl to the
interests of each alike and ultimately de -
all times, and as often as requester!, pro.
dime and 8110)7 to the person making the
request, snob license ; and if ho shall fall
or refuse to do so he shall forfeit any such
license lie may possess, and shall If 10111111
hunting, taking, pursuing, killing, wound•
ingor destroyin any suoh animal or bird,
or if on proof of the facts mentioned in the
first sub -section hereof, and upon proof of
Buell request and failure, or of 00(148111, be
deemed to have violated the provisions of
this section.
Tho Provincial Secretary or the Chief
Fish and Game Warden may grant a permit
to a guest or a resident of the Province
free of charge for a term not exceeding one
There is hereby created a hiard to bo
known by 1110 nano of the 11',a•d of Fish
and Game Commissioners of the r rovnse 0f
Ontario, which board shall be 110nlpo.,1
five members, who Shall be appointed by
tiro Li0ut0naltt-Govornor'hl-Couueil 1111' the
nickel trines. The Societe du Nick to sap- (ler spring friend he,0mes somewhat de -
1;Y four re1u0ries-ono 411 41143o"w, 8001. rnnralizoe 11110 in the fall when the summer's
land 1 one at 101fogtcl, a few 1)11104 from hard work is ended, and like some old mon
Birmingham, England ; the third neat' who h 1,ve won their naso, In apt to he glut -
Havre, in France, and the fourth at 1:18m1'• sonans. `seeking the ennlpau)nnship of hie
holt,,, Gor'mltny. It is claimed L13t ni0)101 1011"ws, he grows shyer of then, es if, as an
can be -1)1'041000d 000411 the Sudbm•y or at idler, he had lost Nene of the guarantees of
about one -titbit the omit of the New ('a i• snfnt:y he possessed when a tense in 1 his
(Ionia ore, 11)4,1 111)11 tlioAlgnmayi1 1,1.1.11(1' 4) work•a-dlty world. Flocks of then) food to -
have nodifficulty indriving their rivals 1',m gal her, and it 30 not uncommon to coma
tho markets of'the world, The prelim m,r'Y upon them among the oarmine pokeberries,
nrrangornoots have already hon, 1111110., and gorge 1 almost to 1141p1081)1088. Later in the
operations on a large 1104110 will be cluumnt• tall 1hoy migrate,
ood early this preset summer. Int port tint The 1!1101,11,1 0.018 a favorite of the A)gon-
100n1t8 are,antimpatod here ,rem the epee 4)41i11 111,11,1110 and they WOW) alines it a
Lions of the new Nynlieate, and it is point' pretty- h•gem), It wife the "8ltybird" Lu
1)1 ant that al 1 h really valuable m)11,11g the111, and they believed in got he ardor frotn
1,1(1, rtfee 4 t Lha dighfut will Senn he in Oe 41,1, empyrean 111101100 it 0)14110, In the
!,endo 0f Rn1:!:., 1 1's. I1. is however, numb eo11es1 winter days, when the sky of north•
h (t"r fkr,h til,, dot"' -'t be developed hY elm ,4111 CN is the (leepodt, darkest blue, they
101(0')7144)11 441 .11'1''L.14, nuueral re0nnrenes 8.111 the slii:•1)0 behind the sky, who hold it
sluuli 11.1 idle and u,llusa, up, wore goltilig the sky -birds ready to
stray them. The petition is not based on
sentiment, but on common so11e0, 1t is
reasonable. It should bo granted. The
list of signatures ie a notable register of ;
the salmon anglers of Canada and the
United Stenos. Such a list should 0011rry
height. We sincerely trust that the \lfn-
ister of Marine and Fisheries will appreci-
ate the argent necessity of 11211011 10 this
matter, and will not hesitate to apply the
Seeing the King.
11 was either fu tbu time of llen•ge 111. 1
or 1V, or maybe, 1!'illi'iet I\.•--1110 old
j'tined I take it front doesn't say which
( g ['pigmies Nml a eel'lt 'red 1
that the f Illow'in l i s I l1'n
, n the to '. , cera of M ,furl, the
one i h ]n King's u e a i l lg L 1
harvest, 111 the uel0Ilbuurlined of Wry
hu j1'1a•m.1 n field w'her'e only ono woman w•as
al, worlk. As nearly 1111 Ilie w'nrk people
had gone to Weymouth to hal' , ,t 4111111p44
at their Sovereign, hie Al ajeal4', from our.
iesity', endo into the 1111,1 na') asked la,r
where Ilei' com)all(11„ were, and 1) hyldu144410
111om. The 1,•11111111, nut 111101'illg by 10110111
she wee intcrrul ,l1 d, replied l) ,) Ahoy had
all. ''11,1110 fools of themselves by going to
s,.o the 1(111,4•"
"And why," rejoined Ilio Majesty, ' did
you no go to sun 1111' King?"
"Because," nu,wero1 the lvn1nlu1, "1
4401)111 not give a lin or three Nt l'ltw•s 10 sue
tltel{'ng, 0r 14ve1'y' pin
on cart 111111 togeth-
er. The fouls that are gene to sewn will
luso a day's wages, and the lin" won't give
them nuy1111ng In its place. 1 hl1vo li00
children to 100111 for."
" \Vell, then," Bald his 31ajusty, patting
mm�0y 11110 the metnofs)1ed woman's hand,
" gnu co) tell your 1'ompmli0ns who aro
gone to sue the }ting that the King cane to
see you ,and gave you more than a clay's
wages for 01fe111ng to your 1vo1•k."
On another oecaidOn his 31ttjeoty was rid-
ing toa"meet " of fox)untfng gentlemen
iu a well-known hunting shire, when he
overtook a genuine "Hodge," a laborer,
trudging in the same direction, 1c110)0Iva
that 1111001,111 numbers of the country people
nl teedo1 those " meets" for the purpose of
gratifying their curiosity by having a glimpse
1 of royalty in rod coat and " mahogany
I thus-
to'pss,' his 'Majesty accosted the labeuree
•' \\'he'o are you going to, my man 1"
" 01 be a•goi)' to see the Icing, guvnnr, Of I
be told be be heeling wi' 11108hoiro hounds,
on I ton)l ❑ry ma0lter Oi would sae hint if
Of w'1r 111 loa' my bread en' cheese on it."
l \\'oaf 1 it not be better you should silty
�,at your w'urlc land win your bread and'
11111)1)11(1410 so many miles merely to'.
000 the Ivng' who will not give you eithm'
bread or cheese," remarled his 31ajeoty,
i " Noll, guvm01', that be very well ; bat
Oi never seed a King, an' Ord loike to see i
what sorto'man ho be," responded Hodge. l
" Well, then," said hie Majesty, SS le
• reined in his horse close by rho road fence
to(eclflittite !lodge's uuault'ngbehind him,
" get up behind lime and .I shall carry you to ,
the `meet,'" 1
Midge, delighted, took hfs seat, behind
The Shah's Treasury.
Sir Henry Drummond Wolff obtained
permission for Mrs. 13hslnp, the author-
ess, to view the Shah's " 3lnaeum," or tree:
warehouse. She says of it ;
""The proportions of the room are per
fact. The floor is of lino tiles of exquisite
coloring, arranged as mosaic. A table is -
overlaid. with Ileeton gold, and (heirs 111
rows are treated in the same fashion. Glass
cases round the root) and on costly tables
contain the fabttlnus treasures of the Shah
and many of the crown jewels.
" Possibly the !accumulated splendors of
pearls, diamonds, rubies emeralds, sap-
phires, basins end vessels of solid gold, an-
cient armor flashing with precious stones,
shields studded with diamonds and rubies,
so,Ll,bards and sword hilts incrusted with
001110, helmets rod with rubies golden trays
and vessels thick with diatnands, crowns,
jewels, chains, ornaments (masculine solely)
of every description, jeweled coats of mail
dating beck to the reign of Shah Ishmael,
exquisite enamels of great antiquity, all in
a profusion not to bo dosorihed, have no
counterpart on earth. They aro a dream of
splendor not to be forgotten.
" Amono the extraordinary lavish uses of
gold and gems is a golden globe, twenty
inches in diameter, turning on a frame of
solid gold. The stand and meridian are of
solid gold set with rubies. The equator and
elliptic are of large diamonds. The coun-
tries are chiefly out lined in rnbie0 out Perak.,
is in diamonds. The ocean is represented
by emeralds. As if all this were not en Ough,
huge coins, each worth thirty-three sover-
eigns, are heaped round its baser"-CGali-
gnani's Messenger.
APRIL 29.,, 1892
�i� t'�y� II�
tL ll o d r �1>
earsa,aH la
nntlby nll'Irure-I.ts, )21;Nls fors). 1•rep,11•41 .16
to. (1, 1. 111)111) a• VO., Anonrvaries, Lowell, MI',)
100 Dosta-cp Orae Bic R0:o'
the King, who naw and then asked hint l
questions about the country goad the drops,
in the course of which }lodge asked hie
Majesty by )'hat means he should know the
King among rho large assemblage el gentle.'
nkat. 1 - Meth ale!':eery ;10001, In liarpor's for April.
" Oh," exclaimed his Majesty, "yon 11111 !�t
Observe that every gentleuum at the 'meet' 1 --- --
Will ham•. his hat (Abut the Icing, who will
have it en,"
Arriving et the 10)01ing place, a largo
crossroad square, Bodge observed as his ob.
ligr)g "guv1101" friend and himself approach-
ed, that all hens were doffed while the
"gnvnor'0" unit his own, of course, remain- 1 is
ed on which mystified poor Hodge exceed-
Well, 01y 111!11)," said 111e King, "who is
the Bing now? 1)11 you sec him?" How does he feel ?-He feels
"Fared, grivuor, Oi doan't knelt what to cranky, and is constantly experi-
0ay said Hodge, as he looked wonderingly at elf ad i
the uncovered crowd of equestrians bowing mellting, dieting himS Opt ng
ceremoniously in the the 11re0t0011 of Hodge strange notions, and changing the
and his "guvnor" "So help 111e, 4,111 01 cooking, the dishes, the hours, and
think it 01,10), be either you or 01, gn7nor, manner of his eating -August
for we're the only blokes that '114,0 our'11ts Flower the Remedy.
li'hon lnc11vly'N nye tl1 shine
Lllke a 1,1e,•, rine nwsoadino,
An' a1' Inns'dicks out,
In a tante linin' poll,
1 count; !melody mire.
Wham 01,11 d)'11)41'01' 03.08 80 0)13',
Lok she Rhine ter pass nlc by,
Am' des 4(00.2 she pass
1)1'11p 'or 114,11 Iteh 81' nn do gra40,
late enbl'nge 1'l' 0 up high,
\\'hen she 4ets 1141 in ole choir,
Ali '111 voice mounts higher nu' hig110r,
In 11,4"',1111 told JbnSe,
A..,1),4in' 0' 112 hymns,
0 sets Intel) Ian' pllsidee.
ll'hen slit) Iwo down 011 'el. 1100,
\' dig 11' sun' u p lvld 'er 100,
An' loot lodes In" nm' 1)14014.
lies fail she 'mos could cry,
1 dei t know what. ter go.
1Vhen she walk right, 4101.11 do aisle
At de oak -4).10k wid n8111110,
All'=h1'au' 4.1)1,)' .lake
Retell han's nut' win do cake,
141e:1111 ,111 417.% all bile.
When 4110 ,•harm Ino 0111! 1101 beau,
Au' den donee de reel avid ,loo ;
An' when 4110 swing nu' by
tiaµ,rere 111111100 nn do sly -
I,1011 11110)' 104)04 or 110,
Tell de truee, l.tteilldy's ways
(lel:, nm su 114114144.',00 days
Mit, 'e r9,'ri ,.11,1 I knew
tat-'1"- 11' v,..1).811). 110
1'tl some da,ntme, •cnu,
Some day., when elle chicle mix,
lit' '11v1r:i t dol 11,111e- n fuss.
An' loves 'er titan an' ).hoe
A 111 all '1) 1,14)'4 x)10 do,
1)e to st 1'11 tied be 001x,
The Coldness of Lake Superior.
Lake Superior is acnprieiots monster, d@ -
mending skilled seamenahip and the use of
I powerful and stamichboats, the majority of
which are comparable w1L11 t110 vessels in
our Atlantio wasting (rade. Tho lake is
n veritable womb of storms. They develop
1 quickly utero, and oven More speedily the 1
water takes on a furious chaaracter. Itis al-
' ways cold, 440(1 the atlno0pbere above turd
far around it is kept cool all summer. 1'
have been told, but cannot verify the state-
ment, that the temperature of the water in
the open lake never rises above 40 ° Fah-
renheit. As a rule, the nen who sail upon it
cannot 8101)11. Tho lake offers no inducement
to learn theme:, and, )alas I those who are
export swimmers could not beep alive for
any great length of time in the icy water,
When I was making inquiries upon 11110
point, I found, as one almost always does,
some who disputed what the majority
agreed upon. I even found an old gentleman,
a professional man of beyond seventy years
of age, who said that for several years he
had visited the Mlle each suuumer-t.imo, and
that he had )wade it a practice 10 bathe in
its waters nearly every day. 114 was 011)11y,
11e admitted, but ho did not stay in
very long. Rat many sailors, among
them some ship and steamship captains,
confirmed my belief that few Lake Superior
seamen have learned to swim, and that the
coldness of the water quickly numbs those
who tall into it, I asked ono captain how
long 11e supposed a man might battle for
life, or cling to a spar in the lake. He an-
swerer'', very 0e118)11y, it seemed t0 me, that
some men could endure the cold longer than
others, and that the more flesh and fat a
elan poosessell the longer ho could keep
alive, " But,,
110 added, " the only man 1
ever saw fall overboard went down like a
shot before WO could get to him. I always
supposed he took a c•mini),"
.phe bodies of the drowned are said not to
rise to the surface. They are refrigerated,
Iand the decomposition which causes the
meant of human bodies in other haters does
not tante place. If one interesting 001111'i11e1-
tion to my notes is true, and there be clepths
to which fishes do not descend, itis possible
that many a hapless sailor -man and voyager
lips as he died, a =bevy hack perhaps, and
will ever thus remain, lifelike and natural,
under the darkening veil of those emerald
depths,-tHarper's A.l.agazinoa
True Service'
The whole suns of this title of life is ser-
vice. Service to others and not to self. Self
is a narrow spnoe. I wish to speak to the
young men who have ,just opened the door
of life curl to the old !nen who are jest be,
fore the doe' that opens to as life beyond.
Life is not an existence for salt. It is this
cervico that is the grand exponent of it ane-
cessful life, To determine what su00000 a
life may attain is to see how mach a life
may x0001111411011 for the bettering of hu -
inanity. I wish I had the power to coo-
v)nee everyone of my hearers of the im-
portance of service. In service yon throw
yourself into another life. The other life
betimes part of yourself, you part of that
other life; yon are one. You work together
for the bettering of the world. Just so you
entor into God and the divine life enters
into yen. You do nob surrender to pope,
priest or church, but still have your own
ndeponclenoo. You simply surrender to
"To make life as successful a8 you can,
you should notgo away by yourself and say
that you will lead a good life, and then do
nothing else. To cherish self is not the way
to do service. You must Mee self. slake
yourself so 0tron�,+,ly a part of the whole
world that you in131ienc0 all the other parts
and the more strongly cement them tog
a1'. Take in some other life, Servo it and
show it that there is a divine imago hidden
y it. Develop that image, and in so doing
on helotify ,year ow, life.
Taking Rim Down a Peg.
Brown is a fellow who loves to push
himself forward on all neeasion8, Not long
ago he engaged a stranger in conversation
re a hotel lobby, mud after a few minutes
homem-Iced :
" Excuse me, het your name, please?"
" Brown," replied the stranger graoiou0•
1Y+' Ah, mine is Brown, also," he chirruped
with a pleased smile,
The stranger's face was imperturbable,
" Pleased to moot yon, Mr, Also," he
said very quietly, and Brown wilted,
A Frigid Reminder.
"Tho weather this morning reminds me
of a 000111in South American republic," said
the Snake Editor, mho ealne in, rubbing his
"Al 1" replied the Horse Editor, with a
fine laolt of interest,
"Yes; lfttlo Chili." --[Pittsburg Cllroti.
A lady writes the simple truth 00 (0110ws:
Barrie Island, Ont. -"I have boon a great
sufferer from neuralgia for the last nine
years, bub, being advised to try St. Jacobs
Oil, can now, (heartily endorse it as being a
most excellent remedy for this eolnplai11,
se I have been greatly benofit0d by 110 use,"
A1118. Joux Y1.oLtax,
How does he feel? -He feels at
tines a gnawing, voracious, insati-
able appetite,wholly unaccountable,
unnatural and unhealthy. -August
Flower the Remedy.
• How does he feel? -He feels no
desire to go to the table and a
grumbling, fault-finding, over -nice-
ty about what is set before him when
he is there -August Flower the
How does he feel ?-He feels
after a spell of this abnormal appe-
tite an utter abhorrence, loathing,
and detestation of food ; as a
mouthful would kill hire -August
Flower the Remedy.
How does he feel ?-He has iir
regular bowels and peculiar stools -
August Flower the Remed" '41
A Marvellous Criminal.
Linking the veri01s clisoloenres in the
career of Deeming, rho mal under arrest in
Australia for murdering his wife and child-
ren, the police reports disclose the most
marvelous m.1mfna1 career ever known.
Since starting on a systematic course of
crime at Sydney, N. S. \V., the elan has
Operated suceesefally at Bathurst, N. S. W.;
Brisbane, Queensland ; Adelaide, Victoria;
0hrist newel, New Zealand, where 11 has
been discovered that he married under tho
,111110 of Delmas, ail robbed and deserted
his wife ; Wellington, N. S. \V., where he
married and robbed a girl and .0)m:ended;
Sydney, to which city ho then return-
ed; Cape Town, Ctapo Colony ; Dur-
ban, Natal and Johannesburg, where he
perpetrated successive swindles, He
cleared Durban with ;04500 for 440001101-
bique, thonoe transhipped for British
India, thence travelled by boat via the Red
Son to Anglau•1, and operated in London,
Hell and f-''arpool. From England 11e
fled to Monter oleo, Uruguay. Everywhere
his road has leen marked by crime. His
escapes have been duo to tho wonderful
rapidity of 1110 movements, ids dash of ex -
°anti O0ai1)1 1)19 propound aliases and dis-
guise. The Scotland Yard authorities ile-
oho% that from further study of documents
and facts in their p180850ien.tll03' ere able to
state positively that Deeming could not
have been implicated in any of the White-
chapel or Jaclt•the•Ripner murders. :Che
00404100')) jury investigating the laths of
the women and four ohiklren who bodies
were found buried under the flour of Denham
Ville, at 114411,11111 )10041 Liverpool returned a
ordlct Of wilful anis' for Nit 1141 lou:41 ug.
Johnston, N. B., March 11, 0889,
•j ,t1' u I was troubled for thirty years with
pains in my side, which increased and
became very bad. I used
BT. JACO Chi :f4<I fm
and it completely cured. I sive it all praise."
"ALL RIONTI sr amps OIL ND Ir"
� 1