HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-22, Page 5t APRIL 22, 1982 -400te Geri als:Ableane reLS/ l an l asou The adjourned annual meeting of th Ali lstrttt ",4letU,s. I wll'uw, l•r)illoudny e111l{ 01(M nlllue wall(. There wntx a good attendance( o eharoholdore, and the meeting was naper to ostler by 1103 Pro•ident, Rev. 1 . W 31ughos, who n0run(ed Ih0 choir 'rh d reports of the Diruulers, -cretary'l'reaa ,11101 and Auditors were rend and adopted They showed that the Company hat berm very tlun)eeful dnrin1 the Short rim is liatl 1.1ei11 in rei.dein,o, tl a route being $127.10. A dividend of 11 per 'cent. was declared. After some ills 01111[4011 the following dirootore wee sleeted :-1). 111, Gordon, W. B. Brooke, shire, Alt—x. lions, 1). Sutherland and Alex, Dawson, A. 1I. A'luagrove wa elected auditor on behalf of the shat3 holders, and the m00tin4 adjourned, meeting of the direct we wee I'eld o1 Tumidity, when D. 1I. Gordon wag elect eel Yroxldent ; W. F. Brool(mlehire, Vloe Presi,L'nt ; 11. C. Clarke, Secretary, ant A, E. Smith, 'lhaaxnrer, Sixty (hare of the Company have been dixpo.sd of and no m •1 ere eh will bo offered fot sale at pregent. y C J1•SLLL»o--00 Lc. The Temperance Ledge Is (lain{; well, 1-11111001 resumed on 'Teeeday after the Beefier holidays, Tho Conseil meeting brat finturday brought quite a mmntbor to the village, Rev, D. 13, AI1111a0 attended the meet. ing of the Synod 133 Stratford this week. Hotel Beauties have been granted to 1). /,honer and 1?. 51oDonald for the (mining year liy the Emit Buren Clonlmiaeiouere, Would it he asking Goo math for yon to give es Oranbrookites the name of your Ethel 0011ro8poalent ? 1s his 11040 Plato ? VVr'ext)1 ter Some of our villager° have been paint- ing the place white and bionic, instead of red, with their large signs. The Building Committee of the now Presbyterian Church will sleet on Suter - day to state out the gronn(I for the new building. The brick has been purehtLBed frt•m Ashton's yard, Fordwioll. L. Campbell, of (Jerrie, 0anva0ed the village of Wroxeter industrious. ly for it hotel lieens13, 318 seonred OS OI3308nnl'03 •1 of Ghees afterward withdrew leaving 01. As the total vote is 117 weft half has to he got to the petition he only had 11 11, vote to spare anti the enm)niesinn- erg canto to the cote:les(0)3 that Wrux. otos (lid net want three hotels. They were right too, •.1 Gla Miss Ruth Jones, of Senfarth, box been visiting friood1 in town during the past week. Regular sitting 01 the 13th Division Court 18 to bo held in Industry hall 111) Monday next. Good Friday was ohscrlyd het11 tie a general holiday. An hita•esting game 0t ba413 ball was played in 1110 aft rno.11 at the park. Thee. McElroy tae (1(spu•ed of his (1(1(1)811onee and lot 111111ie bare to 1(1'. Chalet,: tor 0750, which is 00ostderetl la good figura. The annual Vestry meeting was held in Trinity ohuro, on Monday when T. W. Scott and P. W. Tanner were eleotod wardens for the oomin3 year. Some of cur defective side•waks should be attended to at ono8 or else our t„w•3, may he called upon to pay a nice little tun) for ae0ideuts that may occur. 1.lnto'.vt.I. Spring Fair on Frichty. \p'.130irnes, of the divot. store, 11,18 removed] to Fordwioh. Me. Rapp, of the Maonell hoose, intends tatting the liquor store 10-oineoo on May lot. AI1'JI•ew nevelt, while running the Shaper in the Listowel Furniture factory had one of 11)) hand. badly lacerated with the machine. Tho first linger is much torn, but it is tlmmght he trill not lose it entirely. Listowel Lodge No. 100, I. 0. 0. F. will celebrate tit • 73rd anulversa y of the order by attending oorvioo at Knox (Mur011 on Sunday afternoon 24th 11101., when Rev. Bro. Campbell will preach an appropriate sermon. Dr. Parke of this town intends leaving tut toe tett deddtry alma the 6th 'f May. The JJr, intends spending 0everul 1110)1.11e ill he llinioitiLIR of London and Edda• borate. Mrs, Parke, we understand, will tal(n all ocean voyage later in the season, juin nig her husband before his return. The Banner says :-A peouliar accident et onered on Tuesday morning, by which some boxes of eggs otam0 to grief. One of Wilnm,'s eg, men, AIlNab, was peek, ing on tae sdd0w'all( on 11'lain street and a 13.11 Telephone man 1.110 131 lig 11p soma new wares : - One wire ren along the side. want 31800 the ages to the express OR10e where, either by u8)ide11 or through a Prete l:el jo':'• on some ones part the end u. the wire bnueuuo 0ruurely fastened to the express waggum. When the waggon stalled up a good strung yank from Stephen's express trotter sent Mao and the eggs into a heap in the middle of the street, By good fortune nothing Wee donutged but the eggs. Mao. is willing t0 forego damages for the shock to his ftel- ings if some one will pay for the eggs, The wire endeavored to haul; up 0. Tab- be•nor to a telephoto° pole. He though' it was a new Method of electrocution, but he proved too slippery a easterner to be 0lue_111 that way. When Steve endeavors to ran his expre.e waggon by h110hing on to the telephone system he i0 going too fast even for the last donde of the Moe. teenth century. V�r1711ail 9,311. Dr. Macdonald 13. 1'., was home from Ottawa for his DI nstor holidays, Walter Green, of the Union furniture /eatery, got one of his legs jammed pretty badh• with the elevator. The Maple Leaf Mission Band held their bazaar en Thnrsday, 2101 inst., in the Congregational church at 7:30. It is reported that a flouring mill will be erected in the near future 3,t the junction of the north and son1h branches of the Moitiand in Wingbom, Conductor Snyder, the wolf -known railway evanlleltst, will be promoted to Toronto. His run will bo from that city to Stratford and reborn every other lav, lloI'ry Cooper, a bt•itkesman on the Tondnn freight,had the misfortuneto have the angers on the right hand badly mashed while in the not of couplingcars in the Wingham yard. The Wingham firemen are preparing for to gala day on the Queen's Birthday. A epe,aal feature of the day will be the presentation of a beailtif01 gold watch to the per -on holding the idolty ticket. Rov. S. Scllery, 13. D., pastor of the \V1thghan Methodist Church, announced to ptea011 a Hellos of eerl110ns on the loading do0tt'inee of 1100 1331118, on Sun- day c:veliIge, contnen0ing last Sunday (.vetting, 1f3611 the dootrino of liepen tango, The aclebrat d evaugellet0 I,tovd0, Ctoasley 31.133 Hunter are expected here for it brief visit, commencing on 0)uday, May, lot, IThf"n 001'vin00 will bo held, the Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and (.'nlgregationfl ellm'e1100 uniting. The folloling oro the 01Ti0er0 for 1692-3, in oonueetlen with the Wingham Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society :-President, Peter Zither ; Soo. Dr. J 1' THE BRUSSELS POST Mo m.. Mrs, 1"l0nk Solvthe, a London, spent lad weep with lies ender, lire, Thoth 130,10, on the 13r11 bee, A lumber of buys visited Q. Ander. "011'a augur bush on Saturday night and Ghemsnlvee to it.fl,y. W. Sloan, of Myth, formerly a toaober at Barri0'e Helmut, tens renewing old nequnlutanoee in this 0001,01 on 0003 s h't ),1'131, 1. tow weeks ago John Angus had lux side badly injured by fe.11104 into the collar, In walking 1hrnn311 the room he did not nutlet) 11111.0 the trap floor wee open and ucneequently got a had f1111. Several of hie rite. were broken, (Jur school teu0he10 eoltlod down to work again c)1 Tue.day after the J4aoter bolideer. A good) many of then think the 00h"ol Law uuju.t in making any (110Li111ou between rural and village 00110010 &e to length of holiday term Tide year W. J. Carter has leased forty ' antes of hie farm to Liviugstan Brox., ' II•I1 mel, of Brn000l0, on 1111111 they w111 ROW flax. Ile gets 0(0.00 per (tore. Tide is a note move but will endure a a14fe re• tutu without running the slip of Id bait harvest or anything of that sort. Baster Sunday brought its hand full of prosperity to James Sharp, eon. 0. On that day 2calves, '2 lambs, a colt and I3 little 31,g. were 'nolo I to Ire feral 8to0k. The mother of the little pOreors Ileo ore. seated him 1,311 no less than 311 squealers daring the pest year. An old laying bus it that "1t never mina but 11 pours," and it seems so in Mr. Sharp a case. W. A. 11(311181)1, a former 1100ideut , f 7turris, w'ritea the Editor of Tel. Pose from Devil's Lake, Dakota, to the , l'fect that Spring i:, very b,elnvard ; no plow• int; or 00ed111g dune at time of writing, l lth inst. Snow hill - over not iuu11 in dap: it o0 the 10031, Tho elmlghe and ';r.1 ri 1 ,v..••11 ,w•1' ,1. 11 +^v q'3, to • 1 ".1.,. 14411. .--� tV al 40001. Mrs. ;Rev.) ()Unwell has returned from her visit to Kiue:u'dlltel. Fred. Th0m00n, of Wingheon, was vi8itl11g friends 11e1'0 last week. Hiss Bary A.tuhibaid, of Leadbury, is visiting with Hits M. Ma uaie. i41r411a'fn0 Rod of i 1 3 \ a 11 4 is visit- ing her sister, Urs. 'Dau. Campbell, of Walton, W. llf, 0013111 has been ver/ poorly re. oent.y but we ore glad to report that he is improving, MieeEliza WilliLm0o0 has been very ill daring the hast few days but is re• covering uiue'y, Walton Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society collected the sen of 061.00 this year for the spread of the Gospel. Tllle week a4 sister of Mr.. (Rev.) Otte. well's and her husband, Geo. Campbell, neve guests at the Methodist parsonage. 'rhoy were united in marriage 8t Indian. app ie, Inst Sunday, by 1iov. Mr Bailiff, and tusk in 41'al1uu on Cher wt riding tont:. The R. T. of 'r, had a taffy pull at the residence e.f A. 'Turnbull legit week. 'There was plenty of 6,0711 of ,nth 110831• ties but unfortunately both were over• done. The evening passed merrily and all agree that 11r. 'lurnb 111 and his worthy lady aro an 0x18110)10 - hoot And hostee8, Vlixlnr MRgrlxd.--Tho annual vestry meeting of S. Geur3e's 0lttlrull wee held cu 'Monday of this week. '('hs p titer, Rev, W. T. Cluff, being ,,haunt .Junes Bolger occupied the (their. Wei. Snaith 0388 re eleat0)1 people's warden and the cheirmau r8•appoiuted It. II. 11brgnoon a8 the mi818ter'O warden ; John 1301ger, Alexander 11111., John Sc',rlelt and John Hewitt were &eyeliner! sidesman for the nestling year, and It. II. L'ergn8un hay delegate to Synod. The followiug reso• let.00 of _uuudeleno,+ was nulminwu8ly passe(! :--•That this vestry hereby place on record our sincere s.mpathy with our 0'11"emed pastor, 120.4. W. T. Cluff, in the se ere 11111089 of him pelf a)d family and we trust that not ally ilia own health but that of Mrs. Cluff and 1310(11 It tlo ghee may be speedily restored. That ha may be time Divine grace itl the hour of need and realize 01181 all (hinge work together for good to there that love Goal. 0 • • 1 a I$11aTrfela•. The boys arty ills 11011 bite well now. !tee. 11r. Wallwin 1,41 for Godorioh on 3(1,r,dec 114 1 1I(Ba 5Ia•y 11044 013)110 home from '1'o. nett° Let Stttniday. Tlingit who went lo the Win4haln con- cert Inst 1Tenday evening say that it riv1)31ed the 131uovale c)unert. 1Ir,. Smulersnu and family went to Tnrente Inst Tuesday whin') her 1111 -bend 11.04 born WO, k111'4 11p a hnuino(ia. 1I r, 3fnrrioon from Wingham 11,18 taken the phare, of Mr. R,1ed,•rsnn 00 ohnmuatrer. We hope he will 1111 the vsentley' as faith. fury 0e. ler. Sn,dereen I!,! I .Tent Maxwell end lit 1 1" left ler 1Tnnitoba hast l n htl 110 pia 0, 11 1 hex b. v_1 (a vett t"'• 1 11111 t•r' le year 1) it we hope h3, will ,,3,.n' 1113)10 re• frexhed and .trengthened. Mr, and Mrs. Ma111(1 from \\'o i l:tock, spent their 1i(10ter h03i(b4ys In the old home of 11,s. Mash. 'rbi9 ix her first visit home shim, she left as It bride. Icer many fr ends fn Bluevelo wore ve•y tra(1 t0' gee her. Last Sunday Rev. \Ir. Gallagher preached an excellent sermon in the Presbyterian Ohuroh 111 the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. Y. Hartley, who was laid up with la grippe. We are pleased to say that the rev. gentleman is 1101(1 re. 60vet•ing and we hope that he will soon be able to resume his aconotomod duties, I3enlfrvit To 7011 Enema. -I notinerl in your last weel('s Pos•r a letter from R. Barr, of Ethel, in tvhiob he blames me for telliu44 hie patrons that he is not going to run his factory ibis year. Now this is false ,0d misleading as 1 never told any per. 110)1 he was not going to r011 the factory. In 8pea1(ing of it to Any one I always said that I had heard he was not going to run the factory a'ld 1 have heard the sante a dozen tines at least from his own plttrmla. It WW1 t4 common report. Whore the shoe hurts Mr. Barr is the 8nece89 that hits attended the Silver Corners cheese faotory since it started three years ago told the falling away of Sia own 1'118311000 since 111011. 1 hail a talk with 51r, Barr about a week or 40 before he wrote that letter to Toe Pose. Had 11n told me then what ho was blaming 311e for ho world have Chown himself more of a mein but no, he in his jealousy trfe9 to harm ole and draw eunp,thy toward himself by 1.1181131,0 ill to print. You have my sympathy at east, 13ro. Barr. A fete figures here may be of interest to the public re0p00ting the two faotor10.. Three year0 ago when Silver Corners lootory started I only made 20 tone of ohoes0. Mr. Barr made ,tor double that amount. The rex' year 1 made ever 20 tons more than Ethel and lea' v 3,t' T ,lade over lit tons of (thee.° and •Flhal made a fraution over 27 toes. Now, MI', Editor, believing in the 01.1 saying that it is not fair to kick a man when he 18 110,011, 1 will draw this letter to as aln4e this time, 1','l18 !ng yam will Mel specie in the oolulnn0 of 190ar vu's• able [tepee, 11141111,1)1, Your Truly, 1lrolloisox. PL.tu'ou(L. The Band boys are prao1iedng hard them days. 11. E. Needs has had his drag store thoroughly renovated. Miss Sharp, of Teeewt4ter, was visit• ire her unole, Rev. A. H' mier8un, III. A.., last week. John Rogers and wife talk of spending the summer on the Pacific coast 111 the hope of recruiting MPS. Rogers' health, 141)111 has not been very good of late, Mise Shortresd, of Guelph, 1104 000ept. ed a situation with R. M. Ballantyne in his tailoring dopartlnentt This makes ten Ilands Mr. Ballautyno has employed. The See of lass week •Ilya :-Coe large wad of gum was found plastered en the door latoh of the Bee offide on Mon lav morning, and two On the sanctum win dote, presumably pat there by three of our lady readers who 31nvn Applied the kindly admonitions of the Boo against the pernicious habit of g11n1•uhuwillg. This evidence of abstine,mn ou the part of our lady Mende i0 encouraging indict and we are 8titlnllede:l to (to nn with the ornsade. Elan nand ural Bennie Show. --Tho Elm. 11 u t t u S (ring Show was held on Arril 11111, 'Et 1 I u 1 •i In hurtles !eine soma• Newry, the 1 tl 00 u 3,9 what email. This 01831 bo al1ri(inied to the dullness of the horse u111)1,t at present, and the ool9egnent desire among many farmers, who have already too many horses on their hands, to go less extensively lute 1101'18 breeding. At the present ju0utnre there is really little en. eouragemen i, hut there i8 nevertheless a fair market for good heavy horses. Fol. loving is the prize list :-Oorsee.- Heavy dr(3neh1 Olt(h'adale, IT. L. Turn• hull's "Sir Petri011" ; elenv31 draught colt 'i yams old or under, E. Henry's "Aiken. brae Darnley" ; Cart or Share 01101(,01, Wm. Cooper a "Merriman” , Agricultural stallion, E. 1Ionry'n "Prince 0'11811," 2tel, A. 'Tllompsolt'a "Lord Iltddo"; Blood with pedigree, Kidd Beech "'118)1 8110eek." ; Roadster or 8lteriage, Kidd Bros. 1"Lord Ferguson," 2nd, Jun, Sproule "Chicago Volunteer ; Sweep. 8tttk8,, beet (lyde8dale, a;,'ricnoaltnral, '3tary' John Rilehie, 3r. ; Treaamo, a r. W. B Towler ; Hoard of Dire tte% -- ' 3aptist, A, McGregor, Alex, Rally ; 1' Tdpisc0palian, E. O Clarke, A.E. Snaith , , B roobytorian, Gilbert "lliolnty'ro, Alegi art or acre stallion, J. L. Turnbull s 'Sir Patrici(1i ; Best stallion, blood or 0ad9ter, Kidd pros. "Lord Ferguson." mala. -Durham) two y013(0 old, A. 13impsen 9 "McKnight" ; Ayrahiro, three tare Old ant 0701, A, Til141tih" tt nd.os•--0. Loitali, raimereton, 1St, t Leakrson,'LVingilamv Ross; 0ongromational, Robt. Cb11i0, xr., y 1403(131)1 Bobertaon, Aeditor l, J. ,1, Ian• 1 entionsh(ld Alex. ,01069. ('11188311. Mrs. W. Simpson and Lillian spent East,r with blend- in Bluovnlo. S. J. Nichol wile 0.1 Galt this week at - Wading the funeral of hie grluldmotber. W welcome the family of WWm. Duke to our village this tv000. They (sleepy the louse lately vacated by A. Peebles, The 001100ters for the Presbyterian Mission hied lure giving their friends 111 tuts tillage 00 opportmtity of •ubeorib- Ing 10 the fund this week. Take I,d' vantage of It. The 330nngeet chdd of Ed. Greonsldes, section fo01,183, on the G. 1r. R., is very id and but little hope is entertained of his ultimate recovery. Cerebro epival favor i9 the trouble. 110 011IIALL,-A meeting will shortly be called to re 0(4003ze the E01101 club for the oeming season. Look around boys fora suitable field for praotioe and glory (hall undoubtedly be yours. 13 was a. bright and hearty 0ervioe with the Church of England people and th it frien.le in the hall on Beater Sun. day meriting. The place was niodly &wombed with flowers. BIr. Leo preach- ed Int interesting sermon and 0110 0ingin1 by the elude was Buell as to bring forth ❑lacy w01.le of 31x(3)8)3. Sister tido ha0 brought us a goodly abase of holiday vieito•0 &ming whom we noticed '-IIro. Heineworth and daughter from Listowel 3 Miss Linda Milne anti her "Munn" from S08forth High School ; Mrs. Houghton, of Wing. haul, at R. Lange ; Miss Louie Sherlock and bar. Brans of the 3181.00(1)1ge ; and W. 0. M0T11gea1'1 at Mrs, Simpson's. Continued interest is man31es:ed ttt 111e meetings of the Epworth L01tgne. They had a good time Monday evening hurt. We are glad to see the young people of this vi013(ity take Il dd of "Chr101100 Endeavor" wok for 1110 morn of that hind of thing dune the bettor for 011040108)3, their neighbors 13)13, let es not hello o our worst, the 1v 'rid. 0111y 9e„ 30 it 11101 we do work in the spirit of ()helot, our 11ilste•, and at will he well. A yuutlg sol of then Me01011101, ,let with a ()ambit accident on Sunday oven• ing last. He hod a strong piece of ol,ts• tic cord hooked in 11. bottom hook 10111011 his brother had. Drawing anddeniy o1 6110 0or(1 the 01(0)44th of the ela'•tio pelt- ed the hoop from the brother's hand. • 1t flew into ono of hie 03100 ;deviling it 130rou,.)' and dehnroying it utterly. On Monday it was thought heat to remove whet 'Wee left of the eye, w111011 tree done ud the 1!111)3 sttfot'er is doing well. For. un01ely It were a blind eye that was that 61111.2 destroyed, mx131g731017373113(1rm =11813'esrgnraurvar .3,e srCAz NO?IU gar =01=1,!slasln 00301al4Ya(3,1t/adeareeleal Private Funds to Loan. 20,;;—)JU Have been i)Ilteed. in 1115 hands foe Investment I,li teal L1tat0. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. :VU C'oJlmuitssiott. c+ ijOJ'1'Owel's can have 1OIti1F1000.1- SATURDAY, 007.- S A� U R D Y APRIL 23, patted in Three Days II' tido `++++�� w/ illi 1! 6 A satisfactory, We will show an Elegant Assortment of Summer 000d8 o('I every description We more especially wish to draw attention to our t r ery, Which we intend. showing in grunt profusion, suitable for the Sinn:net' Season We berg to thank the Ladies for their large attendance itt 01)1' ()pelting and it giVCi IIS much pleasure to tear thole is hot 011:. opinion espresserl and that is, it's the hest \lillinery ''how ever seen Ili Brus- sels, at the Salle time being very complimentary to our t Milli lot's, lSS (ll't'ell, 1V l3) ,1119 el; LA e (1 )tlrc'e 3,1• 1 1111111Ii\:wl111 r.eo,nahta'rllg*ist8 this Department. tlll4nte1 Mill• M' 1 1 • l 1\'. 14f. SINCLAIR, Solirifor, Brussels, OM COVIN OD? CO,11l'11U51). A relent dloonvorl• 1 v u; nIl ph yolel au. 9ueenosf11)• ly now; monthly by theme 111139 of LAMES. 1Y the only perfect1,3' Bak' it relimhl0 me,ivinn ,lioeov. recd. newur0 of unprluaipinrl cb'ugeiote who ono• (0101•int• medleinee in place of tbl,. Ass for (lona•, C1'r'r,N 113,3,1 (i,'Spoc:fo, take no :•a hsl.il:; :.r; ,,, 3111.1::4, $1 0114 4 three cent Comet,' 3'3, Ll ( '1:1 h1n0 10 Iett0I', 1111'! 031 10))) nod, 8,01ed, 11y 10101.11 mail. 1001111 4041- (.11 02 3 r'1 lun'tioulorn 111 1'14111 ,1111,14', to 10'1,4 on! 3t, 3 ntalln,N, 1 lilrrs9 1,11111 1.11y' ('o111- pnnr. (10. 11 Plater Mork, 111 Vyoudwunl Unllall' 111 h, 1: y 11 it I l.re19 I l J. 1', i'1.PP1II, C. everywhere. v. it` v,+,vrxll pra ott,. aCr'tlY '1xi� 1.t4. 1°'•,- " .. � •r�t••' '1'ht 1.11./.('1.111113 le cuu,l+tutiV being. asked how. ,l I):5 Mrs. 1tfir.0 )4 111,111• alae to sell sin many Dress (xoolis :' The ,newer 1N very plain. It is because she has by far the largest and best 13 lisortment to choosy: from ; the very latest styles , maid the very lowest prices. 11e 111U1'L'09'1 :' a c.lall,y wish to draw Eli t1'l:Eiou tt, nor (11114 11; Dre99 (luaus Stack and every other kind of L-'1ac111 Goods suitable for Mourning Purposes. Parasols, Laces, Gloves, Mitts and every description of Fancy Goods 111 endless variety. We are the only real 31370ntd for the Stainless Hose which we keep in every size. Thanking the ladies for their large patronage. Yours Truly, .,d G E 1 F- . 500 Tubs of Butter w,nte,l this Season for which we will pay the highest cash ])rico in goods at strictly cash prices. PM= ucc,.vIr APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES ._...a• _ "ire, DANDRUFF 1 ;orontn Travelling Pnsnnnn„r Aetna, L' r R. en) u; Ann•fln;Inruffig nrer(enrrnu„wurnfahn• sitar- 3,e ..rrlrn ix mnrvo11.0 1—In my own l+loo f fete n`,fhfat±ton nuc only Lnmm�ghlT nn±wve,1 dxn3r:lt. anrwnul.dttnn due oto ted PI ,3 P. ' ✓. 1'uoli-„t. 6, s,1.Y Pran„nodo rlfilUW Growth. '4a "r•r (i°'"'• [ I•••'at gat sea nal„h„EI4,:ud y3, �I Restores Fading hair tells original color. Stops falling of heti.. Rasps the Scalp clean. Mires hair soft andFh' abio Protgoteu Grovf:h, SoLD BY G. A DE DM&N, BaussrLs. 7lAI'BR1OK e oy... rlqt.,n se The undersigned desires to in- timate to the public that they have leased the above well known Lime Works where they will al- ways have on hand a quantity of first-class lune. Order early. JACOB GRAM. GEO. GRAM. Rheumatis 9 BEING duo to the presence of vele acid in the blood, is most effectually cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Be sure you gat Ayer's and no other, and take it till the p01ono110 acid is thoroughly expelled from the system. We challenge attention to this testimony :- "About two years ago, after 8uffering for nearly • two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing 00111. plaint, after longsuffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I thea dooidod to matte a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effeotod a complete cure. I have since had no re- turn of the disease." -Mrs. 11, Irving Dodge, 110 West 125111 st., Now York. "One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, being con- fined to my house six monthly. I lame out of the sickness very much &hit• tated with no appetite, and (1131 systole disordered in every way, I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my tumid health. 1'cannot say too oonoh in )rreiseof this well-known medicine.” -Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. R. • s arilla, er or a A s� P10110Alleh AT Dr. J. C. Ayer 'iii Co„ Lowell, MISS* 'Met $1: *Ix bolded, «b. 'Irorlhbattle. NERVE BEANS NI4RVI1 n)3AN9 111'0 0 non., )19111)1'01 y ibo l 0111•„ the w0111 00400.t Norvotls Dr. bully host Vigor and -Fail- ine 3(1uhood ; restores the weakness of body or mind or the errnrs of 0X009909of moo youth. el E unto 009os Rene w111!obsoletelyan rl1118)' 11411.41. Df0NT8 have full/ (l even 00 relieve. Sold by 11111131101e at $1 Per neemane, or six for 8s, or snit 1)31 mail on receipt 01 mien by address. ing Tlflt Jonas lfan(611710 Co. Toronto, 00), Write furpamphlet, sold in 13ru9.els by G. A. 014AUl1A17. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to 11. b. 0. 1887, chapter] 10, that all neranne bovine 01aiu8 agaluat the estate of Robert J0no9, late of the 't'nwuohip of Grey, 10 the Obmlty of Huron, yearn n 4000880,1, are on or be - lore the 28rd day of April 1800 to Bend by ]lest prepaid or to deliver to 1(.. L. Taylor, nrusoels, 0olleitor for the ldnduixtra,ri11 (with the will Anne:of')of Elle) 88Eatn 3,r the valid douoaood, 111411r 1311803 '1114 addresses With 1',111 pal•tiunlare of their elalm0 043 the nature of the securitiu9 ail eel) band by them. And notice is further given that after the Bald 08rd of April tee adrniuiotr0- trtx will preeeed to distribute the nose to 01 the said estate amongst the p,rtle9 entitle thereto, having regard only to rho chime of wltlol( notice shall Imre been received, and the said admllistratrls will not be re- sponsible for the odd e8tnt0 or any part thereof 30 any wenn ur penmen of whose 01a1m or ohtimd notice 86x11 not 11,300 been given at 4,110 time of Bttell distribution. Doted of I0ruenols this 113)1 day of April, 1803. 11. 1,. '1'A11,010, Solieleo' for Adrnlulatrotrix. 00.3 Notice Creditors o ce to C e to s IN T1111 SURROGATE Coiner 011 '13111 IVIRNTY IIP 118110013. INTug ,ATTR& 01? T1Ia 119TIere Os DAV111 013103,, of 191E 71LL,l(la OF 8114801114, Ix 1'nn 0040313' 00 11111300, 0113TL115133N, nen Notion111tea(8 hter.eby given pertinent to 13., 9, 0. obit ). 110' tent ell 110(• 8008 urgviug ebLtms Iag(3111et 3110 0811400 of the above n3131011 1)0 5411 811101,V/110 died On er about the 0111 day o1 N et'°mber, A. D. 1801, ere on or before the 1st 1(14y of May, A. U. 1802, to deliV'r• or Bend by pod prepaid to A, Al, Sloohlr, at 111410• 0410, S,Noltur for David Douglas 411(1008, of the town of 8811forth, in tae County ol1 !throe, llxuen1ol' of the last will and 'Petite.. Ment of the said David 9h104, (1000)loo1,' 111011• 111311180 and 81101100008 with int) 5,101.e. 111a11e of 6110(1' 0141118.111d 001100 18 (10, 16, OM, 11160 atter the said 1st day of M, 33, e. O lath!, the Haiti executor will proceed to dist'ittele ho 049034 of the maid teet81011,01 1 ail pert thereof, 8380uget 3110 parties eu- 1 tlthot tu0rutu, lutving regard outgg Eu am 1 01131111s of winch too 800.1 executor310.81hu., - uut180, 13,111(0 0-11,1 000081er 03111 not be liable(1' the L e' 4t r for 1 8 oto ,l the said estate 1.1 .L alE thereof, [ dllmtdhlt 0 ILn In • Vy E fl to v 1 .1I Hun of whtlm0 11)9 h said t n the i butioua had Oat nudes 3,C 111,1 time n-' d18Erlbtltiuu there. I Of. W. (8,011401.41)11,11,01 14 ynlimi int far ilF0catmr. 1)034,0(30 3) Dements tent lett ,109 d f ,dnecll, A,31, 65)0, Ontario P'1roh G17,3 ?i! rs A'1' M NTw "s'r ALBERTA, AUCTION d`w :1r`T in `f l'.-', a . ia�, ,„w0i9Lr it1.!111; tizateF4,ll: e I f•.o ;?r mtia ' ,'314' "ei .1Y1 AY 3, 1892, dill be Returned Pres, 001121throe made known on applivatio,l to any agent of the Canadian Pauifid Ry. P. S. -epaulet Train leaves Toronto 11 p m , April 24th, 1092. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Br11seels. Why Nat Da Your Own ThiikinT ? 11(10'1.91508, Nol'Onl bar 8111, 1880. J. 1f. lloLann, Goderioll, Urian 4111,-3 9aonld have 13111tten b"fore time to 1st you knee ,3,w I a :' getting along. 11110 0 Int bot, er (1.11) Wu,: gaming, l.re mita every 'Sty. 111111, a 460,1 .1) petite mid 41.011 Wol1, I Cali tune the ru'1 quantity 01 the System Iteo,vulrr t,nd It 3)109 not 0(•1(rn MO. My Ihuh•t 411 111 right 1•nw ; wiitn ,unirt In thou tally; ;me11111e 01) I one. Toe :r0, t tLic'l in e, ire; 1 cr'Pll nu w131v 3,1 11011, bid 1 111,011 )166 u1 10 IA134Ir.111,. 1 11111 quite of your (50)5(0, erns file another pour 4,''):•l( Renovator. Yours, ac„ JA(, 1)00(.05. 001'9'l111111(011r118 LATeu, 011110000.8, 1e1,ri1N1'y 7111, 1801, J, )l, A1cf,r.00, Gnd01•leh, 3)08)541 n,-Flfteon Pease ago loot Nnvom- co]' I st.., ),') to ((onhor 11rot ; 110,38 treated tar dy'.popolo, but they never helped the 11110. 1t (1(1100 I Buffered greatly (rola 1031 o; 1,0•nel; 1 1,01131ntled. but 1 grew worn'. 1 turned dh•opo,oal ; 11111 hs cud body swelled. ,ably. Sou know the State 1 was in 0hou I W' 3,1 to (l ndnr(eb--a mare w reel:, '.113,1 hardly walk-enifering from Iiri;u r'- die - entre. Just one year ego last fall 1 hagau your 1101)017000 and 91100180 C'm','. 1 L"gau to cion, in a few days ; eo61.1008,1 13,11 dor three months steady. 1101000u 1 ten t, ht- • ! could not bo cured, if you saw non ante, well 1,111 hearty ; eat everything that 0,nnu8 in Alla way. I owe you the praise La s;. t I, g My life. 1 was in 01,8po1380 condition when I went 10 YOU, 40 11104 110 010 thought L ' W001,1 31,0 Cotter, I cannot 3pe.111 tom :.,g ,ly of you and of your inedi0me0, for It. With 11'011, that cured me. Words cannot ea,e•usx My thanks to 300. Freely pass my 111..,0 10 0l1,i 0110, 1'1,oI' , ,to., JANI1,A So1n 111 J. T. PEPPER, 13neeee .9, 5' fl�fllfrr i7;lir,ft 1.176 ZZ1LC3 —in the way of a corset Something t'' -lot's easy and comfor tnhlr—.loolcthingg tha clasps 111,.: 1?:r::r(: closely,but i yields t:) every 111ovelilent? Then you want the Ball's Corset. If you find that you don't, after wearing for two or three weeks, have only to youv return it and stet your money back, t; FOR. SAM 111 A. t.'IRAcTlAN'.