HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-22, Page 44
New Advertisements
Locals Dr. Ayer.
Lomaa•.-11, Clwiry.
Local -11 r8, Kirk.
Least- A. W1Ilita.
141.lllnury l,. 1 i, ems.
Local W. W.
Sale of 1 ands -C:. 1'. R.
Bull for Service Jul 11 Dill.
l wli Paper- G• A, laatIroan.
Queen's Hotel --Jas. O'Leary.
6lttch r
'r utWanted-airs.
Su va
Q.I)i 441155;1s ;COSI',
1'.111 AY, .1NI II. 22, 131311'1,
Fotoiei o aro likely to be freed from the
binding twine imposition hereafter. The
(lnt3rio go'ernment is erecting a bei 11•
Ina at the central prison into which to
put all the required machil.er\, winch
they have pnrchaeed and will, at Once,
begin its manufacture, and Ixpeet 11)
supply it at nearly cost price to dealers
throughout the 'moviuee.
J.t11Re Gatevs ha' been re nnmiiard
by the Bake eters of North Perth for the
coming bye elution in that riding. 'Che
Stratford Her.ld aur, s A. 1". 11,'L',reh,
cheese buyer, will oppo8,' him, The writ
for the election in 1111 the vaeallov cause.)
by the uneeutiug of 1Ir. Gentian la»
been issued. Nominations tale pier,
.0 the 22 f, and polling ,o. the 1111].
April, at 1, .1,0..1. '1'L,; 1'0:olio. by.
eleetiou to till the me(1111')• tabard by tie
depth of H. E Clarke will be held April
ell, nomination April 29,
Tut: Tul'nnto News in referring,
editotittlly, to the late Hon. Atex. Slee.
130nzie ways -Iu these da)s of eorrup
t100, when the air of public life reek..
wilt scandal, and when so many are seek
hug advancement by intrigue rather that.
honest industry, the example set by the
men who (vas once Premier of Canada
oat be held up almost as an ideal one for
the youth of the oolntry toemutite. Br
plodding industry he'raised himself from
the bottom to the top of the ladder ,
wealth be did not acquire, and power to
held only for 811ort time ; hot he has
left to his (ruuntry the stainless record w
one of her most distinguished sous, urn
has transmitted to his children the good
name that is one of the most precious 0.
earthly possessions.
\-tier few, comparatively speaking it
this section, ;eine the advantage auo
privilege of having the excellent li11rar)
of the Mechanics' Institute in our midst
Hundreds of dollars have been exp; ede0
in the purchase of the best literature ah
tainable end the membership fee is placed
at the figure of $1,00 fora year's readiup
yet there are only about fifty nlembere
There should be an awakening in till,
direetieu a,rd the 1183 increased to 200 at
least. As Directors we may be to blan.e
somewhat onr80lve0 in not establishing a
reading, room during the long Winne
evenu,gs ; keeping a course of lectures 01.
the program or entertainments interest
ing to the publics ; to say nothing about
Art classes or a night school. A' nth
coming wawa/ meeting we hope an effort
will be Made to enthuse the Institut,
and make the reading people of Brussel•
sue that it is to their iunividual int ereete
to patronize it. The Go"ernmelt (um
Municipal (100001, du theirpart ever)
year in aiding the treasury but this fs
not enough as the Directors want the:
books read and the Ltsti:.tte quicheneu
11110 net; life.
Trio Posx is pleased to note the inter-
mit manifested iu the subject introduced
iu its uolumus a few weeks ago couuern
ing our industries. Talk is all very good
in its place bet will not amount to much
uale8e some definite action is taken.
The 9Uggestiolu ,If Postmaster Farrow, as
to calling a public meeting, is a good one
and, perhaps, if we knew the Dictum•
stances of institutions already establish-
ed in Brussels their usefulness might be
increased. Information could be easily
gleaned from outside sources as to the
011at•110ter of various industries not repro.
Rented here by the visit of a small depu.
(oboe. Ole would not favor the intro.
duet[wl of some big ooneern that would
require a large amount of capital to run
but rather a number of smaller factories
or whatever they might be that would
yield a fair return to the proprietor or
company managing then. We are not
blessed with mealy men of wealth as
citizens so would have to out our gar.
ment 0.00xdin4 to our cloth. The bind.
hug twine and canning business has been
spoken of but what's to hinder the mane•
factory of land rollers, plows, Oto, At
Exeter the Verity firm have dole and
are doing a big beefiness. If we, as citi-
zens, sit still and fold her arms expect.
Mg 9 one other town to give tie help we
will wait a long time. We'll get what
we work for if we pull unitedly and e1.
ergetioally 0.3 lines within our reach.
George Wilkes, a notorione forger, died
in it hospital at New York Friday. (le
lona 310m31d un003180imas ill the street with
K fractured skull.
31, the Sahara region all the ereaturee
assume a sandy hoe which of bourse
renders the.0 iuoon3piouois in their
native 1101(111, and anulo3 tie 01hes,
((spe1(nllyill3111031(1 1;ru111119 of •that fertile
which he am tug the sand,( the skin is all
aproklod fri ohar,teter, like the sarfltee o.1
whiclr they rest.
Airs, Item. Mitchell, of Logan and
Edna boundary, is very •ertously ill.
Alfas 1.iy21e 111 014100111111, teacher at
! lde+,llorti , was home for a few days
193.1 33'(131
11..b , vl vim Las retnr(,uu to Stratford.
The ' i � Indies re si❑ in nil ye no'
;oil 1 h a °W
ill g g
book aa4
cote tn12'•
E. J. 11(11 merollult of '1'or,lto, nail
En H, , n .(, d Seafr1(ih Hik'h 31)11001.
were vielling their par.'tte this week,
nl Lltl uwthe genial eon of Il 0 .
1Y 1 ,e t
land, who ne1upiee the position of Lib•
ration of the ale. hanio0' Institute, Wing.
him, was vioiti, g at 'rhos. Calder's on
(100.1 friday.
The Misses Duke have moved into
Ethel. The p13 s will 11e greatly miese,31
cu the 1211, eon., but oh,er up, boys,
• nny're not v, re fee away vet, and seed.
"1won't la:.) forever The roads are
.13)i et up (duel y.
The trustees of S. S. No. 1 have engag-
e.( .tomes Moore, of Atwood, as sueesssur
to C Bowernl ., at (o salary of $400 per
1„o•nul lir. Bowerman will lenitive to
\lln'h,ll where he is article.with Stair.
y A 1.. D ,, formerly a pedit-
•sogne to U' I township ler, 1looro ea.
nores ollarae (ext week.
Una(. ---1V0 rear t to announce the
• r [Anise nldst d,u1ahler - of
10 0. fir (' or .1antesto.,n, who
die• 1111 S1li nrdil) of last week of heart
Ione •. " 133'. i( her 1011111 year.
'i I. revere belt piece on Mender after-
,,,.,, '1 'n 'r acrd famil) have the
1)1 01. 111,• enulnlu(ty in their
• ".11'99.
11.1.33,, Ila. rig. of the 10th eon. is going
r. pert up a f1ae barn, 50371) Feet, en the
Aute 31,1, 11 ti n 13.1111 for it last full.
•• N. ws me has 111 contract, and
„b'. ••n-li Ili worst 1hron:h
.. "- ,. I1n» .r lin _'e ;nm11 et n1.• e s
talo 311 ,1 nJ o(1 loon are . 118 ..0139 at
N 0r 9 _,) H0' 1,0,1 til a will lie
I i"'1l ;,. k
�(ex3u• ntw(l+s.-flu Wednesday
,,e .,f 'hl• a•ei?? .\. " 1t91n1, Collector
,.f f 31.,,11 Warmer. for Stratford 1)istriet
sr"' ('0' t b', 1' S. Nentr, of llrissels,
oil 11.13 d 9v 1,1 on thepremises of Om -
rad Eng I, 121h en"., ,le•u• Oran 1r•olt,
r.l.•.opod iii with having en ihieit still
•o his 0011/1.1' He plead , Mita and the
visitors 8(011 red a still, built in In wit, a
ripper worm, several tube, some ground
nutlr, 131 gallons of ntnlessen and 20 gal -
1 ns of spiirite. Engel had worked the
sti'1 ;031303) the past Winter, He was nr•
r.s,ed and brought bofn'e Alex. Hunter
nod Jou. A1eCrue, J. P.'s, Bru-seta, and
wee fi''ed $100 and 11oste and •ontenoed to
• 111month's confinement in Godorioh jail
without h'rd labor. Mr. Scott aconin•
puttied him to the County town 0n the
fternoon tutu A younger brother,
named Andre r, was arrested as an ea
oomnlio 1)01 the charge was withdrawn
'old he w••a allowed hie liberty. It is
supposed that other parties were inlereat•
ed in the mannrentu e but their names
1(8390 not Leen made p113die as yet. It
ra(h'r kuorks 111, profi's off the hnsieess
wh, n Mr. Cavan's vi.it is paid for. En-
gel is a quiet going, hard working young
fel'o(v and was 1a mint unlikely person to
be engaged In 1111011 distilling. He would
riot say whcre he secured the necessary
Pert Clounty.
A large number of Baptists from cen-
tral Ontario will etand the Midland
Onuntles' A8eo0iation te be held in the
Baptist church, Stratford, on 8111, 0th
and 10th of June.
C W. Chadwick, of "tratfo•d, has just
returned from Chicago, where he bus
been engaged for the past three months
in the work of organizing an insurance
comp my on the ba•is of the Temperance
and General Life of England.
Egg buyers were in Milverton the
latter part of last week, ears the Sun, and
Tuella ed the 01.0011 held by the local mer-
chants. Six cents a pound was paid.
The eg s reoeivod in Milverton averaged
sheet a pound and 31half to the dozen.
A slid accident heppened to the eldest
daughter of RobeetBossence, Harrington.
While her mother wee nut hanging up
the washing the little girl went to put
some shavings in the stove and in olosine
the door her dress caught lire. She ran
out doors and rtlrl around the house be•
fore her mother could catch her. When
overtaken her clothes were burned off
and her body frightfully borued. She
will recover,
Thos. Freeborn, of Topping, who has
figured in police courts in Stratford and
Listowel charged with violating the
Medical Aut in removing cancers and
been occasionally fined, may soon re.
move 00neere without fear of prosect.
tion. 'Thos. lfagwood, M. P. P., had a
bill before the Legislature making 11
legal for Mr. Freeborn to remove metiers
by meaos of plasters. The bill did not
pass, but it is understood there will be no
more prosecutions of Mr. Freeborn.
IN its first stages, Can,be successfully
checked by the prompt use of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later
periods of that disease, the cough is
wonderfully relieved by thie medicine,
"I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with the best effect in my practice.
This wonderful preparation once saved
my life. I had a constant cough, night
tweets, was greatly redtmed 1u ileah,
and given up by my physician, Ono
bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured
.1.e." -A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middleton,
"Several years ago I was severely i1l.
The doctors said I was in eonaumption,
and that they could do nothing forme,
but advised m8 as a Inst resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Atter taking
this medicine two or three months 1.
was cured, and my health remains goon
to the present day." -Jamba Birchard,
Darien, Conn.
Several years ago, on apassago home
from California, by water, I (rontracred
so severe a cold that for some dais I
was confined to my state -room, and a
tlllyOlcitm on board coesidere 1 illy life
in danger, Ilappening to have a battle
of Ayer's Cherry l:eotoral, I used it
freely, and my lungs hero soon restored
to a healthy condition Since then 1
have invariai)1y ree11nnlended this preps
er 13. Chandler, Junet1011, 17a,a,
As hPectoral,
C e rr
08504831 143
Dr, J. 0, Ayer Jr, Cc., Lowe11, Mau.
frttedbyAll Dret(Oot.. 31'14e2 $1.)a ),o11e.,*.
T.IIILL FOlt 1SE1RVICl'. -Till?,
I ((113)01,,
F un1 Will her for 801V1' 011
Lot 93()oil 7, •1 orris, a thein bled Durham
Hull. Terns $lou 11,11 11 Imn11n 1. of return.
log if II(e(84aiy. Pedigree may he seen un
application to the nropriet(r.
111.(0T31 8111e1'T(`11131(1N,
4,.21 1'' 0nrirtor.
Tile lin 01 sl spied will Scarp for servile
1uLot 8,()no.1U (Rey, a thorn lied BM -
1111 to bell, Te, urs 81A0, wild, prlvdege of
returning (th1711(4 30118011 If (necessary.
11.4 1"o1( to•
1 n 1,
I undersigned will ]coop her serriee, nn
lot 30, non 0, Al,rri3 the thorn'-' red Darhoul
1)11'1, "dweeestnhce.i' He has taken 4 first
Prizes and 1 second, being beaten by tin bull
thee took 1st prix" at toe 1re:anoial SNOW,
Torras -'l'13 Inouye acalf 83.00, or $1.00 for
the 0004011.
37:11,, J.18. SPE 111, Pr matelot.
RSLX I3ULI,t4 F0331 1SER-
F,\'Ieit: 919' Jersey Bulls tiro from elle
milling Stratus and should produce stock
egos! Or snf•orl,lr to 6111' for either the
creamery or el 01se lector y. The dim 13)
011.' still in my 1nsw.081011 fin VC 7,000 lbs, 3
31,1111111 19 mouths with her fist cult, For
further particulars apply at my I) ng nod
Hook i 10 14.
C7 A, DF„1DJ(•1 N, Brussels, out,
1 S1iIT11311OA11,
('h0110,10l'44400,1 will eoep for !unwire (hip
01.0.1011 90101011 ti' 1 u171rnvell large WW1.0
Vor''sirh'e pig "1101019" D0 lel. 30, 0011.0,
(1,133';,, 10 w•ltiob a 111011.00 1lntiedel• of Rows
Will be ((kepi Tel 01.(111 3.30 paid at
time 1,I eervioe, With 1110 priviloue (f ronlrn-
ing if ue1000ur)', ped ((igen nett' he ((00 "P-
110181 11'1 Nnropro,
(Otf Prl prle lel•.
1..)Ultr 1111E[) W)‘11.',-; 101; "El)
tacle.•-The ungrr„ii. 134 0iII I.,-ep (n• i
survive Ou nor!), hey I,,-, 3)0, woe, 7,'Dn•nio
Inn e tesai 1.0r1 shire D'•., , 4 1.1 313•
L11011, n d 1 10, l t V d c l t, r
r,dl A Ili (i 1:0 101-
(.011 ,1 ntoelt l 1., 1 1111. 1310 1..1.k
.Ind prir .,1,3)t (l 1 L 111 l 1• t 111 n 3•1
1111'l.r ,, .Inl tit t , V. est •in Mit i., •...•.
0lilt. nPl His,e1)1st Pt 31,0 111411.trial in 1001. 1',a••n0 810 to he paid 01 Bunn
of '1r11ce 101311 privilege of returning if uec•
eatf 01131(1311, \1' 11.1(13111, Prop.
More 01031ey ie lost in
the (veer of uhenlp goods
then le ever saved in
the buying,
A PRIr, 22, 1892
1 f� j;i 111'1 1` ,LI
OLLARS!30'11LY. -A\
The finality of ;;,Inds
represents the minded�
value. Buy' a poor
article cheep aid you
Tose your dollars,
IThe last dollar is then
oro you pay for goods
that are nu4da cheap to
s.11 01(00 p.
By injudicious buying which racks the pocket boot( and wastes the
Dollars in an etiort to obtain shoddy goods at cut prices. Do
not tale any risks, but mal(( your pnrchascs at all tither;
from A. R. Smith, Clothier, where you are assured
of limiest Goods at limiest 11riec's,
;1 Ca111bi11)ttiun that is
-- AS GOOD D - .
11,133131 '0 worthcon
be worth More than
our dolls( w0r111, 1,11,1
pt•ohubi3 1100, 911
1.t 8Enstok1:D (1114 Bevnrat goo.) Forms ti r
sale nod to rent, easy terms, In Township)!
of %lurris and tire)', F S, 40 OTT, Brussels,
10R SALE OR '1'O RENT. -
'rnr brick store o0 the north -oast nol'-
1.et• of 01111 and Turnhel;39 streets, Brussels,
For particulars /1,01,11• t0
PETER 13I's13US 1N, Queen
street, or by mail address Brussels 1', (l„
J beteg South half Lot 27, unn.0, 3forrie, i
10o aclvs, nearly all °I(nu•ed, Good buildings,
flue young bearing orchard. Ilnmedinte WM.
88001011, 13(0y Teras, apply to
w.ll. Sisal r.AIlt,
Solicitor, M., Brussels.
1 00081011110 offers for sale the north
mast quarter of lot 28, concession 0, Morris,
Conant)' of Huron , contain i11 g00 soros. The
laud Is of fleet (lnalitV and 31,1(33,)gh state of
cultivation, well tonced nod uuder•(iraino.1
45 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 9 wells,
good barns and shod, orchard , etc, is i flit
acres of fall wheat. This .108lra3 13. p1r'.pert)
(3(710( 110 the corporation of llrosselo, Butt.
able tela' 173
111it110V14,en iier�t
80• Boras). 1.h P.O.
.1•41ARN[ .tl'Olt. SALE BEING
J. Lot 10, COP, 0, Grey, containing 100
notes, mole or les••, abell 70 earns cleared.
There Ian comfortable house, two barns,
orchard, wulle. springs, kn., On the irrenliaee
nil) 0 scree of full wheat growing. The
plow is in a. good state of cultivation and
the Fall plowing done. The above faro(
31139 the property of the late .r,'1' Barker,
Listowel, and will be 901,1 ,,beep to wins rip
estate. For further particulars Kb 10 prion,
183101s, 110., ripply t0
NMI, I3 ARK!, 11, 1
or 1i711T. p;teontm•s,
11:1Nso01, f
02 Ethel P,0,
A }MING lite 11 and 12, 0011, 13, TnwnsLin l
of Grey. County v1. Huron, 00 ,,mining 200
cores, the prnpooty of the hate John Boner 1- I
son, 170 acres cleared and free from ob I
stlucti0 un, 15 acres bush, 0(1xed amber,
heliulu0loam,rtly cleared. Fill clay loam,
mostly rolling. le 00ce4 with straight roil i
fences and wn tired by two wells and a
spring pr(vlleg0. Commodious (dwelling
house, with large w as:he,) attaehe,1 arra
nu exeeileut eellnr under house. '1'1vo Dirge
barns, atone stabllue aha other oatbniln-
inge. Pwo .good 1301u•lug orchards, Orna-
mental trees old email fruits. l} miles
from Brussels, a lively town on the G. 'V, 1(.,
convenient t0 reboot, contraltos auu poet
°free. This property lies well, 18 a 0rst-
elase grain and stook farm (3)113 should he
seen by intending purchasers ,49 it is rlfcr
ed nl a bargain. For tubber particulars
apply to MRS. 1.11(1. x0130 10'CSON,
or DANt10t 1103416BT30Vint
the promises, or by letter to Oranlirook P,
0. 30.4
1892 -FL AX-- 1892
Cameron Bros.
1711398 a limited nnmbet' of Bnsbols of the
For farutm'0 111 the Identity of OranbrnOk
who intend 1.1110100 Flax during the Owning
at a8/n, which they are prepared to deliver
fu quantities to melt 11.10 growers,
con be Rob at the Orauhrook Flax 01111,
Seed given out 011 the 118001 terns and 81,00
Per bus, Order ecrly 311 Omura a supply.
For flax grown from this seed 11110 per ton
will be paid, if of gaud g8rowth, harvested 10
111111las Noon 114 06 for (111108h1034, the Flax
We 1x11) rens 1a lumber of goad sod fields
for the purpose of growing flax.
CAMERON silos„
1 ittprictors ('rmlbrook 1130Y MM.
f•�ut tic
successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is
without 0parallel in the history of medi-
eine. All druggtel8 are authorized to sell
it on a 113011ive guarantee, a test that no
other tore can etname81ul131 vaned. If you
have CUltghl Sore Throat or Bronahftie
oro it, fur it 10111 ewe you. IE y0111'011il(i
has the Group, or Whooping Cough, use
it rani ttl and relief it sure. IE .o1.
dread that (insidious disease CCiVSU1tiP�
TION, DON'T FAiI, On use ft, it will euro
you or oust nothing. ,\,k your Druggist
for HIIILOH'S CURE, Price 100„ 50o,
and 31,00 If your lunge emote or hook
iRrlre,usc iibiloh`s T'aruos Piaster.
Any article bought of
us 0011[ail1K 3110 full
;slue of the priors in f
qu'ltly and w'0r•11, sed I
i-: 11- ,. .d 101 ,' ,l. 1.
Gull la scrod told 0111:
1013)8 are as good as
[gold. The price oil'
(11a• good" is simply ft
F a,.1,3 tsi (13,11
F- ' ,.�,,,hl
col,... ....-,.... •t
Coleman sense teaches that to buy judiciously moans looney
saved, and this connection point, directly to
A. R1 Smith, Clothier, :atter mad. Furnisher,
where every dollar counts for 100 cents worth of benefit to you in
merit, quality, Style and value, and the result of each transaction
with us will be
This well known hostlery has been Leased by James
O'Leary, formerly clerk in the Commercial Hotel, Sea -
forth. It has Iecei\-ecl a thorough renovating and is
now in first-class order for the comfort and convenience
of guests. Large sample rooms for Commercial Men.
Union bus meets all trains. Ample stable and shed
accommodation for the local trade. Every attention
given to the travelling public. Bates $1.00 per day.
J.S. O'LEARY, Prop.
I wish to express my best thttnlis to
the residents of Br11see18 and surrounding
country for their patrolinge during the
past winter. In oysters alone 111,y soles
ambnnted 10 $300.
My Spying stock of Candy, Fruit,
&c., has arrived this weer(
11.11( Will be found
flesh and n1110.
Bananas, 800, per doz. ; Pine
Apples 25o., 3Oc. and 35e.
(WIC -
For farmers in the vicinity of 133103181,18,
who intend raising flax during the coming
season,10111011 they are prepared to deliver
in quantities to snit flax grower's. (31,111
be got (3.t the Brussels telex Mill or at
W. ii, mouraoken's grocery. Seed given
out at 1&1,00 per bushel and on the usual
terms. Order early and same a 8epply.
For Flax grown from this Seel
$IO per Ton will be aid,
If of good growth, 101:vested in the pro.
per erase' and delivered at the Flan Mill
88 80031 Its fit
1 for threshing, We will
1lso 1001 it number of good sod fields fnr
the pnrp0e0 of growing flax,
d J. Livingston,
\Vii. 13111011'1', PaorerC•Ieas,
Silil 111 rnP Fruut
I take this opportunity of thanking qty
titin; frioxl8 for their liberal patrouago
daring the lust thirty years that I have
been in the Carriage 13g8iuee9 in Brus-
sels. Aly work giving general antisfae.
(lou Rind by 8400rc dealing with my ens.
tamers, I ant pleased to say that I an)
still here to provide you with anything
yen want in 1(1; 11110. I earl supply you
with as good 131ggie0 and Wagon); as you
can get in the County.
I can furnish )011 with
5 Different Styles of Hoao'carts,
from $12 up to $35.
01(1 Bugghs repainted and trimmed (131,3)
made t0 loolt almost new.
Thunking tilt' friends for past favmw, 1
9(1'108• a 00111i min. ea of the R111110,
Yours, Respect fully,
J' 7 0. W Y ] Y
('.anuAniC AL1xr0, 131.1•ssrr.s.
D7.1. SI CLiMtAiIR,
11.A., L.C.P,S.O. M,C.P.S.1 .,
Slaeoialistl - Toronto,
J(V%'1'tiA\ t•r.rnnn'31, 7,i,:,,wrt sly9:-
"After sr ota111.0. all illy 11u110y 11101 1'1•np(r[y
to no 11UPpnal. 011 III mon, for what
they (ar11(011 n hopeless 11080 111 n0(1e0illptm0,
Ili'. S11183(ir cured me."
91119 31.11, I0t100nxec, Woodhouse, eaya
'•\whe) all others Ihilod, Dr, Sinclair ennui
ore of lits:'
I) Iloinan7.000, f:n90l0o l'Iaoe, says: --
"Dr. Slueluir cared me of catarrh:'
1(00, Rowse, Illrtll, 8(1)11:-' 11r. Sinclair
enrocl Ino of heart disease nu•i drops), when
,311 others failed,"
D1'eoiod of Private .\'eilur,, brought on by
folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Cures.
Concultatio.. >='roo.
Wednesday, May II, '92.
jan'.: 1.,.,v. '`�i.�; LaavmH ➢d
-Manufacturer of -
Buggies, Cddl'ritiges,
Our Work will sati; fy ,you and
our Prices will please.
Call ttnd See 118 as We are Here to
Hustle B051 tress.
_Practical PV'(rtchnaak,er
and Jeweler'.
Thanking the pablio for poet favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Platen Ware
from Established and Reliable 111,tke•s
fully warranted by 38.
Clocks of the
Latest 1)esi,tins
WLtnh1A'a Ittxes, •. .
LonilIs (1Wat 5330000,
Batmen oe,
• 1 115111AO8, dt0.
r l"Also It Full Line of V18L01e and .,
Violin Stringe, (to„ in stook
N. 0. -Usurer Of Mirrhrge Linemen.
T. Fletcher; ;,,Br,u.ssels.,