The Brussels Post, 1892-4-22, Page 1fu',mncra[aM'v:xmwaw�o'A�'. W'o:P�AMdI a?mYM,n W'Wfni.
Volume 19
44.irme=iiierrehora,-..meaviartmosirra..4.,solaeinoregonissonrianinomivermas,zeiwilev. 3{1.1313M *maw ...or-,
Last Sunday lion. Alexander Machete.
rhe died at his residence iu Toronto.
For a quarter of a cautery nolo the
na1n 1 of ,Lleranrler, Aiallten1ie ha4 been
evored by Glint liana ns the name or
Sohn Bright wee by Englishman of the
Mal; geuora61oo, All have mange teed
What potently for goad there wee in the
uareur of a man w1)090 publiu life wn0
nue of 1rl3Warv1ng reet1tnrle and whos.'
private life wee one Of the simplest and
m 1st homely oheracter, ILa who stn go
dnw'l lighting for a pritlliple meet 'al
ways corn nand the respect and ultimate
1y the affection of 1110 fellows. The
history of the great Reform leader 9howx It no tn13 (1ld he chase the bobble
re. nation, To him duly was th 1 elder
en' 1.
By birth noel upbringing_ 1e 'ds pre•
diapnsed to this course. IIs .vas born on
January 213, 1822, in the pariah of Logi.
emit, POrtbahire. Scotland. In a fer111e
vali.'y Ohe'e the River Tay is joined by
the rap331 fl,wing Tnnminell, hemmed in
0.l the 110. Ell ''y at spur of th.' Grampians,
191:11(]g11 tvhioh rolls the falnn01 pates of
Kiltuo3aulti0, stool the cottage of hie
S.•thor, Alex'tnder 'I'tekovzle. A stern
emint0(0 is Athol in winter Had, albeit
they love t 1'.3,•) 11'1••0 41,113 aLga11), .4131,'"1
folic are the IIig3010 l l;n'e or Perthshire
auddtrint io 1ile0 adhe83oa t, the pre-
cepts of Calvin and hoax. Among the
1)l '1 wu3 11111310 11.1•"., men nave hen
cl'ielle I. Tle Mullion/tee hail been reed -
(1• 111 3.1 the Strath for geue•ations, and
11!41..11 let' 310.1)31•]100, 130'1„ ho4 married
'Afars., dan4hter of Donald Fleming of
1.0 r r,tit. 'L'hil fntnr11 Premier teas the
third of a family of 11uw�n a'•ts, all of
wl,m 111.11y settled 111 0made. Young
:Ioek•n11ie received his 8.1110lL 10n at the
1100.011301 330)111(11,1 of DI edits, 1)31n1101d
and Perth. Ile neva renege 1 t'IL' 11133.
ve city, the, grin' of the 9tn'linnv `L'nttah
youth, Fn' 333.4 father 3h..) i0 ("1):), end
(11 33 after -'t 1.1,1 '1!'onrle'u -Lu, had to
3)4111. 33:3 b its •w', filed 11, ale• 30.131e of
life. Altl •,oh deprived of the ineme: of
1114:101: r hel.11t1'111 II. .'L 1'1'1'3. I (111 private
ala tie, 11.1 e4,1.,.: illy M at, 10113.1(( of
-politin,.l (tion 13113' an -1 (l1141010inn33,1
hist u ( L3)1 1 h • Lem I (tem of th • 9,1•30.1
d, rine I1' after 1,31141 tai(a)3 .
.ret Ilteleenle became a Na nemia mu
11311 Oto h' l trcl1(c.1u1,'', in which he
:1i•,'((l3Iy h1 'u- -'".'3. "11. I1 the
Inittee on 3ftiolei)1al Law and the haulm.
of the Renewal set respeeth)g munielp'tf
g.0Ornn103113 in 11 per Canada. Ile to
(Oiled to 0011103a his old seat Mr the 1)0
1111111011 Bowie and 10'14 ideated, 83ttiug for
the onu113.tnency of Lumbt0u until 1881)
wh011 he was lirst ruterned fur Fate
DUAL nernt:at:x'L'A•I'ION.
'Pile period inimeel hely 000eooding the
fortueltiou of 41te first Dominion Govartt•
(lent was One of great 11 01 3 31 0 131 activity.
Dozens of members of, the Federal house
wore aloe menbora of the 1311310(10 Pro-
vincial LegLshtta'es, anti in Ontario
0epeclally the system of dual represents•
thou enabled the Provincial Miu)4tore to
sit at Ottawa ms 11uppnrtere of the Clow.
8033301-1Ve Administration, and as a e0n,e
(meow there was grave danger of the outs
of the Prnvineial IIonso becoming a sort
of pocket editi .o of the latus passed by
the larger body at the capital, The
00x1111011 Ministry of 8andfiold 11Iao(1on.
Old .vas in power in Ontario, a,,4 when
the P rovineial elections of 11471 ealn0 on
Sir. Mlckeuzie was prevailed upon to be-
come a oaud)llte and aid in the over.
throw "f the potent moda3iug Ministry,
which 40(10 sore pro sad by ilr. Blake,
thee leader of the Provincial Reform
party. iter. Alaol('cuzie ran for West
1lliddleeox, an 3 was s(uuesfal in %veva in
the seat from a Gh3ernnmeet supporter.
The Legislature (let in D0'lenlbel', and
there 44(8 a general :1131.011 all alelg ill
line, with the remelt that the Semliki
nlac.lrnr.,d f;.3 ',,t. re ;, ,.;1 311,1 \1
Blttice became the louder of the new iso•
forte Ministry 1.11/al hoe, with r11an„03 in
sir.: personnel of the Cee1.,et, 113'1,1 power
ever 1313133, 311 Meekest -ale accepted the
portfolio of Provincial Soorota,', its the
new Ministry, and sub,l.,lueutly became
Proviouial Treweorer. 1) .ring the sheet
tante he mecum at tithe alba he gave evi-
dence of greet knowledge of the lin'tncltal
lade. of the Prnviuro, and his budget
speech of 1872attracto.3 gene al attention.
I.n 0311011 1." of the arae year M. Bake
and Mr. Mauk•nlzie 330tred from l'rovi,.
1,3al pelicie13 with the 1(tet111 v1 of devot
ung their 1,13)010001)1-ivcly to the Federal
d and he IWO IL c'nse watuh on 1a011t301l
nlptirm, 111' 1108 the 8111h'n' of ' Life sod
pine the wont, t(' I)o'nioine might have
led 130❑ WP+1.3191 (1(311(1119 in the ownership
If a la'ahscnnti0n11tt1 railway. But two-
bafl 1301'3111ba f.1lnwillg ill 831000'13401) at
4h0 131,1311 of the Parliamentary term were
bunny -metal 311 bringing 011 a severe
aou11uer0i/t1 d11nr1,11efon--0 03at0 of Ell logo
nonentity fetal to the patty 111 power.
The Conservative Opposition, under the
141(33 Sir ,John Macdonald, adopted the
platform of it protective tariff for the
encouragement of Canadian man(fsatur.
ers. The people partly tteeepted the
arg1mente, and many oon0luded that any
change could not make matter11 tanl•00.
Although seeing the drift of public feel
Ong, the clanuoh Premier 330ftlsed to yield
to whet he Icnow to be contrary to the
best interests of the Dominion and
time 3s now proving the soundness of
his judgment. His Goveromont was de-
feated at th0 general elections 111 1878,
He again led the Opposition during
that session, and made his influence felt
by an able oritloigm er the new trade
polio( then inaugurated. Ono year after
the defeat of bis Adminiotratiou he re'
tired from the Opposition leadership in
favor of lion. Edward BIako. Ills sub•
sew -tent political course is well known to
all who are conversant with public 0ff113ire,
He [3413 three times sleeted to represent
13., t. York, and, although in bete you's
his phyaicnl elrelgth had been ;moon&
to tee t,tek of taleiug part it 1110 deb0te0
of the 11,11(03, ilia 11)11nd1 retained Be vigor
The first DTlni.-,i n 1. tll."1 ut :34,0111
hied ill 1807, All 1 111. i:'ta .:(:313 11,, 1111.
,Ie 10010 101.1der of the Ontario I .herds
1 t 30114 not cleat it In IInot posit('•,,. 1:1
are) ' .lid rant d •"r•' 1. be 3'013'•"1 to it
Io,a.'•eln,•dun, 'tlo•o .hon,.
l+P.,' -'ur31 1' 3 to 1 `.nn0 rt, 1,(
awl 0(3111,,) 110 :111 nia.111, 11.1 3110 "1.3 le.r. 1,, 411+ wall purl 1 ; n 'y,ys th )[. 1,;h
a 3,13'bnn-'p'lly t••„w,'n.; 13341, IL•'ira 3'iau2 With the he Iry a. se rii;
»ee lbitely 13 ,313 3337.111,•=4 as 11,g of Glut dil'ie.0 l 11'1,.1' 1)d o..f r. t ,...
Ilnt , „Nvnvs cult in (1„ t. drlco
rnntrnctur, and 311.0 lily ((141.10 a erpntt' Ih ugnt mol -0 31.1 �13 'lt 111133 • ; •Li 4'51(
no to th, nl'333k .'a+ :1 111.311111,0' 411 1.31.1 1.•1 1
inn n(mnmi3-W,1 ; always (lent for tar
public interest ; always brut anus con) i,
the race of the cot.. n'-, and ahvnv , trend
to give younger members the benefit of
Ids loaner .Pa0l10111013(a y experi0n0, it
gradeddy and u'ummliy ha•110 abont that,
Arr.:ll:(lkenzio 3103.131,13 first tacitly and
then b formal 1,1eu41nn -(30.1er 1)r the Lib
oral party. When till G1v0rmn,nt of
Sar John INT 'o-10...1.1 fell overahehn"a
with the Pontic scandal there wa0 none
to di0pnt11 \tr. Mackenzie's title to the
Pranvorshin of the Dominion. lJnder
Mr. Alackenzio's administration a num.
bor of highly valuable measer0(3 were
plaood upon the statute book. One of the
31091'0010 ane a nonwhite ete0Ginn law for
the whole Dominion, iuchuling voting by
ballot, abolition of ,)roeerty qualitlenti011
of members, etc. The state of the rev
anus compelled it revision of the tariff.
The Militia Department was reorganised
and the Royal Military Cbllego was es,
tablisbed at Kin;stol. the organisation
of the Ntrthwest was prev)de(1 for ; a
Supreme 000113 was established ; the
porta! service was amended old improv.
ed ; provision was made for the more
effeetdlal inspention of produce and
weights and mouse res ; the administration
of the penitentiaries was improved ; the
rights of British anthers and the inter.
est•+ of hanadien pnb'ishe•s were ream,
cited in an amended copyright late ; im.
nni43''31t1on received careful attention and
encouragement, and public works neces—
sary for the growing iute'ots of the
country w000 Carried nut ; the oo;Adenee
of the British publio in the prosperity
and financial e•iedlt of the 1)on1w0e was
proved by the highly a1Va(Itaagetl334 terms
on which two largo loans (Vera plaued
on the London 3111/3/0 1 ; a jest and eon.
(dilatory policy was 11doptel towards
British Columbia, where irritation arose
out of the delay in 0onatrunting uhe Utwtt.
dial) Pacific); a fair representation of
Ganadiau indusltv at the Centennial
Exhibition in Philadelphia was 1101d0
111e Scott Ant w318 pas333d to diminish the
evils of intemperance. In addition ewe
very important ones11011s whirls agllate,1
the public mind mud tor 3311,1)0131)10010,3.4
the gravest complications, the Aianitnba
amnesty Dud the New 13rnuswiek scatted
question, were satisfactorily adjneted,
thio at his trade.
IY rAV.\ni.4\ 1'0(1)•310.
Pirko 1v re crltlral due in dipper CAll
1.13. The lira 1)l' •Ii 311 311t.lut that 11,3.1
burst into the 11'110n ..f open rebellion its
'.:7 was still am Ind lerieg, unci "responsi.
1)e •ros le.' e W ,.1,1731t'nlh'tio 0,'ed.
13i1 Cherie- .I.. Nolte, with all his old-
fashioned id as of government by aha
+:OV 3'11111' inytee1 of by a r18pun able
1lina013',,'. .., 0114n;e.1 in 0A;ft 11gainct
the pupnlur movement its led by Baldwin
and La15n1Ga1nc. This lasted until 1847,
when Sir Charles retired and Lord ]Agin
became Gavereor General, lily lttao•
Mimic, as a keen student of ennsttn•
ti0onl history, molt it great interest in the
cn,tl!o) and by his contributions 1) the
press of 11,0 wester,) pat of the Proviuoe
did (11uc1) 113 strengthen the people 3n
their demand for the full nleaeure of
liberty which lad been promised after
the rebellion, The general 0lee'ion of
1818 resulted in the overturning of the
Tory Government, of which the late Sir
John Macdonald was n menmbee, and the
accession to power of the Reform party.
'1:11(3grndu01 falling beak of the BaldwinMinistry into a hicle•bounrl Whigisnl
and tit dominance of Lower danada in
the house were the chief eanses for the
s.lusm in Ole party 4vii1)1) resulted in the
retiromrntof these logien) from pehlic
Ifo in 1811, Daring all the rapid O as
"('0ul0nt changes of the next tau years
AIe. Mackenzie, by this Limo al honored
member of the Rolnrin patty, stood Arm
for the principles of the party rather
Grin for any leader,
In June, 1801, Me, Mackenzie was flesh
returned to Parliament as mambo' for
the County of Lawbton, and at once took
a prominent place in the House. 1 -To was
already favorably known as the edit a' for
some time of, and a writer of keen m•iti
nianle of things political in 'Cho Lambton
Shield, azul ho speedily (1,10.1 to thin a
reputation lie one of the boat informal
men in the House on all matters of poli.
Held science.
The Semibold Macdonald.Siootte Ad-
ministration of 1.802 received 11133 support
of 1041. Marsttonzie as one likely to advance
the intarest of the Provinoo,. Ll the i.e.
IOwin4 year the ldrot organised effort to-
ward a federation of the Provinces was
made an Pa,1Iament, 11,1(1 1111. llaoke,zi •
mere en earnest effort to secure the adop-
tion by oonsont of all partlee of the 1'ed•
(•rill constitution, w11elh promised t, end
the 1nja,tiee su11'ered by Upper Canada
and cies repreeentttion by 30101041011 in.
0t0Iu1 of leaving the balance or p 3wor
1lernhaunibly with the L)wer Canadian
It was {v3t10 greet reluctance that he
ammeter! 30 the coalition Ministry limb
wee then formed. The muse 1e advised
was that 1)e Reformer 011ou1d cuter the
Cabinet bot that out01rie support 0hould
be given tho Ministry nn331 such time as
a new eonebitlltine (meld bo formulated.
Upon tho resignation of Icon, George
Brown Peon the Ministry Mr. Mackenzie
was invited to enter the 000litmn Cabinet
but its (10olin813 and supported Mr. Brown
in his mutate. Meanwhile amid the
ohangeo and chances of party warfare, a
United Dominion, consisting of all the
British Amei0a1 Provinoos, was in pre-
- eon of Formation, and every otep toward
.bio end received the hearty eudereation
of Mr, Maokenzio, The end of all the
Tabor opont calve with the British North
Amanita Act of 1865. But before the
ilret electhcn for the Dominion Parlia-
ment 3411887 the (neither for Lambton
added honor to his name by his thorough
Work as O1air111(113 of the 11000 Cam.
S1/e30111a 111 11011, 3:x303310 lieu 11," 33113, 11
wmx pnbli3110'1 in 'Toronto 311 189.2, and ie
n wtn0bl0 contribution to the political
history of alb• Dominion,
AIr, 34I'telie)111e eau tivioe married.
Ills 130,1 wife Wets Helen, daughter of the
late WV,di'I1)l Neil of Irvine,'s:mined, who
died Jemmy 2nd, 1852. The estimable
lady who abuse presided over his theme.
held ie .lane, eldest rintr.hter of the late
11,3bert Sym of Perthshire, :ten/land, to
whom he wag married Jnue 17, 19; e
Mr. Alackenzi" 10111104 oily 0110 011310,
(1,11 .'titer of 1,3.4 fleet wife, now the .wife
of Rev. John Thompson, Y3''8byteriarl
1311 ,etc, et Tlie funeral look
pine.. or, 7'lure-1 y of this week, the he
1, 19me." Lei`; 1)\'$e 1)t :ht19,1,1.
31000.o3' (31114 90.4:0043)13.
.'1'13011- •'u•et Tug peer
Dem 34113.- I agree with 11, 31 in poem
e IOL'• 30.3 :,t 1'181 we"that• li1'u'xele r(
el 11.'. 4.`1:1.41011.4, (l101'.( 311,01 What it now
L. 1' for those living in the
(11.0 :1111 11„13 t,e eftou w,thnnt: employ-
ment, This 11:::11. 0 an hon301, 3n0111itri-
(111 01:1'1 11 1, 140, 131.'1 Lill' Iiti':t Weil is (a
11101111, 111q- R:uo::•3, 3,1 lha )401 has
h,.' (1111(', Or 11.O. Oit30?310 ami 3f sumo•
1 1311:e i4 net done more will follow. Now,
I ' rti11)4 y..or 3ug,;0'.'l„r 3' a good 0310.._•
th•It OP forming a 33uninessmen,' A333
el111:011 in connection with 11,1; P1)0130 0,1(1
L u•il. Sue11 a 4ati;er3114 et business
Loma (19 we have de the plane would, no
(1(161, result 1'1 goad 11111 aha [snows 1,111
1.1.11..1 We might lime a biudio, twin,'
II)'l''lfnet.ory 033 a (toni114 r'tl'tory or
sumat,Ingelse starter] fn a alert time
that would give both (nen and boys the
work so tn0011 needed. I know of no
place better situated than Brossols for
something of this sort. Let us, as a
town, look after it. I have, though a
new 03m0r, often thought of it. You
have introdnro(1 the matter publicly to
the notoo of the town now let us go to
work and see what can be done. Would
it not be well for the Council to call the
townspeople together on some Mvn3ng in
the near future Ln look after this thing ?
X01106 Truly,
Coos. IFAanov,
Brussels, April 10, '22.
110340111111 Al 110510.
Ln 1110 (3111)1(1101' of 187.1 Mr, Marlien,ie
retovne11 to his nafiVO lend on 0, vied',
Ile 'was welounlorl every(her.e by p,lrs0114
of all ranks with marked distinction and
cordiality. 11 as reeopti0( by her AIaj,'o1y
at 3Vludeor Castle was most gt'atifyiug.
13111 wdi01) bo 0/01111 north the enthusiasm
of the Smote lovas thoroughly aroused, and
they came out be tveloonle their djotingn
Oohed countryman in trio 1lig111uud style.
The demonstrations all Dttnhold and
Irogi3.331111 were Memorable smite, and
the presentation to him of the freedom of
the City of Porth and of the Tovu of
Dundee, the public receptions 0.6 these
places and at Greenock, Ayrshire and
010w110re were honors of which any sub,
jest of her Majesty might well be proud.
In this colon0otionl it may be stated that
Mr, Ala0kenei0 w110 tw100 offered the
hoer of knighthood by her Majoety but
doolined, 11!13 10.13 visit to his native
country was in 1881, and the genuine
Scottish wel0ome .wits ng warm as bo•
fore. Ho 800e granted the freedom of the
City of Inverness, and the planes visited
seemed to vie with 0ac11 other in honoring
Daring M33. iblaoke0zio's administration
tato dual route for the Canadian Paoide
Railway was adopted, and, had he re.
mined in power Mug enough to eon).
The elyoo1 of I3amil1ol and London
met last 4L'on,lay 0001/3114 in lin ae
(131 rel, Ste tool, The Sped ie one of
1340 fea/as. in the uhurelt, emnp1'),11133
ulna Presbyteries, end all the mielstera
and uongeegations from Niagara Falls
w•stt to Windsor, Sarnia and Guderieh,
inelnditlg the Mallen lines of the 0. 7,
R. Stratford being a uentrnl place, the
1ttendaneu at the meeting was large,
8010e 200 me,nbers being
billeted among friends. Among the
more important ltenl3 of business to
tune before the 3y13od are the follow.
11)4 ; -The erection of a new Presbyter),
10 be tatted Pr sbyte'y 1)F Algoma, coin-
er Ielog the m,. ,, . .,tu.iu s amt co');;rn.
gations along Lake toupeeirn•, Georgian
limy 4111'1 Algona district ; the transfer.
Once of ce11,1111 0•nrgr0g1Lt0110 in t110
Peuobyter;y of minimal to the Presby-
resbytery 1)F Parke, Ia1111 (,011, the Presbytery
ul' 13ru0,, to the i.'resbytory of Maitland,
A ['010ru100 from the Presbytery of
1113.1,131ton in regard to it complaint of
Janus 11/034,0 that Dummied consider•
ante tame at the last 3100ti.g of Synod 1
several ov0331pres from different prosily.
10ries in regard to mishears of law and
(lischpliee. The retorts from the Oen.
maim on State of Religion, on Temper.
01100, On Snbbatb Sr11001 and on Sabbath
Obserw'aner, were g1•en on Tuesday,
evening, Rev. Wm. 13nrn03 Toronto, Wats
heard on behalf of the infirm anti aged
ministers' fund, Drs. Laing and Cecil.
rade was heard in referencia to the
augmentation fund. The report of the
Brantford Ladies' College .vas pre.
eent0(1 by Dr, 0o0hrano. The meeting
promises to bo an interesting and lenghty
ono, as In addition to 3110 items of busi.
nese mentioned intimn•1nu has been given
of other important matters to sone lie.
fore the 8yllnd.
Rev. Andrew '.Connie, the retiring
madeL'ator, opened Synod with at els.
(pont sermon from II. Corinthians, 'v.,
21„after whish it was duly 00001ittlt011 by
prayer. The roll was then called. Rev,
Heater McQuarrio, WingIlam, and Dov.
John Gray, Windier, were nominated foe
the position of moderator for the ensuing
year, An election being hold, Mr. Mo.
Quarrie was declared elected. A vote of
thatnits was tendered the retiring moiler•
ator, Committees on bills and ever.
tures to examine reoordo, ate., were ap.
pointed, and the Synod adjourned, the
Moderator pronenteing the bono(1ietiott,
'ail: It et 00 ,11 43139
There ar' only f nu• shn,11 for snlll 1
111)11.31 m 4(101111or'h.
Serlat0r Steve sd)ed at Knnwitlin, c�n0.,
nu Satltrdny, aged 734,
Work bag started (11) the foundation of
the \Vuodstnnk Poor !louse.
fleury Wells cut his throat ata King
lintel Friday. Ile may recover.
(� uita a number of wild clucks aro being.
shot fn the neighborhood of Pt, Bowan.
11. S. flubbsl) has sold his Afty sore
farm just 0absiil0 of Thomasville, for
Joeoph Smith, of Calgary drank s
gnanti3y of methylated epirit0 and died
313 great agnny.
One fi""m in Guelph 0101/0 1,13(11 year
ehlpped mow 800,1'00 worth of dresser(
beef to Halifax.
Tlie Dominion Day 3311(0 meet of the
Canadian Wheelmen's Association hag
been fixed for Kingston.
Geo, Whitely, of Se11fnrth, has Bold
hitt stallion 1at'liole f',r 81,8711 to Robert
Wilmer', of the sae( peace,
There were 110 failures in Canada re-
ported to lira(latreet's rdnr)ng last week,
needled. 23 3ho weep before.
The funeral of the Irate Wm, Edgar,
general pas,enger agent of the G. T. R.,
took place tat MontnalSunday,
The ice on the Red River has broken
up, but not before eaisi'lorable damage
waa done in and around Winnipeg,
Brantf ,t•ri 1113418033'0 1113 factories. 0111-
111nyinl 8.000 1141108 11(111 1)111113.1 out 1411
ori,(41:,;,414141 ,a(neLlllr 1ylti)l'e ,.I ;100,03)
The 13.11 Telephone Company pays 01,-
50(1 a year to the ei'y 1)r Hamilton for the
privilege of platting pn'es in the streets.
A fnurt"en•yenrolrl I,onlon boy named
\Vll.on, tylio ma'iden(dly shed by a 0nn1-
)111,11un on Friday', IIn11 died of 11113 iu.
1 chiek0n f.uml0' in Gah kept a 30an1d
of the 0404 laid by 1330 hens during the
month of 1laradm. 1Ia st'0ks 0101,13038 of
eight white L' ghorn pullets and a nock.
t+101, and their pro:ine, for the month w>133
170113'x, 1)r an ever Igo of Al eggs
John 1 I .hieson, of Alul1thide, Iles
some exe 3,.tinllad 1111130313)1) on 1118 farm.
11e mews rt ewe whish lute (ive11 birth
to six lambs inside of It 1000, and n Yale
4133', te'en'y months Did, that has fltrrnw•
0.1 211 pays.
Ch't1. W. 11 ley, teller 311 tin 13erlin
br'owh of the Hoak 1 f Commerce, 1(111)
pre: pest., 1 •with n c.mplim0(H0ry a 111304
and a geld %retell and chaos by ch'fz ens ((1
Berlun 031 SO.tnr'nty. 111, goes to London
to +tr) 414 "•(ennnten1,
It i lulderet.a l that R+v. W. II.
1)inelee, 1,. T,. Ii , of Stratford, leas re•
('e.00d a cordial lot0t;uton 30 rho pulpit
of th' Seaforth \IOthnlist olnu'ch awl
Mutt he has intirnstlll that he will be
ptea00(1 to go to Seaforth if the station.
inn enlnmit1ee sends hint.
A skull and partial remain0 of a man
have beton foetid 3n tin outhouse. on the
Hudson's (Bay reserve in Manitoba, and
they are supposed to ba t)101e of John
Knox, a 1-,3610 dealer, who disappeared
sax 1'"'•'- 0.330 from Winnipeg, and who is
'30)11300011 to 1111,V0 been murdered for his
While Donald AloTond and Alex. Mo.
Donald, of 1tolce's Bay, were in the bush
with a collie clog a few days ago, it 0'101
moored to bark at what they -thought to
be a 0rn4h pile, but which on examine.
tion p eyed to be a den of bears. Having
a gun with them they fired at bruin,
who came oat 10 fight them, They kill-
ed one and next day they went out and
killed anethsr. Next day they went out
again and killed the third.
It is reported at Ottawa that the at-
tention of the Government has been
called to the fact dint B. A. Macdonald,
who is running as an annexationist can.
dilate for the Legislature in 'reroute, is
a lieutenant in the York Rangers. The
right of his holding a commission 3n the
militia, while at the sttlne time advocat-
ing. separation from the Empire and dia.
loyal sentiments to the crown, is being
questioned, All the mere in his case
11/WO boon laid before Major General
For some time peat there has been a
dispute between John George and Daniel
1G13y, both of the Township of 4lrtryboro',
rest -maim: to 11113 fetnce. Last Fri(1ay
morning Eby got some men to assist in
reel V11.g the lance. George, armed with
a gun, said that he w01ld shoot the first
one who atlemple1 bo tomtit the fence,
Eby commenced to wont and 0001.40
snapped his gnu several Hove before it
would go off, and finally shot Eby in Inc
breast, badly wounding hint. l)1by is
under. the 4oetor'0 tare and George has
been 1133300111,),
Thu 110 nein] nil n'tto» hl Alexa
grows wore" daily,
Tile mvn Council of (lower anvil e n
fere a reward of 81,00 for iofm'm,ttio
that, will (0nviet the rascals wh, barue
down the fnrrlitur0 fsetory 1-111,13,,
The eollentjon fn Knox Church, (lel
in aid of the dietrossed Ituesitte poops
ountam133131 to 811;1, has been duly fo
Number 41.
no' Robt. 1l• Ar11lnr.rome and bride, of
Mel/inlet!, were vi';iliux relutivo0 In
I h ;� 'I' 1 h l f' I lire-, Is thi+ week,
One day last week Joseph Valatter,
who hoe Levu baying turnips 311 131031.
huhu, ;entered tit the Po.tmn I-Ionee,
Nim;1u':a Falls, et cur load of turnips al
3120 bnshe!e nn which the duty is 2 ciente
1a bushel wino); he mid. While oviug
in the y':'rd the 03(0 b)n
00nmo 1110.3311ud turd
hod to be 0nl0ad04, tube; it w310 133•
covered that rho oar contained 513 bosh•
els of turnips and 831 beshols of potatoes,
the they on the fatter being 25 cents it
l..ahel, The whole oar load (10.33 4010,:31
and confiscated and will be sold at 111(0•
Won for the bonetit of the Government.
T10 shipper In his attempt to ohe•1t the
GoVernnmentout of lose than 8211 10000
about $100.
If, T. Godwin, AI, P.P. fur East 34)41,1,
had a somewhat unpleasant experience
while returning home from Toronto Sat•
urday night, say0 tho Aylmer Sun. A
strang110 nousiderably the worse of liquor
boarded the train at ISamilton and after
a few preliminaries invited Mr. Godwin
to indulge in a "smile” from a well 81lod
w1i81(oy bottle which be brought forth
Prom the depths of an inside pooled. Of
course our worthy BI. P, P. politoly de•
alined, whereupon the man insisted, and
in order to make his argument more
forcible, producer( a loaded revolver and
flourished it uncomfortably near to Mr.
Godwin's nolo, Mr, Godwin grabbed the
weapon, and, assisted by the train hands,
disarmed the man, after which he bad
the riot act read to him and became per.
featly docile. The bottle and Oto eon"
tents wo1e "-roil" from tite train ane( the
remainder of the journey was passed in
poem anti (ful0tte90.
u Aire, Watson Ainbev was away 1)t Sea•
d fordo last 100011 utf radion the welding of
eo04iu, hiss Stark.
1, 13),vi 1 13ilyd told Melvin Iirytto, of
e, Ln" 3ulnw, wore visiting their grand.
warded by draft to the proper 0(1thor1•
ties for distr)butiull. Slone the money
was sent a farther sum or 820 hoe b'•en
received and it is intended to keep this
fele a snort time in order that any further
eanorolte (nntributed for the same par•
pn00 rimy be added to it and forwarded
i0 t Inmp
Leo, the11001. 7•yesr.nlrl 0031 of Victor
Mureototle, of 11/((deor, stet with a
horri'do death et 4 o'ol.0k Friday after.
noon. He wag crossing the etre, t rail.
way 1. telt near the corner of bark and
Ouelt to wheel he wag stellate Ly the ear
and instantly killed. I3otnh 1(1101,18 pass
ed over has body and he Ovals
neatly ant fu two. C.3rm"r Laos
1.3in 1 . pnnolled a je'y Who, •Ter being
sworn, viewed the body and then adjunrn.
eel until .Monday afternoon at 3 ,,'cion(.
No blame 34 attached to the driver, ea it
appears that the 1al, in eade"vnriug to
(woad 13 buggy, gat on the took an l was
run down. rim driverhal the
41111 on' and was set tieg the }drake, iI'
a140 ende'wor0) t0 reach the h -1y, 3111
en311d slot.
The biggest 11'ax ever preparate•l 31
011a,0,3 wag pbtyed there Stipule y 38(30
cvera, 3.hattda0d people tv-00 ea.11y mad
Snturdev Melte... Free PI' '04 0010a4:1od a
8"131'" a '• moseenm,llt that a r114n 1nlned
1Vi1•nn, d33crib•d 11(3'•1111110 111111 c.Llver
0110," 143113,1 g1) over (11'31314)0r+' Fella in
an ord3.lav punt at 3 ''(11.1,313 Sunday.
A large number of d.eiger, wer0 ills.
tribtlted, signed Jane, A1')1von, statue
that the signer was a poor Ellgli..hmarr
trying to make his way kerne, and that a
col'vetion would 111 at1,0n 1)p to help hint
if he grantee' the Hills alive, The re.e+l't
Was that 1(143) before 8 Send:ty afternenn
C'h,uuliere Bridge 1c 138 block, it with
r, nn 3(3 .:34 10"d every point of vantage on
both -dee of 1110. tour 0',14 001:110111 by 12
1. olt•.I W111011111(1.,2 10v1 nulnbe'e.: r•1)".
Si', -.:}b y over 30011. Tile crowd wait.- 1
ever sun hoer, and, ite upl'e1r0'I
on the id' 0', it 11041 la ally 1)7.lune ,31'3 l ut
doe 31'1111( )111'331' 11115 a 110410, 3311') 111
u mud d1(p.3al•d w'i'll seine 80(1,13 sedue'•13
A•Iter(4, 111 ev'n, It'et doe ito ars',r
1)t• itr, left I.Or•,lh•) 1 ,:.1 Fl•i,lnv night rola
i+ 11o1V 1)l a e 1e'o. Ile 10ft Toronto be-
en, •'30 n" 11 3.1 Leen d,. r erere,l to lea for-
ger ger lu1 1 wurlld 11,1(0 g me to prin.',. II.'
w'mt to 31'xie0 bessilir0 3t ie the only
count y to w11131:31 iso cr,nid 3)0 without
fee or extradition. IIe leave.' a wilt,
utterly broken• hearted and i1014trat•11
wilh 0rlef ant an 11141344 whi,111 11111'
p.000 fatal, and a serene/ otrickel father
at.11 0. large c10(1,, of relatives. For the
past two year.: Arthur (4, Brown ai0" 1 ee 1.
her of ,t1) old family, son of (lorded
1310lvn, and nephew of I -ton. Geo. Brawn,
111..011(3 in the highest circles, has been
enpag0.1 331 e) tie, cold blooded,
nervy forgery. Be wits perhaps the
Ileavieet operator in Chicago markets
Toronto lifts had for years. Ho wee al-
ways thought to oe doing well and 130,4 a
large 011 413ete, by W11 1011 13118111088 110
male a handsome inflame, but he 1imee1!
plunged, making and losing groat Dams.
A few months ago he made 800,000 in
three days 3n Chicago.
parents in town last tv'-ek,
W. I", Se:'tt 18 vlglting 1,39 mother for
a lit le while. Ito tadlie of going to the
Parsilir, coast before long.
Ru4sell and I1eginald Fletcher spent
Baster Sunday and 3Ionday with their
grandparents in Lncknow,
Geo. Fulton, of f1'trriaton• a for110r
1e01F101(3 of 73rnesels, W)i0 vielling rola-
'lyes and frierlrls here last week.
Rev. John Roes, l3. A., Rev. 1), Miller,
and Elden Stewart and Straol,an were
1).t Stratford ilii4 week attem1ing the
Synod of the Presbyterian church.
J. If. Spoiling id re'Itrniug t', Nus.
bolt where 110 r01411m"4 charge of the be1-
1et'!,tetany in that pinee. Mr, Snarling
in wall p'•eose on the butter eme0tien,
T. A. 11,Lancltliu iv hams for the
1:aeter holiday teens from the Toronto
Norm,/ S,.l,nol 11,' will not b • through
there until about the middle of .100e.
11',.1 Roberts, Stratheare bli0'1
meeici"n, 'Mond ,0111(38neem of last week
efts crewing Ontario "treat when 110 w03)
('nn 30l0 Lv s 1):10.,I11,1 1.0133(•133 113,1 ltn(Jrk-
t edd.wn. IIWssheet 13.) 'r l,I',-2n ‚11'11:l 1)003100.
bleat di et''•'e 1,1)1.1 Le 114': 1-,31 331 the
itnhit 1)l gn3ng thr,el -'h all Darts of 1'he
"'' l' •.11131•'. -',e) this !', 'h•, f,•' t n 3.'33-l•"It
1111 110.3 111 1 with.
.Additiona I. real. News.
'111,440.4. II103rnx.v ,f Iiaw'rrxmainu
shipperl ft 0,1rnf war- a and • 349 to the
J ns'erl markets feet W.,ek mei another
ear. of Thnraday of this weep. They
hand's it int of live stork 331 a year.
Titre week Areems.3. Muth 13 Cornish
have been h1) -v kel4orninMot the wltlis
'nal eeil1ng of the (1 3d Fellows' Ita.11, in
Pr. Gra''anl'n hlnek. Tt is a creat im•
reneemlenf In the op. sem, nee of the plane,
D. Lown(, (Jon, 1, srv, Alf, Lowry,
-ilex. '2,14,3•, Dan, \f,Nenelitmh, Cr:mine
1131 11••'11'v \i -n'1ev 110.1 11.1101 (::1. r•,•
11.130" (,ro' to (:'h 'them where they hove e
! r"'rrvt t (rem :leo. 1>. Hertel t, They
w - ill L .1311 during thi 4 ur 1,
I'ec I4SrLLnap 11. 1) . 111 11 n .•6am,
iwill n..rtr't• the pnlp'r 1f th' Molt/ Alla.
01,3.•.11 ill [1008 eller•' „ 1 mve9(•
.1,.1 '•('(1111(3. six ' 1 !1 11 ;i 11 �l.,nll•
018 ,rill rice hbnn In'n. r'y ,.•'.t„x31(•.
1Le .
11 1.1% tiehnn • 1,1i.11 .4 1', '1)'
! Irsr 1,11,1, it I.r,- 1; is 411, ;9 Vain
I w•true't •).;'a not t'u•+?n' tin• 1)r I'.'.IP'.-•.
Ong •F rl"i"5 '%1:.
3111 0 , , t13'i. I ilea if
funnel rt ria, 51) w'.1 ha•:=•'•'cn(-
seya'hu.••s 60fore t ill es/ urwt:'. To, 1.1.14'
a13W11 11'' pity to th ,.v!t, lave',',!. ' de -
033 )0 1133.18,
R'sv) 14 R1xnl1n1,1":' --.1 .1feeese of the
'Ip that nanepe felling of th,' hair, fed.
3mg of ter, hair, in f .,r, 4/.0111 of the heir.
Tt irritates the sealn and 11131103• sc.'01e=
eel eczem'atin el•a0ti"ns—ern'h1"e, 1,1,1.
nese. 11•331. mind that ;Anti Dandruff
removes Dandruff with a implications --
stops falling and reofnrea fading hair to
its original color. Sold by druggists at
75 cents per bottle.
1,11011.4.11) & ll174rr.t1.. .James 401100
and T. A. Hawking attended the Agnes
Kenx concert at Wingbam on Monday
evening. The vete excellent proem»;
wa0 ,'31)0,1 by the three talented artists,
Miss Agnes linos, 8les3uti0nist, of 'Poron-
-'- ' to ; Miss Mary Strong, 1ne110 soprano,
o`. Mount Forest ; 13.1(1 Prof, Scott, bari.
tone, of Winghan. The performers
fully sustained their reputation and
p18a80d the large audience,
R. Ln"TloosnALo noticed that his bay
colt. was lame on one hand fnn6. Be took
it to P. S00tt's black'mit11 ebop to have
the hoof trimmed. AIr. Soots came urn,
o1 the head of a n111'(nil on getting 110131
of it with the pinchers pulled 011G 8,4 inch
nail. It. is aniumeed to 11 •ve been picked
1111 in the yard and the lead was some.
what weer( us if in the font for some
time, No eeri0ne effents are ant)eipated
as the nail 11.010 a new one, 1'he story
may 0e01n incredible hot lila. Leather=
dale (las the nail to show to the soepti-
"1..'33'1 4nri10111X 10 1114 I•LAC0." - This
was the tnkin,' top113 of Roe. 1). Rogers'
address before the Epworth League, in
the Motl)dist Ohnrch in this please, last
Monday evening. Th. reverent gentle-
men e1 owed the noceeeily std advantage
of doing this f1U,11 rho SI0,11000illo of
sympathy, charity, dieu'01cnt, 111 then.
1uginal or political 11)acnesi,113 aha in the
',erne and needs of neon. The three
gnartere of at hour 03111111)1(11 Nese a
genuine treat and the witticism.; of the
apeel(er 01v0 0)1100 1'13;1 p"int in the well
dirented and 403(8ible 11)410,11). A. vote of
thanks wis given to 3Ir. Reines, on
motion of Rev, 11 Paul ant 11. Gorky.
Rev. BA'. line's, who is completive; a
30000safal the a year.' term 1)t Atwetei,
W11,4 the junior p1(4!,r on 11 11108/118 cirenit
11 yt11'811-'0 11,111) i4 30,1'1 in 1uy11 eeteetn
by his num)/ old f"ieeds here,
(11:13 1s3P1.1n1I 111 Mire. -The implement
busino.o is wc11 bushel ;titer in .3s elan)
and the beat /Jame of the t'eo11nee repro.
00(1104, 1(011,4[•8,Clar,1111,l Kirkby have
joined hands owing to the (amalgamation
of the Massey and fiarris Companies and
tura new pushing the stales of all kind• of
farm machinery mannfat•,tnred by the
M08sey, IIa'riett Pa3tereon firm. Messrs.
Cardiff C Kirkby will make a eteoug-
team and will no doubt do a largo trade
with rho `farmers of the surrounding.
country.—J. J. Gilpin bandies binder's,
movers and rapes from the old and well
established neat & Wood Co., of Smith's
Fa11a ; the Champion drill made al,
001111,w41, and the iloekshatt plow, of
Brantford. 1Io is oleo agent for the
Raymond sowing n1ao11ine. Air, Gilpin
sold 01 plows last year and. so far this
Spring has disp0'0d of 12 nlotvers,=-Wm.
Martin leeks after the interests of the
well known Nixon Arm, of Sugorooll, and
1110 quiet, (toady ohm style mak013
Many a sale during tho 62 weeps of the
year, Mr. Martin is the oldest agent In
the place, -Hugh Williams di Son Intedi0
R&o., from the Floury Co„ of
Angora, in conneetiotl with their step on,
A1111 street.
George Henry is in Toronto.
Lorne II1mter went to Toronto on Mon-
Arthur Wake, of Owen Sound, is
in town.
Miss Mena B1wtinhoimer is visiting in
M)00 Bella Pelton, of Atwood, is visit-
ing i. town.
Mr9, \Vm. M'onoy, AIM street, is on
the sink list.
Miss Lily Bendall was limo from Lon-
don en a visit.
The Misee0 Fleuty, of Winghan, spent
Smlday in town.
Charley 0rew0r, of Atwood, was 311
town on Sunday.
Mee Edith Innate, of Guelph, 1%/84
honkie fur a few days.
Principal Shaw and Colin visited
Clinton nn Good Friday.
Wm. Itingolon, of 1e0.(00111, tuns visit-
ing h) parents last week,
wise Beatrice (lingo, of Listo,eei, ie
visiting 113 Rodoriuk Ross',
.hes 510111111011, of Ethel, way visiting
Miss Jane Pierce this week.
Miss Ellen Hewitt, of SoOFo'th, tette
visiting her parents this weeds.
John Tallon, wife and eon, of Atwood,
spent the 1leeter 11011031.714 331 1301011.
A, Reid and Mise Tila spent Good
Friday in Listowel with relatives.
'Ilse Grace Gordon, of 1Viogb:un, 34
visiting her aunt, Mrs. (Rev) Paul.
Aries Mary Rose is home from Clinton
Collegiate i.nst1tnte for her holidays.
Bliss Pauline Oliver end Aliso Pauline
1113;Kwen t^ -:at to Toronto en Monday.
Miss Florence Hunter and 11180 Nina
Rogers were visiting 331 Winghnm this
\Vn1. Stewart is hone from the Sea•
forth high School for Ilia (;aster heli•
Rev. N. S.Ramesh and wife, of Staf-
ia, wore visiting Rev, R. Paul on \Ved.
B. Gerry and ty'!e pail a brief visit to
their daughter at Kinea•dlne on Good
G, A. Hoo,(, of W1ughanl, w00 taking
a loo(( Mold lriend11 in Brussels on Good
Fridaay. -
A. G. Dickson and daughter, of Toron-
to, spent Master with Robt, Dickson and
Mbso Hattie Bemires, of Wiogham,
IhaaboAinley, visiting her 00130itn, Miss Lily
Joseph TI000h, of )31ineyelet familiarly
known as "Uncle Joe," watt 311 Bruoeelo
on Tuesday.
Mee, Campbell and Mrs, Guildle, of
Toronto, mother and si0ter.of Mrs. (Rev.)
MruesoItfer, lo, spent the Easterr holidays in