HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-15, Page 9UPPLEMEN'T TO TH.E PO8 T" APRIL 15,1892
00i.iite<1pn,Yi NeVos•
The gold mining industry is looking up
in Hastings county.
Bellovil'e will have an elootric street
railway this summer. •
Misohevious bole of London aro tap-
ping the maple trees on the streets in
that city.
Roniney Township ratepayers decided
Monday in favor of a prepoenl to bonus a
new railway.
18x•Prentier Mercier opened a law office
in Montreal and will hereafter devote
himself to the practice his of profession.
The Indian Goosey, whose aonfession
nlidn'b amount to much after all in the
Heslop murder trial, intends remavicg
to the States.
George Locoman, of Morvet, while
feeding a onif a few daye ago was butted
in the abdomen by the animal, and died
.a couple of Jaye later.
The output of cheese in Oxford county
about the year 1800 did not exceed $70,,
000 pet year, while during 1881. the
mon nt exported amounted to 80,I100,000,
The reward of 011.0 offered for the
capture of the Oxford cattle thief has
beet: paid over to Chief Ketchum, of
Blenheim, ,h, slave, (led in arresting
and rooming evideueo wbich led to the
conviction of Henry.
AL 1lurlintcwn, Glongerry county, a
Septa/mem, owning a French wife and
eight olildron,ekedaddled with a Freneh-
euan'a Scotch wife, the latter leaving
four young children—altogether leaving
12 almost orphans to grapple their way
through the world as beet they may.
Thos. Cowling, ngod 23, of Hampton,
n sbort time ago bad iiia Rimer out off by
a circular enw. The wound was dressed
and, it was thought to be doing well.
However, be cautioned to grow worse,
lockjaw -resulting, and death ended his
A freak of nature, in the shape of a
tweefeced calf, wan dropped by a now be-
longing to 1jev..Areh. Sinclair, lot 8, can.
8, [mho towusbiii, on the 7th inst. The
calf hub two menthe, four eyes and two
earn, while the remnants of three horns
are visible. In drinking and when bel-
lowing both niontlia are used.
Lust year Mrs. John Hankineon, of
Aylmer. kept an exact tweet -mil of the
amount of better she nmda from her six
sows from the time they mama in till
they were' dried up. It amonuted to
just 1,400 the,. The average price she
received for it was 18 ate. per pound,
me ling a total .of $'350 or an avenge of
842 for each cow.
The sales of the C. P. P. laud depart•
meat title, season are enormous, Over
2.000 nates Were sold ou Saturday morn.
ing before 10 o'clock. On Monday the
sales aggregated 4,000 tonne Tuesday
and Wednesday they were little lose
averaging nearly 8,000 per day ; Thurs.
any was the heaviest of the week, when a
total 3f 5,000 acres wits disposed of, and
on Friday 4,100 acres, a total for the.
weak of nearly 20,000 scree. The sales
of tne•liret quartos of.. the •present year
compare with the corresponding period
of 1801. vary favorably and the inottease
has been eometlitng attentions ; bat the
eeaoud quarter will he even greater. roe
the first quarter of 1801 the sides aggro.
gated 10,000 acres, and for January,
February and illaroh of the eerrent yeah
totals of 80,000 aorrs are reported, an in•
crease of 433 per eerie
A Same Ste. Ando correspondent
says:—We have bed nn exoeptioually
mild winter tvitb o.ou'y prospect of an
earlier opening of navigation than canal•
It is expected that a larger Ivrea will
soot be employed on the ship canal than
at any titne heretofore. The proepeots
et the water -power canal, too, are look..
ing up, while the idea i+ gaining ground
that the Grand '.i'ruak will noon begin
pushing their lino up in this direction.
It is 'mown that the Worthen, Pacific)
aro quietly approaching the "Soo,"
llliohlgan, with their line, end the general
impreseion ie that a aonneotfon will be
arranged between the two companies
which will matte the Grand Wank
(praotioally) a Canadian link in the most
Import/tut through line from tate Pacific
to the Atlantic. It is understood, too,
that the D. P. R, Company will shortly a
build a branch from the main line to the 8
river #pont at the town sits of Panoral, e
near Partridge Pert, where a depot for
the storage of coal and the interchange
of traffic) from rail to ship will be eetab- t
Belied, and thus a long•lelt want will s
ire remedied.
A protest has'boen entered against the
retire of }4 Ir, Bennett for East Simeon.
If the present weather ootitinuee, navi
ration will be open at Port Arthur of
the 16th inst.
The report of the -Dominion Auditor
General ahbwe that last year blare war
41 veterans of the war of 1812 ebillliving
Five of these men were 100 years and up
weeds, the oldest 'being Charles Roy
aged 107. These vsterane each reoeive
$30 a year,
The A. 0.33. W. have for some timebeen desirous of extending their mem-
berebipin the Northwest Territoriee and
British Columbia, in the hope of being
able to set that territory apart as a
separate jm•isdiction. With this in View,
John Milne, Pura Grand Workman, of
Essex, was lately solicited to visit that
country and establish lodges. ,Ile con-
sented to do so and will shortly start Lot
Manitoba. No bettor roan could be se-
cured for the work. The arrangements
were finally c000108ed at a meeting hold
in the o0baa of Grand lteoorder Carder
at St. Thomas en Tnesday. Thero
were present :-0, 111., 1V. Inwood, of
Turontp ; G. 31. Examiner Cntteu, of
Lambton Alills ; Col. Dawson, London ;
T. O. Irving. Toronto ; II. 13. Taylor,
Whitby, the FinaneoCommittee and Mr.
d ell.
Morris Connell L�Leetirl�,
The Connell neat iinrsuaet bo adjourn-
ment, at the Conned room, Borrie, ou
Meech the 28th, Members all present,
the Reeve in the oita3r, Minutes of last
meeting read and passed. A. petition
from Thomas Maunders and others was
preeented welting LLab c^,} of tote 28 and
130, eon, 7, and.Nfr lot 28, eon. 8,. be de-
tached from union S. S. No. 11 and an-
nexed"to S. S. No. 4. Moved by . C. A.
Howe, seconded. by Jas. Proctor that W.
J. Johnston be appointed arbitrator to
net in aocordaoce with the seliool law iu
the above enat,Eer, Carried. Moved
by lames Proctor, seconded by
Oe0. Kirkby that the clerk be inelrue'etl
to cleaft a code of By-laws to he printed
in pamphlet forum for neo of •pl$eers and
others in the municipality. Carried.
00 motion of Hearer, 1%hkby and
:Proctor tbo following amcomits were
ordered to be paid :—A. McDonald, sear_
al, $8.50 ; Geo. Skelton, gravel, 03.20 ;
Jna. Budd, gravel, $1.40 A. Cameron,
wo id to Murphy, $1 00 ; W. 11. Kerr,
printing, $7.00 ; biases Exford, charity,
$18.00: C. Campbell, wood to .Gxlore's,
813,00 ; D. Sommerville, wood to llurphv,
$11.25 ; dun Currie, repairs to Clark's
in Lige, $7.70. The foilowing pathmaeters
were appointed : North Bonudaty C.
Henderson, II. Bosman, J. llof tacker,
J. Gardner, 0. Patton, IVm. Robb, Toa.
blesser and A. Aililer ; 1st Line— %Vin.
'Martin, R. Casemore, D. Campine!, A.
Hughes, Id, Robb, W. J. Johnston auci A.
Forrest ; 208 Llne---Wm. Islnirter, J.
Elston,'L. Jewitt, I, Fernand, Geo. Tut.
vay, A. McAllister, Wm. Forrest, and M.
Mo es ; Sr,l Line—Wit. Wray, Geo. Han-
na., IV. J. Geddes, W. Knox, E. Olvar, R.
South, T. Bone and J. Mason ; 4th
Line --V. Vannorman, J. Corbett, Win.
Bryans, W. B. Wilkinson, L. Wheeler,
R. Yonill, \Vm. Shedden \Vin. McOrack.
eel, H. Wright and J. Catrin ; 5111 Ltne—
II, Johnstim, J, Cleakey, Wm. Watton,
A. Clark, J. Matter, S. Love, 0, Som.
merillo, .r, Pirkoomrell, D. Pipe aad M.
Cardiff; Otli Line—Jno. Netiiery, Teo.
Young, Wm. Michie, A. Agee, It. Doug.
150, II, Ileum, J.MaCutaheou and Jno.
Walker ; 7111 Liuo—Jno, Greenlet], Jos.
1'010b, W. Cunningham, 11. Hughes, C.
Rowlett, Jno. MoAetot•, IV. 111eArter, 0.
Glennon and A. Easom ; 8th Line, P.
Stalker, A. Lindsay, T. Code, IV. Marsh•
all, W. Phalen, W. Skelton, Goo, Jaolt-
son, S. rear, Goo, Kelly and J. Carter ;
0th .Line -0. Snell, J. Gibson, J. lrarey,
0. Taylor, Colin Mateltnr, Geo, Grigg,
Jas, 11oDohald and 3Vm. Smith ; West
gravel road—J, Colley, T. Soaudott, T.
Gasman and Geo. Iireahling ; Nast gravel
road—A. Bryan, Jas. Bowmen, W. Burg.
eta and C. Ritchie. T. Henderson was
appointed Pencoviewer in plane of D.
Geddes, 11. Littlefair and F. Baine wot'0
ppointed Ponnd-keepersin division No.
and W. Hopper Pound•lteeper in clivi.
ion No. 5 is place of Jno. Geddes. On
motion of,Mesers. Caldbick and Howe 81te
Oounoil thenadjourned 10 meet again on
be 80t1 of May next for Court of Peet -
ion and other busineee.
W. 010)330, Clerk.
The undersigned desires to in-
timate to the public that they
have lensed the above well known
Limo `Forks where they will al-
ways Rare on 111in01 a quantity of
first -148s lime. • Order early.
J,4C08 GR,411I, GEO. nRAIII,
Save our flair
E'a? a timoly use of Ayer's Hale Vigor.
LJ This preparation has no equal as a
dressing. It keeps tbo sralp°leen, coni,
and healthy, aad preserves the color,
fullness, and beauty of the has.
was Tepidly becoming ball and
bottles ofrafter Ayer''s Hair Niger nrytlhair
grew thick and glossy and the original
color was restored."; MUlcin Aldrich,
• Canaan Centro, N. 11.
"Some time ago I lost all my hal._ in
consequence of measles, After due
waiting, no new growth appeared. I
thea used Ayers Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
Thiels &uCi, Str'Olag.
'It has apparently dome to stay. The
Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature."
--J. B. Williams, Ii'loresville,. Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
theast four or five years and find it a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair.
Die all I could desire, being harmless
causing the hair to retain Its natural
color, and requiring but asmall quantity
to render the hair easy to arrange."
Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street,
Haverhill, Blass,
" I have been using flyer's Hair Vigor
for several years, and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color."—Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer in
Dry Goods, &C„ Bishopville, Md.
yers Hair Vigor5
srOreaan nR
Ore J. 0. Ayer & Oo„ Lowell, Mass.
Heid by Druggleteend Perfumers.
TTPP.. �tHp,awa,,,yy,;
This GRI0A8 COUGH CURE, this
eueceeeful CONSUMPTION CURE, is
without a parallel in the history of medi-
eine. All druggists are authorized to eel)
it on a poeitive guarantee; a teat that no
other cure eau euooes•.fully stand, If yon
nano a Cough, Sore T,iroat or Bronchitis,
ties it, for it will euro you. If, your child
has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If yen
dread that insidious disease CONSU:YIP-
TION, non'! ren to 000 it, ie will core
you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist
for 'UILOR'S CURE, Price 10o,, OOc.
and $1,00 It your lungs ere sore or back
latne,use Sbilol's Porous Plaetor. 25e.
MOEN 61 Bi81 EIcT,
1110 Eitel, Huron License Com-
missioners w ill meet at the
1\i olday, April 18,182,
`-~ AT 10 O'CLocr, A. ll.r
To take into ecnsideration the
Applications for Tavern •
T.,,icenses, for 1892-93.
-- The number of Hotel Licenses
granted last year in the Riding
were 21i. •
The number of • Applications
this year are 20, Wm. Reines,.
o:t Pordwieb, and Lanchlin Camp-
bell, of 1' roseter, being the only
applicants for houses not beim
Licensed last year.
Jamestown, 11100. 31.
lit j� 8i "".
+t 9rJIt4Et 7.
"r 1 r T , C I x original rardr,
La, Olute 3o3br'C of e.
•5 H0OP0 ihe0011131 (1;a]i '
i 11-1,o h i sea and feize,t
asstares Fadir.0 bele to iia
01,1) 237 G. A D1:AD11'IAN, 131tus:rr.8.
,,,,,,,,,r..s,aea. ranvuteva.sascArsazexcacrr_aroa".rrmeY,svuzromt rm...rsax: momvam:
cn t• aa.o
cry 6 m34.
Ileiill{II!9fIIf OJI►