HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-15, Page 8y TUE BRUSSELS POST APRIL I5,1S92 !J L)si1 iLOV EI.4Y Yon are n0 doubs gig to (til some Louse decorating, of will eu1(age sonic •drst•elees man in rho it for pee Yon, of coarse, want nice paper and are meanie around for the best place to buy, If y. u purchased WALL PAPER from us last year, and tltd so before our stock wait ubontexhausted, you Gill know that it was well assorted and oar prime reasonable, Last year, however, we scarcely had sufficient to supply our ever inere3sing trade, fwd have therefore bought larger than ever. We have 11010 a stook of over -L 000 I;QLd,"t. We do not confine ourselves to one manufacturer but made selections from a dozen or more and have therefore a very fine aeleetiou et prices within the reach of all, We will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADIIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, ,to, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. )10pT1[EnN EX'rONSION W. 0. it B. Trains lraer Brussels Station, North and South, es follows: GOIxO SOUTE. 001100 Nolan n. Moll... .., env a.m. II Mixed ._ _. .. 9;31 am). Express 71.3 1 m. I Express ...... 9:43 p. Mixed 8: m. ` a�l'l11S ,Ifc11iS. l3Cii� a l , A chiefs manic ye t11ltin' notes, Au' faith he'll prent it. Sue our supplement for• additions' Di.triet News. \\",Limo A1xi:EY is building; a kitchen to 1110 rear of his residence \t:xr Sunday the usual services in St. Johns Church will be withdrawn, W. I. McCeeceve: is shipping Another ear of potatoes to Toronto this wrek. Tnt: rectory ret Southampton wits glad. denecl this week by the arrival of a danchter. Bonk bountiful. Calla lilies are bloom. ire in the window of 111. N. Barrett's tons trial p Irina \'LrrOtI.t Park is beginuinO to attract the youth of athletic turn as the .1011 'lees ;,'row longer and warmer. Sion: of our early gardners hate a _•nod portion of th. it' Spring seeding dots in the way of e:uly pumices, cabbage, letl+Ice, Leans, ire. Me 'scree,. Hu.1. lees exel:urieI her interest in the Revere House, Brussels, with G. Taylor, of Henfryn, for the hotel property in that village. They mined there this week. WE have pleasure in reenmmmeuding an elderly lady. named Mrs. Leo, note rseld• ing 111 Brussels, as a pastry cook and Wily one re)ni ring her pumices may lint her in the Norton terrace. Bi t:.aois Gnu (11011 Will 0o to Seaforth on Good Friday to have a friendly shoot Aith the Clinton team. TM, will be the first nniteh of the seatsen slid should be a ' ,.col one as both sides have emelt slants, 11,ta people who pride themselves on t their blue hien 1 would be far happier ' with pure blood ; bat while we cannot choose our ancestors, fortnuately, by the use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla we can trans. mit pure blood to our posterity. Smolt Bios. have struck a good thing appalently in the German E3ectricPolish for cleanine windows, glassware, silver, lamp chimneys, a. They intend push. ing the sale of this very useful article during tie coming Summer and should do well with it. Tem Gerrie Gazette says :—We learn -that Mr. Putland, who has managed the Albion hotel in this village for the pest year or so, is about to vacate it and move to Brussels. Mr, Puttees] s a first. class landlord and has formed a wide circle of friendships hereabouts. lir. Dane, the proprietor of the hotel, intends to move in and carry ou the business himself. Fun several years I was persistently antoyed with an excessive accumulation of Dandruff and although using various ,p'eparalians recommended and sham- pooing regularly omit week, no material relief was realized until my attention was called to Anti Dandruff, whish has pro• dueed unlooked-for results 1n my case, four applications removing every par• tic'e of Dned,uff, and as a specific for this trouble it has no equal. Yours truly, W. T. R0nlxsoN, Can. Pan. Rye. Telegraph Co., Montreal, P. Q. Tim Qt1I0018.-011 Monday of this week James O'Leary, who has been in connec- tion with the Commercial Hotel, Sea. forth for the past four years, leased the Queen's Hotel in thie pleoe from Capt. Stretton for a term of yearn and he also purchased the furniture, (carpets, itn, Mr. O'Leary is a young man, unmarried, and Miss O'Leary, his sister, will be in. ',tailed as hau-ekeeper, Mr. O'Leary •ha. taken possession, He comoe -highly recommended by those who know • ]tint. Eae'•en may moron 55 early as Mandl 22 anti its late 115 April 25, Since 1803 Luster has ooaurred three tinea on the .10.b, five times on the 1(1011, five times on the 1st, four times each on the 2nr1, 11111 and 12111, four tunes on Unroll 131, four times on April 0, three times o1 the 4th, 0th, 7011, 8th, 10111, 18th, 14th and 22nd of April and 27th and 28th of March. Mardi 22nd, 1818, was the earliest date upon whinh it has occurred. Nine days in Meech are represented, viz, : 22nd, 213r01, 24011, 2001, 271.1), 28th, 273111, 30th and :11 •t, Melerase it 310T100.D r.—The fivanoi• al statement prepared by Dr. Mo'L'aggart forpreeeutatlon to the meditate and de - pima= allowed a 500 3 dA Of tweets over liabilities after all (l000tlul paper was taken out and the expectation 10 that every depositor will reueive dollar for .dollar, as soon is the amounts can be (inflected in. Mr. McIntosh, who was in the States for a little titre, has returned to London end Dr, 1\'XoTaggart met him there Met Saturday. A. number of Brute 55liftek bet a conversed with Mr. Main. tonth over the telephone line and it is ex• peoted he may return to town to assist in closing up the business, although be has not yet Said he will do 50. In the meantime Dr. McTaggart and Mr. oodsley are getting nlatter8 in been Oa Shape( scarensamemAPEAWE (' : 11 tt.l.on Tuoltsue has hail hie store (runt improved by having the brickwork 11 '‘Vi 14.1.1,I, A SM:: h tV0 11 0outtnu01 running their Los to the depot. There wag tie money 111 it, Sr,'kan 14 (1111 iv the favorite pastime ttu)o.g eportsunit 10055 011).5. 'lila rte , is aniatuell' Rand this year. Geon Friday being a holiday the poet. race will ou'y be open for the delivery of mail from 4::10 to 0:31) p, tn. I:.laTllnrm i.iceune Cenuuushiolc•rs meet at the Revere flo' se, Brussel-, on Monday of next week, to 14 k in unmet the granting of lieense5 for tun,ther year. 1(011.0L.it..---On Wedeeodny evening of this week Wu1. Norton end Hiss Annie McMartin, both of Brn„sets, were nnired in marriage, at Victoria Cottage, by Rev, 11. Paul. The graonl wee attended by Robt. MOMarttu and the bride by Mrs. Ferguson. Dt.Llxeitex•r subscribers are generally represented as everything that is bad, but for pure, unadulterated "gall" a sub. scriber to the Stnyue' Sun probably takes the cake, Upon being billed for his arrearage the fellow coolly replied, "You will have to forgive ma what. I owe you, just as the Lord will forgive you what you 0105 Him." Ir our subscribers iu arrears only realized the amount of loss and inam• venienee We experience owing to their not paying promptly, we are sure they would do so with becoming alacrity. If they were just in our position for a week they would never allow their subsorip• Rona to inn behind again. This omis- sion is the result df not knowing, YoUxe MENS' L1ERAL CONSERVATIVE Chen. -The rime of the above fano, in Vaustoue's block, 13ratsels, will be form- a ly (invited on Friday evening, April 12iid, al. 8 n el ck. Addresses will 1-e de'ivered by prominent members of the party from Tomtit., and elsewhere, 11Ien1- bers of the Club and Conservatives gen- et ally are requested to attend. Jas. Iit. TWIN, Pres. WAsnPAlntow, Sao. ••SroitmLY conlideutial" cironlu's from "green :mom," men are being sent through the mails of Ontario by the hundreds. Almost every week in looking through 001' exeltanges We 1', ad of someone receiv. ing such circulars, accompanied by bngn. newspaper clippie;; which :attempts to show low easily the bitsi0esa could be carried on without detection in defiance of the late. L'russelites are not exempt from these offers, though they have seise enough to take un notice of them. Ml:ssas. SMITH & GIBSON, of 13eupsels ARM' toil door factory end plaiting mill, have been in deep water of late ,wing to a number of amend,' 100 11 (4 bei, !toil tale general tightening up of money. At a meeting of creditors, he 11 this we lt, a • 0 •nlprom se wee effected with the major- ity of 411 se interested told the business ' will eentinu0. We are pleased to know this its there is a large minutia' of in seey 1uveated in the machinery end factory el..' it hi- ' eat a •aina;de industry to 1 Brussels and sur (tending 1100101'. 1\-E have received from the publisher's the let No. of Vol. 8, of the Canadian 1 Bee Jou'nsl, e.tited by D. A. Jones, isued semi-monthly at Beetnn, 0111. The Journal is ueat'y got en up, and illustrated with n suis -edict frontispiece, with electres of Alan Pringle, Selby ; Rev. W. 1'. Clarke, Guelph ; R. Mc- lu1ight, Owen ri:amd ; S. (101' 1 1, Lind. say. The reading !tatter is of vital in- terest to all beekeepers, and especially to the farmer "whose bees don't pay." To those desirous of obtaiui'g practice' in- formation in regard to bees, ne better investment eon be mode, we think, than a dollar spent in a subsoriplion so the Canadian Bee Journal, Send address for sample copy. THE JAPANESE.—Last Sunday Rev. 0, T. Cooking, returned Japanese mission• ary, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church in this place in connection with the Missionary annivetsary services, His text in the morning was Psalm 72 and verse 17. In the after. noon be addressed a large audience on "Child life in Japan," appearing in the dress of a gentleman of that Iand. He also showed a number of water color peintings Siu•trating his subject. At the evening service his theme was "lfis• sion work in Japan," and was very in. teresting, the congregation being surpris. ed to find that an hour had slipped by so quickly. Mr. Cooking's lecture on Mon- day evening drew a large house and many were the expressions of satisfaction at the close of the entertainment, About 100 beautiful lime light views were thrown on a large cameos exhibiting 9eeeee in c0nneeti11n with city and i00m try life, temples, priests, missionaries its. The reverend lecturer's notes by the way were greatly enjoyed by all. The temple service wile explained and a large number of Japanese curiosities and handiwork were shown. These articles are sold by Mr. Cooking and the proceeds devoted to the erection of a church in the land of the rising sun. The inissionary funds of Brussels Methodist church will be in advance of last year. Collectors were appointed Vvho will wait on Lhe per- sons interested. Mr. Cocking will always be a weloome vi,itnr to Brussels. ALAeeA,—The Canadian Paoifie Nevi. gation Company (Limited) has opened up an attractive route for Summer tour. Mts. Their handsome Clyde built steam. er the "Islander" is to [Hake five trips from Viotoria and Vancouver, B. C., dui, ing the coming season, among the inlets, fiords, 100., of British Columbia, to Sitka and the great l'Iuir Glacier. Among other places the steamer will call at Fort Simpson, Methikshtla, Gardner -in Inlet, China Ilat, Port Rnpors and Alert Bey ; pointe not visited by the other steamers that have hitherto made the trip to Almelo.. In this way some of the most magnificent of the coast scenery of B. C, will be seen, and seen from the dock of a new, well appointed and comfortable steamer. The pastime being in smooth water throughout; a great part indeed, through narrow [lords where a bisntit oould be thrown :whore on either side the vessel ; the only drawback to such a trip is removed. Passengers 80 desiring are to he Tended et Sitka, and of course at any of the pointe named iu British Columbia, This picturesque and inter. eating portion of the North American oontinont is very little known ; an ex. eellent deeoription of it was given by Lord Dufferin when he visited it as Gov cruor General of Canelo ; and the foot that the trip can now be made with every comfort and at 50011 a reasonable omit ($95 the return ticket from Viotoria or V'ano:Meer) ought to attract a number of those w'ho desire to recruit their health and at the sans time enjoy a novelty in travel, Tickets and berths, die., for this tour can ye obtaintgl from any agent of the (I. E• ]i. Business Locals, 1V. I,1 1)Es5 does viewing of all kinds. (live tum a mill, W. W. Bemires' Photo Clallnry will be open' n (rood Friday, 1111•,0)110 5.,,i 411005, neva uaa0tt111Ulit, very cheap al XI. Dennie.' W. W. 13p1IeoAe' Photo Gallery is over the 'tedelard Batik, eitretton s Block. TIMOTHY Slid clover, Dutch setts and all hied. ef 11.1d and harden seed at Ge,, Broiler's, Vert: your baby's Photo taken by Meow:. All 11'101 them by the 1051101. tenants p• (tees 138.1 gn:ililiesof eltirtiuge at 7o. {Lira, and 1.1 j0„ marital tie' fast dye, at le elmu• sox It 1lebtap.,v'e, ,Jug'' t" hand this week aon10 special linos in 111811'5 waterproof coats at 1''Ieu- uesoe S Ileahn A.'s. Jos'r arrived a fine range of Baby oat• Hage!) whish will be sold at reasonable , rates. II, Dennis, Feea05.1 it HALLIDAY always have the largest and newest style's in dross goods and 11 ices the cheapest. 1 Orn stook of Dress Goods is known too wolf ill Breese'. for others to advertise they have the largest, lergusou S Halliday. You can always depend ou getting the fats -t styles in ties, shirts, collars and cuffs at F)cnausoet ct efehhiD.IY'S. SPECIAL value in ohirtings, eottonadee, denims, factory cottons, sheobiugs and prime at FERGUSON 3t HALLIDAY'S, Jos'' to hand the largest assortment of para5o5 ever shown fn ,1005se15 and extra ennuis. Ferguson it Halliday. flus tm1At pnpnh1e Dorset in the market is the "Watch Spring" and Ferguson & Halliday are gots agents for Brussels. I31s'r riding road oatrt in the market. None as low as $12 except one 2nd ]land one and $5 will peke it, Jas. Walker. ANo'rnzn brand new stook of men's, youths' i,ud boy's' suits, all bonghb clean and fresh, just arrived at A. 11, 7310140. Le tweed dregs goods you will find our ass 'lament complete, comprising all the latest novel ities. FoenrsoN & HALLIDAY. JAs. 'v\'AIJi t:ti learned his trade with lle0'yuiout Bros., of \Viuglam,in n fleet - dam aarrie ;e shop. Ile guarantees satis- 0aut, I 111i1n. not 10100, my trade 30 years ago but sell my work cheap •r than even 10 years ago, I lead others follow, JAS. \VALlirn. 1Y ceiling at Ferguson it Ilalliday's you wi l be convinced who has the largest, newest and oheareet stock of Dress Go ds, \1oNnY found in Breese's, Owner may have the same by proving property an d paying for this !opal, Apply at THE Pose Pub'ishing I-Iouse 1,:0 105 ! Have you seen our German 1110110 mantles yet ? If notyou should call and ser: them as the styles are the latest. 1'E00 5tx ,t HALLIDAY. 3ruotoe the Dumber of ries at Walker's carriage shop sent for repairs his prices must suit the public and are much lower than for the same work 10 years ago. ' PLAIN SEWTNG.—tlfrs. J. S. 8081111 is prepared to rho plain sowing at her home over the postoffice. Children's clothing a speciality. Satisfact inn guaranteed. D. Feat:, who has returned from 'Pa- rente, is now engaged ret ,Jas. Walker's as carriage trimmer. Bring along your bulgy Lops for repaire or buggies re- quiring trimming. 1 Enarsoo it HALLWAY have received this week all the newest styles in dress grinds and would ask the ladies to call and Bee our goods and prices before purohnsing their Spring dresses. tylmrixenv,—Another big addition to min millinery ; lots of new styles being added daily. Remember we can give you a nice, full trimmed hat for $150, fashionable shape and all new material. We will have a splendid show on Satur- day next, 16th, oome in and see them, no charge for admission. E. Rogers. Wens-Droetxo AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and 2010111) wells and is prepar• ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and nut in proper share, Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84-01 DRESS Goons,— Received this week et {Mrs. E. Rogers' another lob of fashion- able dress goods gettable for Summer wear. We have double the assortment to show you of any other atone in town. Any lady requiring anything in this line will be sure to get suited with our end- less variety of styles and our prices are the very lowest. O0011RAws tt Remixes, marble manu- facturers, are now taking orders for spring delivery in their line. As hero(o. fore all workmanship and orders trusted to their oars will be put up in the most approved style and satisfaction guaran. teed in every case. Anybody requiring anything in their line of trade it would be well for them to see their designs and prides before making their purobases. Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables,. Nunaoso Broca Foe BALE, -3 have a large stook of Norway annum on hand, the fight height for planting out for breakwinds,hedgee or Lawn trees, at low pries, firer -plass stook, also horse chest. nuts, 8 to 10 feet high, at 25a, each. Grape vines 15a., cherry trees 25c. Two greenhon5esfull of house and bedding plants, vegetnbleplants in season, 20 or 30 bushels Empire State Potatoes 40e, per bushel. Parties wanting any of the above will find it to their advantage to see my stook or write to Tilos. /inane, 80.0 Brussels, P. 0. Title "Mail" says of Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. "No longer is it noises - eery to give away or sell for t trifling amount the partly worn goods When they can be cleaned or dyad so lie to present as good an appearance as new, and last double rho time they would otherwise do. This Firm have now n meet enviable ea. Intation and are distinguished from other and less competent Dyers by the fine work they tern oat" We oaenet say any too much for R. Parker d; Co. the well known Dyers of Toronto. At no better time oould be found for all our Milan to look through their wardrobe and Neve their soiled or faded garments clowned or dyed to look like now. Agency at J. G. Slieno'e General Store, Brhssels, aoix�l T 00.11.—In Brussels, 0h Maroi1 10th, the wife of Mr, Wm, Edgar of n eon, HUNT, --In Southampton, on April 11111, the wife Of Rev. D. W. Runt of a daughter. MilVESSEISIMMESMENEAMPERYSIE rEICIM[ LAMEILIENE ,mzm ••3199 :ax e_rzaxz;a. \01roo..-Mrl'i.lillo, 1n Brussels, on 50 t. �,... '.loll 1°, 1,te�•;.., ny{g ( ntia00, l inbee.0, by Rev. It, Paul, 1011'. Wm, Norton to ]Hass Annie 11o• 1\la'tin, both of Brnesris, • Curren.-- In Morris. en Ain•il the 12th, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Thomas ('atter aged 61 years and 10 months. lIse,'G ,<`S a ,S,"s., :1%2.v.t. C7=1T, a, Pall Wheat 80 82 Spring Wheat 80 82 Burley 85 45 Pears 57 58 Oats 2(3 d Butter, tubs and nolle—15 00 Eggs per dozen 9 00 Flour per barrel 4 00 0 00 Potatoes 00 00 Hay per ton. :) 00 10 00 Hides per ]b 8 33 Salt per bbl., retail..,1 00 00 Sheep skins, eaoh 00 1 00 Lamb skins eaoh 65 00 Apples per barrel 1 00 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. DRIVATE FUNDS—$G00—TO Loss for a tern of a roars, Alltlly to 1(5814110 ('LTGG, l0xsnutora of JAS. WX 61138118, Batumi estate). JAS. \VXLEINSON. , 34 - Turf SS FANNIE LONG, DRESS swum, Listowel, has re-oponod her shop and may be found over Lamout's nme)e Store- M;iie street, Satisfaction guaranteed with all work done. Latest leasbions, OUSE AND ONE ACRE LOT JL for solo or to rent, one mile and a mintier north of Brussels, iu the township of Grey, with orchard, stable, well, &a, Ap- ply to 3185. MARY airLO.1N, :37-4 Princess St„ Brussels. ED. -200 LEAN relit iron fer8lng st 131nevale cheese f a story for 1st of May, Parties having ally to sell w111 please advise by om'd if not 01111 - ed on by be) et. \Vented also a careful. attentive Ulan for feeding pigs during the season. 2, J. DENMIN, 39'1 MEDICAL CARDS. (XT1I. F. CALE, M.D., 0. M., 111' Member of the College of Pbyslcinu, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Mee and Residence—Maio street East, L thel, O u tarlo. LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. YOU WANT Solicitor and Canv0veneer, (afire. Mos made. lhllee--Vuustone's Bleak, Drily, 501x. ii' aVi, 33li U sA11i, F' Y . Rnllelfor, Pnnvovnuelm, Nu tor}' Pub lie, Sm. 0niuu—tirahtuu x I1lauk, 1 door 1100111 of Pepper's Deng Stern, Privalo 1001(5 to Loan, - 01iSON di 1IAYb, All (Late with Darrow ,Ss Proud font, (lude Nub ,) Iturr,sters, Sollolte's, Colveveneenl Oilleeh—nruseele and llonforth, Diane 501s 011105-171,.xtalrs o0e0 Iluulr, TIMID ) to LY3, 1::(0).+1.1.1V, n, I, UNISON AUCTtONELRS. A RAY MANN, Auetloseer, 15 11lway0 ready to at - bend Bales antrum, farm eteelt, d,0, Terme cheerfully given. O runbrook P.O. Sales may be amused at 'Pun Powe Publishing Mouse, 13r)5suls. GEORGE IiIfIIi13Y, 7.lesnnsd Anat(cleer, Sates 0onduut ed on reasonable terms, Penns and farm stook a specialty, Urge's lett ab Inn POST PubllslioglOouse, Ilrussele,or seutto Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention. IAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN• sE ns an Auctioneer, I ata prepared to oouduet sales of farm eteok at reasonable prions. TC0Owiug the standing of nearly every poreou 1 am iu a position to soil to good marks and get good security when sold On 015,111• Satisfaction guaranteed. Give , ivMLi._ PAPE'N 11(11;, J'Rh'FTY, GOOD, CIM/P, I have 111 Steck between 5,000 and 6,000 Rolls for you to 0110056 from and another ship• 119114 eXpeettul in daily, Whatever you (In be Imre and get your Wall Paper at PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, 1) 11XSS1:LS. BM0KbiUL N 0 T 1 0 E. All parties owing the firm of MoINTOSH c2 MoTAGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Are requested to call AT ONCE and save costs as they are closing their business, STAMM BANK OF CANADA me a cull. 114• le 6, 00011, EIGSINESS CARDS. Bret of:dartlase Licenses, ()Mee at his Gregory, 1'lu'ohorr, street, Jai eeelo. I .• N. 13AIIRE'P"2, T / 85ltrs, Tonsorial Artist. Sloop—Next ,loot PAIS UP OA1'ITAL, south of A. N, lieliay C Uo's har4w,u•o 0000,5, RE0511VI`a 1'CND, . - 1.les'andihlr0ns bull 0010100 1. 5p50) 01.3 A6'JoNAIII, • letterer of Marriage I Menses,b appointment of )dont; 1overnnr, (lmtni1 Honer, &o, Q.11. Conveyance' tied Agent Fire Iusurauee (:o, Office at the Cranhrnoli Fust Unless �'�� 1I. 1loCIbACIt EN, • las \ HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. COWAN, President, J. L. B1RODI1 , Cashier. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN8n1l3NCI1, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUN'1'l';11, Clerk of the Fourth I )i vroia5 Court 0o. Huron. (•0Uvey1i 00r, N",tu'y laud, Lunn and insurance 111c,1. lem,ds invested 0.n,1 t5 loam. (Mgt eLious wade. pT A. 1tioNAUGJJTON, 1I. D. odlee 1n Graham's 1110ek, Bres51lg. U • h. SL, L. it. O, P., l:dinburgb, AI. 0. P , 1I 6. Ont. lietidetce cud office 10 'Wtlncu's 1 PAINTING, AINTIN(n, Block, corner of 111i11 end Turnborry Lite. - i.3 Bike Ito•ies, of \Viag ,, ,n, is prepared to glee lustrllctleu Io oil Painting, lento, —. 150 be as,ertateed lit SCRs:Nellie Ross' sten VETER�! 111 • vler'e hae1li•a ell work wily be ever,, Missd' INARY. ; :.Serie 0, 01,1 1 00 0;1110 a few more pupils to • - _, DENTAL. - $7,000,000 - 1,000,000 • 500,000 Agencies in all principal pointe in (11110rio Quebec. Manitoba, tufted States alit, iinglaud. Brussels Agency. A General Banking 131s(n008 Transacted Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and nelloe- tinne mluln ml all Feints. Deposits riOsiVs11 and wteroet allowed at onn•eut rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings. hank De- posits of 01 a"1 upwards from NAG of deposit to date of withdrawal, unit ooul- IAan11m1lnelf 5'early. Prnnult n140,1100 and every facility all'ord- 1`d ettstumel's tiring ata ditaimen. G. 1'. SCIIOLFII11.l7, Agent. Broseels, April ace, 1601. T D. WARWICK, 0.P • Honor 01'adllate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a emu - potent manner. Pertloular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Two doers north of bridge l'uruberry st., Brussels. T• A. IIAliJNS, Organist in St. John's Chervil, lint s• d7 11 N T 1 i) 10 r sets, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A' M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S•. D. S„ 1 Sao Later, ons. hoc,. New York, will le5sgiro o,g In pupils sillier at '111ms,Forrow.a, Graduate of the )royal College of Dental 000uer 01 Queen :1,1•1 P1(111050 5ta., or if pre- - 5mgscus, Onherin, and of T„'ol:t0 Uul. furred, rel 011011' e WU 1105100. '101.1113 md,er- o'eislty, Greree—()ver Pepper's Drug Store, ate. 911- - BI'tle50,0, A=kiN WE ARE ON HAND With Another Immense Purchase of Custom Made Clothing, Amounting to Hundreds of T®t'TI5' and BO76' 51UITSa Also Odd Pants and Vests fresh from the Best Clothing Houses in Canada. We would strongly recommend our friends to run in and select their Spring Suit with- out delay. We expect to see an Army of Buyers this month, For the last thirteen years we have paid particular attention to this branch of our -business, and to -day we be- lieve we are sale in saying that we are selling more Readymade Clothing than all the rest of the stores in Brussels combined, We are also showing a fine stock of Cooper C Smith's and Amos Holden & Co's. Hand bade Boots and Shoes. - None other, like them. See the Fine display of Mens' Youths' and Boys' Felt Hats, Fedoras and Christy Stiffs direct from. England. Magri oent Display of eats' Furnishings. IDIR,MSS GOODS,•••.•.•.••. See the gorgeous array of Henrietta Cloths in Navy Blue, Black, Scarier, Brown and Garnet, all wool at 35e, per yard, .A. full stock of Staple Goods, ShirtingS, Cottonades and Cottons from the best mills. A good Faotory•Cotton going at Ge. per yard, and a yard wide at that. Ail R. SMITH, TBE AdieJlIFR 3' T10111 0, , •111"D..