The Brussels Post, 1892-4-15, Page 5APRIL 15, 1982 TIIE BRUSSELS POST scY+rsigi.:utyfaf#i,. iliPot''''4lIn y' �s CE.I r ENT 92, While thanking the Public for the very Liberal Patronage extended to us since opening here, would remind them that our Spring Stock is now Co polete in all Lin > s and that we are in a much better position to supply their wants than we have been in the past. GOTS SHOES. Stir Spring Stook has the liebbiest Goods in the Market, We call particular attention to um Mens' Fine Bills. and Congress in Call', Dwl- gola and Cordivun. To our Ladies' Fine Dongolas in laced and buttoned, as well as Oxford Ties and Toe Slippers, also full lines for b.iys, youths, hisses and children. An inspection of our goods Solicited before you buy GENTS' - FURNISHINGS. In this line- we keep our Stock well assorted. The newest styles ifs Ties, Collars, Shirts, ,scarfs, Braces, Idose, Gloves and Underwear In the Dry Goods Department we call Special Attention to our Dress Goods—we have a hill line in Black and Colored Ilmriettas, Iditok Scliels, Tweed Patterns itt all wool and unions, .Series, as well as a full range of low lines In Dress Tritnntings >% e keep Pongee and Sarah Silks, Gimps, Cords, ]Braids, &e. Our Prints arc extra value and the newest pat teres in the market Our all Wol Delaines and Delainettes are handsome goods. When you want Muslin:+, Lawns or Embroideries you will find no better stock to eliooSe front than ours. We are stowing extra value in Lace Curtains, Curtainettes and Art :1luslins - .X lull range of prices in Ladies' Circulars Line of Bring' Ooatin s just to Zama., Our Staple Deportment is stocked with the very hest goods, which we sell at close cutl prices—Sbirtiugs, Cottonades, Cottons, Table Linens, Hollands, Towelings, Towels. Tick- ings, Flannelettes, Stc.--We are showing the best value in the market. CROMPTON CORSETS always in stools, _Hafidkerchiefs., Gloves and Hosiery. OUR BLACK HOSE APE "GUARANTEED hTAIIL1�*4S." we ylVil(iE ��011lll�. Our new Spring Suits are .lust to liana. Fre can lit untie size of flan. Youth or Boy, and 0111• price S will he 11/111111 ruck 110110111. 1111 (Very lint', - AL full line ui'Mens' Waterproof Coats in plain rubber, and plain or cheek tweeds with or without capes Suits made 10 Order, Good fits Guaranteed, A.:Nubby line of `lewtt•lls, Worsted Suitittgs alld t'alltinus always on 111(101. H A T S Our new stock of hats for Spring are now to hand. 11 you want a new -Christy, Derby, Fedora or Crush Hat call and see our Stock. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. Our Teas are Noted for Good Value. The highest price paid for good Butter and Eggs.. An Inspection of our Stock Invitee. ml t ;t1`tti cWs. �- Clrot nllruuit. Council meeting hers ou Saturday, Assessor liuym,ui is through with his work fee this tear. • Cameron Bros. are ready to rush out • seed for the next flax crop. Miss Portia has Kone to Chesley for a visit with her brother, Rev.David Perrie, and wife. WrOX.311o'1•. Assessor Gibson is about through with his work. The Johnston House has been leased to J. H.Oameron,of Chiselbnret. Thos. Gideon, M. P. P., is baok from the duties of the Local Legielatnre. The contract for the new Presbyterian church in this village has been let to Mr. Davidson, of Mt. Forest, for $4,785. It is to be completed by Nov, lob. The building will be red briok, with stone basement. Thera will oleo be a gallery. D1o1 '.ieworth. Mies Annie Mitchell is recovering from her serious illness. John and Themes Robertson have ar. rived home from Colorado. As William Jae, McKee end hired man Geo. Bonnett wee taking a fat steer to Listowel he got outrageous when halfway and got them both down three times in Mr, Forfar's field and would have killed McKee bnt for the timely aid of men and doge who drove the brute off. He then took the read for Molesworth where ho was captured and (lied shortly after- wards. 113'neva lc). Charles Coulter is very sick with the mempe. Toho Messer is going to work in Moles. worth cheese factory this Summer. Miss Mary Roes, who hae born busy in To•ohto this Summer, is expected hone this week. Dame Rumour says that a wedding will take place about the time the cheese factory opens. Thomas Dunn, who bought the house and lot of 1,'. Patterson, is snaking great improvements on his house both inside and out. At the prayer mooting hold at Jttntre 1E1111o03 on Tuesday afternoon two little hubiee were christened, Mr. ElliOb'e uall- ed "Mary 13011" and Jae Niohul'e named "tumor Mired." ' The cheaeo factory will start work on May let, 111e Directors feel gutta slat. ed over getting a medal from the Jarna01 Exhibition for pale cheese sent there in competition. Past Chief Stringers J. R. Miller and 3050th Leech will represent Ooulrt 1lottghte, No. 27, 0. O. F., at the High Court whiolt meets at Stretford on the second Tnesdayin Juno, Bluevale Lodge, I. 0, G. 'T., which war Organised about a 1n0,1(1 ago, hold a very Fu0ae0aful .meeting last Thursday. It ie the first meeting that has been condign.. eye %altlaout tits help or ppreeenon of its mngarii001', 0, 11, Blackwell. Mr. Beattie, from Toronto, agent for the Scottish Canadian and organizer of the "Sons of •lcotlaud," is trying to or- ganize a Camp here, A committee hue been arranged to do 80111e ileee %try work in comma. ton with the cemetery in this 51000. A new plan ie being prepared and the various lots will be staked off and sett to rights. k3elf,xt•.rv61. Peter Scott was at Goderioh Monday last. Mrs. Tuft's store will saes be occupied by 0 gentleman e le from Atwood. Lure Cunningham, Ida Moons Robert Hon. President, J. B. Kelly ; President, Wm, Bone seriously indisposed at . K Y' present suffering from n savors attach of ; CIIoll,kay, Sortie M ,se, Maggio RtuOuhoh• j John MOKinnoi ; Vise -President, S. H. toimtiCI, , eon, Lulu Dante; Srd-19 ugh Forsyth, Gidley ; Captain, Ja0. Emig') ; Secretary* Messrs. Turnbull and Oliver, of Brits. ! Geo. Cardiff, Geo. Barrie, Annie Davis, I and Treasurer, W. Taman ; Manager, vele, were visiting friends near here Lyon Pipe, Nettie Davis. Lillian Sharp, , Ohae. Hodgins ; Managing Committee, Saturday and Sunday. I Jas. IL Mooney, Ella Davis ; 4th—Frank Geo. Brownlee, Herb Symonds, Jas. Ths United Workmen are adding large. t Cloakey, Fred. Pyhn-, Taylor Pipe, Eva ' Sims, John Ballantyne and Ohms. Hod• ly to their numbers here, additions of Cardiff, Millard Cardiff, Ernest Maus• gilts. from four to xis being made at every j dere, John Sharp. fortnightly meeting. A. TAvaoa, Teauller. Reba. Sterling, our wagon maker, has etz throe sons (Williams James and 4inert) A full 1Rsster cervine en 1111100 morn- , Our Reeve, o.,uncilmen and clerk thok :Albert Whitfield has purchased the and one daughter, Mee. l m. Dark, 0f 111(4 next i0 P1111lty uhurch followed by ' 0 holiday trip to Stratford, on Monday Samuel Shit) 50 etre lot and has moved. the Celebration of holy Communion. In on the invitation of 0. It. ilathesnn's to 0. TOR POST wishes the new pro the evening there will be a «pooial service friends and at his 0858000 as it subse• prietor and his bride prosperity, 01 song entitled, "The Christian Year " puettly proved. The prosecution not On 'Tuesday afternoon Joseph Faulk- Nutwith•tawiing the miserable state being ready to proceed with the ease ler, nth eon., put up the frame of a of tn0 weather 011 Saturday night. large nothing was done 1( is likely that this nate—Inge house. It is 20410 feet. Peter crowds of the fair sex might have been I will end the law husumoa, iu the matter Heifer will also build one this reason, Grey township, The funeral took plane 00 Wednesday afternoon, lbw. D. For- ces,of Walton, offi'.tatin4. The large attendance attoeted to the high esteem it) which kfrs. Carter was held by all who Ian W her. Saloon Rnroitx.—The following alloys the standing of the pupils in S. S. No 4. Norrie, for the .(100111 of \larch :—Part lot—Robe. Mooney, Joseph )10'h0611e0o, allow of millinery which wee pronounced Myrtle Nichol, dohs Cloakey,John Moss ; j by some of them as something un'nOuae. Part 2nd—Ida Pyhus, Norah Maond'•rs, The Simon 5ters of Blyth (base ball) Maud Eloogard. W. D. Johnson ; 2o3— I will be officered this season as follows :— seen wwidin.; their tvisy to the seteblies. of the Limn drum affair as 51,8 as this meats of D. B. MoKitmon tk Co., and council is concerned at letter. Mrs Graham o see their annual sprieg One evening last week as one of 011r arietocralic gentleman w'a0 going up 0,e stairs to the reading room, in uunneetiuu with the Temperauoe lodge of this plate, he was hod hold of by one of oar fully loving boys, as though he would ride on his baok but on seeing who he had let go and fled. We often wondered who the "goat" luta in eonlleotiot with the institution but now we know. Jnuli says it was a mistake. the am oontaining hie 11or80s and house. Mn, Enron.—I take this privilege of hold offsets. As we have not seen Pete- iufoming my p'ttrous through the col- stows he arrived we are not in a position. awns of your minable parer, that Jas. to state what excuse he has for not taking. l' ..hest, Morrison, of the Silver Ouruera cheese unto himself a wife, doting his stay factory, has been telling my patrons that across tite line The majority of our I ELM not going to rut my factory this Canadian farmers have returned from- year and trying to get theta 511 snadod to their soj 'urn during the winter among seed milk to hie factory. Now, .lir. Edi. friends across the line. All report having tor, I contradict this and all other similar had 0. pleasant lime, but satisfied to have - stories that hove been oirouleted thruugu their homes in North Dakota, As spring the country as they are false and without approaahea oar winter "city granges" the slightestfoundatiot whatever, as he are retaining tothe rural districts glad is telling them this to get them to send to eat clear of the roar and bustle of oity their midi to his factory. It does not lifer. 'TOMOS Holmes, brother of G. look much like closing the factory as I Holmes, of Kensington, ttrri'ed here last have butter prospects for milk 11113 year week from 13I118e0lr Ont. Mr. Holmes than ever. If Mr. Mwrison cannot got ohertere1 a Dar from the layer piece t0 Park River, in wllioh he 1 0111, f'nr fire. 0104111/01.0011, 000 cow, fate' imps+. moots, household efiect:, eta. 111'e light here awe that Mr. 1f i. „n hellos. er i'i the doctrine of MoKi„leyism, ha fancied while messing the lines with Tim - property that the "disciples" of tine tIo• li:i"ley duotfine, judging by the way they levied tribute, were hoe 11 110000.1• fleets of the inhabitants of that country of which WO 0001 about a man tilting a journey into, and fell among thieves ani robbers. However, Mr. Holmes satin. fiat all demands, but stye the 011,1 is hot yet. Ile id now staying with hie brother. iu•law W. Burbidge while looking around given up bueinere and removed to the ''''rs' farm of Mr. McLean, whiob he has rent Miss O'Connor, erwho hos been visiting ed for a terra of years. in Brussels and other places, has return- ed. 11 le too. Diphtheria has again broken out in the Morris Council minutes tray be found northern part of the township, and a case on Teta POST suppiement this week, is tapered here. Lizzie, youngest daughter ice Wm. Mc. The newly opened library of the Meeh. Coll, 711 line, is 111 with soarlat fever. attics' Institute is being freely patronized John Mo0anghoy pu poses raising his by our cftdzet:r. Over eighty b Inks were barn and putting stabling underneath, exolranged best week. We regret to state that George Hood's The tenders for erecting the now Meth. health is anything but go ,d and this oobet church were opened on the 11th week thein was a consultation of doctors inst. but 110 decision wits arrived at by over his condition. It is to be hoped he the OOmwitte0 with re gra to diem. may soon improve. Mr. Willoughby. who has been taking An addition of 45 feet is being built'„ Rev. tym, 'Porrnnae's work for a fe v the shod at Jueiteon's church to aeeomo• weeks, me obliged through ill health to date the ohureh goers' teams. George Jackson hate the contract whi011 will amount to about 00. Emmanuel 0108e, who has boon laid up for wavered months from the effects of au injury to his limbs by being jammed between loge while attending a bee, is able to get abort a little now althungh still somewhat stiffened np. Adair Scott jr. who went to Saginsw last fall to manage a large farm, 110.0 re- turned with his fancily and will continue to matte his home in Ontario, The many friends of the family weluome than bleak, ovenin last week. tare in ti l the "wee They will spend this summeriu the viols. I P Y K lly of Ilensall. sola ours." Judging by the state of their OBIT.—On Tuesday of this weak the apparel itnd hair they had it goad time It will be 24x40. Rev. L. V. Smith's mune appears in the published list se oat who will be transferred at the next Methodist Con. femme from Niagara to British Colum- bia. He is the eld •.t son of Truemnao Smith, of this township, and is now lo• cited at Stroinless. A Dakota paper says :—P. Holmes arrived home from Canada last week in company with his brother's wife and family, his b other having a000mpauied J. L. McTaggart, of Ohiselhurst, spent Sunday with triends here. El. Green, who hes been suffering with a bad attack of influenza, is slowly re- covering. Mfrs. Bartleman, of Wiarton, f3 visit. ing her daughter, Mrs. T. P. Simpson, this week. 0. Miohm is building a large addition to the house he brought from J. Eokmier h1 the fall. Several wail"ads of lumber and pouts were shipped from this station to venous pelota thio week. people to send mils to his factory by We ore sorry to learn that Mr,. T. P. telling them the truth I think he will Sint )e•tn h 1 a. been advised to steed most have a poor show to get 1115011 vt e_ d by of hertinhe in bed. telling them what is nut true. T'hank- hira, .1. Et:Milieu ha. returned home ing you, Mr. Editor, fur tho space I have fru a Listowel where elle has been wait- 1 taken up, 1 aim, Seat.,, 110., Ethel, April 12,'02, itonaor BARB. give tip work nd return to Toronto. ing on bar sick mother, J. A. Pntland who has occupied the Mies Sherlook bas been epetding a few Albi•tn b tel here for nearly a year luta ! weeks with her sister Louie and will removed t, Brussels it, id Wm. Dano, 1 bring her hone this week. township clerk. wi•I bscoano the landlord Mrs. A. t'amltlabaliaf is ohearing the of the Albion himself, hearts of her old friends by tt timely Wm. Doig, le vette., purchased from visit. It ie doubtful when Aaron will Duncan Pant, of Lifetime, a lino towing sen her again. mare for 1110 aim of $0550. She salved Our morohente have their spring etocks „n Setnrctly last and ;Mr. D. will 80011 i11 fill display 110w. People looking for melte owners of fast horseflesh hustle or something nine need not pace ale by. tette a hack Beal. "Patterns of Industry" partooutarly in• A few of oar young folks, who have a sited. sweet tooth, attended a tuff y pull one An Epworth League has been organised 1 here in connection with the Methodist whm•oh with Jos. Fwolltnet', President ; Oban, Stubbs, 1st Vice President ; Robb. McKay, 2nd Vico President; Chas. Willis, spirit of Elizabeth, beloved wife of Thos. and 0110, at haat, still 001 100 a way Curter, 811 Dan„ took its flight. The ueolt. cause of her de11611 wawhom:s nom: in 11 ne stomach with which she has been troubled slice last 31111, although she was only confined to hot. bed for about night weeks. A year ago last Dominion Day Mrs. Carter was t1r0wu out of a carriage, while returning from Brussels, by the moat coming unfeetonod, and she never recovered fairly from the chock. The deceased, whose midden name wa0 McKay, was born in Scotland and Dame to Oanda with her parents in 1888. She was married to Mr. Carter, who is now in his Sdth year, about 80 years ego,. she being the wend wife, :They moved to Morris township in 1872 purchasing their fe•n1 from Alex. Lawson. The subtcot cif (1,3 notice was the mother of .11.111:c (h. Good Friday will be observed here es a holiday. Mrs. Jttmio•on, sr., is seriously iridis • be much mitsod from our viilel;e. They posed et present. , were highly esteemed here and we roonnm- A petition is in circulation to have t1 mend then to the best regard of '.liver telephone oaico in this town. Geo. Brownlee attended the toner! of the late Fruit Nioeo1000 111 Auburn on Sunday afternoon. T113 emoted vestry meeting will tette place in rtinity church on 'Monday oven• Cr r.11:1'. Spring work has been resumed after the cold snap. .Hugh Stewart has loaned the Delgatty farm, on the 13th con. Commit meeting at Zimnher's hotel, Craubrook, ou Saturday of this week. Mrs, A. Panobaker, of Heseeler, was for a farm to rent, preferring to lease a visiting old time friends in this loclality faro for one year bofor, investing in this week, Dakota soil. Immnigrants like Mr. i0s Edith Mozell, who 1110 been a Holmes are the right kind of outland for prisoner at home for a loutt,,+ time owing the iophwilding and sottlonlont of any 10 rt swollen k11a, is slowly improving country and his 100ation here will add and is able to get shout to visit relatives another to the already long list of Cana. and friends ocoasionally, diane whose capital and brains have add. Bee. ; Geo, Eukinier, Treasurer. J. W • Robertson fs hone from Listowel ed much to the prosperity and develop, Mr. Peebles, of Tivetton, is removing High Sohnol for his Baster holfdaye. meet of Walsh county. 'ran 1311nesehe his family thanes this week. Mr. and flee says the school is in splendid shape, Pose end iluron Expositor in articles Mra. Peebles and .heti big Wilily or each of the tont teachers being a opooial• olnouiclitlg the departure of Mr, 1701,1100 little folks—no slight intended girls --will let in his own department. The school ,aid family for North Dakota might well is evidently prospering ander the able regret the loss of a good citizen and a Principal, J. A. Tanner, '1. A. 111 fit of sterling worth and bespoke for- The orThe school house in 8, S. No. 1 is re. the omnmenity of which he then) form. 0010108 a thorough renovating, 11 800 ed a part, the beet of Mintiest and prosper. hardwood floor, the ceiling and walls ity for himself and family in the hark boarded and now tope on the decks are of their adoption. Ilowevtr, what eras' the improvenhente 011 bald. Thos, Now, their loss ie our grin, and it 10 neediest some hes the contract and is pushing to say that wherever Mr. 1I. may choose the work to completion, Sabool is being le pitch filo tent, he, (110.3' rent assor,ed of 1 t8 o'oiook. Ii y , Trees, g p , held in the meantime in the south roomt 1ewefving. 1110 right hand oL rail" nship. lug lex a until the larger ono in 101liahed. The • � O'untinina"f I3el,rav0 a knight K t M). ,1 lA h r I ton. May they prosper. The following aro the 01109Or0 of Ethel Division S. of T. for the current .pati. ter :--W. P., Harvey Dobson ; W. A„ Alfalfa Milne; R. S„ Mary Lang ; A. S. I'lot'etleeSherlock ' F. S. Alex. Ilio. ' Tress Morrie Fogel ; Cha John (;cher ; Coo., Moho Sanders ; A. C., Mary •s td0 stento' i)1 trio A. ;3lentmon ; 1. b., Berth r ltollow•ry ; work was badly needed bat host the lir, and Mrs, Holmes told Miss Menten tailoring ater g burin, into ' r'. ''llusiness in this lnlr in a few U. B., Win. Willis; H. W, P„ Geo. Deb. a0h001 room will ha Ve'y Wt11f'Srtable and I left tioderich on '1'hgrsdeay u , a visit tae tela agtt g Jaya, rat, healthful. I)rit,isit Lineable.