HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-15, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POSE New Advertisements, Loeals.-- Dr. Aver, lalcllls--11, Rogers. Locals -Jas. Walker. Flax --Cameron Bros. Lneal_-R, Parker 1f: •'o, Looal-Mrs. J, S. Stnith. Thank you --T. Rutledge. Catch on -Post I3ookstors All New Clods. -A, R, Smith. tio1111 Ii sl � Ma oTBart. t Icit 1 . Dull for Service -Prank MoOuteheu. (Tbe ` ntssc.is P'UIDAY, APRIL 15, 1892. A Rumortt of complaints have already been made by residents of Brussels over the damage done by roaming cows. ()wears of bovinely should remember that the Cow Bylaw is in force and if not looked after may find "bevy" in the pouud.keeper'a ollarge. Awimv, President of the Agrirul• tura) tC Arts Association, will he tin• Cemmiesiuner for the Province of On• tario in commotion with the Chicago World's1•:xpnoitio1. He shonl,l till the bill to a nicety and will havo a Iaree share of welc to do. Tux Toronto News says: -The in• mos- in ill" ba i It'V 1Lltat•11e41 t„ the oi'liee of Attorney -General fr:,,n 'c: ,non to 57,000 can be justified either es an aeltpiwledgment of the eminent services of 31r. M,wat ex- as a reasonable etnoln Ment for any mat holding the position of Premier of 0 traria Indeed it wuuld not be going too far to increase the s:Llarie; of the other C.r:bieet lliuist'•rs Loin 51,0)11) to 1":3,111,1) elIeh. Tie wrrlt dun) by these mew would- warrant the province in paying them a eatery equal to that allowed the City Solicitor of To. routo. TEE date has been fixed for the elec- tion to fill the place left vacant by the death of H. E. Clarke, iu Toronto. N'm)nati"ns will be made on Friday, April 22nd and polling will be held on Friday, April 29th. Peter Ryan isre• turning officer. J. G. Holmes, a well known legal gentleman,may be the choice of the Censarvatives. E. A. Mac- donald, the avowed disciple of Sol. White, 31. P. P. of annexation notoriety, is also in the field. The Reformers have not made a selection yet, at Last their candidate is not yet made public. TEE Local Legislature concluded the busiueae of this se-sioo on Tuesday. The Toronto World in its report says Spectators were hardly aware that the business of the session had been ended when 11r. Gibson of IIuron ruse in his Place and starred "Amid Lang vee," singing and elelip)'.)' bet bends as tin the Salvation Jesse-, All th. other meutlers sprain: to their feet, and crossing their arms before them joined hands and tried to joie in the song of the iminoetal Rob bie Burns, Air. Grbson'e voice is a high tenor, and he pitched the tune so high that the other members f„iled to keep in the same key. The Attorney.General looked round for someone to join hands with, but there were nolle of hie 001 leagues near so he struck in, evidently inteudiue to swell the parting chorus, Hut alas, the time wee toe high and the first note stuck in his throat. It gave nearly all the lemorable gentlemen a pain to strive to be jolly with the tune soaring away up oar "G,” so in the middle of the Seo i,d stanza they all gase a whoop and sat down. They then s.•ized their chair eushiou. and shied them at one another's beads. AT the School Board meeting last Fri. day evening the question of the advisabil- ity of expending a sum of money on nec- essary repairs to the present Reboot build. ing versus the ereotiou of a complete new structure came up for discussion and was well threshed out. Inspeot0r Robb was present and gave th' Board some valu- able hints in the building line. It would appear that ne'v floors, and possibly now joists, wiedo.vs, desks in some of the departments, m new roof and something done to better unite the frame and briult etruabnree ore repairs th'tt will be neces nary and even then the building, whioh is the pnoresb of the kind in the inspector. ate, will not be right, and would neon cominnal pabohing to keep it so. The brielt portion is up.v.u'ds of 30 years old and the newest fraise building_ has seen at leas' fifes of Summers so that a palm 0unsileratinn of the case will lead a per. sot ,0 form molt the same opinion as the majority of the School Board, viz. - The propriety of expending as small a sum a4 possible on repairs with the in• tendon of eroding a new, modern and substantial building in the course of a few your:'. A two story briolt, with four or six departments, basement, die. would probably be the hind of a structure to be built and according to (omputation, if the debentures wore based on a ten year term, the school rale would not be a bur- den to anybody. While on this eubjeot we would like to cull the attention of the Board to the condition of the school grounds. It would appear that 11 better system of drainage is necessary and there is room for the application of a quantity of gravel, May Day is looked upon by many schools as a time for beautifying school promises. We are of the opinion 1 hitt there is all ahtmd+Enos of roan) here for improvement along the lines suggest. pal, Perth County. Moat builder Marlton Gu lerivh ie llxing the ways under the new One:, and will soon have thinge ready for baptism. Colborne L. 0. L. No. 158 hae decided to procure a uniform dress of hat and coats and probably pants for the 12th of duly, An oyster supper was given last ;1150• dos ;,. the Colbourne Metal Gotleriob to duo. Aikonlwad \, H. p, 01480 10 1110 departure for 11r 1(118 11, S. , where 110 will in the future reside. A meeting of the Mitchell Lawn Tennis Club .11.5 held recently, when the fol'ow- iug oilleers were appointed :-Dr. Smith, President; W. B 'Waterberry, Viae- 1'resitdeut ; Fred Davis, S, oretary Tress. ltrer ; S. A. Hodge and F. B. Holtby, Committee. A bare majority of the Supreme Court voided the North Perth ele(tioll, net beoanse of the issue of free railway tickets, but because an agent of Alr. Grieve lent $2 to an eleotor, Judge Strong and Judge Patterson held that thie charge was hot proved. John Brown, of Stratford, has opened a 3350 purse for stallions, Dither trotters or pacers, to come off ab Stratford on the 29th of September. Entries close on the first of May, and money payable as fol. lows ; --5113 on May 1 t 510011 ,July lot, tied 510 on the first of September. Th. Junior Beaver Lacrosse Club, of 1 Bettfnrlh, trace organized w-th the follow inn officer; : -.Flan, President, G, Joel:see : 11c- . \lee Pre Stmt, E. R. L'u"" ; Car r rraid,or, ,1. Crawflyd ; 1 son ` A l' 1111 '1'(1 11 T. -- Pre idrut Dr. • R. 31e'ILey • Captain, @5 'tort brim: shoo. ',n I.t,. uortb-, Yt rr.r- •'�' ' J. Bell ; Seeman. Treasurer, C. Comm- Dor of 01ill ,old 'Purui,eiry 11)4.44 le, 1.1�u.,e1s, No dollar's wea•tlt min 1t1t S E1' BUf,ilh FOlt SER. 000 014 Just Pelle el0 frau fire 1,111111(11100111115 [Hid 1,111,1 plc+bleu at k ogoal or all). 1t 11 b ono Our '1111, r the ereauor) or 0111ee 5,44.1.441y. The mu, of one still to may possession gave 7,11011 Ma. of milk le 12 menthe with 110,' Ilrst eel), ver (11)111,1' particolnro apply 1t Ill,) 11114: Lod Hook Store. G', A, DllADM AN, Brussels, 000, I Jry'MPROVED LARGE \wrIIT1: l'CItH- i. SHIRE BOAR. The nuderslIusd will It ,,•i t -11, tens resent seasen the 1 u 1,'o r. l large Mae fl t n U i g Yorkshire 1 "Reedy" on lot20,on.0 Morrie,orn ira pg 10 t which limited n) 011 of sown in token, Terms 81,00 to be paid ab Ohne of cervine, with the privilege of return. Ing if necessary, Pedigree may he seem up - Oe auntlo0tion, RUllhltl diiL'11e1L, 1St( Proprietor, pURC BRED ROARS FOR 1ER voce, -Tile undereigued will keep for service on north half bot 25, oat, 7, Tltorlie, a pure bred Berkshire Boar, bred 1,7 Air. Snell, and an Ohio Improved Cltnett l' White, bred by Thos, (, om•ge, Putnam, from he - Ported stook on both 501 Oa. '1'hie hog took 300 prize at the Industrial Fair in a alum of 17, 101800, and 3,'11 at the Western Fair in a class of 15. Iiia sire tonal lot tit the Indus- trial In 180E Peens 81,00 to be 11,111 at time of sorvloo with privilege of returning if ueo- eesary, 20.1f sAAIUrL WA L1i1,R, Prop. REAL ESTATE. 1.�1ARM S FOR SA1,Ih.—THE UN - 1 Da0S10001112 has several gond Farms for Sala .1,141 rn 51, easy terms, in 'roienehi'a 01 tt orris an l (10.3, Te 9, S1,nT'T 1)'na•nlv.. •t7•11'. APRir, 1 ), 1.892 e,:rr..e, 1MIS IMINECmISIZIO MISIM xNrw"y AVE yon R BOLLARS! More money is lost in the wear of cheap goods than 1s ewer eraYed in the buying. The giutlity of goods represents the monied value, Buy a poor article olludp and you lose your Ilollare. The lost dollar is the one you n for goods of 1 0 Y Y {, n i that ars made wheal to Is, ll cheap, CST By injudicious buyitlg which rucks the pocket book and wastes the Dollars in an effort to obtain shoddy goods at out prices. Do not take any risks, but make your purchases at all times from A. R. Smith, Clothier, where you aro assured of Honest -Goods at Honest Prices. A combination that is S (3 D GOLD .- bell ; Committee, J. Abell, G. Boyd, W. El iott, Mrs. Drum -don, wife of 1Vm. Bruns - don, sig., of 1.muirrsbnro' died on 1)a1 11' l,oy morning, she bo.d been ailing for some time. Her daughter AIra. Zahn Smith, of Manitoba, at rived here in time to be present lit the funeral. Her re- main; were interred in the Clinton ceme- tery on Tuesday. We are sorry to learn that T. II. Rano, the able editor and publisher of the Mitchell R, corder. has node all etaign- ment t' the ,htriff who 15 new fu posses. Mon. His Monolog were c, used largely by the costs of his recent suit for an article for which he was held liable for libel but for which he hits certainly host none of the reaped of his f'ieude. The paper will be issued as usual. The sale will tante place On Tneeday next. Samuel Gilpy, aged 17 years, a farm hand, was tried the other day by Police Magistrate O'Loaue, Stratford, on the charge of having committed an indecent assault upon the donghter of his rmploy• er, a respectable Mornington farmer. The assault was alleged to have taken place on Maroh 22nd. The young man 1158 triedsummarily and found guilty. The Police Magist ate -en noel him to two months in the county jail and 10 ashes, five to be inflicted within ten days of the date of sentence and five between the 5th anti 10th of May. At a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the Kest Huron Liberal Con. servative Association, held on 1lfoudav, April 11t1, it was resolved, in view of the abundant and indisputable information and farts, showing corrupt practices by M. C. Cameron, and by his agents with his Itnowledge and consent, in the late election in this Riding for the Dominion Parliament, that a cross petition be tiled against 0)r. Cameron ; end that every legitimn c meals be tante,' to disqualify Mr. Cameron and his agents, TIoxos Rott.,-T1, following is the report of the Junior Department of E hdl Public School for month of March 1892 :- S' nand Class Selinr-George Greemtides, Willie Spence, Wilber Lindsay, Mabel Eukniier ; Secoud Cleve Junior -Zech ariah aoltallum, Herbert Manning, Eliza McCallum, and Ellie Dilworth and Joseph Whelpton equal ; Part Secoud ^enior--haggle Davies, Alvin Barr, E•nth Milne, May Milne, Sandford But- ton ; Part second Junior -John Peebles, George Richardson, Howard McAllister, Edna. Raynord ; Part First, Senior - Willie Peebles, Willie Doudell, Gideon Zeimen, Karl McAllister ; Part First Middle -Susie Manning, George Sharp, Willie Lindsay, lliaud Badgley; Part First Junior -Oliver Lindsey, Violet Young, Erica klihte, Garfield Dunbar. 1'. A. SltenLoex, Teacher. Certain farmers in Clinton section, who hale tried to grow two -rowed barley snit - able for the English m'rk"t, are getting disgusted with the experiment and pro no nos A a failur' so for as practioal te- nnis are oonoerned A telegram from Port Halon conveyed the sad i1,Iormati• n that T. R. Mitchell, of Westfield, had been accidentally killed near that place. He was an exoeedingl,y popular person, and his untimely death will be greatly regretted. He lett Clinton recently with a consignment of horses for the west. Refe'enue was made a few days sines to the death of Samuel Manning. in Manitoba, The Exeter Times supplies the following additional particulars :- "The deueae d hod been feeling poorly winter, but oat serious was anticipated. One day last week he wen, to the stable as usual, to attend the stook, and not re- turning in due course, his wife followed to ascertain cause of delay, when she found the lifeleee body of Mr. Manning lying in one of the mangers, death bov- ine r stilted from heartfailure, as pro- noneeed by a doctor called in, Mr. sllanniug was 30 years of age, and when a thong mal in Exeter, was held in the highest eeteem, as we believe was the case in ilfaoitoba,and his many friends express maul sympathy for the bereaved one . A wile and young family survive him in Mbouitobet, whore hie remains were in. tetrad." ULL FOR SERVICE'—'TUE nnde'S'gnel w111 he09 fog sa,vioe, on Lot Se, Oen. 7, 1t orris, n, Moro' broil I>nrhom Bell, Tamp, 81.00, with privilege of rotttrn- ing If necessary. Pedigree may bo soul 00 application to the proprietor. PRAMS WM/TO 11EON , Pt'0prieter, ULL FOR Ii IC—fE Underp101rn,d will keeRVp 105R.' ectypTIe, on lot 20, eon, 5, Al err le, 011 a there' -brad D n )hem Inti, "SWeepst,kes:" 010 bait taken 4 firet pr)zos and I suamul, bningbuatnn by the 0.1111 that took latprtzn at l)l 1+rovleaIai Fuoiv, I'eotna-•'1M bailee a Calf 82.00, or 81,50 for 1115 00110011. 3.7.Ou1 JAS. 80).1/8, 1?rotn4atnr, fru r,,nr bc•tlbu a imply h• k• PETER 5E110118 )N, Quenu Shoot, or by mail itdib•c.a Bre 1'. ,1., Itux 37, 01-1 1110I0E IARMI FOlt S A 1 L.- J tieing South half Lot 27,1,,m 0. lo: 1110 acres, nearly ell cleared. Good buildings, fine young bearing orchard, Intmedinte pos. aea4t0n. Easy Terms. Apply` to N'. \l. fit t0f.AItO, 1). SuhciLot•, Aro., Brussels. `ARM FOR SALE. -11.1.F. UN 1. msttstoot:u offers for ,ale at. 1,mtl. u 1t+t gntu•te rat tat 20, runeraeinu 11, .lterri., 1', 111 t, 101. 111101,0.. y„0: 11.41T41 ell 0'1••.4 '1`11"1 laud 1.4)1 Drat quality and in a .Itch smil0 01 onitl9oton, 100111 teuecll Rud ander-drained, d5 aures cleared. N ow f roma house, 8 rnme, milk house with 00001000 walla, 2 wens, good hared and shed, ol'ehard , rte. El WM acres of fan wheat. This ,desirable property adjoins the corporation of Bruesels. Suit- able tern' will be given. Titlepeefect JAMES 11IIIEVk1, Owner, 30. Seaferth P.0. t1ARD'i FOR SALE BEING Lot 10, 50,1, 5, Grey, containing 100 nares, In 01a or 1es,•, about Ye acres cleated, There len comlortable house, two barns, orabard, wane ,springs, &o„ on the premises and 5 acres of fall wheat growing. The plum is in it good state of aultivatiou and the Fall plowing done. Tile above farm was the prnnorty of the late .T. 0 Barker, Listowel, mud will be sold cheap to wind up estate. For further perticulurs as to prise, terms, &0., apply to WM. BARIII'R, Executors, or 100.130'. RANSOM, f 82- Ethel P.O. PLENDTD FAIUI FOR SALE. 1, li EiNo lots 11 and 12, 000.13, Township of Grey. County of Boron, oo.taiuiug 200 sores, the property of the late John Robert- son, 150 acme cleared and free from ob• strnetione, 15 mares bush, mixed timber, balance partly 11eared. Soil oley loam, meetly' rolling. 1Fe❑oed with straight rail fouoee and watered by two walls and a sprin0 privilege. Cnmmedinne, dwelling house, with large woodshed attache') amu nu excellent cellar under bouao. Two large barge, Mune stabling and other 0ntnnil0• lugs. 1.wo good bearing nrobarda, orna- mental trees and 00,,11 fruits. 4), inflect DornBroseela, a lively tonin nu the d. T. 15, onneeui Otto to school, Ohurohee Lion post 0160o, 'PI11S property lies wap, Is a first- class gram and stork farm 051 should be seen by in c011 ling O. In lasers its it is rffer ed at a hargatn, Fte• farther peril ',Mars apply to AIRS, JN0.1t-1B elOTNON, or DAN11 0, ROBE WHO ,v, un the pr3nilus, or by letter to Oranbroott P. 0. 29.4 NERVE BEANS NERVE BEANS are a new discovery that cure the worst oases of Nervous De- bility,f,nst Vigor and Fail- ing Efunhoa,l ; restores the we,tlttleeo Of body or mind -°'`" or the errors of excesses of youth. Tbis Ronsny absolutely cures the most obstinate cases whom all other TREAT- MrETs have failtd avon to relieve. Sall by druggists at 51 per package, or six for 80, or sent uy mail on receipt of erica by address- ing Ten JAMES MEDICINE 00., Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold in Brussels by G. A. DIAADAIAN. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Entice is hereby given, pursuant to R. b. 0. 1887, chapter 110, that all minions hovieg claims against the estate of Robert Ja100, late of the Township of Grey, in the Comity of Boron, yeon1 n dooeased, aro 01 ay be- fore the 28rd day of April 1892 to standby poet prepaid or to deliver to 10. D. Taylor, Brussels, solicitor tot the ad,uinistratrfx (with the will min motile the estate of tiro said demand, their names and addresses with full partioulare of their olalms mud the nature of the securities (if any) hold by them. And notice le further given that atter the said 28rd of April the artminiebra- trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the pnrttee entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wbinh notice shall have been toeoiv,J, and the said admiulebrabrix w911 not be re- sponsible for the Raid estate or 1".y part thereof to any eeraon or pe'so's of wh000 claim or Melina notice shell not have been sivnu at the time of smolt distribution, Dated tit Brussels tarts OM day of April, 1815.1. R, L, TA01,0 it, Solicitor for Admbdstratrlx. 89.8 Notice to Creditors. IN TIIB NIIRROGATIT (111111[7' 01' 77(13 (15118T0 00 713)11108. IN 11)11 StAT"t'EIt 01' Pi11) 1181,01E OF DAVID SEINE, OF 'Mali VILLAGE OF BRUestrs, 10 TnE C0000vo 01' 1'101100, GENTLEMAN, tECAMS1I1). • Notice Is hereby gtveu pluminnt to R. S. 0. chop. 110, that ell persona caving Maims against the 250,00e of the abovo m etll ell URVi,I Shlel, who (Berl on or about rte 0th dm, of November, A. D,1801, aro on or before the 1st do of Hay, A. D. 18(12, to deliver or eonrd by poet prepaid to W. Af. Slnelair, aL 13))10• sole, Solicitor for David Mingles Wilson, of the town of It oarertl', In the County of Ilm'an,lexeoutor of the last will and Testa - wont of the said David Shiel, deoeoeed, their namo0 and sd0ressOe with full poetic - worm of their Maims. And notfoe is hereby Alvan that after the 001,1 lab day of Alay, A, 15.1802, the said executor will proceed to distribc le the moots of the said testator, or any part thereof, avongst the pertioe ou- titled thereto, bovine regard only to the clamps of which the said executor 1155 then notice, 1011,1 the said exooutor will bet be liable for theasaots of the Raid estate or any part thereof, se dietrlbuted to anyper- n t of ah the thio of distribution brie - 110. 14. s IN C!,Allt, • 'terror for 18xeento•, Datedat 13ru1ae)2this 28th day of March, 10110. bo worth 01000 than ; our dollar's worth, and probably 11ell" .0 111 11011. .01,3' ltl'li4'le bought of us contains the full value of the price in qu ,lily an •I wort), and ie 05 gnarl as gold THE COOKS BESTTA FRIEND LARGEST $ALE IN DR. SINCLIAI R, M,D„ Af.A„ T .C.1',S.O. M.O.P.S,M„ Specialist, - Toronto, JONATHAN f 1130nAlr1', Llatowel, Buys l^• "Atter epel,dino all uty money and property to no purpose on in edited mon, for what they termed a hopeless ease of oousnmpttou, Dr. Sinclair cored me." Mlle. MAnv FURLONG, Weotlllousa, says :- " Wh en all other's foiled, Dr. Bhtoh,.ir cured me of fits," D. itonent en1, Carleton Place, 5.1y01 - "Dr. (011,01(11) crowd m0 of Oatarrb," (4110, 25011110, 10.11,, supe:-, Dr. Sinclair cured me of heart discuss 01,4 drops), W11011 all others failed." )l(e)ases of Prleate Nature, brought on by folly, I)1.. 'Sinclair certainly Crepe'::, Cornulx1tatbooa Froo. WILL BE AT TILE ,-, re..,.....,,..... n 9p pp r� g r 1p t [ Gbld ie goad and uur I AMERIr AN HOTEt1 13.1LJSSEL3, goods are as good as gold. Tho price on —ON-- 1our gads is simply a Istatement o1 their Wednesday, May II, '92. exao' gold value. p _— MONEY SAVED. Common sense teaches that to buy ,judiciously means money saved, and this connection points directly to k. R t Smith, Clothier, Matter and Furnisher, where every dollar counts for 100 cents worth of benefit to you in merit, quality, style and value, and the result of each transaction with us will be AS GOOD AS GOLD. CLOTHIER, HATTER and FURNISHER, - - BRUSSELS. NTS COTTON ROOT COM POUND. A recent discovery by au old physician. Successful• ly need monthly by thous- ands of LAl1IEa. Is the only perfectly safe and • reliable mediodue dlsc0v- e•od. Beware of unpriuoipled druggists w110 offer interior medicines in pinee of thle, Ask for (1000'0 COTTON Ito0T 001111•017sn. take no eubet0tute ; or Walesa 51 and 4 three -omit Canada postage stamps iu letter, and we will banal, settled, by return moil, Full mob sot plortieanre in pinto envelope, to hullos only, 2 stamps, Address Pond Ley Com- patty. No. 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward uve.,Detrolt, Welt. 050 gold in Btuasels by J, T, PEPPER, G. A. DEA 1101.0N and ell reenoestble druggists everywhel o. 1892 — FL AX— 1802 (0) Cameron Bros. Have a limited number of Bushels of the - BEST DUTCH SEED - For farmers iu the vicinityof Oranbrook wilt) intend raising Flax during the corning season, which they are prepared to deliver in quantities to suit flax growers, 00n begot at Lire Oranhrook Flax Mill, Seed given oat on the usual t0rtns and 81.50 per bus, Order eerly to ensure a enpply, For flax grown front this Beed 1$10 per ten will be paid, if of gond growth, harvested Su proper season, and delivered at the Flax Alill as soon as fit for threebiug, Wo wIll roubo 00021101' 01 good cod fields for the purpose of growing 3110x. CAMERON BROS., l'a,tpi latnre Cranbrook Flax 71111. Tint YOH ! 0 wi..L to express my best thanks to the residents of 73ruseele and surrounding country for their patronage during the past winter. In oysters alone my sales amounted to 3300. My Spring stock of Candy, Fruit, &c,, has arrived this wook and , will be found fresh and nice. Bananas, 30e. per do%. Pine Apples 25c., 3Oc. and 36o, T011tlrrLDG B1tr'SSIt1LS. Why Not Do Your On Thinking? —3P- 13,,ua0nte, Nuyolni,ar 50 ,1880. J. AI. MoLEOD, Goderlalt, Dunn Stn. -I should have written bndere now to lot yen know how I a•'• getting along. lama lot better than I Was; gaining etretlgtit every day. I have 0 good 1,p„etite end sleep well. I can balsa the 01,11 quantity of the System Renovator and It does not siokon me. Aty limbs ,are all right now ; quite smart in that way; swelling 011 gone. The uiubt, 11111110 b 11b I take n little butteru:ilk. water ram quite straight again. Ben., me another bottle of your Syet'un Renovator. Yours, &c., JAR, DoNOAN, FOURTEEN 010NT115 LAT111. BRcse,ta, Rebruary 7th, 1002, J. AL McLean, Goderlob, Mutt Sim -Fifteen yours ago last Novem- ber I stated to doctor first ; I was treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped me any. At times 1 suffered grotltly from my atomaob; I continued, but I grew worse. I tented dropsical 1 limbs std body swelled badly. You know the state I was in whom I went to Goderfeb--a more wreck, could hardly wallt-suoerlog from Bright's dis- ease. Just one year ago last fall I began your Re iv ator and Specific Oure. I began w days; oontinued then for throe months steady. Although I was told I could bot be owed, if you saw me now, well .and hearty ; oat eyery'thtug that cones is the way. I owe you the praise of saving my 1ite. I was in a hopeless ooudittou when I went to you, in fact no eve theugbt I would get better. I amulet Speak too highly of you end of your medicines, for it was theta that oared me, Words ea10101 express my thanks to you, Freely pass my name to anyone. Yours, &a., JAMES DUNCAN, Sohn BY J. T. PEPPER, BRussl.Le. We have Caught on a new stock of Iron and Wooden Axle Wagons; with wire and wooden wheels ; boxes or bent rail, Also Carts, Rocking Horses Rubber Balls, Marbles Al- leys, &e. Croquet Sets Ready for the Spring. Oricket Sots, including Bat, Ball, Wickots and Bails. "Post” Bookstore, 13Iti1.TSSETJS, —Manufacturer of— Buggies, Carriages, OPPOSITE TOWN .HALL, BR118815.L8, Our Work will satisfy you and our Prices will please. Call and See us as We are Ifere to Ilustle -Business. TEElr•r n rlfr,n•,�-t ry 1 t i'1, ,la til TttJb, tLLj1 i, ER, Practical. TVtteitinrplter• and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out 1?ull Lines in GOLD AND SILV1R WATCHES. Silver Plates Ware from Established and Reliable llakent fully warranted by us. Melts of the Latest lies ig iui JEWELRY 1 WEDDING RINGS, LADIES 0551 31100.4, lin000ixe, EARRINGS, rho. ( Also a Full Line of Vloi, ns and Violin Strings, cbo., in stork. N. 11:-Iseurer of Marriage Idae ee,s. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. 80 YEARS HERE AND— Std 111 (ve F►'out .es I tante this opportunity of thanking 1)1,y many frientle for their liberal patronage during the last thirty yoare that I have been in the Carriage Rosiness in Bros. MIS. 111y, work giving general satisfae. Mon and by egtl0re dealing with my cus- tomers, I am pleased to say that I ant still here to provide you with anything you want in my lino. I can supply you with as good Buggies and Wagons as yon con get 111 the County. 1 can furnish you with 6 Different Styles of Rcadcarts, from $12 up to 1$36. Old ]Buggies repainted and trimmed and made to look almost now, Thanking ply friends for past favors, 1 solicit a continuance of the same. Yours, Respectfully, JJNT0.-vc.r'YN1N' 0.0101)14011 11111(1011, I.iTil'SRt11;S, R