HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-8, Page 66
Hie Heart Enna to be Wholly on The
Right Bide.
€011111Sainis rro essel Ito» Nreut"
Mettle 00a• TS'
(I1.41 VIS
IN A -RE WAS Lir rtel iteit 11
THAN A telkEteeroei,
Poem elate 111. - • Edward
mons, generally IthoWn 11,8 the Ossified man.
-died here yesterday morning ae 4 o'eloek.
From time to time for years :temente of hint
have appeared in the neWepeper. h'Or near.
1y eighteen yeare he tete laiu in his bed
alutoet as rigid itt hotly fuel Malone a Mg of
He meribial b entlif bill to intiantinntOry
ebelinlat ISM. 1 Ile thee/mane N% 1,0 ft"
time to time examined him called it anehy• I
lots, whiehs debited to be " marked stiff- '
Boss, Or absolute fixation, of a joint, which
may be clue M verious morbid mu:intone of
the structures eneering into its formotion,"
The hardeeing started in the toes of one of
the feet, and the disease erept ttp from joint
to joint to upper portions ot the body,
finally looking the jaws.
Emmons was not 37 years old when he
died He went on the sea when he was 11
nald WWI with Capt. William 11, Dayton on
the sohooner Julia Willis at Georgetown,
N. C., when the first premonition of his
disease came on him in the shape 01 11 fever.
When the ship teethed Port Jefferson he
hod to be taken to 1.m home in a oarrioge,
and shertly after that, Ilio joints began to
beceme eet. Fol. a year or so he was
able eo move around the bowie with the aid
of crutches, hut with the mimic() of the
diseme he 110011 wits unable to move or rise,
and was put to bed, where be remained for
more than seventeen years. His left arin
could be ntomel a little, but that WaS tie
only pars of the body that eseoyed the ad-
vaneing rlgi4ity. Whet his jars bee:tine ,
looked sotne yams ago, all food hail te be •
pushed into his mouth through an opening
formed be the olosenee of ewe front teeth.
For some time past he had been mblo to take I
nething hot liquid food.
His body wasted away until it appeared
to be little more than a envered slceleton. j
His mother and sistets we; e be to lift him j
from the bed with small effort. W ben lift- I
ed oat of his bed his body always maintain- f
od its rigidity anti to be supported in ft» in. I
clined position like a plank..
Abner a week nr two ago lie appeared to
be sinkine, and Dr. J. E. Gillereleeve was
summoned. He then made the astounding
discovery, according to his statetnent last
night to it reporter that the sick mans
heart was wholly an the right side of the
Ineffian line instead of the lamer pa t being
on the left. There was on ; alvular trouble
as far as the physteian eould disenver, but
the heart was losing its power to beak At
each succeeding visit he made the heart
beating appeared to be cent anted With more
and more difficulty until yesterday morning
at 4 o'clock it stopped.
Why the heart should bit on the right
side -Or. Gildersleeve said, he was at a com-
plete loss to explain. It must have been
effected somehow, by the hod's lying for
years in one posture, although the Doctor
said, as far as Ile knew, such a case had
never before been heard of,
There will be no entopsy performed. On
the certificate, the came of death will be
put down simply as heart failure;
Emmons was able ahnoet to his last hours
to use hi; tongue and articulate his words
with distinctness. His sight, hearing, and
other senses were dimmed and deadened by
the disease as it aavaroed.
toyeett matt to el concerning the eh oft
sett toy the Diseeverele
Europe and America vie with each other at
the present time in presenting tattle world
interesting facts, gleaned. from reeearches itt
tonnection with Christopher Columbus and
the thecovery of this muutry, the commemo.
ration of which ie mon to be celebrated.
The Austrian ;Maritime Review lots reeent•
ly published it very intemsting illusteated
article, the result r)f investigations (1(01 11(1(11
been teede, particularly in Spain, in order
to ascertain beyond doubt the exact type
and marithne value of the three ships that
brought the greet explorer to the hound.
aries of a new continent. These ships, as
we already know, were called " caravelles,"
but only the latest reeetueltes have gained
for us the knowledge that this name did not
apply to any petals:alter class of vessel.
rrhe Spaniards used the word " Cierabelm,"
whit+ they borrowed from the PrancOnian
tongue, and which has its root in the Greek
word " Koran," to cleeignate ships that }nee
not the slightest resemblance to each other,
either in conetruetion or capacity.
The investigators gethered all possible
proofs that eetild be furnislimi eithe, by the
admiral's diary, pirtioularly the log book,
and the sketches which Columbus published
through Juan de la Cosa, his pilot, besides
many ancient documents pertaining to this
subject. This thoroughness on the part of
the investigamrs luts enabled them to Mr.
nish to the marine painter Re.fael Miteleon
the means for executing an aquarell, repre-
senting the fleet of Columbus.
The three votsels were the Santa Maria,
the Nina, and the .Plifia. The dimenslons
of the Santa Maria were as followe : Length
of keel, 58 feet; betweee perpendiculars, 70
feet ; displacement of tonnage, from 100 to
130. The crew numbered no more than
ninety men at, any time, tend the ship wee
able to carry sufficient water and provisions
tor them. The led:ninths diary speaks of
the size of his life.boat, but treats the memo.
merit only superficially. It mentions, f
example, Meet Deo. 20 the admiral mused to
be fired " una Lombardy una. Espingorda,"
The latter of theme arms ie very well Intorn,
while the former is a cannon of small call,
ber used in Lombardy. The tackelage of
the Santa Muria was that of it SM,61 I three-
-master with five single sane. The maintmest
had a scuttle, which the sketchee show to
have been round like a basket. The genes
al form of the hull was that whieh wee ooln•
Mon to the round vessels of that age. In
the stern the ship earried a largo coffin -
home, With a smell one in the bow,
The seaworthiness of the Santa Maria
was excellent. The admiral's diary speaks
thus of it : " The vessel behaved splendid-
ly in bad weather; it treacle! with the
swiftnees of a good flyer." It was the same
with the other ehips, and the log records
often 111 10011 italitenemilets on hour, which le
equal to eleven nautical miles, a speed that
Woe very good for the vessels of that Age.
The dimensions of the other two vessela
aro not reeorded, hot the sketches and tho
designs deg.:lento eltem as of smaller size.
TheNinse resenthl iod the Sonia Maria; the
Pinta carried trienguler sails, width were
replaced with &mars ones after the firsestop
at the Oanames. Reels veseel carried the
Caetillian flag on its mainmest, end the (lag
of tho admiral tin its mizzenmast. Toe
Aragoniati ante were excluded by order of
the (J1150fl1 became Aragonite refused toper.
ticiffitte in defraying the expenses of ths ex-
pedition. The admirare flag was a white
Standard with 0 green 010110 between two
crowned letters, le, effil 1„ the itotiale if
Feedlot:mil and 'manilla. A aim) WaS al80
tainted on every sail ei the shipe, a engin))
tulepted hytSp
he anierile and Portuguese)
to distinguish then, fleets from those alt be
infidels. A eauvas, Mena ill the 110100010 Of
ilituirid, representing the landing of the all-
tti,letick at San Salyndor, and exeented
by the pitinter lirttgailts, eorrespottils fully
with the dowript Mils set forth by the .1 114.
trinfe int. lir Pi, Ir.
EaMells Historian Dead. 1
The demli 01 Edward Agitates Freeman I
of 0111(1!' 1)00 on the Met, 111 Affietute,
Speen, teelised 10 111,011 regret in Ameriett na
in Enid:tool Where ille historical work had
twee tumuli and flaunted longer 11 1(1(1 more ,
intimately, Ills death was metainly on '
timely, althotigh Mr, Freeman had enjoyed
fame for felony years As he was bout in
1S03, he was but 110 yeas old, in the fel-
nese of mental and phyetaial vigor, and
therefore capable cf greater aceomplish-
ments. Mr. Freemen eves born in Harborne,
Staffordshire. His father Watt 11 scholarly
num of leisure, and the boy spent an 10(11
youth of preparation in the family seat,
Pedmore Tian, Worcestershire. When h
WAS years old he entered Trinity Col.
lege, Oxford, and at22 was eleeted a fellow.
He spew: his vacations in hong rambles tn
thn old cathedral towns of England, follow.
ing his funticittarian instinct. As a reeult of
these rambles he published several books
the lust, " Church Restoration, appeartng
in 111.111. Then there Woo the " Essay in
Window Tracery" and the " Architectural
Antiquities of 'lower," the " Architecture
of Llandoff Cathedeel," and the " History '
and Antiquities of St. David's."
After leo; tug Oxford he went int n Spain
and sottth Franee and travelled Mame in
small mud unfremtented towns, The trams I
of the Sara, . e. which he foetid everywhere,
hail for him ; he same fest:illation they had
had for \Vase:moon Irving, with the same
result. Freemen's lectures on " The Hie -
tory and Conquests of the Saracens" evas
published in lsee,
After ISM, when he published his "His. I
tory of Federal Government, from the For-
m mien of the sielminet League to the Dis-
ruption nf the United States," Freemen
was devoting himself to the gathering of
material for what was tn be the greatest
work of his life. •• The History ef the Nor-
man Conquest of England ; its entise8 and
Results." Be wrote niagaelne areicles on
various historical themes at the some time.
The first volume of this history appeared in
1807. Nine years afterwaed, in 1870, came
the tifth and last volume. Scholars every-
where recognized the work as the standard,
while it also had it great and inereming
popular sale. In Rail Mr. Freeman'e his-
toricel abilities are at their best. During
this period Mr. Freeman olso wrote a "0 en-
erel Sketch of European History" and edited
an " Histerical Course for Schools.'
The first has been more widely read
thou any of his other works. 'I h
books he edited were written by men whom
he selected and his part of the work is so
completely done that he might justly elahn
the whole credit. His work on " Disesta-
blislirrent and Disendowment," his " Wit.
liam Rufus." his " Impressions of the Uni.
ted States," " Lectures to Amerioan Aed1.
eines," end " ;serge Washington," and a
hundred or more magazine ortieles, all show
the sante masterly vigor and accuracy. In
Mot, be covered almost every field of Euro-
pean history and wrote much on historical
themes outside of Europe, and always wrote
an that he commended himself both to the
echolar and the general reader, Within the
past year Ise has written much, particularly
upon Homeric subjects and hie pen showed
no sign of weariness. A complete list of
hie orks would 1511 a half column, of this
pa er and each title would represent a con.
tri ninon to knowledge and to literature.
Ten years ago Mr. Freeman visited Ameri. '
est and lectured at some or the leading uni-
versities, Cornell being the ebief one.
In the railway (lapel: ole busy, beetling
town in Westero Ontasto it loonmotive timed
panting mut snorting SA if impanent to
tired mvey on ita journey,
The firemen WO giring lliP 11101 400011 to
the brightly polished broils work, while the
engineer and the deeriet ettperititendent
stood upon the platform beside the cab,
Another train had juet drawn into the
station and its pasongers (too 00l0t'0t15
froiti the ears mid Iturvying away, Some of
them neerheard a portion of the (temente-
tinn flat was talsiug pleoe between the twe
men AR they passed, and ono, a inidille.aged
well•dreestid %coined greatly 111)-
1( 000111 the few words thee fell upo
hie ear, for he winked only a phort diatom:a
before lie paused, as if desirous of hearing
,"Phere 15 00 nee in talking, Baxter u
have got to make the run tomight," the lis.
ttner heard the superintendent say in a
voice that was by no means pleasant, "It
makes no differences to toe or to the stock-
holdere of this road whet trouble you may
hare 1(1 1(0100, Your place is on this engine,
and there you must remain or else quit the
service of the campy ny altogether."
't But, sir," replied the driver, in a plead-
ing tone, " do you understand, 103 wife is
very ill --perhaps dying7anil there is no
one evith hor but our ttvo little children and
a kind neighbor, who cannot spend the
-hole night by Iter side."
"Do I not tell you there is no one about
t the present; time whom I can pue in your
plate?" retained the official,
" There is Sturgis," suggested the other,
" Hs is here in the depot at this inomeot:"
" What, that miserable inebriate? hlelh
never run a train another mile on this
" But, sir, he hos not driusk a drop foe
two mr n the."
"That. la neither here nor there. Ho is
not qualified to take triter place, not even
for 11 single mip."
'Itis haul, very hard," murmered the
engineer as he turned away, and was about
to mount to his mat in the cab when the
s.t,ryttilligg„...er,,wIto had loitered Male, stepped tip
" I beg your pardon, gentlemen. Did I
not hear you say that yo11 wanted to secure
the services of an engmeer
" Well, what 11 100 de ?" brusquely askecl
he superinteudent, looking tie, the man in
some astonishment.
" Thou 1 should lake to nffer myself if ie
Nrelita be ;my accommodation. 11111 an Old
num, and an experienced engine
" But, I do not know you," again return,
ed the official. " It would be too much
risk to trust this train in the hands of ao
tieter stranger."
" I have papers that will 0000)001 3011 I
001 competent," and the applicant drew
from the inner breast pocket of his coat a
leathern wallet, and took therefrom
ment, which, however, was well
01 here 1111' fi trouper 01 Talot En and Made
to Peel at Dome.
Amory, the genuine woodsmen in eastern
Amerio:hoepitality et) strangers is the most
distinguishing trait, says a writer in the
Foreet and Stream. By woodsmen, is ineane
those who make their living hy chopping
and heeling logs, anti who live all Ivinter 111
log camps:, half buried up in the snows of a,
v games northern etiniate, far away from
the outer world. Among ehese people there
id no law against tramps. Tho solitary
hunter or ihe Mealy traveller whennight
hes overtmken in his journey always recut Yes
O cordial welcome, net from ono, Inte from!
al1 the crew.
As soon as the stranger's head is inside of I
the low door hy which the hut is entered,
the cook calls ont to him In walk in, for i1,
is this functionary who does the honore of
the camp. He is then invited to take a
place on the deacon seat," that he may be
able better to WatIll his feet, liefore the tiro.
The question is then put. " Hive you had
your supper ?" and the wanderer is asked to
step itp and have a bite ; even if he has al.
remly supped 11 0 Will be almost forced to take
a piece of sweet Cake and to drink a cup of
tea. The teakeetle always sits beside the
-fire, and on the stranger's arrival the cook
gives this "a gooil boil," for woodsmen
wa»t their tea boiled. Some fat pork is
eut and put, Into the pen and l soon shit.
moving orer a cheery fire. While the etrang.
er is taking elf his moccasins and putting
011 s dt y pair of soaks, with which the cook
is always ready to furnish him, the cook is
plying Min with questions 101 10 what is go -
mg cm out in the settlement.
So soon as the " hose or owner of the
camp and crew eotne in at night, their clay's;
work over, the eta anger is cordially greeted
by ell; in fact he hemonee ono of thetosolves
nd is expeeted to walk up to the bean pot
or the frying pan met to help hitnself to
any ng that suits hie palate without ask-
ing otnemody. He 1101 only 1)000/1108 08 0110
Of tile ereW, hilt the lif st place in the berth
is reseeved fee him, some one turtling out
of it and sleeping on the .• deacon seat"
he hewn plank on which the crew sit
(when eating their mettle), Somntimes the
clettuon mot iP preferable to the berth, Many
yt.acs 511100, lute one stormy winter night, I
arrived at Mr, W, Riehar l's logging camp
at the "01(81 slide." on the Naslittalk
river, New lionnswick. Tho orew Med re-
tired. tYlocitt I emend the camp Me. R.
raimed hR head from i he fir boughs alt whieh
he teas 13111; 40,1 said tome. " Como, take
this oleo." 1 oeught at the moment a
glimp e of a ),e,1of-snow beneath the green
boughs, " No, thank yon I prefer the
(imam 0110'." 1(11 this I gladly stretch-
ed my weary limbs with my roots for a pil-
low end coat threw%) over my :Moulders for
emeritus; and yet:after all, my sleep was
sounder and merit roil eshing than that of
1-118 1111110! ell the 'entries oF the town.
'Ilse !shepherd dog -called ealle in &rot
land, fr,h1 the enflame, et puppy -
gains ite title Mont the fact of its being used
to watch sheep arta protect them from mar -
endure of every do•oeiption,
a dom.
with age, and handed 11 to the superin•
tendon t.
"This has reference to yourself, I pre-
sume said the official, glancing over it,
Bat it bears a somewhat; autiquated
" Very true, and for that reason I value
it highly. But if I wee a good mon thee I
am doubly so now, for I have had all these
years of experience."
"You do one know the rood."
" Oh, yes, I do, Fir. Every foot of
" Well, if you tan convince me that you
are capable of taking charge of the loom.
tive I will let Baxtet• lay off this trip," Ives
the reluctant answer,
"Then the only way that I see to arrange
the matter is for you and yoor engineer to
lake a tide in the eat) m far as I.,- That
is fifteen miles, and there you can meet the
aecommetlatton returnmg here. 1 Gunk
that in that short ren I clan prove to you
thet I understand the business."
Just at that moment the twominute bell
" Well, web, get aboard, and wall see
what you can do,'' and the (1)100 10011 climb.
ed into the cab.
" You innst lend me your overalls mid
jumper," said the stumpy to the engineer,
"fan I do not care to spoil a good suit of
" 011, eertainly," replied Baxter, who up
to this timo ha,h been tie astonished that he
1115(5 not utteeed a word.
After drawing the clothes on, the new
engineer grasped the throttle with his letf
hand, thrust his hood out of the window
and said-
" .Now we are reedy."
Then came 1110 signal to start, and the
next instant tho complicated machinery waif
see in motion, but so gentle Walt the start
made that scarcely a person on the train
realized that they wore under the way till
cos had drawn out of the depot. Gradually
the speed was increased until they 0010 51)0(1
runnieg upon their regular time.
The superintendent could not refrain
from casting several glenees of a previa a
Baxeer as he named how deftly ths stran-
ger handled his "1101) horse," As they
drew nem the jenction a short distance
from L- the regality engineer reached
for the whistle cord to sound the usual blast
but he found the hand of his substitute
there before him, who said to him with a
kind smile.-
" Yoa see I know the road."
" Truly you do," replied the superintend.
ant, " and although I am . taking great
chances I think I evil! lot you go with the
train while Baxter and I return by the ac-
As Baxter was about to step out of the
cab when the engine stopped ab L--, he
greenest the hand of the s,vanger, and add
with deep feeling in his voice,-
" Oh, sir, you have dune me a great fever
tomight, and rest assured 11 11 over lies in
my power I shall repay it."
"Don't mention it,wag the hearty re.
joinder. "Hurry home to your wife and
don't worry abottt the train 1 everythlug
will be all right,"
Acoordingly tho suporffi tendeut and Box.
ter returued to their homes on the way
train ; hot the former felt by no moans easy
in his own mind an...1 retnairied in his office
nntil midnight, when he received a despatch
from the end of the line saying that train
Namber Sixty.eight had arrived all right
and on time,
As the official sealed himself at his il081t
the following morning his eyes rested upon
O note from the preeident of the entire eye.
tem, stating that he would arrive on the
2:1 5 train and wished to see him on import,
ant heftiness,
The hands on the cloak in the superinten-
dent's office were resting at 11 quatter past
tbat nour when Baxter entered.
"Well, ' began tho °Moja', as he reeognis,
ed his caller, " aro you going 10 shrink att.
other trip tomight?"
"Nos sir my wifo is muell easier and 15
shall be at my post; 1 esone up to thank
you for letting tne off last night."
" Oh, It's turned out, allright, Pin thank-
ful to say, But-"
Ho would have gono further had not the
door opened and two gentlemen entered!
P 0 S T.
One wee 111,1 peesident, Who, At eyeing tplitat-
ly fora,lasi, Sala 111 n Cheery Voice,-
" Alt, good•af ternoon, bit'. Curt is. Allow
one to i 01 rodnee Mr, 110(101,11100, the gentle.
man whom the dIrecturs have Meeted to
supersede me n (ghee."
As the impel Intention t rime from his eltair
to acknowledge the introduetiou, he almon
fainted with eurprim, for there before hint
etood the ruthenium who, the night before
had run the engine in pleats of the repine
,lrl\1:11y -why-is it possible ?" he stain.
indeea, Mr. Curies," replied the
new president, " I am the One who firm oe
the overalle last night fer the first lime in
ten years, but yea see I had not f.irgottn»
how to run the maehine, I overheard your
conversation WI til Ole poor man here,
tuning to Baxter, "I pitied him in his
dilemma and resolved to assist him. 11 you
heel refused to Mime me to 5(1 05 his mitten -
tore I shenid have made known my
identity then ond there, and requested you
even to let the fireman take his plaee, rather
than to keep the feithful engineee away
from the bedside or his wife. Ain't you, sir,"
:pint inued the kind•heartod rebutted magnate
to Baxter, "(1103' lay off for a few days. We
will find 001110 One In take your plan omit
your wife is recovered. And, Mr. Curtie,
there is one thing I should suggest before
we proceed Lo ether huffiness, and that is,
irom this out treat yottr risen kindly."
This was a lesson that the arbitrary super.
intentlent never forgot,
Soothing Women.
‘i ilThere is one women I know," said a
bright college girl to me, " who is to perfect
soother, yes, I. con call her nothing else.
She hes ft wouderfully restful miluenee OVer
everybody who comes nem her. In the
first place her face is as sweet and as calm
011 )5 sett:teetered lake 111 80010 cool and shady
wood, her eyes me it lovely, violet color, and
her features have an oval roundness which
immediately impressee Yon with the idua of
of placidity 'and smoothness. She is tall
and slim and moves 011,1, Umber owe
Her naine, too, hes a peefectly composed
and rythinieal sound. le le '' Della, and
she seems well suited to it. Whitt the
curious, occult influence is which surrounds
this woman, 11101 any of her friends have
ever been able to find out, She is goo 1.
She is artistic. She is entertaining, lint I
know many women who emelt this, and vet
folks don't, run to them when they are dis-
couraged and heart sites, like they do to
this Woman. Della herself says she ean
colt rage and sympathim with people because
she has stinted so much herself.
" Do you really think this is the reason ?"
The bright girl finished her long harangue,
with a flushed and eager face looking into
mine earnestly, to reeeive a reply. I could
not answer her, nor oould any one else, for
we ere all contiunally questioning the beim-
tifal, divine, almost infinite, influence which
a genii, tender, womanly woman has upon
all those who come in contaet with her.
The English Chunk.
'rile Church of England is yearly becom•
coining morn and more the recipient of greet
voluntary. sul-seriptious and less dependent
upon its endowment fends. The Rev.
Conon Burnside has recently compiled t he
following stet :mut of voluntery subserip.
tions for church purposes, as received from
the different dioceses during the year
1800 :
Diocese. Amount,
. .
London.-- .... . 011,710
Durham.. 35,605
Winchester .. 10,701
Banger,- „ • 9,003
Bath and Wells.. .. .. MANI
„ 10..2.S7
Chester. .. its,ft57
Chichester.. ,• 35,Mca
.. 5)1,255
, 02,081
. 77,917
, 09,10
.,. (1111
lonecst•er and Bristol
Lhoulall' .
Oxford._ ..
pef °Merman..
.000110A1 „
St. Albeit's..
St, Aspalt
SI. ..
snlishury. • .•
soder and Alan....
Soot h wall.. ..
110,1 17
The tidal represents a stun of C1.008,820.
or 00e1 tIP,,P10,11110, Wes elliniCrilied
for purposes indicative of the life, energy
awl progress of the Church. As a State
Establightnent 11 may be open to praise or
censure, aeoording to the views of the uri.
tie, but as a great religious orgenizottion
them oat' be no doubt of the 1 M11101180 pro.
gross daring recent, years of the Ohnrolt of
England. Au:111451mi) '1,01 ,11,1 nmelt due.
ingbis long term as Primate to develop this
condition of affairs, Archbishop lieuson 110
following nobly in his predecessor's foot.
steps, Whilst the appointments to tho Bench
of Bishops 00e1' a long term of years have
been moat honorable to those responsible
for the tilling of vneencies tend beneficial to
the dioceses concerned.
No one will ilony that, so long es there
is an Establishment, good men should fill
the positions of honor and the great spheres
of labor thus opened up, and certainly the
men, taken as a whole, who now occapy the
high places in the Ohurch of England are
worthy of the trust reposed in them. 'Phut
good work is going on all over the ootintry
118 regards what may be meted the material
evelfat e of the Church and its people is evi-
denced by the expenditure for the ening
mentioned above, which were used as fol.
Church building and restoration ...... 01,331.220
t a g,'ouIools on 115
Endowment of beneftelos 108,1)90
Pansonage houses lIgili
Total e1siee,S111
It he thus apparent that the bettutiful old
cathedrale awl churches of :Morrie England
aro being well looked after, We know that
the Colonial and Foreign miesione of the
Church ore also progressing eplondidly and
receiving enturb materiel aid, whilst its re-
ligious spirit at home is according
to ail reports exemcling year by year in
power mid influenee.
Lord Tennyson is said to be an inveterate
novel -reader, and when hobos:mos absorbed
in an especielly interesting story at night
it is often difficalt to peraiade hint to leave
it to go to bed.. He dees not, risceitrly, an
breakfasts in his bedroom, taking a oottiole
of hours' stroll afterwards before his lunch
He continues to be devoted to his pipe.
" ',Vol!, I, never 1" exclaimed Mrs.
Snaggs, " Yon nevor what?" asked her
husband. " Itere's 0 pieee in the paper
that says it is possible to become; in lox icated
on rarefied air. Did you over Inew of such
ft thing?" "01 001I030 I have, The, ex.
pression 'air tight,' obtained 1111 011151(1 from
just that fact,"
0"Dst it oil] isi•n;t.i.i's to be:intent tied lo
',Notre of the loading Scotch members
letee introdueed in imperial Parliament a
hill for 1 110 ereatilin of a Scottish legieletive
body. All the Liberal members returned
been Seollend here given adhesion to
tho measnre, and many 1 the
members, including swim emi.fervatives,
have priv.ticly signili.,1 their a penal,
Ilietnieft8 rtuponsible for the lai are till.
olin I.:hie/di, Oa liemilion, Mamie, Dont.
er, A. L lirewit, Petelutuen Leong, leemffinont
Philij.pe, le. le. Robert -mit, (11)1111 0,jisen,
Ctittre,tt Will, 0, U., Mid IL Te Reid, Q
Some ef then, Wore I iollie ittders before Air,
Unfasten° 'rhe irni part of the bill mettle
lishee in Scotland a Letnelature, censieting
uf the leneen and te Sceteh legislative body,
eto make laws and a!t er and repeal any law
in Sentient'," except, those which rehtte to
matters of 11111)0Na! ((1)010151 )0110)1, includ-
ing the 1111113 nett envy, medal and telegraph
eervicee, treaties of puttee and War, 'trade,
oat agation, coinage, copyright, patent
rights, and suceessiou to the Orown or re.
goney. The Scottish Legislature shall not
notice any kw for establishing or eudowni lig
any religion or proltibititog the free exercise
thereof, or in:peeing Roy dieability or con-
ferring any privilege on eatiount of religious
belief ; shall not abrogate or derogate from
the righe to establish and maintain any
place of denominational education, itistitn-
thin, or charity, or prejudicially !atria the
right of any child to attend a school reign v•
ing public money without attetiding the
reltetiets instruction of that 5011(301ot:id shall
not make any law imposining oe relating to
the ditties of customs Or 000100,
The Scetch Parliament is to 00110(01 01 the
Suoteli members ref:meted to the Imperial
l'erliamont, excepting those returued for
Seotch universities. le will meet in itutumn
and consult», all 1 pule end all business ex-
clusively relet tig to Scotland. 'rite bills
passed beeme • len' outlet' thu assent, of the
Queen, and will not roonlre the sanction of
the Jonporia I ltvliaincitt, 1101. of the 'louse
Lords. Neither the Imperial Pate lament
nor the flovernittent shall have any power
of veto on mess Ircs passed by the limn at
legislittivo body. Shoald the tittestlfai arise
whether a measure approve11 by tho Sewell
Parliament is Matilin its powers, the matter
will be refereed te) the Judicial Committee
of the Privy Collect', and 1( 111,0 committee
decides that the 1411 is not, within the
powers 0( 1115 Scotch Parlintnett 1 the Relent
of the Queen is to be withffield
'ffite executive goveroment of Sc.:nand I
shall be vested 11) the Queen and cervical on
by the Seeretary foe Seotlitud, with smell
officers and Council as may he provided by
the Scottish Legislature Foe the purpose
of administration, the Scottish Legislature
may toipose taxes other than dunes ot ens -
toms or excise ; shalt create a Scottish coo.
solidated fund separate from the coneolidat-
ell fuml of for the United Kingdom,. All
1,0 11,0 imposed by the Sottish Legislature
with all other public revenues under the
econ Lust of the Government of Scotland shall
be paid into the Scottish consolidated fund
and Appropriated to the piddle service of
Seotland. The second part provides that
all existing civil and criminal courts slant
be maintained, subject, however, tottholition
anti altermion, and that " lords of session "
can he removed from office, on an mattress to
her itfajosty (rein the Scottish Legislature.
But Russia Must ;71: Interfere in th e Ile
hring Sea Dispute.
Losnox, March ing le the re•
ported entente between Reset% anti the
United State:3 ill the matter of tho Behring
sea dispute, The St. James iffieette teelay
says : " Bath eidee know that the ITnitel
Stems is not going to war With eal
Britain, but We cannot elloW 111101in 10 inter-
Ttie of the fmndon papere fear that a
coffiliut might be preei pi tated by 1 Ile
creet ltelaint of naval officers. Vice•Adittiral
Sir Nowell Sahnon has written a letter,
winch is published toolay, in which he hays
that the commanding naval officer will lie
instructed Lo captnre any voesel, whatever
flag she sails under, thet he 1111:10 catching
male within what the lJnited States claims
to be Mare alaUSIMI, using force if Puce:entry.
The British eorninatoling officer will he
ordered to forcibly prevent any 011011 Inter-
ference with British vessels. " IF both
officers execute their instructions," Admiral
Salmoo asks, " how can a collision be avoid-
A Initiations ettininv eturders Ms wife sad
TIre° Chi Wren.
SAN 1RAZONS1.0, April 1 -Th.., steamship
Motional, whiell has arrived from Sydney,
A netralia, and Hem:lulu, brings news of a
terrible trogely ,te Tauranga, Auckland,' on
Fele 8, whom I) moan Munro, stop -son of
James Bedell, late Moyer of that town,
murdered his wife and throe ohilaren.
Munro hod limn an inmate of an insone
asylum obeli t three years ago, b lug militated
with religious mania, He had recently
been acting strangely and talking of offering
sacrifice to tho Most, High, \Then a milk-
man called at the house on the morning of
Feb, he was unable to ar0t180 0/0 family.
Tie opened the kitchen door and found Mrs
Munro and the eldest, boy, six years old, 0,1
the floor in a. pool of blood, their heads being
battered in. The milkman saw Muer° on
the beech at the back of the noose, attired
only in night.olothes. The police were call.
od and Munro secured. In the front bed
room they fonnd the bodies of the two little
boys, aged three and five years old, reepeot.
ively, in bed with their heads arualled, and
in acrid; near bye» infant ;laughter lay dead
with her alcull beaten in. The you, gest boy
may recover.
A jury at the inquest found a verdict o
wilful murder, and also that Munro should
not have been voleased from the asylum.
Rea River Nttvigatiom
OrrAwn March 31 :-The Manitoba tnetn-
boys ore making prepormions to urge the
Government to tnake provision for the ono -
street len of a eanal to overcome the obstacles
to the navigation of the Rod river at St.
Andrew's rapids, some fifteen miles north of
Winnipeg, Mr. Daly, member of Brendon,
ie expected back in Ottawa tocnorrow, and
it is likely that the Manitoba, numbers will
tvait upon the Government in it body in a
day or two, 'Pile Winnipeg Board of Trade
has been active 111 ehie matter, as the St.
Andrew's rapids form it beerier to the nay'.
gation between Selkirk and Winnipeg, The
probable cost of constructing the mund is
placed at &boat three-quarters of a million
Vrequtint And loon' laughing is LIM ohne.
uteri:Rio of folly mid. ill inannors, True
Wit nOVer mado a laugh.
P110111111 that goes tho piece thet idle, eel.
dem pleys 50 l goes,
APRIL 8, 1892
For Night -Sweats.
An 0(I111)0110 Gorman phyektien room.
monde fov te relief id night-swems of cou-
siimpti yes, iee-bag filmed ovea the
ntomitell, l'ittlents bear the treatment well,
41,11t1 it le re00/111110.010d by Prof. ltesenbaelt
to be superior to any medicinal agent for
the purpose moiled.
- --
Foe Hiccough.
filecough min generally be Mopped by
takingly termpoin fill ob sugsr diesolved in
F t rottg vinegar In obstinate Caner ill which
otliee remedies t,slh, ohloroform may he treed,
ten 01. fifteen drops at a dose, taken in it
little sweeteeed ts•ater and repeuted at in
interval of fifteen or twenty minutes until
three or four doses have been taken, if relief
is nut obtained sooner,
One or Twain a Bed.
Personoften ask (-II Is it healthfu
for two perSMIS tO Sleep ill 010 510110
bed 9" This 051110 question is varied
thus ; "Is it healthful for All aged
aged And 0 veey young pereon to sleep to-
gether ? 11 not, svhich Stalin% meet, the
aged or the young person ?" We have al.
ways answered Memo questions by saying,
No to the first question. It is always un-
healthful for two persona to sleep together
in the same hed tend under Lhe same covers.
The air under the beil.covees innuediately
inirronntling the body 01 1110 !deeper is ex-
ceedingly impure, becoming 1110re and move
imprognotell with poisonous substances, es.
caning through the excretory glands of the
skin, 1101,1 the moment the peeeon retires
until he arises. lrhe odor of the bed -cloth.
ing, after having becu occupied for a night,
is often positively (»rowdy() to the nostrils
of a person \call an uninvested sense of
einell,-especiolly one who has just mime in
front outdoors, where the fresh, pure air
MIS been breathed.
'I be milionous cherenter of ON under -
I te-bet -clothes air would be somewhat none
likely to affect the suseeptible (10(1-
01110(10(1 of a child than that of an
affillt, In elderly persons, the amount of
impel:idea in the air surrounding the &lov-
er, must be greater than in young- persons,
11(1(1531011 1)3, while both persons would be
!none or less injured, the proportion of hartn
wouid donbtless be greater to the young
person Vain 10 tile person 01more advanced
Yeare, NIT% never!, of 11 o great, 1.011tiOn
hospital 4 London, England), linti recently
atlenti011 to tile fact, that wounds,
especially of the lower limbs, heal much
sootier w' en kept exposed to tile Open air,
ineteed of being vermeil up by 1sta-clothi11g.
lie reillark8 that tile Mir Miller the Ind -
clothing is foul and almost 1101, and hence
likely to is. eery intrinflii to Wounds in Whiell
it may come in commit, This 0001118 1(0 1)0 a
very ample demonstration of the cerrectnese
of the views above expressed, and to which
we have before often given expreseion.
Skin Grafting.
The proeess at skin wafting, although
for a score of .vearis considered one of the
most marvelous of recent advances in surg-
ery, is now quite generollyknown even
among the laity. It consists simply in
covering any surfitce which has been denud-
ed of akin tvith 001011 bits of healthy skin
furnished by the pat iced, or by some other
person, Only the 5,111 0 test particles of Skill
are requited, and it R not necessary that
the whole thickneos of the skin should be
Welt -Idea in the small fragments'termed
" grafts," which are employed. liocent ex-
periments hove shown that the skin of a
frog ItiltiteerS 05 well as human skin, Of
course great pains should he taken that the
skin althe animal tried he tlinroughly
fruited, although the germicidal solution
sheulti not be of sufficient strength to dem
troy the vitality of the skin. bo is well to
keep tiliS fact in Mina, 114 tile bottling Of
large surface:1 which haVe been 11110010d by
destruction of !lie skin threugh contact
wit h fire or Seine eallatie :mint ion, is some-
times:In exceedingly tedious process.
Overwork and Disease.
Overwork, whether of mule or brain, is
harmful and 01 1511 fatal ; but what is over-
work for one man nifty be nothing but
wholesome aetivity for another. Various
causes may have lowered one's natural
powers of elide ran ce-litek of sleep, ex li must -
mg excitements, sedentary habits, an undue
accumulation 01 (1(1, a weakened heart, or
,,tier organie disease. In 411 competitive
sports it Is dangerous for the contestants Lo
ignore snub physioal differences. Spirit and
eecitement may help to win a temporary
rietOry al, 100 great a 000.
Most inteffigent persons know that
athl etes MT peculiarly liable to heart diseaiie,
and, as 0 elms, aro short-lived. It is well
knellen, too, that exhausting marches, like
the retre,tt of Napoleon'e army from IttISSia
are attended by tt, frightful loss of life; but
evon the medical piefuseion lues not under-
stood the nature of the relation between
overwork ond its morbid effects.
Of late years, however, the !subject has
been carefully studied by medical exports,
and the general conelesion reached is that
the system poisons itself by overwork and
exhausting tatigne. The effect, in short, is
somewhat like what takes place when the
o iminating organs of the body are Sebilitab-
ed fee deseased, causing a retention of
poisonous waste.
lh the lower degrees of overwork, rest
restores the system to its normal state by a
epee y elimination of tile injurious elements
as poisons received form without; aro elimi-
nated, and a fatal result avoided.
In mere prolonged fatigue there is a rise
of temperataire and ear alteration of the
liquias of the botly-os manifest feverish
condition. In stilt more prolonged end '
130001.0 exertions, there are changes in tiro
bodily thienee, as well se in the !lidos, es-
pecially in Om heave/ma blood.veesels, the
kidneys and epitoil cord This is the Oaso
iu forced marches, nighteivataltitig followed
hy daily toil, in the persistent "eramming"
of the schools, in the ineessasit drive of bug -
Muss, especially when these are asisecia, ol
with poor hiving and itsu flicien t sleep. '2110
Medium' loureal stys
"tn 130111e 00408 death occurs too soon for
the development of the above symptoms.
Thits the soldier fell dead after announcing
the vietely of Marathon. ,Ctl Algeria two
noled minters fell do.ul the instant they
reached the goal. This sudden death from
oveteexertiou le tine to self -nelson by carbon
doxide, felt lob is formed more rapidly than
the lungs eon exhale h."
Phe less we porafie one misfortnnee, the
inore 57 mp,LLIty We command.
}TO Who w011111 search for pearls triust dive
be14171en we rend, we fancy we eoultI be
martyrs 1 when we senile aut, wo often:A
bc'fr4rh: Pfl,1,:v7riiiiine'toWftLelat ion is the finish-
ed num, tho III to or ot grace, of ecoom.
/Misheo t, et soubd mi --the gentleman.