HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-8, Page 5Aram n, 1982
THE 1311.0 SSE1aS POST
vapI�'x�,�rar��tnaravx� aaszx?xl3iw
While thanking the Public for the very Liberal Patronage extended to us since opening here,
would remind then& that our
toe h a is now ,,. onnplet•y in all Li
and that we are in a much better position to supply their wants than we have be in the past.
Our Spring Stock has the Tobbiest
Good.s i11 the Market,
We call particular attention to onr
Mens' Fine Bans. and Congress in Calf, Don-
gola and Cordivan. To our Ladies' Fine
Dongolas in laced and buttoned, as well as
Oxford Ties and Toe Slippers, also full
lines for bays, youths, hisses and children.
An inspection of our goods solicited before
you buy
In this line we keep our Stock well
assorted. The newest styles in Ties,
Collars, Shirts, ,carfs, Braces,
Hose, Gloves and Uaclerwea7'.
In the Dry Goods Department we call Special Attention to our Dress Goods—we have
Tweed a full lune In Black. and Colored IIenl•letttts, Black Solids,Cweed Patterns in all Wool
and talions, Barges, its well as a full range of low lines Iin Dress Trimmings we keep
Pongee and Sarah Silks, Gimps, Corals, Braids, &c. Our Prints arc extra vailte and the
newest patterns in the market. Our all wool Delttines and Delainettes are handsome
goods. 1Vllen you want Muslios, Lawns or Embroideries you will find no better stock to
choose from than ours.
We are showing extra value in Lace Curtains, Cla'tainettcs and Art Muslims—A full
range of prices in Ladies' Circulnrs.
A Line of Spriuz Coatings jut to Bald,
Our Staple Department is stocked with the very best goods, which we sell at close tut
prices--Shirtiugs, Cottonades, Cottons, Table Linens, Ilollands, Towelings, Towels. Tick-
ings, Flannelettes, &c. --We are showing the best value in the market.
CROMPTON' CORSETS always in stoc1,
Ilandkcrchiefs, Gloves and Hosiery.
Our new Spring Suits are just to habit..
We can fit any size or Man, Youth or Boy,
and our prices will he lbuncl rock bottom
I on every line.
A full line of Mens' waterproof Coats in
plain rubber, and plain or cllec'k tweeds
with Or without capes
Suits made lo Order,
Good fits Guaranteed,
l Nobby line of Tweeds, Worsted Suitings and
1>Nlltiugn tiNvays on band.
S 2� A T S." -
Our new stock of hats for Spring are now to
hand. It y want a new Christy,
Derby, Fedora or Crush Hat call
and see our Stock.
Our Teas are Noted for Good Value.
The highest price paid for good Butter and Eggs.
An Inspection of our Stock Invite'.
On Saturday, 10th inst., Grey town-
ship Council will meet here for the trans.
110110n of businese.
11. F. Cameron, divinity student, is
home for hie vacation from Knox Col.
lege, Toronto. He looks first-oltse.
i .twors!.
Miss Jennie Harvey is in Listowvl,
taking drawing and painting lessons.
John Rogers was oailed away to Ful•
larton township to attend the funeral of
his father.
The Elmo Agriaultnral Society's spring
show will be held on Thursday, April
14th, in Newry. The fall show will be
held on Sept. 29th.
Owing to financial dilloaltiss Wm.
Forrest has been obliged to close his
doors until a entislaatory arrangement
can hemadewith his creditors.
$40,000 was paid over to the farmers of
this district last year for grain, while
$41,000 has already been paid out this
season, and it will require $10,000 mors
to buy up the balance of grain to come in.
P1or cunt.
Plowing has been in order this week.
Inspector Robb was making his semi
annual tour among the sohoole of this
township last week.
air ervioe of Bullet is
Mise Jennet r s
with her t Mrs.
• spending a few days th ,
John Mason, on the Srd line.
Miss Mary Ireland is now sojourning
condor the parental roof, on the Ind line
having returned from her visit to friends
in Tttrit.
On Friday afternoon of last week
Richard Armstrong jr., had the mister-
tnne to give the instep of his left foot a
very eevere cot with the axe while„ spilt.
ting wood in the bush.
Milton Hughes left on Tuesday of this
week for Detroit, He may pub in the
Summer there it the outlook is favorable, ,
if not he will looate et Grand Rapids or'
Escanaba, Michigan. Ile was in the t
latter i>lttne last mason.
A six•year-old son of Richard Arm.
strong fell through a trap door in the
barn floor to the ground floor of the '
Mahle on Monday of last week and in.
jured his head and his neck somewhat. ,
He is getting along nicely now, however, '
The suspansion of payment by Mein- (
tush tt MaTaggmrt, Bruasele, will effect e
large number of people in Morrie, unless I
a good dividend is realized from the busi-
nese. People will take warning after a
tvhilo when a few more failures odour and 1
patronize regularly chartered Banka
where depoeitore have guaranteed seen,
The &lotion Bale of Henry Bone'e farm,
Haran eboolt and implements, on Tuesday
of last week was very poorly attended,
malt% uo doubt to the shnost impassable
state of the roads. The farm was not
told ,is the highest bidder did not reach'
this reserved bid by nearly one thousand
dollars. Asa consequence of the farm
not being sold only e part of ' the stodk
avis offered for sale, whtolr brought very,
fait prices.'
Smogs ilsrotiT. —The following 1 r the
standing of the pupil. in v. S. No. l0,
Morris, Name- in order of merit
l/9ftln Class—James Breckenridge and
Robert Wo•'drow; 'eniorFourthOlaas
I John Snell, Aggie Srillte, Allan Ramsay,
Milton .alcJiiwan, Ward Caldb>olt, Sam
Jim Pea000k, Jim \i'Ewen and Noble
Johnston ; Junior Fourth Class --Hilton
MaVetie, Rebecca Whit'fordrand Swath
Wilson and Awry Peetouclt equal ; Senior
Third Claes •William Woodrow, A*oie
Format, Andrew Wilson 'and Arohie
blesser; Junior Third Claes—Reboeca
Forrest, Reuben Snell, Sarah Thornton,
Bert MoEwsn, Eddie ldryans, John
Whiteford and Christie Robb ; Senior
Second Olass—•Walter Breckenridge,
Goditha Coombs, Geo. Johnston Walter
Braille, Mary Strop on anal Martha
Johnston ; Junior Second Class—Will
MoPivan, Chas. Forrest, Robert Simp-
son and Mary Woodrow.
IArtss L Wimps, Teauhsr,
IIcessivv l
Some of the farmers have commenced
peeve Milne is engaged ab present run-
ning logs to his mill,
John Gimblett, who had his farm on
the 9th con, Elme rented Imo year, hag
returned and intends working it himself,
Wm. Cooper and H. Cox, 12th can.,
Grey, have purchased bhe shire sbn111nn
"Met name" from a gentleman in. Miry.
borough at a good figure. Success boys.
Joseph Gass, who has bc•'n section
n r to G. T. 11. has resigned
Ferman for the R
and removed to his farm' south of 'he
village. He is succeeded by Jas, Long.
mire, 0f Atwood,
Death 11a. removed from our midst
Edmund Gaynor, father of John and
Thomas Gaynor, on April the let, at the
very advanced age of 101 years. D'ee is.
ed was 14111e to be about until a ahrort time
before his death. His remains were
interred in the Irishiown cemetery o1
Sunday hast.
L1,sto Na, ve+l.
Listowel Spring ]fair will be held April
The Ladies' Aid 4oniety of Knox
c11ureh will give a K.te£tioklatoh in the
le0tare room of the &Mirth on 1>'rld:Le
evening, April 18111.
W. Evans, who has been assisting in
the Listowel poet office for some mouths
past, left for Vitali/a, Man„ last week.
Ills place has been taken by lilies L.
Hwy, daughter of T. B. fIay.
Chas. Bamford, brother of John, Relit,
and William Bamford of this town, diel
at Oshawa on Wednesday morning of
last week front inflammation of the ,
lungs. Ile ltad been residing in Oshawa
for a mtnbor of years and was foreman
in the nnrriaffa weeps there.
On Tuesday Ohrie, 91-ieinie arrived
home froth Ilespeler whore for the pest
4•i, months be has been s eretakee of bile
flocks of lames 1'hinn, ee well known
importer and breeder. Afr, llfithis
evidently bed a good time and looks
much the better of his stay. We wont
be surprised to hear tell of him visiting
the same neighborhood occasionally, for
reasons we are not at liberty to mention
just now.
John Simi, o+, tide buyer, hall removal
to the D. D. Hay farm, which has been
peruhteend for it souk farm,
lamgbell, Ph, 0„ under whose
pastorate Il 10x. church here has ros-
perod f ,r the past night years, has roe
05105;1 a call to the p:estorabe of an Otta-
wa ahurnh.
F. Coleman, who has basil the bowies
chief prnvi,l r of the hawed fluid for
about twelve years, has cleuided to give
up the bowleg. and has e.>ld out to S.
13 Stsvenson,
The prupvdala for the Zonation of a
ptaun faubory in team are being placed
upon a prttabloal basis and wi h a reason-
able amount of enaomragemeub from
citizens will bo easily feasible
On Werldesday evening o' last week,
at the reside , e of the bride's mother,
Mrs, Wm. Alexoler, a very bergs and
happy gathering assembled to witness
the marriage of her eldest daughter,
Mies Jane 14. Alexand 1, and Johnston
W. Roll., soli of T. EI, (tolls of this town.
The nuptial knot was Mei by Rev. Dr,
0amt+be:l of limas church. 'Ras (Sella
Lowry watt bridssmaid,,tnrl T Alexander,
brother of tate bride, acted as geoon>s-
Little Ethel 91IoTagga•t is recovering
nicely from her recent illness.
Geo. LyluTaggart and Jno. Grimnldby
left on 9Ionday last for Dakota.
Mrs. 0. Douglas and Airs. J. Camp.
bell are ,•isiting friends in the Statee.
There lea rumor abroad that one ail.
lags ,s s ion, to lava a re'tdeut physician,
Ittev. D. l'orroet has pnrohased a Jersey
sow and half from G. A. Deadman, of
Will. Steep, of Elobnesvitle, and An.
drew Curry, of 1Iarpurlssy, spent Sun.
day in Walton.
Miss Maggie Morrison is spending e
few weeks wi' h her sister, Mra. bieYetle,
notes Loudosbo•
Jno. Hewitt is having a neat wire fenoo
boils in front of his fine resids oe, whiuh
adds greatly to the beauty of the latter.
Wm. Coutts has been chosen pre.
cantor of the Prosgyleriaa church, by
vote of the congregation, at a eatery of
$50 per annum.
Jno Pothiok bas removed his family
to llarlook, where he has abtained per.
manont employment. We wish them
14100e08 in their new Lome,
Rev. Jno. Ross, 13. A., of Brussels, ea.
copied the pulpit in Duff's ohuroh last
Sunday and delivered two excellent ad.
dresses. Bev. D. Forest was in Bruseels.
The monthly meeting of the W. M, S.
tvap held un Friday last at the residenuo
of bilis. Jno, Ewing. The attendance
wasood. An excellent program bearing
largely on mission work was provided for
the evening.
R. T. on'1': —The 1i.. T. of 'r. of this
phage held an open meeting in the 11Istl1-
odist ehuroll on Wednesday evening,
March Seth, when the following very id.
e waslistenedeto a
t rest t )t .ram
h oby
program g 'la a and attentive anatomize .—U
orfs ; prayer by Rev. W. Ottewell 1—Opening
tette, Mieeee WilliatosOn and Pollard,
and Messrs, Pollard and McLeod ; read-
iug G.
Giese ; lnstrntnenbnl, Mies S.
'chard 1 reoitatiln, MO, Smith ; 5010,
alis Ir,, Wti,iame,,m ; &darted, J. Bo- heading; has begun fn 11 IL neighbor-
Lto.l ; rduit,tt.ia,, Mrs. Neal ; trio, nils• hood. 0. and A. W Milne were among
SOS Pallard and Williamson and air. Pal• the first to put wheat hi the ground this
'..r 1 ; ()ANL, ton, J '1o0,viu ; solo, W. season,
1' M rl ; resIing, Sire Jackson ; duett, Ou Saturday Wm. J. Sharp, while
Misses Li15,15 1loDong=til and Florence loading lumber at the mi 1, gut his haul
f:,rnpb•11; • nit .tioo, Miss Maggie severely jammed meter a four inch
Johnston ; solo, lftas IS. Pollard ; rad maple ..lault. Fortunately no bones
loge .lir., Neal ; solo, W. Pollard ; ales, were aok n.
in hymn by audience. 11 v. W. Otte- John C ober narrowly esnaped a. broken
wall nuc ,putt th • char and performed neck in the wind of rnenday. It thew
the duty in has usual pleasing manner hien headlong tom th•- elevated platfo'•m
The a ,emelt is in a flourishing condition
and reports 82 in ntbers in good strand.
at Itis fetetnry down between the shop
and a woodpile ; and then threw one of
the heavy planks oaf the platform after
*his 1. Dire muttering. '•1 lawful vengeance
9I, -e. W. J. Sharp is visiting relatives have distorted the stir of our peaceful
ab ,f nnastmvn, N. Y. villag • somewhat for some time past but
whether for libel, breach of pro
There is a new clerk at Are Simueon's mise, or
store—Mr Watts, of Bluet•ale. what not it is difficult to say, For the
Tho familiar face ,f Win. McAllister drain name of our fair villagers; it is to be
b iehtcne•l on village this week. hoped that all tvi11 be settled amicably
„Mr. Lanae has ooumeneed work on the
and to the aorta) satisfaction of everr-
etrn ,gens of the new Ethel bridge. bad`'. Our village is too small for these
Alex. P, of L`u, with little unmentionables. Let it rest.
ug tavn or. threeeeblesJaya Chiaivertoweek.was GIs re- Would it be out nI place for a news.
ports biz. good. piper to offer a suggestion to the path.
masters ? If not, we might say that in
our opinion it would b' of decided ad•
vantage to the township roade if eaoh
pnthmaeter would give a man and a pick
half, or even in some places, a whole day
t0 go over the beat :end throw off the
Inrge, loose stones and piece. of loose and
wornoob corduroy, Now, while the road
is s'.ft, tiny little depression left would
ho rxlflnc.pYby e r ill obliterated the &•sin
Arnit,Forne--Asa sample message we
commend the earibble of the Oranhronk
eerihr in '1'ne 13tenss111,9 Pos- of All Foal's
Day, but it wont deuelve anybody. It is
Quit,. a number of our young people,
in spite of the wretched roads, found
their way over to the reaidenoe of Geo,
Welsh, on the Oth, thu other evening.
, They report a grand time,
Spring lute come. Some of her very
careful friends think her too venture -
sumo and fear she will Catch eold. We
can truthfully say she has exhibited Don-
n 1 " anavy
aider ble b uw v
A goodly v of the old friends
,o ,y n umbe
and twquaiutanues •.1 Jas Slommon, of
Crarbrook, eongrogabed as the station
for a farewell handshake on '.Tuesday
last. Good bye, Jim! 13e good to your-
self, 1 the second time he has aeeueed this
Wm. Routley bad m bad fail in t110 ' s e/lion of the wort kind of selfishness,
mill•yard last week. Cie was mounting ; Chu first time we did not retort but there
it pile of lumber when a step brake. drop ; tarn times when patience ceases to he a
pang him a distance of twelve feet to the I vi, too. If it be selfish to desire "the
roognh ground b.'lo,n. lie was badly , greettesbgoorl for the 1greete01 number"
bruised. 1 we accept the corn ; if it be selfish for ns
Oh Tuesday evening Bowe frisky boys 10 desire 1110 inoat.ion of the Township
amused themselves at the ladies' 009 east Hall in this pl.toe where there is no
by ht./tying out the light at the entrance doubt it would be the emost convenient"
1 ' the township as a whole, we admit
the charge. If it be eeliish to eek the
township to give os a ohenoe to pay the
interest en the money spent on the bnild-
tights must be respsotod, ing, in hall rents for various par 00es,
The notice of our school truatoos is wo do not deny the impeachment. Now,
dbreoted to the school promisee. They Mr. Editor, just let us give your Oran•
need prompt attention. By the way, it brook snribe a little lesson in Geography
might be remarked too that if they would which be Dan verify for himself by refer.
occasionally loop into the school room, tae ring to the records. The centre of this
trustees, the children would 0000 know t>whsltip is just a few rods (life) south of
their camas mid the great majority would the centra of the back end of llr, itialiol-
be able to au0w0r more of a "history Vey's farm, (lot 18) on the 8th ani
paper at promotion examinations,
to the Meehanios' Instituto reading room.
We know it was just thoughtlessness 00
their part. People pay for that light,
boys, and have to right to have it. Their
Manifestly a Hall could not he built in
0x11011 Narss.—i8ng+lish ohuroh aerviee there, It must come to the toad either
on Good Friday morning. Collodion for north or south. If smith it straw= m,
the evangelization of the Jews, Ou Sun• ruwemre cannot even be used ae a polling
day neat lir. Lee Will preaoh on "The booth, If north, in which direction 11 is
Vows/ tram the Cross"'
—rhe good old• nnatnrnily drawn by the pi- ponderer o of
fashioned Methodists of this village who
read in rho Toronto papaya of Monday
the 9001110.r teaching of Rev. A. Id, Phil.
fipa, of .F u01id avenue Methodist ohuroh,
and the lan,latorq comments of the
i3wadonliergian and Unitarian preacher.
of that ofty, have no df0itnity in pro.
nottitaing it homey.
population and aheessmeob valuation of '
property, then it only neode to bo shifted
one mile to the oast to bo in the hest
Owe in the whole township for sntfn,iont
accommodation and revenue. When a
man begins to pall names Lind impute
evil motives his stook of logical argument
is exhausted,
ei, & Jr i.iViNGSTOiiN
6010 r;U HELS
For farmers in the vicinity of Brass. -le,
who intend raising flax during the coming
season, which they are prepared to deliver
Int quantities to shit tlax growers. Dan
be gat et the Brussels Flax Mill or at
W H. McCracken'sgrooery. Seed given
out at $1.50 per bushel and on the usual
terms. Order early sed secure a supply,
For Flax gown from this Seed
$10 per Ton will be paid,
If of Rood growth, harvested in the pro.
p r rano„ and delivered at the Flax Mill
es soon as fit for threshing. We will
aleo rent a number of good sod fields for
the purpose of growing flax.
J. c@ J. Livingston,
WPI 131115 IT, Pxormsmons,
N its first stages, can 'bo successfully
1- checked by the prompt use of Ayor's .
Cherry Pectoral. Bran in the later
periods of that disease, the cough is
wonderfully relieved by this medicine,
"I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with tato best effect in my practice.
This wonderful preparation once saved
n,y 1ifo. I hail a constant tough, night
sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh,
and given up by my physician. One
bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured
J, Eidson, M. D„ Middleton.
" Several years ago I was severely i11.
The doctors said I was in consumption,
and that they could do nothing for me,
hest advised me as a Mat rceort, to try
Ayer's Cherry 'Pectoral. .Alter taking
this medicine two or three months I
was cured, and my health remains good
to the present day."—James Lirc11ard,
Darien, Conn.
"Several years ago, on apassage bone
from Oaliforuia, by water, i contra.rlotl
HI 00001'0 a cold that for some days I
was coufinetl to my state -roam, and a
rr,h1'pic1501 on hoard eons(de+red my life
in deuger. Happening to have bottle
of Ayer'% Cherry Pectoral, 1 used. it
freely, and my lunge were aeon towered
to a healthy condition. Sines then 1
have invariably mot=ended this prria-
aration. '—J. B. Chandler, Juuotion, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
01lcr,iaen 1+1'
Dr. J. 0. Aybr & Co,, LowIdi, plass,
peed by an Druggists, prise 471 air WOW, $i.