HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-8, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Locals—J, C. Ayer.
Loons—Geo, Biuker.
Looa1—Mise Hoare.
Loots—Thea. Kelly,
Local—A, ll, Snaith.
Wanted—J. J. Denman.
Locals—W. Nightingale,
Wall Paper—J.'L. Pepper,
Locale--Seteuoon & Halliday.
Save your Dollars—A It Smith,
Notlo5 to Oreditors-..R. L. T a
80 years in business—John Wforynn.
Local—TNE POST Publishing House.
Farm for Sale—Mre, Jno. Robertson.
FRIT -1.01', APliL. S, 1892.
TIMID appears to be an increasing
opinion that Hon. Edward Blake will
once more buokle ou the political har-
ness and find his way Into the House of
Commons. No one doubts his ability to
deal with the public questions of the day
and hi. going I,-tck to Ottawa would add
strength to the Oppoeition and dignity to
the House generally.
Wnn.c thea are thousands of electors
in Ontario who are desirous of seeing the
membership of the Contity Councils re-
duced we doub' 0 many will agree with
the very radical change proposed by the
L -eel L. gislature. In MusD,, County,
for instance, eleven representatives
would compose the County Council on
the new basis, whereas we now have
about fifty. Ina County with sixteen
large towushil's and eight incorporated
towns and villages 11 would be a difiloult
task to apportion the men in a mut mer
satisfactory to all. We believe itt t•e•
duuing the number existing at present
but fancy one representative from each
mon v
a -it prove far more eatis•
factory to all oonoerned and would re.
duce the number one half, This would
be a half way meae,re and more Likely
to meet with the approval of the people
than the bill now before the Legislature.
TOE sudden and unexpected exit of
Reeve McIntosh leaves Brussels without
a civic dead, although from a technical,
legal standpoint he still holds the posi-
tion. The Municipal late on the matter
says :—"If after the election of a person
as member ef a council he is convicted of
felony or infamous crime, or becomes in-
solvent within the meaning of the Inset.
vent Acts, or applies for relief as an in-
digent debtor,or remains in elo-e custody,
or 0-cigus hie pr„p sty for the use of his
creditors, or absents himself from the
meetings of the council for three menthe
without being authorized so to do by a
resolution of the council entered in its
minutes, his seat in the couuoil shell
thereby become vacant, and the coattail
shall declare the seat vacant and order u
new election." If Mr. McIntosh pur-
poses remaisi,lg away •he proper thing
for him to iso would b to tender hie
resignation and allow the ratepayers to
proceed with the el, ction of his succes-
sor. The bustu"ss craueasted at Met
Monday evening's meati.[; was in perfect
accord [vitt' the prosi,ions of the statute
as far as tegrslity was concerned, not.
withstanding the opinion of some of the
electors to the contrary.
Ir is rather amusing to Ree the many
new devices put ou foot by the pabliehera
of city journals to secure patronage and
in many oases gull the unsuspecting pub.
lio. The prizes run from a palatial regi.
dance, to a grand piano ; or a trip to
Europe, to sewing machitee, silver spoons
etc. It's about time Canadians learned
that it is not all gold that glitters and
that these tempting baits he'd out cannot
be given without homebody paying the
piper, Tuis week the Province of Que.
beo Lottery is flooding the country with
their oiroulare offering "phos" for the
small sum of $1,00, "strictly cash pay-
ment" being required for tickets, and we
have no doubt some people will be foolish
enough to invest, A short time ago
Louieiania Lottery tickets were abut out
of the Dominion. Is this Quebec one any
less a fraud ? The Postmaster General
should Ree that the ,nails are not made a
vehicle for oonveyitig this ewiudliug lit.
erature and thereby aid in stamping 11
out, There is no royal real to wealth
and the sooner the search for the pot of
gold is given op and people set to work
to earn a fair day's pay for an honest
day's work the better for the individual
and the better for the country. we
often talk of the "wild oat" schemes of
the neighboring republic but there are
frauds nearer home that level headed
folks should guard against. These won-
derful bargain promieere are not working
for nothing but rather growing rloh on
the gullibility of people whom they
would laugh in their sleeve at. The
fakirs should be taught a salntory lesson
by a larger dose of "Leave them alone,"
Buuseam haute some industry intro.
duced that will employ a goodly number
of hands so as to give employment to
men and boys who are willing to work
0 they had it to do. The flux mill,
wooiten mill, salt block, the Fire en-
gine works, intent Bros, and Smith&
Gibson'c factories are all right in their
piaoe but in several of them the work
only continuos for a portion of the year
Lind men with familise depending upon
them often find ib a difficult matter to
keep afloat. What we require is an in.
e itetion that would the - constantly ,and
what that in to be is the cvnundrutr.
1 Tho manufacture of binding twine is re.
• seising considerable ,ttteittiot> in time
planes, se far ad talk le ounoerned, but
whether it will develop beyond this re-
mains to be seen, Oanoiug facturiee,
where fruits' and small vegetables are
preeervod, Rive employment to a large
nembsr of 1".'pie in [awes we know of
The furniture busine.e is eir''ady ovet.
4 lar eu that secure a
done u h Dour to u
o e t e Y,
remunerative induetry for all cottoerned
is a problem not easily solved. Our
eitizeus sh aronee themselves, how.
ever, and Ree wh oan be done to add to
the ways and insane of bettering our
oondition. In some towns they have
organized a Business Mone' Associntion
who, in oonjunoti' tt with the Reeve and
Counoil, do all they can to further the
intereete of the place. Brussels could
very profitably take a hint from this and
by &joint stook company, 0 no better
way opened, add to the material pros-
perity of our village. A. decided plan
and a spirit of unity man overcome a1 -
most any obetacle. Whether anything
is dune now or not we still stick to our
text;—rimose le tieelle additional indus-
tries Who h l5 it workable proposition
to Hake ?
, row not, even as others whioh have no
hope, For 0 webelies e that Jesus died
• and rose again, even so them also which
sleep in Jesus will Cod bring with him."
1 These, 4 ; 13, 14.
4,1 t•e+r
Jas. Siemmon, wife and family left for
Manitoba this weep.
Miss Lottie Hill and Bert. spent last
Sued'y in Win ham.
Plowing commenced the begiuuing of
the weak and come grain hue been sown.
Considerable maple sugar wee made
last %steels. Taffy suckers were on the
war path.
The Township Council will meet at
Zimmer's Hotel, Crnnbrook, on Satur.
day the 10.1 inst.
Ncieon Asltin and Geo. Alcock were
visiting Samuel Askin, photographer, at
Teeswater i„at week.
Wm. Rielly, who has been on the siok
lest for some mints is abs-' to Rot about
now although still very weak. "
Wood bees were carried on at the rate
of two or mere a day la -t week and not a
few finished up with a social hop in the
Mrs. Thos. MoLauoldin's health is
very poor this Spring. Her nteny
friends hope that a change for the better
will Boon set in
The effects of la grippe have not yet
left Arch. McNeil but it is to be hoped
the balmy Spring weather will aid in ef.
footing complete restoration.
Marsden Smith is slowly imprnving
but the nervous strain he has undergone
has hindered him from sleeping unless
while under the influence of opiates. Re
got a bed shaking up.
Last week Thee. McL'tuchlin sold Itis
imported Clydesdale stallion, "Blarua-
vade," to Paul Kane, of Manitoba, for a
0' od, round 'figure.This clears out Mr.
McLauohlin's stock of imported horses
but the chances are he will see the Old
Country before very long and make fresh
pttrobases. He will hardly content him-
self othersise.
The suspension of the private bank in
Breese's has caused a great commotion
am' ug depositors, of whom there area
great number in the township, Many
will be gently inconvenienced at the
present time but it is hoped that each
one will, in due time, reoeiveone hundred
Dents on the dollar. After that let Eta
hope for the deluge before another
private bank.
RIOT/MAT PAnTr.—On Monday evening
of lust we, It a number of young peop'e
front this locality and Ethel responded
gladly to au invitation to the commodious
residence of Georgie Welsh, 0th Don., to
join with the family in celebrating the
birthday of Mies Annie, eldest daughter
of the host and hostess, A splendid time
was enjoyed by a 1. The evening's pro-
gram consisted of vooal and instrumental
music, games, social chat, &a. Mise
Annie was made the recipient of several
handsome presents. Al a late hour the
young folks separated for their respective
homes after expressing their united
thanks to Mr. and Mre. Welsh and fain.
ily for their generous hospitality. There
is only one opinion expressed, that le if
you want s good time at a social party
you want to visit the biome of Mr, Welsh.
Seaport RiPooT.—Tile following shows
the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. b
Grey, for the month of March :—Part
lst—Arthur Robertson, Alex. Dunbar,
Mabel Coate. ; Junior Part 2nd—Daniel
Savage, Archie Close, John Soirees ;
Senior Part 2nd-- Howard Coates, Nellie
Ridley, Albert .Robertson, Sandy Lind.
Ray ; 2nd Class—Mary J, Ridley, Serail
Savage, Eddie Ausman, John Kemp ;
Junior Ilyd—John Rubetson, Minnie
Oatnpbell, Robert Oliver, Maggie Dun.
bar ; Senior 3rd—Florence Spillet, Jen.
nie Duke, Amy Spillet, Riohard Lind-
sey 1 Junior 4th—Maggio Robertson,
Susan Pearson, Ben. L'aylor ; Senior
4th—Sam. Campbell, Donald Kellum•,
Mary Alexander.
GER, DOBSON, Teacher.
O11TTOAlty.-- I'he following, taken from
the Pembina Co. Democrat, of March
the 10th, refers to a daughter of Henry
Taylor, of this township :--Died, at her
home, Baokoo, on March the 2nd, Mrs,
Murdooh, beloved wife of Olailt Murdoch.
Mre. Murdooh departed this life after a
short bet severe illness, told leaves to
mourn her death a sorrowing Husband
and six children, three of them being
quite young and needing, a mother's care,
Truly God's ways are not our ways.
Why he has taken her whose love and
care is so eeeentail to the welfare and
happiness of a family, in indeed to man's
mind a mystery, nevertheless the Incgn
through which ere now see darkly is re-
moved, and we see "(ace to fade" the
mystery will be mads clear, and we will
see that God has made no mistake even
in removing a another, but "doeth all
things well." To Mrs. Murdooh death
had no terror, even svltile lie was quickly
and silently elaimiug her_ as Hie victim
she spoke calmy, yet joyfully to throat: a.
round of so 500n being with her. Saviour
and beholding Itis Inc.oHer peaceful.
nese and oonfidenoo ie her Redeemer as
sho approached the "valley of the shadow
of death" IS another teetimony to the
power of the gospel of Jceue Christ to
enable thee who pot their trust in flim,
to walk through it witheut fear "for
Thou art with me." Mr, Murdoch anis
family Have the sympathy of the -entire
oommnnity in their bereavement. "Sar.
UnderSS nod wail keep for service, nnl
Bweepetates t has. rod takenDurham01
11'11, f and 1 s oon,1 BeR, bee taken 4 must
prison and 1 1,r,nd, being beaten by Ole bull
that tool. let prise at the Provincial Bb1w
Terme—To in gum calf 32,00, or elk° for
the season,
37.901 2AB, SPEIB, Proprietor.
r 0c,'0 Afy Jersey Bulls are from ileo
ntilltlug stratus and should prodno0 stook
equal or superior to any for either the
creamery or cheese factory. The .dam of
one still in my possession gave 7,000 lbs, of
milk in 12 months with her asst calf, For
further partienlars apply at my Drug and
Boost Store.
G. A, I)IlAU80AN, B mussels, Ont.
The uutlorsigued will keep for service this
present season the 11nnroved large white
Yorkshire pig 11 heeds" o, id 311,
Morris, to which a limited number 0f sows
will bo taken, Terms .$1.00 to be paid at
time of mentos, with the privilege of return-
ing if necessary. Pedigre 0 may be 8000 up-
on application. 14Oci1.1 eT N'11CT
160 Prdnprfo,
[)URE 131XI;U 130 ARS POR '•;1!]
vim$.—Thu underniguerl will keep for
sorvtes on north had Let 2s', enu.7, Morrie,
a rogue bred nerkshiro Boer, bred by 310..
Buell, and an Oltlo improved Ohester White,
bred by Thos. George, Putnam, from iw-
stook Oa both 08150_ This hoe took
lire prise fit the Industial Fair in a alms of
17, in 1800, Dud 3rd at the tvest„ru Fair in a
elms 0 13. His File loos 1st at the Indua-
trial iu 1801. 'ferns 31.00 t0 be paid et time
of service with privilege of returning if SOO.
21.11 SAMUEL WALE.13B, Prop.
new discovery that euro the
worst oases 01 Nervous Dn-
B EA NB biitty,r,nst Vigor null 'i l-
ing N.1;1101(1 ; restores the
01' the
woe rrerrors of excesses of
000111, th Tsmnd Y nhnoIt
tett Doses the
mom late oaSes when all other rts z
xesra lavofailed even to relieve. Bolts by
dl'uggiete at 81 per package, or Mx for 85, or
sent ey Mail oe re0etpt of ;rice by address.
fug Tm0 JAatee AI00,00N» co., Toronto, Ont.
write for pamphlet. 3010 in Brussels by
A recent discovery by nu
old pltysleian, suocesSful-
ly used monthly by tboue-
linds of LAMES, Ii the
only perfectly safe and
reliable medicine discov-
ered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who
offer inferior medicines in place of this. Asst
for (toox'e COTTON ttoo'e CaMPonNn, take no
substitute; or Inclose 81 ant 4 three-eeut
Demuth, postage stamina in letter and we
will send, sealed, by return mail. Full Seal-
ed partioulars in plain envelope, to ladies
Only, 2 stamps. Address Weng Lily Porn.
Puny. No. 9 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward
ave., Detroit, A[icb,
t said in mussels by J, 1', PEPPER, G.
A. DF0A 11811N and ail resonusible druggists
11 .digestion
IS not only a distressing complaint, of
itself, but, by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en-
feebled, is the parent of innumerable
maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is the beet euro for Indigestion, even
when complicated with Liver Complaint,
is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway
Centre, Mich.:—
"Liver complaint and indigestion
made my life a burden and came near,
ending my existence, For more than
four years I suffered untold agony, was
reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly
had strength to drag myself about. All
itinds of food distressed me, and only
the most delicate 0011111 be digested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
physicians treated the without giving re-
lief. Nothing .that I took seamed to do
any permanent good until I commenced
the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which
has produced wonderful results, Soon
after emnmenotng to take the Sarsapa-
rilla I could see an improvement in my
condition. My appetite began to return
and with it came the ability to digest
all the food token, my strength im-
proved each clay, and after a fete
months of faithful attention to your
directions, I found myself a well
woman, able to attend to all household
duties. The medicine bus given zee a
new lease of life,"
Ayers adrsaparilia,
Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowoli, Mass.
Prlee $1; six bottles, 30. 'Worth $u a bottle.
Large quantity of Oysters
received this week, As these
are likely to be the last of
the season, if the weather
keeps warm, you had better
buy a quart at once.
100 hoz. .Lemons at 15c., 20c.
25c. and 80e. per doz. 100 Doz.
Oranges at 208., 25c. 80e. and
40c. per dozen, 20 Quarts of
Cranberries at 10e. per quart.
Fresh C000anufs, Peannle, Almonds,
Filberts and Walnuts always on hand,
100 lbs. of Cream Candies hi
this week.
Star eataturant
Opposite Alnlcricli,n Hotel.
All accounts moat be settled by 41:pri)10,
desires to in-
timate to the public that they
have leased the above well known
Lime Works where they will al-
ways have on hand a quantity of
first-class lime. Order early.
CO1hSCIII7 ed OI.dc4ii'TION
snoceseful CONSUMPT.iON CURE, is
without a parallel in the history of medi-
cine. All draggle,» are authorized to eel
it on a positive guarantee, a test that tau
other eure can sucocc' fully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sure Throat. or Brom:Mils,
n -e it, for it will more you. 1.1 year child
has the Clamp, or 1Vhuoping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief to sure. If you
dread that insidious disease CONSUMP.
T1ON, Dox'T FAIL, to 100 it, it Will cure
you or mist we'll, g. Alt your Druggist
for SHIL.rOH'S CURE, Priam 10o., 30o.
and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or heck
Iame,use Shiloh'e Porous Plaster, 20o.
SVII li IVB �I'0�I
I take this opportunity of thanking my
many friends for their Liberal patronage
during the last thirty years that I have
been in the Carriage Business In Brus-
sels. My work giving general vatisfao-
tion and by square dealing with my cus-
temere, I am pleased to say that I am
still here to provide you with anything
you want in my tine. I ciao eupply you
with as good Buggies and Wagons as you
oan get in the County.
I can furnish you with
5 Different Styles of Roadcarts,
from $12 up to $35.
Old Buggies repainted and trimmed and
made to loon almost new.
Thenkiug my friends for past favors, I
solicit a continua' co of the same.
Tours, Respectfully,
03111112,'1 Mum), BermeitLA.
Practical actical 6V'atchmaker
a,ul JJeweter. .
Thanking the public for peat favors and
support and wishing still to eecnre
your patronage, we are opening
out Tull Lines In
Silver Platen Ware
from Established and Reliable 'linkers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest .Designs
LADI169 G1131 RINGS,
Exuma, &0.
L.5a"Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, &o., in stock,
N. 11.•—Iaaurer or llitrl'lage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
13124.S. YY'ALEfra 'fat,
----Manufacturer of—
Buggies, Carriages, .gc;.,
Our Work will satisfy you and
our Prices will please.
Cal) and Seer n11 as We are 11ere to
lItfette llesineee.
APRIL 8, 1892
1'he quality of geode
Moro money is Inst it) represeute Ole monied
the weer of oheap floods value. Rey 0 poor
artistic oho i au o
i all i eVOr Ntved i❑d o1
h » 1I
the buying. loee your dollare
The that dollar is the
0115 you pay for goods
that are made eheap to
5 II cheep.
lay injudicious buying which racks the pocket book and wastes the
Dollars in an effort to obtain shoddy goods at cut prices. Do
not take anv risk, but snake your purchases at all times
from A. R. Smith, Clothier, where you are assured
of Holiest Goods at Honest Prices.
A combination that js
No d011at'e 00, 1.111 eau
be worth &lore h, s',1
nal' Hurl l'ir'a warill, and
pet.bau;y bntr' ho
lAnyarticle n
rt 015 b ul,bt of
n0 contains the full
value of the prim, in
1lu_lity and worth, and
is as good as gold.
gCloid is µDol and our
aootle 105 t 5 +o0
t ti s'5
gold. The pries 011
o, r goons ie ei mply a
65tatett1etit of their
1 exam gold value,
('002101'' l,1ttt•11 8 that to buy ,judiciously 111('MMUS money
saved, and this connection points directly to
A. R1, Ail., Mathier, Hatter and Furnisher,
where every dollar counts for 100 cents worth of benefit to you in
Merit, quality, style and value, and the result of each transaction
with ns will be
'Toronto, Travelling Penang. Agent, 0 P 6,.
Sem ,net
ndniif le aporreetrntaorer et Den.
dale-h1te neaten la ruarreno"e—in my Own Cabo
a tow n00 d,rnlone not Only thoroughly ramrodoppo,
eneeee'1'0 dendrite na4o lt,odoe but nned
Dg� t,,aoof tdwhair,tna4olt Raft end pliabled
699Mf1d19f+1tY�IG�A9 'ron'awdnramla rowan,
I s
Restores Fading hair to its
original color. •
Stops tailing of hair.
Knape the Scalp clean,
Makes hair soft and Pliable
Promotes Growth,
This is the wary
with the B. & C. corset: if you
want ease and shapeliness,
you buy it—but you don't
keep it unless you like it.
After two or three weeks'
wear, you can return it and
have your money.
Font SlLT1 MY r'. ST&Aeffdl9.
The East TIuron License Coln-
missioners will meet at the
lIlonday, April 18, '92,
A'r 10 O'cLocz;, A, At.,
To take into consideration the
Applications for Tavern
Licenses for 1802-08.
The number of Hotel Licenses
granted last year in the Riding
were 25.
The number of Applications
this year are 20, Wm. Beirnes,
of Fortiwieh, and Lauohlin Camp-
bell, of Wroxeter, being the only
applicants for houses. not being
Licensed last year.
Jamestown, Mar, 111,