HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-8, Page 14 Volume 19 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, ;,,,.aw„>„wma....,„ssea'vn..,:,.,.e,n+n.,,msee,.euw,,. nsteu....4..,..,w.,....733,c.»..,e....,..,,1,...�w.,....m,,,,s.,,,.,®,.,,,.m....gm,wn,m.n. A Visit To Yokohama. The ,Jnpanovo you, 131 pari etweeenmed to the AI1he1'iO'In dollar and le ntad1' up m ane: huudrod 8003, 01113111 are further divided into ten rine 031011, The desire. etoted paper yen hoe for mala' ,ears been at an average equal exchange with the Mexican savor dollar (etlne about 75 rents gold,) widish is the on, rent 00321 and monetary unit threugho11 China Hued the Far East. From Hone Kong to il1outrol2l Ono tlrll(0 of aid dea10 in dollars and /.eats, realizing handsome premilme Bu the exchange of Canadian or United States (loners for yens nr Mexicans. At the otiioes of the C. P. It. 0o,'s a1Onte, near the cricket ground, passage may be secured and all information given as to future sailing- and a000mmodations and n•sistallce rendered in arranuing for side trips and 0onneetion5 at the differ. ant parts of call. The Nippon Ynsen Melia (United Japanese Company,) owned and managed by the government, have a largo fleet of coasting oteamere, cnnnectieg with all the ports of Japan, ICoroa mod North China ; and snipe are de"patched to Vladivostnei(, in Siberia and Manilla, in the Philippine folando. The Pensinolar and Oriental, the Nord• deeteeher Lloyd, and the illeseneerl0e Maritime Steamship Companies have also offices at Yokohama. Railways now cnnne01 all the principal e13i o in Japan stud the government has now in 01'el'a- ti0u 1,0113 miles ofroma and 483 mils in eremite of coustruotiou. The (ire! limns were built, equipped and managed by 13ng11311 engineers, but all the railway employee's are now Jepaneee. The post. office is or) Mein street and nails depart weekly for Europe and at an 8801110( of tan day, interval for America, Japan is n member of the Postal Union and the uniform live sen rale for a foreign loltetr of fifteen grammes le eh/treed. To any part of .',pall the letter prat )3 two nee fe.r each qua• tea• enure. The telegraph td1,',' is on Main street, There are Innes 111 011 parte of lapin 13(1 t)3) (huge i8 Tureen see for the ln•"t: ten I(ena, (a,inlu•e) 01101'(l(3113',), and ten sen for inch enecee'1- ing len characters, In n foreign language the ele;r a is ten Fell far ('11311 n•r'r'I, A ,;'ids or too I, ,32'1 r.L• I( will gninl(i0'('13• (n.tu' 3t 111r•l,a Ce into Japanese, three rail, ;nates to '311301)0, Iho (:1110 3,0 regiiia from two in 'lure dnllnrs for (•01.11 W1,1 11„ New 'York o^ M ntreel, T tile tar: i+ h, r 01,1,1,10h -+rt l h ' 0131. sin 133311 IS uu 113/110A 811 3! 300, h• min me 111 adv', e, e ,f (1 r„uwi,:h time, 'P138 Ike l eh 0,1,1 1 , n, (. nu.nl rtes nod the ilei Stam.. ( , ' llat 0111103.0' all. 11, 111101111Nippon Udnre, the broad street 1^i 113 '3 n•.)(- 1 from the 311,1,1 3.• drat ,•e of the (,stem 11 ,11'', 1011101, 11i1j” dna the )Englisl, 3111)3,1,0. The flap. 'i ,tf, sod t1,, nolo'! of 16:13' cm,ntriee 111.1 e111Cy gni3113 one from ;toy p"int, The 1((1),313(3, or elliee of the ln.•,I rover - nor, is 111101001)' opposite the British Con - mime, and the pesto1l1ee Ba diagonally ',meat from the United States C'nnsultito- (heeral. Yokohama Kuuolo will 198110 passports fo' 11H01111OO11i1a 3111,1 vieiuity open application through any Cousnlate et Tultchatnn. Tol(to may be 010,3011 without a pa80port,bnt treaty regulations do not permit any foreigner to go twenty• live 1311 lee outside the treaty ports with. not a passport issued by the Foreign ')Epee of Tokio and stanonel by the legn- 31,) of the eppllc3t3t. The name of each place which the travel!el• wishes to visit roust be written in the passport. With- out inch a permit he canna even bny a railroad ticket to any leterdor point, an,1 it it quite melees/ to attempt to evade the restrictions, as no innkeeper will 30001ve hien without a passport, awl the hastily - 'summoned policeman will return the transgressor to treaty limits and future permits %vi1l be deeded him. Within a few years passport privileges have been reuelt elrrtai led and their 1140 18 111119011 10 a shorter time. The 0i,ur tourist will, immediately after arriving, tate tho rail - limy train to Toltio, aisle.311 /only eighteen Milos, and apply al iia legation in per- ms forhis passport. One or too clays uetutlly snfnee for the 00011111lgo of 1.33'- mnlitics between the legation and foreign office, Upon the expiration of the pass- port it may be renewed and in every 0000 it meet be t•oterued to the legation inning it when it has expired or when the 13011180 has concluded its nae. It i8 hardly ueeddee0 to say that a peesport is net trlunsfernb18 and thee some risk at- tends any smell attempt to evade tho regulations, At Kobe any coke' will obtain a peeep0"1 for I(ieto from the i(encho and if the traveller wishes to run up to 1111030 for the day that tine steamer wally in pore he had best write ahead (enclosing the totality eon foe) and 11,00 the permit loft for hint al ono of the Kobe hotels, Fel'eign servants Hulse be provided with pltespol'te as much as their masters and snout particularly if the ser. viten, 1111 (1bh10130 A8 a rule the foreign or European servant de quite useless in the leer East. The tourist man easily £1111 11, well-trained Japnleso boy,or valet, end an amltl, or lady'(( maid, who can 't'ea't enough English to bent assist/moo in 110101h11g ant( add Inuit to one's stay. Their tyag08 range from eight to 10nrt0010 dollars and the employer does nob pro• vide food or lodging in Yokohama or in the larger towns where he makes any shay. In moving about from puce to p1(we the servant most of course be pro. vided for. In Chino 11e may engage a Ciliuemo boy and carry him as tar as Hong Kong and in the same way soave 1311 Indian servant who 7v111 0311001111 the way 110ross that country, At either hotel in Yokohama he will find a bulletin. board with the cards of the professional guides who aro disengaged, A guido is necessary to any one who would oom- forlab(y travel to the interior, et off the beaten tragic, and 18 anadvantago to any. menet 81)0ak111g Japauerse. 11111eir guild, the Kaiyusha, authorizes a charge of one dollar a day for 0330 or two persons, and twontyflvo 218010 for each additional per. eon. The goid0'e travelling expenses are paid by the employer and one dollar a day is allowed Jiro for hie hotel expenses, Tinto and annoyances are saved by om, ploytng a ',aide. Interior Japan with and with(. at a goido is a wholly different plaoe, The traveller has little to fear for ti hie health in ,Tnprtn, where 3111131•, raga lotions and quarantine are strictly en fo'eed. There are l•x"e'lent fo sig physicians 111 ((301132 per', foroig3) ant 3211G1v0 r v hospitals anti wall-oyuippnd 1)3233• 110101034. The fnr"'l310 i' ehnn1d bu 00rofn in 11101 ; !rink un water that hoe net been boiled end filtered or een/100sed ; avoir' shell fish, all ground fruits, no. marked vcr'tablo. and Med drinks. In addition, foreign 0081dan13 Orr ,llgho3t Asia at all rimae 10011r the mllo';ore, hell, a Meanly fitted piece of 113(11(181 0overing the 5tena0h and preventing a sudden chill in that vital region, the fatal symptom In other diseases than cholera, Moreover he avoids the mi'ldav sen end els a pre veuliv8 of 13031103ie /drinks a 0113( of hot ton or coffee before deseen'ing to the ground door al a house or taking the morning WA. Iu country te,•honsal and 30033. 01110 «la000 ho 030(3 find the counterfeit label o! every foreign beverage, but such are wisely avoided. Bottled mineral waters are safe01 and that of the Hirano spring near Kobe i8 very line A.pollinaris. Toa iu tiny ((ups la offered everywhere and satisfies thirst b st, bat as lite fresh tan' unadulterated green tea is mooh stronger than than the tourist is 110011 to at h one lie will (incl it u power fel stimuhlut. Shaved ice may alwey13 be 11'11 for it in summer tune. 1' 1WS 1113 4' 1 \''i'C1'1'd1T1l. O 'le lieu Preeideut lful'iuiden tock the ':1111' 111 the town hall, (Jerrie, on 1''ori. 113 d,ty marling, 0110(011 23rd, there were I n L enough present to gn 011 WW1 the ',rota)((, so an adjo)lrumsnt was made mail 1;1330 p. m„ at which time the awl 1. mice was 83111 far too small for the in. te'ea111113 nl1Olt+.inn. After 0short speen11, in whioh he ro• "rotted the meagro108s of the attendanoe, the eheirmau introclneerl 11. Cleland, who g've a useful and lengthy address on "The !)airy," Ile 1rged careful feeding, Much depends upon the ((hose maker ; a tire` clues cheerio maker is the 0110apes1 u the end. ''here le no clanger of over production if the cheese le A I /palely, although the lower gravies often fail of Eluding a good market. Ship only good oheese Irma your factories ; it is bettor t0 piok out the faulty 0088, because, in testing at the large markets, one or Iwo faulty cheeses often injuries the value of the whole shipment ; or if a faulty cheese is shipped ht ihon;d be so marked. Tho speaker diel net Savor any particular breed of eaitle for cheese purposes ; he believed 11 selecting gond Canadian minters, in Mead of depending on any pmt(oular strain of stood( "I)0 everything y'ou k00w." he Raid impressively, "t3) improve tire dairying bnsinees, and filet out as much its pas011)10 tern you don't homy," and the next five years won hl show even to greater improeemont in dairying than the Live years past. He claimed that the dairying business wile the mlt1118tay of the country, netwithstnnling the import. 111108 of 01,' other branches of farming. As 11 food for cattle h" said 03110 and peas are good, tho0gh nothing could tale the patio of corn. A f•'w acres of oats or pugs 00111,1 tide over the period When erase 10 14eLl'00. lever feed Swede ter- uip0, which ta111ted the 0111041) 31131 Often rendered then' lulu n•I(ou tt a ; Grl yet m,l Gnrnlp' and r0angnlds are perloctly e tfe. It is bettor, eseecially in war a weather, not to mix the morning sod evenings milk. Ile 1,,bon3ilt .18 or 20 (Miry 013400 cold profitab:y be kept on a 100.33010 farm, and sh 'wed 1114311,310e1 where from 51.10 to 111,411 loot heat netted, to fife ,3. nneetio 3233 03131 31 00(.0 g Sud word for 11,1 thin rattle, J. C, ',Morrison, of Winthrop, )p, W310 the 11001, .Oe .2341', hi+ s- b,;,.,1 been. "The 110,,." N:)cttothe c)w113.) beg es,e, his n14311 l), [11 1113/03 1,:1111,61,2 1,11:11111 030 1.11 ferns. 11e ,1•t._-, f 3 II.: 110 ;.,41.11. the 311431'ge of beta' et tilthy 33 unlltl and 11 11'.1 the given a prop .3, (deuce it was el-'e,ly in it • 111')11-. aa,' 13100 31 de,ierip. tion 'f a 31(1138 t.f a *ill p1 f, 1111.1 gave h1A 011i1110,1 [111(1 the tires ,Idre f,, the m1l t profitable r, th:. 11001r' 3 of this (033.3'3333, 11 . nett 1,11 in keel,' ,g pig,' al. ways in „no( condition. The most profitable time to kill is 011011 tit0 animal weighs from 200 to 2.21 pounds and gave an ably pat argument ill support of his statement ; It costs more—par pound— to pot on fles11 after that date, and will g„ncr.1lly bring more per pound 00 that time. lie thought a pig would (anon as g0iclt'y on raw feel. Ile thought it pays batter to soh 3a hong at 20011,0„ live weight, in August told September, when the price is high, than to feed away till he weighs 73 pomld0 more later in the ver Dr. Armstrong, .0 13nrri0, was next called upon and delivered an address on "Stehle Management." :tie hegau by saying that it )a a )nistnke to think that warmth is all a stable require,' ; ventila- Lion is of Its murdl ueceseity, as foul air will soon 'undermine the animal's health. 1Io condemned a prevailing system of vetttila1io11 which eon/Mite of an aperture at the beasts head when" it becomes sub. jeer to drafts, wind, etc., then proceeded to describe a simple )Lad cheap conte'!. Tines whioh wo111d he a ;from improve- ment ; place the ventilator higher than the animal with e b etrd 0110,1te,1 30 110 to drive the air upwards, 014 that no draft e11n strike the beast ; a single orilioo through the roof, so defended with elate that wind comet 1)o directly down it. Stich a c3ltrivltllne lvonhl a1way'0 keep the stable pure without the least danger to the stock. 01'001000 and broken win. (Lays are itijnrinos, especially in cold weather, being producers of many (Baena. es, A very important feature of the stable should be )t0 drainage. ''A 'stable not properly drained is not the 'tome of healthy stock," in his op1'ion. The out• ,dile '330111 is not sufficient 1 there sbottld bo aMain 1,1 rho entrants() to the stall covered with wrought iron grating. :Chia coda easily b0 cleansed out w1h011 tomes. gory and would be It valuable assistant 121 Iwoping the air peen. Keep 1110 debit, Mean and properly lighted. Darkuoes is not conducive to hoalth. ''lace the light behind or above rho animal, so it will 1101 fall 0)/031 311,1 eyes but rather 311)on the objects about rho beae1. elo denounced cut food 1,0 1 fr1itfrl , wee of disease in 32030(19 1 it I1 11„13 pr13)831333 ma8tiu11.t0d 33) the 810103313010 bimodal overworked end tulios, indlgostione, inllatnmatiou0, arc., foll'w, Its use was 113333)103 due to (1e:dth and he 13(0(311! advise 131103102)0 to avoid it. With cattle, however, the oleo 38,1:+ different, as they ro-mastielto their food. Ile closed his address by saying a few 73(013(8, by special rated "t, 011 tinning 011 the jaws of cattle. These are of wide Variety, many being harmless and if re- moved early will not injure rho boast for sato 0r Ilse. Bone tonsure unfit the beast for human use as those tumors limo (though be believed wrongfully) been con. 81)1018(1 eanoer0u0. IIe was listened to closely thronghoct and delivered I1i0 ad- dress in a concise manner reflecting credit upon himself and upon the village. The last speaker gee President flip. Fadden, his subject being "Tho Edu- cation of the 11or50," No handled the Subject ably and imparted muni infer. motion upon that enbjeet and wo regret being unable to remain longer to give to report of his very able address. At the close of his address the meeting broke up. -131st Huron Gazette. Donlillion ParIiamerit A proclamation t(up11ar0 in the Gazette revolting tee o'''rations of the SOott (o' 111 the oily of St. John, N. B., lu come - /100.m of the result of the recent vote thorn. Lt,•Coh Ma021433, of the Sixth 1''uoilliero of Montreal, has been appointed Ile own- 1ntu1er and Major .Macdonald, of the 13101, highlanders, Toronto, tri adjutant of the Canadian tetra to go to Bisrty this 00210. It le reported ilea negotiations aro in progress through llnn. ,luls Ile'u•n and Mr. (lhollokor, looking to an abandon' meet, by the Dominion government, of the prea10ntimet 03tnlhh2111•ed t44t1itlnt 3)10.1',, Yeti/ ('fly an.i Connolly. Hammel Willow, chief of the fish roti• tine brannh lm new ou Illy 3)3313 li'10e 1130(01 the PtL,11i. ,.,:,ave, where his labors g0 commissioner enquiring into the O. C. flatteries are ended, IIe+ is now visiting t), 31. niW)11113211.3•h.yat S011(10t. .1 '''1111111'111 0"((111)0 I of ton »i3 chef. .reeve of 1 Mild . '"3(3111,, 11,13(3)' 1133 n" 1 : 1), 131111 to, 1 1.1141 ..y Wel .1. ( 11 (03.131130 1 Kingsbridge, and 1'. 1.- I 116 1, 331,0,,.. 11 the meat;3,•:• ..f 1 u u. Dols iu ' .).1rd to improving3', r3 .114esa 1( t b.ar, , The pet ',111 - dap natant lulrnutll :n th,31 lit' r the 3,3.3 133 h::. the eYer13 0' !rare: 10 for Great Brita)n and Ireland will be r dun',) 3,3 3J) eent4 per pound lull that a 111rre.pm:ding ro'lu'alou of five /Tuts per pseud will be nude in 1)13 rates "n parcels for foreign 100ufrl..8 fat•• warded via Eng/and, , It ie stated that already forty ela3ms for rempels(13L14 q totalling up some h J1 11111 1011 03 1101 030, have been for. warded to the lieher30- 310p11rtment by the eeale•8 of Viotoria, 13. C. The re- newal of the modus vivendi, consomme 011033 rho p310s0se of tho treaty of arbi• tration by the U. S. sensate, will deprive the 80ale•0 of any elalln for colnpcnsee tuna this year. 01,'.Ilaggart 0110 W11130( upon by a deputation whiell asked that a subsidy should be granter' to the 0 -fount forest, D031111n) and 01014fu3,1 railway. There were present 1lesar0, \IoMulle1, Laurier - kin and 1proaie, UI, 1'.'o ; Rorke, Me. Koozie and Cleland, 31. P. 1'.'31 ; J. J. lohusou, mayor of llie1foi'd ; James Bowes, reeve of St, }'meant; T. Giiray, reeve of Euphrasia ; 1)icl(son, reeve of Egrenlont ; Brown, reeve of Durhatn Evans, of !Hertford ; and Macfarlane, of efarkdale. This railway company, which got a charter two sessions ago, proposes to construct a line of 43 wiles from the terminus of the old Northern railway to the Grand Trunk at Durham, and the de13,gato0 urged 11183, as Grey had been negloet4d in the 'hast, the time h (d now arrived for 11 to receive its share of any railway subsidies that are going. Mr, i(aggart promised the lienal consider. aeon. Henry Wade, reroute, Secretary of the Ontario Arts A00'eiation ; ltichetd Gib- son, Delaware, President of the Short Horn Breeder's' Aeseeh1t)on ; N18hola1 Awroy, Pd. 1'. P., !'resident of the Cu- terio Axial Association, and !!Toll. Allan, President of the Ontario Fruit Grower's' Association, waitedon IIun. Jahn Car- lin, in regard to malting arrangements for live stook at the World's Exposition, Chicago, They asked that the Govern- ment defray the cost of transportation of live stook, the iusurauoo and cost of all while there, as well as when the cattle ware in quarantine on 111810 return, They also wanted the privilege et selling while there. lair. Carling said that he would unite with all the Provinoial Goverum0nt, an 1 do all he could to 1011(0 the Canadian exhibit a eueme0, In his opinion it would be better not t0 matte an r:Vl.,lbit at all than to have a bad one. The Govorumeue deoided to have an ex hibit. A31 order.10.0000031 was pegged inviting the Peovinolltl Government to take port with the leounini011. Maggio Donagho', who lived several months on dog flash at Shelbyville, Inc., in the hope 'hue )e would aura her of pule mon31ry oousumption, i0 dead. For a time the diet aeetned to benefit her. Stray ate seven dogs. A training home for women, in which laundry wont, the care of poultry, sad- dling and harnessing horses, manage. moot of the dairy, and in short, every• thing nooessary to fit a lv0m111 to keep house on a small inecnn0, lute recently been established in Surrey, England. Wooden shoos ate made in large quan- tities in Grand llapid0, 013011., whioh is the seat of tho industry in North Amor- 10a. About Sixty paha per day are made, and a market is found for them all Over the eo0nery, They aro sold to those em- ployed in establishments tvhero cltemi• oals are employed whioh are destructive to leather, Basswood 10 need filmset al- together in their manufacture, Who said the 0olorod rano was not progressive 7 There are now 2 colored *omen lawyers, 24 do0tore, 0 civil en. (3)ueere, ID photographers and 312 artists. There are also 112 colored' women pur- suing.etudi000abooad. eee.ee,we•'+e:wemArete..,mm ,.m,- cenwsdw.luomamte.veaa. APRIL 8, Brussels Council. The regular meeting of the Counci was hold on 51001(0,' evening. Owing t the absence of Reeve McIntosh ConnellInv McCracken 10118 voted to the nhalr m motion of J. Grower and Gen, Thomson 11 A 1010e of last meeting read and Passed. The following amounts wee presented erre. J. lilashill, Amity, $ 4 00 itfre. Wallao0, charity, 2 00 W. 143, Sluolair, electric ilght, (i3 70 W. II, Kerr, printing, 0 UU Mrs. Williams, charity, H 00 hire. Brown, rent, H 0 Moved by 1103)0301 ilos,, seeenled by Jno, Grower that the above moments b paid. Carried. Teudere were opened for plank and cedar. plank cedar Qoernngosser, 11,25 11.23 McDonald, 11.50 10.00 u nlit:mane1! gravel, /weanedee/weanedJ. Webster•, 411} 02 R.:'313ICoy, •ll.{ 00 1). Shine, 114 031 D. ticitilian, 434 70 W. 00113001, 48 .1as.1(olly, '18 0(i . Joe. Lott, 7 1314 1Or'q)ing 0he,t, D. Shine, $30 00 D. McMillen, 2.i 00 Thos. Stewart, `9`? (10 Moved by John (leeway, seconded by George Thomson that the tender of elc• Donald bo accepted for lumber ; 11. ,Ile. Key's for graver 1 and Thos, Stewart's for RC1'anln 8t1eet, Carried. 113'.law No, 9, 10312, defining the Julies o3) duo. Bronrlf)•'1 was read three time, 11011 punted, );is duties are Village coustnb e, Truant officer, Sanitary 10- 01eotor, Fire fu,pector, Caretaker of Pere Department end Strict labor'' -r, The hours are t 3,111 7 a. 311. to 1; n, el, (:ottne11 them ndjo1rnrd. 1/.18 i'.30 LElk2AL.A17H3, The report of the Cntnmlosion•n' of 0r0w11 Lauds o1101V0'32at there w".0 1,. 13111l8l' ( i 30'411tiu3 in value •+1,022 sold 1Jaren.. the year. The amount. cel• cited 3)11 W.!..01111t ',f these 011.1 former sale., Was 1,01'1, 'lite elL see of h, 711 im 1 til 1 L-, 1I1'e' aste ur tl grett,t :tteot, .(ud 10 1.11e f,unta 1e.4si,3'4 t.tiottelvd to be the f:nurite 113,3.101,1 acquiring mining lands. The tuw't of ('111303 31 eel) l la,, -lo sol,! luau 2.111 3113 s aggregatiog „'31 ,, Phe area of grammar 111 hoot land 1011 1101.111, 1111 1113' 11'313 100, a,3gre:sctln ; 111 0111713'!too) • 7,7113) acres of x1111017 laude were ,old e_tgl'egalblg 331.1,019 ; the collections. were 31G,80) ; the to -a. nolle:dons of the de. sari: feet were 51,103,818 ; the tots) dis. bnrse,nents were $:)10,;2$, of which *tee- ms658 was co'np0usnfioa for mber lin800 account of cattails titlnbetil' Iintit5 e032130• 10g been declared part of the Indian reserves, and telt011 by the Dominion Government. The total oolleotiol's for the year from woods and foresl0 0mennt. eel to .$1,023,0111. which inolndes 5172,- 551 011 amount of bonneee, leaving the revenue from 1110be1 dues. oto., $850,000. 1) is estimated tut' fires last year 10,1,1red 100,0.10,04)0 feet of pine timber more or less, the estimated lose being about $755, 000. On Crown lands about 05,000,000 feet were injured. The total cost of fire. ranging serv(0031 101,+ $20,013. (r4 -1.00m 'tt1 "3(+'1,00?, Prince h1,umtrcl( was 77 yore" old Friday. A elontlber01 caused extensive damage 111 Chicago last Friday, It is estimated that the total east of the World's Veer will be /?22,220,100. Six 00011 WON killed iry no explosion in13. dynamite ft story at 'Bessemer, .4t,, Friday. The (3,1101110ts intend to enete01 every seat in Ireland at the conking general elect101). The suffering among unemployed per- sons in Melbourne and Sidney, Ao0tralia, )s very greet. The Duchess of Pastrana, Spain, who has jest die,', has beque1LLlle,1 the greater part of her estate of the Jesuits. While Rev. J, Z. rlrmotrnne, L. 3,, D., of Gloversville, N, Y„ 1,1)41 33181101ii11 last SSundayevening a mous, $1101111/0001-1up the register, and consternation seized the woolen of the congregation, 1)e, Arne strong could not pr0,0031 on 110c01ut of the tumult and he udjon'33e,1 the meeting While W0111011 330130)1 1)311 11111, Antoine Juritch, living at DresniIuo, is said to bo 190 years old. Ho still works in his viueye.r,1 and gem to eh0rele every Sunday, although it is (1 1,100 1131111',1' 101111i away. His oyes are good, atld his nye• brows grew 0,3 that they have to be ant to prevent theta from ols3uriug his eight. Nis mother diol at Ella oto of 190, but his hither diet' young. The coning giant 110es in 'Wh1tin,• ham, Vt, fie is 1a1 new, being only 134 years old. Me 1111110 i0 Myron Jil. sol, Ire is 0 feet 111 Snob00 tall, weighs 300 pnuud0, and f3) still growing rapidly. .1 fav days ago Myron's father sent an order to a clothing llrin fora pair of trousers for his boy. They oohed for 39 1001115 waist measure and legs 10 inches long on the inside ((roam. The lirm 3111y this )0 the lougeot leg 111easthro they ever heard of. The sale of the library of the Into John B. Gough at 1o'ton Tuesday brought out some fanlo1s buyers. The most opiriled bidding and. the best prioe8 wore called out by the "Crniltehnnl(iana," of whioh a number of stitched pamphlets and handsomely bound volumes were offered. The primes on these works ranged from $7 to $300. A beautiful first proof stool plate en. graving of the "Worship of Bacchus," on Indian palter, by George Oruikshonk, brought $55 only, while four water colors signed '•y him were purllhased by Walter Aldrich, of Providonoo, for 1(201. An oil painting by the same artist, entitled +Grimaldi. in the Barber Shop," was also bought by ltlr, Aldridge for $300. There Were about 4,000 volmos in tho collootioo, n 1 0 0 e et. 11'111 , Cie trip of tko lfi.r ,. 1 turf,' Ir,,,, J3. i', N,,o' '3313 cur peovismo. 310, amt 11111 1)3 C00,11 11 3i 1 t ,fat 1, et 'e an:l run 3,0 b. tn';. '1',vu 1311)11 pa4:rd s'• 11 : e 1 I, oi 1:,'313 tots (1 h. r1 t0nchieg their 11110, 1 hell, in a moment f de;pan:Uimo, 011n1-69Iv ,vbrzested kill in:; 1110 .1)). Gnu of 010 0a1lor, brought Jack noon the deck, and he wee gin/Otto slk',t. Tee rook mole oherge of hint, and that night the calors r0(0lluel in 0hnice dog steak. Jack lasted for two lays, and on the third day a 8111 hove 131 sight and a stock of 31rrvi0deu0 wag seemed. A Philadelphia telegram Of Sunday n11.03 1 --0a11111V 1,,,lpelteefal'y, like a 011111( asleep, Walt Whitlnlul peeved away Saturday evening. 111 had been weaker than rental fol' some dav0 past, but for 50,11e 1'0'0033 hie condition fled 1101 become public property. IIe hal a sink. ing "1)011 F1eley night, bet re snored. sem :'1v1:at. Again at, 4;;31 Suter/lay afternoon he began to sink. A 1710ssen. 'fur Was hurriel1y sent for his physician, Dr. Alex. 'McAllister, who reached the poet's bedside 01101'tly aftorword. The dock ,r found )Ir. Whitman in a dying condition and 011 informed tho.e around his bedside. Ile asked the patient if he 00fiered any ran, and the whispered answer 01,0 ..N0." Twenty ininnt00 113. f.'r his ilea; h he ,aid to his attendant "Mary, rhi3!." 'These 1003131 the last words utter, d by Mr, Whitman. Ilia breathing became fainter and fainter, and at exactey 11;15 p. ul, 1h 10t98011 /may. At the time of the goo 1 gray poet'( death his bedsidu in the humble little femme 001)31ge where he pagers the 1 axe year's of his We 1084 sn(001111d0d by a little group cotl810tins of Thomas B. !loaned, 01 Philadelphia, a close friend ; H0aree .L. Troolble, his secretary ; D. McAllister, and hie housekeeper and faithful mail attendant. The 310.1A of the (13313311 was cabled to Lord Tennyson and ether friends in England, his biographer. Dr. 13110130, of London 0,11(11)0, luui friends in then oenntry. 1892 SWed030 is the most Prominent country, for out of a p.pel1311ou of 4,774,409 only 8111 fro Raman Catholir,s, or 1(1 out of every 100,000 ; and next, to it in this re• e3net le Norway, wide', is titular the sante aovereigu, anti has only 309 Ilutnan Catholics out of 1,8134,1311 inhabilaut3, or 27 out of every 1140,000, I0 both of these (smuttier» the mace 01 tiro 1)3)1)1110• Gan adhere to the Lutheran Proteetaut 01331rch. Ti•• attetnpt of the State of Illinois 10 exterminate the English ;marrow 1)1,33030 seems to be more expensive than suecessfel. In three months 410,000 sparrows have been been killed at 2 colts a head, but the number of the living parr,ws re. main as large as ever. 011 the other hand, feexpsnienced mereetnen are makiue life dangerous to a large pert of the people of Illinois.. The English sparrow will not go. The (1.P. It, Company, with commend- able enterprise, will sen,' a splendid ex- hibit to advertise its resources to the World's Fair in Chicago, L. MaNi,holl, gore eel passenger agent of the road, 1•e. en )tl,v called upon Chief IVillord A. Smith, of (ho trallspmtarion deportm'nt, with a view of 0ec0rieg space for an ex. Mbit. It f0 the inteutio,l ..1 118 eotnp•uoy to send 30 Chicago a full p.olsenger train leserviceru, 0Ode13 of til" ocean steamer. 111 Sts An nnilergrooud lata+hon been discover. ed three miles from (':meso,', Idaho. It was found by a well• Tigger. At a 401.111 at 10 foot Wear, pure lake water rail out over the seance for a time, and t'u'n set. tied back t1 the eat•Ih's level, The most curious p.rt of it is tluat1811 were brolght to 1103 sarfae0 by the overflow, They have a pe0ulist1 appne.rau, e, and are 01;101004, 111d11111111)g Cell (Ile. at'e 11,111,30. gi'001110oh. The spring has attacted mace attention, awl marl,• farmers 111 the vicinity fear that (:,61' f.1,1us will drop into the 3alt,. 1 are finest and mos, complete dividing engine in tit .t a'bl has ju t berm ram• sifted by Professor 11.".11,10,1 for t1 Johns IIepalo1 Univrsity, 1 Baltimore Several year's have been require.! to ),•r• fret ties machine., which vett rule I Om,. 000 1111ce, to the inch, and the greeteet 0311' lies b...:, taken to severe its t 0031,• renniu3. 114 33)11 f n;' is to rule 31.w+ line plates n,ml Po, spectrum analy3)8 ; opiate r gratin'' f this hind, ahem five inehe3 in 1114111 t 3..110111111. 1 wi4:, 22,0110 lines in the, 101)11, t,.l(,o ah nt 1,, to .ek of 134132. .toot ,v:,.;(, 11:13,1 ,111.1 .1',y 01 It mpiete The attention o3) the pas.engers on the f,rry.boat Erie 011 131, 9„10 trip from the Erie depot to New Fork Smutty morn. Ing 1000 841111010,) by the notions of a Stylishly.tlrossod young mrtn, els bo p3Lssud through the cabin he arranged his tie and hat in front of the sumer and, after brushing 1)4013 11few rcirao- to•y hairs in his ulntlsiteho, )13•a3ti1 lilts the "wound cabin, looking (mite pleased with 11111self. 330 eyed (very woman with what he evidently thought %VILA 11 very ra.ptivatin3 glance, and tool( a seat 0313300ito the only unattended female in the e'shin. - 1)tu'1ng t'se entire trip 11,1100s5 he st,11,3l at her, and every Limn slie raised her eyes he wont,' 'mirk ',lightly or raise his That n little, nodding to her. S' intent wile lie upon making an im- pt'04eim1 that he diff net seen to realize tint nearly every ((thew paesengne in the cabin was watching him. P110 young woman, a pretty girl about I0 or 20 years old, (lid not succumb to his attentions on lite boot, but this did not tlis0onrage hint in the least, and when the crowd was about to step on the deck 110 took her arm fnmtliarly and addressed 11ec in tut undertone. Like a flash the young woman broke his weep, her right arm shot out and her little fist landed square- ly nu the fellow's nose, The suddenness of bio at1aolt, probably, more than the force of the blow, laid hem on his book, and before be could regain hie toot gayer - al deeps of blood had triokled down on his shirt front and oohed his white silk tie, "You hod no right to do that,” he exoia1mod, jumping up. "I mistook you for an acquaf0tan00," while the girl bo. gen to tremble and looked around as if site had done something horrible. "Yost did,1,)s 1" said a young roan totting out of• the ero1d and addressing the Number 89 (313010. "Well, 1 won't make a 01114111.1(13 in yon." He dated forward, but 1110 "mas1101" st0rted for the 51131'101108 at the top of hi. speed. The erow.l yelled and hooted after him, and 111 his 11:ght he would not return for 1118 umbrella, wliinh he had dropped. Then the young won -an, whose 03330,10 right arm had won for her the admiration of every passenger, be. 1111,010 (tial. She said eke wets 1•aizebetll 1(auimaun, and lived at Carlstadt, N. J. She had 0011)0 to the city to spend ,y with h. r married sister, who lives in least Sisty.liftll street. The "ladykiller" will find hie umbrella in the ferry holt&+ at the foot of Chambers street. People We Know. It, Buchanan i0 away to IIeu8a11. Ilfrs, Thos, Gibson is Visiting at Wrox. eter Robert Hamilton was in town last week. krt. Jnn, It'oe, B. A., wag in Toronto last wee'[. frank Strettnn Be home from Toronto fur a few week+. Miss !label .1' ckson )3 visiting her sister at Termite, 31,.3 S0p11y 1leager, of Mitchell, is V1.atug Mrs. A. Ko -Mg. 31031 bi'sie 3elt.,n, of Ien.rk1p, 11aa conte back to 13rueeels. A. CnuOley and wife and T. S, Himpb- rie,s Son,taved 111 Wiugluun, JIr,. (J'orge 13.•k1.0 aid .langbters are away at Zurich 01 -'ting relatlhee, Freddie Gilpin is laid 11)1 With au attack of inflammatory rbnutnalism. .hiss :Miley Sample Isle 33011 10 Burk's Falls to tante a 1)o 3)1313 as milliner. Miss ,Hary i%S,LOnehliu ha 4 1,111(9',) I1 0111)3011,111 '01 Milli/10i at G,ml)'rr, Essex e. `E, Grimo;dby, who tae been away at ()Nell Smnnd 3,4 =2003:3' uhenths, ie Welt to town mean. I.. W. Me i11oo i ltd Life, of (I Aerial', were visiting at Dl. Hulme; for a few day,' last week. k. '((,inch!((/ arse: n• W3- 3111 duty for a 74,31' days law w :el( u10e11,113 Maass, It's not often be lays 330. II. (i..nme,r, "f 131,',,,).: , wt.; iter,' for se,ter 11 .1 1.y, 3.! 11',111)11'.., 011 bi1;1m,'1,3,I. 3I, I) f mot((/. C. W. ('rave.", T,sv41',, Y.t••.,eeger 110 .1 ,:' 3hr' 1. 1' 1 ( ,' ..01.1+ 111 WWII pie ..13':1 1 1' 3) a r,) .3133 Mrs. , W, Laird end' 3131,3 en r••hu•n- elto!L1 St ,- 0,:3.Ito:avafteru' tend8,i vi itto3''. ( i c.4 a' Titer ea.li1e' and Tiverton. Little !11 - Ida '711401 awls' at 7,T10i; 34-n), 3..-i,•, ; n •3 uncle '.mat 1(11111, 532,. went 0.133 1.1.111 11(., latter front Brussel,. Itev. 1t'. 1'. fluff is improving ni.)aly now and is tilde to get about alfltongh still sneak. Ile aw•orepdni:,.1 :Mrs. Cliff to Toronto on Tueal313'. Joe. Sell was on the Sick list for up. w ud9 03 a week with e.nnething of the se1atiea er'lar. IIe's able to get abunt again Wo are pleased to 11101i170, .hiss Maggie Smith has gone to Blyth where she will fill the position of milliner in D. B. McKinuen fi S,ui s store. The ladies of Myth will be well In"ked after this eea3013. One day loot week I .1. Il',lme8, br0.ier of 11. llohne9, of 1110 Clinton New Era, had a suneesful surgical 'meridiem per. formed by which an enlargement of the hone of one leg was reduced, "planed" down to ifs normal size. (1. 4.. Powell, of Strati' "rd, a former well known merchant of lsrusa0ls, bas r0• 331"ved to 'reroute where he luta 330118 )n. to partnership with his brother in the grocer- ba4n0s0 on College avow:le. Be. fore leaving the Classic city Mr+. Pow. ell was presented with $00 ,n gold as a ('dz•',, of the a"preciatlon in 10'111311 8110 'va0 held as organist in ries Central 3fetlt- ,'diet church. '1'110ir many old friends here will them 0llcee031 ).l their 210113 home, We are 0"330 t'1 heir that Merton, old - ,ret see Ot J:.:;. 11. Young, of Bloos0m3u, Ilan., formerly of 11rn:•sels, has had very serious time with one of his arms. Ile sprained his 1v,i81 and 1110 damage resulted in a sort of felon spreading up bis 113'1) to his elbow. Ile had the arm huh'ed and the bone geraped in three or four places. The Drs. 01.1,111.101 to am- putate it but Mr. Young would not cru• sent, If 3110 present treatment 1)300021 elliraoin3ls the arm well likely always be wi1T1. It has cathed a great deal of suffering to the patient. �'�I,t�al111Alt. 'C, C. Graham, of Lower W'ngham,has been supplying Winghamiteo with lettaoo end green enlell9 for the past couple of weeks. Rev, 1t. 11 •Cosh, of 'Nimble, former. ly of Wiuglhun, has denidw,1 to acoept the esti to the reetn'ahin of Christ rhureh, (111061311111,1332(0!1 WAS vacated by Rev. N, 13. 'Martin, 'rho foilolvi3l ofli:er' were sleeted )n cot"1)111411 30(3)1 the foot b;11 chub: - Manager, I3, 131i1 ; Captain, Charles Stuart ; 1ecrat3t';y T1"1000re•, .1. Allenby; 11,00.141ng Committee, C. Strnu't, W. Al- lenby and A. Bleat. The ((lob is now open for 0110110114os from any senior club in this or adjoining counties, The Maple Leaf Lacrosse Club has organized with the following Moore :— Eton, rtes., Mayor Clegg ; IIon, 1st Vioe. Pres., J. A, Morton ; lion. 2ttd ViOo- I'res., W. II, Wallace ; !'res„ A. K. Cameron ; Vioe/Free., 11, 0, 13o1! ; Cap- tain, N, leargeharsou ; Treas., Chisholm , Iioa-Sec„ T. E. Coruyn ; Fio,.Sea,, W T, Finney; Committee of Management, T. 11 °oveyu, N. Faroe. hereon, 0, Town. A number of those in town interested in base ball motand formed a olub to bo called the "Park Nine B. 33. (3." and elected the following oliioore :—A. 31, )dttegrovo, Manager ; lt, Elliott Prost. dont ; Thos. Bell, Vico•Preetdent ; Angue,Cap1ain ; 1.1-I. Chisholm, Treas.; T. $loLoan, Recording Secretary ; Stuart, Pioateial Sooretary ; i'. Angus, J, Allenby, 0, Stuart, Managing Cont. mitten.