The Brussels Post, 1892-4-1, Page 8,nno.at,,n,.r.42w,.'hrzwrIa-51=r0rStar...xer)..•-exessowwwn,nntonortexasentsrantr=tonermoswexhaaronwerienthh ,TUU Yon are no doubt going to oa) some house &I.:orating, or will o. gage Ramo •firet-1100s man to do it for you, Yon, of I imarse, 11)4o, o -around rth. be,t plaoe to buy. If you purehased WALL PAPER Iron us host ye.ir, 0•01 did so before nr stook was about exlieusted, you sill know that it Was well ass,Vtgl and our pricea X1 (Hill 1110. best 1 OAT, however. (0- 001(101) y had without, t to se tttij our ever increasing trade, Ioo.I have therefore lough larger then ever. We have now stock of over 4,000 We do uot confine ourselves to one etianufaeturer but made se'ectiotis from a dozen or more and loon therefore o very floe seleetiou et prices within the reach of all. We will be pleased to supply you. 0. A. DEAMI.A.\ , Druggist, Bookseller, &o. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. souTfinaN EXTENsunt W. 0. & 11. rrains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Goose SouTn, Corso Nons rt, . 101)1 11,111, Mixed 0:20 tun. 1Itor0{8 . .11(14 a.m. i SI 5 pm). 144111511 beet p.m. 1 Everests 00•49 _ . Lrptal iCW„„•:)Lte111$.„ A chion, amang ye takm' notes, faith he'll prent it. L._ Atoitn.. No Spring Fair in Brussels this year. Ger the balance of the snow off Hie sid 00000110. AtIsross u STENVAIIT is about half through with his work. Tile Hors.. Fair was held on Thurcelay. 1.0 wiser of sales were mede. Tins town hos be 11 fairly alive with cotonnemictl tot:svelter. this we. k. 11. MeCtitoteeN 0114101e:1 N. 0 tr ef rotatoes Toronto this (01111. Tim river Maitlend has ,W000001 to the ful. ec.pseit o 41)1 banhe this meek. Go tho alt-000tt 1 the pi ccde 000 1', R. l'aoll w,11 pr. ich ito the .lis' e001--.tio Sabbath. in: th, 1. i%'.' 1 rhiog, up Loot US 000 Ilth 01011,8 00 00 lo lli0 le WI 1..VEI:'1,1-0* ill al rellS for In...00,1-010o 1 t; II Vila 1.01' Lat. 0,1,1 rul or l71,,n4)Ieb a. No,t, 111 1o,•1 after April 1st igef• 01.1111 wi11 •' t) real. 0,, r ; onna t further iv:slice. ;0. 0 oo:II', 11,1,01.11,1•8, Wm. 111.0001r1.. 41 Las 1. -(011 cacj,.etnred that the 0010)011 of tel diltivian longevity a tis some tneelio 1 of lesephog the blood pule, warns Rod eigerens. itlederne accomplish the :aux (01 posse by using Ayer's Sorsa- parilla•- the beet inedicitie over brought to Belot. TraNk.4.--.1. well known resident of Morris toss usloip presented Tms Posy siaiT with 00 nett lonehel of splendid ent• ce_c apples thi• week. He kaid if we mentioned his name he wouldn't do it again so 100 10101))) our best Unlocks ob• 1000.11114 nis request. Eon 1101)011 License Commissioners will meet at the Revere House, Brussels, t ou 'Monday. 180 Inst., to take lute con- slueration the greeting of hotel licenees for the coming year. There were '25 111:008ita grouted last year and there atm ; 96 asked for this year, Wm. Beirnes, of 0 Fordwieb, being the only IIIIW applicant, LADIES appreciate Anti.dandruff from the fact that it not only thooroughly re. moves Damlruff with three applioutCons, bo.,, stops falling of the hair, restores fading 11011 to its original color, and t -hes 11 voft and p1'10.10without leavidg at.: indieadon of a do essiug 1,' 09 0- ed - e'en. AS cry,tal, c!: 110 to oleo, it 111 et voIu 0)110 soi/et pr [01)' c .0,0 tuo one ers odd -eachere of the :110thodist S dwell) Se'escol g 11,1,11.1)111, el 1, rphlo.y oPchiog I cot. After a ode y pre. pa enpper diepatecool and the dish .4 rash c0, '-dc Old tri, 011 ItItt{ 1... 41 '118 0113.4. and oh, add' 1,0110 ebmi, e (low to add interest to rev Settled 0IId 110;ontve its eflieceitey,” Go 11,o. H. F. 14,1I011, 1,0v, it Paul, Geo. I' 'oro, Cavadege, T. S. li.00phrie;, W. 11o1,010I( and others. ill oretteotra bese,1 a numb .r hf of 1:) P*111. Tile gao .0.1.1140 lie held :, pnce, olo 1 -10..11" Mnn ot . avis L o11)• 0100 1"11., Of 31 !drool. 114 doaorviog of the 110-10 1, 1 wy, It 'Iles 0.n• isrconsly (?) e1pri.1 9< I' 1 lia lollitir•O•101. Ellin of :Att. f''o' t -ix o -i,orthoitoett 1, ',I,' :40 ,o,or 4 0 line:, of local h. • a the pop, p 10r the Fame 1 ,• ,,,,„ 10,,,e1 10.00e 1...0.00tutt0; )"1,1, sue ,"ol'elled to do:title the oil e 1.1 ;iv, [00 1010), 110,1. ce.lently the see:Eitel 1 I 1 ,o{ 10P ...,I. 4', 0 01111119 . Pr, lout 001,18 1 .0(11) 0' wait ouch of tl te pesoils so es to witty a:1y ney. .et: ),Ph. I 1 01.011 40.0.0111 1,3 101h11) gth (1tol aim' 10 the poverty etricken editor. 1.107.0.; If a frog is at the O .110011 a a well, Is o ft et deep, Low 0. or; daps will it tuke bin) to get to the t 111' be climbs up one feet ecteli day, fl, I :lidos back six inches ettelo night, hundred dollars in east, wiq be /mid 0 3 person who send) the first c arcet en,wer to the above prize puzzle, an • pox. of that/loud p tr•rings in solid • 1 e ttings given to 1 .e oee sending 80111111 001'000b 0.41SE1 .. A. complete 0010121114311011 at business elluge given for fourth correut answer. As imported music. box (playing eix pious) given for 40 to correct answer, .A. silk dress pattern 401 0E011 of the next live tiorreet anstvers. A ,..verlsome rmrlor lamp to esoh of the ot)..tteo. Aud a solid gold watch for the first sorroot answer from each Province, Ift,vy person answering must enclose feu three wilt stamp for two temple topies Of the finest illustrated publica- tion on the oontinent. Wo glee those primes simply to introduce it. Address, 710 Hos' Pictorial Weekly, (22) Toronto, Van, THE BRUSSELS POST MILUNFRY sarzessateaaceaso !WM E.140441-ait:z hogs to notny her patrons and telenits that her Orsaid MiIllIle4y Openhi,.; take placo 1)11 Thursday, April 7th, and Two Following Days, und0r the msuagement of our popular and respected Milliner, Oreon, NA•110 hag 'all 1111 11114 very latest Slyles. Our show this Season will far surpass all allure an 1 we MOM cordially invite every lady to give 113 it MIL whether they buy or not. Miss Green will only be too glad to show our lovely styles. 1:1; S In Iliiii dopurt0100404 Course 'We take the lend, having are )'Ory neat and pretty this season. .Every lady collection of novelties, being far ahead of anything to be of Mourning Goods, having always a ls.rge stock on ham • ta L1 01 11 much the largest stock to choose from in 11 11 the newest designs, reotiring anything in Dress Ootals should not miss seeing our seen it) Brussels either in style or extent, We make a. specialty 1. I) /?, X 27 s jV /) EL4XXELETTE. Our stock is noWeomplete in this department, aml without any exception the designs are the most elegant seen for years and the prices the lowest. Come And SCO 111X Ass lEgr L 3F.:. ,., OtirI‘lantle Cloths are also to hand and Miss Moore is now prepared with ail the new styles and fashions. We have our new fashion book for April now ready which she will be pleased to show any lady wishing to seo it. We flatter ourselves that taking our new stock altogether it would do credit to a much larger place than Br ussels, and the price of (very article the lowest it can be sold for. Our motto is "Small Profits and Quick Returns.' 13russols, Mar 25th, 1892 111001111, in Yellin!, next Monday 000,11111. 'retniers wil I be opened for plank cedar and ravel. P110 ilea mill will complete their work of haiollittg 11,st year's crop on Seterclay 01 1-11)8 week. Oyer. Dimes and wife have arrived in Bros-ols alai have taken ell ,rge of this corps of the Salvation Army, PoilORSTEll FARROW [1 ,0 the window modo door frames, sills, &co, on the ground ready for his propoised new reeiclen-e. THEEE 3011)041 1)10)1 who were out on a sonar mating esinelition, last Smoday, took the first bat., of the 8101(0on while erasing the river above the mill ,l,u, • 'Inc Wingin in Advance says :-Tne Wircelocion sports should :woe comc.enue 0 to jog .11eir flyers, and go 00;017 to Brits eel, scoop the pries on A1.0 91011. 111.*010I0, SELLE1.0 11/18 putt to lInntilton, Dattoto ; Angus 'McCallum to &coition, 1.c1d1. ; Ed. Danford to Detroit, :Nlieh. They "010 441)01100-1 by J. l'eppey, C. 1'. 11 Agent. Sunday will ba o•o April 10111 ; O. cal Friday April 11 th ; Etc 011.1. Spada), April 17M ; the 2-1th of May and 19th of 110y• cds Teedc• ; Doinhoiou Day 3. on Friday, and Christatits .Day is. iia Sou- thty. 1 1..r, 1000 Flue .1.::ema01004.--0,0 of hos week th. Direurs of the above wall known organization myt at .12.010,,,B0 , Gorrie, the President 0.0 t .0 chair. 7Llopl1o;:tti000 were II1880100 atti,pttitttig4 to 5'4,870, A. f w small 'items were Kid Tue. l'osr would like to see a 4)4 ..41u4 twine or u. c,11111Ing, factury, or both, lo- cated in 13ruessels thin year .-Th. prau• shoe of exhibi hog :corpses to the isablie iu 1)01111' ctihn with funerals aholishett,-A, little attention given to the 1(14109111114 104 91.00 19114110 11)000 by -young maples by our citizens, Door borrow Tits Po.e any longer as it 18 1113 imm,sition on the subscriber who is paying for it and rather than offend von they let yOu horn it when they may -want it theinselves. A cheaper and better why is 01 send a dollar along and get the paper regularly 114 3)111) home for the 1)1111)10)18 0! 1802. If you ar, a regular borrower take the hint and stop it. 81,1.1Caltato Teem. SeasoN.-A.n otrier.in• commit has been passed (banging, the period for the close seleon for speckled trent. Instead of, as heretofore, excend. ing from Sept. loth to May 1st, the close season will in future end on Aprli lot. Anglers will thus be able to secure this do!! tftjl species of the filthy tribe whoon the fishing is at its host and a month earlier than heretufore. Mee/tines' I00TITCPII8.-Ill 4110 report just isened by the 5finieter of le lunation for 1891 the following information is given concereing the Meehatoice' testi. tntee of the co 11111'. The figures in the first oolumn indicate the t. tal umber of beaks in the Institute; the second celumn gives the number of !moles issued out ,euring tho year, while the third eoluonn gives the -number of members. No. of No. Member - Bootee. Limed ship. lityth 870 882 05 Brussels „ 1,562 soil .17 ethanol 9.297 8,202 14 Exeter 9,9117 3,170 103 Underlie, 9,094 9,877 139 1 f eat I 901 1,174 220 Senforth ...„ 3.03.1 11,0181 495 Witighem1,947 9,74)17,0 (0 19;0 Wroxeter9,1135 Oatitnizno.--A. Young llan's Liberal Coloalrval Mil) for 190(180,03 and Io. colits 00)14 organize 111, don lay evening "Iii 04-00-0:'e ly a totolo ortet. Mt) ttolit..) held 111 toe 41.ace,09404 111)04, Vo' 0) b04 -k. s Pesj.,e, is Organ. 04,1 1911,,,1', 01,)!/...1,016I1 4 Crab and opou a reeling room. The folloseilng ofecce bearers welt: elected 1-- Pocsident, 1,1,1,10 L -win ; s. for tir..y, 11, It.)borism ; Vine Pros, 0 » Morris, Jas. Dow. nom Rio .14oc., W. IL Cloakey ; Corresponding See., War,: l'arrow ; Trot:110'er, Cleo. Thoker : 1 IxecutiYe Committee, W. V. Vail - atone, It, L. Taylor, J. T. l'ep' per, W. Nightingale end U. Dennis, Awronvomicafe -00 31,0li1tty evening 141 (110 14fethodist, chureh it program on Astronomy was giveo by the Epworth Imague. Its eousieted Of ro, reading. on Telescopes, by W. lioddiok ; (Mott, by Misses Sellers and 'M. Moore ; question chimer, handled by Rev. ti, 47. Salton ; reading, on Light by De. Cavanagh ; two selootions of music by church choir. Mr, Salton gave a large amount of in. tertsting information oonoerning oelostiai bodies and proved himself to bo well versed in Astronomy. The reverend gentleman expressed his willingness to continue the subject 9(31310 other evening outdoor.] so that 1110 1,9,40118 oontail. lations, deo., could be hmated, hText Monday evening there will he a 46 Promise". meeting, led by W. Shoten. 1)4444, and 21 13ible reading, ',Our Temptations," by 1)r. Cavanagh, Aram 10111 prO Woe sprieg bonnets, hats ; cricket, 1..erosec and 100000 ball clubs 1 better roads ; busy tisane with farmers ; energetics nation by Witted of Health ; Easter holidave for the public sehonl youngstere ; house chavong ; better health to invalids ; a sidewalk par- ed o f bats) carriages by atteative looses; corner loafers; bettottifel weather. No medicine has had greater suceess 10, checking consomopikm, it. it early stustcs, Ilocn Ayer's Cherry Peet .rel. 11 stops coughing, soothes the throat and lungs and induces muelo needed re use. Ilinulreds have testified to the re- mark,- bk. vdotues of this preparation. 18 lit Hilt 1.111S. 'rho-. Driver 111001 411014 to Rochester. 1, Crekloton, of Cat tlph, true, heme last Senclay George Reid, a inachiniet, has taken a sithaticno in London. Ars. Hen Heyeruft bee been smile ps seiy of 000 with la grippe. Mkt; CIVIL Oreight bee gone to her ,illi 001). situtotion at Chesley. Mise F'oeter has been engaged as mil. 04)011 10 W. Nisehtingele'e otore. Mre..r! r'. Halliday hee been (pito. ill dueidg 0,10 p in. we .k ht. ii 010011 better bok". 110 . Holmes, Co. Tres sorer, of Code. rich, was in Brussels ou Saturday of last Mrs. Sconces, Thireld and 3Irs. Gordon are vlsiong at $t. 1.110/11o) f01' 1140000 ' woeks. \1t', Samiael Pe:arson is borne from Port Move where she has apent the Whiter. Mre. W. F. Stew trio of Durham, is sp nding a week with ho: daughter, Iles. Noble F. Gerry. 1114 s Sella Richardson intends taking a 1 ip to Dakota before long to visit rela- tives and friends. Richard ilingston is laid up with an ant oak of eeyslpelae bat it ie to be hoped he will soon he better, W. 14 Ramsay and family removed on Thursday of this week to Killa 111ey, 3fanitoba, where they purpose inakiug their future Mole, A. J. Lowick, of Tiverton, (0)19 11) town for a few diva this week. He is well sniped with his bow location and will remove his family there this month. Liss L. A. Unnobly, formerly of 13rue. eels, is relieving bliss Kate Riohardsen, teacher at Toeswitter, while the latter atteude the Collegoate Institute for a few months. J, M. O'Connor was taken very ill on Monday and it '00003 roared he would not live through the night but his coodition improved somewhat althengh he is still 111 a critical state. Jos. De iltOly had a seoond !stroke of paralysis about tee days age but not nearly ,o 5411 1)0 as the ilrst. We hope the 13,o weather and the go e 1 care will speedily restore him to his uesottl good health. Ili. Y. Farrow, of Winitipog, sou of Postmastor Yarrow, of BP0800113, has tattoo a position as mill clerk on ilie C. 1'. 11, in the Wear, His brother John 11 is a similar situation 01 the main line of the 0, '2. it, east of Loudon, Qnt, Noe have been redneed iu Reside on nemount of the hard Hines, and weddinge have increased greatly since the reduction of the most. In parts of that Empir e there seems to be very little left to live ou brit love, Dr. Richardson says that there is a smaller proportion of sulottles innong polo of the Jewish race than slaung th000in 1 .., Ilio 1 ' a rase that CP ',04 of suieldo 11011'0,1(1 toe , ;Jews of Katy York aro in ,re 110,110(0,14 than among their heediren elm:wit:1N, A now building no it.sri of uneertain 00101,), but culled -fossil coral," is being a a -0,11 141 001 u1 th.: !Jay 11 Suva Fiji. It is SY soft that it ean be emily mat into any desired form, but 800(1hardens Mont expoeed to tho air nea d aequi)es the charauterisfieg of fire b.' Ono night bud walk &Meet Alen,na milkman of Wheeling, W. went home intoxicated and moused his wife of infidelity. Alson streak the woman over the head twice with a polter,fractur- Mg her skull and indicting fatal injuries. Alson's shifter intoefered and the infuri. Mod man knocked her down, grabbed her by the 110.111 0.1311 tore half the scalp off. The murderer has boon jailed. James J. Lynn, of Port Huron, is the owner of live large valuable St. Bernard and Mastiff dogs, which be keeps in a onolesure nexo tho street. friday little 4-year.old son of &ulna WaltehaM climbed on top of the board forme andel Separates the dog pen from the street, and either fell inside or VMS dragged down by 1110 (10442, fie was immediately pounced upon by all five dogs and bitten and mangled in a horrible manner, his flesh in many places being torn from hie body. The dootore have very little hope of hie renovery. F. 0 0- "F., S • MIK1001111,1%.0211.1 1•21.9..12.1•Mbents,nrra, Business Locals MeDottorm,-.In Grey, on Morel) 24111, Airs, Alexander MeDouald, seed 76 years. SPENcit.-In Morris, on March 93rd, Ann claim, beloved wife of John Spence, aged 23 ye an. and 4 months. Gaol's' Hats ef all kinds just arrived at Soo whom l's4. W. limitless does viewing of all kinds. Give him 10 call. A 00011'LE10E assortment of Spriug goods st Strauhan's. 11E01100 81111 valises, good aesortment, sery cheap at H. Dennis,' DAISY TIM. -n and upright churns, but- ter bowls, &o. lit 13 Gerry's. A melt range of lovely new dress goods and trimmings at Straohan's. 90:0 quantity of bran awl shorts fur 91140 111 the National 1.1..11er Milts. 41, W. Beltokse Photo Gallery is over the ,tsodlard Bank, "trotton s Block. 000111 & SMITH'S and J. D. 1411190 boots, lune and slippers at Hirai:116We. COTTAtiE to reot, with or wiehout h tlf- acre garden. App' to Dn. 11IcKE4tity. ALL hind- ..f porde» seed-, Potatoes 20 ecoids 1.101. [101111101 W. H. McCracsken. II WE your beby`e Ph, to taken by DurLoss. All work Male by the instad. taneous poetess. 111;:e opoelisies ol ehirtings at 7o. trot. and 11.10., 10000111108,1 01(04 dye, at Fato.r. sos ,A E0.'s. clrer mind thie week some sp, real lines 111 inee's waterproof coeds et Pea- , orc.ces drat srlivoti a fine range of Baby ear 1 lieges which will be sold at reaso (11110 Dennics. 1(111) "‘g..10 t the big b'1'1103100 in tinware offer - E are one Ming your market wagon ed for '31.00. 13, Gerry. HALIADAy %NVI'S 1LIPO the 1)0140)01 110(1 newost etvlee in dress gouda and plees the cheapest. 300 pairs et leve eurtains for Spring. A. great jot) to be sold cheap at 1V. Nightingith's oliettp store. Ova milliner, 3115e Foster, in now hard at w..rk nreparing fnr our Rpt•ing °peeing. W..Nightingale. You can always depend on getting the late -t wyles in ties, shirts, collars and coils FisitousoN & Hoozarovv's SPECIAL value in shiitings, cottonades, denims, factory oottoms, sheetio.gs and prints 09 FecousoN k HAmonoy's. IN tweed dress goods you will find our assortment complete, comprising all the latest novelities Fesensox & HALLIDAY. TEE Leader churn is the cheapest and best on the market. It has a large open top, patent gas vent and even bellow°. For sale alt 13. Gerry's. LADIES 1 Drive yon seen onr Demon made in attles yob? If not you should cal1 and see tbem as the styles are the latest, FononsoN &HALLIDAY. 010011118 Goou has made another big redeetion it) the price of boom in the Vanstone store as Ile wants to close it. Dr. Graham's store wont hold both 8t7.10:1. 'ng, Itos,ro's branti. ful and earefolly selected stock of Spring milliitory will be displayed for your in. vited inspection 011 Saturday evening, April the intl. Do not buy your millinery till yon sse our stook alai prices. We will sell mil linery at a price that will pay 0)9 110 profit and vou got the advantoge of the sale, W. htingale. FElloPtiON & LIALLMAY haVo revolved Ihis s0110 all the newest stylee its dress goods and would ask the ladies to call and see our geode and prices before purchasing their Spring dresses. ‚[Vo want to double our businoss this year so wont to 800 all 001' 0411 00410)51008'sod 110 11)0011)' 0101)0 1)0(1' neon 11,101. il 00. ()camp 1.0 glee 30.1 as good, or bottee, emi,faetion than any house iii the Irwin. le.rachan. Com, enoNee,-,,Se0 Cabinet Org.te will 1c.0 sold for iib, 04 101111 met, on 0 months, time Beaks c rIol 10 teachers Belot at a gr. -not reduction. A ,ist may he seen at tli; - '14401 ,01) ILO PORI& o 410 of (110 0(111(1), Bowerman, (tro)'. 1V111,L-Dioirn0(t ssu Drumaxe.. George flirt has all the necessary machhiery for digging and drillin wells and prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that svill insure eittisettetir 1. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence seam d door north of the bridge, west side of Turoborry slo,, Bruesels. 81.14 Coming:1,i% JOHNSTON, marblo mann- facturers, axe now taking orders for spring delivery in their lino. As hereto- fore all workmanship and orders trustod to their 011.1010011 bo put up in the most approved Style and satisfaction paten1 teed in every case. Anybody requiring anything in their lino of trade it would be well for them to see their designs and prioes before making their purchases, Gnems-'W110108,-At 2011111440 114 Prairie, Mtm,, on Marais lot, by Bov. Daniels, Mr. Waiter W. Green, to MiliaMary Wilson, daughter 04 1310 1ato ./obn Wilson, of Morris town- ship, Out. Fall Wheat 39 Spring Wheat 80 Barley 35 Peas 57 Oats 214 Butter, th he and rolls-, 16 Eggs per dozen 10 Flour per bane! .1 50 Potatoes „ 25 fifty per too . ,. ,.. 0 00 Rides per lb 3 Salt per bbl., retail.— / 00 Sheep skius, veal 00 1 00 Lomb skins mash 65 Apples per barrel 1 00 El 83 58 27 Brussels Agency. 00 A General 13 oolong Business Trrume.0100, 5 01) iirfic's1Zot.i.lortietf'.th.1Vyarriele=5 clincionoilltcV 00 tions Info{ oh GI 1 points,, nopostts recoiveit 10 00 8.1101 intereet allowed at cuorout rotes. Amu', 1, 1892 SPRIPIO THE E S T Pupil's Sarsaparilla, 100 DOSES -moo. J T. PEPPER, CHM1181' AND DIIVOOM1', • IIRCIMMt4 BANKIND. agrosH MaTAGGABT, 13ANKIDRS, BRUSSELS, weal-ea...et a eYeaes.ereto. ossassialmos NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and Uultect States Drafts bought end scold, Interest allowed 011 Doposits. Oolleetione made on favorable ternto. ChmadIau Agents - 8.1onieetAsec's BANE OE CANADA.. Now' York Agecote-ItreoriTnao AND Taer., Ints NvinoNAL13ANN, STANDARD BANS or CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. 14'. F. COWAN, President, J. L. 13110DIE, Cashier. /0051108, . PAID on Gserri,L, Resonys - - $7,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 600,000 Ag011ei1111 i» an principal poisons In Ontario, Quebec, Isienitosint, Unittal States and England. Pr.DPLE'S SAVINDS BANK, 1 23 Or A., 001 1.,tore,,t. Alfowed 13, vi Baal{ Do - and upward, tvom Mao of to ditto of withdrswal, and omit- . po half (110)114'. Prompt n ttot, tier nod every fa ly /Told- vuat.ner.' ni ilintautio. G. P. scil-roLyien.,n, Arr. t. April ow,. 011,11. p r)TO LOAN W. 1:10 ITAND5ON, IAS FANNIE, LONG, DRESS strataa,Tdstowol, has re-npeiteil 10,r ••00,1 10113 lie loom) over fo0 0.111010 store, etroot. SattsfitettOn raster tend with 001 work .1..0, vaithions. 1DRIVATE FUNDS -8100 -TO LoAN lora {ern) of 5 loam Apply te ,TOSPIPII CLEGG, JOSH I' tt ST13 HI: 1,1, JAS, , 'C'statsO: illEACEIER WANTED FOB. S. S. lin. 1, Grey. Malo, holding 2.110 class oat Vfloate. Duties to 80111 11101000 'lltY 1st. Applications, with testimonials, renewed to April 10411. Address THOS. OAL.0.5111,Sec.-Troae, 87.3 0, anbrook, 1'. 0. 141 OR SALE -TWO STORES 13 ”It boot comer in town of Brussels. 11 story, brick, atone foundation, plate Wass front, extra, well built, Will bo sold for less thau soot of buildi 11g, Applv to W. NI. MOORE & 00. 354 Real Estate Agents. .137 141e11 -mood Lotelon, Oct. LTOUSE AND ONE ACRE LOT .1 for 0010 or to rent, one mile and 0 01101 tor Lorin 01 nru.,01., in the township or Gray, with orchard, stabie, well, ,to, An - ley to Ist its. 'VARY M MAN, 374 Priucuse St., lfrussole. Notice to Creditors fti THE SFEROBATE ('145 2(5' 01, loan cocyn 0 S., lei 1-11110.i. IN VIC NATTlin OF TUE E8TAI.11 01' 1/.10,00 SIIIEL, OF IOW 4'; 1,1)11.1 OF 13111088ELS, 1N Ton (lonxtr oi, 1 11'.0N, 01{111 LEMAN', PECEA01.11. i8 hureby given p nrenan I to R. 'S. O. chap, 110', 11,4 RH persons having nishos al al mit the c.ttate of the above Pouted 1)iivirt who died on or shoat the eth clay of Not raker, 01 . D. In, aro ,,st 1a)foro 101,1,1(1 of May, A. U, 18)02, to douv.,r or 801101 toy post prepant to -V. H.. Blueish', at Bros - MAO, 801 101 tor fo, David 1-1,41gloi 1,01801,, of {Ito {MVO or h,.,,re.91, fo the c,,,,e1,0y or It vireo, Exv outor tho last will and 11.70sta. moat of the said David Shit), deemiseol, their names 10 lid itilrirosiotit with ft 0 partici- teem of their claims, And yothie 00 hereby piven 111:1. Owl, flo, 1011,1 eItto of ;way, :4. 1) 11)9.2,t1d. tshl oxtontor prosvod to ilistriltile the assets ot tliti sold legator, or mist 11 ,0009, motto:mt. tlio pallet ('11' 1(019) to, 1.',:01 Ool t 1 1.1, 01101,110 of 00.,00 the stiM ---A1111111ttle (1,1 !Loa 104000, sont tile slid exoeot.n. t,o1, liable for the 110.0 I ot tho 8t0,1 e.il to ot ally pop{ Utopto-4, II/011 1151114 11 ft, per. 0011 Of W11,0 0111.110 1110 0111 l lll11.11r II:I a :..1 1;t. tht ti) ..1 of, W. 111, SI , 01.00,,) 000' IINhottor. {tol 11{ 111'1143.11 {hid 10102 day 1,1 Marsh, A.D. 1ter.s, MEDICAL CARDS. virm. CALE, M.D., 0. v ltiember of the College of Physician, end Surgeons of Ontario by examinatiou, Galee and Residence - Moth el,reet Bast, lethel,Outario. J A. 1VioNAUGH.TON, c. v., rt, Ediuburgh, M. 0, P 11,4011, linaidenee and oflice In Wilemes aloe eornor of 11,11 and ektimberry Ste, VETERINARY. • D. IVA.RWIOR, t; honor Graduate of the Ontario voterinary college. is prepared to treat au diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent Manner, Partiettlar attention paid to Tetminitry dentistry. 0a11, tworestly at - (enact to, 05180 Mad (nfirmary-Two 00004 . oath 8113115ge larnborry 51, Bruasdls,, LBAL AND GLINMANCINO, I) L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 4., Solicitor anti tiottr00001001.. Collp0- 4001 0 tout10. 0/112o-Vanatontes Block, Bros - Bola e1-31)0. _ . 1,7" 11. SINCLAIR. v . Solicitor, Oonvoyaneer, No Lary Pult- 11e, eee. °Mee -Grimm a Block, I dear north of Pepper's Drng Store, Private Evade to Loan, DIOK014 & NAYS, mate win. narrow 14 Prothifoot, (0oda. ricb,) Soliultors, Conveyancers, ate. 011icom-hrossols and Sonforth, Brus- sels 01000 -up -stairs ovot. Bank. to Than, IL II, IJAS8. mcztsoN • - BUSINESS CARDS. v7 • Ii.N10(11AMEN,iT.,ArinPgeLler tl°1°e athie Grocery, euriMrytreeiss01 fl N. BARRETT, at). Tonsorial Artist Sloop -Next door south CIA. McKay ch Orga hardware store. Ladtefeandehildroue hail- cutting a specialty A MoN AIR, Inure,. of Marines Idoenses, by aohointment of Lient,-l1overnor, Oeutinles swum., ,e0,Q.B. Con veynneor and Agent 1, Iro insuranoe Go. °ince at the Oranbrook Post 0.11100. ROBERT GUNNIN01-LAM rusonAncid, Fin AND MARINE,. G LI ELPH• A LEX. fiUN'Ultai, Cllork of tne Enurth Divudou Court 00. Enron, Clouva.t lunar, Notary Public taunt, Lona and 1118111)01 1105 astnt. 34411(135invested and to loan, Collections =ado, 0111000,, Grattitutp .1110)1,11100510(0, I \IL PAINTING, Merles, 04 Winellam, is reeporod to whin instruction in oil painting. looms lefty be ascorlaintal 011 Visa Nettle limes' store whore samples of Wail) Play be soon. AIMS Atorio -Ny0111011180 111)109, Pow more 11(111140 10 111110110. (it A, IIAWN.INS, it.. Organist in tit, John's Ohrtroh, ltrus- Rilk lid the Art of 'I'oftnlihm, of NV. Thal, or, Mos. 11o0„ Now york, Now gitto to Other at e boo, Furrowts, Lori or of Qu n aed 0.10004 ',Gs., or 04p1�. furred, at Unlit O(011 11011108. emus minter - ate. 40- DFrie . 1) 'T M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. s„ Grudoulto of tho 1104 College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Ent. vorstty. 01000101-Ovot Penpor's Dreg Stero, Brusse,s, AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, .[3.. • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend Pales Of foram, farm otouk, dm. Uterine cheerfully Weil. Ovaubrook 11,0. 801es may be arranged at 14110 Pow Publiaking House, Brussels. 1 EORGB KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Salm eoudnot aloe reasonable termo. Vanua and farm 84001(10 specialty, Grdere left at T1)11 'POST Publianongliouse,Bruesolit, or sentto Walton P. 0., will receive prOnapt attention, TTAVING 'rA.KEN OUT MOEN. 1011 101 Attotioneer, sari prepared to 110001,41 ealos 00 0011)01 stock at reasonable pieces. 'Knowing the standing of nearly eVerY person ant in a position to doll to good marks midget good BoOgrity 10108 oold en credit, fiatlefitistien guaranteed. $1100 MP a call, 112.• 111 14. etlere,