HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-1, Page 5THIE •BRUSSELS POST
While thanking the Public for the very Liberal Patronage extended to us since opening here, we
would remind them that our
Sto is 3k:om+s 1 te iIi11
and that we are in a much better position to supply their wants than we have been in the past.
Gall gyring took has the Nobluest
Goods m the Market,
wo cull particular attention to our
Mens' Nine Bats, and Congress in Call', Don-
gola. and Cordivan. To our Ltldies' Fine
Dongulan in- laced and buttoned, as well as
Oxford Ties and Toe ;flippers, also full
lines for b 1ys. youths, misses and children,
An inspection of our {roods solicited before
,you bud'
hi, this line we keep our Stock well
assorted. The rzezvest styles in, Ties,
Col tars, Nhirl,v. • car fs, b'r'aces,
Hose, Gloves and altderwear.
t � 1fauY .a m�1r8:J9 1p Oti=9
In the Dry Goods Department we call Special 1.tt:ention to our Dress Goods -we have
a u.. inn in ac,. , � .. �. , :•, .: •, Pat! � • w �u all .wool and rations, Serges, its well as a full range of low lines In Dress Trimmings roe keep We can fit tory nine of :1Itn', Youth of Bey,
Pongee and Sural' Silks, Gimps, Cords, Braids, &c Our Prin ts are extra, value and the and our prices will be [01111d rock bottom
newest p•ltterr'i in the market Our all wt•ol Delttines and Dela.inettos erre handsome on every line.
;81�18i1B Clilliillg.
f )1 1 Mack and Colored 11 iirtettas blacl. •�c,1iels Itat 4 d 1 at erns 1Our new Spring Suits are just to hunk!.
goods. 1Vlten you want 1Mnslinn, Lawns or Embroideries you will iiad no better stock to
choose from than ours.
We are slowing extra value in Lace Curtains, Cal•taiuettes and Art lluslins-A full
range of prices in Ladies' Circulars
A. Line of Coatilve jc et to•
l .&
Our Staple Department is stocked with the very best goods, which we sell at close cut
prices-Shirtiugs, Cottonades, Cottons, Table Linens, Holland's, Towelings, Towels. Tick-
ings, Flannelettes, &e. --We are showing the best value in the market.
CRO. MP1'ON CORSETS always in .stock,
ll andkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosiery.
A full line of liens' Waterproof Coats in
plain rubber, and plain or elieck tweeds
with or without capes
Suits made io Order,
Good fits Guaranteed.
Nobby line of Tweeds, Worsted Suitings a.r1r1
llautiugs always on baud.
-CV Pi A T
Our new stock of hats for Spring are now to
hand. 11 you want a new Christy,
Derby, Fedora or Crush fiat call
and see our Mock.
Our Teas are Noted for Good Value.
The highest price paid for good Butter and Eggs.
An Inspection of our Stock Invite - •
i t1-lfi Alms,
tele aft,
lI. Mot,1,,lerrie has been appointed
Linensa (100101ivsio'-er for West Heron.
The organ qurstinn has been fleetly
settled, by majority of 40 in its favor.
D. Cook, of (ioderich, has open-
ed out a law oflico ever Boles harness
Reeve Hamilton has diop0sed of hie
hardware llu81nuas to II. A. Snarled, of
It is teported that a second furniture
and undertaking establishment will
open in town shortly,
The vacancy in the clerkship of the
121), Division Court, meteor( by the death
of the late ltty'on Yonne, hie been filed,
Wm. Carnpbell having obtained the ap-
aW i>trf_ 1141 err
Dr. Chieltolnl,of Wiugltam, has pur-
chasedToe, Caoemor's farm, ,Mich is
situated in Turnberry, near the junction.
iylise L. B. Ca -e, formerly on the teach.
ing staff of the Wulgham Public School,
is now librarian in .& m a College Miohi
The Society of Ch,istaiu Endeavor of
the P•eebyterian church are preparing to
give an "eat Home," about the middle of
April. It will be held in the lecture room
whiuh will be tastefully arranged.
A load of the members of Anchor of
llepe lodge, 1. 0 G. T , dr rve over to
Bluev.ile on Fr[dey ovoniue of last week,
t0 3388i81 G. 11 Blaok'voll, county organ
bier, 111 OL'ga111'L1041 a lodge of that order,
in that pleas
The tiilniveretty servine9 in connection
with the Wingham Methodist ohureh
Sabbath school will be held on Sunday
and Monday, April Bed and 4tlt, A Day,
Secretary of the Ontario Sabbath School
Association, will peach the anniversary
sermons on Seuday, and on Monday a
convention will be held,
-. - A illudti 14 of the
.Dmieul, one of he ad eat rehie L'le'a v �r inovi05 to one, wife end
farm near 100V+uaea,ilot 0,I non, 2, from Aro... alar,! e ill ,:he time I .stetuteaewee held ii the
dents of he hot e, of hie
n with n- hie lou 1d1 and they cnntienerl to re8,11e in that In- Readnn • roam ne ruesdar evenins;. The
Mnlily to the ho lives
iii 91111 tn•iaty, ZA ert this week.
A[r Becker, who uvea in rVingbam, A very sellable time wits aped et the c dlty to the time of tin .e deoensa. Mr. See•retal•p lana inarre'te4 to supply a
A great many ere trouble{ with the rex, lellue of Anson Shaw on WedOaeday tleDone,Idied d1 ill xesult 61084311 in .1.1 'neert, hlersicmuy'elt'rfee tteae .1t11. innlhattE)1me i0f
menthe at present, moat o1 teen1 old V 011 evening of two week.
1850, from0(143 side of th it fees. Your core 'spend. teethe wedding ou the 1,t eon.
loon The sut bjectef thiser dedthe resulting only ill
Ibo book
kl [lir an 33' desire le rto eel e e in the
Bi oo a •o this ohne 1 tleequeut y if it reports be tree but never heart 1(11 ,re. Li her e111(18r yearn eta committee 111 their next peruha031. 'r 8
the B14001 w lle va i8 n li'tle one sided we wont tel ',bons i1.
tea reroson will be uucto'9,,,,n 1 t1re. ,Ib"rG I lurdhes, of the lot unq„ is Sana it Presuyl8rlean bat latterly belonged nate .'.inn of all w t ie.:. •'1 the , i deity of
A large but sad precession left the eeriun.l,y ill at pre8811. Her many' loatheler'ec5L0.4 Seven 80418or the and, are.swand elle ievillLtte Fisttetur etes a direuteleliba111144 111
hoose of John Speno Mast Friday onnvev frir'uds wish her a speedy r1eovel•y. -
ave i
in0 the body of Mrs. John See :to t0 the David ()newton is ette,idi'g the Co`.: living All hey are
hDo,,' 1i1, A.roll., Altx., the 080 of as .0,de yl,r*I y 81131 r'r dieg I or fa,,nr r• 1,1 111.' VIr•II11tY of BrusA• ls,
cemetery Ln rVinghum. They clad been legiate Inst{ nt8 i at PeErolea1001 with To k Sulu, on, .d rats O.18.xd,bv o the coming
tear curl live days when intention of becoming 0. Hahi of lts who nid Peter. br of dlrles lof two :fnd ele, insilesde, 1877..1 the scone irate tions and nix menthe at
ice an sore Y I aHa•„'1, w•hiuh 1 .0y tare urep:ured a1 deliver
The en+pensi,m of payment 111 Mu i„ q0,:+a,litie9 In Amt dux growers. Ceti
intn9h R 1Iara81ea1ts Beek, BruBiela, he .o „t the 131ns9elA Fl ,x Mill or at
600 CU .HELS
013' 131+15'11 DUTCH SEED
m,trrlu" "uv
Mrs, 0101508 died, 4L. 'par d W.T. Mooney, aloof, tent 0,1010
rowing relatives will receive the eympn. were tektite eto0k to vtanitob,I Land the
the of the 181 hb voted. - Northwest, was delayed fee sever,) days
' while en ante by to et ike of the 0. P.
- p avon.t R. Their ear. were side tl sired and
Miss Jennie Hammond Ives gone to 01118' a 9e'ger eery iron far a 11im'
Dench e,Gered the home of 1ahe
1 0(4111 er re She will spend the amu• Spmime , of the 2 td ecu„ laic Wednesday
in�r summur.
'elle twee sage t -We 'save in our pee
se11si0na Rwsimile of the lire. n w••
1 paler published in Canada, the 1-1,10ax
Gnzottu, dated Monday, March 23rd,
Jas. Lon:elle lea. 8H on April let for
his new 0118 go -the tlenfryu G. T. R.
esutiol-and his place here will be filled
by Georg durst, of Marden, formerly
of Atwood.
Mr ltecherrlson, of Moorefield, has
taken charge of the Atwood roller 83111
instead of James Lorre, the latter having
deol'fed 10 devote has whole time to his
gl•00e•y 11,18111098.
W111 Mitchell and his 81ite1' entry teere
visiting a W. D. elitehell'e lest, week.
Will intend. going back to W8.shiuttol
in about a month and will take the r0uud
trip by array of 'I'nxns,
ode {Martha Wenn, pl'eYinus to leas•
in41 with her father for Dakota, .1188E Mlle
sented with a nicely bound 0apy
Bible and m 51011,(381 hymn book by
thenl0nlber8 of the 'r' O. til: T. The
presentation lyes 3300empa11(0(1 by as kind-
ly worded address.
Last Tuesday 501111 Diamond had e.
wood bee.
Ivor. Gregg, from Walkerton, has open
od busineee in t1133 old waggon shop.
John Messer returned from Molesworth
last Saturday where he has been working
for the peat month.
Miss Annie Gray does not seem to get
0110)1 bettor and we aro afraid dropsy
is going to be too much for her.
Adam Henderson, who tae long worked
the farm of Arthur Murphy, is moving
to Tavistouh where 1118 8011 resides.
One night last week John Soot[, of the
bouudery,be08tns the happy p08seesoe of
twins. One of the babies has grim died.
ear. 6adelson, who tae long and faith.
fully filled the poet of village shoomslter,
int811da proving to Toronto the latter end
of this week.
The Tom lel'lnce Society which was
organized a fortnight ailc by (1. Hr13laett,
well, county organizer, 15 in a very pros.
moue condition and 1318 already be.
1 e 0,t and thirty m0m130rs, all of
twertan t v y, Y
w110ni'1(r0 eager lea melte the '.,edge see.
tresnftil trial bcne5oi-al.
morning mud 115611nd away hie beloved
wife after to sh -rt Mertes. Ito trod been Our Pn4hmns er 011 Tuesday Inst I r gnus
married o Sly n ,car. alar death was reported 11fry two , e¢ietered lettere matt. take' paper as 881n1r1Lv, Lll10 limier note
ulLuae.1 uy bAa t auliu.t 1401 ran,,, is the ed tit this opine in one day, tIow is that - be the very beet, "gilt ed e I," bat tiefee
midst of life wean. in deu h. far buafness 41 is no law in 111e le , 1 to a etleal a man to
Toho Ar Deems, lambr1 inspeotor P,r lift hie note before it becomes due,
,.t. a S1 ''ford firm, hes hart wont at horns Ii°Ito" the fetes of evorybo (y ranting to
Arch. A'tuDonnlrl, of Bay City, Mioh., this weep. He is buying several ear- draw from snail a bank tat one tome It
loads from W. Milne. is no impeaottment of i m tee' homed,/ to
tuna bore ins' work 13tten:liug the funeral nem, -140,0,0 trill, of 811181, was 0„„d snv his hank has suspended 'myeloid
of hie mother fir d a lets lust Fr'd,ay before A. I ander such airommtauae8.
To the !Winne( '['ue pus'r.
II has 'teen reported thea 1, Aire. tine.
Dobson, of Chine hated, have made state
Inerts in 1541131 and ehr•Lnitt' defamatory
to the • lleraoter of ,lits, L. Ma'L'aggnrt,
farm. seri 111 counequellne 1 Lithe title ,pportnll•
Elliott. the nilrnlroe9r They are preparing a fine lot of Itnimala icy to d r.lare all anal reuot8 In bo tale
Ting w etc Jus, fa Cher res 1 0t1Ve 111(!,13.3 far 010 British Ialld to 01111.115' thro1 1 intoe known tope 6L
of the borbee feint mend here from le
Listowel, Ile hes 8 tido property and market. I Jae, L. McTaggart for q'-dte a number al
will da well on it, 110 doubt' 41013 \lestrei t, -On Tneeday thele left years end know 11001111g that 09.15 be said
Loeb weep Mr Armstrong, who par. thio station Wm, Bitte t, Robert, Terni° to 1„ detrinneutml to his ohmmeter, mod
ohn90,1 th0 Walter Blehardeee farm, ad, and Walter Sharp, Bob takes a first. 1 would intimate if aer(9.in pertiea do not
'niton' Br 189 is, moved 1f his new home. el 0.4 ee In mill ie 8 Ire to do well' Q1148 be meant ooneerning the 8ta1e08018
;Inkling n, levee crowd of friends as8omb1eil at the tilos make In future thoy wit) gat thom-
We w Memo him•clf and {amity to tine station to wish theta "Gad speed," 88)385 1(51,1 [('01(110 wh0t1 tiros 10`t8t 8331001
commutate11,,.,'l Tr,enio goon to lure house tar Bch for it, Mee. Goonou Donaoe,
Th,9 Pepper is book from Toronto p
the prevent but the posemillty of his re- tlepeen Douses.
tenting for a reenter louse -keeper of hie Ch 881110reb, l3tar, 28,'02.
own ie the not tau dia,ant futuroie goo- tadvt.)
er,tlly Chant -ed. Sen, FATAL. Aeamene,--,Ince Jury, of
13. ot+'1`, -There vette a large attendance this phase, sawyer by 6113118, ha. beer,
Maud Peeeles has returned home. I ie "ores uIl 'o 8 nnnlher 1 aur people NV it 11 •l a acarol A grocery, Seed given
She reports her eyesight 00nsidera(1ly I "0o have believeepositedntlheit.1148 telt s the,e� oat ,t 31 :ill per bullet a d on the usual
improved. 1 1 emu 1 0..1. ; curl, ,. 1 seen' e a supply.
Ton. llttn9uld is preparii3 1.1 build e. , l "514Hly Oto blame for eases of tine gold, 1•,11- lrnx ,r,•vn fn,m rhes tired
commute one tnreholtee. Hardwire bust ' money
Lunt it is g3 [(1 brl,tneis 60 leave
nese eeen• all right in this village. I money in snob insult Rim's, People knees ,�'i (� per Ton will be paid,
't t be lent out, by tee Dourer, rho
0,1001111 Fnrhes, of Stratford, was here '1.8 110, 141P., Brussels, for ee)liul( liquor
this soh nn h mittens in nnnotwith without licence. I1.speotor Miller wa4
the hems of his n is sod brother(43Mthe eue80010r.
Themes fa Watson t s working Mrs, Wm' Messes. Milne and 13eweinheinlo" Intve
5111 ,8 4 farm oil the 12th non Samuel imported a carload of corn which they
Shim will nounage the Samuel Dickson I are mein. ehneeed for feeding pnrnnew+.
whore he was Hueiesetul1y treated for a
ars-rte,.. canner i his lower lip. Ile has berm
It is said that Wm. Jotted 35311 short• bid e3m'
et•yl 111 sines he
roburo dliom
ly remove to 33rneaets, 1 8 now. Pepper
Miss Martha Orvis goes to Winglntln i9 home from Stratford.
to reside in the neer future, 'l'he 1)irecte'8 al he Moi Morris
i 5r'Io
lefise Lizzie Moulders he85one to bee (Me
1, ese foo
millinery situation in the town of Berlin, Pherson, ,d 13)801ele, as ncheese editoS. r
Win, Rutledge, 3rd line, had a bee for the taming s"gc0uM wing to n bongs a
drawing wood to Mineola one day last tee removal, Stas a (Meese in ampule,
dab. 11C. Martin hae rented the 200 flare
faun of Ales. Forsyth for moo ,year on
Wm. Jelmeten, et the let eon., Illus
boon hired with Wm. Bryans for the
Jobe W,trwiclt, Ban 0f 'dips' Witrtvicic,
left last week is ferletoe his fortune in
➢9 M3 Saba.
Mrs. Wnl. gray, 3rd line, hoe gone on
all extended visit to friends in Toronto
and Port Hope.
Join Bowmen, ,Ire beset last (ueettmb.
ed to that at one time very prevalent
dieeeee, le grippe.
Miahmi N101101, wife and family are
townmovill tonels to 3e811e the . for fitherbe of. Entero, James'
lere;apCldty attend their eneetprise.
Ifo top repnta or. Sletentol played "Eke girl I tuft behma
tor. mo," Beforo the meeting broke up all
Tampa 5i) our neer damostntvn, ie sln1011 • Auld Lan Syne." 'rho North•
the owner o1 two oily beaten, a month oto, 311,181 To1114,eranco eat will 11ave an
t e wolgh 27 snarly she Ono of petty
them weight' 27 pnnwle nail the other 33 acquisition in Bob and Tnenlio--•IL'ho oast:
n u 110091: 01' lt0rp01) WA\11+.
A..(l' k. utmp4, hag sold them 119 of Miss Nichol brings immediately before
A. ("eerie, butahnr, 13rneaels, [0,r his
};aster display. iue 'McIntyre, r°ifob of.
0110. -Cather Y
the lets Aleeetteler 1M1oDoudd, tvho08
death took piece on March 2101, enti was
reported 111 the last 188ne of Tnw POST,
was born in Argyleehlre, Sootlend, in
1315 encu wee married to Mr. McDonald,
who tone re native of (nom, 10 581(8 1>0t in the meantime for a few waelta,
1844, emigrated 10 Canada in the viae He does not like is lace her in Godorioh
h township of S�'ast p
eidcef for eleven years. ;Ce 0ctober 1.855 alter native u1 tine: (webby,
et Ethel Division, No. 14 9, on L riday working of late io Longewny'e mill, Lo.
meld lade to say "Gnod•b)et" to Brother gal, On W. dn08di141 of last week be
and Slater Elliot. Areal good Gime was carelessly used itis foot when 11e should
spent by everyone. Hobert in his vale. have used a hand or u, sti0lt and the saw
dietary was peetiaulerlv sorry to part streak his heel shattering it very badly
with "that side of the hall," end Sister
besldes spraining hip and knee end shock•
ing the whole instate. ('It, Jury, being
past the prime of life told not in the hest
of hea111 at 111e time of the 11001de11,
failed to roily and diad on Monday morn
leg in spite of all that 011utd no dune ler 1
trim, 50110 was an behest man, a good
husband and fattier and his wife and
daughters lav° the sinners sympletlly of
all who Itnow hint, The deceased was
laid to rest in Bind, coma10ry on Wed.
1108day. ,
--- .-_...-.._
us one of the 8dventn308 we would pos.
Beath ill 1la91115 a County Poor 1101180.
The women is not 311 physically to lake
it menhir place a8 general houso.tnnial,
and nobody 0een33 to have 100(13 for any
other help. 0f any Ruth place she would
like to hoer. Reeve Mille 1901,1(1 also
like to knots of ally one wile would board
1844, loo1EM i In the owl oil as a vagrant end that seater the only
Wtlfiarne,11tidd!OOez too„ where ahoy ref' d.. sj )
T. I1, prase has resigned a8 8 keno
core nl801oner in South Perth, and W.
Teyle will be ap401(1(0d as hie summer.
Mr, Ilaee ltas served as a oonniniseloaer
for 13 years, 0 of which he has been
031. 10an of the Board,
If n' :and ernwth, horse+ted in the pr , -
p r 'tans ,111.1 letivared et the Flex Mill
as 000,, ns fit for threshin::. We will
at�n "ser n n,mb"r of geed soca flelde for
the :weenie" of crowing flex.
J„0 J. Livingston,
!par 11"IG[I'i', 1'nornns'rolta.
IS Nature's ofeert to expe::e.::.,:, •, •:'
11 ctaucnsfrom the bronciti;li,.•,,•r'r•.8.
Fregni;nay, tido causes nlilamnratien
and the need of au anodyne. No ether
expectorant or anodyne is equal to
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists
Nature in ejecting the lunette, a11ay&
irritation, 141(114,08 repose, and is tL3
most popular of all cough cures.
"Of the many preparations before the
peddle for the vitro of reads, coughs,
itis, and kindred diseases, there
is 1101111, within the range of my expert-
ence, se reliable as Ayer's 01orly Pea -
oral, For years I was subject to colds,
tullow.el by terrible coughs. A hent four
years 11;5.1, when so afflicted, 1 was
'deal to try Ayer's Cherry P00.01.3 11 ona
today nil other romcdiee aside. 1411,5
so and within a week was well of my
Cold and enll511. Sines (11411 I have
always keit this preparation in rho
holm, and feel comparatively secure,"'
....Iles. L. L. Brown, Deumatk el143,
"A fow years ago 7' took o. Act ,+re cold
wl,icli affected my lunge. I Lad a tore
1,110 cough, mat passel night after
Meld without 1'.14.041, The doctors Savo
...r a11. I riled Ayer's Cherry Pectera13
whleh vetiver.] my 1lnlgs, induced sleep,
end efforded the rest nec088ary for the
teenvery of my strength. lay the eon-
Lineal 1180 of the Pontoral, a permanent
cure wee olrreted, lloracoFairbrotier;,
1 iookingheen, 4 t.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
enter -Men 0,R
Dr, Jv O. Ayer & Oo., Lowell, Mass.
0o15 by all 1)ragge :a, Trkn $1.', a11i bottles, $5.