HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-1, Page 3A 1, 1 892 THE BRUSSELS POST.
siii.y will 10,,, nothi0g, TIDINGki mom BouDAN. sent ettniel men every two daye to (Melee-
the coat, of the fireworke. Ithere needn't man with the latest newm, and despitithed
LAT .2 FOREIGN NEW be any fireworke even, Be the plan would id. Tee met Nene Vrars or the Situation Me officers to outlying di:delete te eolleet the
• t 1 1 tr Arabs The Klutlifa WAS about to eetel
low thein to id ,
since u„rd„„., fca m Khc.rt.„„„, wu in," enfoeeements to Dintgola when he heard
o ii , .
bo,n 1,111,0„ mlai,,,iy w111,0,1„ 1,0„,, from 11,,, that the iihediro had returned to Cairo, and
. lie coutitermanded his ot•der.
The eastern Soudan is now free of der.
vielles, and there hae been 110 attempt. to
0001'611, lind 0011ent 1,11U 50 001110 twee ur
''11 113 were never so crowd- 1,4,3 aurny.
ell as tut preeeet, largely owing to the tam
eels Lamothe: 111e (10001.00s of sem, Soudan, and partteularly from tile ion •
pore:3 1000111 crusade for bettee morale,
gal, in in rt dilemma. I-fo hes several orinti• and westot•tt pert of the great regiun iniegov.
Theta are at present forty thou:soul nide on his hand 4, awaiting capital mmiele. erned by. the Mitleli'e HUHOISHOF, A greet
deal of intereetIng and important infer:um
ad almt "IIL cif wtirk 1° Vi.""nut-0110* monis When his week men tried to put the
fifth of all the workmen in he vita', !guillotine in ntsier they f„nnd 0,01, owing tion 111113 il,181, been Mei VOA 0'0111 that, al 111081
Some yeers 1101 It einall Jewieh celotlY to ite long tii41(e, is „,,,,,, 1„ „ vory ix,d Way, .inaeuessi le country, and it. was put:Belied
Wan f011 Iltied 011 the Cuff or Aimba by A .m1 It brolcii down •itimpletely during a I: ete reeentlY in the bondon 'limo,. elecli of
this information was derived from Father
(icemen. 11 bag proved a comPlete failure: hearsel.'"Phen the Comma. looked around
Olirwaleler, the Austrian missionary, who,
and the aoloniele have been requeeteil to :sea au 08,011110,10,.: and could find 110 0110
1016VO. ;who would volunteer to work the defective wit'll itw" mms. Illade hle 08mPa from 000
durrnau a, short time ago, Other informs.
The 0 OVerilUr PlltHOVII,W0(10, 13.118flif1, has machine. 1 -Te hem written to the Colonial
Lion has come from equal sout•ces.
issued it.promitinittion declaring thitt.intlisee 'office in Paris, requesting the loan of an i
(aright indulging 111 Wong drink On the 'eve:Mimics who knows hill business and of al le was estimated a few yeare tteo that the
The ij„de, population of the legypsiatt Soudan was at
beneh will be proseeided 1001 all tilOir (10'.1w011.1'efolatecl guillotine.
least 01,000,000. Father Ohrwalder is of
ISeeretary for the Colonies did not happen
eisione annulled. the opinion that at least three-fi GIs of the
'to have a supply of tlie vidualile commodities
.A disease peculiar to Japan is known 003 entire population have been destroyed due-
tted he applied to the elipister of
kettle, tyltich te thought to be the result of :9,.(:' 1,n.ulai Mg' the past ten years by war, famine, end
:s estice, st le expectea that ono et the ate
a rico diet. The climes- Is a slow degenerae
• • I (detain. executioners in Paris nod the second diseasa. Women are 110W in large preppie.
. . ' domino° throughout the country, 8upplies
The coming Exhibition tho
Fields of South Africa.
Smne Blight mention luta been metre from
time to time of 00 south African Exhild-
tion that le to be bola In the honone
diamond town al Kimberley, Cape Celouy,
during the latter months of Oda year, but
took possessine of l_okar, near the Rod Sea, the full linflp0 R101 1 ing01•011100 Of 1410 en 1
F000011py Hin00 1,1,1,11 eigyptlan troops again
south of Suakin. bother ht of prise and the 83pm:tally interesting nature
the opinion that there aro grave objections mid prernime of the projeet have never beet:
adequately presented 00 tide Nide the water.
to Sallding Corea for the reoccupation of This is sesnii,"y
the Soudan fermi Seek ip to Berber, on the
the negleet, management of the ex•
due in a large Me/100M to
Nile. There is not illdlnlient miter cm the hibition in London. A special court in
road to supply. any emmodemble body of men,
the exldbition building, equal in bize to 3110
and the Khalif(' would be able rapidly to i3sitich court 1189 110.1 cot cow far coo.
concentrat e ft large force at Berber or in the '
adieu and A i'nerieum exhibits. From the
neighborhood. advieus received it would Hean1 that the
The power of Osman Digina, the Khalifa's eaea,ajoi: n•pj oiler exsel1„1,1 „ppoiann.
oldest lieutenant, iH broken. 110 it( nOW ilt lty for Canadians to very materially en.
a place called Adaranibed, Oil the Atbara lerge the trade betweeti this couetry and
tributary of the Nile, Ho attended a re- sse countriee of South Afritia ; opporteni-
•ent eon Cameo of the Emir at Omdurman. ties for Canadians to see the many and
varied needs of the country and help eupply
them, and particularly a flue opperlunity
for the globe trotter and the average tourist
to see strange sights and to enjoy many
novel experiences.
The SOUth Aft•ican and International Ex.
bibition, its it, is officially named, IS to he
opened 10 Kimberley early next Septern he ts
and will continue at least three months.
Cape Oniony, Natal, the South Arehart rn.
public, the orange Free etate, Bechuanalited
and Mashonaland will participate in the
exhibitien and help show just whet sort of
a country South Africa is, mul centre:it the
growing light with the shade of the Dark
Continent in a very comprehensive aud tell-
ing ways It is expected that all the other
m1101.1'100 of the world will turn in and show
the South A Nicene such ef their eapebilities
and produets as 'Will intOreSt anti benefit
South Africa., and else, ba reason of many
of the native exhibits, see ways to open new
trades, and opportunities for making inven-
tions to fit the needs of the very new eoun.
try which the experience of the foreign
exhibitors would suggest.
The South African part of the exhibition
will be an endeavor to bring within range
and view the entire capabilities of the coml.
Ley ; to show the mauve] features of the
country, its marketable natural products,
Its forests, its 1111808, and its agricultural
and manufacturing possibilities. The pos.
sibilities of Africa as a manufacturing and
agricultural region are but known.
Most people think of the country as Stanley
presents what be saw of when in reality
Small Africa has already shnten what 11/011.
derful possibilities of civilization there are
in the country. Gold, diamonds, silver,
copper exist in great abundance, and these
riches have been but little prospected.
Tobacco, cotton, and many varieties of
valuable crops are being grown with great
success, and there is said to be a greet
future for parts of South Africa as a fruit
raisiug eountry. What the country almest
neeils is & larger white population. Gem.
liooth is proposing to establish a colony et
his reclaimed shiners at the Cape, but the
colonist already there, are malcieg a. strong
protest. The eolony needs, as a local paper
puts it, " young men with a little capital
and not tin overabundance of brains ;"
though it must be admitted that the latter
part of the phrase leaves much to be guessed
greasing weaknose of the patient. beet guillotine ni stock o s
Senegal. I are plentiful in the Soudan, and the dogma expedition to reconquer the districts he
I oils aro full of water Small. ex hes been The iebalifa has no intention of sendiug
tion of the 1101‘00lni system mu( . y
The Vienna 0111:11(11 Gazette advertises for 1 An Arab newspaper from Omdurman says endemic! for several years, an( an annual
e henginsti, With thu offer of a aelary of , that immediately after the death of the late Visitation of typhus lever has greatly depict.
$2•20 0,1111 $50 for lodging. One hundred del- • lelicilive,Tewlik Pasha, the suocesmor of the ed the populetion of all the large centres,
lars will. also be allowed 101' two assigan is. ' Zda11.1 1, Kalif& Abdullah, assembled his lilco Dongela, 13erber, Galeba, Elaseaitt, etc.
• • Emir and tlenerals to it mined and put the The potpie are not sufibring now for food,
Candidates must give eerttheatee of a 1 ty,
ex erieneo and good character.
question whether it teas not Iffme to tie ate as they wore two a ears ago, but
Tito Rev. John M. Small of NI:lain-lig:ion, wee on Egypt, a young en p
Me., tips the scales at 3 15 ponnds, and no. Khedive betng on the throne. He was ready '1.11ZY MO: TIRED OF WAR,
body ever attempts to disturb his meetings. to piece himself at the head of his &rills(
and would accept any anthority which
lie is also the best tax collector that the and march on legypt at once. His Rini
town has ever had. and Generals, however, advised the Katie% would in.sure them a period of peace.
• lieu, sumo tho captured Kliartonin
' d
Rabbits are becoming a pest tn Cattle: nut his followers have made guppowder. I e ,
before ho undertook a new cat 1 1, s ,
and rabbit drives, similer to the wolf drives eons, and preach Ito his people 0, non, war PrOaket WaS, however, of an inferior quality ev the Government, a ., in a state of beggary.
as wall „s in the norther„ Stitt„ Of the W,t, travel routil his muntry, Inspect the gaol -
in Kansas, nee resorted to as fl, means of egainst the faithless Englishmen. After until a Greek named Yusef Pertekaki sou- ellen is ovary rease.. lo believe from ell the
abating the nusianee. A. drive near Traver some consideration the Kalifa ttpproved ceeded, after many attempts, in meking ittformatien obtained by the authorities at
resulted in 1110 destruction of several thous- this advice and decided to set out on his powder of a very good %Imlay. We hettrd Cairo that when the time is ripe there 00011
end rabbits. journey of inspection. Four days litter he last spring of an explosion at Omilernian, 1,0 110 difficulty in recovering the Soudan
The 'french Canedians of Lewiston, Me„ left Omdurman, with a numerous guile, The reselts of the disaster were not so ser-
ious el.s was reported, although seventeen from the Mahdiete if fi simultaneous attack
is made from the north and south.
have an °lentil:ill: trials that throws most
tas lost,
It is bele that tho best way te
quer the Suutlan, if offensive mettsures are
taken, would be to send expeditions simul.
tueleously from the north and the south, one
party to ascend the Nilo from Cairo, an-
other to descend it from Emin's province.
There arc still in Omdurman more than
neventy.five Europeans, meo, wotnen, and
children. There are also about 500 Come
and more 11100 1,700 Egyptiane. The Eero-
pean prisoners are at large in and erouncl
0 Leman and Owen who are not employed
Yankee (levees in tho shade. It haa been
discovered thee, euvueal of the astute Call.
110k6 0010d In one ward under their French
names and in another under the English
equivalents, thus : In ward 1, Antoine 13ois.
aorta ; in Ward '2, Antoine Greenweod.
In the crimimil court of Dusseldorf a man
has been condemned to five yeare' penal ser-
vitude for robbery and to death for murder,
in strict conformity with the letter of the
111A4'. The legal bother now is which sen-
tence should be carried out first.
Abnue the time that a Southern nacre
was burned to cleeth 11411 petroleum,
nu:nth ago, young widow in Month, in the
province of linkowines suspected of hexing
poisoned her hUSband, 'HMS taken front her
bedroom at night, bound heed and root,
soaked in petroieusn set 011 fire, and burned
to death.
for Berber, down the e,
visit other cities afterward. persons lost their lives, among whom 00 as
the Greek. The powder factory was retnov-
A HAVAIIAN PEAK. led then from Omdurman to Tuti Island, at
the jnnetion of the White and Blue Nile,
Isaac Richards of East Machias No., who
lacks few menthe of being 111) years of age
is 0101 to be the oldest pensioner of the war
of 1 819, ire is slightly deaf, but otherwiee
ins faculties are unimpaired, Ho lives in
1110 081110 house with children, grandchild-
ren, and greategran doh Rd rem
Paris has been agitated with the moral
impulse. The editor of tee Coemele has
been fitted 6,0 frames for an article heeded
" Prosti Lotion in Paris." The Echo du Be-
ier': rd war, lined 3.000 rooms for an indecent
engraving, and the artist was fined to the
00,1110 extent, 'Elie author of et paragraph
was tined 500 francs and 1110 itiallOr of a
pseudo- medical book has been sentenced to
three months' imprtsonment rind 3,000
franes fine.
When Herbert Spragim of 13anaor went to
bed the other night he cerried to his roma
bull terrier pup. At midnight Sprague
snored, and the clog scratched. his face to
awake him. Sprague cuffed the dog, where.
upon the animal, with true terrier instinct,
seized his master by the nose and shook him
as he would a rut. The dog le dead now,
and Sprague's nose has lost much of its
A truthful clown -East fisherman tells of a
startling adventure that he 11E1C1 With a whale
'mar Grand Manan recently. He Rnd his
dory were about to be swallowed by the
whale when, with great presence of mind
and steadiness of nerve, be throw a quid of
tobacco, striking the monster full 111 the
eye. While 1110 whale was wondering what
amok hint the fisheetnan escaped.
The Duke de la Boca, graudee of Spain
who may stand bonneted before the Ring,
has retired to lb inonastry. He WaS a pro.,
minent figure in Madrid society and some-
thing of a politiebtu, and retired disgusted
at the failure of his motion in the Cortez to
reduee the civil list and the constant feel.
ing against him at the court and with the
Iu prepartion for the next siege of Paris
the French. W arDepaaament 110.8 taken steps
toward the constellation of an immeneo es.
tablishment in the city for tho preservation
of meat by freezing. Similar establish.
mutts on smaller scales will be itlattehed to
the forts encircling the capital. T110 cold
air will be supplied to all from& central sta-
tion operated itccording to a riew compress-
ed air eystem.
ln proris as eloewhere the libraries show
that fully 50 per cent, of the books loaned
out are novels, Dumas leads the list or
popular muthore, with Engene Sue second.
Balsa() is going out of fashion, ae is also
George Sited. Of contempontry authore
Zoln is most, in demand, tied Beeond to him
is Jules Verne, Detective stories seem
to have lutd their day, Gabotean and De
leloutepin now being comparatively neglect.
ed. Poets are more mad, in propel:Won to
novels, in France than in England, and Vim
tor Hugo is at the head of hie class.
Soma of the younger squaws of the Terra -
tine tribe of Indians are better looking end
better educated than many of their white
sisters. Aliee, the eighteen-year.oldclaugh.
ter of John FrallOiS, the big hunter and trap-
per of the Penobscot, is & very pretty and
graceful girl, with dark, lustrous eyes, and
a Haar olive complexion. She speaks Eng-
lish, 1Seenoh, asid the Tarrantine dialect,
plays the pieno, makes many kinds of fancy-
work, and has travelled some.
Two libido islands furnish four-fifths of
the cloves consumed by the world. The is.
lands are Zanzibar and Pentha, and a little
while ago .Arabs found it very profitable to
bring sieves from the African lake region to
the coast and smuggle them in the night
OVet 10 1'0111110. 1,0 work on the clove plenty,.
one% but. the maelint les ee •
and the price has fallen so low that the clove
raisees have decided to diversify their
Bain makers, of whom Gan, Dyranforth
is the patron saint, seem to have Windt s'a
very profitable field foe lebors, or 0010
performances, in 001110 parts of Crdirorniii.
The Interditatee 110111 Making. Company
has estithlished headquarotre at inron,
in ft region that has „bout 70,0110 acres in
grain, and is negotiating wi 1 11 the farmers
to se Poly rain enough to ineure six sacks or
more or grainsan 11000 this iteasen, tho pay
to be collet:toll after dm erop bas hem bar-
viistoil. if the 3011,4011 bn fe,VOtallde, the
rain makers will colloid 80 emits ito mire ; it
A Trim Art Gallery.
While Ile et slake there came front the
Ruler of the Synagogues house moon winch
0.,11f1 1110 product is stored in barracks, a sa e mad i Thy daughter is deed; why troublest
itnnettat Dishes Prepared in an slunsual
;distance f rom any hebitation, About 800 thou the Master any further ? .A.s soon a.
. Way at a Native " Loan. ;pounds of powder are produeed every day, Jesus heard Ole word that was spoken lie
On one of those bright beautiful days for and there is in consequence PlentY of Ha said unto the Ruler or the Synagogue : Be
which this teland is noted we started out to The great difficulty is in getting lead, the not afraid ; only believe I --Mark v., 85-36.
attend limn or native feeet. When we , supply of which in the Soudan 10 entirely TO be permitted to WandOt OA leisure
drove into the yettal whero the feast was to exhausted. Attempts were made to make through a beautiful uiotore gallery is a crivi-
be he1d at 1/ o'clock in the morning prepare- , bullets with a mixture of copper 0.1 imp, 1,,,go greatly appreciated by all cultivated
ations for it had already begun. Two Pigs but the experiment was a failure, and inp minds. Such privileges constitute the chief
wore being filled with sweet potatoes and, to the time Father Ohrwalder left, the difff- charm of foreign travel. No man need leave
Itet cobble stones. The men dipped their eulty hail not been overcome. The late Comeau, foe the sake of beholding initenifi-
hands into a tnb of very aold 'water, then , Lupton Bey was forced to teach some der- cent scenery. Here in this dear laserGod
Picked tip the hot stones and thrust them vishes how to make fulminate. The work is has wrought some of his most majestic
into 01e pigs, When the prouess of filling carried on now by a dervish who married works. But if we would see thogreet works
had bee.: completed the LWO 001'0118000 Wera , Lupton's black wife. It will be recalleel of many of tho greatest painters and multi -
tied together and wrapped in banana leaves 1. that Leptis') 13ey WAR 00 Englishmen who tors the Amid has known, WO must journey
over this was put a coarse seeking, and the' was serving Egypt as Governor of 13ahrael to these treasure -houses of Europe Where
noW steaming mass was put in a sort of Ghazal when the Soudan fell into the lands these pictures and marbles are enshrined.
. But there are other galleries of pictures
ditch, which was filled with hot stones, mid' of the Mahal.
then covered with three or four feet of earth. Poor Eel:dela is heavily chained and is than these in Europe. There are some
After five hours it was ready for the feast, working at the manufautere of seltpetre, picture galleries open to all, free to ell. open
Chickens with bits of pork and cocoanut which is carried on in the old Austrain Itlis- night and day • the pictures here enshrined
were buried in like manner, In olden ele Church it0c008 tat river from Omdurman are seen only 'by the keener vision of the
times 0. (log Wail used instead of 0, pig mid is 1. Khartoum. Two other sattpetre pits are eyes of the nund, The Bible is full ef them,
till ireferred bv the natives. 'being worked iu other parts of the country.. and articularly this MO chapter of the
Near by sat two men Hamm% mullet, a He walked
11811 that aln very abundent in those waters. 1:m0TUE, 1,10S 0 DEN
These fish were made into miniature mum-
nies, wrapped in banana loaves, 0, long about three or four years age, believing that full. Whet& gallery of pictures whose colore
stalk of the leaf extending beyond the flith lie could 00.011 re 1110 release of the While Cep- Will never fade this chapter presents. First
making it convenient handle to tern the Hell tives, He (lift them no good whatever and ef all, what a series of ptetures the history
with while reastieg over hot coals. simply made a prisoner himself. of the wild Intim of Gadarn presents. Ills
We next apprnached two W0111011 80110 sat The world has been curious, since the re -1 wretched condition. His wanderings among
on the ground with a large boiler betiveen turn or Emin to the roast with Stanley, te , the tombs ; the distress of his ((lends ; their
thorn filled with inky water. \\To soon dia. know what became of Ins old equatorial pro- 'vain attempts to reform and control this
covered they wore cleaning sett urchins—a nee, It Wee known that the dervishes man possessed of a legion of devils; the ad -
good name for these quill covered shells. fent Onthurman had possession of the north- ;vent of Christ; the expulsion of the demons,
The said quills 111.11 filled With R black fitiid ern part, of the province. lt is now known:14nd the peace and calm ot the distressed and
end used by the natives for pens. To rid that they did net advance to Whelelai. . troubled man. We move on in thegetiery,
the shells of those spines, which are danger. They captured Regar, one of Emin Rasha's mid here ie a poor woman who feels sure
ous if they penetrate the skin, the urchins most northern posts, but were unsuccessful that if she may but touch the hem of Christ's
are put in a coarse bag and rubbed. between it, their attempts to take Dufile, further up garment all will be well. And she touches
stones. The shell is easily broken. The the river, and so they did not attempt to it and is healed. WO 1110V0 Still further on,
meat looks like ealf's brains and te gweet take pessession of the entire province. The ancl lo 1 this ruler of the synagogue, this
and cielieious when eaten raw with salt. British, in advaneing their interests, under .brokon-hettrted father who has just been
The next and last Ur0111) was Emitted Cape Lugord, to Wadelai, will probably ;told that his daughter is dead, bows in
over by one hostess. 'this was the m&king not come In contact with the Arabs., The:agony before Christ, as if all were over, as
of the Knalalekum or cocretnut pudding. Klialifit hes kept a , steamboat running 13(01 if all the light had gone out of life. But
Full lett froth comennts were used. The - R. oif and Omburhain, in order to 'now in the moment of his deepest sorrow,
Cospol of Mark is crowded with toeohing,
beautiful, pathetic pictures of our Lord's
lovin,, kindness to the distressed and sorrow -
Massage Treatment.
Tho word massage Big:1111es mution and
pressure applied to parte of the living body
tor curative ipurposes. This method of
treetniem implies Bonn, swim froln Which
inOtion and preesnre prtelueed bide.
pendently of the will for any exertion on the
partj (d 1.11H invalid, TIt-re are WO IC 1111.1 of
nage:Igo, distinguilieed f rem eaull other by
the kind of power employed. .31 an mil 11106.
Nage ie the apple. , tem H1'111011/01 an 11 pressure
t 0 the imft tinnuee el the hotly 1.y 1110 hand •
of the operator. meelianieal niti,..0‘ge is the
employment nf a ntechanieni ur wahine, '
by which thin motion pressure can be
made to ttny pert of the body RH 1110 phy-
eician or operator direrts, It is evident
that these gams of treatment be given
under the guidanee of the educated and
experieneed physician. It is unfortunate
that there exists( a horde of adventurers
and humbugn who know little of the art
and much less of the seience of medicine
end have debased it in the popular eatimit-
tion. All 110W 1110t1101160110..re the 06,100 fato,
Electricity heralded 10.1 the great cure-all
by the ignorant medical mountebank .1111(1 it
16 Lilo stird of the most errant quacke
and frauds that infest eur larger eitiee, No
doubt it is a useful remef lel agent. when
intelligently and scientifically applied. To
1100 it for every ttilment, is surely a misuse of
tide excellent curative agent. The sante 18
true of the massage treatment. It is 1106
good for every diseaee which affeets the hu-
man family, A. knowledge of anatemy and.
physiology is essential to the propet• appli-
cation of both manual and mechanical 111061 -
sage. The massage treatment le based on
plain physiological laws, and hali nothing
113 00111111011 with magnetism ; nor is it a.
form of exercise or gymnastiee, or e system
of rubbings. There should be no eurface
friction or ektn rubbings in the proper
massage treatment. In a general way,
without going into details, it may be
deseribed tie a system of kneading
compression, rolling, wringing, percus-
sion ancl vibrating the soft tissues of the
body. The Swediell movement itre a sys-
tem of elow motione with aud without re-
sistance, made by the director or physician.
They are often combined with the massage
treatment. Mechanical mitssage consists of
rapid oscillations of arms and limbs of ma-
chinery. The oscillations should produce a
rolling or rocking motion, and move the
limbe in their joints to produce the best
curative results. Alec: rolling 10100ding
and a series of vibrations executed by a
mechanism adapted to any part of the
body, and adjusted so the feeblest and most
delicate invalid can receive thd treatment.
The rationale of these methods of trent-
meat is that the circulation is invigorated,
oxygen is carried to the tissues more rapid-
ly, the blood is purified more effectually,
and the carbon and debris of the body are
liberated mere freely. This iaclone without
any expenditure of will power or nerve
force. Old tulhesions are broken up eml in-
active muscles are brought into action. The
forces of thc organism are mostly expended
through the circulatory and muscular sys-
tems, and less vital energy Is eshibited in
the nervous. The expenditure of vital
power is aucelereteil. It is a law of vitality
--of all living things—that the development
of vital power and strength is accomplished.
only by augmenting the expenditure of this
some power. The athlete knows by con-
tinuous effort and exertion th&t by great
expenditure of vital power he can gain the
strength and power to perform his heron -
lean task. So the horse -trainer is aware of
this law, are1 takes advantage of it m deve-
loping his horses. This is the philosophy
of the 'message aud Swedisn nmernent
trentment. It is not only adepted to the
sick and diseased, but is a method
of treatment highly benefinial to
tho business man whose 31100000,01 ap-
plication in the office has enfeebled his
vital energies and made Iiim feel the need
of recuperating his physical powers. Ladies
devoted to society and burdened with fam-
ily cares heve brought &bout a relaxed and
weakened state of health, are remarkably
benefited by a course of this treatment. By
these methods they learn the seereee of
good as well as of ill health, and thus ac-
quiring the knowledge bow to avoid the one
and obtain the other. Dr. Agostini, in
January nambee (1 801) of the Revue (lay -
glom Therapeutique, reports 417 cases
treated by massage in Hle last six years.
He thinks that masses. should only be given
by the physician, and cites onees where this
treatment W11,9 injurious when administered.
by incompetent persons.
The cases treated made rapid and com-
plete recovery. Hie eases consisted of
articular and muscular rheumatism, trauma-
tic lesions, severe inantranations of the
joints and diseases of a thymic nature.
atatastses obtained from the treatment of
sprains by specialized massage in the French
army S11010 marvelous results, null Muffler,
0, celebrated military surgeon, has shown a
cure in an average of 11 1110 (lays ageinst au.
twarage of tweny.six days by the old
method. The treatment of St. Vitus' dance
by ineens of the movement 00re was theta
mighty testel in the children's hospital in
Paris. A. gretter number were cut•eti by
treatment than by any other method.
bring up iVory 011(1 10 large supply of ivory ;when, " the worst has come to the wors ,
whioll reaelted Suakin at the end of 1890 as we say, Jesus says : This is the thee for
and Walt brought from the oortheru part of ;your faith, not your fear ! Wo oan almost
Emin's old provinee. ;think we see Jesuit taking this sorrowful
A. considerable force of dervishes is kept man's hand in his, and looking into the
at Fitehocla, a little north of Emin s province depths of His sad eyes, we hear Elm say t
t collect slaves cattle and tribute tram the "Fear not I Only believe" 'But was not
Shillulcs. That tribe is very numerous, in-
habits the Nile foe more than 150 milea,
Milk VMS first taken out and then the soil
pulp seraped into it sugar being added.
Sweet potatoes were boiled and mashed
into this liquid.
From hero we proceeded to the house,
situated not 10 feet from the 0001111, ancl
wont directly into the Lanai, W111011 WEIS the
room of all rooms that day. Two beentiful
Kos. trees spread their Unlatches over 01117
heads making the ethers perfect. llere
were:give& dusity maidens at work, decor-
ating, in which art they are perfect. Palms,
ferns and flowers WOVO in peofusion. Large
eocoanut.pelm mats were brought out and
spread on the floor of the lama, and on
these were leid ttible cloths, then flowee,
and ferns and lastly plates. Watormelonss
out 111 half, were then added.
Calabashes made of the polish commute
filled With pOi (1110 chief food of Om Haws.-
ians) were presented te oath gueet. The
eatural gourd celabash VMS used for the
eocanut, pudding. Now 81,060 added the
luscious pork and chickens, sweet: potatoes,
fish in its still mummified emulition, crab,
a dainty paste made front the kultinnut and
red peppers, setla washer and ginger pop,
114W ash and 8011, in osS—thiS WaS our luau.
We sat right clown on the maSting and Me
witheet. knives and forks, and drank the
contents of the bottles without glasses.
Ours WaS 110t l'OVRI feast hi one wily, for
we heti a. choice of eating our poi with ono,
1800, or three fingers, whereas ae rosal
feest only the first and second fingers of the
right hand can be uscal ; wash bowl filled
with witter WOO f011nd at the oncl each
table, W1101.0 we laved ourselves after the
Poi (pronounced pole) Is mode from the
root of the taro, an equable plant. It is
boiled, then roasted in ashes or in the some
manner as tho lu and moats, after which it
is pounood into a fiue 10001, mixed with
water and allowed to stand twentyitour
hours, By this tima it has fermented and
looks like bread dough or sponge, except
Out it. is gray in color, A small quantity
is mil: in a barrel and Water added, then
women with bare arms mix it. round and
round, The quality of the poi depends on
this mixing. If not properly done it will
he lumpy. It tastes like the pulp from a
cider mill. Most loroignms have to eulti-
vate,a taste for it. It is considered very
hatening and the Hawaian women aor-
taluly seem to prove the assertion.
Mena These farms wore very remnerratit o The Queen gave a hum on tho aunivor.
1 1 eery of her seemesion to the theone J61%-
11;017 129, but the affair did not equal the
ono above described.
ancl it is of m warlike disposition. . ey
have had hard Hghte with the durnshos, have a Geed on them stele there is no tame foi
whose superior equipment enebled them et fear. Faith, not fear, belongs to those who
last to defeat the negeoes. Tho latter re- have put their trust in the Eternal God.
tired to their strongholds, a little way from Wherefore tihoeld we fear ? If WO hove the
the now defy the dervish. Eternal God for our Refuge what have we
es. At last amounts desultory fighting was !to do with fear? Children do not, fear their
going ou, but it is thought the Slulluks parents; they love them. 8o, if we lovo a year salary for his services. rhe ex. 1 its
cannot mneh longer offer eflectiveresistanoe, , out God with all our heart and soul and most desirable to make are mining machin.
mod to them lune num.11011 strength, We shall find that perfect love ery, agrieultural ill:temente, cotton goods,
casteth out fear A. good motto this for
5,0L0101p( tno01 in .E e y old province is now entirely gloomy days and darker nights: "Be not
1 .1 tel b the dervishes. That is a large aftiaid I Only believe I"
region yeast of the Nile end Emin's province
and north of the MaknaMobangi River.
For soma time after the Mahal gained pos.
session of that country by the defeat of
Lupton 13ey
SloW16 1141.1 MSG ItSPROFV1000
this a time for fear ? If over there was an
how: for fear, surely this is the Ono supreme
hour I But really and truly, to those who
Among the Many things to interest for-
eign visitors will be the exhibits from the
diamond mines and gold field% Diamond
cutters from Europe will be there, and every
detail of the course of the diamond, front
it$ being taken from " the bine" to its being
set in a lady's breastpin or earring, will be
shown. The diamond mines will be there,
of course, and will prove a very interesting
annex to the exhibition. A comprehensive
exhibit of the gold milling industry, from
Johannesburg, will also there. rho at-
tractions for visitors will include tours of
the diamond mines, trips to the gold fiehls.
and short excursions into the fringe of dark-
est Africa. There is a railway to Kimber.
ley, ou which Paulen palace cars are run,
so there w111 be no hardships in reaching the
exhibition. Beate'', s the points mentioned
there are a thousand interesting things in
South Africa that need no suggesting.
The American papers are anxious to sectere
some part of the trade pad urge that as
" Canada is going to send over a lerge party
of Canadian manufactures, merchants, and
agrieulturists to visit the exhibition mut
sooth Africa generally aml see what possibi-
lities there aro for establishing trade with
that country, the United States ought to
have ft 110101, too, Americans have already
an important part in the progress of the
(unitary. Mr, Gardner 10. Williams of Oak-
land, Col., is superintendent of the famous
De Beers diamond 101110, (001 draws $2D,000
. .
Women to the Front.
Lasses the prinoipal city of Thibet, is 'a
rernerkable place for one thing govern.
meet recognize:A the tthility of women to
manage and oontrol a large proportion of
overran the -peovinee, and it was removed
the real trade, that at tiertain800.00110 of the
just before I ether 0110100,1(1er left Oindur-
year demands unusual attention. From
man that a force of deevishes hail returned to March.E1, brisk business is Oar.
30 the Bithrael Ghazal. Intormstien has 1:?°"mbct•
teed on with " neighbors front abroad."
been received 1 emu another source whieh
Huc, the distinguished explorer, relates
that china, WRFC, 11011 Carpet% attractive
silk stuffs, end other commodlties in pea
(trig), and large quantities are brought
feem western Chine ; and from other guar.
tars appear traveling merchants, with well-
uonfirms that news.
Civil war in Darer, emend by a revolt
against the government: of lialumul Ahmed,
the Khalife's musin, has doeopulated larg
part of that great district. Many of the in -
habitants lied for peitee to alum 1 evils.
laden camels ancl horses, revealing a. tempe-
The country became infested by elephant%
ing display of Russian goods, among 80111011
110110, ancl other Wild animals on account of
may be found gold lace, silken textures,
the great decrease in the human population.
and peculiar seyles of jewelry, much in re-
Malimud found Bee difficult to proogre food
quest in the tables and vilages of Thibet 1
for his men that he wrote to the Bhahfa,
also many kinds of furniture are included
asking permissioa to retire east to lialincl, a
in the list ; and eastern 'rhibet fails not in
station midway between El Fasher, the
ample provision of much -prised musk. The
capital of Darfur, and El Gland, the °minted ownersof these valuable " peeks of richness
of ii.•ordorito, The Klutlifa agreed, and El
and elegance throw themselves heart and
whom momvid Its0001k. ss '0.11.! i0,11101 to the work of disposing of their
Fitslier wits ovaenated about Juno,
Many of the people 1 properties, for in three months
With him did not relish being so far removed " I
" the season of absence front home with
from their 08011 Country, and 1,000 of them thorn is past, and early in March the?. must
revolted and roterned to them home. That ,
God will forgive your sine, but he expeate
yott to pay your debta.,
Miler Haggard divides his Wm) and
attention between his literery worlc and tho
ditties of Ilis farm, 11.0 inmally gives the
morning to rho Tailor, and mealy begins his
writieg before four o'uloole tho afternoon.
ITo write.% until dinnertime, etud givem
hour or two of the evening to the Hallin
worlc, :qui oven with this 110 rinually pro-
duce:: three OF fen, 11101180,1A words a day.
•ti deelttres that he mut complete an impot,
portent 15 ovit in six months,
induced Mithnuid to retire to lid Obeid,
whore ho le now, and that place, therefore,
10r1118 00 ON 3001ne western limit of 11101311m.
Illit's authority, the A:felicitate having entire.
again tette up Ilia e tome or atm re
nud shop in their own land." hying anxious to sae them, hastily shut up
her tweet., taking the key of the (100V ill 1101"
cheap 3ewelry, wate les, ant eo nov
ties and inventions of ell kinds. As already
remarked, there is said to be 11, great field
for the iiiventor.
The exhibition buildings are now being
erected in the 13otanical Gardens at Kimber
ley. They will cover 50,000 square feet,
The Government c f Cape Colono will give
free carriage from the cottst to Kimberley
and back to the coast for all goods nut sold
at the exhibitimi, and such goods Will be
froe of duty. The steamship companies are
also making redueed (ales, and the exhibi-
tion will be included in Cook's tours
Applications for spittle should he in before
the end of this month, and should Ito made
through Mr. Gourge F. Klutz, care of Tiff -
Rey Co., New York, or P. 0 box 460.
The rood of the Ostrich.
The food of the ostrich, in its wild stete,
consists of the seeds, tops and buds of tinte
bus serubs ;Ind other plants. Bat it is
often difficult to 00110eive how it eau man-
age to live at all, for one not untrequently
meets with it in regions apparently death
tote of vegetation of any kind. When in
confinement no bird or other animal exer.
oleos so 1itide disarimination in the choice of
ita food ; for then it, swallows with eaddity
stones, pieuee of wood and iron, epeons,
knives, and other matters,
Once, it is said, when the ostrieh wee soil a
rare sight in lenrope, & wonutn, ort bettring
r the arrival or a 1011011 of these birds, and
0 Hooligan's Plurality. hand. No sooner, however, hacl she aerie -
ed on the spot whore the were kept,
ly evacuated. Dat tu. Mrs. O'Toole -1f Good Initrein' to YO, ;Alan one of the long-legged creatures stalk.
ed up to her, snatching tho key out of
and to her groat
Tho oorthern limit of the Kludifit's Alisther jsto be Wid ye, for
(moo is 1/onrila, about it hundred miles it% a father hear yo aro. her hand, dellberat ely,
south of Wat Haifa, whore an Egyptian :gr. oirx,,aligan—iiPaitt, but tho Intent) heiTor, swallowed it, shutting her eit of her
garrison is stationed. The force of the dor- hasn't boon tordil ye, Missile 0"roole, ale
VinheS at Dongola uumbers 3,200 mom most its tomes then wan tether I am whin it's W;0" "me'
of whom are local Aeolis, They have 0 few thriplete, boiled.'
cannon and a medetate quantity 0 aininum.
Hon, They made no ollbusive movement
against the Egyptian from ler in 1811 1. In
1 t tr 110.t. year 1110 Khedive visited Wmli
Prencipal—What reason have. yott fir
1111110, and it Wall rumored in Mineola, that
the ox.K Mullett leinel I, had arrived in Cairn Milting leave of absence of a week ?
illork--A domestic afilictoni."
101111 that he Itut tient his son 1( Very homy. Is it a near relation wile
Thatnews excited the Souilai 020 eonsiiier. " Nobody has died, sir. 1 unt clay going .,'.‘‘ iTit 1„'"il,i,‘„;', :131,i!.'1,‘.'7,1,,,',',' i'-',(,1l'eji,P,;:ii, ;it „o.
,r„ (1,,,,r,,,K0 Tun 5,11,11,‘ 0,
ham (lied I
ably. For tonne time the Emir at .Dongola to got married, sir." Vet. thin 1,-, 11101.0 1 10,11 1 Call do,
Dottiest° Affliction.
A Quaker's Prayer.
0, that my eyes might
To Whatlwemiles 010 11,11 0 Heti!
1111,1 1110111'10,S P0S,,S.:10'
3'1101111 COM, 00' 001 pear!
trhal iny lorniutH alwar- 1M
Prom over ...pe
T1.01 110 v .fit them:hi elfel"r061,
or he ou0.00 ‘,1111111 iny
i,,,r,i, and iitri() 11,y ion HI.
Scalded Throat
The accident of scalding the throat from
swallowing boiling water emirs not uncom-
monly among children loft by themselves
and is very dengerons ftS the throat swells
and the sufferer ha in danger of being entre-
Gated, Send for the medical man immedie.
tely. Meanwhile, if it can be procured le
the patient suck iee constantly, and apply
a strong mustard poultice to the otitSide of
the froct of the throat.
Iteceived with Greet Ponto on Presentlit
MA Credentials ifs Paris.
PA1110, March 2,1.—Lord Dufferin, thetteW
British ainbaSSIV101' to F011,1100, presented
credentials to President Gantt° this &Uteri
noon. Th. ceremony was conducted with
great pomp. A squadron of cuirassiori
escorted. Lord Dufferin from tlle einbass
to the court yard ot the palace of the lelyeea
111 the conrt yard W0110 11111080(1 detaulunentl
of infantry, and its the 13ritish alphas:ado]
drove to the square, doling WOre beaten:1,M
tingles sounded. Tide greeting was followel
by the band playing the British nationa
anthem, " Goti &WO 1 he Q11.0011,"
After Lord Onflerin had made the forma
presention of his credentials to the Prost
tient, Ito and M. Carnet entered into
cordial oonversation. When Lord Demi
loft the palace he Wag given the same tionoi
that had marked his coming, the only dil
1,.,001100 being ,that the band played th
" '
Plenty In It.
— is that little 'Muhl
scholia, ef yollin getting 11.1011g, Any mons
in it ?
Wo.alett—Any money in it? Well,
Hhottlil Hay Ho ! All of mine, all of my wife
and about rifty thousand that I'gotfrom