HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-4-1, Page 1. .. ,..:,x..,101.
Volume 19
and lied jnsb uttered thee' words ; "The
only neeesenni,t at pl'eeoet exleting-e"
when he drnpped into hie seat and was
filling over hi desk when \Ir. (fancy,
seelne that nnmothin, had happened,
took him in hie terms and replacer! him.
Drs. Willoughby full 110 Key came for
wird. They, lifted the hon, gentleman
from his sent end boil him on the floor,
pnttitt:(n cushion under his head. lir.
Clarke mailed speaking at 4,80 o'alook
and wee pr. nonnocd dear! et 4.45. Dr,
Gilm'ur stated aft rwarde that in his
opinion, death had come upon Mr.
Clarke tho moment he oease'l to speak.
He apparently gasped twice for breath
after l,)) was laid on the floor. but the
doctors think that this notion was simply
doe to nlu80uti' contraction. The
funeral took place on Tuesday.
The Kistin 0' The Sweep.
A Vigil- To Yokohama
Whoa 1'lljiyum 's wetly ones has
peen from a 1'I 1 po rtv9 klza 6., n mnjed-
tio pectic, and the ste:lm,'r n nreing nu
the ;hoe NMI n0 Y:',11u they has made
fast at the twin pee v'', buoy in Yokohama
harbor, Japan eueirr•6'8 one. Steam
humehesbeer clown mem the ate Ming
ship and ellrry pn5a0ne)rs nevi m'131s
ashore. Sannpehs crowd about the steer-
age gangway, anti the nwlive boatmen
and their queer, o"rtit Graf it are seen in
all their picturesqueness. "It is like
the pietar3 hunks," wrote John La
Faroe in hie "Artist Lettere'' "'The
sot was sma013i ffku th • brilli'tot Ll„nk
paper of the prints; a vest surface of
wetter reflecting the light of the akv as
if it were 6313eker err, Per off streaks of
blue light, like finest w ashes of the
brush, determined 11L8611111180. Beyond,
in e4 white hese, the square, W11 110 Saila
spotted the wh h size,, and floated
above it." " " ' "Hills of fougy
green marked the new land ; nearer ns,
junks of the shapes vitt know, in violet
trauspa'enoy of elm low, and five or six
wile shil'9 a• cis tewn'•rs, 1811 111151 blank
or white, looking barbaro0' and nut of
place, but 81.311 t8 it part of us t and
11e1re013 all MI' and 110 11 fleet of smell
beets, metnied by (•.00x1 at,n,1ine in
mese tleppin:; about them e1' hulked in
above their waist.. Tuero 00000 80 many
thwt the crowd l0ulnel blue cul white—
the color of th' it dresses repeating the
sky ie prose. Still, the argot pet t were
mostly naked and Otter lege tmtcl arms
and banks Lunde a great novelty to our
eyes, aruu0ttlme,l to erelong but our ship
and the euormoue Bennie,- empty '•f life,
which had surrounded 115 fur (114y8. The
muselrs o[ the herdlike -trod out sharp
ly on their small frames. They hail til
most all—at 1, -wet those who were y :ung
—line wrists and 1101io01,0 Venda and a
h„ndsome 80ttieg of tI a ((0,111, The Foot
11,01ted brand bat very square. Th •y
were exoitedly w13li1g to help in the
(01,11ue cud unloading and Kenn we saw
them beginning to w•0010 and 0111'1.vl11g
gr at loads with Inch good httm0rerl
ohalt.•riu', Around tie , Iayed the
smaller boats with rowers et—widen! Irl
and sculling. Then the meeker, best
vane rushing to tie, its standing rowel•a
bendlug and rloieg, their thighs rounding
and in -Trp, 81111•0e11illl, W1111 8111111
garments they hail flotlel'ieg like scurfs,
0,o that • n1' f•n, nn:"i:"nu•3ea ter,,,•d their
blwl,i to a .,111 . lint the human be.
3nge ere not the env, lty, not cven the
japnnise ; whet k a'•s.lrl'ieiiy t1 10 is
the its whiloueea, its livery rmillci-
nese. We have come into it it: throegh
an open dem after fourteen d'lye n tie
Pacific. 1 have beim :kiting myself
whether it would be eoseib18 to Pave
8,m(atiune as novel, of feeling 80 perfect
ly fresh and new, things I knew almost
nil aU nt before bane, lied we anme in
any other way o• arrived from any other.
(¢u106er. As it is, all thin Japan es sud-
den. We have last been living at home,
are 1'1031 tip in a sad') us if boxed in with
our own oivilizetiou, end then 51.donly,
WWI 110 4r1,110 bi011. WO ere 15011,104 en an.
other. And under whit splendor of
light, in what contrasting abmn8phere 1
It is 11aif the sky in its variation-, 09018
the great subject of the drama we ere
locking at, or at least its great ehorns.
The beauty of the light and of the air is
what I should like to disoribe but itis
almost like trying to account for 0110'8
Own mood -like describing the kew in
1Ybi011 0110 plays." The cu•tomo exam
108,61011 at the Lnulish }Intoba e1' land-
ing plane is almost nominal end only the
possession of the strictly oontrabend
drug, opium, col mute traubes. Owing
to the existing treaties, accepted by the
Japanese when they had not foreseen or
understood whet foreign trade entailed.
5;' ie the extreme duty bhabean be levivcl
on foreign goods ill any event With 11
rush a dozen ji)lOikishas come forward
and the coolies drop the shafts 111 a circle
around one and invite to the ,nmPo'b
ably Olta1130110d sett, of the overgrown per-
ambulator. "How do you feel 7" shoal•
ed ono eminent divine to another me t16
two were 10n11110d clown the Bond. "A•
goo 3 A,goo I Shake a d, -da, dada I"
answered the other theologian. This
admirablu vehicle of the Far Bost wits
inv00t031 or alaptod by one Goble, a
marine on Commodore Perry's flitg"hip,
when be had afterwerd8 returned to
;Tepee es a ni(esionary. Its nee 1in18s
from 1807 to 1871, 08 different Japanese
tuithorili.s 1.888(16, bet it has gt1303dv
spread to China, the, Straits and even
India. A tst'iff of j3nrelcishe and sem,
pan (area whl be retold on a 0on8pic,mas
beard at the landing place, The fare is
1011 cents to the hotel 0r railway station,
ten coots by the hour, or aoveuty'tive
00118 by the day, In going up the hill
to the bluff Tho cuulio oldie an atuehl, or
pusher, to help 13111 up the slope, and the
1311550nge1' pey8 tour 001115 to this 148
015111110 at 6118 toll. All t110 Ilolioen and
plumes of business in Yokohama are
known to the coolies by their 1101111.1'8
10111811 111 Japala80 and Arabin numerals
are fastened to earth dem' or gs'.0. One
In .y learn the numerals end their written
0haraoters Bram the hotel menu cards as
511011 dish is numbered in Japans5e at
one side of the carr! and. ,it. English at
the other side. The guest points to the
number and. the waiter; brings the de-
filed dish. The Grand Hotel, the Club
Hotel, enveral small hotels in the settle,
(14116 modelle or two plivete boarding.
houses on the Bluff, will (000108 the
56ra113301'. The two 10114111' hotels fano on
the Bund, or sea \vall, awl are as well
ordered and kept as hotels of. their oleos
in European d3ties. English 01 Ameri-
can landlords slid French cooks secure
every comfort, and electric lights, steam
heat and band 00)1053(118 on enmm8r
nights are othm: foetuses. The Club
Hotel maintains a branch house in Tokio
in the buildings long used ae the United
State Legation. Both hotels aro kept
on the American plan, (atm ranging
Item $3.00 to $4.00 pee day, The Yoko.
llama United Clmb and the faermdtt
Club aro the active ooutere of the sooial
life 01 the foreign relidofts, who numbet
8,700 ; but this olfioiai tenths includes
2,411 Chinese as well as tho 810 J3ritisb,
187 Ame'ioan, 1.70 Gorman and 101
French 01118011e dwelling in Yukanama.
The Y,kOh,uuL Bowleg moil 1 ll) 0130
(11111, has n 0,118, of 8110 lined adjni'dn0
1011,0o11 Thttlha, ,villi (yl:nrvlinln,
0111131101180 awl bathing heron, The
Oriolie1 141111 At11le111 '..nub men go the
erieket ground. in the settlement ; the
Laoie5' 18111115 Club 0141'08 fur the Com to
in tho publio gardens on the 13'011 ; and
the Nippon !time 0(111, 1,,48 its meets sash
eeri110 aid autumn at'he eau cuere0 on
the Bluff. At the three of ,bo first named
visite a may 118 put u , by club members
Its et a club 10 a El1r9135a1 arty and the
u c41 club oomloots and surroundings
are found. Phe !long Ii •ng and Shang -
hid Banki.1' Oinmervttlou on Water
street ; the New Oriental Bank Uorpora•
gun, limited; the Chartered Beek of
India, Australia -and Japan the Comp-
toir d'I9soompte de Paris, arid the Yoko
hams tipe0ie Bank, (Sbokin Ginku) e.
Japanese corporeti,n, all d ' general
bunking business. Those banks observe
the usual national builds -vs and are
virtually closed during ratio weeks, which
the traveller needs to keep fn ,hind,
Mo„ey changers on 14111'11 street and Ben-
mr8 ,1 Dori will fey a trifling percents:re,
oha",:0 bank news into the Mention .l
eoi1i. so neo08 1L1'y ill this land of many
small pa/moue,.
i�0ffi1.1110Jfi ParliaMeellt
\Ir. Cheplean 3e u0W lying 111 at DL'.
Brerloni:'e private ho'pi,al on Soerbrook
s'reot, 1310utrene, to18lhe' with 1Trs,
Chaplea0, who le also 3ntlispo$ed.
Montreal bneiness mot are pr'oteilting
again t the 330v8'roaeut's delay in abolish-
ing the tolls epee grain p 1881(11 enst-
warily through the St. La,vrenee canals,
Mouti•eal merchants eemph,in that
trade between the D 0n1uion 14,.11 New-
fotirihtnd is 143 a stanrl•etill because e1
the existing "reunlerei•tl war" between
0lulnhcand that colony.
The Printing ce mnlitte • has deoidud to
recommend that 1t'I t h-• new members end
the 4.,0 n8v umpteen; shall receive leather
tl'u,lke, 111 addition 'a 4110 new et.,ti011el'y
(Wheat, to be mi, en to all the member.,
The t0emho's of the oppo8ition have
hell their first e:tee .8. Thu atto1111anee
3naholod every member at present in the
1,19• 11', 1„ur,0r'e to ,derehip 190.31 again
'approved t4,uidst rie11ug uhem's. nuttee
Sutherland, ^S. P. f a. North Osfnrl, wk.
01100eni to mewed 11r. 'Trow Its chief
0Tr. (1 e•dne, :1T. 1' 1 - ie. It ”1,101,
a bell to amend the Ohne se demi (011(on
toe, the objects of -:hell are to reduce Tho
number of Celestials whi011 may be fm•
porter 1111 0110 Ve'oei 10 j1183 0110 half its
31.01)0116. 11111111• r, nal to do aw,y with 1110
re'nrn certifleetee w111011 are bow granter!.
President Van 11001, of the C. 1'. lb„
lyre reeeivea a commode demi fro.0 Ad-
miral Watson, of the Ninth A6111ntio
Strad wan, elated B.'rtnnd,I, rem veying
the 8pe0i11l thanks of the Lords of the
Admiralty to a number of officers of the
0. P. R., for their Vltltlltble 1150156en00 et.
Facilitating the 1,,49511:0 through- Canaria,
for the first tiros, of le number of !ler
llajesty'ssailors FronIVancouvor to Bali,
fax 0.4 route to Blighted. A01ong those
whom their Lordehi 15 espeoially desire
to 11111016 is James .1. Lambkin, en old and
popular Ottawa boy, wit , has Tong held it
responsible prisitioll 111 the 0. 1'. It. ser.
Jook Miller Iva, a olimn"y sweep in
Tyne Castle, a we8teru suburb of ,Edi„.
burgh, Like many of his oeuup11tiou he
was ver fond of wlluskey which so o'rer-
eame him on the occasion of Shu tragedy
of pair Tam, hie droutly erouie, that he
was a 31 -abject for 'he practical joke
played on him by the wags of the suburb.
Jook may Stell he seen end beard in that
eeighbo'lood, for it is net many years
sinoe the 1(istin beppene11.
J 1st 1n0 sae very 111118 ago
;look hiller dwelt in Castle Tyne,
A dreothie sweep's e'er 50opt 11 lum,
Who hada crania slime rang syue.
,Carl Johnston — socterto his trado—
\Vhe,se thrapple likewise needed
They ,,o'er uprose as tang's the cash
held out,
But sat the happier gl)ttin'.
dist like aniiher Tam and Jock,
By Bobbie Berns made immortal,
But yeti sad duty Tam drank', Last glass
Then staggered ewer death's awfu'
Donn yin o' the confuonded stairs
'Chat -twirl about a perpendarclar,
The eroui0, realm'—p'lir 'tarn alipt
An' broke his each—no be1u' pnr-
aelteta 418(41ki1.ATUlE.
The immi3rults who arrived in 1801
wore, tie in the previonsyear, strong and
healthy, au(l required bas little assist-
ance. The demand for masons, earpe11-
tors, bricklayers, moulders, blacksmiths,
oarriuge builders ttu.1 gene'al laborers
was exceptionally limiter!, while teachers
clerks, grocer's and shonneen found much
difficulty in proun0ing m1100)11100.
Since the year 1808 the following num-
ber of children have been sent to Canada
by the following per8oes :—Miss .!lye,
3,202 ; Miss Macpherson, 4,535 ; Mrs.
Wallen., 3,0811 ; Mr. Middlemore, 1.778 ;
Dr. Barnardo, 11,482 ; Cardinal Hanning,
1,403. The total expenditure on immi-
gration for 11301 waft $0,028.94. the
nationality of the immigrants in 18111
was ; English, 6,110 ; lcoioh, 1,308 ; Irish,
1,250 ; (3ormal, other clone, 10',
022 ; total, 10,335. The vain° of their
eff08t9 11/148 esti n11ted at 5113,1.17. Dur.
Mg the year 1800 315,980 emigrants loft
the British 151,iu11, of which earnber 13. -
et per cent settled it. 00tnrie.
The exposure of the "farm pupil”
frends lits happily `net 1411 01101 to tit.,
vioions system of 0011eetin4 bonuses from
the so -celled pupil.. Notwithstanding
the discuutinutuneo of this sy818,11 theca
aree till a number of. 1'eilpootttblo young
men, sone of well -to 110 people, coming, to
this province to learn farming with the
view of petalateing hind after they hero
gained expel -Mime. With ,11000 young
mon yvamu8 are regarded 145 e0eehdary to
gnat training. Clergymen and other pro
30081031101 mon In llnrop0 very propel'!;'
regard this es an edv01ul10geous 111801n5•of
melting provision for theirsous, and now
that the objectionable features have been
to a g''eat ext" ,t elimin'tal front he
0ystem, it deserves encouragement.
The 'emend the Department of Ina -
migration tens presented to the House.
The report save ;
In 1891 es compared with 11'100 there
w115 a dooreaso of 1,011 1, end as 00mpare(1
with 1880 of 5,052, in the number of 1111.
Migrants who settled in the pr'1Vinao of
Ontario. There does nob -teem 40 be any
apeoial cause for this further 3011301150
beyond those formerly noted, viz., the
steady improvement - in track in tilt
British is10113110, the high late of organ
faros and the inovease13 demand in other
countries for oeetain 1ind0 of labor, It
may be specially noticed that, for several
years, there has been a steady decrease
in tho nnmber of families of a;ricuitarel
laborers arriving in Canada and melting
this province their hone. This is to be
regretted, as the demand for this class of
labor has been recently on the increase.
At 4:80 o'clock Friday afternoon H.
E. Clarke, one of the member% Ito To.
mete in the Logistature, arose to a(1.
drese the house neon a bill ivhieh had
been introduced by Mr. Tait to amend
the Assesentent Ad. Ho sponte for a
moment or two in 0p405ition to tho bill
1'1131 3'13IY 134 133N1( IN l'Itw33111131.
100(nM5,e lose, !war( end leaves
1.01' (1w .•1'11es.
Ona' cle'able ex0110nent 141111 anxiety
wets ''ee't - 100011 this week when it was
lt5e01't14lned that J. 1I 11,1101096, of vin
Into811 tk McTaggart, private bankers,
who 11 td pr ennlably, gone to Lotndol
last Saturday ml busm850, slid not intend
returning and had llritt8)1 A, Ooueley,
his assistant, [rem Windsor. His in
etru0,iune were to have the business
wound up as cheaply as possible and
there wood be enough lett to pay e.sry•
body interested 100 acnes on the dollar,
4„d I11UIley to dilate.
All kinds of rumours were set in
m-'ti01, but e11 impromptu meeting 01
the leading creditors, on Wednesday
afternoon, verified Mr. Motntosh's state-
ment as the 115 ale are 'planed at about
30.1,000 while the liabilities are only
about 373,000. There wee 350,000 in
deposits, $15,000 of 1hi0 being very late-
ly withdrawn owing to a report that
diffiuulty was expected. 3)r. MS:T ggart,
the 5011101• partner, who is now engaged
ii lumbering in Alabama, he beet. coin
muni'utted with and is expected horn the
UK. of next 1v 011. In the ineentim0 C,
13. Armstrong, of London, is auiug
as receiver fur the Merchants Bank,
with whom the than dealt, and A.
Conley and J. dle0rae are Iooltiuu after
the interests of the creditors.
1. S. Jarvis, assistant•nlanager of the
11 reheats B,n1t, wee bole un Tu adv..
and Wednesday and expresses his 5ar-
prts0 at Mr. llofutoeh leaving 081eu
business was as favorable as it was but
he (11eIt torn) was of snub 34 reoluee and
55(5116ive nature lie we -mitred to lose heart
over a. fo.v heavy tw1Ouuts fu danger tied
could not fere the creditors. He had
been a t'ealdot,t of Brussels for abont 15
yeto 5 and enjoyed the highest re and of
the people and as a mark of the es emu
in which he was heel in Brussels wa8
el•oted Reeve he.81 January, •y wool ,m11
tion, :titer a three years' experience ns
Councillor at the 13011 d, As a nnnlbe,
of depositor's have their all invested m
the private bank it is to be hoped thet
will reoeivo the full it111onut of thea'
01143,,1. More particulars will be given
in next week's issue.
About his fittin' on the step.,
S.,n steep and wedgy, curet invention
1'e;r,nleer-11111;-Lwan hit fon,
,Ji -t like 3111111 Cloolio's fell inteut300.
There lay Tam at the very lit
A4 deid 118 ouy, kippcled he rin' •
While Jock that foil but little [teat,
Ills (minlrado bad sae ill ), 111311311'.
Neer by there stood 011 empty hoose
Where baith the deid wad drunk -
were carried ;
Pei 1''l eel they strltiohteu0d out on flare,
1Vhile duck (40 051,5eless wl' him
The neebore sunt some villin' loons
To tell the poleeoe at of station,
The sad eatesteephe 0' Tam
AwwiOtu' cor'net's inqueste.tlon.
Yee coffin free the panel) came,
`The oeety folk sent o0m °minter.
In that they pit 113e co,p8o o' Tam,
And kilted Jock into the ither.
The wags reel° bound bo has some fun
As 000!1 es tha .drunk ,lock could
A horn to rout end sulphur's fumes
Tha thoallt might be o' mirth the
A. blast was blown sae lood and clear,
1111011/ weel been Gabriel's trumpet
It rinsed 0p Jook wi' horrid din,
Who- etarted glowriu Snit eoufoonded,
lIe 11100111 11 was the crack o' doom
When there he saw his oomr11de
Rio, d,
Lora help us, 'lam, tun framed, ye're
deid, •
In )$0,tl1. s corps I'll feared yo'ro liet-
Number 38.
John, 111 year-old 8011 of doh,, 01llmen,
of L'iekerh g, 0.,t„ had itis left hand
earl elit in the feed rollers of a pourer in
laen,nervili0's mill, and the arm was 80
frightfully mangled that it had to be am•
.k Detroit lesp11101 soya, M3et Valen-
t3ue, who went to join prince Michael's
band and handed over 3300 to the funds,
ham at last recovered the money and will
return to '20fonto along with Mr. and
Kra. Henan.
Wm, Desjardiu and wife, of Tecum-
seh, have been married sixty.eix years.
They he 3 eleven children, ten of whom
are now living, together with 011 graad-
nhildron, 171 great- grim doh i !drat reel
four great•great-graadohildren, making
in all 270 descendants.
Six Chlnem011 were made British sub
jeots at Montreal last week and at 0no9
left fol the States, where their new rola
as British subjects give- them free entry.
The United Stetse officials are startled
et the new dodge and have appealed to
Washington for advice.
A. Palmer, who drives the delivery
wagon for J. Luke Sz Son, Thornburg,
wits 9tOpp0d nee night lately about two
miles from cave by three teen, who era -
salted revolvers and de•,-"nded money.
Mr. Palmer claimed he had no money on
hie per -oil 51111 was allowed to go.
Eleettou petitinu' haus been filed
against the retnru of 30eeph P• atherst In
(i,ibcral), as member for the H -'use of
Commons for the oonnty of peel 1 agam5t
the return of Sema 1 Rushee (0 eel, 'e
member for North Vietorte, and against
,h" return of Henry 011rn11 (Con ), as
member for East Brune.
• Albert J. Ltoberta, Toronto, while en-
gege4 on Young stilet, met a terrible
accident ou Tuesday mo,'o313 o! last
w•ek. H9 was Interning a gneet(ty of
benzine when it igniters and 5prendl over
his head and shuulderx, eMoll wens
frightfully burned before the O'11ne0
could be extinguished. He wee taken to
the hospital.
A derma inn giving his name 115
Keyot011e• was brought before'Jnde,e Leon
at Ltat Portage, charged with being a
cl-e„'orous luneti0. He 11104 11 en living
in the wools near No' ,,tan without house
or even bedclothes all winter and hes
endured most rem"l•liable hardship'.
He threatened Mrs. H. Cameron's life
with a buck aw.
The .1;iumilem g' Id mine, in Beim int
township, n a1' B0110V111e,ia yielding ver:'
s•ctiefeeteee, hr -en 172 3..t 9 01 1'0111),
o•oshed and cleaned up a f w days amu.
enid 10 the 'slue of $1,7.8, or 9.10 pe tot,
was obtained, The eon, of uauing and
reducing the ore is about $:1 per tun, 'Lok
eon -many is watering to pet. in 1310rh1u•
e',y to crush 100 t 01s p -r day cud avid
operate it by electricity. ['his is the
990nllri s'ttiafartor- 3,14 en a largo seek
of ore Iron this mine, and thereeult will,
no doubt, be to boned• meteri dry the
gold mining incl'retry of this r mien.
David Mogan, of Brant, noticed a,.
squirrel up one of his apple trees and
gave ohase with the expectation of aap-
turing 3t. Armed with a pole he sec
seeded in knocking it off the tree, but ,he
squirrel was lively and ram tiptoe Mr. Mor-
gan'- shoulder 1105 ctireying the war in-
to Africa. His dog got excited and in
enleevoring to gate!t it mad. the mis
take of inserting its teeth in its matter's
nose, which caused a copious flow of
blood. Itir. M0111011 says that the next
time he gots squirrel hunting his dog will
not be a partioipanb 1,1 the lively sport.
The imagoes that bee attended the ef-
forts of gas companies in the township
of G'oslield led Jiirein Walker to believe
that gas existed somewhere on his Hersh-
field farm, and he began boring. No gas
has yet been discovered but from one of
the wells 4011 ed crude oil of a supe aur
quality i0 being pumped at the rate of
two Barrels per day. 10 two others salt
has been found, brit 01 sigh the 8nnply
seems to be large, the wells will probably
not be developed. The Marshfield to
about 18 miler ifrom 1Vaikorville on the
Late Erie and Detroit Ricer IL.til'-ay.
A sensation was created at Whitew ,od,
N. W. T., at a Presbyterian 00038,1 ie n
church, by a young plan named Oswald
B. Spen01 making a savage attack upon
:t farmer named 1lyles 1'I. McArllrur
with an open jack-knife. The two Wren
were enemies over some disputed lend
claim, Spence rushed aeon kioAt'thn,
at the church door, and stabbed him a
number of tomes with a knife. Mc-
Arthur hid a child in his arms, end
weld not dofend himinef, Rev. Solomon
B, H,tsnelm in, Methodist minister, at
thi8 stage grabbed Spence's wrist, waver.
al 1110re Men ,tooisted, and Spann: w00
overpuwet0,l. 1Ie has been committed
for tilt!. 'McArtllur's wounds the not
The examiners of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons have handed in their
report 1111 the iutermeililtte 00am'11101101).
The following have passed and been ad.
rctiod ''0 the „mine elee9:—G, ,1,
Dewar, Charles Thompson, A. J. Irwin,
J. 11, 1Ii60he 1, W. A. Scott, A. Watson,
I'..i,. Weod, It. Moult, 0. A. Newton, E.
A. Peals''. 1;, 3. Coghlan, CL 1I. Wald-
ron, :4, 4, Beni ley, (0.1. Duhu.30, J. W.
1!141'1411 ell, J. W. 111031110095, .1. A, Seeders,
II', Mason, D. Marshall, 1:I. 11', Cross, A.
Anderson, 1', G. Hughes, N. Wager, 76,
J. Robbins, A. A. ela,1koure, A, S. itfe-
Corkiok, F. 1'13. Boomer, W. Il, Greene,
W. T. Wood, H. A. Solloway, C. II.
]Poster, J. Irwin, Inn. Foster, B. A.
7.olton, J. D. Cameron, C. P. Cobban, A.
1'1 111.14015. 2110 following snpplomeotals
Will bo allowed in Soptomuee :--011011110.
try ---0. 1'. Colter, VV. A. Satg01er, H. P.
Thonpson, S. 133. Siegel, L.3.., Wells.
Physiology end hhltoria 11114dica , J'
Well :.
Tho disgust manifested 011 1110 face of
nearly every person last week shoved
the disappointment felt thele after ell
the promises macre by the newspapers,
Hamilton ie not to have the hinging of
the An:Aster murderers. After the
Myers retired to consider their verdict in
the ITeslop murder trial it prayer meeting
was held by them, It was conducted by
Jehlt Taylor, one of the jurors, and all
the others took part, Mr. Taylor and R.
McDonald, of Dundee, have strong re,
ligion5 views and betoro coming to any
(10018ton they desired to ask divine Provf-
dance in Ibo 00051d031111011 03 the evidence.
(.1;oht:r(ll:lrt 7W ervo4.
The 0t ewe Cit)8e'1 ha•, 1081)101 0111 all
its union employees.
Haniltol's rata of taxation this year
is 20 mine on the dollar '
Building operations promise to be lira
ly et. London, Ont., this year
The health of J. H. Metcalfe,
eans08 some alarm t0 1115 friends.
The pre mince of illicit stills in Montreal
is causing a good deal of comment.
Br01datreete s report, 42 en5in045 fail-
ures in Ca:,ada durieg the pa.1 week.
It le uneestoo(1 that Premier Abbott
will be knighted shortly by Her Majesty
the Queen.
Frederick R019land,-a weld -known real•
dent of London, died last Saturday after-
noon, aged 70.
Over 800 001001ste reached Winnipeg
on Friday to take up fa, ms in Manitoba
and the Northwest.
James Murray, a St. Moines boy, has
been pardoned and released from Pene-
twnguiehele reformatory,
Joseph I. Bates, B. A., Ph. B. bas
been appointed Principal of Woodstock
College, to nuoce:'d the late W. 1:I- Iles.
D0110811 el0d,rt)lur, West Zorra, has
this reason sold over 1400 bushels of
wheat and 4,000 bushels of oats from his
Thomas Wi1'ianson, the Markham
forger, 0.118 sentenced to seven years at
Kiugstnn on Monday at the Criminal
Tile ice dealers of Toronto, eight in
number, have decided to form themselves
3rtte 0 joint stook e0mpeny, with. a 014pi-
tttl of 313 0,e0`1,
The St. Thomas Turf Club law decided
to extend the summer meet here to three
days, June 22, 23 and 24, end to raise the
prizes to $2,500.
The rate of interest on 45309its in the
Cove,;ument Savings Bank will likely be
increased from 34 to 4 per sent, save an
Ottawa despatch.
11un, D, L ]lnnington, loader of the
Opposition in the New Brunswick Laois.
lame, has been appointed to the SIM -
reale Court bench.
Colliu.:w0od has now a lodge of women
Odd fel lows— Deugh 1 ere of Rebekah No,
10, 1 0. 0 P. The lodge stats off with
a membership of 40.
The Rev. i\., I. Sny for says that tate
people of Leamington (luring the year
spend '17,001) for tobacco and glee 311,000
to C111-31,61111 entetprise9.
1h•o IIo'ry, 138311„ ou Quoonstol street,
St Catlutriues, was bur1151 1i0 death last
tiatnd ay. 1Ter 01061)1ng aceidentnlly bo•
came ignited from a 5)0v0.
Owego (in31156, 111. P„ was banlltetted
by his fri031 10 et the Gerold Triode 0"
br. 811,1080 r0onle, C'.obanrg, of Monday
01 host week 011 1115 (5113)141"ir0 Es
lion, Alexander Meelceuzio 30 :gain
very ill. Ilie physician is in daily et-
lenlenm0 and 3t is not expected that the
aged ex -premier 0011 e11rvlve many days
The body of Sarah i103101son, employed
as a dom086io in Coboerg, has been found
six mites from that place in a field. Sn0
to supp000d 60 have perished from ex,
Hugh J. Macdonald, member of the
Commons for Winnipeg, sols of the late
Premier, 011y0 bo will resign !tie seat in
the House after t10 session, provided
1'remivr Abbott oonsonto.
.A. Moore township farmer was erred.
ad the other day charged with trespassing
on the G. T. R. at the Sarnia tunnel.
The Company are determined to stop all
wonldbe Visitors to the underground
The Richelieu French C�offee Manu.
factoring Company are doing e,
lg bosl
noes et Whitewood. The g
night and day and i5 turning oat
pounds every 24 hours. The native
chicory is pronounced by good judges to
be excellent.
That 08:30' sal' 111 coffin Tao,
Ho backward fat's in consternation,
"I ece't it' neo, 1 Lao am deid,
An ovule at last to black damnation,
Lord'm)o'o a ehaeee altho' I'm deid,
I neer afore asked 0' ye favor ;
I'll mac ye help to roos0 up Tam
Wha (30,15118. 1,00111 to make endeavor.
That brenmstann'e like to smother ate,
Tho' eoont I see o' i°'1 or deev11,
warble' wonder if in etelkod
W1' hellish train thereinto: o' Evil.
Hite mercy on my 5iefui cowl, -
I'v been T ken it wiolte.,t crater,
A d1003100, monsolees no'ur doweol
Whit ,,'Vel' tried to 111eie1 his nature
Canna ye no sand a pro0iou5 drop
0' water for to cool my coppers ;
I'm ubokiu' 1511' 141 awfu thirst
'1'11 tea only ltsn1 by weld dry topers?"
Frt' sone was mended his request,
For tree young duils wi' pails fn'
IIitn soused as he lay grenin those,
He touter Led enough to swim in.
Was nover thirst main sudden cured,
Half tlroulted he oot the coffin loupit,
That whatnmled on him waretlin 000,
Again 0006out8 011 him were conptt.
Like towsio tylto ho shook his dodo,
Then out the h0000 ho dreepin' boltit,
An' homeward ran w]' 1reekle00 spend,
Well pleased he'd no been hellward
Next day the buried luckless Tam,
Whose erouie Jook was this 0)138£
Ifo sane Salvation Army joined,
Became a saint instead of scorner.
If e'er yo gang to Ilmbt'o town,
West to 'Pyne Castle ye maul far
To see the regent:et 4 Joolc
Gain' thro' the streets an' rearm'
,,War Cry'{'
From all accounts the jury moved ae one
man in examining and coming to it a'm-
el',0i011 0l the evidence. No ballet was
1141,0m and '110 111011 were prao:ie:tily
unemimoue from the etart. The j'a'y
were pail for 11 days from the opening
of the court and received $28 each, their
hotel expenses of cum'se being paid.
The jurors eontende4 that they should
be paid extra time for being detained
night and day, but the claim didn't go.
Mr. Crerar is unable to say whether the
charge of burglary will be pressed a1aln01
Lottridge at the next criminal court,
Both he and 13ertram can be • indicted
and tried, but it would be a very unusual
prnnee'lintt 3i view 01 the finding , f the
jury in the murder trial. Anyway,
neither of the mei! can be tried again on
the murder emit and are rid of it for
keeps, Mr. Nesbitt got ten order from
Judge Rose to admit John Lottridge to
ball on two sureties of 31000 each and
himself ,n one surety of $200. Whether
he will over 05 called upon to answer the
charge is it matter of 000jentnre in some
quarters. The Indiana, /3 onoel Gooeey
and 100. Douglas. were or0114ht up froth
the'j,til-by the eon: mblee end formally
discharged from custody. There i0 a
true bill for murder ,.gaillst Douglas, but
11e would get 1115 discharge in any event.
Tretsm'er Stools has estimated that the
caro will coat the county ,11 the near
neighborhood of 58000.
4e -enteral N o'vs''+,
Several aims of cannibalism have been
discovered in the Cairns district of
Persons convicted of depositing ex-
plosives in the streets in France will be
sentenced to death.
A 58 ere earthquake fanged alarm on
Saturday in Monmouth. It was also felt
in Aberool'n, Wales,
A aou0-shaped oyelon1 u'troofed a num-
her of Mateos and did 0th- r damage tit
131'0nlingt0n, III., on Saturday.
Beam). the reunite king, nays 3,,x04 011
en iu0ome of 31,500,000 ; Rothschild, in
Frankfort, on 51,021,110'. 'reuse are tho
h avi051 teep 1'y 're in Pre not.
The •Jameneese aline time :v o ado ,tel
burial of the dead, but they hu,v,, reverted
to thew old cu -tom 0f burning the deal -
un aua0uut Jf its seat try recmmnllenrl-
Ther+ 18 a loan it. Pomeu't, Cal„ 'vhd
drive-, a her; • that is 'i 1 'b-i•+i,o f"" I.
Ibo inn:rt heves hie "allow" 1'(nl'1riy, and if
it is not "i en het,, h: "Idol.;" 1ite1'a'ly 148
W811 00 figuratively.
It is-LIt1e'1 11111 .1 Paris firm of glasa-
niatite511as prodnoed some p)roue gtaaa
to bre '-eel for 0.1 31) v ;neut. The p res
are too the to permit of draught, but
calm t pleesaul and 11e:41t•'y ventilation
i0 a room.
An infant 39 '.oars old died at
Whwron, Upper Sauduekv, 0., Saturday
night. The child, elehou);11 that old,
neve, learned to walls, talk or recognize
anyone and died in his cradle. Re never
developed io any particular.
Prank P. Slavin, the Anstrali,Ln heavy-
weight, sailed ler Europa end Thursday
on the steamer Oity of New York.
Charlie Mitchell was not seen about the
etearnship dock. He was smuggled
aboard eevera1 helms before sailing time.
1110 curious items are found in the
lists of China's tred8 st'ttirtioe. For in-
stance, the report "f exports from Ictiping,
a large city on the Biddle Yang t -e.
liiang, oon-ains en item of 13,000 pounds
of tiger bones, valued at $3,000, Only
Chinese would think of pu'ting tiger
bones to any ether ase than that of a
fertilizer, but in China t3gee boles are
u.ed as a medicine, They impart to the
invalid some of the tiger's strength.
Another item is 0,000 pound., of old deer
horns, worth $1.,700—another neeical
agency with whose peculiar properties
Western mediaal 51.10105 is not yet ao-
The meant heavy 5lorm5 along the
menet at Atlantic City, N. 1 , have atoned
the formation of innamerable beds of
quialtsend, which are sources of deadly
peril to unwary peop.0. The wife and
three children of ex 1I.1y0r - G'iipm, of
that city, weee regaind from ono of these
tl' 1ps of shifting -and on Saturday, jest
as the title was rising, lath succeeding
wave threatening to engulf than. Mrs.
Gilpin and her ohildren were out driving
in a bwggy and so el so to the hater's -
edge than little ripples iiowe.l abort the
horse's hoofs. They had eoareely pre -
muscled a quartet' of a mile whet, Moe,
Gilpin noticed Mat the carriage wheels
were 41t11ilnlg t0 an alarming extent 111
the sant, The 110rsfi 11114101 to flounder,
sinking t0 his 10110ne 1111 every step. Ab
last he was tmable to pull the buggy guy
farther and etopp^'I, painting with his
exertions, rte 001111 nn, move and the
hubs of the buggy aileele hero hidden in
the sod. The tido wile rising r•tpidly
and beating against the 010.0184(1111 side,
!It's. Gilpin and her children legr,d F101'
out in .hors. They stalk iito the sand
above.nlr knees, and every strogdc
which they made only serve11 to make
,111e eine mor and '11 lWO. 111(.: a.10 it.
ed for help, bat no ono at the moment
wins near. '1'lle plata Wad nufl'ogn':toted
part of the trach, HIigher rose the tido
and the stand grew softer and softer. lot-
ting its prie 10Or5 deeper into its deadly
folds. The wider had almost retched
the waist of Mrs, Gilpin and hopes of
rescue had almost deserted 11 om, Alen
William Willie pascal 100 yards di840)11.
Mantle nails of tho imperiled p •.1010
reached hie Bars, gad he rushed to dude
aid. With the help of a bathroom door,
whlahhe wrenched from it. faet4.:ings/
he managed to reach Mrs. Gilptc, His
weight kept the door under water and
prevented him from sinking into the
0113101033 send. It was hard work s,' get
1Ir0, Gilpin ottb, but ho finally slice"edod
and got beyond the edge of the quicksand
to firm ground. Relieved of their cev-
bined weight the bathroom dont had
floated in shore, Willis 5eoured it again,
and after 11)8,11141 1onr'5 at rurgle rmood
the three ahildee,1. Ho then e, load an
nlIrm, and the rescued people were at-
tended 10. Later they were taken home.
The horse was saved by Omens of a tackle
floated out on a boat. The earrla330 was