HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-3-25, Page 88
go to School P or
Wanting School Books or School -
Supplies ? Please remember that
w13 (fan enpply you with every
book or other necessary used 111
either the HIi;,'h or Public Schools.
Wo can g)v, you a
For only five cents, and a grand
Exercise Book for the same
Druggist, Bookseller, ;to,
'trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Germ. 9nUTH. Golma Nonan,
12+til.,, ,.... _. 33:6113.31, Mixed. 9;733 a.m.
Express 11•52 ado. null 8.15 p.m.
Silted H i pm. Express (334.. edit.
Ar:Il 1fiUS dtcn .
A ohiel's amane ye ttlti0' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
9'nrl Queen's hotel •urnitul'e was not
told last Monday afternoon.
INsrecto33 ROBE tisited the depart.
meats of Braseeis Public Soho° Lest
Almtm eRY opening at Mrs. F. C.
Rosere on Thursday, April 7th and two
following dave.
reosmTP•N examinations me on band
in all the schools in the County o3) 1?' 1 -
day of this week.
Beussees monthly Bores Fair, the last
f r this season, on Thursday of n. xt
week, Don, tweet it.
TUE Salvation Army officers of Brus-
sels cops have been appointed to Tied
ford, Lent• t d1 County. Capt. Dodd will
take command here.
Smut Wrrr oats 2 Sox, literywen,
have purcbtlsed a has and will run it in
comleation lrnh the various hotels and
the depot. They 0010111ehcbd opera•ions
o3) !heredity of this seek.
Awu,Exr.--I.'tet rue...l.y John (}neve
had one of his hips put 0 •1 of joint by it
she.f lollimg me him. A physi0fan set
thedisi.,catien to ri its hnt the pa'ieut
fs still c'nfined to the house.
AT the review in coon 0113111 w('(3 the
Methodist Sabbath 01hnol last Sunday
Miss Sliuui- 11•N.t,get0(3 and 113013
Braden gave interesting rem lines. Reeds.
Illes'ro. Pall and S 1.11on conducted the
re iew.
Aar a sleeting of the Directors of Drus-
8618 Driving Park Asooliotil111, last Fri•
day evening, P, Scott was re.e(eeted
President ; J. D. War sink, V. S , Sears
131ry ; and A, K1'Oig 'e elect, d Trees•
met.. .It wag decided to make the fee for
driving on the track $2.00 for the season.
LADIES appreciate Anti dandruff from
the feet that it flat only throe:Illy re-
111uves Dandruff with three applications,
but, stops fuming or the hair, restores
fading 1a1.1' cit its seieival eol r, and
8,0.ke9 it soft and pliable without leaving
auy indication of n dressing being u ed-•
(tear as o'yslal, ole n to ttee, itis a vale•
ab s toile. preparation.
l3ANDnoo'rlall ALnxn'rsox, 0110 hos had
charge of cur Band for the fact year,
ha+ gone to Lindsay where lie has scour.
ed t1 position 31s tea.rher Dud °nudei:ter of
the tow.. Bend. Ile left 13russ(ls on '
51',:11lt'stiey. Ir appears that some mein•
bene of the Band Ham the Lader did mot
hitch of late and the Bw„d Committee
did not see their way Maar for another
yearly engagement. It would be too bad
to ...tee the 11,. 1 en to pie0043 now when
the Spying 8033033) 18 00 near, 1Ve bolt
]snow what the Band 0ommictee purpose
doing 301 it may he sone time before
they eeenr8 as competent a teacher as
1)41 Albertson,
11-esuNEAt.—:fie Pick ring News of
Mach 18th says :—"The residence 0f
?oon Gordon, Church street, was the
scone of a happy event of Wednesday
evening. It was the mansion of the mar-
riage of Miss Lillie Gordo) t0 R. M.
Armstrong, of Winnipeg, .Rev. L. Per-
rin, B. A., p93tol• of St. Andrew's church
efnciated. The bride was supported by
Miss Lillian 111. Hall and 1111's May Gor•
don, sister of the bride, while 0, lt. Hill,
o Bowmanville, and Dr. ItIsk, of Toron•
to, a erformed 01,ui13tr duties f"r the
groom. A large number of friends and
relatives 'ver0 preeeet from various parts
of O"tnrio. The bride was favored with
a latae number of handsome presents,
The happy sou, le lett on the night ex•
13300 for the west and were a000111pani. d
to the statim bV a host of !deeds and
well wi$hers. The News le happy to join
with tin publin in wishing Mr, and Mr's,
Armstrong a ple31snut joerney through
life." Mr. Armstrong is a son of Robt.
Arlratrolg, Of dile 10w11.
FRANI01N English Remedy Catarrh and
Rh1matic Cure, the sante that was geld
011 the street on Fair day, ilMarcit the 8rd
eau be bought atG. A. 1.)eadman'31 drug
stare, price 50e. a bottle, It's positively
one of the best blood 130r11113113 and goner -
al tonics known 3o science, many doctors
using 11 privately in their prautice in the
Eastern Comltry for d}8pepsia, catarrh
and rhumatiem. It has no equal,
Mr. Comely, proprietor of the Johnson
House, Owen Sound, 1203 oared of rlys.
pepsin, and general w03(t'1ees the result
of le, grippe. Thou. 13100ino, Elora
'toad, 1106r Gnelph, was cured of rheums.
Um and dyspepsia after suffering two
years and had reaehed that state of de-
bility that he was unable to work his
farm. 'Thos. Collins, of Peterboro', an-
other victim to dyspepsia tend catarrh of
the stomaeb,always hawking and spitting
up' [Shregm, wee entirely oared by Frank.,
tin's Remedy. You can buy Franklin's
eleetrio inhaler, price 25 dente, for nasal
00t31rrh, headache toothache, neuralgia,
&a, Beware at imitation, None genuine
unless manufactured by Franklin Medi.
eine 00.3 00 King Street, Toronto.
ORAH) "NW W W� Igo t
A:lt times
MRS. E. 1ROGElIS begs to Nobly l:,:l. (.11133118 and friends that her Grand Millinery Opening will take plaeo on
Thursda'i, April 7th, and Two Following Days,
Under the management (If our popular and respected Milliner, Miss Green, Who 1111s just Minima with all 1113) Very latest
Styles. Our show this Beason will far surpass all others ilal1 we most cordially invite every hilly to give n9 a call,
whether they buy or not. Miss (Green will only be too glad to show our lovely styles,
R »: ft CiP, 0 0
In this department of course we t.ako the lead, having 'much the largest stock to choose from in all Lite newest designs,
which are very heat and pretty this season. Every lady requiring anything i3) Dress hoods should not miss seeing our
collection of novelties, being far ahead of anything to be seen in Brussels either in style or extent. We make a specialty
of Mourning Goods, having always a large stock on hand.
Fl 1JV'TA7 d l+Ls ✓lrA/ LTTT1,'AS.
Our stock is now complete in this department, and without any exception the designs are the most elegant seen for
years and the krises the lowest. Colne told see them.
Our Mantle Cloths are also to hand 1a11(1 Miss 'Moore is now prepared with all the new styles and fashions. Wo have
our DEW fashion book for April now ready "hien she will be pleased to shah any lady wishing to see it.
We flatter ourselves that tatting olir new stock altogether it would do credit to a much larger place than Brussels, an d
the price of Every article the lowest it can be sold for. Our motto is "Small Profits and Quick Returns."
Brussels, Mar 25th, 1892 FJ, R+ 0 Cr El 1??, C
loosed the shop on Themis stye (for-
merly need as the 13ndget ('01(03') for their
marble eutting business.
TDR Salvation Army ,jubilee on Wed•
needay wits at elided by bffirers from
Seaforth and Win ham, a braes band
ecenmpanyin3 the latter,
IT i9 not the extremes of 1, et ,d 0(31(1
so much aa the sudden Amities in tem.
perature that /muse certain (dimities to
be uuhealthfol. When, however, the
ey-ism is invigorated with Ayer's Sar.
saparilla, !hese ohanse 3113(3 rarely at.
tented with iujarion• results,
TEE Ronald works arc pttshine to corn.
pletion one of their latest and beet 8ma.1
size Fi'e 8'08mere to go In Preston.
Other makers are 81,'oc'arl there also.
It will le (teethe.. publie 1,1111 of '•010.13
and efficiently. Let the be t tvi1(—as has
been the late "erdi^t of Cltreerry and
IT is reported that John M.n.tin, of
Wlhgllam. has 314 003 0nmp10te 1 tun• 'age•
mentsfor n 5 year lease of the Q•'een'e
Hotel, Brussels. &L'. Matin 13.11 the
Bruns1frk House for some time i3)
1Viughatn but has lately been in the
boot and shoe business. Tho ftrnituru
is to he valued o•1 Friday of Otte weep.
(Ir. Col18i11a talks Of going to the North.
LIFE Assurance business should be
well 10..ked after in Brussels 3t there are
six Compe3ie8 rept•eseute I, I erhaps
',ore. 'rho 10 ••d agelr d we It 3)133 of Er- :
W. if. Sinclair, Caned, Idle; 1V. II.
Kerr, Canted. ration ; W. B. Dickson,
North American ; A. C0asle Temper.
anee 33 G num' ; H. J. Morden, Stan.
lard ; and .1, A Y num;, Ont31 io 331,130.11.
Nett Richardson b31mi the provincial
Provident Institution. 'There's very
little chance of a man escaping in this
elites Louoxn."—This is the 111118 of
the now Camp of the Sons of Scotland
organized in Brussels on Friday evening
of last week. The followingotlioers were
elected and installed :—A1 x. St. -ache.),
Past Chieftain ; D. Stewart, Chief ; A.
Reid, Chet ni.3 ; F. S Scutt, Secretary ;
D. 0. ROOS, Financial Secretary ; 1V.
Bright, Treasurer ; Geo. Robb, Marshall;
1V. Barrie, Standard Bal' ; Thee, Ros0,
Inside Guard ; 1V. Rutledge, Outside
Guard ; D. Hogg, Chaplain ; Dr. '(0
Naughton, PI•ysieiau, The Camp will
Gleet in the Odd Fellows' I1all on the 1 1
and 3rd Tuesday in 8)3011 month. There
are about 30 members enrolled. This
slakes nine different So°iety organi-
zations in Brussels now,ou1 there is no
reason why the good work ehnnld not go
on until the few remaining orders have
a 3epresentative body in this place.
CONVENTION —A meeting of 'he resident
minister,. and Sunday .4.11,ra supel'iuten.
dente of Brussels was heal in one of the
Wass 200110 of Ole Methodist` church on
Monday afternoon to discuss tee adlis.
ability of holding a local union Sabbath
suhool 0011v301.iL11• It tvai <Iecid031 to (10
s0, the dale a1'('11430d beingl'uesdaty, Slay
17th and all the 00hoo s in Grey and
Morris townships being included. There
will be three sessions, COnlmenOIrg all 10
a. m., end 1:80 and 7:30 p. m. The Arab
two will be bald in 1•felville church and
the evening meeting in the Methodist
church. A Committee, eonsistieg of the
wiui0ters of the town anti 1V. H. Kerr,
drafted out en outline proeram which 1
will he pubashed as soon as the various
persons asked to take port are heard
from. Rev. 11. Pa0), H. Dennis, G. A.
Deadman and A, Stewart, (Queen street) l
were appeiuledon a13iletting Committee.
1I0s3c,La--On Tuesday loot T. A.
Ilawl(lus met with his .Brussels music
olaee in the Odd Fellows' Hall here
when the following program was given
by the pupils in a pleasing and satisfac-
tory manner :—Leading ell the way,
(vocal) 0illinnre, Ella Ainley ; oh0:a1 fn
F from Son; G.n'don, ,Tae. Hogg ; adagio
i3) C,(1fad1,) Marshall Luwiek ; moral in
0, (MuGra..ahan,) Donald McKenzie ;
The 13ipple. ($ycdhey,) Allis Cardiff ;
Chautauqua Lake Waltz, (Baker,) Lade
11111 ; harmony to familiar airs in D,
Ella McCracken ; Only to sea liar fame
again, (vooel) Stewart, Mrs, I. Smith ;
000o11d0 to 110110 DlMont Police, (Grobe,)
Maud Thompson ; Ever Welcome March,
(Ma.gruder,) Minnie McNaughton ;
Fairyland Waltz, (Warren,) 1'Iiuuie
Sharp ; Days of Absence, (iSnosean,)
Bertha McCullough ; Jubilee March,
(Brown,) Annie Roes ; Whispers of Love
Waltz, (Kinked) Mary pang ; second°
to Mocking Bird, (Hawthorne,) Bella
Bots ; Let ns hear you tell it, (vocal)
Whyte, Lizzie Bryan ; Tho Celebrated
Ohop Stfoke Waltz, Mary Lamont;
Croquet Sohottisehe, (Davis) Atelia
Chambers ' seaond0 66 familiar airs in
D, Clara ]Meadows ; The 0otti0 are in the
0lover, (vocal) Filson, Lottie Hill; 98000,
do i(3 Come o'er the moonlit sea, (vocal)
Auber, Annie Rose 1 Lost on the Lady
Elgin, (vocal) Work, Allio Caediff ; The
Fisherman and his ehilrl, (White,) Mary
Lang ; choral in 11 Flat, (Main, M1nnin
)d01aughten ; prime in Guardian do •
gels, (A,nOo,),I'11lls 115oCreeken.
Psi vote of the nunvre3 Icon 0f Melville
church the ovum) will be used at the
33103''.((1,' as Wel/118 the evetri(la 88130300
0013unen0i1g 101 11 next Sabbath,
11ISSIONAB1'.—There aria 10 auxiliaries
in eounection ith the W, F. 11'I. S. in
Maitland Presby ery ith it membership
of 4(44 1 2 'fissile 3a11d8 containing 58
meV1l'ere; es...it-red 11,1 peril, 10. The
contributions fo 1801 were as follows :
Frool auxiliaries, $1105.57 ; Mission
Ban's, $57.15 ; scattered helpers. $15 44;
value of clot hiogse. t to Northwest, 41201.•
40 'Yount n3.1100111 raised in onlay
Ibressets Reseen —The following are
the'etnrns for the Brussels Branch of
the Upper Canada Bible Society for the
year ending March 1st, 1801 :—
fotlection at animal meeting, 0 5 42
Depn.i'ory sales.fnr 1801, 10 20
13; ussel0, North,9liee' s MMlen
ties and Salrlple, 8 45
brussels •1 est, hisses 1108•
ere and (;ormu011. 18 10
B(ttssel8 .Lot 1, 11 rs. 1)013(110
mid `•1," .3/trails m, 21 75
Morrie, con. 7, pias MbO..11,
Morrie, no!,. 6, Misses 1V0ll1•
er ,end Smith, 3 15
11on•1.+, cit.. G, llnlu,•]tn
Black, 1 42
Mums, cnu. 4, 111 Fes
Bieck lost Currie, 0 35
Noris, con, 3, Miss Ire.
lend, 3 46
horn ane. 2, not cul act•
Ethel (lies s Det les'
1s 05
Grey, (ma. 1 di 2. 1IJNseo
G. It d 13. 1.2;te, 1 00
Grey, cots. 3 di 4, Miss
Stracha), 0 50
Grey, eons 5 tit 8, iliases
Cardiff and ('rooks, 3 50
Gray, eons. 7 it 8, Bliss B.
lrnith, 4 27
Gley, eons. 0 tt 10, Miss
Ba 1. ,, 3 45
Grey, cols. 11 13312, 1Tisses
Devid8bn and Calder, 18 85
Grey cons. 13 tt 14, ,lfisees
Bslentyvle and Maggie
8 30
Total 0140 84
'Phe above amount 3418 equally divided
between the U. 0. and B. and if, So.
(dates .after the purchase aoeount was
deducted This 13 relish has contributed
th 1 Ree amount of $1,181 25 in the part
eleven years, or 4331 average of over $130
per year. Few places have a better
record than Brussels in this respect.
t3usiness Locals.
T0U311013(311 valises, good assortment,
rery cheap 81 FI. Dehllis.'
SEE Butvees' Cabine• photos that are
finished with Floral Soroil0.
DAISY Union end upright churns, but-
ter howls, die. at B. Gerl'y's.
9212 quantity of bran 31nd shorts for
sale at the National Roller Mills.
W. W. Buitees9' Photo flattery is over
the sta'dard Bank, 'Stratton s Block.
Co13A00 10 rent, with or without half -
acre garden. Apply t0 Dn. MOKenvey.
Bose qualities of 8111.'0i11gs at 7e. 911o.
and 11180., warranted fast dye, at Pena u•
sots t&' 1'.1AL.mnae'8.
Just to hand this week some special
linea in omen's waterproof coats at FED.
00805 de HALLIDAY'S,
Just arrived a fine range of Baby car•
flues which will be sold at reasonable
rates. 1'1. Dennis.
EVERY one bring your ' market wagon
and get the big b...gains in tinware offer-
ed for $1.00, B. Gerry.
FI3110110 .N aC IfALLrn,u' always have the
largest and newest styles in dress goods
and p.icee the cheapest.
Ie is worth retelling that `V. Burgess
produces the best Photo in town. All
worn guaranteed satisfactory.
You ash always depend on getting the
)ate•t slykes in tioe, shirts, oollare and
snuffs at Femmes 34; ILUr,30rr's.
Knout value in sbirtngs, oottonades,
denims, factOry cotton!�s, shootings and
prints at T'E10usote 311 HALLIDAY'S,
I5 tweed dress goods you will And our
assortment complete, comprising all the
latest nevelities, Fenet3oN R TLtaron.Y.,
TI1E Leader churn is the cheapest and
best on the market. It has a large opou
top, patent gas vont and even balituco.
For sale at B. Gerry's.
LADIES I Have you seen our German
made mantles yet 41 1f not you should
call and see them as the styles are the
GEORGE Goon has made another big
reduction in the prioo of boots in. the
•Vanatone store as bo wants to elose it.
Dr, Graham's store wont hold both
Funen3011 d1 HA LIDAY have received
this week all tho newest styles in dress
goods and wield ask the ladies to call
and see our goods and prices before
purchasing their Spring dresses,
Birt has ail the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepay
ed to attend to 'U work entrusted to him
in a way that Bill inset, satisfnt{ti0n.
Wells cleaned mut and rut in proper
Blare. Terme reasonable. Resilience
&sewed door north of 111e bridge, west
side of 'rnrnleary 0t., Brussels 31>tf
000nn3NE t$ 303183105, marble manu-
facturers, are now tal(thg orders for
spring delivery is their Gee. As h' r. 0
fore all workmlluship and orders trusted
to their care will be put up in the most
approved style and 0111isfa0tion 831013031.
teed in every case. Anybody requiring
anytllhlk i3) their liar• of t ade it would
be well for them to see their designs Dud
prides before making their per0hases.
WILs0N,—In Atwood, on Mardi 13111, the
wife of Mr. Wm. 13. Wil•nn of a son.
Sr1Noe.—I0 Morris, on the 14th feet.,
the wits of Mr. John Spence of a
I`sa.r- t=='
LUCAS -1)1.11M— III 1311110, an the 1001
• net l
I ., 1t the residence of the bride's
father, by the Rev. D. Rogers, Ilir.
Chas, Lucas, to Mise S rah Pride.
A)0n10SON—PE.LroN.—I„ A'wood, o3) the
111t11 incl , 3)t the residence of the
bride's Gather, by Rev A. Hender-
son 11. A., Illi0s Armee Pelton,
(130'hter 1 3 .1'13. Lennie Pelton, to
111t John Morrison, of Newry.
JEwITT Ro11INsots—At t't. P"3)l'- (ea-
tery, wiogho.m, o3) the 0th in8t , by
Rev E. W, Idughe•, lir. L'wis Je131.
itt, of I4lurris, to Hiss Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr. John Rubinson, of
ARMSTRONG-- GORDON. • At the residence
of the bride's father, Pickering vii.
loge, on 150131143 16th, by Rev. 1,. Per.
re, Mr. 1i. 111. Armstrong, of Win-
nipeg, to M1-9 Lone, eldest d3tuehtee
of lel r. John Gordon.
A1sat&N.-1'n Grey on 21st inst., Mise
Julia Anaman, aged 25 years.
DONFOE3 —I,, brussels, an Thursday,
March 29th. Winona, I. fent daughter
of Mr. Edward Dunt rd, aged 4
month.. and 12 days.
ICANNA.—In Atwoo), 03) Friday, 111013011
1111, Elizabeth J., be:oved wile of
Dir. James Manna, aged 32 years,
Il months and 1 day.
et vcxxc•v sa zss.
P iw.ly, 1331Anc11 251.g.—Lot 9, eon. 11,
Grey. Farm stock and implements.
Sale o'nnmeecoe at 1 .'meek, Amt Dark,
Exerut13ix, Geo Kirkby, 0001,
T1E0DAY, 13Al10H 26111.—Farm, farm
stoop, implements, tic , South half lot 20,
oon. 3, Morris. Sale annnmenoes at 1
o'eloc)1 p. nl. T. W. Bone, p,:op. Geo.
Birkby, auet.
13Fi`JS` 10X.Ci. 1VLA:L 1•C 10 01.
Fall Wheat 84 86
Spring Wheat 84 86
Barley 85 45
Potts 58 60
Oats 28 20
Butter, tube and rolls15 00
Ogee per dozen 10 00
Pour per barrel 4 50 5 00
Potatoes 25 00
Hay per lou 0 00 10 00
Pork ...... 525 550
Hideo per ib 8 84
Salt per bbl., retail,,100 (0
Shoop s1ine, atoll 60 1 00
Lamb shins each 65 00
Apples per barrel 1 00 1 25
R. ON 0130V teens, Apply to
8l• W. Itr0go3t119UN, 9rueaele,
. trauma, Listowel, has ro•epnitod hor
shop and may be found over G31mou1'e mu81c
810.0, Male street. 9atsf0°ttou guarautesd
with a111vork'done, Latest L'athion8,
LOAN for n, term of 5 3101(8. Apply 10
,Ol111PI3 UI.1§GG, l9xomrtore of
.1309n0F] 911113139, 1361nos estate,
No. 1, Grey, Male, boldin end class
certificate. Duti60 to eanm03(e may 1st.
Applications, with 108tmoni31ls, received up
to April 1411'. Addreeo
71108. OALDBIL, Sec: Troae,
87'8 Ornnbrooli, P. 0,
3)u boot dottier in 'town of Brieset8, 2•
et0ry,belek, atone foundation, plate glass
Prost, extra Well built, Will be sold for less
than oust of building. inlay to
W. 71I. MO U1it & Co,
$5,4, lived :Estate agents.
33? Pleitmou111033., Lontlen,Onis
1•,.13 Fele or to rnul, one coke and it
quarter mirth of lirustiels, in (Inc Itmuship
of Grey, with orchard, 03,Lle, well, 6e. Ap-
ply to With, MARY NIo1,1.1aN.,
11.4 Yr180008St.,Brussels.
Notice to Creditors
rY '1'1311 SRitlto4ATti 1303)301' or THE
Notion is hereby given pursuant to 11, 8, 0,
chap. 110, that all persons paving 010,1nns
apaint the astute of the above 0 ,mod Uavid
FI.1e1, who Ole no r about Ile Bah day of
N 01 ember, 13. 11.1091, are nn or before the
1st day of May, A, 11, 19013, to deliver or send
1'y post prepaid t1 y ,f She:liair, at Brea,
sols, solicitor fo • D mid Douglas Wilson, of
the town of 39ofmih, i3) the Oouuty of
1131300, lexealter of the hist Wili 3111,1 '1','NIAL.
1110nt of the said :David Shit 1, (localised,
their name+ 111)1 alev.-nen with 11111 p1u'tie-
111,r0o3their shims, sed vetlee is hn,3Ly
C,ive» (hal atter the said lot ,hty 3)lmay, A.
L 1002, the %mid 0x, c11t1•r W111 preered to
r lntrl u u iLe nws,,ts of ll.e f.i1i4 tat or
tel , OY
1 tv 1 xt•t /herrn'', anmuest the p-uties au-
1ltl'1d Vier, lo, having rt 0,u'd only to the
claims en w-11'Ch filo 8111. ,•x013,,101. 11310 the.,
nutlet), nett the n •id executer ail' ant be
liable ter the assets nt the laid estate or
app part thereof, sit distributed to 3)u) per
son of whew„ claim 1339 ,.1311 excemtur h,111
nor 001030 at the tittle of distribution there.
1V, M. 813101. 1L1,
10"liuiew for 11x0011 ter.
Dated at Brues11, Una 18th'.Ly of derail,
A,n. NIPS.
In Lie "nrrega1e ' one( of the l'uunll.
of Buren.
IN Tell 331131131) OF T1810 ESTATE OF R000lt't'
11(1331), LATE OF TUE TO31401011' OF
111"n11Is, IN THI( COUNTY 02 HURON,
N otie0 is hereby given per0uau3 to R. 8. 1).
cheeses 110, t1,•t 1311 penults having 013Jma
!Igen .81, ((10 estate 4,) lite 0.110l' 880rnaad,
alio ,:io„'n 913 131(0111 Sun lieouuaday or
110103 ,3.81(0, are ,•1 or before the lllh Day or
,t pill, 172e2, to deliver m• Feud DY
pnid, to Margo rat 1'081.10000, dot a, den.11,
Vitt/1,0111..0f Al or, in, tteigr'033 Y.U., 0,enut310
of the' tib OI the Nile d00000en, their mulles
null addresses with 1u11 particulars of theft•
And Duthie is further given that after the
0,314 0134 dlty or April 1330 e,xeentrix vv111 pro
cued., ui,a IN cute the i.en01e of Om estate
I IIIoig:4 Om parsons e,,tit,13 t' 81.0(0, h,Lv-
ins regard "1. 1'' 10 the 0331106 of IV D1011 not
ice 813.111 Lave 11001, ;hell, tend the amid ex.
0001,11 will not he Idtble 1,13 6(331 artltl assets
or cul part thereof eo distribute.. to any
1010933 3,1 whose claim nutlet, 011011 net Lowe
b1•e1w311yell nit the 31 be Of b13Oh distribution.
113(1131', 1,. TAYI.O1I,
301 Solicitor for ltxeoutix.
Dated at brussels, Mar, 0,'03,
In the :surrogate 4'onrl of Um County
3)1' 111Vona
Notloo le hereby elven po'su31nt to chap-
ter li , R. 9, (1.,1887, tomb all pel'801,0 having
eluim9 or demands !Ignited) tit0 estate of the
saki George Darla, who died on or abort the
ltl lIloenth 11130 of July, A. 0,1001, aro, nu or
before the toile Day 9f iitlrch, 88112, to
deliver or sand by poet pr1paut Lb 1Eont. L.
'Pavlov at I1r,lastik, Sellel601• ter Ann Dark,
the ]4x0uutrix of the will of the said d01,61s
ed, their names elle ader89N08 wailful] par -
titulars of their 01111,119 verified by ullidmVtb.
Awl notion is further given the after the
said 85111 day of ar01,, the said Pxuootrix
will proceed t, diet Mute the nasals anloags1
the purtio0 ec11itlad thereto, having regard
only to 13,8 claims of ,within mita ee has beep
toroth and the Raid blxeuntrlx will u0tbe re-
sponsible for the said a99et0 013 ley part
thereof 9O diotrlbn1,d to any person of
whose claim notice shall not Lave been given
3)L the thee of snob d( at'ilettloll.
1t018P, 1, TAYLOR,
01.3 Solicitor for ltxoantt'ix,
Detect Alex. 9,109. Brussels, Ont.
F. ()ALE, M.D., 0 bl.,
rr rr Member Of the Collage of Phyelotem,
and 9urgeou9 of Ontario by examination,
Office atld (1,00ideno0 —Math street Bast,
J 3,. MoNAUGnTON, ;vt. D.
. . L
tl.M, o, r., 41 ofnee in Wl8 '
Bl Out, corner
Of Doe and .lace i3) Wi10on's
Block, ..roar of M(Il and Turnborry 988.
to • lienor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all
dieoa80toE dnm8etfoat8d animals Ju a ebur
Patent wanner. Partoui813 attention Anel
to veteria3(4 dentistry, , Oalls promlatly at•
tended 5►, 4)381ee 130(3 301 ltmgl3'—'y't¢0 dda34
north of ler dee iliernherey sty, Prevails.,
MAR, 25, 1892
'01 i" 34"', , i-1
And want to get it at rea-
sonable Prices, Ilse
tial it at
Pepper's Drug St re.
Newest Designs.
Latest Colorings.
Trara,eaet et Gea.eno.1 738,81,381.1ac
Csuadlan Ouel Unita' States Drafts 3101104
and soul.
Interest allowed on Deposita,
Collections made on favorable te7.010,
Oenndlan Agent9-3,131n01.1ANT'9 31nlIE OF
Now Yore Agent0—I31p0lt'r11118 AND 'PRAD-
W. F. (IOWAN, President.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier,
Assn's, - - 07,000.000
PAID 1113 CAPITAL, - 1,000,000
000131(3113Iroen, . • 500,000
A8011010911, nil ]s'ilcipal potnta ht Ontario,
Quebec, Afn.uttnbn, United 41tdeo
and Englund.
Brussels Agency.
A (oner41 Ranking 511011l1013 'lyudl s+auted.
1,01n119(8' and other (000 Nutee T1,eo,uuted
lit lowest rote,. Molts Issued Dud Collect -
1101,8 nledr un all 1+01010. Deposita received
:ell 1't efes1 16110160,1 at oil rant latus.
1310)'001 Allowed 011 803111160 7)11.1.11 DO -
panics of 01 aid upward,. from date of
'1np.011 to lhlto of withdrawal, Dud gum -
pound ed pall yearly.
Prom n111113(1113/1111131113 ev0ry 3.01111, 31(0010.
0d ('001.'1013'8 1i3il.0 11 a distsnee,
lirn,wola, A pill 8111.1801.
LE lill AN t,..)f$VY•
ii 1. 'TAYLU1'1, BAB(11" 11'.a,
. NoB01to1 and Conveyancer, Collec-
tions (nude. Oliou—Vautitou,, 8 Cloak:, thus.
90/0 3031,n
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, of 3'eppa0'0 Drug store. Private Funds to
1111OffMON 1G ilA�rS,
11 CLato with llurrow ,(1 Praudfoet,
dab ,1 Itat'a8ter8, Solicitors, Colvevamcors,
&a. ODiaee—brussels and Soufo•+n, Brus-
sels (dice—Up-stairs over Hank, Moue,.
to I,Oltu.
11, 0. DAY., w. n. 1311:rta..34
1 11,7 H. 111o0l4AOlil$N,--_--_.-^.-
• Theurer impingeofdi3Officio
dye ole,
3)t hi96ruaary, PurubetrY street, druasnls_
m', No tory Pub -
lie he, union—h ra30anl s Rlouk, 1 dl.,11 north
I N. 13Alt ItliTT,
Toisw•ial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. 5(8&my'b Co's hardware .30rs,
Lathes' and 0hildreus heir cutting a vpucialty
0 lIoNA1:11,
lissuer of Marriage 1158.3080, by
ap)0hlt•mo1(t of Lient; 11ov034101', Omem18-
0101111•, 10 ,Q.1.1. ()0l,VOyal,Cer 311111 Agent
Fire insurance (:o. Wilde at the Uruobtook
Post 011lco.
Clurlt of the 310,11 h Division Court
00, l8uron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
rated, Lona and I0e13191n08 1lgcnt. Lunde
Invented and to loan, 0011000888 013,110.
Mee i3) Graham's Bloch, Brussels.
V Miss Merles, of whlgllem, 10 prepared
to give instruction 111 oil painting %onus
maybe a01erteMed at Hiss No1110 gess' Otero
whore samples of wont way be seen, Stas
Mario would af0o bike a fele more pupils in
1 t Organist in sb, Johu'n 0110(033, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the ,1rt of Teaching, of A.
W.'('bmver, Mue.Doe.,Now York, will givo
lessons to pupils either at Thou, 10rrcw•',,
corner of Qlloeu and k'3'luoeas 980., or 11 pre-
ferred, at their own homes, Parma elector-
ate, 4(i.
1)VIPe TI0s4T!
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D, S„
Graduate of the Royal Cloltego of Dental
Surgeons, 011me10, and of Toronto Uni-
vesity, 09'910E—Over Pepper's Drug Store,
• Anotioneer, to alwo, o ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm steak, the, Tere
cheerfully given. Cranbreak P.0, Sales
may be arranged at 111E Poem Publishing
Reuse, 00098010.
Idceneed Anotieueor. snide 800,106E
ed on 183180na1016 terms. Farms and farm
010011 a 0peoialty. Orders loft at Tun Poem
Publishing 13ouso,Aruseol5,or tient to Walton
P, 0., will receive prompt attention.
an 00 an Aaetloneer, I am prepared
to eond 1314 04168 Of farm st0333 et reasonable
prte03. Knowing the etauding of 139arly
83100,34 pe38ou 13 ilia Ina po 31E4nn to tell to
good motets iota get good 8p011rlty ahem spilt
on a rotii9, 9atiolaatioo guareatt00th . Give
lee a 1x11,. 82; .0 Si 30,11ie ,