HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-3-25, Page 5INT ell 25. 19g2 TIIE BRUSSELS POST - trrl.MTIMIIIT-II'Mr51711t715W47MTIMMIMTIVIIMI71917Palir SPRING 'A N N N 441, EMENT While thanking the Public for the very Liberal Patronage extended to us since opening here, would remind them that our Spring Stock is now Complete in all Lines and that we are in a much better position to supply their wants than we have been in the past, BOOTS & SHOES. Gur Spring Etock has the Nobbiest Goods i the Yarket, We call particular attention to our 41. Mena' Fine Bals. and Congress in Calf, Don- gola and Cordivan. To our Ladies' Fine Dongolas in laced and buttoned, as well as Oxford Ties and Toe Slippers, also full lines for boys. youths, misses and children. Au inspection of our goods' solicited before you buy GENTS' - FURNISHING -8, In this Zine we keep our Stook well assorted. The newest styles in Ties, Golla,rs, Shirts, ,-earfs, Braces, Hose, Gloves and Underwear. 3:DEzmas .7room:co. In the Dry Goods Department we call Special Attention to our Dress Goods—we have a full line in Black and Colored Henriettas, Black Scliels, Tweed. Patterns in all wool and unions, Serges, as well as a full range of low lines In Dress Trimmings we keep Pongee and Surah Sillss, Ginns, Cords, Braids, &c Our Prints are extra value and the newest patterns in the market Our all wnol Delaines and Delainettes are handsome goods. When you want Muslin, Lawns or Embroideries you will find no better stock to choose from than ours. We are s'iowing extra value in Lace Curtains, Curtainettes and Art Muslins— A full range of prices in Ladies' Circulnrs A Line of Slovin Coatings just to llama Our Staple Department is stocked with the very best goods, which we sell at close cut prices—Shirtiugs, Cottonades, Cottons, Table Linens, Hollands, Towelings, Towels. Tick - lugs, Flannelettes, &c. ---We are showing the best value in the market. CROMPlUX COR,S'ET6' always in stoet, • Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosiery. OUR BEAM ROSE ARE "GUARANTEED STAINLESS." we Enclifulk ChM, Our new Spring Suits are just to hand, We can fit any size of Man, Youth or Boy, and our prices will be found rock bottom on every line. A full line of MensWaterproof Coats in plain rubber, and plain or check tweeds with or without capes Suits made io Order, Good fits Guaranteed. A Nobby line of Tweeds, Werstod Suitings and Pantings always on hand. 13 A '11S3•,,Tfa. Our new stock of hats for Spring are now to handli you want a new Christy, Derby, Fedora or Crush Hat call and see our Stock. A FULL_ LINE OF GROCERIES ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. Our Teas are Noted for Good Value. The highest price paid for good Butter and 7 An Inspection of our Stock trowacomma ,1.80S=ZOSS8/0=WCAU.slaAlsa.SZWS.,L1 1 , 0/ , n • VV. • Otstritt The deeter exemined the ginger and found in it a (orcin eubtance 01 a .A.Sealet)(eti.. Wm. Dunn and W. II. Wilson have beeil on the sick list. Already 100,000 brick are being shipped to this station to supply the demand for next Summer's builditig operations. John wikon and wilily have deuided te remove to Dakota in the near future, where inottey making prosreate are briebter. Itiehavd Graham, a hotel keeper of long standing in lelnia, has sold out to Nat Geighlin, of Elms, who gets posses. eion the first of April. Fred. Switzer and family have moved into the video, ?Jr. Switzer having bouelv the reddenee lately occupied by Micheal Corrie and rented his owu farm LO 31 r. Lachlan for a term of five years. Tho following ie a list of perilous from this locality who left for the Northwest on Tuesday of last week :—John Duck, low, Miss MoOromla Win. Morrison, Mrs. Morrison, Wm. Buchanan, Mrs. Beellainin, IV. A. litedialian, A, Wilson, for Neepneva ; Geo. Cranston, Miss Oran- oton, A. Dinown, 8. Giddins, for Bran- don. A ear of settlers' effeets accompan- ied the passengers for Neepawa. JL.isetio ase se 1 Listowel Spring Show will bo held in April, on Friday 22nd, D. D. Campbell has rented hie term within the corporation limits to Henry Smith, Dr. Rotherford does nob intend leaving towid but will oontinus in parbuorship with Dr, Parke its beretofme. Tenders are asked for the oonveyanee of Tier Majesty's mails between Gowans - town and Kurtzville three therm a week ; oleo between Mooefield and Traceable, and between Outewold and Elora, daily. °entree& to ran four yeare, The Charlton house numbering °eve- ntual, aec. melting fair progress with their k. illost of the huainees platos in town and many houses on Main and Wallace streets are now numbered. The houses on sono of the other areas have also boon numbered. Anse Mollie of Glenallan, who has recently bean engaged ite milliner at Themson Bros.' in this town, had a narrow escape from death by poisoning while V1811 iug at it reletnyeet in roronto. W4188 Ileitis end lbtisi IVIellobbie of Shelbourne, another relative, along with five members of the family of John H. Fitzgerald, 48 Robert street, where they were stoppiug, shunt pot of an afternoon iu making ginger snaps, taking the ginger for that perpuee from a half potted can whioh httd been purthased some time before. A few of the snaps were oaten, and, luckily, on/ ' few, for about an hour after dive cat those who had eaten were taken violently ill, Alarmed pi the suddennese and leadenness of the attacks, other Mambo& Of the family eon for Dt. Dame, of the warner of Spadina avenue and Wilbox street. Ile saw at once that poieion WAS et tho bottom of the troth& and after arinMeisteeing antidote' brought the nation& mewed. Shortly afterevard two tier° ef the family 'tufted from sireilit whitish °Dior. It is his intention to have it analyead. Unfortunately, the label WAS torn from the Rinker eau, so twit whore it was olvained is onknown.d. week or so ago two of the household were seized with terrible 'pine after drinking ginger tea made from the same ginger. The sufferers were as well /19 over next morning. Wieteeti I tea. The waterworks mains will be exteidled. The Tureberry Agricultural Soucty has decided not to bold a spring show this year. Geo, J. Musgrove, L. D. S., who lately grim -hotted from the Dental Collage, To. 1,03110, has optimal an office in Forest. The fire brigade of this town are idalr- ing arrangements for a uelehr 'thin on Ur Majo.ty's hirtladav, the 24th of May. 1 R. AdamsoE this town, kite pur- chased tee tannery of F. Story, of Tesswetet, and will take possession short- ly. Prof. Seat intends giving a concert in I town about the Lieginnieg of Apeil. Miss Jessie Alexander, of Turonto, and Mrs, Cooper, of London will assist. A. Irate, of Chaliam, te here painting I new sceilery for the ripening of the towu bali whith will be on or about the 1st of , next month, The opennig will be oele. ' belated by the prodreaion of Hazel Kirke. I II W. 0, Meyer, Q. 0. left last week • on his long trip. lie will return home from Japan via Sae Fritiluieco and Van 00040 Misses Gem, Alive and Aggio, hie (laugh& s, atwornpenied him as far as Calgary, N. \V. T,, afterwards going through to the Coast Mr, Meyer will return about the 25th DE Jane. Steeltte I. Wm. Ames am] family have Imunno residents of one town. \17e like to see men of his stamp Dome to live with na. Jolau Oobor has loom! bie <sort sell ahead oP arty other in the market old orders filled last week nave Woe tionb.ed this weelt. If you have not men it do so before yon &vest in snob ot artiele. House. WAR:STNS.—Mr, AOC( ‘11`8. Barbs ley entertained a comber of Moods and eeighbors on Friday taget litet ab their bonito on the farm and now they aro settled down to &ruling. We hope they may bo as noes:Ifni at that to they were ha pleasing the people who 0001' to 1 • "goot 1 1"A pIs000lib time wits Blatant by all, Cement Noxere—On Sunday evening I &et Bev. Mr. Sherlock announaed an Epworth Lougee tea at the pareonage nit Thursday evening of tide week,—lb Was 00 stormy 01 Tuesday OVOlittlf; that thu usual prayetwheeting and 'Bible Class was nab held in the Presbyterian oherell. We May aay it wag not the pastor's fault as he was there. Stortne do not cause hie %Wenn° tvhen the roads are peso- able.--almee who were itoli at the Eng. lith °hutch sorvioo lase Sunday mote. ing--and there 4016 iteverel—l019501 one of the best sermons we &tee yet lied the pleiteero of lietenieg to. Sae TonEyee it promieing Sve8.108.--A. Sunday school will shortly be otgaideed ln conneation with theelinglish abatis here, Meseta Dilworth it Milne haveg been offered at go el tigere her their siallion have let him go. lie was purchased by seeteteieinnelettt of MoKi lop and will bo an acenieition to the good stock of that The S. of T. concert nvta 11 oomplete sueoes, It was a young people's get im largely and they deserve much credit for the way everything pasierl off, We nev. er eitw .1..; hated them perform better, though ofroorwee still room for improve. mete generally. We meat not forget to remark that Mr. Mawkies, of Bruseels, was received with much applause being repeatedly encored to which he generous- ly responded . nor that the chair was occupied by Robb. Elliott, The Division exchequer will be materially aided by the net proueeds. Towesuir Ilente—Our brother of Oran - brook in last weeltet Pose claims to "im- agine" verinuely. Well, not being gifted With his imagination, he will pardon us for dike ing wish him, and while we can argue to differ we will not be bad friends. We have rind to see his "vacant belle" both itt Oranbrook and Ethel, but again not hosing his eyes we have failed to Lind them. In °midweek the hells are aerie- ciated with the hotels either an the build- ing itself er jest adjoining and the same may be said of Borbon's here. aloAllis- ter's hall here ie over full AS it is, bring. leg in a yearly rental of nearly $100, and then 11 no use for a gathering of it couple of h in trod. The same may lie said of the Orange Hall except that from its out of the rene situation its yearly income is not half ma mush, So the liames' Oranbroolc, provided the feet that the entrance is from the hotel yard be no barrier, ie the only hall that could be made to an•wer the purpose at all at preeent existent. 113 lu two, lee. Inspector ibb visited our school on Wed nesdn,y of laet week, Miss Annie Gray, ie we are glad to say, slowly recovering from her long illness. The teinperanee tneetiiig which wee to have taken place on Friday llth, 000 postponed till Fliday 18th ou amount of the 500111 The aliniversary sorvines of the Metho- dist church were oonducted by the Rev. W. W. Leeeh, of Woodliarn, in the morn- ing, Rev. Mr. Sellery, of Wingham, in the afternoon and Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Blnevale, in the evening. fast SaturdayMrs Lewis wife of the soution boss here, departed this life after an extended illnese, Dropsy, or tt tumor, was supposed to be the these of hoe death. The funeral took Oath on Newly. Tom illiere, a lad of fourteen disappear- ed front our village on '11needity of last week rettler tnyeterioitely. Ile went to the podt-offloo as usual in the morning but did nob return biome. itis gesediane, Isl. and Mrs. Lowle, are very anxious for his eafeby, fan Wednesday of last week the thingles of Dar. leltiereig house caught fire from the chimney whirsh 'night have proved dieastroue lied it not been for the ever ready told alerb Mr. Booker who eating. niched the beams before the inhabitants even stiepeeted the danger. nelMetieeetallittraeleeteletiere====a1WZIOL=12188813IIEEMS121225% CE3 Mrs. II. Slitter wee guite ill this week from °Melling cold after having leeth ex- tracted. Dzeo.-011 Thursday of this week Alexander MeDonald, 8rd now, died at the Raven°, d age of 78 yeacs. The In 818. ral vilt take place on Saturday after- noon at 1 o'clock. Interment Itt Brussels oeinetery. Leat Tuesday ferenonn Mars len Smith s horse ran away from Brussels Mdianfu his atteeipt to stop the 'mi- me' he was thrown down and had three ribs broken, hie arm and shoulder injur- ed and his face cub. C. Bowerman has tendered his resign0. hoe as teaeher at S. No. 1 mei will re- move about May lst. He intends taking tip Dentistry, it is said. Mr.I3 is n goad teacher. The trustees are advertising for it teacher to take his place. Th ; new school bell for Duke's school has arrived and will shortly be placed iu position, It was purelnised with the peceeeds of the entertainment held in the nohool house last montu and is a eredit to the section. Joim Eukinier, of 10111,1, WAS the importor. l'epleasant time 1*118 enjoyed at a ear- leeimolai at T. Davideon's, ilio Goa., • last Friday evening. Vocal mnuieal seleetions were contributed by 1). Slew• • art and family, and T. Gibson, W. 13. • Dickson gave a reading. Some of the Brussels boys wore treeted to cream and °there to buttermilk instead of coffee. P1'000510 CIAO. PROMPIO.—Withh1 the past 10 shays The, Stewatt, hob 18, cote le, had it ewe that preeeuted him with three hubs noel a few dye after ono 00 113 uotve hese) up the rowed by iutazelnoing twin ealto. Donald Clampbell, of lot 15, con, 111, bits three spring lambs that are hard to beat. One of them weighs 10 pounds and the other two 15 each. 11 these men were iton suab good Grits the N. P. might be credited with these mares of swam, The township hall matter TOOANua Jutta ILO airing of Into both pro and uon taut it twee& uuw 01 if it has hoed pigeon -holed for a time ae least, Latter- ly the matter resolved into a mall between Ethel and Oranbrook for the building. The cutniter pelatow was not represented uu the ego ire ill tem item of the town ship and therefore does not represent the feeling of Ole people in the neatter. The stook argument used there was that the hall was to be built at .Ethel and if this would not fetoli 'sin the next argumenb WAS 0166 OW blinding would be Irick with steno haeement, heated teem below and wonkl oosb $2,000 or more. This was the "white elephant" that would get signature every Mule. Tho intelligent elector both north and south will HEM GO it that a township hall is built before loog in a place as couvenient as possible to all and the exteeme jeloaely existing between these two villages, Ethel and Otanbrook, will so far ita a hall is eon. corned "likely go to jumbodone" The reasons eteted in this column a few weeks ago in favor of a township hall tsarina be walleyed by any one and no matter whether the Counellineo ire all in the Sont&Weet corner or in the Nottheleiteb corner a hall will be built before very long, Joseph Raynard has the materia' on the ground for his proposed new brick residence. ' Miss Ansman, who had been so sick f r some weeks past, died on Monday. It ie sad to see seethe men and young avow& compelled to IOM'S ns 3051 00 1 they cress the threshold ef 11 busy life and are about to enter upon the joys end duties of waterer yeers. Hee Amman i was preparing for her wedding white the was forced to a ekes bed from %Moll she never Mae. Mor death was from °cm. suioptiou eaetentad by um attack 01 indam• inatiou brought on, by expdsdre. The friends have the sympathy of the entire neigheorhooi as Julie wee a general f svoribo Your Ethel correspondent in "Council Notes" last week seys the anti -hall peed. tion wail received by the Commit with evirleut surprise or words to they effeut. We were surprised too, eepeoially when we learned that a nuomer of temperance itilvocates and ehurell mamba& II id eign. ed that petition. These go el people must have beau greatly frightened ey the einereased taxation," sear" so un.uensely magnified and so deeperately divine d by the anti Let us Wit& 0. minute. Yon most grant that our Council meet have accommodation, it platte to hold their meetings. You must also allow that that accommodation is worth some thing, costs money. Now, hat does it cost mid who pays it ? Will aou say Brussels people or any other outsiders pay it ? leo, it 00 mes out of the towil- ship. How ie it paid ? Nob in 510108—but it ie paid all right. It doe'e cost yon a 4147 t•A'14.4 atarT1T iS a blood dIseese. Until the ie 1 expelled Earn the systeL., iiiere eau be 10 enro eee this leathsome neat clanentrous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment, is a thorough course el Ayer's Sarsaparilla— the host of all blood purifiers, The sooner you begin the butter; delay is deogeeoue. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I trie0 various renandiee, and tees tee,m,a 1, a nr.ralier 1 11, 1:- 1,,, bet teeeitiel no benefit mail I hogall to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A few battles of this mode inn cured Inc of this trouldt•some romp inint and cone- pieteie teetered nte licede."—Jessen llu.01 'ril-VVIlein"1.AILylr.1''''s.''18a;Ir'enlp''aill'le, was too- otranondoit to ino for catarrh, I was ins eline,d to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so enemy remedies, with little ben - Mit, I had 110 1,1111 that anything wonla 1,11r0t110, I became emaciated from 10811 of appetite and inirnIred cligeati(al. I had nearly lost the Reuse of stnell, and ley seed inn. was 'badly thirOn,Tod, wee about iliecourageti, when a frletel tolled tne to try Ayer's Sarettpizilla, and re- ferred MO tO p310$0101 wheLt it had venal of eaten& Alter tattlers hale a dozen legible of thie needeine, 1 rtni colt vineed that the only sure Way 1 thla obstinate disown) 18 tlit•ettgla tho blood," —Charles IT, Maloney, 113 River at, Lowed', Mass, Ayr's Narsaaritia9 OYSTERS ! Two.Brands Oyibters this week tit 40e. and 46e. per Quart, 100 Doz. Lemons at 15e., 20c. 25e. and 80e. per doz. 100 Doz. Oranges at 20e., 25c. 80e. and 40e. per dozen. 20 Quarts ot Cranberries at 10e. per quart. 10 Gallons Maple Syrup to be Sold this week. Fresh Cocoanuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Filberts and walnuts always on hand. 100 lbs. of Cream Candies in this week. T. RUTLEDGE. Star Fest = auraint Opposite American Hotel. anything, eh ? Thou ib -costs your neigh. bee a double portion. Is th it fair ? Well how much does it coat anyway ? Dont kuow jest wiett exactly but we can make an estimate that will mat be far od the merit. It seems to be the general opinion that if the eystetn of peradubelating council meetings were doce away with and the township business teeth to a Township Mall two of the three botele, which at present furnish the township with hall iteeommodittinn,wotild he found sedietent to do the regular hotel business of this section of country. Now, if the present way of conducting Opened Wei - nese supports une hetet, it ooets the town. elam jest that ninth and the meet of yen can name 01 011 figures a8 theily as we can, Say then, does $200 per year: cotter what the township pays for hall &loom- modation as we have it at present 7 We Wilk not, No, and yet if every one of eon illee, Who have been paying none of this, would mins year pat your heeds in your pookete and pay one half what it oasts each of our present payers everts! year WO would have a Mall to be proud of and free of expellee for all time as such a Mall wotttd be self susteining. A party of Yale meta on a lark broke up the last act of tha "Vendetta" tet Bun. nolra Grand °pora hones iu New liavon, coon., lam Sunday night, One of the 'ancients threw a snow -ball hitting one of the miters. Another inisailo of this char. eater titre* Miss Field, the leading lady of the Gout pauy. For a ferr mieuteg tiler° was considerable exoitemen6 in • the theater, %OM was packed. Four of the disturbs avoid; arrested. XOSIPARRA 110 J, 0. Ayer & Oo„ Loweif, Man. Price ele els beiges, Ob. Worth 3 0 bottle,