HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-3-25, Page 4New Advertisements Locals- B. Gerry, Donal- Geo, Good, Local -Anti Dandruff, T „rel.._. 11r•. d. 0 Aver Fnriimvice ••Jae. Spew. For Sale -Mrs. Mary Kleiman. 'ltowher 11•aeteil--Thos, Calder. ilii pry On, Hing -.Hies. L. Rogers, 11,1 CO lo l.l' threes • ft, iilc.all. Spring Anuonncement-Irwhi ce Me• Bain. VJ i)L' ^litt$$tt$ p;1OSt, b'BIDAI', MAR . 25, 1892. Jose now the C, P. R. is having eon. siderable difficulty in running their trains on Western divisions owing to employeesistrilting. There ehoeld become way of overcoming the -e troubles where uneasiness le known to exist instead of innonvenienoing thousands cf people in their business arrangements and perhaps causing loss of life. Tyra first sod onthe Godarieh and Wingham railway was turned Tuesday at'aaltford. Reeve Hauna, of Wingham, ofliriated ably with the pick ; Reeve Prendfoot, of Godericb, did the shovel- ling with dexterity, and Reeve Griffin, of Ashfield, trundled the wheelbarrow. Afterwards a meeting was Orgauized and congratulatory peenhee made. The "first sod" may give the p ojectors a poll Ona Government subsidy nut it will be some time before the road is mmmple•ed, we facet/, ' Vvox*srelr. FARAIEfte' INSTITaTE. On Tuesday of ,t11ie week n meeting, under the auspices of the East Heron Farmers' Institute, woo- eel', in Wet village. The day ,vas ineien301A and consequently the ettend- anee ,vas small. The obatr was occupied by President. McFadden who disobarged his duties admirably. Addresses were given by Thomas Strachan, of Gres. t,.wnship, on "The benefits of Farmers' Institutes" ; J. C. hfurrisou, of McKillop, on "Keening cows for profit" ;R. Ole land, of Elma, on "Dairying", and Dr. Armstrong, of Gerrie, on "Diseases of stook." The subjects were fully and fre..ly di.oussed. In the evening a public meeting was he'd, An excellent pro- gram of music was presented and in ad dltion Robt. Black, of this place, gave a hum ,roes recitation, and lfessrs. tiorri• son, Hislop and other. gave short ed. dresses. Tne meeting wee an interesting ole atth'.Igh there appeared to be a tendency to dieanse the que.tinn of Free Trade vs. P utectio, at times rather than the topic ,t.signed. Another meet. cf u, t,•titute was held rte Gerrie on 'Wednesday. iSrtlr..•.or or• th. ,Tes. Brown jr. has gone to Neepawn, ,Man. He took a span of horses with him. Jas. 1lenzies is suffering with a sore leg, a diseased bone being the cause. He ha, been co,fined to the douse for two weeks. Joseph Armstrong, of the 1st eon. of Gres,, happened with a serious accident reoent,y. He was trying to tie some freetinus colts it th• feeble aid got kick- ed an the face. He was found some time af,er by his son and taken to the huues. Medical e.id ,arts summoned and there is uo hope of his recovery. Geo. McKee mn-ed ou Wednesday of leo ark to hie farm iu the 11ayberry set•letneit, Elena. He wits one of the first settlers in this part and lived on the saute farm ever since till he sold it to Mr. McKee, of Pete/hero'. Ra will be mieet:d very much es he was a geed neighbor. We wish hint 5000505 in his new home. Geo. Brawn, late of Grey township, near Molesworth, woes well knows in this county, hexing cone hack iu the eariv days al.nlg with the Brat settlers in the fifties, His etit:ien distil e.t his home near Lexh,gtou, Oregon, took plaeo on March 3rd. lie had been to the village ou horsebank end upas his return oomplaiced of pain near his heart, went (��ni t•tt7 Now:- to lie down on the bed when be drew a few long breaths and expired. - He was 03 years of ago and bud a gotten up family. EP has a brother and sister stili living in this neighborhood. TILE BRUSSELS POST ('8 05 1 Vow,;. hlede,fuel its a ebent• of tools in ,tuelf, eontai, itg alums u„vthbug from a 10111. 1 A Cabinet oriels is reportee iu Preseine There were 37 failuree in °armee brat week, Niftiest 20 a year ago. I The nustom bonito at St, John, N, Ii., uh,::' : ,,..,, , `. f', c 1'.':n'tiay, right I The lee for tavern Hoene° in the village of Non int hen been fixed by the entmnil at 3100, 1;0..4 i• l;"itai' have deodeu to work only five day. a week after they resume on Untidily, A len.tear.old son of J hn Gilman of Pickering had his arm torn off at the elbow by a planing meehine 0iSaturd.y. President llarrieon has nanb,ated Charles H, Aldrick, of Illn>o,e, to he solieitnr.general, vie- William H. Taft resigned. George William Pettis, the famous authority on American Malik died last week of bee t dieease tut his home in Brookline, 3Vos>',, aged 70. Henry C. Stoney of Hamilton, a theo. logteai student al Victoria College, was driven out bite the hike at Cobourg on Saturday in a small sail boat and was drowned There has been organized in Walker. ton a Young Men's Liberal Conservative Association, with a membership of near- ly 200. They have provided for them • selves very eomfortable end well-equipped club rooms. Burglars felled to obttin an entree°. to the safe in the Drsmbo p rerotll ts, in wheel thele were about 680 nnr'h of stamp., but ur money, On the .girds night 540 • aria of stamps were etol. n from the Wnlverton poetni$oe. The late Rev. Dr. Stafford, of Hamil• ton, left ii estat„ valued at $17,921, of whish 610,921 ie personalty and 87,000 realty, Phe iettl estate is eitneted iu To- ronto. The persoovlty consists of 34,- 8e0 life insure...co, tusk 31,950, o eh iu bank5471,hnusehold furniture and books 67.41. A young roan named A. hf, Crawford, from Cedar Springs, Kent County, Ont,, on board one of the co100151 trains from Toronto, was badly hurt at Hawk Lake. While attemptieg ro buerdamoving train bin leg was taken off by the wheels of a uaeeee.",roe it injured ebuut the groin. He was taken to Rat Portage for treatment. Alexander Anderso,, book keeper for the Metodouald Manufacturing Cunipany of Stratford, who skipped across the litre in January last, leaving ins family and a shortage in his cash, is now back in Stratford jail, charged with embezzling over $3,040 from him employers. Ander. son strayed across the Niagrre, river to Canada and Nas captured by a Stratford etude,. The 4-vesr.old daughter of Robert Kitchen of ltedickville, got hold of an old coal oil lantern and was playing with it at the otose during the temporary absentee of an elder -biter who hall been left in charge. The oil became ignited and set fire to the little one's olothing, and wheu discovered all the clothing was burned from her body save n small piece near the waiet. She only lived a few hours. The a fiction of oefieers ftn• rhe year in conneclion with the Ontario ?tees :Viso. elation resulted es follows: President, EL P. Moore, Free regi, Autee ; ft st vine - preside it, A. Pirie, Banner, Dundee ; mooed viae presi fent, P. D. Roan, Jour. n I, Otrawe ; seerstrtry.treasor. r, J, E. Alkinenn, •.lobe, 'Toronto • assistant secretary, J. S. Brierly, Journal, St. Thomas ; Executive Committee, L. W. Shamtnn, News. Kingston ; T. If. Pres. ton, Expasitnr, Brantford ; R, 11•,1mes, New Era Clinton ; L, G. Jackson, Er., Newmarket ; 0. II Mortimer, Electric News, Tnrontn A probably fatalanoident oacnrred es the grocery store et C. Mclllbarguy, Wel. Iington street, Stratford, shortly after 5 o'o1nr.,k last Friday afternoon Pet. Cloney, a boy about 15 years of age, wee helping W remoae se n•' goods From the second storey t„ the uaaemelt by means et s•1 elevator. A barrel of sugar and several c, sks of rice had been placed ou the hoist, and ,just al the desimit was began the main rope slipped from the hook, and the elevator fell with terrible force to the bottom of the cellar, a dia. ranee of 30 feet. In passing the main floor, Cloney'= head =treats, inflintiug a terrible gash ju•t below the one. He watt picked up insensible, with blood flowing front his eyes, earS and nose, II is seriunely injured iutmnally, Clo'oy has since dims. reireterilli Township Council next Monday. Jas ,7oukson has been quite poorly for some months, The trouble is with his blend. This week John Warwick, Robert MuArter, Geo, Miller, Joseph Currle,Jao, Love and Chutes 1'Iitchell loft for Mani. toba. Canada thistle meek, of one mouth's growth, was taken Loi a hotbed nn Rubt. Armstrong's farm this week that meaoured over 3, feet. D. lbieQaarrie and family removed from thio township to their new home fn Grey dais week. We are sorry to lose thou) but wish them emcees, Oar Township Fathers were arranging to tail: ,tdva„ts5,' of 111 late gannet -111.1g the m•ti,,,e„ance of bridges over 100 feet lout, of which class there are ten in Morris, bat th r Leoal Legislature are Ilkley to amend the Aot so a5 to invali• dot: ,ill nittimd melt eti berth , :lama talk of eandiag a delegation to the Queen's city to see about it, N.,t long ago a young man, whom we will call Brown, was engaged to marry an eabir7 d :e young lady- of Borrie town. ship, The day being appointed the in. vit.it,n "tiom3 I for all Wings are new reedy,” was sent oat. A fety clays before the deeming of the auipicioils morning Brown se' hid tsornpase in another tlirention and 15,10 dally married to an• other fair daughter of the next line, Since that It is reported that he has handed over a hundred or more ducats to No. 1 to save himself from the olntoliee of the law. Negotiations between Spain and the United States regarding copyrights have been satisfactorily ooneluded. The British ship Windmere, from London for New 'Stork, is mimeo near Ashbury Park, N. J, The crew of 43 erten were brought ashore in the breeches buoy by a lifesaving Grew, Yellow Bever is still prevalent nt lIio de Janeiro. Numerous arrests of Anarchists tiro re- ported in Paris. Another dynamite explosian has islren place in the residence of a Paris judge. Rnmors are current of a aright in the Prussian Cabinet. Vol Caprivi, it is pftid, has resigned, Fred Hengle, of Philadelphia, a Ger- man gold banter, employed be Pierce, Forst .k Co., at tilirtysixth street and Market, deliberately placed hie head un- der a heavy trip hammer, and lob it de. 000 11, orunhing nut his brains. The hammer weighed leo pounds and hal a fall of six feet. Henglo had to nee con- siderable strength to move the pally hold• ing the hammer in position. He leaves it wife whom he married a year ago. lliuhmold, Ind., now fernishes ft story of n woman's strange infatuation for an other woman. Charles Worrell and his wife have separated s,1.nn11Rn of Mee, Werrall's unnatural love for her sinter - in -law, Mre. Marion Worrell, a widow. The women have hitherto been highly esteemed in the onmmenity. ti's. Chas. Wnrrall is tt wornarl of line /Mtalninelba, and was atone time a teacher, Charloft Worrell remonetratod with his wits, end bried in every possible way to break off the unnatural aliianne between the women, but without offer %, and an atm. cable division of 800001! WRa Mute and his wife and he seplirehed. The two woman have gone to Loraine, 0„ to live together, 130011 are handsome and about 25 years of age. The neeblieet pocket knives manufac- tured for sale are retailed at a More in New York City, which sell,. nothing but knives. There are 1,500 different kinds on exhibition in the window, ranging in price from 5 cents to 595. The 3201 knife is the costliest known, The outside plates of its handles are solid gold, and it contains two small blades only, a nail filo and a mineturo pair of eeiesors. There is a little hook in the handle by which it may he attached to the watch chain. "Pira sale of the 525 knife is very slow. Tho largest knife in America is 'mooted to bo in Cincinnati, 10 bee 50 pielt u m ri5ar pn„rh, from •0 jlxir 01 ROIs ora to , ha1.d`•11„v, it In I'm mile itt. 5500 ttud weighs thi teed reunite, The largest knife ever know was Made by .1 lotlhap 4''..i' a >. ,•I. ' , n eeph leogerd in Sheffield.. It had 1,821 hinde f„N1. t...) i14.1...• 141Ailill It'OR SALE --THE UN 5885tH •l, 11,15 ROretnii punct Farms fcr s,t,o a i t t 1 lay of •, .' y, 9' I/ 5. 11l45O UTBCUsebfsl,ee, 37-14, ft '1R ALF, OR TO RENT. - TEE brink litore en Cho uorth•east 0or- nor of 14111 and Tornbery streets, Brunell, e lip110 tel P1011611 tEItGOs 114, Queen street, or by hull esterase tiresome 0. 0,, Box 87. 31-4 VOR SALE - t' ho sul,Curtber o1rere his onmfortable dwelling house, tlsble ant, lift, on Prinoeoe Street, Rruseab», for sale sa be le reluoving to dip!arm to klwn, For 108110r parti0ulars. apply bo 86-9' JORl:P73 R07,1)LL,NewryP,O. or to ItEV. It, PAUL, nniseele jj 111'11''11` "MINI lrt)11 RALE. - LJ Being South half Lot 27,0011,6, 11ro:rle, 100 act. 5, ,.e • 110 1101 cleared. Good buildings, 5130 voan,• o1'ibard. Immediate pns- 8009051 . ••-•las, aptly to W. M. ix CL.AIR, 1?. Solicitor, ,Rs„Brussels. is' A11 ,„111 ,Af1L.--'PHE UN. 11 ultuotaaan offers for sate 111e .10001 5,151 guar 10 rot lot 28, 000asoeion 0, Morris, County or 1luruu, contain'', 860 acres. The land t9 of otwt quality and In a Ugh „taro of golden"•n,, well Ieueed and under -drained, :6 au reg 01 oared, Naw frame peens, 8 x00105, milk bons, witi. uuuorate wnlIt, 2 wails, good barna and shed, 001105,1, eta, Eight acres of felt w neat, file deelrnl h• property adjoins the corporation of 131•nese's. Snit. able taint will be given. Title perfo ea LAMES (, I11EVb., gwue,' 86. Seaforth P.0, I.i"AR i I''OR SALE BEING Jot 111, 0011. 6, Grey, oo01ltinine 100 sores, mut . 5, lest, ahnut 70 acres cloered, 1510,0 • i - :enable 1, 011', tee, .,arno, orchard,a t'10 springs, &U.,,» Ole preopRes and 9 nate. .•1 f1Nl wheat growing. The plies is in a gu-•d stale of nultivatio' and the Fall plowing done. -pia above farm Nita bin pro •arty of the late .1 '0' Barker, Listowel, and will be eobl cheap to wind up estate. For further particulars as t0 price, terms, to, ..pply to WM. BARBI•'B, 1Executors. or 101111T. RANSOM, 32• Ethel P. U. ULL FOR SERVICE - THE IIudnrsigued will keep for service, nn lot 80, ono 6, yinrris, the tllnro'-bret Durham bull, "Sweepstakes." fie hes taken 4 drat prizes mull seo•tus, helm{ lie dub by tis hull that took 1st unseat 1,n Pr 'metal Show. Terms-'l'o insure rt o elf 02.00, or a t,en for 973,1 J tS,. 00E, It, Proprietor, ILR.;bY RULL8 FOR SER - PI vulg.-My Jersey Bulls are from lino nalkluu stratus and 5(1onid produce stock equal or superior to any tor either the eroamen• or °beetle hteto>y. The ,Ian, of one still in ;11y possession gave 7,000 lbs, of n tilt in 1.1 mouths with her first m117, icor further p.l.rtioulars apply at toy Drug and nook Store DRAO.II-i te, 8 russets, out, r11uPRovED LARGE WHITE YOR1i- SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for service this present season the Improved large white 1. mk,'ltrn pig t'lieltly ' on let 28, eon, 11, t1 "reit, t, sylph t 1nmatte dumber of sows will be tattoo. i'e1515 $1.00 14 be paid at time ofaerebue, whit the privilege of return- ing if uenosnary. Pedigree may be sena up• nu ap p4uatiolu ROl3IJ1i71 N.f.'I000,, 16tt Proprietor. DURE i1RIi,D RO SRS FOR ;1;11 vrcE,—Tie uudernig"ed will keep for 0orinen 011 u0r,71 bat? Lot 29, ono, 7, Atonic, a putt bred Ilnt'Itnll fire Boar, Lred by Mr. Snell, And .•u Oblo Unproved Chester White, bred lit Thos, George, Putuntd. from inn• Onrted stack o1 both s11es. This hog took erd prize it It the lndustrid Fair le it cines et 17, in 1800, a, -d 9rd at t•1r Wast,n•u Fait' 511 a 011030 OF 16. ltix Rile 1oe11150 tit tt1s 00,1(15' trial iu 1801, perste 01.00 to be 51,11 nt thus of sorvioe with privilege of returning if neo. 55911 try. 25•tf SA3IUEL WALKER, Prop. NERVE BEANS Nn1ItV10 BEANS ern a new discovery Mutt cure the 501'90 MASS of Nervous De - 01111 •,L�st Vigor and Fail- ing Manbo:0 ; 000001/10 the weakness of body or nand nr the errors of exososes of youth. 'I'lhis Re0007 absolutely mires the moot Obstinate 5000e when all other TRRA1'- etENTs hove foiled oven to relieve. Sold by rtrnggiets itt ?I poo (1110111190, Or six for $5, or Bout by moil nn receipt Of 1>r100 by address. f» 9 Tug, JAMBS tin01ol55 Clot, Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold in Brussels by 0..0,11(100MA.N. Save Your .air BY atimely ase of Ayer's hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp Sloan, mei, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, anti beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after tieing two 00 three ottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew think and glossy and the original color was restored." -Melvin Aldrich, Carann Centre, N.11. "Smart time ago I lost all my hair in consaquouue of measles, After duo waiting, no new growth appeared. I thole used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grow Thick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. Tho Vigor is evidently aurora aid to nature." J. B. Williams, Ti loresv1bbe, Texas, "2 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for theast four or five years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It le all I could desire, being harmless causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring bob a small quantity to render the hoer easy to arrange." - Mrs, M. A. Bailey, 9 Change street, Haverhill, Mass, "I have boon using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe that it Inas caused my bale to retain its natural e,olor. ”-Mrs. H. J. Ring, Dealer in Dry Goods, &e., Blsbopvflfo, Md, Ayer's Hair Vigor, IT:6P,5*n Alf Or. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa. gold by Deoggt5te and l'erfumerr. 1 .j am 1 111e‘ 1t 111 Writ.. p-1 Listen to plain facts about the B. & C. corset, You can't break the bones—for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your looney. FOR SALE BY A. Pei alcIIAN. THOS, FLETCHl1'R, Pracfical lVatclb/WI/6er and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in SOW AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver 1=late6 Warp from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by UR. °Pochs of the Latest Designs JEWELRY I WabnINo RINDS, LADIES GEM limas, 13n000tss, EAuarnae, &c. 'Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, Cc., in diode. 14. It.•-Isanrer of Marriage ',accuses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. ,01VS COTTON ROOT I t1H1'ut'\11 A recent discovery by an 111 ullr.i'1 11,0 -0x1 ly ❑•'0,7 5,0111 r1y by Inoue. ande of r.Anll10, 1' the 0n'v perfectly Rn re nna 10110010 menet, 0 1115511, eyed, Beware of unprincipled dregnlets who for 1%o11E'e (101Te11,107 t10A11•OUNn, tate 110 substitute; nr 11101005 ,81 and 4 three -Dent Canaria. lleeteg5 50an1.118 In letter and we will nand, gelled, by relul'n m>til, Pu11 emll- 54 pertieulare iu plain envelope, to lublet nolo 1 591 1,1115, Adli'rees Pettit Lily Om. haa7, No, 3 Fisher Sleek, 181. Woodward rive„ Detroit, Mich. a.m./101d in lintsoole by •J, T, PEPPER, G. A, DEADtSAN and 1111 responsible druggists everywhere. MONEY TO LOAN. JVl Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY LOWEST RATES, Private and Company Funds. APPLY TO J.C,Fletfernan, J.A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P,.O , Ont. getr MAR 25, 1809 MON b El '10 LOA IS. Amy Amount of Morley to Loan on Farm or Village No - puny itt 6 fi' 6i Per Cent., Yearly, Straight Looms with privilege of repaying when required. A.pp1y to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. h IL O ai I' ba1-P CO T8UM 1' TION O !Y lIr Thin GREAT C0UG11 CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a pendia] in the history of medi- cine, Alt dragg1sie aro authorized to eel( it ill a positive guarantee, a teat that n0 other aura eau successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronohbris, one it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping' Cough, u.e it promptly, and o lief is sure, If you timed that insidious disease CONSUMP- TION, n0N'T PAM t0 use it, 11 will cure you or cost nothing. A.k your Druggist for NHILOH S CURE, Price 10x., 500. and 51.00 If your lungs are sore or hack bstne,use Shiloh's Poroue Plaster. 25e. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF ej Sari, AnTravelling lI Igrilrulrix nroirfw.t,eI, Douro Van. draft -its notion 10 mnrvol1e a i, my ons can ��1qg yy pp ,r aIf•rl� �rr a lea, 5PNll 011nOo not met' thUltIllehly rnrnovetl PAtO �ef t*A I°d to �a l'i1 ttlilug pit LiwnLn rRmalli�Itenft awl bat. Hud iidg@@@llllur,�••n Yn .9 •nu •• P ,txloftnlwdt. '”- pRuFF !'.:atefes Fading hair ie its original color. Stops tailing of hale, Keeps the Scalp clean, Makes hair soft and Pliable Promotes Growth. SOLD BY G, A. DEADMAN, BRUSSELS. AISMOMMOSIVAI 3,11s. V a,t LE., it � , —Manufacturer of— Buggies, Carriages, &0,, OFMOSHE TtlWilfi HALL, BRUSSELS, Our Work will sat'in'y ,you and our Prices will please. Call and See us Os We aro Acre to Hustle Business. THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 159 CANADA. F J, & J. LIVINGSTON —111(1•- 600 BUSHELS OF BEST DUTCII SEED Fee farmers fn the vicinity of Beeseols, who intend raisingflltx daring the o0lnleg season, which they are preperecl to deliver in quantities to suit flax growers, Can be got a0 the Bruseels Flex Mill or at W, H, ItloCraoken's grocery. Seed given out at 51,50 pec bushel and on the usual terms. Order early and secure it supply, For Flex grown from this Seed t$10 per Ton will be paid, If of good growth, harvested in tlt0 pre. per Beason and delivered at the Flax Mill as Boon a for also rent a the 'mimosa A'I'mi- IN BUNKS, VAUSES � PA TAVELLINC BAGS All intending Travellers will do well to call and-, inspect our large and well assorted Stock of Trunks and Valises. Oar Crystallized Trunks at ` 1.75 ar : Great Value. 01111 Stook of Boots ani. Shoes will be found Equally as Cheap as oiir Trunks, Olbr' Ladies' Buttoned .Boots at JCC,, ane! Men's Dongola, ,Balnzorals artcl Cor'4ress fair' lStiteh al . 'v0 are zvc.11 wwort7z, (lalling i1 to see. Remember our Stook is all New, no old Shop-worn Goods. We again invite you to call and inspect our Stock. s tit number tresd ao Wo war W number of good sod fields fur of growing flax. SHOSEN,BERCI J. J. Llvingtnrr, MANAGER'. ER. Wit. Imam, Pttorn111rans, AfANAuxn, Two Doors "South of Pepper's Drug Store,