HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-3-25, Page 3MAdtou25, 1892 THE BRUSSELS POST. „P .--«.-. -.. ,wYrrasY.r4,a ••.-•••p P1.,W,SiWA,6NYlNpY"L,- .Pow,wv,uP.gPPW.(q+W�/!..wWArr1,MSW,W1Yf4'IaAPMJ/Y•YVYW/N4/PYNtCJ1P,PPYW'1WNdMe,P11:qW'H�tflP')OA�ttilta'1MIr0iTM}M�... - -.. A TERRIBLE BXPERIEN ,E. The Faults of the Ohnroh, and lepera, and mourners, and rout people, have gone around the head of the lake and LOST IN T'U1: RUSSIAN WILDS, 1 A True Stm y of Siberia, In this day the newspaper drag•not, IN elneely woven lord diligently drawn, but a gond story somethiles escapes, This or rather hitt of It story, from the for and dosolate regions of Siberia „nems to me the meet unique Instance: in noble time. Several weeks ago a New York daily printed in an obscure place a patogropll Shout it startling happening in eastern Si- beria, bberia, Although I read IL attentively, as it interested Ino tnld reotirretl LO Ineagain and again, 1 have not been able to lid it since. A fele days ago, however, there waeanother paragt•api,, printed in the sante obscure way, whielt makes the loss of the first of no eon - eminence. Hero it is t maty, than any tale I ever heard when the lamps were unlit, and the tiro light gll0lol. cal on the wide fase(natrd eyes of the ululd- reu.---1,1teepee% \\ Wel ly AN ENC•rLISH FLYING M AOI3INE• 1t 10 Bade like n Fox. titltll horn Immense '67'14004, The flying machine which bac long been in process of manufeseure by Masers. J. Shaw & Sons, ems, Coventry, is n,w completed. 1'(xectly a year ago Major Monro placed a contract in Shaw & Sons' hands for the (menahauter0 of a machine au- cording u•1)0 (11lg to the anatomy' of the flying bat, but when the machine was nearly completed Major Moore, guided by extonotve oxpori. monis' in India, changed the model, and Shaw and Sons had to draw out a seoond es• timate for a machine to he constructed on the anon of ae flying fox. MIN is (ho ma - clime that is now min ',Wed, after being six months hi thhcouno tf manufacture. What particularly ott•ikes the visitor on a fits1 glut/6 is the immense size of the wings, each one of which measures 1.7f1 Gin by Sft (tui iu the widest part, 1'ur the present they aro covered with calico, but when at - welled to the box and electric motors will have donblo•wovon silk, specially prepared, stitched en; the silk will cover the box as web es the wings. A closer iuopeut.don shows hum oarefully tho anatomy of the fly- ing lox lies been followed. There are seven bonds, leading off with two of 811 anis 10ft Tong, and finishing with one of 12f1, and are manufactured of host weldloos steel tubes, with braes -bushed joints; each joint and bearing had been forged, and this is the work that has delayed the completion of the machine. The tips of the wings aro flexible. The head le formed of a loop of steel tubing, covered with silk, continu- ous without break from the body and wings. The tail is of tapering tubes, inprolonfettion of the side or upper edges of the box which forms the body. Returning to the wings, which aro of concave shape, each will have a sweep of 21ft. 12 up and 13 down, and are expected to make 511 strokes per minute. They are to be thoroughly tested, and when supported from the hinge only will have to bear a distribntod doaMoad of 41b. po• sup- erficial foot when the machine is turned on its back. Bach wing is 1291b in weight and the machine, with the box and motors, is expected to turn the scale at 7001b. The motors, which are being made in Loudon, will be of throe -horse power. Tho box is lilt highlong, by311 Sin and at the base will be filed small wheels, so that when the 00110hioe albghts it will run along the ground It is also intended to carry a paraehutowitit the machine to ensure a safe journey to the earth if the silk should bocone torn or the motor fail to net. The total cost of the machine will be about £1000. It has not yet been decided when the initial trial will take place. An application has been receiv- ed front Birmingham for tho machine to be exhibited in that city. Po.T0knnlnnl, Jello 18, -Tho Res - sine government appears to have abandoned all hope of discovering the fate of Captain Alexandre klaxilnovitch Osersky, who in 1800 loft lt4cnotsk, Siberia, in command of a )military guard which was escorting to St. Petersburg a transport -train radon with gold oro of rho valve of several million rubles. Since then absolutely nothing has been hoard of officers, mon, or train." Such an indefinite end imaginary view of Siberia's unexplored vastness is current that many people will at first 510000 see nothing 010011105 in this. It is true that strange, uneooventonal things do happen in Siberia. But this is startling enough to have aroused the estonishmeet of even the Rus- sians themselves. The fade in the above despatch may be supplemented by some which were set forth in the first despatele Tito pard consisted of about seventyftve men, all of whom were thoroughly familiar wit 1, the ports of Siberia to be traversed. The caravan set out late in IannaryY, 1000, and was hast seen n few days later about two hundred miles to the west of Irkootek, at one of the 100Fho)0es at which it stopped for the night. A week after the disappoareme0 had been definitely settled, to Russian government sot about tracing it in the most elaborate manner. The bear issued au ttk100 commending all Siberian subjects to aid in the search. Couriers were sent to the Tartar tribes al »15 the route both north and south. Scouting parties wont over the entire territory so far aslwas practicable. Traders across the groat Chinese desert to the south were questioned and the machinery of the Chinese govern. a1. n four 'I ,ofor a e a d l' Md. 5 hent called m t Y The re - .i months the search was kept up. 1 bag of salt has been told already. Not a }; gold, not a recognizable skeleton, gun, or bit of 001(0)01 was found, and the mystery has boon left to time and chance for un- ravelling. The road Evelio Irkootsk, three thousand miles and more ammo mountains and plains to the frontier of Russia, where the railroad from St. Petersburg ends, is amilitary high- way much travelled, and dotted at distances of twenty utiles with post•houso0. It is not as smooth and easy as the River -side Drive, but it is a peefecty plain road, from which former perils were thought to hove been banished entirely. Yet somewhere between two post -houses in the mountainous part of the road which lies between Lake Baikal and the level plain to the west. this eousi• doable caravan vanished away, leaving not a trace behind. A happening like this in a eoumtryy so be- set with bitterest weather, ao full of un. known places and peoples, is most suggestive. What terrible, what unheard of fate can have avortaken these seventy-five human beings and these Several hundred horses and these great bags of gold ore? This caravan was journeying in the midst of a Siberian hinter. There were 011018 Of incredible depth, there were swift and cut 1105 winds. The road lay through moun- tains scarred and seamed by the atto ok of the sharpest elements from all immenao an- tiquity. Old and un trodden forests of boundless extent were all about, In the winter -Limo parks of fierce wolves sweep through those forests in groat num- bora. They lace frenzied with hunger, and of. ten rabid from the bites of mad wolves. They oat ono smother, and alteek any party of travellers that may be abroad. It may be that some pack, of a size not known before, fell upon this caravan, which was driven or load wandered from the main road into rho forest. Then the wolves, after a long fight conquered, and neon and beasts were devour- ed, Sul skeletons and gold now lie in an out-of-the-way place whero,no man will over find them. Albhongh the length and strength of the arm of the Groat White Czar, and the perils which await those who depart from rho road, are well known, it may be thatpart of the guard conspired to seize the treasure, and slake off with ft across the desert of Gobi to Chinese ports. If this bo true, and if the faithful part, of the guard was killed, 111e thieves may hove perished miserably of hun- ger or thirst in trying to cross the desert. Or some restless band of Tartars may have 11 1 l into wiped the guard from the floe of the earth, en the trees 11'0 Inas now b L tit a turned 11'o arms and powder of warriors, brn0alet0 and anklets for fiat -nosed Tartar women. So relentleea is Russian vengeance, and so vigorous is the terror of it, that it seems improbable that the Caravan vanished through human agency. The severity of the v0011181' suggests that it may have lost the road during some blinding downpour of snow. Wandering about, a crash of toe and rock from en overhanging precipice may have dashed horses and men to the bottom of some mountain gorge so deep 0o dark that not even a vulture could seek tltono out. There aro crevasses in those mountains, and a frozen cover often hides thea. Thee may have been a sound of splintering fee, the shrieks of Wien helpless in the fano of s wilt anis certain death, and then ayewn ing of the bowels of the earth. lu this disappearance there is material for the most vigorous imagination to work upon without limit. It 101101 a small and defenceless party that i0 to bo accounted for. IL is a large caaval, well minted, well aognatnlorl with the road, well prepared to meet any form of clanger. The road was constantly travelled ; the Tartar tribes to the north and south see and bear all that goes on. 1111e place of disap- ponrato0 was between pnsb•honses but twenty miles apart, end within etwy reach of any ono who might havoc/leapedfron the destroying fate. The more itis considered the more the amazement of 1110 Rusoiat, gov- ernment. is understood, It is Hard to recall art ocem'1'enoe so mysterious, s0 ti0008ny. No natural theory seems to neeonnt for the total annihilating of so largo a number: of living things. You can feel the oriel fangs of arctic winds 1 you can 0000 ten thousand wolves as they sweep through the marble forest, shrieking as they go. The Snows are falling. The caravan of bnrdeeed heroes, and of moll le the heavy, strange dress of a Siberian Winter. 1s toiling alai%g 1'hoi •••the caravan into anlih's. -[hiving. vatdshee, Wba'o? How P Vou o,.nuot. tell. Y011 cannot imagine. The wild whiter 0011e11'0 be m taxa ))1001110y0 to the publics laps on, and that is all. Captain 00orstty for boring emisent.--LSwlft. and hie envoutselivanoot were enol a'e not Dry motet is removed by dipping to soveb BY flgtiii L+ Ilup,ap:y. 111 linage or Immigrants. have autiuipated him, And when he 000' A Wombat of English an,i 01011 kava nuc. 1 1vas r.otnm001iig 000on11y upon the an' rived at land, to 1 the eager multitude. g g 8100, that Josue gave lel a cuntfJnuly of doubt Tho common people heard Min gladly." ceeded in roaming from lh'azil, and lull a urs. These num came from John 1110 flap 1 hat can hardly be quid of the Christian »honking story of their sullorings titers, tis1, bringing as their In000age a deep goes- chureb L0 -tray', liflbrts arc beteg made by the eutho0ities at tion. "Art than hu that should enure," I Al m labor mopting fa Naw Yolk Lh0 tiuutbampion to forward the omigrento ie they asked, '" or do wo look foranuttla''?" 011,1111 of .loans was aphlnudod Go the echo, I their hetnee ; but 1110y nt 131118°111,1.0"1•101 at That queetion, I Wahl, toueltao the vary but they hiaa,•,1 the e tura, In England, the workhouse. They include John Dillon, hoar1 of ''hriatia o by, It 0nn10rna the very in the present, campaign, where both partiee u 131uekhnrn hrunnlnulder, with two (langiP essential IlenOl't10I1 4f II1U (!hrintisn religion, are trying to gain the labor cotes, some of tore ; and time m'n•ried COltpina from Brad- which is, that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed the worltingmoo's meetings have cursed the ford, 0110 named Gates, who has EL boywitt he that ohonld come, and that we look for parson», What is the nlatter'1 The mat hint. Since his stay abroad Dillon buried 00 other, We ell wane to gr•!, Lhab question ter is that Jeans Christ Jived the poor, cud ono danghter, The party emigrated suet answered, It 00/1001100 ell ohoroligsons in- that 1ha1 ia1(1000 than 0,14(0 110110stly bor 9001(1 year, believing t)leyhalfar bellerchaneeeot dairyy of our generation. Th)supremacy 'ufthogr0atcornpanyof Glariatdane. Jesus betlorl11g their condition than by remaining of 0110101 depends upon the "01°110" of that' gave the poor that which is more valuable at home. Tho party ,net, together at Santos, quootion, We listen, 111011, with eager in- than all the money on the earth and under Dillon having landed there, and Oates at t„reet to hear the :Master answer. He bide the earth he gave them lobo uttentiel, iia Trio ; but Dillon and his family con1,1 only t110 questioners stand by hie aide and watch thou5ht, tris sympathy, his lova, iia life. remain in the Emigrant's Homo at Santee 0 flim at his work. There is a groat multi. ,1'hu platter is that ,leoco (:briar preached quarter of an hon,, so filthy was tho place ludo about him, as there 0/011001113' 1041, the gospel to the poor ; the " (gospel of the crowded by hundreds of foreigners of ovary and Jo:+ua was occupied as always, in mem kingdom,' is the whole name 0f it, the good nationality. Oates woe kept in the house forting, _ teaching, bettering and helping naw» ; that is, that the Icing of the whole at Rio for eight days before being sent on them. Ho sot the 1otbtors to see and hear. universe ie the Father of us all, the Father to Santos, and baro 00010 terrible sr.0n0)1 Aful presently turning to them, ho atilt his of the poorest man that breathes, on that were witnessed, the people having to fight answer to the liaptini. the ore all brothers i0 one family, That is Mood over haurl for food supplied m quoin- „(10," he said, Suer show John again the gospel that Jesus preached to the poor titles supposed to be sutfloiout for four per'- the things which ye do hear and set : the and he illustrated it and emphasized it by sons ; but Oates declared thorn was not blind receive thou' sight, and the lane walk, being himself the brother of the poor. sufficient for one boy, and what there woo of most inferior quality, Speaking of food, llillon remarked that bloat served out to them at Santos consisted of rice and lien, the latter putrid and full or maggots, all belled together. Tho party in which Oates was included on arriving at Santee all turned into a theatre, 11s0(1 as on emigrant's 1)1,1101'., the sanitary state of which Ire speaks in strong language. The floor was COVERED W1Tn 1''IIIrli, The heat Surgeon 0f the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted Dither in person or by letter on all ohr'onio discloses peculiar to man. Mt n, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, who aro broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in maty of the following symptoms : \rental depression, premature old age, loss of vital• ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the haat, emissions, lank of energy, pain in the 101niley0, head. ache, pimples on rho face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the sceottm1, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the oyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhero,hasbtuhtoss, deposits in the urine, loss of willpower, tenderness of t he scalp and spino,wcak and flabby muscles, desire to sloop, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loesof voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken oyes surrounded with 11:4111:0(mcm s, oily looking skin, eta, are all symptoms of nervous debility that load to insanity end death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may bo per•- manontly cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free scaled. Hcardisoase, the symptoms of which aro faintapells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip ,eats, hot flushes, nosh of blood to the heed, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the mond heart boat faster than the first, pain about the braasl bone, ate., con positively bemired, No 0000 no pay. Send for book. Address, M. V LUBON, 24 Macdo elll Ave. Toronto, Ont Row French Girls Are Educated The 1/000011 maiden is educated after a very different plan that which 5overn0 the American gin's lnat'ltotion. She enters at 5 yotors the 5011001, whore she 0001001ns for Six, ten, or twelve years, until her education is finished. Tho wheels open in $ept0111buo Ind 001ltittt10 until Angust, with no venation except a few days at Christmas and Roster, and noSetcrcley holidays, Under the system Mos teachers thoroughly modersland their pupils, toed lay out for thon'0 course of study in whtull there is gradual endoonataut development but no hurt or cramming development, into higher hurry or col. for promotion b logos. the place abounded in vermin, and sanitary arrangements were altogether absent, It Was preferable and more safe, as a (natter of health, to live out of doors ; whilst the thievish propensities exhibited amongst Russian Poles and other emigrants were such that those who were fortunate enough to have any belongings darn not go to sleep daring the night for feta of their sodden disappearance, From Santos the party were conveyed in a small steamer down the coast, and remained abroad five or six days. For the first and during the last' 21 lulnrs Choy were kept altogether without food, and were glad to serape up rho leavings of the sailors. From the steamer they worn trans- feorel to a train and taken eight hours' journey inland, and set down ata spot where rants o m an emigrants' home was in course of con- 9 struction. 1.00 n truation The only P building afford- ing 1 b ing shelter was an hospital, which was filled with patients, !neatly fever•atricken Polos. Nevertheless rho party, numbering 200, stowed themselves away, even beneath the beds of the patients ; anywhere, in fact, where shelter was available. Here they were kept for three weeps, whilst the otlib Male provided a number of waggons, into which the emigrants and their belongings were handled and taken a four clays' jour- ney into mountains. A scanty supply of 300 Lives Lost at Opoto, Los DON, \larch. 20,-'1'110 correspon- dent of the Times at Oporto de- scribes the storm of last Saturday es one of frightful violence. He says at least 800 lives wore Met -mostly of fishermen. \\'hobs fleets of boats were swept out to sea, and slink with all on board. The steamer Elbe madeseveralattempts to put to sea on Sat- 110clay, but failed, and/only got out of the harbor on Sunday morning, Go her way up the eooel she saved thirty men on a sink- ing boat. To the Point. Wo Pay ear remedy is a permanent caro and !hon prove it thus; Poonto, One, April 17,, 1887. "1 would state that • 1, Jacobs 0,1 eurod too effectually of elocution• tient, with width I suffered in 1880. 1 hnvo lever had any 1,arum since of the pain 10111011 I endured for months previous. It affords mogreat pleasure to say I have r000nitnen•1 ed 11 to a hnmbot' of frieeds. Too much praise earlier be devoted to its hooding qualities," J. Anita -UAW, Passolger Agent, 5.1 York St. A seven year's test. Chamomile blossoms stenpad and 1r'ank will save'many a dodois bili ' try it A kind heart to a fountain of gladness, malting everything in its vicinity to 1(0011en ;L'hla is no phnat 0t0ry, but Ili arousing a with a handle in it strong solution of oxalic creepy" feeling, comes hearer a ghost acid. It softens it at 000o, 3 e100VSLn0 1, Set Is the mos' Imalent and most general of nil diseases. ,Hatt, ly !1 fao.ay Is entill'ly flee from it, while tu0ua '-.ds n. ywhero ;,re its suffering slaves. Flood's So..4aplu'illit has renitu•kabio suceos0 AI erring every farm of srrufula, The 11191 400000 111111 poiuful 11111.. Mug sores, swellings hl the nmic, 00 goitre, humor in the eyes, elnuiug p:u•t1a11 or 661 blindness, and every other faun of blood disease have yielded to the powerful effect* of this 011041eine. Try 1t. r1e iJ �,S Sarsaparill a^ 0e0d by an druggists. 5); o-1 for ,4s Prepared noir Sr (:.1. 114)01) 6'• C0.. Apothecaries, 1.500e11, lfnval 0100 Doses C1v*e Dollar An Admiral's Savgestion. the lepers are coausod, and the deaf Hear, i Nevertheless, I believe that every new I v••mture to hope that my proposal to the dead are raised up and the poor have , year finds the world more christian. Year ost,blish a free ferry across the 1,'isn ties the gospel preached to them. i by year 00011 the Christian Church le beim.; for passengers, and for uortain olttsaeo of The credentials of Christianity, Goon, are more and more cont'es'ted to Cloris.auite. agricniturol and fishery and other goods, not in creeds but its deeds. Tho best ergot- The ohar,totee of Christ, the example "f bete een certain ports in Ireland and the meat for the divinity of the Christian reti- Christ, is Jnercasingly recognized es being' West of England, rand that the cost of the gion 15 its 111411.0 helpfulness. Tho hest tloo very heart of our religion And WO arcferry be borne by the "I tate, will not be con solutoe to the groat goeetioos winch touch tryingmore and mare to put the emphasis I sidored as utopian. (Treat works of nation - the truth of Christianity, and inquire whoth• , wherHo put it, to bring the second coin -al importance --Snell as rho Suez Canal, the er it really ensue dow: out of heeven or not, matulment close up beside the first, to show I Nicaraguan Canal, the St. Gothard Tunnel, is to be friend in thea (':cess of Christianity our love for trod by loving oar brother men.the great railways across Canada sad in in contforlim, the sorrow and helping tho livery year the church i0 growing toward I India, submarine telegraph lines, and the poverty of rho world. Thus will the dome Goa realization of that blessed work of Jesus i great steamship Lines on the main highways tons find 1100 answers to their own quostiols• which he allowed to John's disciples. \\'o , so to say, of co.nmen:0-1lave been ;aided by This I desire to -day somswhal to enlarge are slowing more and more of that divine ' Government subsidies. upon. \Vhoever i4 in doubt ahem rho helpfulness. Sociology is being studied as Christian faith will liadmore help iacharity diligently as theology. Goof works are than in theology. Let him not rely so mmol being taught as the sign and fruit of faith. upon the reading of many Chtriatlan books, , Wealth is being consecrated anew to the as upon the doing of many Christian works. service of the Father in heaven, And the Let him simply try, day after day, to live old reproach, the old nuchristlikonees of the like a Christian, and he will presently inns : church, is being taken away. God hasten himself believing like a Christian. Obedience is the organ of spiritual knowl- it. edge. Whosoever does the will of God shall The Sabbath Chime. know the truth of God. John the 13051101 hook, ye Saints ; rho sight le glorious; had faith enough as long as he was busy at Soo the" Man of sorrows" 110ty : his blessed works of (helping people. I1 will From the fight returned victorious, only when he was shoot up in prison, and Every knee to him shall bow. had no chance of ministering to men, that Crown him! Crown him! Vi or's brow, rio Ot Crowns hacmno t he full into doubt. Try to livo as Christ lived ; think not ofY outsell, but of ,your Crown the Savior, angels brnlvn him Mother's need ; every day somehow help Rich too trophies Jesus brings1 On the seat of power enthrone him, somebody ; more and more learn the spirit While the vault 01 Heaven rings. of Christ ; thus wbllyon come unconsciously Crown him! Crown him! and inevitably into the possession of all es. Crown the Savior Bing of kings. serial Christian truth. Whoever desires Somers In d,'1.' -inn crowned him, to be it missionary of Christ, whoever is not Mocking [hue the Savler's oaln ooutent to be tt Christian ell alono, but wants Saints and angios crowd around him, to make someone else Christian, will find Own his rite, praise his name, the sermon that Jesus lnronchcd the moat spreadabroadtthe Vi Victor's fame. effective sermon. If you want to bring some Hark! those bursts of awls Ina Lion I ;lark! those loud 0 riunlplr,nt chard.! Jesus takes the highest station; 0 whnt,ioy 1110slght affords! Grown him! Crown him Bing of Icings, and Lord of lords. Golden Thoughts For Every Day. salt meat and bread was served out, talc' member of your own household into closer they were eventtw.11yy sot down ata naw 'relations with religion, it is not a good plan settlement, but lied barely arrived when to talk a great deal. Urging people to at - A u;mlas.txT Mnts,ttit:ll FEVER.tend church effects butlittlo toward making Christians out of them. Itis bettor to bo broke out, and death rapidly followed. Day the vory best kind of a Christian that you after day saw victims consigned to hastily can seven days every wee1c. dug graves, the snrvivora t einse1re0 hay- Your thoughtfulness, your patience, your ing to perform the last offices for the dead, Christian good temper, your check upon the coffins provided being, in the expressive your Longue, constancy in your own per- wor.ls of Oates, more like "orange boxes." sonal Christian Linty of prayer, of Bible Tho bodies of those in the Romish Church reading of attendance upon the service of were sometimes ecnamitted to the earth by the church, your everyday helpfulness, your the local priest, but Protestant survivors unfailing Inedotry to the happiness and were denied tho oonsolalion of having the bettering of all about yell, your deeds of Bond laid to rest with the lost rites of their charity, your Christian conversation -this Church. Whole families perished, while in is better than all the persuasion in the oiler eases lonely widows wore left to mon'), the loss of their Moabite/Is and child - rem AS mon leoanor convalescent they were pool to wools hn the roads but when they Jalouclay- Btow, ignorance; 0 1It0n, whos0 idle knee Reeks earth into a lethargy. And with thy} sooty lingers has donighf The world's Pair shooks, blow, blow thy spite Sinoo thouand out the le 5000(00 (1113100 ; do Perth, andeat1:h0 !041x10. t"O; 1f o'er that breath -exiled flame return, Thou host not blown, as It will burn. -Floury Vaughan. world. if you want your husband, or your Tuesday -We have 0..0110 forth front God, for the experience of that which is not God. wife, or your brother to bo a Christian, be a tett tittles better Christian your own self. We must not complain of the variety of our 1 It can hardly bo avid too often that a exporlonee, which makes for out eterna en - demanded payment they were told to dar elarge proportion of tho infidels in the Wong.rfohmolt• No nutst m out. tholes, with several other families, - fan world oleo their unbelief to the incon- gutted, that under foreign and dark condi- made the Ion;; journey towards the coast, aistent lives of people professing Christian- dulls we do not lose confidences that " God living at times 118 hours without food, and ity. When the devil leant to send a lois- is with us." If we cease to feel that God is glad n obtain an orange with which to siona'y to preach the doctrine of the pit, he " very nigh," We shall fallinto " the easily quiet helpless babes. Arrived at filo, the gets a Christian. Many a Christian woman besetting eel" of allowing nature, the flesh party not malls/ Horne to the' ilritish Consul has kept a soul out of the ehm•ch of Christ ted the world to engross the soul. Then for aseistlulcr', but 0 clerk from the Consul- by hot' pride, by her arrogant mlanncr, by weal's lost, not knowing who we ars, ate toll them pinil'ly that they could do her injustice, by her unkind speech. Many 0100 whc'o weave, nor whence we came. Butnothing for then,, staying that there Wee a Christian man has made ag rod bargain holding fust to the Lng G011, and our own work in 1(1undance if only they would ac- for his bank account a1111 a bargain for the God•derived natere, we shall pass through cent it. They W0111Raul place to place in Lord JoMSS Christ, and for his own soul, n all seas and storms, and cedars all luunilin- Tidn appealing for nesist0n0e, end were at rho saute time. Men are every day asking tions and sufferings with patience and cot last by the tool l,' neles placed in a lighter John's question ; Art thou he that should fidence of hope. In Ilial we can not be over- whict was moored almleside' the Clyde. 000110, oe do we look for another? Is the Como ; but Shall surely be " more that con- This action caused hope I o spring up in the Christian religion tho religion of help and 8000000"-galiners through all contradictions hearts of the unfortunate, win imagined truth and rlghteon0nes0, the divine religion difficulties, and deaths. Abide in Me and Only were to be placed on the liner for which is tryingto set u a kingdom of I in you, and nothing shall by any means hone Alas for then they 1001.3 doomed to heaven clown hre on this sinful earth, or hurt sop," You are " receiving a hdn idem n1TTIhn 11ESA 0LOINTl1PINT const we look far another? whlall cannot be moved." -[Dr. Puleford. for after two hours waitaug, the lighter, And Christ bide them stand by as he did with its Miserable load, was towed to an in the old time, end watch, not 1101 him - island, but before it loft the Clyde, some of self, but his representatives, the Christians. the more generous -hearted aboard tossed And all depends neon what they see. And overboard to the emigrants several bags of when they behold the Christian cheating the breads, meat, and cloacae, for which men, ' lolled bemuse they are blind, and exulting Women, and children fought with despera- to nntism the lane, and petting tho lepers Lion Mem of thispan., old in the struggle one out of doors, and lying to the deaf, boca0se emigrant fell in to the water and wits drown- tlooy walnut hear mod rejoicing in the ruin ea. After their arrival upon the island, n and death of their fellowmen, and preact- mesee1neer arrived from the British Colima' ing to the poor the devil's gospel of tyranny asking for the 1100100 of those willing to me- and oppression mod extortion, do they be- prising to obtain many ; they are placed on item, work. Seventeen married nim) at onto ]love?? Do they 001110 in and beg to be ad- opposite si dos of the patio, so that it is int- eignuel to form, and were taken 10 Rin and drifted to :melt a church, and give their de- pl0eible to approach one of them without seta thirty miles into Goo country. where vont allegiance to such noon's Master? Woo proportionately reef ding from another; the Consul told them they would find plenty unto the world bteauao of offences; for 11 whence it results that the wisest plans aro of employment flu arriving Choy were most needs be that offenses 001110"• -it mast founded on to conpreni0o between good and told 1 here lftts 00 work for thein, and order- »ends bo that 111011 1111101 Hurl stumbling evil, where lunch that is the object of de - cid orf. Forthwith they commenced their blocks somowherc along the path -"but woe 0ir0 is finally relinquished and abandoned in walk hack to Rio on a Sunday night, though to that mon -and t011401d woe, if he call order to secure superior advaantages,--- fully he of our -Wednesday.- Aftern11 dear Savlor, When mycln.logeyes, See tho shadows expelling 0'cr the evening skies; After all the straying 0r my wayward feet I Hoar the trembling invents loran, my lips that fall;Savior,Jesus. precious Savior, 11ove thee after all --lylrs..1. R. Summit:, Thnrod ay -0f the great 1101405 of human life it is not often the lot of the most enter - .Most persons, 1 presume, wouldbelieve that if 3,000 000 of the population of Ireland and England made use anomaly of such free ferryboats, it would be productive of infi- nite goad to the community. I implicitly believe that the proposal, if eaetied into effect, would be of incalculable benefit to Ireland and to the United Kingdom; it would foster a vast friendly and unfettered intercourse and inaugurate an era of pros- perity and conteutmont. AR•rurn A. Col:MUA00, ADMIRAL. fortunately before they Started they die• himself aChristian, and fora pretoes° mak is [Robert Hall. covered ,t Lanemshiru roan, who 01 ifs own long pray'005-"woe to 1101 man by when Friday - expense provided 11mn1 a hearty nlatal. The the oll'etso comettl" W'oirkmnn of God I oh, logo not heart, journey back to Rio was a memorable one, All the mnphasia of the bhristinu G'hureh And Itntlearndarkest b is field • inaamuvh as it vitas nuada at the time of the ought to bo put Mat where the Lori Jeans Thou shalt know where to strike, 'Revolution, and Ovary taw milia the party Christ put it, The Church, like lis }rent Thrice blessed Is ho to whoa) is given found them selves I ramie, ought to go aboub infer gond. 'Co The Instinct, that can toll 6Torrlsb WV soY.nnats open the ayes of the blind to melte the lama That lied 18 ho rho Ilei W11011 bo and saarehed. Tn their sur 11'lae they dal. ]8 roost invleibla l y to walk and the loaf li near, m cleanse the IF, W'. lnabort oersted on the lanai at Rio their wives lepers to noise 1110 dead and to preach the Saturday -Behold the condition and atti- and children, win load been brought over t0 us p01 to the poor -that 10 what the ,lon1'e1110 tulle of Christians, They float its the amine the mainland on the representation that a1.•7f1hoClnruhdidtint,Iharawould buns seaeflife with other men, 1Lndboat thesame the nen lied ah•caly obtained good eft- 1,,•ob em of poverty at all. Tho neon upon loull'etiugs but they are not driven hither Shona. Attar several abortive attempts t0 Whose money the working classes depend mut thither, tie sport of wind and water. amclim'alc their condition the party made for wagon, rho employers of labor, the own- The wave strikes them, breaks over thein, Chair way to Parnanibuoo, 1101161'0 they woreors, the lords and princes of the 100111111110 and hisses Past in foam ; but they 1emain oflbred public went tat 7�,l a day. From yvmid, 000 for the most part numb^00 of unnu)ved. I'loey were not caught by aur- Obooneo they pursued their weary way to Christian orurclws, If they all had the prise, while they trail a slight hold of the Bahia, sod applied to the Roighhh (Ansel Christen 01,1011, i1 they were all t lm{slians, 91(010104, Tho chief pa't of t110ir 1)01015 ties n Nicholini, who rendered them 0very mods. pain they all tried to lord with 11,01 greet l0rh. deep commotions.lreyond the ,cash of Chair superficial. Ho poraontally visited tbo 1!.nyhalo lent of lain and poverty RS ChristChristdid- ohcommotions.1. Their life, " hid with Christ resident0, and collected a NeillalenNeill/dent911111 10 Whitt arevolntoh what a transformation, 3n God," hears, with breekiug, all the strain defrostdefrostthe cost of the party berme, and to 1 what it foretaste of Goo mitten/Inn, what a of the storm, --I lir. Amid. him they aro exceedingly goatriful. I realization of the kingdom at heaven I I Somehow, Shoo is a difference between Lindon pays its gas conpani0a amnpnlly alto church and Christ. Wo think that wo :0,400;1100 for a commodity which emits to want to reach the masses. Wo desire to produce only 03,11111,0 0, (hes giving the pr1a01t the gospel to the poor, 13111 soma- tnonopolies a clear profit of £1,3(10,000, how the poor are not all eager to ho " Whatshall you give 1010, pa." ale said, ' Preached to. We cannot persuade thane "Upon my wedding day 7" into our bountiful chnrehes. But when Jesus was hero the oily trouble ho had was And pat with gravity replied t to of a\Vey from Lha "masses" long r I'll give you, dear--avay'e enough to cat and sleep. Tin joern0)0 for A few nights ago a Wr band of hushed en up ;Tito tee coasts of 'byre and Sidon, where brake into a Meso in \Film, Aotstta, oven. I,,, thinks that nobody knows hint. lint 1(011 by a 5000005 ,vidow, 'PITY, f,ni,1 their within an hour some poor people find hint 1001 301011 lie• bedroom, bnnhd er s'cln'o'lY tint, lin vanu,t be hid. ITr takes a boat t" Tim 1011, sa4tu11Lcd Ih'r "1"1 l'"''' with pit• 11o,,d misses the lake of Galileo, seelr;ug .t ,clan" and Set bar 1.m ilio, and rama(nett, ,1,,,,crt Moen on the ether side where lin ;old onmuwad by the 11011)00 agonies, until the bin d(setplesnlay get a day of rest, 111(0 bo - body was a charred masa, hold it groat emlipally of blind mod lame, 46 ugust 1owr Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, Mo„ during the past two years has been affected with Neuralgia of the Head, Stomach and Womb, and writes : " My food did not seem to strengthen me at all and my appe- tite was very variable. My face was yellow, my head dull, and I had such pains in my left side. In the morning when I got up I would have a flow of mucus in the mouth, and a bad, hitter taste. Sometimes my breath became short, and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day under the shoulder blades, - xn the left side, and down the back of my limbs. It seemed to be worse in the wet, cold weather of Winter and Spring; and wh .never the spells came on, my feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using August Flower - Then the change came. It has done me a wonderful deal of good during the time I have taken it and is work• ing a complete cure." G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbtry,N.J.• The Value c f Lent, Every year the oiworvauce of Lentis in- creasing. A period of forty [lays preceding the anniversary of our Saviour's death and passion, is set apart as a >p0cial season of fasting, penitence, and prayer. It 0orr0s- pands in the Jewish thereto with the forty days of preparation previous to the yearly expiration on the great day of atonement, and In tho'ifo of Christ to the forty days which ho spent fasting fn the wilderness. It is a mistake to suppose that those who most devoutly observe tilts reason confine its observance to s,1f•restraint and self- denial. It is at time of earnest, aggressive work, of deeds of charity. love and mercy. It is the great seed time of the church. There is no period of the elms eh's life when her rot's inn deepor and her spiritual powers are mere in exorcise than in Lent. They aro forty days of fasting, penitence, and prayer -forty days of eammeolen, eon- S00001ion, and charity -forty days of lvari faro, worship, and worts. It must, be ad- mittod tint not half tie much io made of it as might be, es should be, in the interests of the church, the community, the country. The Sunniest Spot iu the British Isles. Persons intending to taste a journey in seaoh of sunshine without going hoyona the British islands must direct their steps to Jersey. It appears from the observations of the senshine•roeordee for ten years that that little islet is the brightest spot within the limits of to four Seas. Falmouth is tine next, and there aro a0veral stations on the south coast almost equally well off, It is hardly 000es000,y to name the place which carries off the palm for suulessness. In the City of London there Wa0 no registered sun. spino at all its December, 1854, nu January, 1885, or December, 181Rt Seven years ago, therefore, Lordlier t47111 1011110111011118111110 for two uoneeeetiv0 onontlo. The comma of New. Smith Wales places the population at 1,132,231, and the point. lathe, of the cii1' of Sodnov mt 303.300. L . THIRTY YEARS. Johnston, N. B., March xx, x889. "I was troubled for thirty years with pains in my side, which increased and became very bad. I used 'C :i'1 .,S OIL and it completely cured. I give it all praise," MRS. WM. hYD3 R. ,,./7,!:1, PAINT! Sr JACOBS OIL DLO /7." iY •-,1,..0.,-,..',.V}rLk de.,, 141.-. s'