HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-3-11, Page 88 TILE BRUSSELS POST a .sutstsaia¢>LuareaAtne.a° . 112111SESSOWINGINGamvaRES:MITCCM Postmaster Farrow Has boon suffering from a severe Cough following La -grippe, Ile bas been using ED£AUt AN'S G OGH ALM Which i.i »Dile rxpt'n.ely fey flnughe, Colds, Au., stud ne ewye shat it ie the best he ever had. Attain and again our emseerners tell us the in thing, \Ve have made aft impro'•etnetlt in it tingle, on if you have net bed any of the unprav od the would very utuob like you to try a bottle when eulleriud from a cough, cull, tight+l,.es in the meat or Lung Troubles generally. You need not fear The Croup With a bottle of our Cough Balm in the house. This remedy le only mauule:Oar. ad by ourselves, and, with our other pre- parations ix guaranteed to do all we claim for it. G. A. DEADIIAY, Druggist, Bookseller, etc. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. &E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, a9 follows: Gown SDUTN, GOING hong H, 11at1........ 1:15.18..m.1 .... 'iese man. tbxerase 1Y50 a.m. I Mall 3.15 p.m. Mixed ........ 8:31, p.m. Express , a:IS p.m. A.Cat `i1:i1T"a 3$C11t5. A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, Ate' faith he'll prent it. SEE the prices in Geo. Good's windnwe, CLovea and Timothy seed at McOracic• en's. Cosr price sale at Duuford'sfor 30daye. Big bargains. New shir,inge arid oottonades arrived at A. R. Smith's. EAsr Huron License Commissioners met in Brussels last Monday. SEE Burgess' Cabinet Photos that are finished with Floral Scrolls. ALL tweeds bought From us cut fres of charge. D. 0. Ross, ANY quantity of bran and shorts for sale at the National Roller Mil s. W. W. P,rausse' Photo Gallery is over the Standard Bauk, Stratton a Block. Telt rap bucket is uow taking its io• Wigs and maple sugar may be looked for. Otto stock of shoes Inuit be sold. Women's buttoned boots at enc. Geo, feon1. I'r:ttr}ourself to a new suit wile the big sale goes on at Dumford'e. Call and seg his fine stock. CCSTONERS, we will sell one nets gods as cheap if not c'eeaper than we dil last year. A. R. Smith. WE do the best hat trade in Iowa there_ fore we keep the cheapest and be -t select• e.1 stook. D. C. Ross, Tug report of Maitland Presbytery came to has:l00 , Lote fur this issue. It appear next week. Ei.tono.e budding lot on Mil etr"el Brussels, for sale, cheap for cash. Apply to A. Bawtinheimer, J. J. GILPIN disposed of his rough cast cottage to Mrs. David Maguire, of Grey township, receiving $500 for the eatne, Mr.. Maguire is a sister to Mrs. 1), C. Ross. P. Score sold his Carlisle driver, this week, to Arch. Welsh, of Montreal, Mr. Scott has six horses left yet, which promise him a good return its the near future. As we du the largest and nobbiest trod in town it is not a matter of profit on aur goods we want as we make a profit out of the number of hands we employ. D. C. Roes. Peew ee:ones buying tickets from G.T.R. agents to Manitoba and all points west have the benefit of checking baggage trough to destination, T. FLETCHEtt, Towu Ticket agent. e THE next Horse Fair, the la=t for the er'at•ou, will be held in Brussels, on Thus. day, ]lash 81st, There were about 25 horse buyers here on Thursday of last week and a large number of animals Olmstead hands. I NAVE now a buggy under construction at one of the carriage shops here and any one wanting a liret•olaee one will do well to enquire of me, as a bargain will las given on the same and they could have it finished to suit themselves. I. C. Ritborde, WE run theouglt oars from Brussels to Toronto on March 1st, 15th and 29111 and aeonApril 26111 o t March b h 80122nd1dand Arom pril 5th and 10th. These save all changes except at Union Depob et Toronto. Bay your tickets from G. T, R. agents, T. FLer- anon, Town Ticket Agent. Ote Monday of this week Robert W. Armstrong, son of Wm. Armstrong, form- erly a well known hotel steeper, Ito. in Brussels, died ae the home of his sister, in L'Anse, Mich,, of consumption, aged 25 years. He was visiting here about two years ago and was then in decline. 1 Bah, was a jolly fellow and a general favorite with all who knew him. Coceaaxs k Jerne ox, marble tnanu- 7• ^furore, are now taking ordr s for Inning delivery in their line. Ae hereto. 1,..m all workmanship and orders eroded to their care will be put up in the most approved style and satiefa.atlon guaran. teed in every case, Anybody requiring anything in thole line of era le it would be well for them to see their designs and peices before making their pereh+tses. Onro.- The Exeter ,advocate says eAs time rolls be lbs young must die as wet 1 n s the old, furu o Yiouda Wm. A. so eldest u of Wm. and ila•mta, ll Brooks pnesed quietly away to that laud from whioh the traveller never means. Stricken as he was in thu prime of youth, eit the age of 23 yeare, with thee mach dreaded disease consumption, he has been graduahy sinking until he succumb. ed°to fns efi'eote on the above date. Re w1C6 a general favorite among his tom- po,ione and during aflhie efrknese was pili 'ent cad uttselfelt. The funeral a0 to Y�Sf, l o tnC p on Thursday from the p me residence, lake woad, neetcr rT th, of 20'olook and proceeded to the Il eater cemetery for interment, The bereaved paronte have the eymp achy of the community in their hour of eoprow and atiliotion, earn*rrurmnl80WcaISMIrd =0003 N=,tdt7 .1"inarori A TI 019 creek '� ¢ � " irttSGr•; Lee ' L y MAS. 11, 1892 {� �, YOU WANT , (r,' E A I A I t n o r ,••• ,� We have. much pleasure In Statism. t1iat We have received it large Consign men t of Spring Goods, ^C.ifj `v, r6.pi Black (('Id Colored Dress Silks, tweed Dress Goods, .feints, Fla nn.elletts, Enabrniderie,s, Insertions ;SSlANT Grey Cottons, White, Cottons, ,,ti Itir'!i•n '. , Cotton ages, Den inns, Brown P•ollands, Table Linens, Table .Napkins, Sheeting's, Ticla,in si,s, Towels zn ds, Muslims, Attention is called to our compete line in White Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Ties. As usual our Customers will find that particular care has been taken to secure the latest novelties. The variety we show exceeds any previous Season. ,N'ETV ,'PI?INNG 0O,1 ,.1,1V D C,1 PE8 We bays just passed into Stock to -day our import order of Ladies' Ge:Man-hallo Jackets and Capes and would ask the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity to call and see tlic newest novelties for 18132. A perfect lit guaranteed. FElls,;Il iitN & IIALL1D_lY, Opposite American Ilotel. f Highs t price paid for Butter and Eggs. Fon the uioeet spring hat in town go to D. C. Ross, New dress goods, prints, 0e., arrived at A. R. Smith's. Bensons School Board will meet this (Friday) evening, Fon the nobbiest and cheapest wait in town go to D. 0. Rose, A cttu'Lsrs stock of spring goods just r reel, ed. D. 0. I:oss. New bermes, collars, cuffs, hats, caps, shirts at A. R. Smith's. ANENT Bnos. are having beading bolts brought in from Heefeem by rail. NEW gents' furnishiee s, tweeds, worst- ed coatings arrived at A. R. Smith's, Houses for eale or to rant. Comfort - ab e and convenient. W. L3. Dickson, OVER /50 loads of ice have been taken from the river here this winter by Watson Ainley. TiIR contteble cant get on the street too soon judging by last Sunday's amine. ful exhibition. Ours expenses are light. We will sell our good goods at as let, a price as last year. A. R. Smith, 10 can give von anything you leant, from a hat for your head to a pair of sox for your feet, D. C. Ross. Pr is worth re -telling that \V. Burgess produces the best Photo in town. All work gearante»d satisfactory, Loon in your sideboard, pantry or cellar and se- what you need before our groceries are all sold Geo. Good el argernen of the creditors of James Cousins will be held at the Queen's Rotel tel Friday afternoon of this week at 1 o'clock. R, LEATIIEetALE, andortaller, attended seven funerals in five days, la grippe being responsible in the majority of the deaths. FARMERS I ilo you want a first-class plow 2 If you do cell on J. J. Gilpin op• pulite the Town Hall, 13rnesels. 3Ie is selling them cheap. WANTED. -A good, strong boy wanted to work in a general store and make himself generally useful, one with six months or 1. year's experience preferred. W. Ntanrr:GALE, The wonderful oheap man. SETTLERS To MAx[Ton.t..—Ry buying your tfokets from us you start From th nearest railroad at your dears and get a through ticket. All informal fon is ahanr fully and civilly given, T, FLETcugti Ticket Agent, G. T. R. FAST Tuesday three cars of settlors effects were shipped From Brussels. Jno. Bain and W. Habkirk took one to Neep awn, and Methveu, respectively, and Jus Holmes one to Park River, North Dakota Fetor Holmen and Mrs. Jas. IIohnes and family went on the some tralst. Lem of passengers ticketed this week by J. 1.. Pepper, C. P. R. Agent Brus• eels :-W. J. Crawford, Winnipeg Man. ; W. Baines, Neepatva, Man.; Thos, Myles, Melita Man. ; Mrs. Thos. Myles, Melita Man. ; Nelson Malitian, Melita, Man. ; Miss Jane Coulter, Melita Man, WELL•DZneING AND DRILLING. -George $irk has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to Itim in a way that will ineure satisEaotion. Vella cleaned out and put in proper bane, Terme reasonable. Residence sewed door north of the bridge, weak ids of Turnberry et., Brussels. S1.tE Bno. BEAT1'tx, organizer of the Sons of Scotlaud,ie in town for the purpose of itohtn a nam of that order in sets. This 15 the mese progressive So- ciety in Ontario, 2,000 mentbere having joined It Iaet year and 47 Camps were organized in that time. Three new Oamps were pitched last week at Port Dover, Oakville and Atwood. A. meet• ing will soon be auuounoed here. FnAtetictN English Remedy Catarrh and Bhamatic Cure, the same that was sold on the street on Fair day, March the 8rd can he bought :AG. A. Deadman's drug store, price boo, a bottle. It's positively one of the best blood purifiers and gener- al tonics known to science, many doctors using ft privately in their practice in the Eastern Country for dyspepsia, catarrh and rhumatism, le has no equal. Mr. Comely, proprietor of the Johnson House, Owen Sound, was anted of dys- pepsia and general weakness tine result grippe. Thos. McGinn, Elora Road, near Guelph, was cured of rhegma• tiem anis dyspepsia after suffering two years and had reached that state of de. bility throe he wee unable to work his farm. Thew, 001111e, of Peterboro', an. other victim to dyspepsia and catarrh of the stomaoh,atways hawking and spitting op phlegm, was entirely cored by Frank. tin's I'omedy, Yon can boy Front:final electric inhaler, price 29 Dante, for nasal catarrh, headache toothache, neuralgia, deo, Beware of imitation. None genuine unless manufactured by Franklin Medi- cine Co., 30 Kind Street, `Toronto. 0 1 Y d n, o D f p W 0 A n fr \ se s of e ht 0 P n ; p Brae in A at th t0 ANOTNNR brand new stack of boots shuts arrived at A. R, Smith's, THE Auditors' abetraot of Brussels 1891 may be found in this issue. 20•noz, naw ties in all the latest et and colors, cheap, D. C. Ross. lernevmcE church choir sting at Wttl on Monday evening of this week. OVEROOATINoe and suits sold Itt1 down at Due ford's cost priers sale. Cormae to rent, With or without b acre garden. Apple to 1)n. MeleenvEr Elm Homo: Farmers' Institute me leg at Wroxeter oft Tu-s.i,y 23ud and Gorrie on Wednesday lard. AT THE POST Publishing H'onso ie a bleak cap, black mitten, pair of woollen gloves and a door key awaiting owners. G. T. R. Q• C. 1', R. through tickets to all points in Manitoba and British Col- umbia, T. FLETCNGR, TOWS Tialcet Age. Blesses. HEattLY .0 VANSTOxa shipped S Ven Oates of wheat to Por laud during the poet week and two cars of pens to Bostn 1, 'TS:Imam are asked for lntnbee for aid welke and gravel, also for scrapi Ternberry street from the bridge lo f Tows Hall Coatnner:rs have been made about pe pie throwing their tt ites on the etre and wo think itis about time there w a stop put to it. ale. Ls= wid conduct divine servi in St. Jnbn'e church (D. \'.) each Su clay morning at 11 o'clec:r till furih notice and in St. George's Walton, at 2: p. m. Bniern along our old harness a collars an have it a d l a e lam repaired t: -telly f acrd G. T. R. Agents sell through G. T. a, sic 0. P. R. ttukeee, We uhe,.tt 800 lbs, for baggage through to all points in Alberta, Msuitoba and Aseivaboia and our rates 'les are as low as any. T, FLETCHER, tioltet agent; ton A Nt'a[nEll of hove, fifteen in all, who were auuoying A. Brace, lab Mcuday say' night, got out of the difficulty by haudng over 10 cents each, rather than have the elf Reeve deal with the ease, The sooner some of the lads realize that they dont of owe the town a togothnc the better for at the good bum of 13rnesets. Fou some time A. Kceuig, proprietor of the American Hotel, had been missing moue1 from the till belonging to the bar and set hi. aseietaut,Geo. Steeeraagul, on guard. Early one morning, about 5 o'• cloak, the uususpeotiugoulpat with lamp and key obtained admission to .he bar room, only to be uonfrouted by George. The;gaute was tip at onus and shortly after the man, who had b+••n hostler at rho st.ble, coofcas.d napetted Elle? s, t•o• turned 07,00 to Mr. Emilie and left the e - ng town. be Lenox (inrncti ANNCAX. MEETING AND Soccer, RECEPTION TO Mus. (Rev.) D. n- Mxemst-On Thursday afternoon of last et, week the annual meeting ofKnox Presby as Wrier' situ oh ars held in the chums., There was a good attendance. Thongs oe Straoltan occupied the eh ,fr. The affairs u- of the congregation were foiled to be In a er eatisfautory condition. A small dell tit 30 in the finances, , incurred during the vacancy, was agreed bo be cleared off by an special collections, and ie wits believed or that the members of the congregation would readily accede to this, so that muter the new t pastorate there n r might be no impediment to advancement in the goon work. It was decided, in order to meet the current expenses of the congre- gation, that the members be called upon to escertnin the amount they were wit - ling, annually, to contribute. This are raugoment it wax thoughb would be satie. factory alike to the members and manage meet of theoongreeation, The managing committee were delegated to this work. Tbey are Thee. Straohan, D. sloe•, ar., R. Burn, Geo. Crooks, Hugh Lamont, Thos. Calder, Jas. Ireland, Daniel Glassier, D. C. Ross, G. A. Deadman Jas. Cute, Samuel Barr, Alex. Nichol Alex.lIoQal1, sr., and Joltit Straohan Oolleotora for the schemes of the ohuroh were next appointed, Tltey are toe fol- lows :-cons. 1 and 2, Grey, Robe. Outt ; cons. 3 and 4 Grey and 2 Morris, Mieses Mary Strachan and lelary Turnbull ; oon. 8 Morrie, Miss Mary Ireland ; oous, 7 and 8 Grey, Misses Mary Lamont tents Mary 111. Lamont ; 000, 4 Morris, Miss Black ; con., 0 and 10 Grey, Mies Ella McNaughton ; Col, 5 Morrie, Miss Pipe ; cons. 11 and 12 Grey, Misses Both and Calder ; con. 6 Morris, Miss Maggie Walker ; con. 7 Morris, Miss MoOal1 ; cone. 18, 11, 15 and 16, Grey, Miss Annie Hislop ; Brussels, Misses Lizzie Ross and Maggie McKay, After the business was disposed of, tea and cake were liberally supplied to the people by a hose of willing lady -workers, and amply par- taken of and appreciated. Thomaa Stranitan filled the chair and delivered an able and befitting address, He was followed by Rev. Mr. Forret of Walton, whose addrese was ranch appreciated. He thanked the obairman for hie kindly reference to his duties as interim moder- ator of session during the vacancy. A pleasing feature of the occasion was the warm reception given to Mre, (Rev.) D. Millar, She was introduced to all presets and heartily weloomed to Brussels, Rev, Me. Miilar thanked the people in behalf of Mre. Millar and thereafter brought the meting to a close by engaging in prayer. spring work. Wo will da then cheap tied satisfaotioa guaranteed. 1. 0. Richards. WE had a rapid turn over of new goods last year and are going to have a swift turn over of new dry goods, and olothing this year if good goods and low prises will do it. A. R. Smith. hitt. SENIOR, who has been running a blllittrd room in this place for several months has gone to Kincardine. He eaye be made motley the first fete months but latterly the trade fell off. TEE examinations for the entrance to the High schools and the Publics soh, of „avinu examivatione Will be heed this. ear in June instead of July an formerly. The 28th, 291h and 80th of June are the ates fixed. Bo notice elsewhere ie will bo seen that Acies Tillie Tait, a well known resident f Brussels, has changed her name by the aeistanue of a IKtnsas minister. We Wish Mr. and MPS. St, Peter many yeare f happiness. A. Amlt'r•rtt, proprietor IIonso of Com - Ams barber shop, Ottawa, says :-A umber of my cnatomers are using Anti- ankruff, and it gives the Bost of satie- aution and I consider it a success for the urpose advertised. DR. E, T. M1[,t,ett, of Cross Plaine, is., has exprexsed the opinion that, for betivate oases of syphilis and scrofula, yer's Sarsaparilla is ttugneetionably he most effective remedy known to phar- Rcy. Wonderful cures have resulted oto its use, MResas. Ferguson and Stbbio, repro. ntiog the congregation of 3t. George's turob, Walton, lately waited on their aator, ltev. W. T. Olntf, and presented 'm with a load of oats, amonnting to ver 50 bushels. Mr. Cluff is deservedly opular. Tug anneal meeting of Brussels Driv- g Perk Association will be held at the merioan 13utel, next Tuesday evening, 8 o'clock, for the purpose of receiving e report of the p tet year, electing ffioers, tee. Every shareholder is asked attend. A was was complimenting the members of the town council on their foresight in appointing a constable on Monday even- ing in view of the large attendance of clergymen, elders deo. at the Presbytery meeting on Tuesday. We did not hear of any arrests, however. A some., under the auspices of Melville church choir, will beheld at the residence of Jas. Mitaholl, con, 12, Grey, on Fri- day y evemnb of this wool[, commencing at 7:90. Conve ancee will be ab 111 Co.'s and Mrs. Bttllantyne'e stores, a re- spectively, at 7 o'Wloek. Mies BRsste II. B1tntrat of Burlington, Vt, bad a disease of the scalp which oauend her hair to become very harsh and dry and to fall so freely she scarooly dared to comb it, Ayer's hair Vigor gave her a healthy scalp, and made the hair beautifully thick and glossy. Lass. Sunday evening the amebic, Of song in the Methodist absinth attracted a large number in addition to the usual congregation, The pastor gave it brief outline of the various authors and re. fared to interesting anecdotes bearing on the hJmna. The Sunday school orchestra #ttrni;yt+ed the aasampaniuY+prti, The Spring A.eizes opened before Chief Justice Armour at Stratford on Monday afternoon. The docket is a light one, There being no criminal cases his lord ship was presented with White gloves. Bricker v. Hay, suit for slander, was settled out of court. Reilly v. Guest was postponed. Abraham v. Stephene, etas) for 4650 balance Ito Io on parahaae of half interest in The Stratford Beacon woe settled out of out for $04O, the defend. ant paying costs. str.A. m x:oa, Tttnaoc---5tsMAN,--On March lith, at Viotoria Cottage, Brussels, by Rev. R. Paul, Mo. Abel Tindall, to Miss Fannyams Se n, both of Grey town. eltip. STPaean-TAI:,-In Abilehe, Kansas', on rob. 20th, at the redidonoo of lIte, %Vlllia m Johnson, 317 ,fleet Otlt street, iy Rev. Mr. Mayor, pastor of the M. (hurob, lltr. Theodore StPeber, of Abilene, to 11•Ifss Tillie, fifth dough. for of the late Robert Taft of Bros. solo, Ont. Fn0saa-WIIITBIELo,--.At the residence of the beido's father, ou Tuesday, Mar. 1st, by the Rev. F. M. Smith, Mr. Wm. G. Fraser, of Stratford, t0 Miss Elizabeth, daughter of lYlr. John Whitfield, of Grey township. Iltvtx,--In Morris, on March 2nd, Robe. Irvin, aged 03 years. BREIVAtt.-In Morris, on Thursday, Meech 8rd, William Brewer egad 92 years. Srttt•roa --In Morris, ou March 0th, John 11., sort of Wm. Skelton, aged 2 years. Onn.--.In Winphtun, on the 27th of Feb• ruttry, Robert Orr, merchant, aged 37 r Bare. MCCALtoet.---Lt Ethel, 0n Llfarch lith, Eliza McCallum, aged (10 years and 11 months, You No. -At L'hth, on March 11th, Myles Yonne, J. P., egad 57 years, 10 months and 21 days. LovI.--In Grey, an March 7th, Amoiia, nelovul wife of James Lave, alters 69 years, 1 urtuth and 213datys. ARustnoso._.Iit L'Anse, Mlobe on march 7th, Reb,•rt W. At mstroug formerly of of Bt•uesels, aged 25 years. Femme.- -In Grey, ou Blare)) 5th, Amos Franklin, fifth s,n of Thomas Pepper, aged 10 years and 3 months. SouzuvmLE.--Ln Morris, ou Thursday, 3lnruh Ord, Robert, eldo-t son of John and Catherine Somerville, aged -30 years, 2 months and 5 days. AVCTXCN' S.A.I. w,�- WEDNESDAY, Minn u. 33 + tt - Feernt stook, implements, die Lot 2, oon. 0, Grey. Sale cotnmousses at 1 o'ulouk. S. Burgess prop. F. S. Scott, anat. TUESDAY, MARCH 22nd,-Tat•In etoclt, implements Leo, lot 35, con, 8, Grey, Sale commence. at 1 o'clock. Edward Collis, prop. be S Scott, ant, • Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas.... Oahe Butter, tabs and rails.., Eggs per dozen Florr nor barrel Potatoes slay per ton. Pork Bides per lb Balt per bbl., Sheep eking, each........ Lamb skins eaoh. Apples per barrel 87 87 87 58 28 15 12 4 50 25 0 00 5 50 4 1 00 66 60 1 00 Sti 8s 45 00 20 00 00 5 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.. pi -avian FUNDS TO LOAN onev ternto. Apply to 04- oN tv, BIOl3AIGDSON, Brussels, TEAM M OP WORKING IARpEarS EicularaaTtatPalavPueh,ugFuhaer.- • ISS FANNIE LONG; DRESS nteuan,Lietowel, baa re -opened her shop and may be found over Lamonb's music etoee, Main street. Satieteoblots guaranteed with all work done, Latest Fashions, PRIVATE FUNDS -$500 --To LOAN for a term of l years. Apply bu tOS1.PE isideGG tinlxaoutors of JAS11WiletelNBON. , Baines estate, s•1- 41011 SATiE -TWO STORES ou best corner in town of Brussels. s - front, extra Well hulit. tone foundation, be sold for less than cast of building, Apply to iii -4 W. 51. 0000108 tt 0o, Steal Setae Agents. 487 Bic/intend St., London, Out, MEDICAL CARDS. NA`TtI.1. CA LE, M, D., , Member boo of the rollay exam in ion. and Surgeons of Ontario by stamtn Beet, OOloo. ants 10oeidonao-1tlriu street Beet, btholr0utario, JA. )OIOIQ UG13TON, M. D. . 0,141., L. R. (1.r „ Tadiubureb, b[. 0. P S. Ont. Itoelrtattoe and ofloo in Wilson's Block, corner of Mill and Tureberry Ste. VETERINARY. T D. WABWiaii, e, r honer Graduate of the Ontario '►etarlbar College is prepared to treat all A19eap5 oiienteOttohtedaaimale In a cern- potent runner, Particular attention *aid to vetoyletiery A.attstry, 01119 erereet1 at- tbntv9Cs, his did htdreary.-Twe doers aeretltt,t �!z<I Cttt �'\ettMkrry 10,111•rnlbfllt Anti Want to got it at rea- sonable Priem. l.f so ..� t,.i.t t1.t.•e„. Pepper's Drug tstc re. Newest Designs, 1,eitest Colorings. CANKINs. uINTOSH Ss M0TAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Transact of t3•®ratra1. Zganlci,.•i(,+ Xinaoinvala, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Caualiau and United Statoo Drafte bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits, Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents-MtinoHANNe BANE or CANADA. New York Ageets-IMvonrene AND TRAD- 5116 NATtoNAL 13ANE,�'- STANDARa BANE Or CANADA, A1 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, W. ie. COWAN, Preeideut. J. L. BRODIE, Cushier. ASSETS, • - . . $7,000,1100 PAID EP CAPITAL, - - - 1,000,000 R0SEnyE FUND, - - - 000,000 Agencies in all principal volute in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Gutted States and England. Brussels Agency. A General Iinnking Rneiitess Transacted. Yttrium's' and other gond Notes Dieenue tad at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Coneo- tlmts tendo on all points. Deposita received and interest allowed at ant runt rates. SAVINGS RANK. Interest Allowed dsdtDopoaiset 0iupwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and com- pounded half yearly. P comet attention nod every ft1c111t1 at7otd- nd re stomers livieg at it distance. G. P. SCIIOLFIIII,D, Agent. Mineola, April 000.10111. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. i?L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solicitor Suri Conveyancer. Collec- tions made, Oatoc-Vttustone'e Block, Bruit- eels.SI-tial+ VlI, S NCLAIR, - • Solicitor, Commya0Oer, No bay Pub• tis dm. Ontce-Graham e Block 1 dc.tr Lurth of Popper's Drug Store, Private lends to L0a0, D1OKSON & DAYS, _--_. x1011,) Matewithere, tTSolicitors.t Conveyancers, 6:0, 0luoea-leruseole and Senfm•th. Brun. sale tt0co-Up-stairs over Bank, Ilene, to Loau, n. 9. HAYS. w, 8, ntrl00018 RUINEss CARDS. 1`'T H. MoORAOIULN, • Insurer of Marriage Licenoe ses. his G1000ry, 1ureberrystreetruool, N. BARI1ET'T, &V. south of A. Tonsorial M Ray Artist* (lo'& hShop-Nextdtore. Laclies'aud ollldreus bah• (tutting a sP00111 ty AMoNAIl1, Iusurer of ltiart•lage Licenses, by ttppolotmeet of lalout,-governor, Commis - Fire fuser:owe Q. Go. Conveyancer abt Le Crant,roolc Poet °Mae, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM nesunANON, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LPX. HUNTER, 08, Eason. ofthe}Boost, Notary Politic rand, toandtolon'anectiFunds Insurance Agent. made. Odloe in Grahame Block, Brussels, OIL PAINTING, Mise Merles, of Wingham, is prepared to give lustruatiou In oil painting. Terms may be ascertained at Miss Nellie hoes' store where samples of work may be soon, Mico Mork) would also taste a few more pupils in wusio, rp A. HAWISjNS, • Organist in St. John's church, ores. and o• n the Art f Teaching,W. eels, lar, Mos. Loo NowYorc,w give lessons to penile either at Thos. Farrow's, corner of Queen and Princess Ste„ or if pre- ferred, at their own homes, Terme ntotler- ate, 96, DEkTAL. IE.LNIlexWI' f M. CAVANAGH, L• D. Sn 0. D. Se Graduate of the Royal College of Mental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- veraity, Olru•ttE-Over Peppor'e Drug Store, Brueseta, 0 b w n 0. \0 A ti. ht lit va gi Si be BC tl SI lis 11 to to a al on 01 T tc 01 P at 117 nt S e a AUCTIONEERS RAY M ANN Auctioneer, il0inlyeetond sales fao101, oTrm cheerfully given. Ct•anbrook Y. 0, Sales may he arranged at Pun Posro Publishing tionso, l3rneeole. ar FORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct oil ou rmtsonable terms. Perms fwd farm stook fte O�a PubIlehing abecam tarnesele, or pent to Welton P. 0., will receive prompt attention. AVLiG TAKEN OUT LIOEN- e8 as tin Auctioneer I ern m Proper ed le Knowing to e0aduot seisefarm stock at reasonable prices, thetendi90 of 80801y m every person I eIna no ait lon to gen tc good murk* end get roar] meaity when sold onars4it., lSat fe00ies gisarapteSit.. gl'ive P the attli7